THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. JULY 19, 1921. Vll I I uat Society Mils Paavia UrtAm " ' 4 s l Fills City wedding of interest Omaha wai that nf Miss Sarah Grace Reavis to Findley P. Graham I Hiawatha, Kan. The ceremony Srf srNlemnizeH SnnHav mornins. July 17. at the home of the bride's i parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Reavis, in the presence of 40 relatives. A IIC UIIUC IB UdU(IIVC V VII v.. the oldest families in Fans city, ane P is a graduate . of the Falls City Hifjh school and attended the Uni versity of Nebraska in 1912 and ! 1913, and the Illinois Woman's col lege in Jacksonville. 111., in 1914 and 1915. She is a member of the Ne braska chapter of Chi Omega sor- Inty. Miss Reavis is a niece ox r(M rrr finin l?sa VI f Mr. Graham attended the-Kansas university in mi ana iyu, ana is a member of Phi Kappa Psi. He spent Hhn vran in Alaska and was in swny camps at Fort Stevens and lCanp Lewis, Washington. Mr. and Mi's. Graham will taice an automo M trip through the Ozark moun Jns for two weeks and will then .ttiirn to Hiawatha, where they will reside. Personals Miss Helen Wahl has returned from a visit in Lincoln. Miss Ida Kaley has returned from a motor trip to Lake Okoboji. Miss Alice Anderson left Sunday for Denver, where she will visit her sister. Mrs. T. H. Dumont will leave July 30 for Boston and Biddleford Pool, Maine. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bereer have re turned from a two weeks' visit 'in icago. r Mrs. Samuel Katz is a guest in Lincoln at the home of her sister, Mrs. L. J. Herzog. A daughter, Mary, was born to . Afrc fWil Rao-nlft at St. To ll hospital Saturday. owarrt tL. unman leu oaiuruay for New York and other eastern cities, to be gone two weeks. Olin Lambert of Roanoke, Va., formerly of Omaha, js expected here next Sunday for a week's visit A son, Benjamin Marthein, was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Stowell Saturday at St. Joseph hospital. Mr and Mrs. George Parr of Coon Rapids, la., announce the birth of a daughter Monday at St. Joseph hos pital. Mrs. Fred Gross, who has been spending the summer at Narragan sctt Beach, is expected home next week. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Culver of Chi JK20, formerly of Omaha, are stop pS at the Blackstone for three weeks. . v Mrs. Edward Maurer and daugh ter. Ann. are occupying their cottage at Manitou, Colo., for-the remainder of the summer. . : Norman Curtice is spending some T 1 a. . lid aaa hi na Ross P. Curtice, of Lincoln, who are summering in Denver. Miss "Elizabeth Wiswell of Chi cago will be the house guest of Miss Gladys Mickcl next week on her re turn from a western trip. , Afica "Ruth Stver nf Lincoln, who spent the week-end in Omaha, has gone to Chicago to study voice dur ing the remainder of the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Mickel, daughter, Miss Gladlys, and son, George, jr., returned Saturday from a week's visit in Colorado Springs. Mr and Mrs. T. X. Guinn an- . . .... . J 1 . L C I Kcteuu, . : ..! Miss Hazel Larson, who has been residing in Los Angeles, Cal., for the past two years, will return to Omaha. Tuesday, , accompanied by Miss Hazel Lee Johnson. Miss Johnson will spend several weeks Living Room -aw ay v-r urmture Special Priced for this week's selling At Bowen's ADVERTISEMENT "Dry Foot" Stops Throbbing, Burning Swollen Sort Foot A raw application, and no mora eehini awnlleti. IMlflep iwm). tat. lUlimM anmnMa at I mms and bunion, by satarstint a piece of suite ltn solution and II o affected spots IV i nliht: wsk an w lha morning. No man asocr nun com, ana Minions. a eaekeae at Dn.nt m and aux It up aa per oiracUon on Bacisrfit,. 1 selatton freely elm to ts. Net. allowlsi ft la dry. Tbsa, ao mora fast alser. ao men drawa-BP fajaa tea to nra earns, ixmtor, at iT?