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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 27, 1921)
The Omaha Daily Bee VOL. 51 NO. 34. tnttn u Stconf-ClMt Miliar Miy 28. IM. l p. 0. Uiuir Act ( Mtrtk 1. 179. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1921. By man (I ynr), Dally and Sunday, 17.50: Dally only. 151 Sunday, 12.50; Is polati In Unlttd Statei, Canada and Mtxleo. THREE CENTS oldier Aid Bill Again Hits Snag House Conferees Fightin; Amendments Made by Sen ate in Attempt to Elimi nate Red Tape. Poctor Changes Stand By ARTHUR SEARS HENNING. Chicago Trlbunc-Omnhs IV Lrawil Wire. Washington, July 26. The Sweet bill to establish a veterans' bureau anil end the scandal of government neglect of disabled soldiers is on the rocks again. The conferees appointed by the house are righting every important change proposed by the senate to eliminate red tape and liberalize the treatment of disabled veterans. A meeting last night, lasting until the early morning hours, failed to bring the conferees into agreement. Another effort will be made to get together tomorrow, but indications are that the senate conferees must either surrender their amendments or, jsk still further delay in placing e bill on the statute books. The Smoot amendment making the proposed veterans' bureau an inde pendent institution, responsible di rectly to the president, met with strong opposition from the house conferees, although it was especially -Argcd by the Dawes commission and y various soldicrs'organizations, on the ground that it is necessary to eliniiaate red tape. Another impor tant amendment which appears to in vite the emphatic opposition of the house conferees is the one sponsored by Senator Walsh of Massachusetts, designed to afford more prompt treatment to veterans suffering from tuberculosis and mental disorders. Say Charges Unnecessary. Both of these amendments, as well as numerous others of less impor tance, were adopted by the finance committee after weeks of considera tion and were unanimously approved by the senate. The house conferees, however, hold pJl these changes to be unnecessary and asserting their pride of authorship, are demanding adoption of the bill without the "dotting of an i or the crossing of a r' t " Aa an vamn1 rf tVioft- vieldinur attitude, thev forced the sen ate to yield to the striking out uf an amendment increasing the allow ance for attendance for totally blind ed soldiers,, from $20 to $50 a month, hlthough the amendment was placed in the bill by the senate finance com mittee at the. urgent request of Rcp ,JFtje Hamilton Fish of New The ' Session . of the conference committee developed heated ex changes between Senator Walsh of Massachusetts and Dr. Haven Emer son", assistant director of the war risk insurance bureau, in charge of the medical division. Dr. Emerson supported the house conferees in their opposition to the Walsh amend ment, which he declared would "make liars of physicians." V. Transfers Burden of Proof. " The Walsh amendment seeks to transfer from the di ibled veteran to the government, the burden of proof on establishing the origin of dis ability. It would have the govern ment grant compensation to disabled veterans suffering from tuberculosis and mental diseases, on the pre sumption that their disability was contracted in line of duty. It would abolish the practice of withholding compensation until the disabled man was able to furnish sufficient affida vits to prove that he contracted his (iisability in the service. Dr. Emerson was on the stand before the senate committee on sol diers' relief. He admitted having fur nished President Hardiitg with the information that there was a surplus of 6.000 beds available for disabled veterans. The committee manifested considerable , impatience with this statement, in view of the disclosures nreviouslv made. Dr. Emerson final ly agreed with Dr. C H. Lavender of the public health service, who was lso before the committee, that there a - e certain classes of patients at parti cular times and in particular places. Members of' Parliament Probe Dry Conditions in U.S. New York, July 26. Two mem bers of the British parliament started a first-hand investigation to ascertain how prohibition is- working out in the United States. The two. C. H. Sitch and J. E. Davison, said they would report their findings to the labor party, of which they are