12 THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, JULY 21,. 1921. Classified Advertising Rites . 8i per lint (count id words to line) 1 day 16s per tin per day, t consecutive days 15a pr lino per day, 1 consecutive days 14o par lino per day, tt eonteeutlvs dayi No ad a taktn for leas than total of 16e. These rates apply aither to the' Daily or Sunday Bea. All advertisements ap star in both moraine; and evening dally papers (or the one chance CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION Want ads accepted at tha following of fice.: MAIN OFFICE 17th and Fanam 8ti. South Side ..4985 South 24th St. Council Bluff 16 Scott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE ATLANTIC 1000 THE BEE will not be responsible for mora than ona incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one tuna. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:46 A.M. Morning Edition 0:00 P.M. Sunday Edition 0:00 P. M, Saturday DEATH A FUNERAL NOTICES. BHOy'N William, passed on at his home, 2(12 Templeton Ave.. Tuesday, July 1. 1921, sued 70 years. Mr. Drown In survived by hla wifo and one son, Oeorge W. Brown of Omaha, and t daughters, Mrs. Emily Clark, Mrs. J. H. Hesselina, Mrs. John Conner, Mrs Fred Bell of Omaha, Mrs. J. A.TBoyles of Topeka, Kan. ' Funeral from residence Friday, July 22, 1 a 2 1 . at 2 p. m. Interment family lot, Forest Lawn cemetery. For in formation call Crosby -Moore Funeral noma, weneter 0047. CAMPBELL Harry, 1103 Ilurt St., July It, aged II years, at a local hospital. Services from Hoffman Funeral Home, Friday at 1:10 a. m., to St. Cerellas church, at a. m. Interment In fami ly lot at Holy Sepulcher cemetery. De ceased ta aurvtved by hla parents, Mr. and Mra. IT. Campbell: three broth era, William. Ray and Clifford; one alster, Gertrude, and his grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude McDonnell. TYRRELL Thoinns. aired 47 years. He 'a survived by three brothers. James or I'hlrairo. Charles and Walter of Omnha; ona sister, Mrs. M. A. Peterson. Funernl Thursday' morning froin'J. A. Oentlemun's mortuary at 8:30 a. m., to Holy Cross rhurch, 5065 Center 8t., at a. m. Interment, Holy Sepulcher cemeierr. fiease omit Iiowera. UI.ASOOW .Miss Annabel. 1516 North ! tiuty is, asjea z years. Funeral service from her home Fri day at 2 p. m. Deceased is survived by her mother. Mrs. Harriet Olaagow, and three brothers, John P., and Robert .M., of Omaha, and Sterling P., Jr., of Cheyenne,' Wyo. HOIST Fred, aired 63. Funeral Thursday, 9 a. m.. from Ilea fey A Heafey chapel. He is survived by his father and two brothers, Peter and William. CHRISTY Elisabeth M., of 3818 Dodge, paased away July 19, 7 p. m. Funeral from Stack & Falconer funer- ai home, Thursday. July 21, at 3 p. m William Brown, 70, 2 6 1 Templeton street, brick mason foreman for 20 years for Cudahy & Co,, died suddenly at his home, Tuesday. - CARD OF THANKS. As a recognition of our appreciation ot the kindness shown us at the sickness snd ilenth of Mr. Oeorge D. Armstrong, we wish to express our sincere grati tude to the K. P. lodge. Fraternal Aid, friends and neighbors. Tho. w; T. Armstrong, . E. B. Lewis and J. E. Lewi?. FUNERAL DIRECTORS STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BKST. arerrocwAMBULANCEw Thirty-third and Farnaro, . HEAFEY & HEAFEY , Undertakers and Embaliners., Phono HA. 265. Office 2(11 1 Farnam. HULSE & r;epen PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 2224 Cuming St Jackson 1228. FOR AMBULANCE call Market 0680. Korlsko Funeral Home. 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON rfS?. 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. .jjienderson, 1618 Farnam. Jackson 1258. JOIIN HATH." 1804 Farnam. Jackson 1906. FIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. Thomas and Mary Estes, boy, 1813 North Thirty-third street. Christian and Anne Straub. . girl, 817 Pierce street. Francis nnd Estele Boyle, boy. hospital. Oeorge and Lydla Oantler, boy, 3909 North Forty-f'.rst street. Frank and Jeannette Satlapa, girl, 2910 North Twenty-eighth street. Ivan and Maud Wagner, boy, 4830 South Twenty-third street. Harry and Mary Soorpin, boy, 4329 South Twenty-first street. Patrick and Mary Dayle, boy, 8809 South Twenty-third street. Richard and Vora Peterson, boy, 4311 Saratoga. John and Josephine Kelly, boy. Forty seventh and J streets. James and Gertrude Moore, boy, 1818 Missouri avenue. Henry and Fannie Kroeger, boy, Sarpy county. Victor and Cecil Steinberg, boy, hos pital. Ralph and Antonla Pane, boy, hospital. Ray, and Hildur Mead, girl, hospital. Hugh and Grace Darcy, boy, 1013 North Thirty-first street Andrew and Hllma Olson, girl, 1119 North Twenty-ninth street. Charles and Margarita Sing, boy, hos pital. Henry and Ingborg Nelson, girl, 532S North Twenty-ninth atreet. Deaths. Mildred Rose Shllds, 45. hospital. Margaret Harris, 19. 