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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 19, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JULY . 19, 1921. 1 .y J. Tourists To Have New Camp Site In Elmwood Park City to Provide House in T&Tiich Water and Stoves , For Cooking Will Be Installed. Tourists coming: into Omaha (or a few days' stop are to have a new camp site, according to W. B. Cheek, president of the Omaha Automobile club, who with a com mittee of other members of the club called on Park Commissioner Humell yesterday afternoon and made complete plans for the new site. The new site is to be in the south east corner of Elmwood park. It will be ISO feet by 300, divided into spaces of 20 feet by 20, accommodat ing about oOO persons. Shower aBthi Promised. . Commissioner Humell has prom ised to build a house on the site which will contain water and stoves for cooking. Al Scott of the Scott 'Auto Tourists' store has . promised to install shower baths. The new site will be a great im provement over the old which was located in a hollow at Elmwood and was without water, cooking or unitary facilities. In fact the old site was so bad that many tourists refuser to stop there. The disadvantages of the place did not deter several families living in the city from going there and camping indefinitely, according to President Cheek, to reduce rent ex penses. To prevent anything like this in the future" all visitors tothe tourists camp will be registered and will have the previlige of remaining at the camp two weeks. If they Care to stay longer than that they will be compelled to re-register. 20,000 Tourists Annually. Omaha has 20,000 auto tourists an nually and the long felt need of a new camp site was recognized by Commissioner humell who has promised to do all within his limited powers to make the camp site worthy of Omaha. The committee that arranged for the new camp site was composed of W. B. Cheek, president of the Omaha Automobile club; 'J. E. George, J. S.- White and J. H. Richards of the Scott Tourists Store. Brothers, Both Killed In Action in France, Are Buried at Ewing O'Neill, Neb ; July 18.' .(Special Telegram.) The largest number .of persons ever assembled at a funeral . in, western Nebraska . attended ..the last rites at E wing for Leo and. Syl vester Sanders, brothers, both killed in action in. France, .July 19, 1918.J I tie bodies , were returned trom France last week. The two "brothers enlisted shortly after the 4cslM&A.p..war.vXh.eir. mother, a widow,- Mrs5 Martin TSan Igrs resides at Ewing.' Delegations from Knights . of Columbus and American Legion posts from many towns were present. Sevtt -priests assisted at the mass. , The altar was erected in a large grove near town. Court Decides for Petros In Liquor Tax. Contest Uncle Sam lost to George Petros, former owner of the Henshaw hotel, in federal court yesterday. Judge Woodrough found in favor of Petros in the suit of the collector of internal revenue to levy" a?$2,318 tax on Petros for alleged illegal pos session of liquor. . A case against Petros ,was dis missed for want of proper evidence, - Notwithstanding this fact,- the fed eral office levied the tax. Meantime, however, Petros sold out to the Conant Hotel company and assigned the first $10,000 payment to his cous in, Louis Petros, inpayment of debts. Federal officials levied on this ; J 10,000, but the judge found that the assignment was made before the gov ernment made a valid claim Arraigned on New Charges On Finishing Prison Term Edward E. Landfairi 27, of Wyo ming, who has just finished a two year sentence at the federal prison in Leavenworth for forging postal money orders, was brought before Judge Woodrough yesterday to an swer for passing the spurious orders in Omaha in 1919. His first sentence was imposed at Chicago. Judge Woodrough withheld sen tence pending a conference with Postal Inspector Coble. Landfair is wanted in Wyoming on the same charge. "Gypsy" Smith Campaign Here To Open October 16 "Gypsy Smith, second only to "Billy" Sunday in revivalist fame, will hold a religious campaign in the Omaha auditorium, October 16 to November 13. Daily meetings will be held. Gypsy's methods are the exact opposite of "Billy" Sunday's according to the Rev. Titus Lowe. The campaign will cost $6,500. Cot . tage prayer meetings beginning September 1, and taking a religious census will precede "Gypsy's" com ing. . Towerman for Burlington Run Down by Auto at York York, Neb., July 18. C. W. Chase, towerman for the Burlington, was tun down here this afternoon by an automobile driven by two ' young men from Gresham. Chas suffered a broken leg and nose and received a severe gash on the head. His con dition is said to be critical. ' Mrs. T. J. Mackay Improves Steadily