members. Both took occasion to deny pre dictions of American reformers that England will be dry within 10 years. Grain Dealers to Discuss New Pooling Movements Chicago, July 26. The situation of the country's grain trade as af- K fected by pooling movements now in progress in most states, will be taken up at a meeting of the special ex ecutive committee of the Grain Deal ers National association here to morrow. Every important grain exchange in the country has joined the associa tion, R. I. Mansfield, chairman of the committee, announced. Petitions for Recall of Union Oficers Confirmed Washington Tiilw 26. Recall oeti- s against President George L. y and other officials of the In tionat Printing Pressmen's o ordered drawn up two weeks ( P the Washington local of that gusive been formally confirmed bilitycal, it was learned today, in ee circulated among other legislacappropriation of the in an Irisinion'i funds is charted. ill Fill Vacancy Left by Jim Dahlman c29. C?onin o'vett. D. H. Cronin Of O'Neill Chosen For U. S. Marshal State Senator Overcomes Lead Of Nickerson in Early Bal loting; Geography Plays Pa.t in Selection. Washington, July 26. (Special Telegram.) After three "ballots the republican delegation in congress se lected D. H. Cronin of O'Neill for United States marshal for Nebraska at the session of the delegation in Senator Norris' committee room last right. Acting Marshal Nickerson led in the early balloting, but he could not command a majority of the votes of the delegation and finally Cronin came under the wire a winner. Geography played a consequential part in the choice of the members, the First district having the collec tor, the Second the United States attorney, the Fifth the prohibition' enforcement officer, leaving three districts to contend for the marshal ship. Judge Kinkaid's constituent in the "big Sixth," who. has' figured in re publican politics in Nebraska for many years and is known personally to most of the members, commanded a following from the beginning and when Nickerson failed to develop the necessary votes it was comparatively easy to put Cronin across. According to a member of the Ne braska delegation, l.ronin received the votes of Senator Norris and Representatives Reavis, Andrews and Kinkaid on the third ballot, Mc- iLaughlin and Jefferis voting for Nickerson and bvans tor Lowman, The selection of Cionin gives gen eral satisfaction, not only because it is the first time the "Big Sixth" has received one of the leading fed eral positions in the state, but be cause Cronin, as an editor, has car ried the banner of republicanism ever since he reached his majority. Girls Almost Drown When Auto Ditched Near Pawnee City Tawnee City, Neb., July 26. (Spe cial.) Three girls and two men were seriously hurt when the car in which they were riding ran off an embank ment and rolled to the foot, 30 feet below, into three or four feet of water. Bessie Brown, who was driving, Mattie Brown, Leo Brown, Charles Slack and Opal Ellsworth were going south from Dubois and nearing a bridge over Turkey creek. The girl driver looked back when she heard a car approaching from the rear, her machine swerved from the embankment and rolled down to wards the water. In her excitement she whirled the steering wheel and the car turned over. Charles Slack sustained a wrenched back. The two girls were in the water longest and Mattie was nearly drowned. - It was necessarv to extract mud from her lungs. Opal Ellsworth sustained a broken arm and was nearly over come by the water. Brown was un injured. SNIFFY, the burglar, had a good memory. He could almost re member how many times he had done time. But he forgot whether - Jessop said to turn to the right or left. , The Oak From the Acorn By Clifford Raymond Blue Ribbon Rctloiv You'll enjoy this BLUE RIBBON short story ia Next Sunday's Bee Fines of $5 In Ashland Fireworks Constable Wins $4 Bet When Magistrate Decides Town's Sanctity Shall Be Pre- servea Notice Given of Appeal By a Staff Correspondent. Ashland, Neb., July 26. The sanc tity of Ashland shall not be violated. This was made apparent this morn when Police Magistrate Jesse N. Moon fined three of the seven young men accused of "unlawfully explod ing combustible articles known as fireworks" here on Sunday, July 3. The first of these seven was Perry Anderson, brother of Mayor H. F. Anderson. Constable Wins Bet. Also thus it