3938 O street. Louis Kosiba, 4, 1704 L street. Philip Krtghaum, 1 day, 3905 Q street. Frank Van Fleet, 25, hospital. Pearl Brannen, 39, hospital. Emma Rogers, 76, 4807 South Twenty third street Baby Soorpen, 1 day, 4323 South Twenty-first street, 1 day. Abner Weaver Nason, 71, 3512 Dodge street F. N. Horst. 53, hospital. Hasel May Hlxson, 22. hospital. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Roy L. Davis, over 21, San Francisco, Cal., and Helen K. Chesney, over 13, Omaha. , Carl F. Orunike. 33, Omaha, and Nell Llnehan, 27. Omaha. John C. McColI, 28. Omaha, and Veta L. Paddock, 24, Omaha. Peter L. Petersen, oer 51. Omaha, and Anna Badeker, over 18, Omaha, Dermont L. Morse. 21. Council Bluffs, la., and Althea Long, 25. Omaha. Elbert D. McAchlon, 31, Chicago, 111.. and Eva M. Oaborne, 20, Omaha. , Fred W. Ehrllch, 23, Omaha and Ruth E. Anderson, 22, Omaha. William R. Milllgan,' 24i Ottawa, 111., and Alice Frost. 20, Omaha. Morrla Singer. 27, Omaha, and Dora Linkovlts, 22, Omaha. Edward J. Palacek. 34, Weston, Neb., and Mary Bobel, 38, Omaha. Donald W. Miller, over 21, Council Bluffs, la, and Gladys M. Murbarger, over 18. Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LADY'S handbag belonging to Mary G. Harrison, eontslning 18 cash, two pair glasses, keys, checks, etc.; will finder retain cash and return bag with dlher contents to 869 Saunders-Kennedy Bldg., JA. 179. No questions askeo FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tvler 800. We are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFF8 8T. RT. COMPANY. ' BLACK wallet with name B. V. Murphy, containing money and papers. Valuable to owner. Lib. re. 1530-5 City Nat At. 1689. LEFT on street car Friday morning, pair . . i i,i n neil r 1 1 U g ...r.. mai nr, BLACK heifer, wt. 609 lbs. MA. 1748-4. Little humpbacked bulldog. Re. Dg. 9474. SPECIAL NOTICES. WANTED Concessions for race meet and music festival, Salem. Neb., Aug. 6-6-T. B. Wlckham. PERSONAL. IMPORTANT DISCOVERY. It prevent tha hair falling out or rurnlnr sn-av: of tea restores gray hair. This is no fake. Enclooe stamped, se'f- addrssasd envelope to P. O. Box 68 Denver, Colo., for Information. THE SALVATION Army Industrial homo aoUclta your old clothing, furniture. magaatnes. we collect we aistriDute. Phone Douglas 413S and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new homo, lllt-1112-1114 Dodge St AT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS BWOBODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET ALL KINDS of sewing; men'sllk shirts. special at 13. Harney 41881 MASSAGE Call Douglas 9648. BRINGING UP 7 5ET OOY OP HERE DON'T VOO CARE. TM-K CACK TO PERSONAL. CHILDREN cared for by week. 4661. ' Walnut ELECTRIC Blk. bath, massage. 818 Neville MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street. Swedish massage, masauese.209 8.20. D. SS77 KENT HOOVER vacuum, $1 up. Har. 1071. ELECTRIC baths and massage.' Web. 2911. WEAVINO Old rugs remade. AT. 1433. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, eld", knife, sunburst. box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and atyles; hemstitching, ploot edging, eye let cut . work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Mutton and Pleating Co., 208 Brown Blk. Jackson 1838. Neb. Pleating A Button Co., 1804 ""amain St.. 3d floor Dovftlae 8870 Contractors. I31UCK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nau, Walnut 4687. Corsetiere. HATTIE Putnam Nubone Coraet Shop. 802 Karbacb Blk.. At 2993. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, 408 SOUTH 24TH ST. Dancing Academies. Tfol-PlTiO School for Dancing. 1414 XVCl-r Farnam. Douglas 7850. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 2056. Night, KEN. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville BUt. Atl. 6501 ; night, Wal. 4056; K. 0458. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Atlantic 1136. Furs. WE remodel your furs and make them Ilka new. Furs stored and Insured against ail losses. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.. 203 8. 15th. Douglas 7333. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging Write for prices- The Ensign Co.. 607 Howard St. FILMS developed, one-day service. Kasa Studio, 213-29 Neville Blk. BRITT Printing Co.. 7 Elks Bldg. Painting and Paperhanging. PAPERHANUING, painting, varnishing, floors waxed, paper cleaning. WA 4587. ,. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN.: patent atty.. 1718 Dodge. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS X pwfth to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St Doug las 6049. . OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the price ot new beds.