Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 19, 1921, Image 1

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Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 51 NO. 27.
Eattra u Mia-Clan Matter May M. 19W. at
Omaha P. 0. Uarfar Act at Mara S. 117.
By mall (I war), Dally and Svnday, 7.M; Dally ealy. S
Suaday, 2.50i ta folate la United Statu, Canada aid Mtxlao.
Gonvicts in
f Pittsburgh
I Prison Riot
Ten Frame Buildings Within
Penitentiary Enclosure Are
Burned as Men Stage
y Guards Are Reinforced
By The Anaortutrd Trcaa.
Pittsburgh, Pa., July 18. Six per
sons were injured and 10 factory
buildings destroyed in a riot and fire
at the Western penitentiary here this
afternoon: Police and deputy shcr
iffs from all parts of the city assisted
the prison guards in holding the pns
oners while firemen put out the
flames. Warden Francis asked Gov
ernor Sproul for two troops of state
soldiers to guard the prison tonight.
A great crowd gathered outside the
walls during the disturbance.
Police and fire lines were drawn
tightly around the institution and de
tailed reports of the outbreak were
unavailable. It was known, how'
ever, that Pennsylvania penitentiary
guards remtorced by city police and
.deputy sheriffs, armed with rifles
ana riot guns, were homing tne pris
oners at bay while a heavy fire-fight
hig force was endeavoring to ex
tinguish the names.
i Five riot alarms were turned in to
the police and fire departments from
the penitentiary at 12:35 o'clock.
' ;, the
. had
First reports were that the prisoners
revolted and tired the buildings,
twhich are located on the Ohio river
in vim lower pari oi ine oiu cuy oi
Allegheny. , ' 1
Nine Companies Respond.
Nine fire companies immediately
responded to the alarms and police
reserves were hurried to the peniten
tiary. Telephone communication
with the institution was temporarily
cut off. Fire records show that all
the alarms were sent from a fire box
inside the penitentiary. , .
A cordon of police was quickly
thrown around every entrance of the
prison and fire lines were established
some distance away. Great volumes
of smoke rising from the enclosure
indicated that the broom factory was
rapidly being destroced.
Sheriff W. S. Haddock answered a
call from the office of John Francis
ywith 10 deputy sheriffs armed with
Every available policeman . was
sent by Robert Alderdice. director
of public safety, to reinforce the men
clready on duty while the peniten
tiary guards were mobilised within.
tne wans.
-4 ? About 1,500 Convicts.
The Western penitentiary contains
v...... i inn i i con .jr
some of them sent there by federal
courts and the remainder from the
western counties of Pennsylvania.
A peep through one of the prison
gates showed a party of Pittsburgh
detectives with drawn revolvers fac
ing a great crowd of prisoners in the
yard. The men appeared to be in
great terror from the flames which
raged back of them. So far as could
be seen, none .of them was armed.
Meantime the flames had crept
along the Ohio river side and many
prisoners confined in cells- there
shattered the glass in the; windows
and shrieked for help. Two watch
towers on the walls were attacked
by the fire and quickly consumed.
Persons in the street could . dis
tinctly hear the shrieks and groans
i of the imprisoned men and it vas
j reported that a number had been
vV hurt and taken to the first aid hos
pital in a section of the prison re
mote from where the fire raged,
ifany citizens offered their services
tip the authorities and were a ' 'ed to
Sheriff Haddock's force.
Pennsylvania Engineer
( Dies With Hand on Throttle
; Altoona, Pa., July 18. Alva
Laughlin, 5S, of Altoona, engineer
of the Pennsylvania train No 18,
Chicago Mail east, died with his
hsnd on the throttle as his train
was passing Wilmore, Camoria
county at 7:35 o'clock last night.
Engineer Laughlin apparently felt
himself sinking as he made a vain
. ir s. A !.. Atc .t
bring his tram to a stop.
Fireman Theodore Ritchey saw
Laughlin sink back and stretched
over the prostrate engineer and
brought the train to a stop.