was that Lee Martin, restauranteur and constable, won his $4 bet with a patron who argued that none of the youths would be fined. Perry Anderson's hearing was held in Judge Moon's courtroom before a mirthful crowd of spectators last Sat urday afternoon, and a decision of the court was reserved iintil this morning. That decision, handed down at 10 a. m. by the clock, was a fine of $5 and court costs, which will equal $18. Then, after a short hearing full of verbal fireworks, Edward Chris chillcs and Frank Madison, also were fined $5 and costs each. They're Going to Appeal. Their fines may be withheld for 10 days, during which time, Harlan Bryant, attorney for the defense and county attorney for Saunders coun ty, will appeal to the district court, he notified Judge Moon. It is even intimated all over Ash land that the cases will be taken clear up to the state supreme court if necessary. Ernest Barnes, the fourth youth in the case, was hauling wheat today and his hearing was et for 8 tonight. Otto Cammer's case, the fifth, has been continued 30 days, while Frank Gilbert, the sixth youth, pleaded guilty, was fined $5 and the mayor is expected to remit the fine because of the guilty plea. John Evans, the seventh youth, is working on his farm.. He hasn't even been arrested yet. She's Still on Job. Mrs. Irene Buell, city attorney who was "fired" in a resolution adopted by a special meeting oi the council called by Mayor Andersen on his return from a month's trip, when Ordinance 111, which the sep tet is accused of violating, was de clared rescinded, appeared in court this morning to prosecute the cases and was recognized by the. court. She refuses to be fired. When Attorney Bryant appeared from Wahoo this morning for the hearing he asked that the court rus,h the cases through so he could get back to Wahoo. He objected to Mrs. Buell's ap pearance as prosecuting attorney, but the court permitted her to remain. "We have no personal feelings," (Tnrn to Pttfre Three, Column One.) Former Cashier Is Held on Charge of Defrauding Bank Lincoln, July 26. (Special.) Fed eral officials arrested Frank Burling, former cashier of fiie First National bank at Chappcll, Neb., today, on a charge of defrauding the hank out of $10,000 on May 6, 1920, by is United States commissioner in the suing two fraudulent certificates of deposit of $5,000 each to Joseph W. Johnson. Burling was arraigned before the afternoon, waived preliminary hear ing and was bound Over to the fed eral grand jurv at Omaha. He was released on a $10,000 bond furnished by his mother. Recently Burling has been living in Lincoln. At one time he was in charge of a bank at Cortland, Neb. New York Man Fined $1,000 For Evading Luxury Tax New York, July 26. Herbert T. Martin, treasurer of Martin & Mar tin, Inc., dealers in leather goods, was fined $1,000 today in federal court for defrauding the United States out of luxury taxes. The cor poration was fined $2,000. Pleas of guilty were entered in behalf of both. , This was the first luxury tax case prosecuted in the federal court for this district. Judge Shepard said that the reason he did not sentence Martin to jail was that pleas of guilty had saved the government the ex pense of trial. He gave warning, however, that jail terms would be imposed in the future. England to Free Members Of Dail Eireann in Prison Belfast, July 26. (By The Asso ciated Press.) The Belfast Tele graph's Dublin correspondent says today he understands virtually all the members of the Dail Eireann or Irish republican parliament, who are in jail will be released at an early date. This action will be taken to give them an opportunity to meet and discuss the British government's proposals for a settlement of the Irish question, he adds. Gen. Wood May Reconsider Philippines Governorship Washington, July 26. Intimations have reached administration officials that Major General Wood might be willing to reconsider his previous decision against acceptance of the governor generalship of the Philip-Bines, Woman Assistant of Daugherty Resigns Washington, July 26. Mrs Annett Abbott adams, the first woman to be an assistant attorney general, will sever her connection with the gov ernment and return to private prac tice in San Francisco, August 1, it was said today She resigned some months ago, but remained to finish up pending cases in her office under which fall all legal questions