- 1907 Cuming. Jackson 2467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 35c; double edge, 45c doz. Mall orders so H cited. Omaha Sharp Co. 103 N. 16th. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus, LeBron Electric. 218 8. 13th St. Omaha. SCREENS rewired, repainted; estimates on porch Screens; glazing done. KE 2701. ROGERS Confectionery Store, 24th and Farnam 8t, Jackson 0127. VVHITELY, tire and radiator man; reas. prices; work guar. 320 8. 13th. DO. 6603. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. J A. 0528 SEWING, all kinds. Harney -1615. FOR ' SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. . , AUCTION SALE of unredeemed furniture and household ffects to - satisfy accrued storage charges. Sale 10 a. m. Saturday, July 13, 1131. Omaha Van & Storage, 807 S. 17th. BEDS, table with bins, buffet, dining table, chiffonier, gas Iron, .child's bed; leaving city,. Walnut 2857. 621 N. 41st Ave. 5 ROOMS of furniture for sale. Phone Jackson 2369. Pianos and Musical Instruments. Phonograph Prices Cut In Half. 890 Telotone now 147.50 125 Perkins, now 62.00 , 135 Slngerphone, now 67.60 150 Superba, now 75.00 - Sold on terms of 15.00 per month. 5,000 Columbia records, all late numbers, former price, 11.00; now only 59c. Schmoller & Muelldr Piano Co., 1514-16-18 Dodge St. Phone DO. 1623. GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer in drums. xvlophones, etc., Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phone Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedal. FOR SALE Player piano, half price. terms, nearly new. Webster 4971. MAHOGANY piano, first class condition. 1165. Mar. 2160. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS - AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sols agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Eery machine cuaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc Jackson 4120. 1912 Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES Wo rent repair, set' needles and parts. MICKEL'S 15th and Harney Douglas 1971. THJJNK8 and traveling goods. High. class goods st low prices. we laKe your 'Old trunk in on a new one. We do repairing. Alfred Cornish & Co., 1210 Farnam St.- WE buy, sell aafea, make desks, show cases, eta. Omaha Fixture & Suppls Co. S W. Cor. 11th and Douglas. JA. 2724. BUY your kindling wood now. Will be short's this fall. Acme Box Co. HA. 1837 NEW boat for sale reasonable. Call eve nings. 6326 Spencer, Walnut 4065. GRAY reed baby buggy. 120. Ken. 3730. COUCH PORCH SWING, new. WA. 2090, WANTED TO BUY. WANTED One 16 or 30-ton compressor for refrigerating plant. Please advise what you have tq offer with lowest price. Must 09 in good repair--. J, ' Oralnger s Co.. Lincoln, Neb. . DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaks, nsed desks bonght, sold and traded. J. C Reed, 1207 Farnam. u. ig WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. WANTED Position- - by general - mer chandise clsrk. age 29, single, 8. years' - experience; references. Address Box T-1608.' Omaha Bee. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUN DRE8SES. Watch tbs Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them HOUSEKEEPING on farm by middle aged woman, must have full charge. State wages. Alice Smith. 2217 8. Uth. I V. - MP - ftJ VAJT CF FATHER CAIm.i... . WANTED SITUATIONS. Laundry and Day Work. PLAIN and fancy bundle washing. Call ror and deliver. Atlantic 4382. WANTED Bundle 3804. washing, Webster LACE CURTAINS and wool blanket hand laundry. 2613H Capitol. Harney 1130. DAYWORK, 40-45c hour. Webster 1366. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Typist or stenographer boy; insurance and farm experience desirable, chance for advancement. American Live Stock Insurance Company. Professions and Trades. - nent positions, under excellent conditions in ia-nour open snop; give references. The W. H. Klstler Stationery Co., Den vBg. Colo. MOLEH BARBER- COLL EG . 110 So uth. Write for catalog. Omaha Bee. WANTED Good talacksmlth Wlr J. H ' Vancleave, North Platte, Neb. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN ' Omaha diatributing branch for east ern manufacturer desires M secure services of high-grade salesman. This man will be taken into our office for a few weeks to learn the line and poli cies of the house while awaiting a va cancy in the sales force. Must have strictly clean record and proven ability to sell goods. Our territories cover from five to twelve oountles in Ne braska and western Iowa and our sales men live in some central town in their territory. Will pay salary while in the office and commission when going on the road. Our line Is a staple necessity, nationally advertised and has been well established In thia territory for twenty years. This position U permanent" will provide a real good , Income for the right man who will actually work and stick to the 'job. Prefer man of 30 or above. All replies treated confldentally. Address Box A-72, Omaha Bee. WANTED A state organiser in every state of the union to assist us in or ganising local agencies to handle our equipment for farmers, threshermen, grain dealera, elevators, etc. Only ex perienced men, capable of earning at least 110,000 a year for themselves, need apply. A first-class proposition, a clear field, no competition, and an extraordi nary chance to permanently .better your position. Preference given to men ac quainted with the farm implement business and grain trade. In writing for full particulars 'state your expert- BERNERT MANUFACTURING CO., . Safes Department, Desk E, North Milwaukee. Wis. WrANTED Man with sales ability, and some capital to taKe STOCK and dis tribute. H. G. MUMM'S No. Alcoholic Wines In Nebraska and Iowa. Well Known and large returns. Address Geo. Wheaton & Sons, Inc., Suite 605-8 Tribune Bldg., New York. Miscellaneous. 1.000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR . Uncle Sam's Sheas at fl.90 Per Pair. ' MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 706 N. 16th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. TEACHERS, register free. .Many calla. westmore Agency, Spokane, Wash. Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced white maid for general housework In family of thre adults. Must be good cook. City refer ences required. No laundry. 115 per week. Mrs. Benjamin 8. Baker, 102 S. 38th St Phone Harney 0317. GIRLS Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised. WANTED First-class white second girl, good rererences, Mrs. , W. H. McCord, 6201 Davenport WANTED A competent maid, references required. R-42, Omaha Bee. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys to learn Daroer traae; Dig demand, wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1401 Dodge 8t. Trt-City Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. ' DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete courses Vn accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad . and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial , branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1566 for large Illustrated catalog. Address , BOYLES COLLEGE. "Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. GLASGOW. ANNIE E.. voice and piano. 603 Karbach Block. Jackson 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE The best equipped and most up-to-date confectionery store in South ' Dakota city of 1,000. Ideal location; good chance for practical man. 13,000 cash to handle, balance terms. Address Box T-1607, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE No. 107 Kewanee - steam boiler, capacity 2,600, good as new, Nebr. St. Bldg. & Loan sVss'n; Fremont, Neb. FOR SALE Implement business; up-to-date stock In good Nebraska town, Ad - dress Box T-1606, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making a change, which will be more convenient for you 7 If eo, then call The Bee Want Ad Dept., Tyler 1000. and we will not only furnish you with a complete room list of choice vacant rooms in Omaha, but also keep your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit rail any time. Atlantlo 1000. Want Ad Dept Furnished room. No. 11 Alsatian. 115 South 35th St., 118.00. PETERS TRUST ' COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." 17th and Farnam Sts. Atlantic 0644. See this modern room, running water. large osct. electric fan. no charge for fan. Atlantic 154Z. 1706 JacKaon. PLEASANT room in private home for 1 girls or young couple. Douglas 7tM LARGE cool room, sultabis for 2, private family. 1705 Fort Kenwood 2156. v NICE room for nurses. Harney 1471.' Housekeeping Rooms. CAIL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000 WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR ' BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. ' WANT AD. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, large sleeping porch, private family. Hanscom park dlstrift: references req. HA. 1076. Dundee 2 rooms - furnished for light housekeeping. Call Walnut 1154. Registered U.S. Patent Office a J 1 rlj HELLO-JIA4t WANNA, A mo tuwc iSwJ , ill Xw r ' 1D 1921 ur Int'l FgATOwg Sihvick. Inc. 7-2 f ; ' FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. TWO furnished light housekeeping rooms. 2419 Spencer. Webster 0399. TWO rooms, bath. 1112 So. 11th. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. BOARD and room In private home, lots of shade; use of large front porch. To gentlemen or couples employed. 