Ramirez Named Consul
For Mexico to Juneau
Seattle, Wash., July 16. Rodolfo
Ramirez. Mexican consul at Ant
werp when the Germans bombarded
the town, and awarded the decora
tion of the Order of Leopold by
King Albert for his service to hu
manity in xelief work, has been
i named by President . Obregon as
consul at Juneau, Alaska, and is the
first consul any foreign nation ever
has sent to Alaska. Ramirez sailed
V for Juneau on "the S. S. Alameda,
Av, leaving Seattle June 26.
House- Resumes Debate on
Oil Tax in New Tariff Bill
Washington, July 18. The house
resumed today consideration of the
proposed oil tax in the Fordney tar
iff bill, and by a vote of 65 to 40
fixed a limit of three and one-half
hours for debate. Discussion cen
tered around the Treadway amend
ment, introduced Saturday, which
would transfer crude and fuel oils
' from the dutiable to the free list
Defaulting Cnmntroller
r-r of Packers Got $1,000,000
A Minneapolis, July 18. Defalca-
nuns ui iv. j. v-y inomson, corap-
iroller of George A. Hormell &
I jf Co., packers of Austin, Minn.,
f will exceed $1,000,000 in the final
accounting, it was announced here
today by auditors of a Minneapolis
ank who went over the Hormel
tompanys fpook$
Second Divorce Started
With Canadian Background
Author of Book on "Marital Morbidity'' Sued by Wife
1 Who Names "Short Dark Haired Girl" as
Companion in North
Gardner Tell of
Chiracs Tribune-Omaha Bee Lmacd Wlr.
Pouehkecpsie. N. Y July 18.
Just as the absorbing Stillman case
here was delayed until October, a di
vorce suit involving notables and
with Canadian background, made its
bow today in the public spotlight.
The new case is the Mrs. Aimee
Morris suit against Dr. Robert T.
Morris, a noted surgeon of New
York City. Instead of an Indian
guide as, a young woman is named
corespondent. Whatever the Morris
case lacks in youngster's paternity
is offset by Dr. Morris' amazing
writings of recent years in books he
has published on marriage.
Pending opportunity to weigh the
evidence in the undefined action,
Justice Morschauser today withheld
decision, saying he would render
judgment in about a week. The
charges of the wife involve "a short,
dark-haired girl," in incidents in the
wilds of Canada and the more placid
setting of a farm near Stamford,
Two Witnesses Appear.
"Two witnesses, apparently all
scheduled, testified. They were Wil
liam Yates, farmer and guide, who
lives in the Algoma district of On
tario, and Peter Belomiyzy, a gar
dener, employed at Dr. Morris' coun
try place Brookmeadows, Mam-
ford, Conn. The Canadian guide told
of a trip by the physician and the
corespondent in July, 1920. up into
the timbered country north of Bass
wood Lake, Loberly, Ont. The
gardener described a visit of the pair
to the country : place while . Mrs.
Morris was away.
Dr. Morris told newspaper men
that he was innocent and that his
young woman companion on the trip
into the Canadian woods was also
innocent, adding:
"But what can I do in the lace
of this evidence against me?" ,
When he was asked about his wife,
the physician said that when he
wrote the chapter on "Marital Mor
bidity," in one of his books "A Sud-
geon s Philosophy" he had his wite
in mind.
Some of the passages from the
book follow:" -
"A woman with jealous type of
mental disorder does not differ es
"Wobblies" Own
Freight Rod s,
Says " Ran Man
Trainmaster Confirmes Re
port I.W.W. Members Force
Independent Hoboes Off
Trains; Menace Over '
Lincoln, July 18. (Special.) Re
ports of 1. W. W.' traveling in
droves, virtually commandering
freight ; trains and forcing indepen
dent hoboes, not members of the
"wobbly" order, to get off and walk
were confirmed here today by J,. A.
Spere, trainmaster for the Burling
ton." . . ,. . .
