THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1921. 11 A' i REAL ESTATE WANTED. south sibiais I havs Iiv buyers fur 5 or 6 -room modern hamM inywhirt south of Will Um Bt. and cut of !4ih St. I'rlos your properly right and I'll do tha rest. LAD. V. TEHAR, UTH AND W II.L1AM. DO. 3 9T. WhJ have buyxra fur 0 or 7-room homa In llansrom Parle or Field club district. List properly with ua for quli-k aale. TA. 00ft. P 1 S City Nat'l Hank. To buv or anil Omaha Heal Kstitt are FOWLER & M'DONALD 1 HO City Nat. Bit. Bid. Jackson j42. WE SPECIALIZE IN PITNORB HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l niilit. Douslss 7t7. THK Old Keliabla Raal Katate Offlca. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., U0 Dodgs Bt. leula 1845. WE HAVE buyers with 1301) to 1.000 to nay down and want listings quick. P. J. TV l I1 in Co., SOS Omaha Nat. Hank. TTf ryrr rp Rk al estate X3XXvJj1 X sella. Kenta, Insures 350 Pati-ra Truat Bldg. Jackaon 0633. IXsT homes and Income proporty with QRUENIH REALTY CO.. 14H 1st Nat. l.k. HIdK. Jackaon 1IM. WANTED Hungalow, modern. priced about S4.600; 11,000 cash. Bee Box A-75. LIST with ua. We guarantee reaults. 8T1ER REALTY CO.. 716 Bee. DO. 645. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. SPECIAL OFFER LOTS NEAR MILLER PARK, $175 $5 DOWN AND $5 MONTHLY. Hera la a chance for you to atart a home of your own. Pay $5 down and get your contract. Build a temporary home and live In It until your lot la paid forj then you can borrow enough to bulla that home you have alwaya wanted. No rent to pay. You can pay for your lot In two or three yeara and be Independent of a landlord. The lota are high and lightly, rich black soil and close to boulevard and school. THE BYRON REED CO., PoiiKlan 0287. 1612 Farnam S, West Leavenworth Lot. $460. ' Can sell one or more high alKhlty lots In the faateat developing section of Omaha; three blocks to Leavenworth car and several blocks east of Elmwood park. This Is an Id-il rt'Mrlct for a home or Investment. Terms. ' Shuler & Cary, REALTORS. DO. 6074. 202-3 Keellne Bldg. Dundee Building Sites. High, sightly locations along Happy Hollow Blvd. Prices. $3,750 to $,OO0; easy terms. eorge and Company, Atlantic 3024. DUNDEE LOT BARGAIN. Choice east front Dundee lot; south of Dodge Street; ornamental l'ghta; all specials pnid In full, Including paving and curbing. Price, $1,875. Owner, DO. 6076. CLAIRMONT LOT. East front, on Fonlenelle blvd. Own er will sacrifice for quick sale. Call Atlantic- 3540. MOVED to 806 World-Herald Bldg. Bedford-Johnston Co. l.KVTL lot at IRth and Fort streets for Fo-d car or truck. C05 South 23th street. DANDY lot in cathcd'al i .o. 9585 district. Call Acreage. NINE ACRES .KEYSTONE PARK :..,$12,M0 . , y - Good ?room modern home, In fine re pair: .an exceptionally good barn; gar age1, chicken house 100 feet long; water system, both well and cistern water; gasoline engine; some fruit; four acres alfalfa, balance plow land. Located on paved road, at 79th and Wain Sts.; few minutes' ride to Benson. Crops and all go with place. Possession at. once; $12,500; on easy terms. Best acreage proposition close to Omaha, Improve ments alone worth the money. Sunday cull Kenwood 4125. J. U H I ATT COMPANY, "Better Vlaues'" Matt Bldg.. 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 0063. B.SAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. ,"TTvi,r Ta Vmir ChzriCP. to ilUYf AW. vvi. ----- Grab These Bargains Before It Is Too Late. $1,400 Cash. Buys the transfer business now tak ing In $350 to $400 a month; owner leaving- city. $16,600. $10,000 down, 3 years to pay balance, buys a five-room modern bungalow. 17 acres, well fenced, alfalfa, near Dundee and paved street; owner ' Price, ' $7,500; $2,000 down, $40 a month, buvs 6 acres, 7-room house, welt fenced, 300 chickens. 5-year-old work horse. Buick tourire car. 2 acres pota toes 2 acres of corn, windmill, farm tools, fruit and grapes; insurance paid up for three years. 2 miles of car line, m ar Benson. For appointment call Mr. Rowe, Sun days. W'alnut 0245. or Mr. Rtmby, Jack son 40GO. M. L. Smith & Co., 208 Leflang- Bldg. Atlantic 3908. Omaha, Neb. Dundee Edgewood Bungalow New, $6,500. Would you like a brand new, ' well-built bungalow In beautiful ' Edgewood, Just one block to car line, golf course and close to Happy Hollow Blvd., In Omaha's finest new district? Has five " good-sized rooms and attic; living room IS '4X13 feet, with fireplace; tiled batht breakfast nook; ex cellent decorations. This Is an artistic house and a real bargain at $6,600; terms. Call E. N. Ben son. Sunday. Walnut 4008; week days, Douglas 4W4. . 507-9-11 South 25th Avenue. 66x112. with three 8-room modern flats. This will become desirable etr in property with the contemplated widening of J4th street and opening of adjacent and intersecting streets, also the community center planned from 24th street to 25th avenue, and ft. Marvs avenue to Harney street will surely make this an Ideal Investment. Annual rental, Sl.SSO. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jack. 2716. Good Rental District, - 20 Rooms. We are offering a good brick build ing at 23d and California, very desir able rental location. We can sell you a 10-room apartment or 20-room apart ments on easy terms. r - A. P. Tukey & Son, 620 rrst Nat'l. . J- Sunday Call Mr. Beverldge, AT. 4701. DUPLEX BRICK. INCOME $1,800 PER ANNUM. V PRICK $12,500. A duplex brick flat of 7 rooms each, thoroughly modern, now """J it $150 per mouth, located In the west Karnam district. A reasonable pur chase at tha above price, 16,500 cash, balance In three years. H. A. WOLF COMPANY. r , j, - t3h, Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. Atlantlo tl9. GOOD fcrlclc store building with living rooms above, costing $.'6,000 te build, on N. 16th St.. for $10,000. W.H.GATES, 4T Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Jack. H4. riVB-R&OM modern bouse. $4,000; oloee la. Jackson, tHlj, REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Let Us Show You Some of These Wonderful Bargains. STRICTLY MODERN. B-room California bungalow In Ben son. Price, $6,000; $900 down, $61 a month. 7-room stucco and garage. Leaven worth H-lKht. Price $7,000; $3,000 down, $50 a month. 6-room bungalow in Benson. Price, $4,250. $1,700 down, $39.60 a month. 6 rooms and garage. North Omaha. Pries $4,200; $1,200 down, $40 a month. For appointment call Mr. Kowe, Sun days, Walnut 0245, or Mr. Rim by, Jack son 4060. M. L. Smith & Co., 101 Leflang Bldg. Atlantic 3908. Oninha. Neb. Easy Money Two Dandy Small Investment Snaps 4-apartment frame building, Income $70 month, only expense are taxes snd Insurance. Price, $4,760. Terms about $1,600 cash. Modern double flat, with 8 rooms, bath anil furnace on each side. Income $95 per month. Price, $ti,600. Easy terms. Sunday call Mr. Klmmel, Web. 13S7. Bedford-Johnston Co. 806 World-Herald Bldg. .Ta. 1734. MOVED to 80(1 World-Hurald Bldg. Bedford-Johnston Co. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE WE have hlgh-clnss buildings to ex change for clear farms. Equitable deals assured. We manage buildings at rea sonable rates. Hank references. Shep pley Bros. Realty Co., 25 K. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. FOR EXCHANOE 120 acres In Worth Co., Iowa. Want a hardware stock for equity of about $22,000. A. F. Bledsoe, Rockwell City. la. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee DUNDEE 5124 Izard Street. Exceptionally well constructed brick home, south front lot 98x135 ft. Largs living room, dining room, sun room, breakfast room and kitchen, 1st floor; 4 corner bedrooms and sleeping porch, i bathrooms and extra lavatory,- 2d floor; maid's room and bath, 3d,, floor; Interior finish'' of walnut' and white enamel; hot water heating plant; base ment equipped with laundry trays, shower bath and toilet; 2-car garage Owner will trade for Improved or un improved city property for part pay ment, George and Company, Atlantic 8024. Brick Colonial, Overlooking Happy Hollow. This Is a most attractive, well con structed home In very desirable block conveniently located for school, carllne and club. All built-in features, vapor heat; two baths. First time advertised; price, $18,000. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, JA. 2850. 918-20 City National. Dundee Special Cut to $8,500. 7-room modern, oak-flnlshed home with garage, near Happy Hollow. South front, large lot. Paving paid. Every thing In dandy fine shape. Quick pos session. Terms arranged. Sunday Mr. Hynes, Harney 0737. Bedford-Johnston Co. 806 WorM-Horald Bldg. Ja. 1734. Dundee Colonial. Two-story, six rooms nnd tile bath; strictly modern 'and brand newj beau tifully finished In Ivory enamel through out; attractive decorations, and lighting fixtures; garage and driveway; full east front lot; close to car and school. This is choice. Special terms this week. 314 S. 50th St. Mattson & Smails, Douglas 8102. 1214,City Nat'l Bank. $9,000. Almost new, strictly all modern, oak finish, 7 rooms, nicely decorated, screened porch, located on a high sightly choice section of Dundee. Rea sonable terms. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., REALTORS. 1016 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Jack. 2715. $7,800 Terms. .. 8-ROOM, MODERN, DUNDEE Well located on paved street; three rooms first floor, t large bedrooms and bath on second. A good home for a careful buyer. CHARLES E. BELMAN, JA. 8235. 702 Peters Trust Bldg. Near 49th and Underwood. Six rooms, modern, excellent loca tion, large lot, double garage. Owner must sell, wants an offer. Sunday call DO. 9585. H. W. Volland, 710 Peters Trust Bldg. DO. 9586. Dundee Bungalow. In one of the choicest sections of Dundee, this 7-room, story and one half, strictly modern bungalow; excel lent condition; new double garage with concrete driveway; close to school and car line; Immediate possession and rea sonable terms. 6113 Burt St. Mattson & Smails, Douglas 8102. 1214 City Nafl Bank. Florence. I HAVE listed two 8-acre tracts cIobs to Florence that are real bargains. 6mall set of improvement. Price, $3,000. Other Just well, price $2,600 cash, $300 to $500, bal. good terms. Call Nethaway, Ken wood 1409. Nethawaf. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Would You Like a Fine Home Surrounded by Shade Trees? We are offering a 7-room . bouse In the best part of Bemls park; beautiful quarter-sawed white oak on first floor, four bedrooms on second floor; brick foundation, gas heater,, laundry con veniences In basement. Fine blue grass vard: lot, 60x210 feet; 1 block from ar line. Price, $11,000; well worth the money. A. P. Tukey & Son, 620 First Nat'l. JA. 4223. Sunday call HA. 4649. m Beautiful Edgewood. On $9th, between Leavenworth and Mason Sts., you will find 6 stucco bun galows that are certainly "up to date;" 6 rooms, oak floors, enamel and ma hogany finish; tiled floors in kitchen, bathroom and vestibule; fireplace In living room; breakfast nook in kitchen; large lot. 60x120; high and sightly. These bungalows are priced below cost and on terms. Look them over and see me for further Information. C. A. Grimmel, Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone Jackson 1616. Bemis Parle. Seven-room, modem house. $1,500 rash, balance as rent. A 2-story, square type of house containing S rooms and reception hall on first floor, 4 bedrooms end bah on second floor. House has hot water plant and Is In splendid con dition. Well worth the price asked, $6,750. H. A. Wolf Company, Merchandisers of Real Estate. Jauaderi-Kennedy Bids. Atlantlo 1160. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Weit. Colonial Type Bungalow, $5,750. Can build and finance on well located lots In the west part of town, a truly artistic 5-room colonial bungalow with fireplace, breakfast nook, combination sun room and dining room. Exterior to have clapboard siding and shut ters. House to be complete at this figure. Including lot. Call S. N. Benson. Sunday, Walnut 4008; week days, Douglas (074. BEMIS PARK. 6 ROOMS OARAGE. $6,500. 6-room full two-story horn In fine repair. Located In the pret tiest part of Bemls park. Large lot, fine shade trees, two blocks to car line. Best values In this district. Call us for an appoint ment. Walnut $757. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, "Better Values." HIatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 00(8. FIELD CLUB. If you have $7,600 cash, I can sell you the best built house In Omaha, en tirely new, and at a price $10,000 less than actual cost. Do yu want a bar (airland a beautiful boraaT - Stier Realty Company, 715 Peters Trust Bldg. HA. 6701. DO. (641. Walnut Hill Special. A fine S-story. . T-roora reel dence, close to car lines, school and cathedral; has 1 splendid rooms downstairs, in oak, and 4 large bedrooms upstairs; built about I years; lot 60x150; par. Ing all paid. Owner selling ac count of sickness. Priced low, $8,800. Terms also. Call Schroeder Investment Co., REALTORS, Jackson 3261. 538 Railway Exchange. Near 31st and Dewey. Up-to-date; two-story house, ( rooms, den and sleeping porch, attic and full basement; oak and enamel finish. For further. In formation call Grant Benson sve nlngs and Sunday, Walnut 1680. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Atlantic 8540. WEST FARNAM. WELL LOCATED. Seven-room, square type, modern: first floor finished In oak, four largo sleeping rooms and bath second floor: faces south, only 3 doors to car lino. Easy down payment to responsible party, possibly $1,000 cash as owner doesn't need all cash. Phone Mr. Lawler, DO. 1345; Sunday KE. 2571. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO. McCague Building. Omaha Rest Estate and Investment JOHN T. dUHAIN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantic 4886. 7-ROOM new modern home, 3106 Lincoln Blvd.; can give possession at once. For price and terms phono owner and builder. Harney vvn 6-ROOM new modern home in Cathedral district. 630 N. 41st Ave. For price and terms phone owner and builder. Har ney 0927. - $3,750, SIX rooms, corner lot 100x159, must be sold. Alfred Thomas A Son, JA. 0064. MOVED to 806 World-Herald Bldg. Bedford-Johnston Co. FIVE fine lots, west Farnam district; $3,600: big bargain. Jackson 0327. FIVE fine lots, West Farnam district, $3,500; big bargain. Jackson 0327. I. E BUCK buv end sell homes. Nortfc- FRANKLIN 8T., close to Blvd. Wo have a nice bungalow, 6 rooms on one floor, modern throughout, attic, full cemented basement, dandy furnace, large lot, 60x150; with sonio fruit. A bargain at $3,500. Easy terms. A bargain in a suburban home. Four large lots, all kinds of fruit and berries, shrubbery, shade trees, high and sightly, sways cool. A splendid modern oak finished bun galow of 7 rooms. Furnace, elec tric stove and heater. Owner has left city and wants offer. Let us show you this today. A real buy. On North 24th, near Laird. A fine home of 7 rooms, beautiful oak finish and floors throughout. Real fireplace, built-in buffet ia dining room, excellently arranged, fine attic, full cemented basement, hot water heat Owner built this tor a home and no one els has occupied It, This Is no old castle but a modern, up-to-date home In every respect. Six years old. You could not build the house alono' for the price to say nothing of the lot, 46x130, and garage. Pries $6,600. Sundays call E. A. Holslngton, Kenwood 3472, or J. Langfellner, Kenwood 2832. Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS, 743 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Atlantic 0187. Miller Park Bungalow. You're Through Searching For That Ideal Home When You See This. Listens good, don't It? But when you see It you will have to admit, "Ain't it the truth?" For good rea sons owner must sell at once and will be home today to show you through this nifty home at 2419 Crownpoint Ave.; in a beautiful district, close to car and right up-to-dat in every re spect. Five living; rooms first floor; one bedroom second floor; strictly modern In every particular, with oak finish and floors; built-in features and everything to be desired; honestly priced at $7,000; $2,000 cash and bal ance easy monthly payments. Don't fall to look this over today and see us early tomorrow for full details, Payne & Carnaby Co., (16 Omaha Nat'l. Bldg. Jackson 1016. WHY PAY RENT $150 CASH When you can buy a new. mod ern, large three-room stucco bun galow with four-room accommo dations for $160 cash, balance monthly? Located on boulevard, near Carter Lake club; one block to car line; 20 minutes' ride from 14th and Farnam; now vacant: possession at once. Sunday call Walnut 6032. