Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY 18, 1921.
& 1
Omaha Evening
School Among
Liirgest in West
Over 50,000 Young Men At-
: tended Y. M. C. A. Last
Year Enrollment Open
At Any Time.
Nine hundred and thirty-sevrn
students enrolled in the Y. M. C A
evening school during last season,
Thirty courses were offered. The
aggregate attendance for the year
was nearly 50,000. This is one of
the largest evening schools in this
part of the country and is attracting
8 great deal of notice on the part of
young men as well as. older men and
employers. i'lans are now being
made for the next season which will
" begin September 6. In addition to
,the courses offered last year, a course
in foremanship will be offered. This
will appeal particularly to those who
are interested in large industrial
plants and those who are looking for
ward to a foreman s position in any
organization. . 4
i Salesmanship, public speaking, ac-
, countancy, commercial law, drafting,
mathematics, advertising and elemen
tary subjects will probably be among
.the popular courses. ,
. Spare-time education is one of the
greatest opportunities for young
men. A great man has said that an
individual's success or failure de
pended on what he did with his
spare time. It can be used to pay
dividends or it can be used for mak
ing debts. f ,-w. .
r;A young man's leisure time usually
begins about 7. If .he uses it for
personal advancement and self-improvement
he will develop rapidly.
If he uses it for indulgence and phy
sical pleasure, he will not only keep
himself from advancing, but he is
likely to drop back." Most all suc
cessful men are those who have used
their leisure time for self-improvement.
; The Y. M. C. A. evening school
offers to any young man an opportu
nity for self-improvement. Make
your plans to attend school and
choose your courses early. Students
may enroll at any time.
Successful Laymen's Retreat
A St. Benedicts College
WithfWtn of nearly every busi
ness occupation in attendance, St.
, Benediti college closed the first of
a series ot laymen s retreats juiy n.
Rev. Henry Courtney. O. S. B .
whose lectures have been widely
commented upon, conducted the ex
ercises. During the three days of
the retreat the men were housed at
the , institution. The lectures and
exercises were held iti the assembly
hall ami In. the chaoel. The recrea
tion hours were spent on the campus
' , or on the walks along the wooded
Missouri bjuffs. So impressive were
the exercises that many of the men
are planning on attending another
one of the later retreats. Three
other retreats are scheduled for July
16 to 18, August 6 to 8, and August
(vlJ to 15. The complete series, of
retreats will be under th direction
of Rev. Henry Courtney, 0. S. B.
Wayne Teachers' College.
P. P. Claxton, ex-commlssloner of edu
cation In the federal government, ad
dressed the students and cltliens .Friday
on "Values In Education."
Thl Is Chautauqua week In Wayne and
the Institution has Joined with the local
committee )n furnishing entertainment
and Instruction. In this manner the bud
get committee of the college has been en
abled to offer large educational oppor
tunltiea at a low cost to all students.
, .
A school under Episcopal control for re
fined girls from 12 to 18 years of age.
Attractive location with fine school en
vironment. The school's high Ideals
and standards result in sound scholar
ship. Physical culture and development
of each girl is featured. Athletics and
outdoor sports and recreations. Four
hoars from Chicago.
Far Catalog, Address
The Rev. Francis L. Carrington,
LL. D. Dean..
';baf-2 tire repairing and
- "' flrf "' dreading ; also
BJ ' tube repairing and
all rubber vulcanizing. IN THE
Three weeks learning,
23. 'Write or call
National Tire
. 17th and Capita)
"V Ave.
In It Thirtieth Year
Day School for - women
a girls. Cwitinuous
throughout this year. Set
ion 8t30 to 1:00. En.
rollment first Monday of
each month.
Evening School for man
and women. Re-opens
September 8th. Sessions
Monday and Thursday.
Hoars 6:30 to 9:00. En
rollment first and third
Monday of each month.
iZ'-Ktx ll -VtW- 'iS
Van Sant Placement
Bureau Shows Demand
For Trained Employes
We all know the business history
of the past year and what it has meant
to employers and employed. But let
us not close our eyes to facts on the
optimistic side, such as these:
The records of the Van Sant bu
reau show that even in the dullest
months of the past year it has aver
aged two calls daily for permanent
office workers. The best months
averaged about four calls daily. This
docs not take into consideration cans
for short-time work, from which stu
dents trained experience and revenue.
The total number of permanent calls
received was 60 per cent in excess of
the total number of students enrolled
during the year.