-,. V Cnanioal C. Ban- ... ... . - Tr a- rn Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Not Rcnl Love. - Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 21 and have been going about with a young man for a year. I waa to b mar ried early this sprlnc, but fell ill, and now the doctor aaya I must go i a oinerefit climate. I nav an opportunity to go to California or across the ocean. I prefer to go arrons the ocean, aa I have, relatives there. Is my friend doin right by objectlnr. saying he couldn't see me iro away for such a length of time? I would like to be In perfect health before I get married. WORRIED. It is a selfish and short-sighted love which tries to deny you your chance to win back perfect health. I'osslbly the young man doesn't un derstand the need of your seeking a change of climate. How would It be to let him have an interview with the doctor, so that he may under stand the facts. Then, if he per sists in his selfish attitude of want ing you more than he wants you to have your full chance to be a strong, happy woman, do you think his Is the sort of love to cherish and pro tct? About Bridesmaids. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am to be married soon. Several of my friends whom I am Interested in and wish to be my bridesmaids are already married. (I have already chosen a matron of honor.) Is It permissible or proper to have them as such? I have heard comments pro and con. Won't you please advise me? B. M.S. "Permissible" and "proper" seem weak words to me when ap plied to things that are so largely individual as a wedding ought to be. Don't you want your wedding attendants to be dear to you? Don't with her brother, Dr. E. D. Johnson, before joining her parents in Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hasburg and children, Bonnie and Jack, of Kan sas City, are the guests of Mr. Hasburgh's mother, Mrs. J. W. Has- burgh. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stephenson announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Alwilda, Monday at St. Joseph hospital. Mrs. Stephenson was for merly Miss Alma Sein. ' . Mr. and Mrs. William Barnes and children of Des Moines, la., who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Peterson, motored home Sun day, accompanied by Mrs.-Petersen and daughter, Ellen. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Killtan and daughter, Margaret, left last week for . a motor trip to Lake Okoboji. Miss Mary Killian, who is visiting school friends in western Nebraska, will motor to Lake Okoboji to join her parents. The Misses Helen Sturgeon and Madeline McKenna left Sunday for Colorado Springs and Manitou. En route home they will attend the Frontier day celebration a t Cheyenne, returning to Omaha the latter part of August- ? 1 Mrs. N. M. Graham left Sunday for Clear Lake, la. She met her husband at Mason Gty, Ia where he has been supervisor of a training school conducted by the federal board. Mr. and Mrs. Graham will spend a month at the lake resort Mrs. Brandon Howell and son,. Brandon, jr., arrived Wednesday from Governor's Island, New York,, wherjs they have been vfsitinj Mrs. Howell's parents, Colonel and Mrs. William Doane, and for the present are with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Howell. In August Mrs. Howell, and son, with Mrs. Howell and daughter, Miss Lois Howell, leave for Colorado. SPECIALS FLOUR! One solid carload of Qooeh's Best Flour, apeela!, par 48-Ib. sack s Lay in a few sacks now and be assured of getting old wheat; the market BEACHNUT PEANUT BUTTER LaTge 35c jars of the well known brand of Beech nut Peanut Butter, special, per Jar 290 Or three jars for 85 Recognized as the leading Peanut Butter on the market today. BUY-RITE PILLARS ' ; Mshna Valley Buy-Rite Brand Butter, lb 43 Red Star Buy-Rite Brand Flour, 48 lbs $2.45 Buy-Rite Brand Coffee; fresh shipment every week, 3 pounds for 95t) 600 casei of Extra Fancy Macaroni, 8 pkga for. 23 LIPTON'8 TEA ". UPTON'S TEA 5,000 cases of Llpton's Yellow Label Tea. Spen- . did for Iced Tea. -lb. packages 39 One-pound packages 75 OLIVES! OLIVE8II OLIVES! I! S00 cases of full quart, 32-os. jars of Extra Fancy Jumbo Queen Olives, Yellowstone Brand, special, Per jaT ,. .53 OH, BOY PEANUTSl " 50,000 pounds of Fresh Jumbo Roasted Peanuts, special, per quart 15 Z BACON! t Buy-Rite Storea have bought 4,000' age weight, 6 to 8 pounds to a Now then, all set for that Big Buy-Rite Picnie at Manawa this Thursday, July 21st This is going to be an old-style basket picnic. Bring your basket prepared for two meala, noon and evening, and at aoon we will furnish the pop free, and at supper we will furnish your ice cream free. Dan Desdune's band will lead the parade that starts at 32nd and Farnam at 10:30. Little Earnie Buffett will umpire the baseball game. A big list of prizes and stunts that everyone may partake in. The band will play all afternoon, and especially while you