After Operation .Mrs. T. J. Mackay is improving steadily at Clarkson hospital, where she underwent an operation week before last. She was able to sit up yesterday. Mrs. Mackay is the widow .of the late rector of All Saints church. . Soldier's Body Returned. Bigspring, Neb., July 18 (Spe cial Telegram.) The body ' of Claude Remingtqn, Bigspring boy who died in France, will be brought here for burial soon, according to advices received. Laddy Runs Pop Stand to Prove 'Boys Better'n Girls' j ' '""' ' Henry George Schmidt and his Girls can't do things better than boys can. s At least its the firm belief of Henry Schmidt, 7-year-old, kinder- gartner, living at 1023 North Eight eenth street, that they can t. Pooh, I can do better than that, quoth Master Henry, with true mas culine superiority, when he read in The Bee that four Blair little girls had raised $4 for The Bees milk and ice fund, by running a pop and lemonade stand. . Fistful of Pennies. . J He went to his father with his Villi 44.3 aP plans. . . "Dad, will you rig me up stand?" Interested father did. .The pop stand opened Saturday Ashes of Banker Buried at Shelton S. H. Graves, Pioneer live Stock Man, Succumbs to Paralytic Stroke. Shelton, Neb., July 18. (Special.) Ashes of the body of, S. H. Graves pioneer .Shelton banker and at one time prominently identified among the live stock men, of Omaha and Nebraska, were buried in the Shel ton cemetery. A short service at the i grave . was! conducted by 1 Rev. Frederick H... Black of the first Presbyterian church. Sidney H. Graves died at Dubuque. Ia.,. Wednesday ' of last week, following a paralytic stroke. At the time of his death he was ad vertising representative of the Shred- Sed Wheat Biscuit company, with ea'dquarters at Omaha.'Prior to the last year he was connected with the live stock commission firms of South Omaha. 1 . For many years Mr. Graves was engaged in the live stock business at Shelton and handled sheep oft an ex tensive scale, being one of the heavi est feeders at this point, and was one of the wealthiest men of the community. He met with financial reverses and lost practically all the fortune he had . accumulated in a short time. ' ' The ashes were brought to Shel ton accompanied by his sons, Frank F, Graves of Atkinson, Neb., and Nelson Graves of Helena, Mont. Be sides the two sons, Mr. Graves is survived by one daughter, -Mrs. L. D. Packard of. Whitehall, Mont. Prices Very High in Europe Belden Reports on Return 'Holland is the most prosperous cf all European countries, C. C. Bel den of the Thompson-Belden com pany reports on his return from a tour of ,the continent with a party of American merchants. Belgium and France are going bravely on with reconstruction efforts and the outlook is bright for. an excellent crop in Belgium this year, he said. Prices and taxes are very high. Mr. Belden, and Mrs. Belden, who ac companied him, met several Oma hans on their trip. School Consolidation Carried Out at Lorenzo Sidney, Neb., July 18 (Special Telegram.) The first consolidation of schools effected in Cheyenne coun ty under the new law was successful ly carried . out at Lorenzo, Neb. Three districts have united and a large school will be erected at Lo renzo. Tired, Sore Feet Don't limp and suffer with burning, puffed-up feet feet bo tired, chafed, swollen you can hardly take another step. Tiz takes down swell ings and draws the heat and soreness right out of feet that smart and burn. . , . ' - Tiz instantly stops pains in corns, callouses and bunions. Use Tiz and wear smaller shoes. Get a box of Tiz from any druggist now for a few cents and have foot comfort quick. . ' Rely on Cuticura To Clear Away Skin Troubles nfrfi tiflrww Ointment to Motha.'f aleon to nsv . 4. c aapl of CatUmr. DcytX,!. Itom Bee Milk and Ice Fund pop stand. morning on the lawn of the Schmidt home. In less than three hours, Henry had a whole fistful of coins, pennies, nickles, dimes and quarters, aggre gating $2. Henry hurried to The Bee office with his precious proceeds. Hurries to Bee. ' "I'll do much better this after noon, business is generally slow in the mornings, he explained. Other contributions are as fol lows: ' Previously acknowledged ........ 