involv ing prohibition. During her government service Mrs. Adams wrote a number of im portant liquor opinions, including the intransit liquor ruling wwhich holds that no ships may enter the three-mile limit with liquor aboard. Attorney General Daugherty will appoint a woman to succeed Mrs. Adams, but so lar has not made a selection. Smith Standard Bread Law Hits Snag at Hearing Temporary Injunction Issued; Both Side3 to Gather More Evidence for Later Hearing. Lincoln. Tulv 26. (Special.) The Smith standard weight bread law, which weathered the dozens of reefs and shoals arranged for it by the big baker lobby in the legislature, hit a snag here today in Judge W. W. Morning s division of the Lan caster district court. Judge Morning issued a tempo rary injunction against enforcement ot the law. lhe law was due to become effective Thursday, July 28. "I will say frankly that I would not issue a permanent injunction on the evidence produced," Judge Mor-m'ng said, "but as I understand both sides have more evidence I will grant a temporary one with the understanding that attorneys for both sides will get together and agree on an early date for a hearing on an application for a permanent injunction." V', Scores Omaha Bakers. Representative Ed Smith of Oma ha, author of the bill, assisted As sistant Attorney General C. L. Dort in presenting the state's tide c the case. Smith scored Omaha bakers bring ing the application for the injunction. "It means hundreds of thousands of dollars to them yearly and means an equal loss to the people of Oma ha and the state," Smith said. "As the law stands now bakers put the minimum weight on the bread and then sell tt. to the consumer. At an time they desire they can drop an ounce on the weight, just so they maintain tne minimum. "Suppose Omaha bakers dropped the weight one ounce in Omaha. It would be $500 clear profit in one day and $180,000va year to them. That is in Omaha alone, based on figures of Omaha consumption. It it means that much in Omaha, think how much money it means through out the state." Other Cities Not Represented. The" application was ii'ted by Oma ha bakers. The bakers in other cities either declined or were not asked to join in the application. The Smith bread bill demands that bread be baked in one-half pound, pound, and pound and one half loaves with the exact weight stamped on the loaves. The law permits a two-ounce toler ance. The Omaha bakers declared they could not bake the exact weight with only a wo-ounc tolrancec. smith produced ordinances and state laws from other cities and states which showed that bakers are complying with similar laws and only a 1-ounce tolerance is allowed. Omaha bakers present at the hear ing and taking an active part in it were: Jay burns, P. F. Peterson and Milton Peterson. Man and Woman Injured In Plunge Down Glacier Salt Lake, July 26. O. D. Rich ardson of Seattle and Mrs. Leonard Fish of Salt Lake Citv. his sister- in-law, are recovering from slight in juries and shock which they suffered when they plunged 300 feet down a glacier on the Alta divide in the Wasatch mountain range Sunday. Richardson lost his footing in an endeavor to save Mrs. Fish when she started to slide down the glacier. The next moment he also slipped and joined his companion 300 feet below on a cleft of rocks. Both were knocked unconscious. They recov ered several hours later and cried for help. Boy Scouts in the vicinity ren dered aid to the couple, who were numbed with cold. Chief Drops "Hints" To Coppers From Air; Promises Anvils Next Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Ieased Wire. Chicago, July 26. Chief of Police Frank Laatz of River Forest knew his policemen were loafing on the job, but it was hot and dispiriting work "peperizing" them on foot. So he' went to Checker Board field and engaged an airplane and an aviator. Then he loaded up with copies of the revised police rules and started out over River Forest. He espied one of his patrolmen arguing with an ice wagon driver when he should have been out search ing for yeggs, so he dropped a copy of the revised rules, bound in half calf. It landed on the ice man and impressed him very much. Still further on he swung off another copy which landed on the head of a cop per who was idling his time away in the shade. The chief gave warning to the force at inspection this evening, that on his next trip via