Small Subject To Arrest, Judge Smith Decides Court Rules Illinois Executive : Does Not Have Power to Call Out Troops for Protection. ; Chlratn Tribune-Omaha BK Lad Wire. T Springfield, III., July 26. Gover nor Lcn Small is subject to arrest ' rnd prosecution on warrants taken ; rut, followynR his indictment by the Sangamon county grand jury for , jJlesed embezzlement of $500,000 in I tort st on state funds, while state s ticasurcr. Circuit Judge E. S. Smith ' titled today. The decision, while holding that ? warrants should be served upon the V, governor, states that the chief exec ' utive should be permitted " a rea 3 soluble time" to make his appear l since, "voluntarily presenting himself ' before the court." The judge also held that it was "beyond the scope , of the governor to call state troops ' ti shield him from arrest, "ami scoffed at the claim of "sovereign ; 1 owcr." Judge Smith, after reading his de ? C'sion, adjourned court until Scptem C ber 6, giving Sheriff Mcstcr six "'weeks in which to serve the war j rants on the governor, or for the f fovcrnor to surrender voluntarily ! nd give bond. Should Governor Small decide before the reconvening ; of court, to accept service the bond "-can be accepted and approved by the .,' f-heriff and State's Attorney Morti- iner. Governor Sni?ll's bond was $ reduced to $50,000, placihg him on ', the same level in this respect as . Lieutenant Governor Sterling and Verne E. Curtis of the Grant Park bank, who are indicted with the gov- ' crnor. Conference Refused. - The first move of the state to - serve the warrants on Governor '; Small came this afternoon, when state's Attorney Mortimer telephoned 3eorge D. Sutton, private secretary ' if the governor, suggesting a con , icrence on the situation. Mr. Sut '. :on replied that Governor Small was y :he only one who had authority to '.peak on the subject. Mr. Mortimer uiade no further effort to discuss ' :he matter. The warrant hr.s not i ret been turned over to Sheriff 5 M-skr. y. ', It is expected that thi warrant will , be t-irned over to Sheriff Mester within the next 24 hours unless some I ;:onv.nunication is received from Gov- ?rnor Small. Sheriff Mester indi cated be would attempt tj serve the i warrant ii the usual way, but would $ bot Mate what course he would rur- iue if resistance is met with. ' ' Former Governor Joseph W. Fifer, .leorge B. Gillespie and Former Congressman James M. Graham, who i lave refused to enter appearance as tttorneys for Governor Small before vudge Smith, offering their opinions, 'is they have stated, merely as friends of the court, pleaded again "t-jor their view of the case,' but, as ?.rhey have not entered appearances 'or the governor, Judge Smith held ' hat their opinions could have no cf '' 'ect upon the findings of the court. Law Provides fcr Trial, f In reply to a contention by these Attorneys that impeachment was the ' inly punishment possible for Gov-:.- ;rnor Small, while Lieutenant Gov- trnor Fred Sterling is not exempt ; from criminal prosecution, Judge mith said that the constitution S "provides for trial judgment and L'unishment according to the law." Lawyer Charged With j Attempted Slaying i Of Hot Springs Man I '; Hot Springs, S. D... July 26. J ;Spccial.) A sensation was created ' here when a warrant was- issued for ;the arrest of John W. Shevlin, Hot 1 Springs attorney, who as chwarged " in the information with assault with - mtent to kill O. G. Anderson, also i resident of this city. The assault took place, it is alleged, in the of- fice of Shevlin, but the account of the affair as given by the two men is largely divergent. Mr. Anderson was taken to a -hospital, where his injury, a scalp vound, was dressed, and he was able iUo be out the next day. Mr. Shevlin was placed under a - 55,000 bond, pending the preliminary X shearing, which will be held before '' Judge Ossotherly. ? Burt County Pioneers to " Hold Picnic at Tekamah ' Lyons. Neb., July 26. (Special.) ; The Pioneers and . Old Settlers i' association of Burt county will hold r its lht annual reunion and I picnic in Folsom park, Tekamah, Friday, August 26. A good program ? has been prepared and Governor KMcKelvie will be invited as orator f -.of. the day. A committee was chosen to prc- pare resolutions on the death of Col. t Wellington Harrington, one of the I oldest pioneer settlers of thecounty, locating at Tekamah in 185o. Officers are as follows: VV. M. f Hopewell, president; M. M. Warner. S secretary; Ed Latta, treasurer, and ' "J, R. Sutherland, historian. 