I counted 60 on one train two
nights ago," Spere said. It is a
physicial impossibility for train
crews to drive them off and while
there is nothing done to encourage
"free rides," so far there has been
nothing done to put a damper on the
"For the most part the "wobblies
this year are orderly and the few
instances where bloodshed has been
reported are small compared to the
large number of men out of work.
L W. W. "Owns" Freight Rods.
"The report that they "own" the
freight : rods appears to be true as
I have talked with several youths
who told me that they had been
forced oil the train by wobblies
who refused to permit any excepting
members of their order to enjoy
passage by freight.
' iiut the worst ot it is over in Ne
braska. They are traveling with
the harvest which now is in the
The "wobblies" have a camp near
Seward where 20 or 30 may be seen
daily, Spere- asserted. A smaller
camp is situated at Fairmoant, he de
clared. While the railroad has taken no
drastic steps to force "wobblies" off
the road, a partly successful effort
has been made to keep them from
breaking into boxcars. The 'Svob-
bhes, thankful for their tree box
car trips, are reported to be re
ciprocating to a certain extent by
(Tata to Page Two, Coramn Three.)
Bees Force Men to
Desert Car Without
Shutting Off Power
Grand Island. Neb.. July 18.
(Special) Suddenly to drive into a
swarm of bees was the experience
of Clarence Mcintosh and Art Hart
man of Chapman, the attack of the
busy little ones being of such a
ferocious nature that the two jumped
from the car without stopping to
shut off the power or apply the
Mr. Hartman was driving and,
after the third or fourth sting,
jumped without more ado.- In the
excitement Mr. Mcintosh was pre
cipitated through the windshield and
was cut quite badly. The car
swerved into the ditch and seemed
to be pursuing Mr. Hartman when a
wheel collapsed and "Lizzie" came to
a stop.
The accident occurred on the Lin
coln highway two miles west of
Chapman. Neither of the occupants
of the car were much the worse for
th axnrienre
Woods Guide and'
Pairs Travels.
sentially from a man in the general
range of her symptoms excepting
in particulars; a man is apt to have
an undercurrent of sense of shame
remaining, when his psychosis has
passed beyond control by his rea
soning faculties, and he confides in
no one.
"A woman, on the other hand,
who is suffering from the jealous
type of mental disorder, seems to
have little sense of shame. She
seeks the company of sympathetic
women consolers, 'each one of whom
in turn confides the secret in the
ordinary course of the. customary
run of neighborly calls.
"A second characteristic of jealous
morbidity in a woman is the demand
for excitement and exaggerated at
tention from her husband. This
symptom sometimes amounts to a
well-defined mania. She attempts to
exercise control over his every
movement and turn it to some ac
count for herself.
"A victim of the jealous type of
morbidity may retain control of high
faculties of the mind well enough to
pass for a quite normal and agree
ably interesting individual. I know
one very beautiful and talented wo
man, a most charming conversa
tionalist, who drove her husband to
distraction, ruined his business and
finally obliged ' him to desert her
completely. '
Men Misunderstood.
"Women are not so gregarious as
men, and for that very reason do not
understand in their inner natures
that need for companionship with
varied social elements. The desire
of a man to leave his wife for the
purpose of going to enjoy himself
with other people for an evening, or
for a day, or for a week, is some
thing wholly out of her field of ex
perience, and she feels hurt because
she herself would not leave him for
any such reason.
"Then again, .men need a great
deal more physical exercise than wo
men require. It may be almost a
matter of life or leath with them
to run off and play golf or to go
cn shootinsr or fishing trips.
"None of these things seem to be
really necessary from the point of
view ot the young wite.
Two Amendments
To Tariff Bill
Crude Petroleum and Foe
Oil Placed on Free List and
Long , Staple Cotton
Made Dutiable.
Cbleaso Tribune-Omaha Baa Iaed Wire.
i Washington, July 18. Two
amendments to the Fordney tariff
bill were made by the house m com
mittee of the whole today. One of
them placed crude petroleum and
fuel oil on the free list, while the
other made long staple cotton duti
A letter from President Harding
to Chairman Fordney of the ways
and means committee, protesting
against duties on oil, caused a ma
jority of the republicans to join with
the democrats for the amendment.