airplane he will carry a stock of anvils, unless the hints thrown out bear immediate fruit. Whan timet ere Hath and everybody Cat when thnmm arm hard and taxtt Man Accused Of Murdering His Stepchild Held Body of Girl, 10, Weigbted With Irons, Found in Irri gation Ditch; Stepfather Had Made Threats. Sioux City, la., July 26. Suspected of having murdered his step-daughter, 12, Harry Vernon Hill, alias Thomas Campbell of Ponca City, Okl., was arrested here this morning by a Colorado deputy sheriff as he stepped into the postoffice to claim a suitcase which he had mailed to Sioux City from Denver. The motive of the suspected mur der is unknown. The body -of the girl was found in an irrigation ditch near Derby, Colo., by an engineer. Hill had not been informed late this afternoon of the real charge against him. Police refused to al low reporters to talk to him. Denver, July 26. The murder of Helen Maxine Short, 10-year-old Denver girl, whose body was found last Saturday drowned and weighted with irons near "Eno, Adams county, Colorado, was one of the most bru tal in that section of Colorado. Hill, stepfather of the girl, ac cording to polic'e, took her from a children's home here last week. The youngster's mother had placed the girl in the institution. Previously, according to authorities, Hill ap peared at the juvenile court to ask about his right to remove the child from the home. The girl's mother told police that Hill had made repeated threats to kill the girl because his wife would not send him money. The post-mortem proved, accord ing to Coroner E. J. Jones oi Adams county, that the little girl was alive when, held helpless by. heavy iron railroad iron plates fastened to her neck and ankles by wires, she was thrown into the water of an irriga tion ditch. Salaries of Mexican Federal Employes Cut Mexico City, July 26. In line with a recently announced program of economy by which it is hoped to stabilize Mexico's finances, President Obregon last night issued a decree providing for a reduction of 10 per cent in all federal salaries except those of less than three pesos daily The reduction applies to military and civil employes alike and will be ef. fective between August 1 and De cember 31. Senate Seeks Draft on All New Booze Prescriptions Washington, July 26. A resolu tion requiring the . internal revenue commissioner to transmit to the senate the tentative draft of regula tions permitting physicians to pre scribe beer, was introduced in the senate yesterday by Senator Moses, republican. New Hampshire, but Senator Nelson, republican, Minne sota, objected and its immediate consideration went over. High Cost of Flying Drops. New York, July 26. The high cost of flying got a jolt with the an nouncement by a company operat ing flying boats between New York and Atlantic City, of a 50 per cent decrease in fares. Rates were cut from $100 to $50 for a one-way trip and a round trip was offered for $8$, Interest in Public Funds (CopyrUM: 1031: Br Tbe Cblcaro Tribune. 1 it buty rmUng in the money nobody tekea much interett in what happen to the Public Fonda. mrm opprettioe everybody i intereeted in what happening to ' Public Fund: Service Honor Recommended For Lt. Hanbery Omaha . Representative Calls Attention to Citation of Omaha Newspaper Man For Heroio Action. Washington,' July 26. (Special Telegram.) In a letter today to Maj. Gen. P. C. Harris, adjutant general of the War department, Congressman Jefferis has recom mended that a distinguished service cross be awarded Lieut. James W. Hanbery, late of the 59th infantry, now a newspaper man connected with an Omaha daily. The Omaha representative called attention to the citation of Lieuten ant Hanbery by Major Lewis Far rell of Camp Knox, Kentucky, who stated that Lieutenant Hanbery be ing in command of the attacking unit of the assault company of his battal ion, led his platoon to their objec tive through heavy machine-gun and artillery fire two miles north of Courrhamos, France, on July 19, 1918." Continuing, Major Farrell points out that after his company gained its objective the battalion on his left having been held up by the enemy's fire, Hanbery's company and battalion were exposed to a rak ing flank fire, which if prompt ac tion had not been taken would have wiped out the entire battalion. Major Farrell states that Lieuten ant Hanbery on his own initiative reorganized the attacking