'i ' Pawnee Lets Contract for r Light and Power Plant PMunpo Titv. Neb.. July 26. (Spe- r;nl The citv council of Pawnee ?' itv held a speciat meeting to con V sider bids offered on the building of t v,n litrM and nowcr plant. Bonds ? ;of $75,000 were vote dfor such a project last sprng. y At the meeting the contract tor f 'the job was awarded to the Merkle "r : Machinery comnnnv oi Kansas i-ny, - Tbe bid was $67,000. Bov Scouts Camping Out. Broken Bow. Neb., July 26. fSnecial.) The Broken Boy Boy " Scouts, with their scoutmaster, went tz. into camp on the Middle Loo-p riv cr, near Gates. Members of the I Rotary club and their wives went ? , to the camp, taking witn tnem a ;:" fried chicken supper, where the boys 'i were their guests. s; hundred out of 700 raincoat workers in Montreal are unemployed Court Holds Governor Not Immune From Arrest -.wit.. Solution of Railway Tangle Is Presented (Continued From Vngo One.) compensation, depreciation and maintenance. "The way now would seem clear to early adjustment and relief ex cept for the fact that the railway administration, though possessing assets, does not command the funds necessary to meet what will be its admitted obligations. "There is no thought to ask con gress for additional funds. Perhaps $500,000,000 will be necessary. The railroad administration has, or will have in the progress of funding, ample securities to meet all require ments if congress will only grant the authority to negotiate these se curities and provide the agency for their negotiation. Asks for Relief. "With this end in view you are asked to extend the authority of the War Finance corporation so that it may purchase these railway funding securities accepted by the director general of railroads. No added ex pense, no added investment is re quired on the part of the govern ment, there is no added liability, no added tax burden. It is merely the grant of authority necessary to en able a most useful and efficient gov ernment agency to use its available funds to purchase securities for which congress already has author ized the issue and turn them into the channels of finance ready to float them. "I can readilv believe that so sim ple a remedy will have your prompt! sanction. J. he question ot our odii gations cannot be raisetl, the wisdom of affording early relief is not to be doubted and the avoidance of added appropriation or liability will appeal to congress and the public alike. "Pending proposals for relief and their discussion have already brought to the attention of congress the very promising possibilities of broadening the powers of the war finance corporation for the further relief of agriculture and live stock production. This corporation has proven itself so helptul in tne renei thus far undertaken that I cannot help but believe that its broadened powers, as have been proposed, to meet agricultural needs, will enable it wholly to meet the nation-wide emergency. This is an impelling moral obligation to American farm ing in all its larger aspects, and it will be most gratifying to have your early sanction. "In the case of the railroads there is a moral and a contractual obliga tion,' and your favorable action is no less urgent and will no less ap peal to public approval. Railway solvency and efficiency are essential to our healthful industrial, commer cial and 1 agricultural life. Every thing hinges on transportation. "After necessary and drastic cur tailments, after harrowing straits in meeting their financial difficulties, the railways need only this financial aid which the fulfillment of our obliga tions will bestow, to inaugurate their far-reaching revival. Its effects will be felt in various industries, and will banish to a large degree the depres sion which, though inevitable in war's aftermath, we are all so anx ious to see ended. With his message the president sent also to congress a large amount of data from Director General Davis of the railroad administration show ing the process of liquidation so far and treating of present financial con anions. Sustains Broken Collar Bone As Car Turns Turtle Odell, Neb.. July 26. (Special.) While R. T. Callan and F. Musk- orve were returning home from Wy more, the steering gear of the car in which they were riding, broke and caused the machine to turn turtle, pinning Callan beneath trflc car. Muskrove was thrown out ot the car but was not hurt. Mr. Callan sustained a broken collar bone. Loss to Coal Sheds by Fire Estimated at About $2,000 Beatrice, Neb., July 26. (Special.) Leo Werner, who lost part of his coal sheds in the Burlington yards by fire, places his loss at about SZ.UUU, tully covered by insurance Part of a car of coal was consumed. but the car, which was of steel con struction, was damaged but little. Farmers to Have Current. Deshlcr, Neb., July 26. (Special.) Arrangements are being com pleted by the Deshler Light and Power company for the construction of several country :eetric light trans mission lines for u of farmers. Postmasters Named. Washington, July 26. (Special Teleerani. Postmaster