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, Better Values. Hlatt BUIg. 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 0063. Now Vacant Move In. Full two-story all modern six-room home. In Kountze Park district; kitchen, living room, dining room, on first floor; three bedrooms and bath upstairs; new plumbing throughout, and newly deco rated; full cement basement; paving paid for; corner lot; two blocks from carllne. Owner has left town and In structed us to make quick sale; bargain price; reasonable terms, etc. Evenings and Sundays, phone T. W: Metcalfe. WA. 2776; Mr. Shaver, KE. 3768 or Mr. Smith, DO. 0839. N. P. Dodge & Company, 404 Mlckel Bldg.. 16th and Harney 8ts. Douglas UC29. MAKE AN OFFER. If yon have $1,000 make me an offer on either on of the three new homes at 4013-11-19 Saratoga St.; four rooms and bath, with full basement; on block from Grand Ave. car lint. PHONB KENWOOD lilt. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. New 6-Room House, Only $6,850. Just being cumpleted. Has long liv ing room, with open staircase, panelled dining room facing boulevnril, complete kitchen with Wall cabinets; rear entry. Second floor consists of three nice bed rooms, bath snd linen closet. Finished In oak throughout. Full cement base ment with hut air furnace plastered coal bin and floor drain. Large east front lot, 46x167 feet. Buyer may se lect lighting fixtures snd decorations. Located 6912 Florence Boulevard. Drive by Sunday and look It over. Will ar range terms. Norris & Norns, 150J Dodge St. Phone Jackson 4270. Bargain for Cash Buyer. $5,800 Cash. buys a strictly modern snd beautiful home located at 2310 Fowler Ave. Restricted neighborhood, on paved street, faces south, 1 block from car line, nice shsde and yard, has six large rooms, $ bedrooms, hardwood finish and garage. Thla must be seen to be appreciated. Best buy In Omaha. For appointment call Mr. Rlmby Sundays, Jackson 4060, or Mr. Smith. Walnut S5"M. L. Smith & Co., Atlantic 3908. 08 Leflang Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Miller Park Bargain. All modern, 6 rooms, . on one floor, oak finish throughout, full cement basement, one block from car, in one of the best districts in the city, can bo bought at a bar gain and reasonable terms. Eve nings and Sundays, phone V W. Metcalfe, WA. 2775; Mr. Shaver, KE. 3768. or Mr. Smith DO. 0829. N. P. Dodge & Company, 404 Mlckel Bldg.. 15th and Harney Sts. Douglas 0829. Owner Going to Europe. Must Sell Quick. Attractive S-room cottage home; large rooms, nice screened porch; best repair; full cemented basement; large lot with fruit and shrubs; garage. Price only $4,500: $1,000 cash. Who gets It? Call D. E. Buck & Co., Realtors, 442 Omaha Nat.- Bank. Douglas 8890. 2709 Bristol Street Buy this 7-room modern house with hot water, heat for a home. Terms can be arranged. 320S Decatur Street Bungalow of S rooms, all modern, near school and car line. Buy for a home. 2516 Blondo Street. Buy this 8-room modern house. It's worth the price. Sunday for prices and terms call Webster 5789. Creigh, Sons & Company, 608 Bee Bldg. Jackson 0200. $1,000 Cash, 6-R. Modern Home. Large living room, conveniently ar ranged house; 6 rooms and bath; oak finish and floors; nice full cement base ment. Paving fully paid. Price $5,850. $1,000 cash, balance $35 a month. D. E. Buck & Co., REALTORS. 442 Omaha Nat. Bank. Douglas 8890. Bungalow Hot Water Heat. 5 rooms on one floor, oak finish, east front, near car line. Very at tractive place and everything right up-to-date. Snap at $4,850. Terms ar ranged. Sunday Web. 1337. Bedford-Johnston Co. 806 World-Herald Bldg. Ja. 1734. ' 7 Rooms Completely Modern, $3,950. All modern bargain, 7-room, Kountse Place, small garage, 3 bedrooms up and one down. South front, half block from car. $750 cash, balance like rent Site day Mr. Klmmel, Web. 1337. Bedford-Johnston Co. 806 World-Herald Bldg. Ja. 1734. $1,008 CASH, $67.50 PER MONTH. Nearly hew, Mlnne Lusa bungalow, 6 rooms and bath, oak finish, rooms nicely decorated, stair to attic, furnace heat, double garage, shingle exterior on house and garage, beautiful lot, with hedge, shrubbery, awning on most of windows; close to school and car; owner left city; price reduced from $8,300 to $7,250. almost rent terms. Call Sunday Mr. Rice at 6069. RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg.. AT. 0721. Sacrifice Sale. Owner leaving city will sell at low price his strictly modern 6-room oak finish, oak floors, screened porch; fine location, paved street. Immediate pos session. Price $5,200. Don't fail to see this property. S. P. BOSTWICK. 729 Peters Trust Bldg. Atlantic 1606. Kesmence. narney PRICE reduced to $2,625 on this five room cottage; has gas, electric light, water and toilet: has a large 50-ft. south front lot; Just one block to car and school. This house Is not new, but well worth the money. Call Sunday Mr. Weeth, Kenwood 0950. R. F. CLARY CO., REALTORS. 