lines and although wounded led in person a brilliant and successful attack against the enemy's machine gun nests, Hanbery being wounded a second time in this charge. Although in a helpless condition Hanbery refused succor in order that the lives of his men might not be further endan gered. Supplementing this citation, Con gressman Jefferis points out that Lieutenant Hanbery is by reason of his wounds a cripple and states that in the opinion of military men Han hsbery performed a deed that would entitle him to the medal honor, as being beyond the call of duty, and heartily recommends Lieutenant Hanbery's valor to the favorable consideration of the War depart ment. Gredt Northern Asks I. C. C. For Loan of $15,000,000 Washington,' July 26. Application for a government loan of $15,000,000 was made today through the Inter state Commerce commission by the Great Northern railroad that plans were shaping for railroad refunding operations which would make the money available. It would be used to repay a similar loan obtained from the government at the close of fed eral control. Denby Not Yet Making , Plans for His Western Trip Washington, July 26. Secretary Denby said late today he would be unable for some time to consider plans for' his western trip on account of budget proposition and other de partmental affairs. Bishop Curley Is Named Archbishop of Baltimore Rome, July 26. (By The Asso ciated Press.) The pope has ap pointed Bishop Michael J. Curley of St. Augustine archbishop of Balti more. "- the Carelessness Is Cause of Faulty Paving, Charge Johnson Says County Engi neer and Contractors Admit They Had Not Looked At Reports. Lincoln, July 26. (Special.) In excusable carelessness on the part of Lew Adams, Douglas county engi nerr, and the head of the Murphy Brothers' Coiistruction company, was charged today by George E. Johnson, state engineer, upon his return from the investigation of the Lincoln Highway paving job at Omaha. "Both Adams and the company testified that reports have been made daily to them for more than a month on the amount of materials used in laying the concrete base on the Lincoln Highway job," Johnson said. "And both men testified that they had never looked at those re ports. "I call such business nothing ex cept inexcusable carelessness. A plance at those reports would have shown instantly if the right quantity of materials were being put into the concrete." Johnson stated that nothing more would be done until the result of the lesistance tests of concrete already laid had been completed by Prof. Clark Mickey. "My recommendation to the Doug las county commissioners is to re organize their forces instantly and get rid of such a careless manner of doing business which the tax payers must pay for so dearly," Johnson said. Railroad Will Suspend Operation on August 1 Jefferson City, Mo., July 26. The Missouri public service commission was advised in a telegram from J. C. Murray of Harrisonville, Ark., secretary and treasurer of the Mis souri and Northern Arkansas rail road company, that the road would cease operation August 1. The com mission was told that efforts to ob tain funds to continue operation, had been unsuccessful. Maine Professor Elected ..Head of Butler College Indianapolis, July 26 Dr. Robert Judson Aley. president of the Uni versity of Maine for 11 years, was elected president of Butler college, Indianapolis, today. The Weather - Forecast Nebraska Fair Wednesday and probably Thursday; cooler Wednes day. Iowa Unsettled Wednesday with thundershowers in east and central portions: somewhat lower tempera tures; Thursday fair. Hourly Temperatures. 5 s. m ..74 I 1 a. m ",it 7 . m 75 s 8 a. m 7A 4 a. m. 7l 5 10 a. m 81 A 11b. m 83 7 13 noon 87 S p. m 7 P. m 9 p. m no p. m Mi p. m HI p. m 89 p. m SI p. m. S3 . H ighest Tuesday. RSI fait lake St 90l Runt Fe 14 SOIHIierldon Hi Chcyrnn . . Ie Molnm Dodn ( Hr Imlrr , . . , Pnohlo . . . . "i'Mon Vttj R t ValmtlM .... . . . ss Bapld City fcM,v8t Solution of Rail Tangle Presented Harding, in Special Message, Asks Extension of Finance Corporation's Authority For Funding Debt Open Way to Adjustment Oy The Aanorlutrd I'rrnii. Washington, July 26. President Harding, in a special message to congress today, asked it to extend the authority of the war finance corpora tion to purchase securities, probably up to $300,000,000 now in the hands of the railroad administration, so