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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, JULY- 18, 1921. 4The0maha Bee ;-4&AlLY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY THE BEE PUBLISHINO CO MP ANT NELSON a UPDIKE. Publisher. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED rRESS 1W imwai rim at aklea Tka Ha I a Biaaka. ai as ehelralt aoillltd is the ue fot mMloeUoa tl til oewe 4imlobi eraaUtetf I II of am hnrM erxliicd la this eepet. and sue Ike local a raw publish tenia. All nitta of wbllcatlaa at ear eeeeial menae are alee raaintc BEE TELEPHONES -Braaea bahanaa. iek far' 1TI..! 1AM its. Aaaaiunanl ur I'araua Wuitaal n lesUlHJ a WW 1 Far Nlfhl Call After 10 . ta.l . JMUortel DtrartBtnl T lantia 1 HI or IMS 'r-r,1' OFFICES OF THE BEE . J. Mala Ofrke! ITU tad ramaa - OKiaeil Blurts IS SooU M. 1 Botith Bid. MU ftmti 1K JtJW tee- 1M nrtk Ate. Waeatastoa 1111 0 ti Ckleaje Slant Bite I Tarla, Ftuoc IM Baa (. Honor The Bee's Platform 1. Nw Union Paaaangar Sis ties. h 2. Continue) iraproTemant of tha N b' braaka Hirhwara. iaclui!ln tka nava. man I of Main ' Thoroughfares landing into Omaha with a Brick Surfaao. 3. A short, low-rata Watarway from tha . Cora Bait to tha Atlantic Ocean. 4. Home' Rule Charter for Omaha, with -City Manager form of Gorernment. In spite of the reported interest of the Inter .3 Itate Commtwce commission in the subject of , reduced rates on'tiay, grain and live stock ship- mcnts in Nebraska and .the middle west in gen ,' ml, aid for shippers, if coming at all, can hardly r be 'expected for several months. Hearings on 'demands for. lower freight, tariffs have been set ' for, August 15, and it seems hardly probable that '.his federal board would reach a decision without Still further consideration and delay, n..' It is plain to see that action has been put off 5 longer than it should have been. Long before harvest began preparations should have been Aiade, and among them, the lowering of trans portation charges. What are these rates that are complained of as burdensome? On hay from O'Neill to the ytfmaha market frriqht costs are 25 1-2 cents per f-'ttJO pounds, or $6 a ton. When this hay arrives here the farmer sells it for from $7 to $17 a ton, When costs of production and cost of hauling "to the country station are included, it is evident that it is impossible to market a great deal of -hay without loss. The rate on corn from Ord,' 205 miles away, is 22 1-2 cents per 100 pounds. ,vTAis is 12.6 cents per bushel, and with corn sell urg around 55 cents', it is evident that the railroad NEeives more in proportion for its services than farmer. ' , ' Other typical rates to Omaha per lOd pounds ate: Potatoes from Crawford, 29 cents; wheat Worn Alden, 29 cents; oats from Erickson, 22 1-2 jv'fits; cattle from Moorcroft, Wyo., 57 1.2 'ents; hogs from Ravenna.,41 cents, and sheep sfagn Gillette, Wyo., 61 1-2 cents. These figures present an increase 6f 35 per cent over those ' .&r'a$nff y Par. ao just before the slump in iiBVf of farm Prodcts fcegan. The higher rates ..JNr awarded to the railroads on the strength an increase in wages given their employes. .''Tfiese wages have now been cut, but the rates 'jcji jwere their "excuse have not been. . . "s5-5 Farmers clam tthat 4hey would be able to' "ship more heavily.. and thus be enabled to ligui-i-fote' debts if costs of transportation were lower. 4Hs matter for debate" whether or not market - declines would result from larger supplies at the markets, absorbing much of the saving in freight costs. , . Some ' gain , there would be, however for the producer of foodstuffs. The middle west sst not weaken or procrastinate in its efforts ""for a readjustment, for the sooner the hobble of .'.nnrh. rates is removed, . the more quickly will .business resume its old vitality. A NeW Deluge of Gold. I With the United States now holding about 40 Dltr cent of the 'world's supply of monetary V'd. news of a new strike of the yellow metal in -Alaska can not .arouse much enthusiasm. This V i$scovery, which some mining men declare is V WmendousIy rich, - may' make a few more mil- tlionaires, but will provide nothing useful to the 'rxist of Americans.; If the output is large one s result would be to lessen the value of all gold, .yjhich is only another way of saying that prices , oil the necessaries of life would rise. f it is not gold that America needs; this coun t fy now has about $4,000,000,000 of . this, of ; j which almost $200,000,000 rests in idleness in I the reserves of the Federal Reserve bank sys i i tern.. ' What is needed is a resumption of pro : I duction and consumption of goods on a normal V scale and better facilities for distribution both ' in the home market -and abroad. This surplus jj. gold, 'not being used as, a, basis of credit, is not IJjpaving for its keep, and the only way in which ferKcan be utilized, so long as America refuses j'tqi ie$d ;to Europe or to import more goods jthatt-it exports, is 1y -expanding our domestic I credit. The, fact that expansion is now possible is reassuring at least Plenty of credit would seem ! to be available for- moving the harvest and for stimulating business.; There is no reason why Jany, legitimate enterprise should lack for means ,of carrying on or resuming normal operations. jiThe only menacing feature now is unemploy rment, which has limited the buying power of the people. Gold discoveries mean little compared jhtd the reopening of industry. F. - , ; v- i t- Putting Politics Into the Conference. While President; JIarding's move for a con--rerence over farestsVand Pacific questions met Uyith a very popular response everywhere, now t there is noted a tendency to put politics into the t proceedings. Not so much in the United States,. .