THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 19'Jl. 11 Society Set. Wedding Date. The wedding of Mis Margretha Grimmel and George Flack will take place September 10. if . . , air. riacK is ouiiaing a nome lor Iiis bride at Thirty-eighth and Dav enport streets. . ... Levine-Besiel. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bessel an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter, Miss Stella, to Max Levine, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Levine, which took place Monday evening at the iewish synagogue, Nineteenth and uwt streets, Rev. Morris Taxon of ficiating. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate families. There were no attendants. Following a motor trip to Lake Okoboji and the Minnesota lakes Mr. Levine and his bride will be at home at the El Beudor apartments. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Jensen an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Fannie May, to Allen D. Ryan. The wedding will take place July 28 at 6:30 a. m., Sacred Heart church, Rey. Father Judge offi ciating. The bride will be attended by Mrs. Irene Murphy, sister of the groom. Wedding Breakfast Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Frost enter tained at a wedding breakfast at the Fontenelle hotel VVednesday morn ing, honoring their daughter, Alice Elizabeth, whose marriage to Wil liam Randolph Milligan had taken place at an earlier hour. Covers were laid for 12. Mr. and Mrs. Mil ligan will reside in Ottawa, 111. Rev. Titus Lowe performed the cere mony. - Camp Brewster Party. Miss Maurine Richardson and her cousin, Miss Helen Dorothy Rich ardson, of Sioux City, and the Misses Charlotte Smith, Dorothy Guckert, Doris Pinkerton and Dona Talmage are occupying a cottage at Camp Brewster this week. Miss Richard son will go on to Sioux City with her cousin this week-end. For Mother's Birthday. Mrs. Paul Wilcox was hostess at dinner at her home Tuesday evening in honor of the birthday of her mother, Mrs. Belle Hawes Covers were laid for Mrs. Belle Hawes, Miss Delia Hawes, Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wil cox. - ' '". Personals Miss Bess Duinont leaves July 30 for Balsam Lake, Wis. Burrige D. Butler of Chicago is spending a few days in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. C. C Bclden have rtturned from an European trip. Mrs. David Baum is spending two weeks with relatives in New York. ': Law Social. Divisions 1 and 2 of the Plymouth Congregational church will hold an ice cream social on ' the church lawn Friday evening. The affair is open to the public. Problems That Perplex Answered by -BEATRICE FAIRFAX :., A Dangerous flection. Dear Miss Fairfax: I. am deeply in love with a married man. He' often shows signs of tenderness as he passes me by a gentle word or smile, but then ho suddenly gets serious, as If trying to control him self, so as to avoid trouble; but I think it is all in vain. Kindly ad vise me what to do. N. CH. Control your morbid imagination. You are looking for trouble and a chance to make mischief for your self, the man and the wife who de serves a square deal even if you don't know her. It's a. hundred to one that-if you leave the man alone he'll get over what may be a passing fancy, but is more likely to be your own silly craving for excitement. Don't throw yourself at him but throw- vourself into some more - healthy sort of imaginings. If things were as you say they would only lead to tragedy. N iPnxzlAd; Weddin sifts, like wed ding stationery, should . never be imitations or a genuine article, it is better to write a letter of good wishes and congratulations without any present than to send a cheap looking and unreliable gift to a young couple beginning life together. A small piece of sterling silver, for instance, a salad fork or berry spoon is in much better taste than a dozen plated spoons. When center pieces, napkins, doilies, etc., are to be chosen, these should never be of cotton fabric trimmed with machine embroidery and common lace. Even one article of genuine linen, whether rjlain or hand-embroidered, is ap predated by every discriminating bride. When the giver orders a mono gram or initial engraved upon silver or embroidered upon tattle linen, the accepted rule is that the Initial or initials of the bride's maiden name should be used. This custom traces back to the time when the family of the bride provided all the linen and slver. Just Girl: I agree with