in Nebraska were nominated today as folios David Tohnson. Brady: Hcnrv C Peace Reports From Ireland Are Optimistic De Valera in Conference Pre liminary to Calling Meet ing of Dail Eireann Complaint Ignored. By JOHN STEELE. Chicago Tribune Cbl, Cop.vrluht, lOit. London, July 26. The British cab inet at a meeting this morning re reived encouraging reports regarding the reception of the peace proposals in Dublin, where Eamonn de Valera is now conferring with his associates preliminary to calling a meeting of Dail Eireann. It is reported here that the Irish are impressed with the offer of full dominion status and that it will be impossible for even the extremists to oppose settlement on these lines. . Little importance is attached, either here or in Dublin, to the com plaint by Barry Egan, deputy mayor of Cork, on the carrying out of the truce in the martial law district under General Strickland. It is felt the matter is only a local quarrel be tween Egan, who is known as an extremist, and some local command er. Egan declares the internment camp on an island in Cork harbor is over-crowded and the prisoners are badly fed. General Strickland says the interned are receiving the same quarters and food as the troops. Refuse to Recognize Rank. Another complaint about the Brit ish officers is that in certain areas they refused to recognize the rank of officers in the "ijish republican army." The matter has been settled by the intervention of the Dublin au thorities on both sides. v Prime Minister Lloyd George, in answering a number of questions in the house of commons this afternoon, said he hoped to make a statement in the house on the Irish negotia tions as soon as it was possible to do so without endangering their -success. He -warned members against accepting published versions of terms which he said were all 'ncorrect. The prime minister declined to say if he would make a statement this week. Demand Independence. The Irish Bulletin, the official organ of the Sinn Fein, in a hot edi torial today declares that nothing can satisfy the Irish demands but full national independence. The Irish people have their own views of what offers are reasonable, the editorial says. They will agree to nothing which denies the ancient unity of Ireland or seeks to impose upon the nation alien dominion of any kind. The Bulletin repudiates the suggestion that the national de mand can be settled by fiscal auton omy and says nothing can satisfy that demand but 'full national inde pendence. The editor of the paper is Erskinc Childers, who is an Englishman and is regarded as one of the most ex treme of the Sinn Feiners. War Sufferers of j Europe to Be Aided Grand Island, Neb., July - 26. (Special Telegram.) At a well at tended meeting of the representatives f various fraternal and civic wom an s organizations, called by tne Hall county chapter of the Red Cross, organization was perfected and plans outlined for gathering clothing for the war children of Eu rope under 12 years old. Old cloth ing will be made over, or outgrown clothing cleaned and prepared for shipment. Local needs are also to be provided for through the local Red Cross office. Funeral Held for McCook Soldier Killed in France McCook, Neb., July 26. (Special.) A military funeral was held for Private Warren W. West m Mc Cook yesterday afternoon by Chris Hansen American Legion post o! this city. Over 1,000 people at tended the services in the city park and at Longview cemetery. Pri vate West lost his life in action in France, and his body arrived here July 22. Private West was a son of Truman v. West, now a resident of Maywood. V - 1 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 27, 1921. Boy Held to District Court on Charge of Breaking Into Store Beatrice, Neb., July 26. (Special Telegram.) Robert Newton, 19, charged with breaking and entering the store of Frank Stanton in this c;ty last May, was bound over to the district court-by Judge Ellis and was released on $1,000 bond. Taul Gcislcr, recently sentenced to from one to seven years in the pen itentiary on a grand larceny charge, turned state's evidence and told the court that lie and young Newton entered the store anu carried away two revolvers, watches, flashlights, etc., which were later found in their possession. Newton also is out on $2,000 bond for his appearance in district court on the charge of holding up and robbing Mr. and Mrs. George Mon roe of this city of $30.1, in company with Geislcr, who pleaded guilty last week. Farm Bureau Picnic And Chautauqua to Be Held on Same Day Geneva, Neb., July 26. (Special.) Wednesday is the date of the farm bureau picnic here and also the day for the opening of the chautauqua. All who attend the picnic will be admitted free to the chautauqua number, a concert by Hawaiians