The vote on the amendment offered
by Representative Treadway of Mas
sachusetts was. 196 to 86.
The amendment adding long
staple cotton to the dutiable list was
adopted by a vote o: 105 to 74, on
the motion of Representative Bow
ers of West Virginia. The duty pro
vided is IS per cent ad valorem. The
action on the oil duties is believed
to mark the end of the agitation on
the subject. Crude petroleum and
fuel oil both are on the free list in
the Underwood act, and there was
ho suggestion that they be made
dutiable until prices dropped a few
months ago and the independent
oroducers advocated a claim that a
tariff was needed to. limit Mexican
imports. The large oil interests
have been against any duty.
Urged as Safeguard.
In view of the decisive vote to
day, it is not regarded as probable
that the senate will attempt to add
duties on oil.
President Harding, in his letter,
declared that to levy a protective
tariff on crude peUoleum would be
at variance with all that has been
done to, safeguard the future oil sup-r
ply for the United States. He sug
gested that it might be desirable to
provide a bargaining arrangement,
vesting authority in the executive in
case another country imposes ex
changes . or levies duties against
American products. No attempt was
marie in the house, however, to offer
an amendment carrying out this sug
gestion. Representative Fordney
..' (Torn to Two. Column Two.)
Efforts Made to Organize
New Veterans' Association
Grand Island. Neb., July 18.
Special.) Efforts are being made
in central Nebraska points to or
ganize a new veterans association,
the membership being limited to
those who were wounded, injured or
disabled during the world war. Co
operating with the national head
quarters estabished at Cincinnati.
Robert Cravier, Kearney, state com
mander of the Disabled Veterans of
the World War, is getting many lo
cal organisations started.
Build New Bathhouse.
Gothenburg, Neb., July 18. (Spe
cial.) Because of increased attend
ance and lack of accommodations at
Lake Gothenburg, a new bath house
entirely for women has been erected
bcsjds the pW one,
. .
In Irish
Ulster Delegation Keturns to
Belfast to Confer With
Other Members on Sinn
Fein Demands.
Opposes De Valera Plan
Br The Associated Preea.
London, July 18. The Irish situa
tion, it was declared in reports to
night, has developed into virtually a
deadlock between Premier Lloyd
George and Sir James Craig, the
Ulster premier, and the latter has
been given an opportunity to go to
Belfast to see if anything can be
done in the circumstances. The Sinn
Fein leaders have submitted their
minimum demands which have been
relayed to the Ulsteh premier for
consideration, it is stated, and it is
in connection of such consideration
that Sir James and the other mem'
bers of the Ulster delegation are, as
was announced this evening, return
ing to Belfast.
The Ulster leader maintains that
the Sinn Feiners by contesting the
elections for the northern parliament
on a platform of no partition, in
which they were defeated, have rec
ognized Ulster's claim to self-de'
termination and he seems to wash
his hands of further participation in
peace negotiations,
Sir James said: "I return home
well satisfied with the efforts being
made towards peace. Mr. de Valera
has broken his silence and cleared
the ground by his statement of the
press that he proposes to found his
claim on recognition of the right of
He contended that the people of
northern Ireland in the recent elec
tions "determined" their own parlia
ment by an overwhelming majority.
Reject Partition Issue,
"No partition" was the only issue
placed before the electorate, said Sir
James, and it was rejected by the
largest majority ever secured in any
general election.
"Such being the true facts," he
contended, "it now only remains for
Mr. de Valera and the British people
to come to terms regarding the area
outside of that of which I am
premier. The people of northern
Ireland make no claim to determine'
the terms of settlement which Great
Britain shall make with southern
wu.wwu wis u accompiisnw.i can
mii n .l.'. i t t 1
promise cordial co-operation - on
equal terms with southern Ireland in
any matters affecting our common
The . official 'announcement issued
at the close of a long conference be
tween the premeir and Mr. De Val
era today says:
'.'The conversations between Lloyd
George and Mr. De Valera will be
resumed Thursday.