eat We will expect to see you there; don't (all ns. t a r r OSOAE E. NELSON, 24th and L Sta., 80. Side JEPSEN BROS., 25th and Coming " THOBIN A SNYGQ Fortieth and Hamilton ERNEST BUFFETT, , The Grocer of Dundee F. B. if IT 21st and 8 you want to share this occasion with the friends to whom it will mean most? If you insist on being a slave to form, then the very name brides maid as opposed to matron of honor suggest that they should be single girls. But most women of any In telligence and independence know how to bend an immaterial custom to the common sense view of the occasion. Don't think I'm being harsh with you. I'm answering dozens of girls who have written to me making a mountain out of this very molehill. . Afraid of the Truth. Dear Miss Fairfax: About a year ago I met a young man whom I liked very much and who seemed to care for me a great deal. After seeing each other for a short time he suddenly left without explana tion, and my efforts to get in touch with him were in vain. Recently, through an Invitation from a mu tual friend, we met and he waa very attentive to me the entire evening, taking me home, and although I had decided that on my first oppor tunity of seeing him I would con vince myself what his reasons were for leaving me so suddenly. I some how could not venture on such an unpleasant subject Ha has not asked to call on me agath and I am heartbroken, all my old liking for him having been aroused. What shall I do? MARION. Either you must put the man out of your life and your mind, or you must find courage enough to ask him to tell you frankly why he seems so friendly one minute and so much inclined the next to slight that friendship. How can I tell whether he's shy, not interested, or in a position that precludes his let ting himself drift into a real friend ship with you? You can imagine anything you like but, if you want the truth, you must be honest enough to go after it. Bobbie: If you will send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope, repeating your Question, I will give you an answer. "f S L I I FOR TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY FLOUR!! PEACHES! PEACHES! I PEACHES!!! We have made a special purchase of 300 casea of No. 3 cans of Yellow Free Peaches, In heavy syrup. We close out 3 cans for .$1 00 6 wis for $l!85 This is an exceptionally fancy fruit Place your order early. DRINKS FOR YOUR PICNIC BUDWEISER THE ONLY near beer. Per case of 24 bottles $2.90 An extra charge of $1.50 is made for case and bot tles, which we credit on return of same. QINQERALE and ROOT BEER, the kind with a tang to it Fontenelle Brand. Per case of 24 bottles $2.25 An extra chaTge of 75c is made for bottles and case, which we credit on return of same. ORANGE CRUSH healthy summer drinks the klddoes like. Per case of 24 bottles , $1.45 An extra charge of 40c Is made for bottles and case, which we credit on return of same. BACON!! pounds (2 tons), of Dold's Extra strip, we otier by tne nail or wnoie GEO. O ROSS, . 24th and Ames J. D. CREW A SON, Thirty-third and Arbor ARMAND PETERSEN, 2908 Sherman Ave. WLLKE ft MITCHELL, Fortieth and Farnam . BOOATZ. HANNEGAN Sts.. Sontb Side 85th Ave. and Leavenworth1' Holding a Husband Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife The Way Mother Graham Balked Her Own Plan. Mother Graham, like many per sons past middle-age, wakens early in the morning and finds it impos sible to go to sleep again. It is her almost invariable custom to knock upon my door when she arises, regardless of my own program for the day, so I was not surprised to meet her in the upper hall of the Ticer farmhouse, when dressed and ready for my trip to meet Robert Savarin I came out of my room. Her eyebrows went up in aston ishment. "What wakened you?" she de manded cynically. I long ago learned that she resents any one waking be fore she does. Then her ever-present worry over her idolized grand son seized her. "Richard III Is he all right?" Her voice quavered and her eyes be trayed her anxiety. "Absolutely. He hasn't moved all night," I assured her hastily. But I was just coming for you. Will you please stay with him till he wakens, and then take care of him? I will come up while you have your break fast, or would you prefer to go down now?" i Now it is my mother-in-law's dear est pleasure, her most.absorbing oc cupation, to take care of JunioF, but she does not like