all you av about kissine and think if you SUCK T.O your principles, juu win need no advice from me. . Better consult a specialist about the moles. fm is Hair Ml me! Natural . ; AND Invisible America's l tesJ . O KM Frank Hirsch'and S. Y. Willard, both of Omaha, are at Sheridan, Wyo. A son was bdrn to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carter, Tuesday, at St. Joseph hospital. , Miss Dorothy Black has returned from Tulsa, Okl., where she spent several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Merrill leave next week for Des Moines, where they will reside. A daughter- was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clay .Thomas, Tuesday, at fctewart hospital. Mrs. W. J. Culley,' who under went an operation at the Methodist hospital a week ago, is convalescing. Tohn S. Little of Omaha and Philin S. Little of Leiter, Wyo., are stop ping at Sheridan inn, Sheridan, Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Carter an nounce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 20, at Stewart hos pital. Dr. Nelson Mercer of London, England, formerly of Omaha, is en route home following a six weeks' visit in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Skinner and daughter, Virginia, are spending two weeks at the Broadmoor hotel at Colorado Springs. Mrs. Carl Helgren and Mrs. Mar cus T. Neilsen leave Thursday for the Pacific coast, where they will spend several weeks. . Mrs. J. Emerson Goodrich and Mrs. O. S. Goodrich have gone to Lake Okoboji, where they, have taken a cottage tor the summer. Miss Florence Ellsworth of Omaha. Orpheum player, is home for a few weeks before going to New x ork to prepare tor . next season. Mr. and Mrs Ben Guggennips an nounce the birth of a daughter, Bar bara Luella, Tuesday, at St, Joseph hospital. Mrs. Guggenmos was formerly Miss Virgil Saunders. Miss Lee Abrahamson left Satur day for Chicago and Milwaukee. While in Milwaukee she will be the house guest of Mrs. Ellis Hassel, formerly Miss Ann Green of Omaha. Mrs. Fred Gross, who has been at Narragansett Beach, has postponed her return to Omaha until Septem ber 1. She will visit at Washington, Philadelphia and Atlantic City in the meantime. HOLDING A HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase f , PI H "Revelations of a Wife" U Mrs. W. A. Wilcox will go to California in September as a repre sentative to the National War Moth ers' convention. Her daughter, "Miss Hazel, who is a professional mi- sician, has not made a contract for Tho Message That Came Over the Wire to Madge. V There's the train , whistling now. But you can make it easily. Care ful of that corner. Whew! You missed that curb by a shaving. It is not like Dicky to make com ments on my driving. He only does it when he is keyed up over some' thing. Naturally I deduced that he was more excited than he cared to admit over (he impending arrival of Robert Savarin. As for me, my heart was heavy. I saw again, or imagined I did, the re gret for Harry Underwood in Dicky's face. I remembered only too .vividly ome of the comments he had made during our drive, and continued to make even while we were speeding for the station at the last or our drive. "Savarin's too rarefied for Lil," he had summed up. She s too intense ly human to have to live up to a great genius like that. With the curious detachment, the power to flash a whole cinema film in a second or two that one's mind has, my memory leaped back, even as I saw the train rolling in, to the time in the Catskill mountains, when Robert Savarin faced and conquered the unspeakable woman .vhom he had believed his wife, and whose conduct had exiled him with cloud ed mind for 15 years. He had been intensely human then. "Going to get out?" Dicky's voice brought me back with a jerk to the present moment, and the facr that the train had .stopped; ' .What News Have You. "Of course," I was on the plat form beside him as I spoke, and we scanned the. alighting passengers eagerly. "There he is! See! Dicky, the chair car!" The porter, bags in hand, was bowing obsequiously, while Robert Savarin alighted. That he had been well tipped was evident, and there was also a certain something, in his attitude which made me imagine he knew the identity of the celebrity whom he had been grooming. And the coming season, and may remain at home during her mother's ab sence. . Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Rhoades have returned from California, where they have been visiting relatives for the past six weeks. Miss Florence Rhoades will remain in California un til September. , Miss Ruth Beardsley, whornotored to Meeker, Colo., with Mr. and Mrs.; L. L. Turley of Denver, formerly of Omaha, has returned home following a visit of several weeks at the Turley summer home in Meeker. Miss Elsie Goetz and Miss "Frieda Kahn of Omaha, who have been vis iting at the home of Judge Joseph C".Tfelder at Sidriey, Neb., the past few days, have gone - to Manitou, Colo., where they will be guests of the Cliff House during the next 30 days. the next second, Dicky with dextrous movement, took the bags from the darkey's hands before the artist could grasp them. "Oh! Thank you, Graham." He grasped Dicky's free hand, turned outstretched hand and anxious eyes to me. . "This is so good of you, Mrs. Graham." I long ago noted that his courtesy never deserts him, no matter what the emergency. . "What news have you?"- ' "None, so far, which means every thing is all right," I answered promptly. "You know a hospital is never ready to receive; inquiries or calls early in the morning. But we will 'phone now, tell them when we are coming, and then, after you have had some breakfast, we can go over." "Breakfast I" Robert Savarin's voice brushed the suggestion aside. "I couldn't eat anything until I have seen them." "Very well!" I saw there was no use combating his decision. "Dicky, I think had better telephone. I've had some experience with that sub stitute in the office, and no one who hasn't could ever get any message through her head, so if you will fake Robert to the car I will follow as soon as I'm through telephon ing." - . "All right." Dicky led the way to the car, and I went into the sta tion waiting room to struggle with the local telephone system and the inefficient substitute in the superin tendent's place at the hospital. A Premonition. "The Southampton hospital." After several minutes' delay I heard a sleepy voice answering my call. 1 tried to make my message as clear and short as possible. "I wish to inquire after Marion Morton, a little girl who was brought in yesterday, suffering from concussion. "Mary Martin?" the voice re peated. "Wait. "I'll ask." "No, Marion Morton," I repeated insistently, but there came the burrer o my ears with which the office 'phone connects with the wards, and I knew it was useless to speak again until the woman should come back to the telephone. "There is no Mary Martin in the hospital," the droning voice said in another second. Exasperated, but with a steady hand upon my impatience, I re peated the name very carefully, added aga:n the information that the child had been brought in suffering from concussion after an accident. "Oh!" I heard a little gasp of dis may, then, after a tense interval, the voice, quickened now into interest and sounded again. "Are you the mother of the pa tient?" "No, oh! What it is?" I felt a sudden .hint of something terrible. "We are sorry to tell you that the patient died an hour ago after suf fering from convulsions all night." For a second the telephone booth and the waiting room went black be fore me, then I roused to action.' The horrible thing she had told me might be true, but I meant to have other testimony than that of the woman whose inefficiency had, been so patent on the day before. . (Continued Tomorrow.) ' Woman's Club Luncheon. One hundred and twenty-fiv: res ervations have been made for the Woman's club luncheon at Carter lake Thursday. Spring flowers will be used for centerpieces. Farm Bureau Holds Meetings for Women On July 25, 26 and 27 meetings wilt be held for the women of Douglas county who are interested in preparing exhibits for the fairs. At this tiirie Miss Florence Atwood bf the extension service will explain to the women what judges look for in judging domestic products at the fairs. Meetings which have been arranged for are: July 26, 2:30 p. m.. at the hall in Elk City. July 25. 2:30 p. m., at the hom J of Mrs. O. M. Boettger, four and one-half miles northwest of Florence. July 26, 10:30 a. ni at District No. 15 schoolhouse, southwest of Water loo. July 27, 1:30 p. m., at District No. 23 schoolhouse, and at 3:30 at the home of Mrs. John Quinn, one and one-half miles east of Elkhorn. Auto View Rest. Parties dining at Auto View Kc.