While all agree as to the unpre
cedented character of the past year,
all agree likewise that this condition
is but temporary, just as the abnor
mal postwar acceleration of business
was but temporary. s In order to be
able to fill the certain future increase
in calls business schools must have
an immediate increase in number of
students. Enrollment this month
means preparation for a position sev
eral months hence when conditions
will have returned to prewar condi
tions of healthy, normal prosperity.
With the. poorest year in history
Placement Bureaus providing a 60
per cent margin of safety of employ
ment, young men and women will
readily recognize that with increas
ingly better conditions ahead they
cannot make a better investment of
time and money than in securing the
training which will insure a well-paid
position for them and a - competent
worker for some employer of the
future. '
Many Students Attend
Tire Repairing School
Turning out tire makers is . the
work of Hermann Nachschoen, own
er of the National Tire Shop, Seven
teenth street and Capitol avenue. The
course given at the school consists,
of tire construction, sectional re
pairs, tube repairing, tire trouble and
its causes, retreading, proper applica
tion of accessories, instruction side
light on repair materials, shop costs
and operation, special excursions
through factories and proper care of
auto tires.
"The school graduates an average
of 150 to 200 students each season,"
Mr. Nachschoen says. "The major
ity of these students are drawn from
middle western states."
Misner School
of the
Spoken Word
Patterson Block..
Atlantic 3294.
Courses in speaking, voice,
expression' and dramatic art.
Fall term opens Sept. 26
Summer School Now
X A at WVUWSViS r m
We are now installing; new equipment and students are urged to make
their arrangements early in order that we may the more accurately estimate
their Ineeds. THANKS t
T. A. Blakeslee, A. B Ph. B President.
. Accredited by the American Association of Vocational Schoela.
Corner O and 14th Sts., Lincoln, Neb.
Established 1863
Diocesan School of Nebraska for Girls and Young Women.
Prepares for all colleges and universities. General, College,
and Secretarial courses. Unusual advantages in music, ex
pression, art and household arts.
Rate for Boarding Pupils, per year, $800.
Rates for Day Pupils r s. ...:8S
For Information Address the Principal,
660 South 28th Street, Omaha. -
Maintains a College of Liberal Arts with many professional
courses, a College, of Fine Arts with a Conservatory of Music and
Schools of Art and Expression and a Teachers' College with work
leading to all certificates. Letters of inquiry and requests for
catalogs are welcome. Address
m " - e
The University School I Music
Twenty-Eighth Year Begins September 6th.
v A Large Faculty.
Complete Courses in All Departments.
Anyone May Enter.
New Catalog on Request
. Address ADRIAN NEWENS, Director, 1103 R Street
Small Classes
1 Solve Problem
Of Instruction
Omaha Institution Plans to
Assist Backward and Shy
Pupils by Individual
Are the parents of Omaha per
plexed about the selection of a school
for their childen in September? Do
your boys and girls require a tutor
to "keep up" in class? Do they
learn how to study? At the School
of Individual Instruction, 3507 Har
ney street, these problems are all
solved. This institution is a non
sectarian school for boys and girls
and features intensive study, short
hours, carefully supervised study and
play periods, luncheon service and
proper individual attention.
That the restriction in the number
of pupils in a class be made small as
convenient, is an established factor
in the education of the child. At the
School of Individual Instruction the
classes never contain over 10 pupils.
The conclusion is logical that chil
dren can grasp more in a class of
this size than they can in a class
numbering 40. Many times the child
is bright but shy and backward.
Such a child will be greatly helped
by individual encouragement. This
has made bright and energetic stu
dents out of what appeared to be dull
"Every child recites every day," is
the motto of the school. The cur
riculum for the year includes first
and second years of high school,
grammar, primary and kindergarten.
Make Your Future
SAFE Thru Study
at the
Y. M. C. A.
Evening School
, Classes Open
September 6th
30 Courses
"A Class for Every Man"
"Learn While You Earn" ,
'.. Make your evenings pay
dividends not debts.' "
Ask for Information
Young Men's Christian .
17th and Harney Sts.
Room 318 Phone AT lantie 1600
C. J. Shaw,' Director
Early J
Nebraska Teachers in
Colorado Hold Picnic
The Nebraska teachers in attend
ance at the Colorado Teachers col
lege, Greeley, Colo., held a picnic at
Island Grove park in that city, at
which 76 teachers were present, 19 of
whom were Omaha teachers. Miss
Anna Kraker and Miss Elizabeth
Long, both Omaha teachers, acted as
chairmen of the entertainment and
refreshment committees.
Kearney Teachers College.
A new bulletin of- extension course t
being prepared by the college. Thl will
give full deecriptlon of all courses to be
offered next year either In itudy center
or by correspondence.