3706 S. 23d St. Market 14S2. Unfurnished Rooms. LARGE unfurnished parlor room, con necting sleeping porch on first floor; also southeast bedroom on second floor; strictly modern private home. HA. 6154. 3 LARGE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, newly decorated. 2211 Clark. Webster 3627. 3 NICE rooms. 839 Seward. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT in Dundee. Pleasant 6-room home with sun parlor, furnished, Im mediate possession. Call Walnut 0346. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. FURNISHED and unfurnished modern apts. The Pershing, 823 S. 24th. DO. 6941. 2 COOL, modern rooms. Inquire 3837 8. 23d. Market 3504. 8 ROOMS and bath 17. Wal. 6237. Unfurnished. A well-arranged five-room apartment in one of Omaha's most desirable and newest buildings. No. 21 Mount Vernon, (26 South 31st Street. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." 17th and Farnam Sts. Atlantlo 0544. FOR RENT Floor In private house; sit ting room, kitchen and alcove room. Suit able for elderly or newly married couple. Inquire at 2211 D St., South Side. Peters Trust Company, . Specialists In apartment management- 4 COOL, modern rooms. 8837 S. 23d. Phone Market 3504.1 4-room semi-basement. No. 2 Nathan Apts., 1540 Willis Ave., 137.50. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Bents." 17th and Farnam Sts. Atlantic 0644. FOR RENT Business Property STORE 22x60, full basement, furnace heat wltn or witnout garage. 117 . turning street SEE P. D. WEAD. 110 & 18TH ST. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY antvan CO. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES, REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. JPIREPROOF WAREHOUSE, . Separate locked' rooms for-household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 808 South 16th. Douglas 4168. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantic 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage 1608 Davenport J A. 2808. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. Blk. thor'ghbred S. collie pups. Web. 2284. WATER-spaniel pup, rea. Web. 5008. LIVE STOCK. RIDING horses for hire. Horses boarded, stalls rented by day or ween. Izard St. Feed Barn. Atlantic 1969. 2215 Izard. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. I HAVE SEVERAL TOURING CARS THAT I AM GOING TO SELL AT REAL BARGAINS. THESE CARS ARE IN EXCELLENT CONDITION AND WILL BE 'SOLD AT ROCK BOT TOM PRICES. CALL HARNEY 6066, AND ASK FOR MR. JONES. CAN GIVE TERMS. WE sell "used, not abused cars." That Is not all we will buy your car lor cash and anil it back to VOU on time. SALEADAY CAR CO.. 40th and Farnam. Open until s:3n p. m. NEW and used cars bought and sold. Goldstrom Auto sa'es lais Harney. Bargain in Electric. . BEAUTIFUL. ALMOST ' NEW MIL BURN ELECTRIC. WILL SELL THIS ' FINE CAR VERY CHEAP. CALL ATLANTIC 2462. MR. JACKSON. FORD touring cars, roadsters, trucks; 1919, '20 and '21 models; with or vith out starters. We are not in the used car business and do not sell for a profit, but are replacing our old equipment with new. Drlve-It-Yourself Co., 1314 Howard St Phone Douglas 1621. SOME bargains In used fira cure. Mc Caffrey , Motor Co. Tha andy Ford Service Station. "b and Jackuon. Douglas 8 5 00. DODGE touring car, excellent condition, good point lines and battery, extra equipment Phone Mr. Cogan. Doug. 4419. BUY A GUY L, SMITH USED CAR. - A Safe Investment. 26th and Farnam St Phone D. 1970. USED cars bought and sold. Chalkln Stearns Auto Co. 2016 Harney. Doug las 7026. USED cara, bought sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. FIVE-PASSENGER Jordan demonstrator. Harney 6066, Mr. Jones. Terms. Repairing and Painting WHITE garage; gen. auto repair, storage and auto painting; day and night serv ice; all work guaranteed. New manage ment. Olen Morse. 723 8. 27th. JA. 0423. Clltes A Peterson, auto repair. 810 S. 25th. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 813 8. 24th. FARM LANDS. Michigan Lands. HARDWOOD landa in Mich., well located 20. 40, 80-a. tracts, 116 to 1330 per a. Small pmt down, bal. long time, We help you. Send for free book. Swlgart Land Co., J-1253, First Nat. Bk. Bldg, Chicago. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange, St. Paul, Minn. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. We have caab on hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUQEE. INC.. ' $1 Keellne Bldg. j HELD Lend Co., real estate, loans and 1 insurance. 8064 Military AveV . 1 page of Colors in the sunday bee see j iccs and maggie in full FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2715. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. W.ad Bldg. 310 8. 18th St Miscellaneous. 