9889.04 Friend ; 1.00 J. T. Dultman ' 2.00 Mrs. Jar Burn 3.80 Friend of Bablrn 2.00 Henrr G. Schmidt 2.00 Total $898.94 Aged Bride Sane, Alienist Asserts Court Asked to Restore For tune to Woman of 63 Recently Married. Arguments will be made this morning before County Judge Craw ford for and against the release of Mrs. Blanda Nielsen-Anderson from the guardianship of the Peters Trust company. Evidence was taken yes terdav afternoon. Mrs. Anderson and her husband, Carl Anderson of Fertile, Minn., who were married here May 4, were present. It was not till after the marriage that they , learned -tney could not get Mrs. Anderson's $22,000 from the trust company be cause she was under guardianship as incomoeten to manage her affairs. However, Dr. G. Alexander. Young, alienist and physician of the county board of insanity, gave it as his opinion yesterday that the 63-year- old bride is not insane. The answers of the 07-year-old bride' groom in court yesterday indicated that he is a man of mental strength. Evidence also showed that for 30 vears until her tirst husband s death in 1915 Mrs. Nielsen-Anderson worked on their farm. - "She should be allowed to establish a home with her second husband and use this money for which she has worked so hard, said her at torney. Fenger Hospital to Revert Back to Dr. and Mrs. Henry Fenger hospital, its name changed to Lord Lister, will revert back to Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Henry through court proceedings within four or five weeks, it became known yester day. Mr. Henry, who is now operating the hospital for the receiver of the bankrupt institution, erected the building. The Masonic order, St. Catherine s hospital and a group of Omaha phy sicians also sought the hospital. Paving Company to Accept Bonds on Dodge Street Job The American ; Paving company will accept -Omaha city bonds as payment for the $100,000 job of re- paving Dodge street, it notified city council yesterday. The bonds run 20 years and draw 5 1-2 per cent in terest. The company was low bid der, $4.69 a yard for brick paving. The paving contract, is authorized for August 1. Award of contracts for several other jobs will be reconsidered Mon day. Relieved in an Instant Emm Monev back without ouaattoa A U HUNT'S GUARANTEED ,-sttTA 8KIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunf. Stirs and Soap),tsll In f JfCvl thtreitmnt ofItch,BcMna,fT H RinKwonn,TftUrorotfctrtteb. f M 1 In akin 'disease.-Tnr tbla usabneat at our risk, Shtrmaa A McCtnMlt Drui Store Youth on Outing Drowned in Lake West of Tekamah Reuben Anderson, 17, Loses Life on Way to Camp With Companions for Week's Vacation. A week's vacation trip of fishing and boating, the obiect of carefully laid plans of five Omaha boys, came to a sad ending on its first day, Sun day, when one of their number lost his life when the bort in which he and the other members of the expe dition were rowing, turned turtle. The fatal ending to the outing came late Sunday afternoon, ac cording to word received by the par ents of the youth, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Anderson, 1019 South Twenty-sixth street. Their son Reuben, 17, in company with a younger brother, Carl, and three other boys, Reginald Steel, 2204 Pierce street: Robert Childs, 810 South 25th street, and Howard Tilley, Twenty-fifth and Mason streets, left at 9 Sunday morning in a car belonging to the Anderson boys' parents. 1 he car was well stocked with provisions, fishing tackle and camp ing appurtenances, necessary to the proper spending of a week's vacation trip. A large lake 15 miles north west of Tekamah, was the objective of the boys. According to the meager informa tion received in Omaha by the parents of the drowned youth, the party was crossing the lake prepara tory to setting up tent and arrang ing their camp. It was while they were crossing the lake that their boat overturned, throwing all of the boys and their camping paraphernalia into the water. All of the boys were expert swim mers and all managed to escape but Reuben, and his companions and his parents are unable to explain his drowning. The boys summoned help in an ef fort to rescue their chum, but this was unavailing. The lake was dragged all night for the body, but it was not recovered until early yes terday morning. The boy's mother is prostrated. The boy's father left for Tekamah Sunday night as soon as he was in formed of his son's death and brought back the body late yester day. Reuben had been employed as de livery boy for the Pantorium. Young Man Drowns in Shallow Water in Lake Hastings. Neb.. July 18. (Special Telegram.) Edward Sternburir. 21. son of Mrs. B. Waterbury of Blue Hill, was drowned at Crystal lake. The body was not found until a day later. The youth drowned in four and one-half feet of water. He could not swim. Sudden illness is believed to have caused the fatality. Prominent Banker, Pioneer Of Howard County, Dies Grand Island, Neb., July 18. (Special Telegram.) N. J. Paul of St. Paul, one of the oldest and most prominent bankers of central Ne braska, died suddenly Monday after noon. He was a brother, of Judge Paul and an uncle of Adjutant Paul and one of the pioneers of Howard county. FRY'S Mid-Summer Clearance of Shoes for Here is your opportunity to buy your summer low shoes at prices that are remarkable. Fry's sales are genuine come in today and choose from our big stock. Bargains galore. NOTE THESE PRICES- SIX BIG SPECIALS IN LADIES' FOOTWEAR For $4.45 All our broken lines of $8.00 pumps and oxfords in brown kid, black kid and patents. Our $11.00 Bench-made brown kid, ' brown satin and suedes, Russian calf, strap effects, military and Louis ir1.":.............