This ordinarily would permit the
British public and Ireland still to in
dulge in confident hope that a satis
factory settlement would ultimately
e reached. But bir James Craig s
statement has put a damper on the
hopeful spirit.
Meetings Are Secret.
Nothing is allowed to leak as to
what takes place behind the closed
doors of the cabinet rooms,, and the
secrecy even extends to a tacit agree
ment to put no questions on the sub
ject in parliament. The negotiations
have all the character of diplomatic
exchanges between two, foreign dip
Though it had been thought pos
sible from the first that Ulster might
adopt such an. attitude, this sudden
dashing of hopes that a peace con
ference would be assembled as an
outcome of the separate negotiations
of the premier with De Valera and
Craig, comes as a shock to the pub
lic. The Ulster premier now declares
bluntly that the British government
must reach its own agreement with
De Valera and that Ulster is deter
mined to maintain its present status,
repudiating the whole Sinn Fein
argument that Ulster is in the minor
ity and must bow to the majority in
Llovd George conferred with the
Ulster premier alone. The members
of their respective cabinets accom
panied both Irish representatives, but
so far as is known did not partici
pate in the conferences with the
May Call Off Meeting.
New York, July 18. A proposed
world conference of the Irish race
to be held in Pans earlv next year
probably will be canceled if present
negotiations between Premier Lloyd
George and Emonn de Valera are
successful, Harry Boland. the latter's
representative, announced today. The
Irish self-determination league of
Great Britain had besrun the orsran-
iiation of the conference on the sug
gestion of the Irish republican as
sociation of South Africa.
Irish representatives from everv
state of the United States, Canada.
Australia, South Africa, South Amer
ica, apain and France were to attend.
Girl Hobo Released in
. Omaha Held in Bluffs
Ethel Tift. 19. srress widow and
girl hobo, released in Omaha after
being held for two nights and days,
was picked up when she reached
Council Bluffs and is beinR held until
wrod is received from Lansing, Mich.,
where her grandtather and grand
mother live. .
The girl, who admitted she is
about to become a mother, is tramp
ing from Los Angeles to Lansing.
She was married about a year ago,
she told police, but she and her hus
band haVe separated. He is now with
Lis parents in St Louis.
in view of her condition the eirl
will be held at the Bluffs detention
home pending arrangements for her
)tinsportatfon to Lansing
Whan you
- 56 ' jWrP K) EVERYTHING,)
Mexican Revolt
In Tampico Oil
Field Settled
Leader, General Herrerra,
Asks Permission to Surrend
er Disarmament of His
Followers Ordered
-V 1
Mexico City. July 18. (By The
Associated - Press.) The revolt
headed by Gen. Martinez Herrerra
in the Tampico oil region has ap
parently broken down without the
firing of a shot. Herrerra's request
that he be permitted to surrender
has resulted in an order for the dis
arming of his followers, who are
said to number about 150. It is pos
sible that President Obregon, who is
at San Luis Potosi, will give in
structions from there as to the dis
position of the insurgent general.
The center of interest throughout
the four-day period of the rising was
General relaez, commander ot the
federal forces m the Tampico dis
He returned to Mexico City from
the United States only a few hours
before dispatches told of the insur
gent movement led by Herrerra, who
was his trusted aide and second in
In view of persisent . stories that
General Pelaez was not in entire ac
cord with the Obregon administra
tion, there was much speculation
and not a little anxiety as to what
course he would take. Ht imme
diately announced himself in com
plete harmony with the president,
disavowed Herrerra's action and
described the revolt as inspired by
certain oil men who willfully misled
the soldiers into believing that the
rebellion was his personal desire.
General Pelaez Tias divided most
of the past three days between the
war office where he, was in confer
ence with Secretary Estrada and his
own office where he has been giving
out statements to the newspapers
bitterly assailing certain oil men. He
is still in Mexico City. He did not
accompany Secretary Estrada when
the latter left last night for Tampico
to conduct an investigation.