-t Tuesday evening included B, Rosen thal, who had four guests; C. N. Robinson, five; S. C. Wihnoth, two, and D. E. McCully, six. Goldfish have been known to live for 60 years. KS5 Resinol Does wonders for poor ... complexion. It's surpris ing now rarely the proper use of Resinol Ointment and Resinol Soap fails to . clear away blotches, redness, roughness, etc, v, and give the skin its nat- ' ' v Ural freshness and charm. . Soli oy all druggitt. Write f or a sample. Dept. t-X. Bssiaol. IWttaMM, Hi. Economy! Economy means thrift It's thrifty to conserve your time, strength, tem per and clothes this hot weather by sending your whole family wash to be done THE WET WASH WAY We iron all flat work and send the balance home just damp enough to be ironed, The cost is very small. HARNEY 784 .IBIS FARNAM .OMAMA.. Chapter Nino Hawaii Sends Only Her Choicest Fruit to You Hawaiian Crushed or Grated Pineapple ...... l Aboard a liner. San Francisco bound out of Honolulu you could enjoy the, luxury of sun-ripened pineapple fresh picked from Hawaiian fields Before your ship reached San Fran cisco Harbor, much of the fruit's native lusciousness and flavor would be gone. The only way you can get real, sun ripened pineapple outside the bound aries of Hawaii is to buy Hawaiian Canned Pineapple at your grocer's. This is fruit whicn has been allowed to mature naturally in the sun-drenched fields. Harvested in its prime, it is sealed safe in its shining,clean containers before sundown that same day. Your grocer has Hawaiian Crushed or Grated Pineapple in assorted sizes tog, suit your needs. Order six or a dozen tins from him today. ' Serve it as dessert just as it comes from the container. It makes a most delicious dish. Use it for baking pies, makingtarts, cakes, sherbets, salads and puddings. Send for our recipe book containing many hints for using Hawaiian Crushed or Grated Pineapple. Association of Hawaiian. Pineapple Packers SSEutWaikintttuStrmt.Chiato Pineapple Marmalade 1 cup Grated or Crushed Ha waiian Pineapple, 3 oranges, 1 lemon. 2 cups sugar, 5 cups water. Slice oranges and lemon very thin, , , add pineapple and water, cover and let stand over night. Cook for two hours, add sugar and t. cook one hour longer. This recipe makes two and one-ha If cups. " Pineapple Conserve yt cups Grated or Crushed Hawaiian Pineapple. H cup rhu barb. H cup sugar, yi cup English Walnuts. Cut rhubarb in (mall pieces. Mix pineapple, rhubarb andsugar and boilgentlyfor forty five minutes. Add nuti five min utes before removing from the fire. Recipe makesl cupsof conserve. Come TONIGHT And select your Phonograph at a great saving. Terms as low as $li Down $P Week Buys This Genuine Vocation PHONOGRAPH ABSOLUTELY THE MOST WONDERFUL VALUE ON THE MARKET TODAY. Try. iS7l (HAKFORD 1807 Farnam, Home 1 e MOStlC CW Omaha Bowen s Drapery Dept. Have Bowen's Drape Your Windows Valances are increasing in popular faoor as a deco ration for windows, in the home. Our Drapery Dept. possibly can help you now with sketched designs and estimates of cost for valances and panels for your win dows. Their designing and making is an important part of our business and you an assured of perfection in every particular when you entrust orders to us. Prices re duced from 30 to 60 per cent on all our Drapery Fabrics. V Howard St. Between 15th arid 16th HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE CRUSHED OR CRATED o SEE PAGE 8 Great Purchase Sale Finest Living Room Suites, Saturday at Onion Outfitting Co. You Will Save 50c to 60c on Every Dollar You Spend on Furniture From a standpoint of Value and Quality, this- sale of Living Room Furniture Saturday is the greatest the Union Outfitting Co. has ever held. The suites are made up from the stock bought from the Cred itors' Committee of the M. L. Nelson Furniture' Co., Chicago, stock ' and are mostly of ma hogany and cane, richly up holstered in fine tapestries and velours. As always, you make your own terms. . . Advertisement A HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaraoteeo ISIS Deuflae St. TsIJ Dour. PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS A cool ;salad, sandwiched between PREMIUM SOpA CRACKERS, is doubly en joyed. The crackers themselves lend an added goodness by reason of their tender, flaky texture and mild saltiness. PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS are sold from glass front cans and from large size QU by the pound; in the new Family Qubox; and in In-er-seal Trade Mark packages. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu Grocers' and Butchers' ANNUAL PICNIC KRUG PARK, Thursday, July 21 The Big Picnic Day of the year. Five-Pawenger CHEVROLET TOURING CAR ! given away at the Picnic. . 