musicians. After the concert, Governor Mc Kelvie will preside at a meeting at which President J. R. Howard of the national farm organization, Dean Burnett and Director Brokaw of Lin coln1 will be speakers. The forenoon entertainment by the farm bureau will be a variety of snort contests by the boys and girls clubs and a canning demonstration by the Geneva canning club. There will be a base ball game during the day. Canning Factory Is Trade Slump Victim Grand Island, Neb., Jul 26. (Spe cial.) The Grand Island Canning factory is a victim of the recon struction period and will not put up the thousands of cases of canned coin usually preserved in the fall off the year. No contracts with growers were made owing to the low prices offered by the wholesalers and the still comparatively higher cost of other materials and labor. The Kraft-Edgerton company, largest growers in the last two years on what was formerly known as "Poverty Ridge," but which this Au rora firm has transformed into a highly productive region through ir rigation, has put additional acreage in sugar beets and has a splendfd stand. Order Preventing Sheriff From Selling Car Stands McCook, Neb., July 26. (Special.) The cass of Fidelity Reserve com pany of North Platte against J. R. West, sheriff of Hayes county, en joining the sheriff from selling the auto in which Walter G. Harbold was arrested recently at Hamlet with a quart of liquor in the car, came up before Judge C. E. Eldred here. Judge Eldred decided the rstraining order should stand until September C, next date of district court in Hayes coiinty, and that the bond should be increased to $500. The Fidelity company holds a chattel mortgage for $1,600 on the car. Teachers' Institute Will Be Held September 29-30 Beatrice, Neb., July 26. (Spe cial.) The Gage county teachers' institute will be held this year Sep tember 29 to 30, during the county fair, instead of August 1, according to an announcement made by Miss Bertha Foster, county superintend ent. Boy Fined for Theft. Broken Bow, Neb., July 26. (Special.) Andrew Scheers, 18, of Arnold, was tried in county court for the theft of a $45 watch from Pat Tully. He was found guilty and fined $25 and costs. Scheers was unable to pay his fine and is now in custody of the sheriff. . rmim Wednesday and lhursday we urrer Tremendous Price Sacrifices on s OKlL During Our Store- Wide Removal Sale And if greater values are any object we predict that Wednesday and Thursday will be the greatest days of our Removal Sale, as the values are unparalleled. Choose Without Reserve From Two Marvelous Value - Giving Groups Lot No. V Consists of an assemblage of beautiful Ginghams and Voiles, in every wanted size and color, at the extremely low price of $5 Sale Starts Promptly at 9 A.M. IKl Faroan wlU be ear new home on or about August lOtb Bergdoll Probe Ends Peacfullv: No Report Given Responsibility for Escape of Draft Dodger Not Fixed Demand Gold Be Confiscated. Washington, July 2 .The Berg doll investigation ended finally Mon ray and ended peacefully. There was no statement from the committee, directed to fix responsi bility for the escape of Grover Berg dotl, draft dodger, while hunting last year for a buried tube of gold, or as to disposition of the case of Maj. Bruce R. Campbell, army officer, ac cused by Mrs. Emma C. Bergdoll of accepting $5,000 to help get her son out of the clutches of the law. An unexpected turn at the last mo ment was a demand by Representative Luhring of Indiana, republican mem ber, that the alien property custodian be ordered to recover $125,000 in gold taken from the treasury a year or more ago and alleged to have been buried. He insisted that the evidence developed indicated that the gold was obtained from government vaults for bribery purposes and that if still buried, as the woman asserts, it ought to be dug up and put bck in government hands. The committee deferred action on the gold question until its report is presented to the house in about 10 days. Members of the committee refused to say whether they would recom mend that the Campbell charges be dismissed or turned over to the War department for such investiga tion as the inspector general might suggest. In view of the clash Saturday be tween Representative Johnson, dem ocrat, Kentucky, and Charles A. Braun, brother of Grover Bergdoll, a big crowd gathered today, most of the spectators being women. Only passing reference was made to Braun's testimony. John H. Sher burne of Boston, committee counsel, asserted that there was no truth in the statement, that he, Sherburns, had made suggestions to Mrs. Berg doll, except that if she was "beset by grafters, as she charged, that she go to the president of her bank for advice about hiring lawyers. Major Campbell's 70-year-old father. W. R. Campbell of