24th St. and Ames Ave. Kenwood 0176. TURN your equity In that old house or your vaoant lot or your second mort gage In as a first payment on this beautiful, sightly 6-room strictly mod ern bungalow. It has never been occu pied; has oak finish and floors, tiled bath: east front, two blocks to car. Ask for Mr. Carse, at Douglas 7412 days, or Atlantlo 3601 Sunday. AN IDEAL HOME. Six large rooms, floored attic; full cemented basement; double garage: good chlckencoop, with an acre of ground, all fenced; just a dandy poultry farm. Thla place has to be seen to bo appreciated. Call Sunday Mr. Weeth, Kenwood 0950. R. F. CLARY CO., REALTORS. 24th St. and Ames Ave. Kenwood 0175. MUST sell. 2862 Webster St., 6-room cot tage. Building lots at 2872 Webster St., 24th St., opposite Spaulding St., and 8. W. corner 23d and Jackson; South Omaha. Write owner, D. Altman, 855 Third St., Milwaukee, Wis. FOR SALE BY OWNER New five-room stucco bungalow, close to street car and school; small cash payment will handle. Kenwood 0279. FOR COLORED. 2640 Charles St., 6 rooms, part modern, dandy location: $160 cash, bal. monthly. - E. M. DAVIS, 2530 Grant St. BUYERS for 6-room modern homes. Call us at once. Kenwood 0175. R. F. CLARY CO.. 24th and Ames Ave. 4720 N. 39TH Good 6-room house, modern except heat, (700. balance monthly. Creigh. 608 Bee, Ja. 0200. MOVED to 806 World-Herald Bldg. Bedford-Johnston Co. J. B ROBINSON, real estate-and Invest ment. 648 Pvers Trust Oouc 0M South. Woolworth Avenue, Near Field Club. A very convenient home on this pretty street: first-class condition throughout; three bedrooms and sleeping porch; large living room, sun room, fireplace, bullt-ln features; Ivory and white enamel finish; quarter-sawed oak floors; 8d floor finished. If you want a good home In this desirable dis trict, arrange to see this one. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, JA. 2860. 918-20 City National. MOVED to 806 World-Herald Bldg. Bedford-Johnston Co. Hanscom Park 7-Room House. , T fine rooms, one block from park and car. East front. Fine oak floors. Newly painted and decorated. Screen porch. One bedroom downstairs with extra toilet. Price, (6.000. Reasonable cash payment and balance like rent. Sunday call Mr. Hynes, Harney 0787, Bedford-Johnston Co. $06 World-Herald Bldg. Ja. 1734. (-ROOM house and lots; good condition; 11,200 big bargain. Jackson 0327. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. $3,900 and Worth It. Neat 5-room all modern home, on the south side. near Highland Park: kitchen, dining room, living room and two bedrooms, on first floor; full ce ment basement: attractive Inwn. Owner Is leaving town nnd will give Im mediate possession. Evenings and Sun days, phono T. W. Metcalfe. W A. 2775; Mr. Shaver, KE. 37tiH,-or Mr. Smith DO. OKI'S. N. P. Dodge & Company, 404 Mlckel Bldg.. 16th and Harney Sts. Douglas 0829. Ready For Occupancy. 8026 f 32d St., 6 rooms and garage. 2821 S. S4th St., 6 rooms. Theso are both brand new homes and are strictly modern and up-to-date; fin ished In oak and white enamel with oak floors throughout entire house. Full cement basement. Built-in features. Open for inspection today between 3 and 6 o'clock. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor, Jackson 05S5. 312 Brandels Thea. Bldg. 3063 South 33d Street. Splendid 6-room two-story dwelling, oak finish, builtln features, awnings, garage: paved street; one block from car line. Quick possession, as owner Is leaving town. Must be seen to be fully appreciated. Open for inspection today between S and 5 o'clock. C. G. Carlberg, Realtor, '. Jackson 05RS. 312 Brandels Thea. Bldg. By Owner Must Sell If you have $2,500 cash and want a bargain, will sell you my West Farnam home of 7 roqma and sleeping porch, strictly modern. Fine, lot and near car line, for $6,300. Call Wal. 6391 no dealers. CASH IN THAT LOT on a home or let me build on It for you. Others aro doing It, why not you? Do not put It off any longer but call Mr. Colo at Douglas 7412 Monday and learn how. 7-ROOM house; modern except heat; $3,000; terms. Owner, 4418 S. 18th. Miscellaneous. ARE you ready for that home? We will build and finance it for you. GLOVER & MORELL, 718-20 Keeline Bldg. At lantic 3623. Amos Grant Company Homes. $5,000 $1,000 CASH. Located near 27th and Spalding. Nice big 2-story house with S bedrooms and bath upstairs, strictly modern, monthly payments less than rent. $6,000 $760 CASH. 7-room house on 9th St. South of the St. Joseph hospital. Is a splendid big place with two lots, a garago, cement driveway ana paving an mm. $5,000 West "U" ST. This is an 8-room house with modern plumbing and gas, front Is 150 ft. on one street and 120 on the other. Paving paid This Is a good proposition and 1 terms require only $1,000 down.-v $5,000. Something very nice In a 6-room house and hot water heat. Located on South 17th St. 15.500 $1,000 DOWN. Located In the north part of the city amongst new homes and in a neign horhood of all paved streets. You can't go wrong in purchasing here. $6,000 KOUNTZE PLACE. A 10-room house in good condition, arranged 6 and tath upstairs and 5 and bath down. Paving paid. $6,300. Mlghtv nice 6-room house on two floors, finished in oak and In every way modern, Sherman Ave. in Kountze Place. $7,500. On the Prettiest Mile. One of these dressy story and a half bungalows with 6 rooms. Oak finish, oak floors, beamed ceilings, fireplace and a garage. $8,000. One of these well-arranged 6-room houses with oak and whits enamel finish throughout. This is a beautiful corner, paved streets, in the north part of the city. $11,450. Just east of the Field club district. 