to have any one prescribe her duties. Especially does she resent any apparent slacker ma terialism on my part, and in my haste I had forgotten to give her any explanation of my request, an unpardonable omission from her standpoint. "And what are you going to do," she demanded tartly "take that car out again?" I explained diplomatically, apolo gizing for not telling her the night before. Glhis is, PafrNetlim HAIR NETS' Natural alnVisihte tA RED SEAL Double Strand Hair Net worn under the bath ing cap keeps the hair securei Most women favor the Double Strand' Red Seal Hair Net for beach wear. Single Strand, too 15 cents each, or $1J0 a dozen; Double Strand, 20 cents each, or $2 a dozen. Grey and white! 25 cents each. Guaranteed perfect whet you buy I them. N-Americas Best 4 4 3 4 FLOUR! 1 1 .......'....$1.99 new wheat will soon be on 'the 2 4 and GREEN RIVER, the 3 BACON!!! Fancy Narrow Lean Bacon, aver- 2 atrip, per pound 434 -4 LTNAM & BRENNAN, Sixteenth and Dorcas E. KARSCH CO., Vinton and Elm Sts. GILES BROTHERS, Benson FRANK KUSKA, . 3 13th and Garfield & CO.. ' "I was so excited over Junior that it slipped my mind." "It didn't slip your mind so com pletely but that you told Richard, did it?" she queried acidly. "I had to,'7 I defended myself. "I had to tell him to get over here at 7 to help you with Junior." She stiffened perceptibly, and I saw that I had struck the wrong note. "When I need any help with Rich ard II I'll let you know," she said haughtily. "There was no need of getting that poor boy out of his bed simply because you have to get Robert Savarin from the station to the hospital. What's the matter with the taxi service in Southampton? Has it broken down, that you are compelled to turn your car into a jitney?" I found myself equally divided be tween the desire to laugh and the impulse to frown, wondered how best to answer her, and was rescued from my dilemma by the appear ance of Dicky, fresh shaven and smiling. '"Lo, Madge I Good morning, mother 1" he sang out cheerily. "How's Junior?" "H-shl" Mother Graham and I sib ilated together. "He had a splendid night, and he's still asleep," I explained. "I'll consider myself kicked down stairs," he said with gay contriteness, and I saw that he was in one of his effervescing moods. "Gee! It's one tangerine of a morning. You II have a dandy drive, Madge. Is breakfast ready?" ' A suggestion. "Of course, it is none of my af fair," Mother Graham's voice frost ily consigned herself to the nether most depths of martyrdom. "But it strikes me that .it would be slightly more fitting and proper if Richard should meet Robert Savarinprovid- Bread Making Used to Be An Art Today It's a Science "tempermental stuff." The same recipe, dutifully followed, produced varying grades.of bread. Some times the result was good bread, more often it was of poor texture and flavorless. Today science has eliminated guess-work. Chemists in the well equipped BETSY ROSS laboratories have, through years of experiment, successfully worked out the problems of producing bread of the highest possible food-value, delicious flavor and fine texture. Furthermore, it is uni formly good every day in the year. , 1 " , You can always depend on BETSY ROSS quality. You take no chances when you order it Don't say Bread Say BETSY ROSS Your Sandwich Booklet is Waiting- to be Asked For The Jay Burns You are readv a m 7irstin Mm. J J ....... time occasion with PREMIUM SODA CRACKERS in the pantry. They make dfiicious sandwiches; go well with any beverage, and add to every meaL Sold from glass front cans and from the large size QU by the pound; in the new Family Qubox; and in In-er-seal Trade Mark pack ages. Keep a supply in the pantry. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY 1 JLe ii 5 (Kq ChildvcnWaVto N JfL C. YlV devoted exclxSdy to tKe, cnildf esv-ftwy'' all enioy rd he has to be met, which I doubt, for why he can't find the hospital by himself I can't for the world sec he's an able-bodied man, with all of his five senses intact, or did have 'em the last time I hjard of him. And then Margaret could stay at home, where she belongs, with Richard II." "Danziel" An imperative little voice floated through the door. Junior, secure in his knowledge that his grandmother is his abject slave, calls her to him whenever he hears her voice. I had hard work to subdue a delighted chuckle at my mother-in-law's