that the proceeds may be used for settle ments with the railways. This, the president told congress, would open the way to "early adjust ment and relief" of the railroad prob lem. There was no thought, hp said, of asking congress for additional money. x . Railway claims, based on the "in efficiency of labor" during the war, the president said, were to be waived for the present to hasten settlement without surrender of any rights in . court. Although the railways owe the government large sums, the prcsi- dent said, the government also owe the railroads large sums on v?rious accounts. "No added expense," said the presi dent, explaining his request, "no add ed investment is required on the part of the government, there is no added liability, no added tax burden. Asks Authority Only. "It is merely the grant of authority necessary to enable a most useful and efficient government agency to use its available funds to purchase securities for which congress already has authorized the issue, and turn them into channels of finance ready to float them." "The contract covering operation provided that the railways should be returned to their owners in as good condition as when taken over by the government and the transportation act, recognizing that betterments and additions belong to capital account, provided that such' sum as the rail way companies owed the govern ment for betterments and new equip ment, added during the period of government operation, might be re funded. There has been at no time any question about the justice of funding such indebtedness to the government. Indeed it has been in progress to a measurable degree . ever since the return of the railroads''Ji to their owners. It has been limited, however, to such cases as those in which final settlements with the rail way administration have been effect ed.. The process is admittedly too slow to meet the difficult situation which the owners of the railroads have been facing, and I believe it essential to restore railway activities and essential to the country's good fortune to hasten both funding and settlement. Government Owes Roads. "Quite apart from the large su-., owing to the government which we are morally and legally bound to fund, the government admittedly owes the railway companies large sums on various accounts such as (Turn to Pnge Two, Column Two.) - 0 A. F. L. Scores Proposal To Permit Chinese to Immigrate to Hawaii Washington. Tulv 2C Fffnr. n Pass legislation nermitlincr tho im. - r -- ..... .... portation of Chinese coolies into Hawaii, is a consp.racy that has behind it. their "eventual sitmiccinn into the United States" the legislative committee ot the American federa tion of labor charged in a report made public today. Representatives of the sugar in terests of Hawaii, the report said, have advised sugar men of this COUlltrv not to interfere with the enactment of a law permitting cnincse coolies into jJawan. "It is the entering wedge; if we eet them. VOU will hav no tmnMA in get them into the United States," the report said, was the actual wording of a statement made to sugar men in- America. "Admission under bond of 50,000 coolies," the report continued, "in tended to shackle them to their jobs ostensibly for five years, is one of the greatest legislative crimes of the century." Bill Increasing Powers of Finance Board Introduced Washington, July 26. After elim ination cf provisions authorizing the war finance corporation to take charge of railroad debt funding, the bill drafted by Secretary Hoover of the Department of Commerce and Director Meyer of the war finance corporation, to broaden the corpora tion's power to provide credits for agricultural exports, was introduced today in the senate by Senator Kel- " 'S republican, Minnesota. McKelvie Asked to Address Alexandria Farm Picnic Alexandria, 'Neb., July 26. (Spe cial.) A big farmers' picnic at Alexandria on August 3, has been decided upon. The committees in I charge arc making an effort to get uovernor ilcKclvie and a state farm and state farm bureau speaker for addresses on that date. General Strike in Rome Rome, July 25. A general strikj proclaimed by the extremist parties here as a protest against the recent outbreaks at Grosscto and Montero tondo, in which numerous commun ists and Fascist! were killed, was be gun last evening. The authorities are taking vigorous precautions to main tain orde' v 1