7 rooms, oak finish snd In fine shape. $11,500 DUNDEE. We are not over-recommending , this place when we say It is something ele gant, press brick, fireplace, cabinets, stationery tubs, oak and white enamel finish. Terms. $12,000 PARKWOOD. Another beautiful house of 8 rooms, complete In every detail. Call and be shown our large list of fine residences. George Hanson, Walnut 1189: Ed Spicks, Douglas 8215; William Chuda. Harney 5306; Bob Mitchell, Kenwood 0799; Evart Weyerman, Atlantic 1451; C. Fred Dickason, Webster 6029; Amos Grant, Kenwood 4071. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, D. 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandels. The. Bldg. Vacant Lot Bargains West Farnam. 100x126 feet east front on 34th street, between Dodge and Davenport streets. All good homes In this block. A bar gain, everything paid up, at $3,M0. Will divide Into two 60-foot lots. Dundee. On 52d Btreet, Just north of Howard, one of the most sightly lots In this vi cinity, with a beautiful view In every direction, 66.6-foot front, full depth; good homes on either side. A bargain at $3,500. Field Club. On 35th avenue. Just north of Popple ton, two 41-foot lots with everything paid up In full, cheapest lots in this part of town, at $1,350 each. On Woolworth avenue, Just east of 36th street, one 60-foot and one 70-foot lot, beautiful neighborhood, amongst good homes. Price $60 a foot. Fort Omaha. At the northwest corner of the Fort, two fine lots with wonderful view overlooking the Fort and Miller park. We offer these two corner lots that nonresident owner says must sell at $750 for both lots on easy terms. A snap. D. V. Sholes Co., JA 0046. 915 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Exceptional Brick Home. 628 S. 62d St. This is the home of the late Dan W. Gaines, and (s one of the best constructed new brick homes in this vicinity. There are 3 brick fireplaces, living room, sun room, din ing room, breakfast room, kitchen, 1st floor; 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2d; 2 maids' rooms, bathroom, storage room, 3d; hot water heat; Kuud heater; soft water connections to laundry. Bil liard room In basement. A very com plete home. Two-car garage. Large east front lot. Administrator authorizes us to sell at actual cost. Do iot dis turb occupants, but If Interested ar range with us to Inspect the properly. Price and terms on application. Dundee Home $7,350. On Douglas street, between 48th and 49th. Six rooms, modern, oak finish 1st floor except kitchen: in good con dition. Lot 60x139 feet. Reasonable terms. Owner leaving city. Convenient location. 9.13 Acres. On Washington highway, which Is now being caved at county's expense, Just outside Florence city limits. Two fine building sites, nearly 1.000 feet frontage. Price $8,000. Good 6 or 7 room, modern house, well located In Omaha will be considered in exchange. Sunday call Mr. Fowler. Kenwood 4259, or Mr. McDonald, Walnut 0170. Fowler & McDonald, REALTORS, Jackson 1426. 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. 6-ROOM cottage, 1918 bo. IBlh, city water, gas. laundry la basement, lot 10x135, 11,800 cash. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. 2708 CKE1U11TON AVENUE. Four-room, modern bungalow. Terms can be arranged. 1706 SOUTH 28TH STREET. A rooin, modern except heat, house. Worth the money. Can be purchased on terms. 2!i03 SOUTH S2D AVENUE. Modern house of 7 rooms with gar-Bil- Can bo purchased for $1,000 cash and balance monthly. 4331 LEAVENWORTH STREET. Bungalow, nearly new house, 6 rooms, and you will find It a real home. Terms can be arranged. 290T DEWEY AVENUE. Modern home of 7 rooms. For a close In home this Is worth the money. Sunday for prices and terms call Wal nut 4767. Creigh, Sons & Company, 608 Bee Bldg. Jackson 0200. Good Seven-Room House. This house was built about eight yeara ago by owner for his home and Is in best of order, having vestibuls, living room, den, dining room, all fin ished In oak; kitchen, with lots of pantry room and Ice chest finished In birch; three sleeping rooms and bath on second floor finished In birch; glass knobs, mirror door, sleeping porch, which can bo heated: also has a closet; highly polished oak floors upstairs and down; nice basement; cement floor, with floor drain; large hot air fur nace; lot 50x124, with a garage. Price $8,600; on easy terms. W.H.Gates,, 647 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Jackson 1294. Web. 2688. NOTICE; After reading all the advertisements In today's papers and you don't find your Ideal, Just step to the telephone any week day and call Douglas 1345, ask for Mr. Lawler to call at your home and talk It over. You will not be obli gated In the least. We slways have a bargain for the conservative buyer. If not, he will help you find It. Has found them for others. McCAGUE INVESTMENT COMPANY. McCague Building. AIREDALE pups for sale; reasonable. A, Winthers, 4961 Maple St. Walnut 1973. LOOK Renewed