1 Endless variety of Amusements and an elaborate S s program of Games and Races. I Everyone invited to come and enjoy a Day of S Real Pleasure. RACES AND CONTESTS Ladies' Race 50-yard dash free for all. ' GirU Race 40-yard daih girl under 19 year. Boya Race 50-yard daib ' boy under 16 yean. Men's Race 50-yard daah free for all. Fat Men's Race 50-yard dash. Slipper Kick Free for all. Ladies' Talk Test Free for I Hop Race Free for all. Fatteit Man on Grounds Free for all. Leanest Man on Grounds Free for all. Fattest Woman Free for all. Leanest Woman Free for all. Tug-o'-War. Three-Legged Race. Potato Race. Pie-Eating Contest. First and Second Prises on all events. A5 all. All Grocers and Butchers will be at Krug Park Omaha Grocers' and Butchers' Ass'n Qiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ADVERTISEMENT Kidney and Bladder TroublesConquered or Money Back For 40 yean, said Dr. Carer. I have been prescribing Marshroot for kidney and bladder stekneas and now that I have retired from active practice I have made arrangements with leading; drugcUts to diapense this wonderful prescription at a moderate price, on the money-baek-it-disSatiified plan. ' Beware of kidney dineaii thousand die of it every, year who ought to be en joying the bleistogs of life and health. Watch the symptoms. If you have specks floating before the eyet, puffy eyes, clammy feet or moist palms, backache or ideache, you ought to get a bottle of Dr. Carey's Marshroot right away. ' It has wonderfully benefited tens of thousands of cases of kidney and bladder troubles and is the medicine you can al ways depend upon. Results are guaranteed. NOTE Dr. Daniel G. Carey was a pracl ticing physician for many years snd his great Prescription, Marshroot, aided thou sands of sufferers from kidney and bladder troubles. Hereafter you can always get this affectivs Prescription at Sherman A MeConnell Drug company and all reliable pharmacists the country over. Keep in mind the name. Dr.- Carey's Marshroot prescription No. 777. No other medicine can take its place. , I r yea are aenoaa, tapoadeat, . raa oewn, throogh ex or other eeaeae, we wuit to maU yo car book which tails asset SEXTONIQUK. a Matarsara reoMdy that will coat yea Dot hi of if yea are not eared or benefitee. Every sua Beediae: a tooie to eveno penoaal waakaess, etc., should get this free book at ence. CUMBERLAND CHEMICAL COMPANT 440 Berry Block, Nashville, Tann. AuVERTISEMEN. "Dry Foot" Stops Throbbing, Burning Swollen Sore Feet A few applications snd no more sehlnt, swollen, tender sweaty fast Rflleree aoraneaa of eo nil and bunions by saturating a piece of gauss with solution and tie on affected spots at night; wake up in the morning. No more sgonr from coma sod bunions. Get a package of Dry-root of your druggist and mix It up as per direction on package. Ap ply solution freely direct to the feet, allowing It to dry. Then, no more foot misery, no more drawn-up faces due to sore corns, bunions eg callouses. Ufa. by Baker Chemical Co- bare lock. Neb. Shave With Cuticura Soap The New Way Without Mug I9SSESE3QI Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Money back without Question if HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DI3EA9B RBMBDIBS , (Hunt's Salve and SoatO.rail in I the treatment of Itch, Besema, Rlngworai.Tetterorotherltcb , ing akin diseases Try this' treatment at eur risk. Sherman at MeConnell ( Drug Store Write your name and address below mail to Lering Park Sanltorhim and re ceive Diet List and Menus FREE. Name Street City ...OB ' f.REErra.B,tte Di" List snd Menu Schedules with Table of Food Values ind full instrucUons, recently . (ocnputd and based on seven years of eaperience and success in the treirmtnt of Diabetes at Lonng Park Sanatorium. Write for above and book let of Loring Psrk Sanitor lues. Both sent Free. tOWNG PARK lANATOaltM' IX HtraM rUce rkmAaVactW IPfiUfS- 'Ftotula-Pay When Cured JL JLjLvStaS A "'Id system of treatment that eur.s Pilee, Fists la aad etkew MSaV Rectal Diaeaaee la a short time, without a severe surgical obm erauoa, e cniorofonn. Ether or other general aaeetketts saad. V gff f . ase accepted for treatment, and no money Is to be veld aata "S "" tor book en Rectal Dieeasee, with name and testimonial ef snore tkan l.voe prominent people who have been permanently eejed. . TAKRT seM!riu-w fetors True! Bid (Bee Bldg.) Omaha, Nets.