Demands for strict investigation
into the revolt have been made and
it is asserted A"y Excelsior that
Eduardo Neri, federal prosecuting
attorney, has directed a thorough
probe looking to stern legal meas
ures against the aecretary.
Persons close to President
Obregon describe him as optimistic
over mternationaT relations, ine
president is quoted as having ex
pressed his confidence that the dif
ficulties between Mexico and the
United States will be cleared . up
within three months. .
Court martial proceedings await
General Martinez Herrerra, leader of
recent revolt in the Tampico oil
region according to advices rceeived
here from ban Luis fotosi where
President Obregon and Secretary of
War Estrada are visiting. This an-
ouncement fallowed General Her-
rerraJs rquest that he be permitted
to surrender when k became appar
ent that he could net muster suf
ficient forces to carry out his plans.
Excelsior says it learns on good
authority that the Herrera revolt or-
Kinallv was planned to occur simul
taneously with the arrival of several
American destroyers in - Tampico
bay, in order to force the immediate
landing of United States marines,
with subsequent international com
plications. Hardings Back in Capital
After Sunday on Potomac
Washington, July 18. President
and Mrs. Harding returned to Wash
ington shortly after 8 o'clock this
morninor from their week-end cruise
ya the. Mayflpwcjj
exception That Proves the Rule
rCopTritht: 1021: By Th CMcars i npuua.T"'
! gloomy and think that everything
go and tako a oauint at the nearest
Authorities Probe
Murder of Broker
Sheriff Declares Wife Has
Not Given Satisfactory
Northport, N. Y., July 18. Official
inquiry into the killing of Henry
G. Hemming,, New York broker, by
Frank Ebehhaf dt, caretakeT"of Hem
ming's wife's estate, was renewed to
day at the insistence of Sheriff Kelly,
who asserts that Mrs. Hemming has
not given satisfactory answers, to
questions concerning the events pre
ceding the shooting of her husband,
which was followed by the suicide
of Eberhardt.
Assistant District Attorney Par
tridge has exonerated Mrs. Hem
ming of complicity in the death of
her husband, but under the urging of
the sheriff, District Attorney Young
has taken personal charge of the
. Sheriff Kelly said that Mrs. Hem
ming knew about the caretaker's in
tention to kill her husband if he
should try to force his way into her
heme. ,
Mrs. Hemming revealed today that
John G. Hemming of New York, the
broker's son by a prior . marriage,
had barred her from hei husband's
funeral. She said she 'telephoned to
him four times to learn the hour for
the services, and that she was told
she would not be informed unless
she signed a sworn statement that
newspaper reports concerning her
husband were untrue. She refused
this demand and later received a
telegram telling of the arrangements
of the funeral, but it was too late
for her to attend.
Mystery Surrounds
Finding Riderless
Horse in Driftwood
Pawnee City, Neb., Juy 18. (Spe
cial.) Mystery surrounds the find
ing of a horse with saddle and brid
dle on, dead and lodged in the drift
wood on the farm of Ben Amos,
south of here near Dubois, Neb.
It was discovered near the Nemaha
river following the exceeding high
water. No owner has been found, or
is it known whether or not the horse
had 9 rider.
It is feared that someone tried to
ford the high water on horseback and
was swept away by the swift cur
rent and drowned. A search will be
instituted to attempt an identifica
tion of the owner or rider.
Fine Parents Who Fail to
Send Children to School
Ord, Neb., July 18. (Special.)
Fourteen warrants were filed by
Superintendent of Schools Moor
man for the arrest of Ignatz Urban
ski, three children; Stanilan Baron,
five children: Peter Wilniak. three;
Joseph Knop and Ignatius Nevervy,
one each, on charges of failing to
send their children to school.
Peter Wilniak - appeared before
Judge Gudmundsen and plead guilty
to the charge and was fined $35.60.
Several more of the parents who
were arrested for neglecting to send
their children to school appeared be
fore Judge. Gudmundsen for judg
ment. In each case a fine of $5 and
costs for each offense was assessed.