$7.45 Our $12.00 Bench-made gray suedes, brown and black suedes, brown and black kid, strap effects, beaded, Luis and Baby Louis dQ heels. Now 40.40 All Our "Sport Oxfords' White Nile Oxfords and Strap Effects Are Included in This Sale Heavy Rains Fall at Beatrice and O'Neill; Small Grain Damaged Beatrice, Neb., July 18. (Special Telegram.) A terrific rain, wind and electrical storm visited this section cf the state early Monday morning, but as far as known little or no dam age was done in the county to crops. The rainfall here was 1.43 inches. Heavy rains were reported north and west of here and as result the Blue river has risen about two feet, with prospect of a higher rise. Camping parties near the city were forced to return to town in the downpour. O'Neill, Neb.. July 18. (Special Telegram.) Iwo and fifty-six nun dredths inches of rain fell at O'Neill and vicinity Sunday night in two dis tinct storms. The last one was ac companied by a high wind, which damaged trees and some standing fields of small grain and also wrecked small outbuildings in its path. Sev eral store windows were blown m here. , . Boy, 14, Disappears On Way to Hospital to Visit Dying Brother Earl North, 14, disappeared Sat urday. The youth started for University hospital to visit his dying brother, Edward, 12, and to have his own injured foot examined, according to the mother of the boys, Mrs. iher man Winscot, 3828 North Thirty- sixth street. He was last seen at Twenty-fourth and Lake streets. His mother believes something has haoDened to the boy. "He is too devoted to his sick brother to run away,, she told the police. The dying boy is ill from inhal ing carbide gas which a crowd was igniting in lieu of firecrackers, "just to hear the explosion." Mrs. Winscot has been twice di vorced. Whereabouts of the boy's father is not known. Youth KiDed When Auto Turns Turtle Atlantic. Ia., July 18. (Special Telegram.) Alvin Sorensen, 11, was instantly killed when he was crushed under an automobile while on his way to Sunday school in company with his brother, Raymond, 14. The accident occurred southeast of Exira. The car turned over, crushing the head of Alvin. Ray mond, who was driving, is unable to account for the accident. They were traveling along an unfrequented road at the time. The narents. S. C. Sorensen and wife, were at Oakfield when the ac cident occurred. Wheat Yield of 31 Bushels Record Near Beaver City fcpaver Citv. Neb.. July 18. (bpe cial.) The first wheat yields are be- in a renorted. The highest wheat rennrteA- in ' this vicinitv is 3VA kitchrls. and the lowest. 17. Tests (mm W tn M nnunds. Early corn is silking and needs rain. Corn in general is in excellent condition. ' ' Receives Texas Steers. T?iVsnrinc. Neb.. Tulv v18. (Spe- riat Tflefirr-am.) Nine carloads of Texas steers were unloaded here Sunday by S. P. Delatour of Lewel len. There' were 400 steers in the bunch, all yearlings bought cheaply on Texas markets because of drouth in the south. Women IFor $3.45 All the broken lines of pumps and oxfords, mostly small sizes. Values up to $9.00. Our $10.00 Bench-made brown kid, patents, black kid, Astor ties, Colonials, oxfords with Louis and military heels. jf ap Now ipO.K Our $10.00 Russian calf, black and brown kid, oxfords and strap effects, with buckles, military and Louis heels. d yfr- Now M0.0 FRY r Shoe Company Sixteenth and Douglas Sts. Highwaymen Get $1,500 and Auto Oil Station Collector Rohhed By Bandits Who Escape In His Car. Two highwaymen made off with $1,500 in cash and a runabout auto mobile after staging a daring day light holdup at 'Fifty-second and Ames avenue Monday morning. E. H. Dickelman, superintendent of the National Refining company, vas the victim. Dickelman , makes his collection rounds every Monday morning. Ai he was riding north of Krug park he was accosted by two strange men who jumped on the running board of his car. They flourished revolvers and dragged him from the car, ordering him into weeds by the roadside. Then they made off in his car. M. P. Gould, truck farrner, wit nessed the holdup from his garden and called the police. Unconscious 100 Hours. After 100 hours of coma, Miss Nora H. Jensen, 26, living at the Y. W. C. A., regained consciousness at Fenger hospital yesterday. She was taken from a street car four days ago, uncons..otis. The girl said the sustained a fractured skull in an automobile accident at St. Louis a year ago. Bums