The Dramatic Arts class, directed by
Mrs. Doris Smith, presented three one-act
plays, "The Confessional," "When Love
Was Young," and "Six Cups, of Choco
late." Dr. Earl R. Hedrlch, professor ot
mathematics at the University of Mis
souri, visited the college Monday and
Tuesday In the interests of the American
Mathematical society. Dr. Hedrlck dis
cussed the teaching of mathematics in
college and In secondary schools. In a
conference with teachera he "discussed the
Einstein theory.
Miss Alice N. Robinson, who has been
actlne dean of women during the summer
school, has accepted the deanshlp at the
Peru Teachers college.
A tennis tournament, has been going on
this week, conducted by Coach Ozum. A
volley ball tournament is being arranged
for next week. Arthur Petsch Is In
chargo of arrangements.
Dean Hattle Moore Mitchell of the
Manual Arts Normal school, Pittsburg,
Kan., Is the special lecturer for this week
Burgess Johnson of Vassar college,
Journalist, well-known author of chil
dren's verses, and .one-time editor of
JudKe and Everybody's, taught classes In
English, .met groups of English teachers
for conference, and lectured on journalism
Dr. Peter Dykema, professor of music at
the University of Wisconsin, led the
students In community singing Thursday
and Friday.
III. What About Plant?
Twenty acres. A. Main Building. B. Marshall Hall. C. Thomp
son Hall. D. Conservatory. E. Annex. Half million investment.
Write President Thompson
Supervision, Ethelwyn Hodge
The School of Individual Instruction
3507 Harney Street. Telephone Harney 2949
Fall Term Opens September 6th.
Limited to Twenty Pupils.
French, Music and Dancing Featured.
Apply Now For Reservation.
15th and Castelar Sts.
Omaha, Neb.
Boarding and Day School for
Girls and Young Ladies.
, Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy.
Presents complete academic course, commercial, special normal
training advantages and splendid facilities in art and music.
Complete college courses, academy and com
mercial departments, modern buildings,
gymnasium and athletics.
St. Benedict's Maur Hill Preparatory School for Younger Boys, conducted by the
Benedictine Father Address, Rev. Director, Atchison, Kansas.
Cotner College
College of Liberal Arts, School of Fine Arts,
School of Education, College High School.
Courses Offered
In History, Literature, Mathematics, Sciences,
Philosophy, Sociology, Sacred Literature, Edu
cation, Music, Expression, Art, and Commer
cial Work.
Fine ' new girls' dormitory. Strong faculty.
Expenses low.
Illllflllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllt
Immaculate Conception
Normal Academy
Offers Teacher Training Courses. Grants Bachelor of Educa
' tlon Degree, Life Certificate, all grades of City, State and Elemen
tary State Certificate. Collegiate, Normal, Academic, Commercial,
Music, Art, Dramatic Art, Home Economics and Keiater System
Dressmaking Departments. ' Special Gymnastics, Team Work and
Swimming. Address.
Dept. B.
University of Nebraska.
Prof. J. M. Mathews will teach during
the second term of the summer sesulon in
the department of political science. Pro.
fessor Mathews comes from the University
of Illinois, where he has been teaching for
10 years. He will conduit three courses
In political science, "State Government,"
"State Administration" and "American
Foreign Relations."
The enrollment for the first two days of
registration for the second term of the
summer session, numbered B60 or an In
crease of 327 over the corresponding period
last year. Forty-nine of this number are
enrolled for the foderal vocational courses.
Messrs. Taylor and Branson have gone
to Thurston county for the purpose of tak
ing a number of pictures, principally
motion, of the Indian life In thnt commu
nity. They expect to film t pow-wow,
whlrh Is to be held at Winnebago. Harry
Keefe, well-known citizen ot Thurston
county, to to direct the staging of the mo
tion picture scenes.
The Little Green Theater closed a suc
cessful season last week. "It Pays to
Advertise" was the last play produced,
and this comedy scored a distinct success.
The Little Qreen Theater has ben very
popular both with summer school students
and with the citizens of Lincoln
A iceneral faculty meeting was held
Tuesday for the purpose of passing upon
the conferring of degrees and recommen
dations for graduation. About SO degrees
will be conferred. '
Spitzbergen has only four months
of sunshine during the year.
One of th
Jarqesl music
schools in
Complete courses m piano, voice,
violin, public school music, dramatic
I art, leading to diplomas.
Dormitoru for Ladiea
I Send foe free catalogue
,poLi$.mma I
MeollelalSlli imnnEAPOUS.