Aviator Makes Record
In Winning Aerial Derby
Hendon, Eng.. July 18. Tohn H.
James in winning the aerial derby
here Saturday made a record for the
event. He covered the 200-mile
course in one hour and 14 minutes,
an average speed of 163.34 miles an
kW " 'i
t .
.0 it's terrible!") -b.l
it going down
U.S. Is Pleased
With Programs
On Disarmament
Sentiment of World Slowly
Swinging in Favor of Plan
Too Much Speed May
Cause Discord.
By The Associated Pma.
Washington, July 18. While the
State department is advancing its
negotiations for the disarmament
conference as rapidly as it considers
practicable, there is a well-defined
feeling here that time and prelimi
nary discussion are working on the
side of the United States in its ef
fort to include troublesome diplo
matic problems within tho scope of
the conference.
' This belief is particularly mani
fest just now with relation to Japan,
the only nation which has not ac
cepted unreservedly the American
suggestion that far eastern questions
be considered along with the general
topic of disarmamnt. Confidence
that such an unreserved acceptance
eventually will come from Tokio
has increased measurably among
American officials since the proposal
became a subject of discussion
throughout Japan.
Public Opinion Helps.
It has been apparent that Presi
dent Harding and his advisers were
counting on the aroused public opin
ion of the world as their greatest aid
in moving for armament limitation,
and they have read press reports
and the comments pf foreign diplo
matists with keen interest, to dis
cover how impelling is the sentiment
in favor of a frank exchange of ideas
on all subjects threatening interna
tional discord. This survey, so far
as officials have been willing to
comment, has aroused in them gen
eral satisfaction.
Press reports from Japan, indicat
ing that the question of full partici
pation is one of the liveliest debates
there, are taken as a welcome sign.
The same may be .assumed also with
regard to London dispatches indi
cating that British opinion hopes for
a complete acceptance by Japan.
The impression that time is a
friendly factor in all of these consid
erations, and that undue impatience
might lead to a misunderstanding of
the real motives of the United States
in proposing the conference is re
garded as explaining the indisposi
tion of this government to hasten
the preliminaries. It was indicated
today that nothing definite had been
done toward physical arrangements.
Expense New Question.
One question undecided is who
shall pay expenses of the visiting
delegations. It is customary for
commissions sent to such gatherings
ss peace conferences to be provided
wtih funds by their .respective gov
ernments, but some officials are in
doubt as to the polk; course in the
case of a conference in which the
participants are invited to the soil of
one of the nations represented. .
- The Weather -
Nebraska: Generally fair Tuesday
and Wednesday; continued warm.
Iowa: Fair Tuesday and probably
Wednesday; moderate temperature.
Hourly Temperatures.
S a. m
.7S 1 p. m...
..II I I p. m.
..ft ( S p. m...
. . . .85
S a. m . . . ,
7 a. m....
8 a. m..,.
9 a. m...,
10 a. m. . . .
It a. m ...
13 (noon) ,
...... .ia 4 p. m...
...... .IS S p. m. , .
...,..-.?A p. m...
.HO t p. m...
83 8 p. m. .,
Highest Monday.
Rapid City ..
Nanta Fe ....
Won City ,.
Ivt . . .
Ira Moinca
Jn4rr . . .
Norris Bill
Dry Senators Defeated in Ef
fort to Rush Through Anti
Beer Measure Farmers
Needs Come Fir6t
Drys Target of Sarcasm
Chicago Trlbnnf-Omnha Deo Jaiwd Wire.
Washington, July 18. Thirsty
persons, pining away for beer, wer
given a new lease on life today when
the senate, by a vote of 47 to 17, de
cided to take up the Norris bill
creating a $100,000,000 government
corporation to export farm products.
This action automatically shelves
the Campbell-Willis bill forbidding
doctors to prescribe beer as medicine,
in accordance with the ruling of
Former Attorney General Mitchell
Palmer. It is probable, however,
that the respite will be short. The
present understanding is mat me
anti-beer bill will be brought for
ward again as soon as the Norris
bill is out of the way.