16,000 MORTGAGE secured by 160-acre Improved farm: located within 18 miles or Omaha. Will discount to net our chaser unusually 'large return on In vestment. Must sell. Show farm any day. Bee, Box A-73. '" REAL ESTATE WANTED. WE NEED MORE HOMES at once, priced" from 12,500 to 16,000; reasonable terms. We have buyers waiting - to locate at once. If you want your home sold, call D. E. Buck & Co., 442 Omaha Nat'I Bank. JA. 2000. RTP'T'PTT REAL ESTATE JJXXVX.XJX 1 sells. Rents. Insures 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426. HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property ( uibi 11 wun C. A. Grlmmel. Omaha Nat'I Bk. Bldg. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., " City Nat'I Bldg. Douglas 1787. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1345. LIST homes and income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. LIST with us. We guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO.. 716 Bee. DO. 6645. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. A lot adjoining 110,000 and 20, 000, house in the West Farnam District; paving all paid; artistic shrubbery and landscaping in cluded; 2 blocks to 40th and Farnam Streets. Price 11,760. The owner insists on knowing the character of house built an this lot. Call Max Agor, Douglas 5074, or Harney1215. LEVEL lot at 18th and Fort streets for Ford car or truck. 605 South 29th street. Vacant Property. ELEGANT lot for sale. Reas. Wal. 1321. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. DUNDEE '' 1 SEVEN ROOMS, 110,600. A real home, full two-story. oak throughout, furnace heat, fireplace, all built-in features, large 60 foot lot, pav ing paid, two blocks to car line. If you are looking for a real home arrange with us to Hook this over. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, Better , Values. Hiatt Bldg. Atlantic 0063. 1914-16 Douglas. Dundee Colonial. Two-story six-room and tile bath, strictly modern and brand new. Beau tifully finished in ivory enamel through out. Attractive decorations and lighting fixtures. Garage and driveway. Full east front lot, close to car and school. This Is choice; special terms this week. 114 South 60th St. 'Mattson & Smails, Douglas 8102. 1214 City Nat'I Bank. Dundee Bungalow. In one of the choicest sections of Dundee, this 7-room story and one half strictly modern bungalow. Excel lent condition, new double garage with concrete driveway. Close to school and car line. Immediate possession and reasonable terms. 5113 Burt 8t. Mattson & Smails, Douglas 8102. " 1214 City Nat'I Bank. DUNDEE 16,260. ' Eight rooms, first and second floor; two plastered semi-basement rooms, all modem, good condition. Just the place for large family, or easily Arranged for two families: Fine neighborhood, one block to car,, close to school. Doug. 7715 or Web. 3l91. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Here Is a Real Home. A six-room all modern home In -West Leavenworth district. Kitchen, dining - room, living room, two bedrooms and bath down sta'.rs. One bedroom and Bleeping porch upstairs. Built-in -features. Oak flnislj throughout Full cement basement. House is. t .. r. IflA fno, -wMA With , . Ull a ll 8" " vv ' four lots In rear. Chicken house and yard, lots of fruit trees, grapes and a fine strawberry patch, with Plenty of garden. N. P. Dodge &.Co., 404 Mickel Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. Telephone Douglas 0829. Clairmont. Lot Bargain East front on Fontenelle boule- . vard. Owner will sacrifice for quick sale. Let us show you this, then make ua an offer. Call Grant Benson, evenings, Walnut 1680. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. AtlanMo 1540. Near Fontenelle Park. Five rooms all modern on one floor. Oak finish throughout. Built-in features, full, cement . basement, floored attic with win dows. ' Corner lot facing east. Owner Is leaving town and will 1 give immediate possession. Terms. JCvenlngs call Mr. Metcalfe. WA. ' 2776: Mr. Smith, HA. 0572 or Mr. Shaver, KE. -41768. N. P. Dodge & Company, 404 Mickel Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. Telephone Douglas 0829. Bungalow, $4,200. All modern, full basement, 6 1 large rooms, mighty neat and at tractive throughout. Is worth the money and 11,000 will handle. Owner leaving August 1 for Eu rope. See or call Schroeder Investment Co., REALTORS. Jackson 1281. 638 Ry. Exchange. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantic 4880. 13,759, SIX rooms, corner lot 100x169, must be sold. Alfred Thomas 4 Bon, JA. 0064. FIVE fine lots. West Farnam district, 83.600; big bargain. Jackaon 0337. D. B. BUCK 4t CO. buy and sell homea. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Nortlt. One Block of Kountze Park. Dandy 6-room. two-story bune-alow style house with extra large living room and dining room. On paved atreet and paving paid; worth 17.500. Owner says take 11,000 cash and cut the price to 15,850 you will have to hurry on this - D. E. Buck & Co., 442 OmahaiNat'l JA, 2000.' Newlon, HA. 6942. Pcrrou, WE. 0832. WHY PAY RENT 1150 CASH. When you can buy a new. modern. large, 3-room atucco bungalow with 4- room accommodations for 1150 cash balance monthly. Located on boule vard, near Carter Lake club, on block to car line, 20 minutes'- ride from 14th and narnam.' Plow vacant; poasession at once. J. L. HIATT COMPANY, Better Values. Hlatt Bldg. Atlantic 0063, 1914-16 Douglas. Leaving for Europe, Must Sell at Once. Five-room modern home that is extra well located near 22d and Manderson; lot 50x124, with nice - garage and chicken house, cherry trees, and worth 15,600: for quick sale, 11,000 cash; price only 14.500. D. E. Buck & Co., 442 Omaha Nat'I JA. 2000. Newlon, HA. 6942. Perrou, WE. 0832. 715 North 33d, $3,800. Seven rooms and bath, all modern, paving all paid; good location, close to the fine new High School of Commerce; mortgage of 12,100 on this; owner wants cash offer for equity or will put equity; in on larger house close 1n. P. J. Tebbens Co., Realtors 605 Omaha Nat'I Bk. Jackson 2182. Leaving City August 1. Owner positively must sell nifty 5 room bungalow; oak finish: east front; screened porch: nice lot; paved atreet Price only 14.760. easy terms. Do not fall to see this at once. D. E. Buck & Co., 442 Omaha Nat'I Bk. Jackson 2000. Perrou. WE 0832, or Newlon, HA 5942. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. , A dandy new, neat 6-room, well lo cated, completely modern home; may be bought on very easy terms. Every thing just right Ask for Mr. Carse, Doug. 7412 days, Atlantic 3601 evenlnirs. BUYERS for 6-room modern homes. Call us at once. Kenwood 0175. R. F. CLARY CO.. 24th and Ames Ave. 4720 N. 39TH Good 6-room house, modern except heat, 1700, balance monthly. Creigh. 608 Bee, Ja. 0200. ' J B. ROBINSON, real eatate and Invest meat 842 Peters Trust Doua 8n7. South. MOVE TODAY. Now vacant, 6-room. strictly modern cottage In good condition; near cur, school and stores. Price only 13,550, Terms 1500 down. D. E. Buck & Co., 442 Omaha Nat'I Bk. Jackson 2000. Perrou, WE 0832, or .Newlon, HA 6942. MAIL ORDER WANT AD BLANK RATES 14c per line. . . .per day, 30 consecutive days l5c per line. . . .per day, 7 consecutive days 16c per line. . . .per day, 3 consecutive days 18c per line.... one day Minimum ad accepted two lines. . Count six average words to a line. ' , These rates apply either to the Daily or Sunday Bee. All advertisements appear in both morning and evening papers for the same charge. For example, a two-line ad (12 words) would cost for 30 consecutive days $8.40, for 7 days $2.10, for 3 days 96c, for 1 day 36c. These rates apply to either cash or charge ads.'"-': The 7-time rate is an economical rate and t is producing . very satisfactory results for advertisers in all lines of business. r i i Omaha Daily Name . . . t R. F. D. or Street I Postoffice . I Amount Enclosed I...... I' 1 . ' O: Drawn for The Bee by McManut Copyright. 1921. International New Service REAL ESTATE IMPROVED South. FIELD CLUB. A very desirable home on Wool worth Avenue. A modern homo In excellent condition; sun room, sleeping porch, fireplace, quarter sawed oak finish. A very desirable property in every respect Price, 112,600; about 15,000 cash. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. JA. 2850. 918-20 City Nat'I. About $200 Cash. Neat little cottage In South Omaha. Haa attractive ground, 100x132. Number of out buildings. Thia is especially at tractive, being a corner, fenced, with considerable fruit and berries. Price only 12,260. Monthly terms 225. - Amos Grant Company, DO 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandeia Th. Bldg. $300 CASH. Cottage of five rooms, near 20th Ave. and Castelar. City water, sanitary toilet and gas. Price 12,100. We might talk to you on about as ow as 1150 or 1200 down. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. 8380. 130-2-4-6-8 Brandels Thea. Bldg. DANDY THREE LARGE ROOMS. ' Walking distance, etc. Gas, water; all one floor. Good location. 2200 down. Price, 11,650. 125 month. Call J A. 2282. 6-Rm. house and lot, good condition, 11,200, big bargain. aT, 0327. Miscellaneous. Do We Want to Sell?- Use your own Judgment. Listed at $2.1,00, 1300 down and 120 per month. Price cut today to 11,600. Will consider even a 1100 down and 122 per month. Buy thia house and we will cheerfully liat it back at 12.100. This property is on the corner, has city watr, sani tary toilet, gas for cooking and lights, Amos Grant Company, PO 8380. 330-2-4-6-8 Brandeia Th. Bldg. 1460 CASH, 160 per mo. for a 5-r., all modern bun galow 1-year-old, near - car line and school. Call Walnut 6432 evenings, or Douglas 7412 days. Ask for Mr. Cole. 6-ROOM cottage, 1919 So. 18th, city water, gas, laundry in basement lot 50x135, 11.800 cash. New York fieneral. New York. July 20. Wheat Spot mar ket easy; No. 2 red. 11.89; No. 1 Mani toba,' 11.80; No. 2 mixed durum. 