face. She unconsciously had raised her voice while giving utterance to her little tirade, and now faced the reali zation that she and she alone had wakened him from the restful sleep we were all trying to prolong. Skin trouble needs Imme diate attention. Buy a jar of Resinol Ointment to day and use it regularly. A few days of such pera int ent treatment usually stops the Itching, clears sway the inflammation and soreness, and helps the skin resume its natural healthy condition. At all drotTbta. Resinol old -fashioned cook book denned bread making as an . a a , art most women a ex perience seems to prove that definition correct. Artistically considered a batch of dough was Baking Company aaaaal?'eaw SODA CRACKERS for anv snmmpr- ". to c mm n 1 111 "Yes, grandma's lamb," she called, and then turned to us with her hand on the doorknob. I don't know any reason in the world why you both shouldn't go" fhe said, the light of combat still in her eyes. ''You heard Richard 11 call me just now, and I certainly don't need either of you with him. Go down and get your breakfasts, and then, Margaret, do you come up and stay with him while I get mine. Then you can stay away all day as much as I care." -Tin- Sits MS up folks ell "nlrtled'- . u ui 1 m V ' IWW t. .1111 MVW MD. giTf mother the once-over. Ton know whan we started on this trip mother aays to me; "I'm going to wear an old .skirt some of those waists l'va had . around the house and that old hat I wear In the garden. . No use buy In a; more eloos for a dusty auto trip." Well we know now. mother and I do, what she'll wear next time. It's suit of that khaki clothing breeches 'an all, looks neat, don't show duet much and that'e not all; nearly averr lady we've met had on a aval OX It. and really, mother felt sort of out of it, y know, not look ing like a HEAL tourist. The alasaiest dressed lot I saw were some girls and their mother rigged out that way In some touring clothes they got for only $10.60 suit at OMAHA Watch for tbt Rest of Touring Tim's Adventures. Conway Tearle "SOCIETY SNOBS" Louis Fazenda , in "A Fireside Brewer" HARRY BRADER offering the violin solos Serenade "Eleantanz" Mi AMUSEMENTS. EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE BETTY CHAPPIES In "! Hate That Guy." HAVER LY 4 ROGERS, Black face Comediana. AZALEA FOUNTAIN E, "The Novelty Girl." ROYAL TRIO, In genious Athletes. Photoplay Attraction, "OUT OF THE CHORUS." featuring ALICE BRADY. Cooled by Typhoon Breezes. o iitrtTirtnm lees Itatourawre Section en exception! rivedvujn Sop yowt Writ, your nam. and addrea. below- mall to Loring Park Sanitorium and re- ceive Diet List and Menus FREE. Name Street .... City Mhnr No. IS bbSSbbb 1 iMMcrwnwji mm Fistula A mild system of Keetai Diseases In A cure guaranteed In every ease accepted for sureo. write (or book on Keetai Diseases, with names and testimonials of aaon 1,000 prominent people who hava been permanently cured. OR. E. K. TARRY Sanatorium, Patera J. I Bldg. (Bee Bldg.) Oataaa. Neb. She stalked into the room from whence Junior's voice wa still call ing, and shut the door vehemently . behind her. Dicky grinned widely at me. , i "You will plan to meet charming ) gentlemen without your husband'a ' chaperonage!" he chuckled. "I tell ' von, there's nothing like a man's "mother on the jab to protect his in-: tcrests." (Continued Tomorrow.) moTori-ATs. POSITIVELY LAST DAY of Filmland's Greatest Sensation JACRiE CpoGAti VECk'Z BAD W- IO&I M0EL Kids Adults Includes Until Tax 61 15 15 254 Tomorrow Sham Two More Days CAREY In "Desperate Trails" I rjsi r-Ti Thurs. "THE MASK" Now Playing EATTY'S Co-Operative Cafeterias ; We Appreciate Your Patronage. , ADVERTISEMENT. 666 quickly relieves Constipation, Bil iousness, Loss of Appetite and Head aches, due to Torpid Liver. h&s'&"'Ji' f-lrfj FREE Complete Diet Liu iA Menu Schedule! with Tjfcle of Food Valua and lull irurnicbont, recently compiled and bated on seven years of experience and success in the treatment of Diabetes at Lonng Park Sanatorium. . Write for above and beok let of Loring Park Sanitar ium. Both sent Free. LORING PARK SANATORIUM IMS Hvmm She m nsoeAtknckaMe - Pay When Cuirod treatment that euree Piles, Fistsla and a short time, without a severe saislssl I rmouoj I KATHARINE IT I II NEWLIN BURT a ration. No Chloroform, Ether or other general eaesthetie treatment, and no money is to be paid thl r