Marmons Only $2,500 We Have Three of Them Today One 4-Pass. Chummy Roadster. One 5-Pass. Touring Car. One 7-Pass. Touring Car. These are the finest cars ever offered. Don't fail to see them. They are much better than medium-priced new cars. fDefton 2019 Farnam Street 2025 Tell Us Your Real Estate Wants We'll Do the Rest Creigh, Sons & Co. Established 1868 608 Bee Bldg. Ja. 0200. DUNDEE 4806 Harney St. Best Buy in Omaha Five Rooms Price $7,500 OAK FINISH SOUTH FRONT Shown Only by Appointment Hurry If Interested C. B. STUHT CO. 913 City National Douglas 8787 Sunday Call Wal. 1416 or Doug. 3491 FOR RENT. Offices and Stores 1712 Dodge St. Gardner Bldg. American Security Co., Douglas 6013. Dodge at 18th. teex ''RoiiSjjrGVttre Section marom ioryom Engineer Is Killed, 20 Persons Injured In Lackawanna Wreck Scranton, Pa., July 23. One per son was killed and more than 20 in jured, several seriously, when the Lackawanna limited, last train on tlie Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad was wrecked at Glenlnirn, near here Friday afternoon. The dead: CHARLES COOLBAUGII, engi neer, Scranton. The most seriously injured: Jacob Gleishaman, fireman, Goulds boro, Pa., scalded. Oscar Snyper, Stroudsburg, Ta., mail clerk, crushed. R. H. Hart, Hackettstown, N. J., mail clerk, crushed. James Simne, Binghamton, N. Y., conductor, badly bruised. The wreck occurred when the bag gage car jumped the track and fell across the roadbed. A mail car was aJso derailed and toppled across the other tracks. Two passenger coaches left the rails but did not turn over. A locomotive eastbound and traveling light, crashed into the wrecked mail car. A relief train brought the, most seriously injured to this city. Living Cost Fell 21 Per Cent Last Year, Says Report Statistics Still Show, How ever, That ifpkeep Cost Is 61 Per Cent Greater Than July, 1914. .New York, July 23. Clothing, with an average increase in price of r.ine-tcnths of 1 per cent was the only necessity that went up during the month of June, according to statistics covering the entire United States made public today by the Na ional Industrial conlerence board. Pnnrl wit thi nnlv item that went down, the decrease being figured at three tenths of 1 per cent. All other items remained stationary. The de crease in the average living cost of a typical wage earner s lamiiy tor he month was figured at two-tenths of 1 per cent. Thp statistics showed the decrease of living costs during the year end ing July 1 amounted to 21 per cent. Counting the reductions up to July 1, however living costs still show a net ncrease of 61 per cent over those of July 1, 1914. Simply stated the latter fact means that whatever you can buy for 1.01 today, you couia nave nau for an even dollar in 1914, or unless .mm innnm mt1. now $1.61 for every dollar earned in 1914. you are not even with the board, aiars nas "stung" you. Posses Search Desert for Traces of Missing Tourist Phoenix, Ariz., July 23. Sheriff's posses on horseback started this morning on a search of the desert f,ir T T Knicht of Dallas. Tex.. whose automobile was found stuck in the sand of, the dry bed ot the Hnssavamo'a river. 60 miles north west of Phoenix, Sunday. A search of the vicinity where the car was found was made Friday and rcultr1 in the findine of charred fragments of papers which had be longed to Knight, but which had beem burned. No trace of Knight has been found, however, since he left Buck eye, Ariz., a small town JU nines last Fridav. Knicht was traveling alone, according to in formation at the sheriff's office, here. Central Europe Very Near Nakedness, Says Red Cross Washington. July 23. People in central Europe are "nearer naked ness" than at any time since the Napoleonic wars, according to re ports of observers, summarized to day by the Red Cross headquarters. The situation, . it was added, would reach a climax this winter. Food conditions are reported im proved. The depreciation of cur rency, the summary says, requires a university professor in Vienna to work three months to buy a suit of clothes, while a pair of shoes in Po land cannot be bought without bringing hunger to the average fam ily for a month. Knights of Columhus Plan Monster Demonstration Chicago, July 23. James A. Fla herty, head of 'the Knights of Co lumbus, announced that a monster patriotic demonstration would be held at the international convention of the organization in San Francisco, August 2, 3, 4. The knights also will launch their $5,000,000 hospital ization and educational work for for mer service men and their $1,000,000 movement to popularize the study of American history. ' More than 20,000 knights, it was expected, will attend the convention. Berlin Janitor Drinks 10 Cases of Chanfpagne in 9 Days Berlin, July 23. In view of what was called his "unusual thirst," Au gust Marcowski, a janitor who had been sentenced to five months in jail for drinking 10 cases of champagne belonging to a. tenant, was pardoned by the court today. He had con sumed the 10 cases ir nine days. Seemingly to vindicate the judg ment of the court, Marcowski en tered the nearest cafe immediately after he was released to slake his thirst. Fruit Men Petition Harding To Turn Roads Over to Ford Hart, Mich., July 23. A petition to President Harding asking that the railroads of the country be turned over to Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer, for