Lexing ton, Ky., corroborated the son's statement that a $500 fund placed with the late Milton Young of Lex ington, in 1915, grew in two years to $6,000 and that the money, with out a word of explanation, was turn ed over to the officer. Major Camp bell reiterated that this same money, some of which was in $1,000 bills, was deposited with a Wall Street firm last year about the time Mrs. Bergdoll .swore she had given him $5,000. ADVERTISEMENT FORDS CUT $100 ON GASOLINE BILLS Other Cars Show Proportionate Saving. A new carburetor which cuts down gasoline consumption of any motor and reduces gasoline bills from one-third to one-half is the proud achievement of the Air-Friction Carburetor Co., 928 Madison St., Dayton, O. This remarkable in vention not only increases the power of all motors from 30 to 50 per cent, but enables every one to run slow on high gear. It also makes it easy ! to start a Ford or any other car in the coldest weather. You can use the very cheapest grade of gasoline or half gasoline and half kerosene and still get more power and more mileage than you now get from the highest test gasoline. Many Ford owners say they now get as high as 45 to 50 miles to a gallon of gaso line. So sure are the manufacturers of the immense saving their new carburetor will make that they of fer to send it on 30 days' trial to every car owner. Can be put on or taken off in a few minutes by any one. All who want to try it should send their name, address and make of car to the manufapturers at once. They also want local agents, to whom they offer exceptionally large profits. Write them today. tTf f 9 Lot No. 2 Consists of exquisite exclu sive models in Dotted Swiss Organdies and Combinations, all sizes, all colors, at $10 2d Floor Securities Bldf. 16th and Farnam Smart Wear for Women Military Funeral Held for Soldier at Crab Orchard Beatrice, Neb., July 26. (Special.) Military funeral services for Silk Gloves 98c and $1.29 Fownes' two-clasp silk gloves, Milanese quality, with three rows of embroi dery, $1.29. Also a two-clasp silk in white only, for 98c a pair. Bungalow Aprons $1 Gingham and percales in light and dark colors. Regular and extra sizes. First quality in every re spect. Cut full and well made. Wednesday, $1. Second Floor Madeira Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs for 69c Hand-embroidered on fine linen, these $1, $1.25 and $1.50 qualities are very exceptional for only 69c. Two Bargains Powder puffs, 5c. Prophylactic hair brushes, 89c. A Corset Clearance Every odd corset we could find in our entire stock on sale Wednesday. All are highest grade cor .sets from the best manu facturers. Second Floor This Is the Way to Make Every Buy a Bargain BUY advertised goods. Only GOOD goods, fairly priced, can stand the spotlight of publicity. A merchant or manufacturer would not dare to advertise mer chandise that is poor in quality, poor in make or that will not give reasonable wear. The penalty of such tactics is too heavy. No goods and no business concern can thrive under the weight of public condemnation. A merchant places the whole reputation of his business at stake every time he advertises. Naturally enough, he is careful of what he says and when his statement is placed in the newspaper where everyone in town may read so that any untruth in it will be known to all of his employes and toost of his friends then you may be sure he is doubly careful. When you buy advertised goods you get a bargain because THEY MUST BE AS ADVERTISED. So it pays you to read advertisements Advertising protects you. Read the advertisements in this ppper and get the best of Uie uargaiu. r.iwff T ittle, war hero and former mpmhrr nf n d ComOailV C of this city, were held at Crab Orchard, and were largely attended. Burial was at Vesta. The .soldier was a son fJOftiTljGffe Two Suit Prices $10 and $25 for Our Remaining Stock The $10 suits are Jersey. Quite the most practical and becoming for sport wear and traveling. Some of these have sold up to $39.50. The suits for $25 are all exclusive hand-tailored models that were originally priced up to $125. All Sales Final No Alterations Apparel Third Floor Sales for MEN The Best Selection of Shirts We Have Ever " Offered in a July Sale The best of patterns and colors in all sizes. Wtiite shirts, too, and all collar attached styles Manhattan, Eagle, Arrow, Kingly makes for Wednesday. At the Season's Lowest Prices Soft Collars Wednesday 25c Arrow and Earl & Wil son makes in every de sirable style and mate rial. Sizes 131a to 20. The Omaha Bee of Mr. and Airs. i ranK inline, one time resident of Beatrice. London has 19 King streets an4 34 Queen streets. Neckwear for 35c-50c-65c-95c Wash silks wide or narrow silk four-in-hands, knit ties and bows. A great sale. f " i s ijfooked, Leigh, at presec