' jit .. .V.,. A. A. .. .. .... .i...... ' l i
' 7, - V 'U
l',v,'"'1 "S'V
'" "' 1 ' V f .'! V
Hastings, Nebraska
Chadron Normal College.
Prastrtcnt Elliott and Superintendent
Crawford of the Chadron City schools, ii
cussnd the meeting of professional teachers
at the N. C. A. held at Des Moines. .
Miss Vivian Bard, who hs been the head
ot the piano department for the past two
years, la studying piano at Chicago this
The Sheridan Coonty club enjoyed a
picnic on Sprlns; Creek, Saturdny. A
novel entertainment In the gymnasium was
given as the weekly campus affair. It
consisted of an Indoor athletic meet be
"Wisdom, like the Taber
nacle of old, must take up its
abode among the people."
Colleges and
The Graduate College
The College of Art and
The Teacher' 'College'
The College of
The College of
The College of Law .
The College of Medicine,
The College of
The College of Business
The College of
The School of Fin Arts
The Teachers' College
High School
The School of
The Summer Session -University.
Course '
WHERE Can I Find It ?
An oft-repeated question - puzzling to
mothers and fathers as well as children.
A question worthy of the parents' most
careful consideration;
IThe Bee, in order td give better service
to its readers, maintains a department
for the purpose of answering such ques
tions. Address all letters of inquiry to
The Bee's Educational Department.
tween the Sioux. Boa Butta, and Cherry
county clubs. The Sioux won In Indoor
bass ball, with a score of It to 10, with
Box Butt, and IS to 11 with Cherry
county. The winners also wera victorious
in the track meet.
Three expression recitals for special cer
tificates have been given recently, one by
Miss Luclle Scott, at the beginning of
summer school and others by Miss Blanche
Blair and Miss Dora Smith.
A summer festival will bs given on the
Normal campus, July 17, when the pageant
"The Road of Tomorrow" will be pro-
The University of Omaha points to a record
of over eleven years of thorough work. Cre
ated and made possible by the business and
professional men of this city, The University
of Omaha offers exceptional opportunities to
those who wish to secure an education at a
reasonable expense. Under excellent moral
and spiritual atmosphere. Highest class co
educational college in Omaha. Every facility
possible for the physical development of the
individual modern gymnasium and whole
some athletic spirit
College of Liberal Art and Science
Department of Fine and Applied Art
Home Economic Department
Teachers' Training School Kindergarten
Pre-Medlcal Department .
School of Law
Two Year of Enfmeerlng
Extension Department
Fall Term Begin September 14
Enlarged Faculty and Improved Curriculum!
For further information write
University of Omaha, Dept. B.
You who are graduating from High School or Prep
School toward what goal does your ambition point? Do
you lean toward a career in business of in one of the
professions? Is it your intention to become an educator,
a scientist, an agricultural expert? Do you plan to pre
pare yourself for the strenuous battle of life by thorough
special training in any line? There has never been a
time when such training was more essential, when its ad
vantages were more apparent. We live in, an era of tran
sition and adjustment; in a world new-born after the
cataclysm'. Profound changes have been wrought. Trying
times, and times of glorious opportunity, are just ahead.
The University trained man or woman will approach these
trials, these opportunities, equipped with sound training
and sure knowledge. And in comparison with these ad
vantages, . the time, the effort, the money involved in
securing such training will count as little. Your State
University, time-honored and hallowed in tradition, offers
a well-rounded education in your chosen vocation, to- .
gether with a host of pleasant and worth while activities
for your leisure hours. A comprehensive curriculum, an
unexcelled corps of professors and instructors; athletics,
debating societies,' music, dramatics all these await you
at Lincoln.
Especially interesting' to you will he the literature de
scribing the University and its manifold activities, which
is now ready for distribution to 1921 Seniors. Send for
your copy. It will be of help to you in making your plans
for the future.
Address the Registrar
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, Nebraska
Summer Session July 12 to August 19, 1921
First Semester Registration Sept. 14, 1921 '
men p, nw ummvr miuwi tuavnis.
Tho normal college chorus will assist.
Cotner College.
President A. T. fiarmon gave an ad
dress at the Young Teople'a conference at
Lake Mlnnetnnka last Sunday. He la
spending a few days at his summer
cabin. Cable. Wis.
Earl Parmlnter, 'IS. has been elected
to the prlnclpalehlp of the Bethany High
school. Ha will teach manual training
and coach athletics.
Omaha Univer
sity offer thet
young people of
Omaha course
leading to de
grees, at a low
er cost, and equal
to those offered
by any western