The Downsta irs Sto r e Roy Moth Proof Bags, Special, 39c An excellent bag in which to store your clothes or other valuables with hook for hanger in size 26x55 inches. Cream Oil Soap, Tuesday, a Cake, 8c An olive oil soap for toilet and bath delightful for use in either hard or soft water. Equally delightful in appearance. Downstairs Stora Camisoles, $1.45 In that most practical of underwear fabrics wash satin daintily trimmed in lace or hand embroidery or. tailored models.' ' ' ' Downstairs Store .Women's Vests, 3 for $1 Mina Taylor Dresses, $1.95 If you would be be comingly dressed in youth ful models, select one of these dainty cool looking Mina Taylors. not only for, their wear ing qualities, splendid fit, but their clever and un usual style lines. Straight line modes and belted ef fects in checks and plaid ginghams. Sizes 14 to 44. Downstairs Storo Boys' Wash Trousers 75c to $1.49 Comfortable and cool and will save their wool clothes. Made of strong weight, washable cotton crash and khaki twill years. Big Savi ngs in Sewi ng bold on Lasy Each machine in l t. .1 . pi . nave Deen usea as iioor samples or demonstration jSjy purposes. Each guaranteed. . ' . ,tV Crescent (POO TA Machines ... $LL.dJ White Ma- (PQC AA chines PJJ.UU Standard CCA AA Machines . . . P JU.UU On Sale Tuesday Brief City News Safe Looted of $600 A safe In the 1R1J Howard street, was looted of 1000 by burglars Sunday night, . Fined on Ilquor Chargo Chris Rasmussen pleaded guilty of viola tion of the prohibition law before Federal Judge Woodrough yester day. The Judge fined him $100, which he paid. ' Atito Smnshed Floyd E. Brewer tried to beat a street car acrons Far nam street- at Fifteenth yesterday. It took police 15 minutes to clear away the wrecked automobile In which he was riding. Brewer was unhurt. . . i . Sprinkling " Neglected The street car company is not sprinkling Its tracks this summer as required by law. i .R, A. Leussler, general man ager, said the sprinklers were used (or oil storage purposes since the k-st coal shortage. Mccs" 1o Wy Here Eddie Rlck rnbai Ver, Reed G. Landis of Chicago, son Kludge Landis, and Charles J. BlddK if Philadelphia are among the Amertian army "aces" who will be in Omaha this fall for the Inter national Aero congress. Slugs for Carrier Uncle Sam re fuses to pay a $7,000 Increase In the annual carrying charge-. f tho street railway company for transporting letter carriers. Postmaster Daniel will therefore buy street car slugs and give them out to the carriers whenever required. Postpone CIiolco of Secretary Nebraska Chamber of Commerce di rectors postponed action on choos ing a secretary to succeed H. B. Moss. At a meeting in Omaha yes terday they viewed details of a $100, 000 damage suit filed against them by the Hawkins Mortgage company. EVERYBODY STORE Ice Water Nest of Bowls, 45c Colonial shape in 2-quart sizes. Made of pressed glass,' 4 to 7 -inch sizes, set of four, 45c. Ice Tea Classes, 88c And ' water tumblers Colonial Style," large size, set of six, S8e. Downstairs Storo In nice quality of pink and white gauze In regulation and extra sizes. Children's vests, 19c Girls Union Suits 3 for S1.00 In nice, light weight cot ton, knit wear. Women s Hose 3 for $1.00 Nice light weight cotton in white, black and colors. Downstairs Stora Wash Skirts $3.95 Of white surf satin in decidedly smart models with new novelty pockets. Priced very low at $3.95. Sizes 26 to 32. Downstair Stora Tiny Tots' $1.35 In the cleverest style imaginable ; many of them are becoming little peg top models in plain, fancy, stripe and checked chambrays and ginghams. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Downstairs Stora cloth, all, 5 to 17 Downstair Stora Payment Terms excellent condition. Some . i I.. "Our Spe- OP AA cial" Mach., J.UU Rockford COQ AA Machines... Pt)j.UU New Royal (71 r A Cabinets .... I tC.DU in Downstairs Store Grill Room There are so many poor . dining places and so few good res taurants that once a person Is fortunate enough to find a . good place to eat, he usually "sticks." ' Our patrons Jo. a (jOt EL FONTENELLE A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS . TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed 1513 DougUs St. . Tal. Doug. B58S Jugs, 75c Ice Wagons $2.15 An enormous purchase of a manufacturer's entire line makes this price possible. Sheet metal body, car rying capacity, 50 to 75 pounds ice $2.15. t Wood body with wood wheels, extra heavily braced. Regular bear ings. Carrying capacity, 75 to 100 pounds ice. Spe cial, $3.50 each. Downstairs Storo ' Dresses Corsets, . $2.00 In cool, light weight pink and white coutils, elastic top in front and back lace styles, low bust and waistline models. Two pairs hose supporters. Downstair Stora , Machines mmmm rv