The vote, neverthsless, indicates
that the senate does not regard the
Campbell-Willis bill as an emergency
measure as the drys have contended.
Some senators also Regarded it as
a sign that the senate has grown
less responsive to the demands of
the anti-saloon league, which is
clamoring for the immediate passage
of the measure. '
. Agrarians in Control.
The chief significance of the vote,
however, lies in the fact that the
so-called agrarian bloc, the bi-partisan
alliance of western and southern
senators, were again able to control
the legislative program. The "bloc"
wanted the Norris bill to take pre
cedence over the anti-beer bill and
it won an easy victory, with the aid
of some of the "wet" senators.
Preceding the roll call was a live
ly debate, in which the merits of
beer as medicine versus government
aid to the farmers was discussed at
length. Senator Norris of Nebraska,
chairman of the agricultural commit
tee, himself an ardent 'dry," insisted
that the 'beer bill could wait, while
relief to the farmers must be fur
pished at once. Senator Eroussard of
Louisana,1 democrat, pointed out that
although Mr. Palmer made his ruling
in favnr ff tnfliMn;it ntl Marrli
3, the Treasury department had not
yet jromuUtatedjrule3 tor srantinz
prescription permits. Senatorr'STerv
ling of South Dakota, who has
charge of the anti-beer bill, told the
. L M. "i 1 . . .
senate it muse atl wiui uic luiiiusi
promptness, because the breweries
were demanding that the Treasury
department issue the beer rules.
Norris Raps Sterling.
Senator Norris pictured Senator
Sterling with his "little bill in one
hand and an empty beer bottle in the
other hand, insisting that the coun
try hold its breath while congress
passes a law to prevent a doctor
from prescribing a glass of beer for
a patient."
Senator Stanley of Kentucky, face
tiously protested against the use of
such language in speaking of such
a "solemn issue."
"I suppose it is lese majeste to
speak of a bottle of beer that can't
find a consumer this kind of weath
er," retorted Senator Norris. v
Senator Willis of Ohio informed
the senate that unless it acted quick
ly "beer would be consumed in large
quantities not by the sick, but by
the healthy." He asserted that the
opposition to the bill did not come
"from the fevered rooms of the sick,"
but from "perfectly healthy fellows
with a strong thirst." ..
Senator Sterling asserted the de
mand for passage of the anti-beer bill
was widespread. As final convincing
proof of this, he read a telegram
from Kentucky distillers urging its
passage. This provoked considerable
laughter, in view of the distillers'
crs welfare.
Victim of Automobile
Crash -May Lose Sight
David City, Neb., July 18. (Spe
cial.) Earl Parks of Garrison is ly
ing in the David City hospital
threatened with the loss of sight in
both eyes.
He was helping on a threshing
machine in the country and, being in
need of repairs, started with two
other men to town in a car. As
they started to pass a hay rack in.'
tne road they brushed against the
side of the rack, breaking the glass
in the side of the car. A piece of
the glass struck Parks across the
eyes, cutting them severely.
An eye specialist has been sum
moned, but physicians have small
hope of his recoving his sight.
When Mrs. Parks, his wife, learned;
of the accident, the shock was so.
great that she became semi-con
scious, in which condition she still
Record Marriage "Dot" Is
Profit From Monte Carlo
Paris. July 18. A marriage "dot"
of 40,000,000 francs the largest on
record will be given to Princess
Dolores Radziwill when she marries
this summer Prince Leon Radziwill,
her cousin, ihe enormous dot is the
result of millions of chance-takers,
who thought. they could "beat the
bank" at Monte Carlo. "
Ohio Railroad Will Make", '
20 Per Cent Cut in Rates
Columbus, O., July 18. The De--
troit, Toledo and Ironton railroad.
controlled by Henry Ford, Detroit
automobile manufacturer, today filed
with the Ohio state public utilities
commission a new schedule of freight
rates providing tor a -20 per cent
reduction, fron Je. Igesect rates,