operation, signed by 400 fruit growers of Oceana county, was mailed to Washington today. The fruit growers, who allege in the petition that present freight rates are taking most of the profits on their crops, pointed out that Mr. Ford recently reduced freight rates on his railroad, the Detroit, Toledo & Irontoa, Valuation Plan To Be Threshed Out This Week Hearings on Fordney Tariff Bill to Start in Senate Monday Hope For Early Action. ( hlrnf a Trllunc-Omnh Bee Leased Wlr. Washington. July 23. Opponents of the American valuation plan will have ail opportunity to be heard be fore the senate finance committee next week. Hearings on the ford iff hill will start on Monday with the first four days set aside for consideration of the scheme to . -,Ki,irMi tVip nrpsent svstem of for eign valuation of imports and substi tute home values. Senator Penrose, chairman of the finance comrnittce, in announcing ; plans for the hearings, said that he hoped to complete them within two weeks. ' . . With rr-ferr-nr to the tllan. which . has been advocated by some scna trvrc nf rnmhininfr the tariff andthc tax bills into one measure, Senator, Penrose said it made no ditterence to him "whether the legislation waa. , . ,i .i m one volume or iwo. Senator Penrose would not ex press any opinion as to the Amer- t ican valuation plan. Although no opposition was manifest in the house except from democrats, it is under stood that some of the republican senators are inclined to believe that this provision should be eliminated from the bill entirely. It is planned to devote less than a day each to the other schedules of the tariff bill. Although the house ways and means committee devoted six weeks to hearings on the bill the senate committee expects to make more rapid progress, in view of the fact that bnly those who ob ject to provisions of the house bill will seek to be heard. It is expected that in the case of some of the Schedules, not more than one or two witnesses will appear. . Among manufacturers who are dis satisfied with the Fordney bill are sewing machine manufacturers. Sew ing machines have been left on the free list, although prior to 1913 they were protected by a duty of 30 per cent. Harding Leaves For Sunday Rest President Goes to Camp of Edison and Henry Ford Washington, ' July 23. President Harding left here fey automobile to day to join the camping party of Harvey S. I 'tone, Henry Ford and Thomas A. Edison on T icking creek, near Peckville, Md., 17 miles from Hagerstown. He expected to spend the night under canvas arM return to Washington late tomor row. Mrs. Harding did not accompany the president, having decided not to accept the invitation. t The president's schedule called for luncheon at the camn nd ;. after noon m the Maryland and West Vir ginia hills. ' Besides Mr. Firestone, Mr. Ford and Mr. Edisoaand their wives he will find Bishop F. And:r son of the Methodist Episcopal' church, an old friend, and Mrs. An derson at the camp There was something of a me morial to the late John Burroughs about the occasion, as Messrs. Fire stone, Ford and Edison in past years' frequently were in company with ,the naturalist in out-of-doors trips of the same kind. Medical Clinic to Aid Of California Indians San Francisco, July 23. On a mission of mercy to the Indian tribes of northern California, an elabo rately equipped medical and dental clinic, mounted on a powerful motor truck, has' left here for Redding, Cal., where a route will be laid out to reach even the most remote rancher ias of the numerous tribes in Shasta, Lassen and Modoc counties. Following completion of the northern California visitation, the truck will proceed to other parts of the state ..inhabited by Indians. In recent years the Indians have been ravaeed by pestilence and fre quent famines. Only recently the Shasta Indians made a plea that they be allowed to kill deer out of season in order to provide themselves with food. This clinic, provided by the In dian board of co-operation and the Department of the Interior, will carry a physician and a dentist. Cali fornia state departments have pro vided two nurses to visit the Cali fornia Indian tribes. Minnesota Village Has no . City Officials;-All in Jail St. Paul, Minn., July 23. The vil lage of Buhl is without a mayor, recorder or other city officials to transact business, according to ap peal made to Governor J. A. O. Preus here today. It is the first in stance in the history of the state that any village of city has been without officers. The five officials were recently sentenced to 60 days in jail on con tempt of court charges by Federal Judge Page Morris i;i Duluth. An opinion has been asked of the state's attorney general whetheY or not the governor "could give us ,a head of the village for the time bejng." Russian Trades Council Asks Aid for Starving London, July 23. The All-Russian Trades Union council has de cided to appeal to the world prole tariat for aid in the famine-stricken areas of Russia, says a dispatch to the Daily Herald, the labor organ, from Moscow. The commission for assistance to the;starving, the dispatch adds, met at Moscow., Those present included Leonid Krassin, soviet minister of trade and commerce, and Maxim Gorky. It was decided to operate under the Red Cross. Relief work has begun in Petrograd, y I i I t ... I ; I ' ti V - - - - - .- y