11.41, c. i. f. track New York to arrive and No. 2 hard, 11.46. c. 1. f. track New York, late July shipment. Corn Spot, market easy; No. 2 yel low and No. 2 white 84M,c, and No. 2 mixed 84c, c. li. f. New York. 10 days' shipment. ' Oats Soot, market unsettled; No. 1 white, 624c. Lard Market steady, middle-west, 1U.6012.70. - New York Sugar. New York. July 20. There was no change In the local raw sugar market today, with Cubas quoted at 3c cost and freight, equal to 4.61c for centrifugal. while Porto Rlcos were quoted at 4.58c for centrifugal. There was a fair busi ness reported, totaling about 61,000 bags of Cubas to local and outport refiners for prompt shipment at 3c cost and freight, although no sales of Fprto Ricqs were reported. Introducing The Omaha Write plainly, name and address in ad to be counted as words. If blind address is wanted, write "Blind Address" at end of ad and count as four words, such as Box R-24, Omaha Bee. If in doubt about proper heading, leave classification space blank and it will be put under the correct heading. The words in display type (LIKE THIS) cost the same as two lines of body type. One inch ad (one column wide and one inch deep) costs the same as fourteen lines. Address all letters to Classified Department, Omaha Daily Bee. TEAR OFF HERE" Bee Mail Order Want Timet Classification Cash ...... ' or Charge Write ad below, enclosing mom's order, check South Side Man Ordered Held For Barber's Death Coroner's Jury Recommends No Bail Be Allowed Charles Markovich. John Brzowkowski, a barber, 4221 South Twenty-third street, who died Tuesday in a hospital from bullet wounds received in a fight in a Soft drink parlor at 4627 South Thirty third street, came to his death by reason of bullets fired by Charles Markovich, 4220 South Thirty-second street, says a verdict returned by a coroner's jury which heard evi dence about the case under direction of Deputy Coroner Paul Steinwcnder yesterday. The jury recommended that Markovich be held to the district i court without bail. He is in jail. Man Fined $50 for Driving Auto While Intoxicated After driving bis automobile on the sidewalk at Twenty-fourth and X streets Tuesday afternoon, L. G. Fricsy, 3209 R street, was arrested for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. Judge Foster slipped him a $50 fine in South Side police court yesterday. Robert Bates of Falls City, Neb., forfeited a $10 bond for speeding and Judge Foster fined D. A. Steffins, 3043 South Nineteenth street, $10 for speeding along Missouri avenue. Former School Teacher Who Died in Texas Buried Here Funeral services for Mrs. Stella Toft Frascr, 36, who died Sunday in Houston, Tex., were held yester day at 2 at the home of their mother, Mrs. M. Toft, 3007 South Thirty second street. Rev. Howard Whit- comb officiated. . Mrs. Fraser, who formerly taught school at the Madison street school, is stirvivpd hv her husband. A. S. Fraser, a daughter, her mother, two sisters and two brothers. Burial was in Prospect Hill cemetery. Thief Steals $20 and Watch From Open Mill Co. Safe When G. H. Bates, 5021 South Twenty-sixth street, stepped out of his office as president of the Bates Planing Mill Company luesoay afternoon, a sneak thief entered and stole $20 and a $32 watch from the open safe, Bates reported to the South Side police. New York Coffe. New York, July 20. The market foi' coffee futures was neglected all day and because of easier reports from Braill, ruled generally lower under selling by trade houses, which was partly absorbed by Importers who were credited with taaing September against sales of actUHl coffee. On the decline Septtimber sold off to 6.25c and March to 6.99e, or 7 to 8 points under the previous night and the close was practically at the bottom, representing a net loss of 3 to 1 joints. July. 6.10c; September. 6.26c; December, 6.67c; January, 6.78c; March, 7.00c; May, Spot coffee dull and unchanged. Rio 7c. 6S6cf Santos 4s, 8 He to c. New York Pry Goods. spring again' sold heavily today. Mos or tne larger pianis are now suiu for the rest of this year. Many of tht spring offerings have been withdrawn from the markets. Print cloths an sheetings were firmer and active. Ger man fashioned hosiery was offered mor freely In the markets. Knit underwear was Irregular. Burlaps markets wer quiet. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. July 20. Wheat: July, ll.Si asked; September. 11.23. Corn July, 69c; September, 58 Vie Oats July. i9Mc; September, 39V asked. Bee INSTRUCTIONS 1 Ad Blank Ordered MarkX or stamps. : vj V k4-s i 1 A 1 i