(however, as" abroad. In England the matter pro Receded immediately to a break between Lloyd iGeorge and Northcliffe. The latter, whose great lewspapers make him one of the really powerful , leaders in the United Kingdom, has questioned the .fitness of Lloyd George and Lord Curzon to atft as delegates representing Great Britain at )t Washington conference.'- The premier has Vttjiliated by excluding the .Northcliffe papers ?from official sources.of news. " . . Here is the making of a very pretty mess. toVthcfiffe during" the war did not hesitate to tear into the government, particularly the War office, and largely because of the furor he kicked ; ijfc the Asqurth minis ty was overturned and the : coalition government, of which Lloyd George is head, came into existence. Sir John French vM superseded as marshal of the British expedi tionary forces "as a rtsult of the same upheaval, and all through the war sjnd since the Northcliffe press has dominated, a considerable element of British opinion. During and since the Paris con ierence it has severely criticized the government, especially with relation to its dealing with the Irish question. What effect this will have on proceedings at Washington is not easy to foretell. Northcliffe says the British delegates should be above sus picion, but does not say who will suspect Lloyd George and Curzon, outside his own following. The suspended Anglo-Japanese treaty may have some influence in the course adopted by the great publisher, but t safe guess is that he is doing the coalition cabinet more good than harm by his present tactics. ". Growth of the Dye Industry. One of the schedules of the pending tariff bill that is drawing a concentrated fire is that dealing, with dyes and dye stuffs. It has been denounced as the greatest imposition ever prac ticed in the name of law. Senator Moses of New Hampshire afforded, the democrats much consolation by his attack on the dye schedule in the Fordney emergency measure, and Repre sentative Frear of Wisconsin has repeated this by an onslaught on the permanent bill. Of course the democrats have lost no opportunity to rail against its provisions. Some facts are disclosed by a report of the tariff commission, just made public, dealing with the industry. In 1914 the textile makers of the United States were dependent on German chem ists for dyes. When the Deutschland came to Baltimore in 1916 its visit was welcomed because it brought a fresh supply of dyes, sadly needed here. Since then, however, the industry has grown in the United States, until now 213 firms are engaged in coal tar lines and 82 in dye stuff; 360 dyes were made in these factories in 1920, and the color card is constantly being added to; the total output for the year .was valued at $95,- 000,000, was 40 per cent greater than in 1919, and 92 per cent over the prewar output. In 1920 the industry produced for the first time in America triphenyl-phosphate and tricresyl-phosphate, chemicals used in making pyroxylin, the synthetic substitute for camphor, heretofore controlled by Japan. So we find the American chemists competing not only with Germany, but with Japan in the making of dyes and the by-products. Dyes to the value of $45,- 000,000 were exported during 1920. Incidental ly, the chemicals used in tanning processes arc being produced at a rate that will soon render the leather industry independent of the natural supply. These facts justify the placing of a tariff high enough to keep the home market secure to the home product It was abandoned once, for the sole reason that the materials could be purchased cheaper in Germany. The war forced Americans to develop commercial chemistry, and it would be sheerest folly to permit control to again fall into alien hands, especially as the United States is fast coming to the controlling position in the textile producing field. ; New York's Third Senator. New York is boastinsr that it has three United States senators' instead of the legal limit of two since T. Coleman du Jfont nas oeen ap pointed to fill a vacancy bv the governor of c - . Delaware.. General du Font, it is pointed out, spends most of his time at his mansion in ew York City, owns more real estate there than al most any other person, and holds the office of spe cial deputy police commissioner in the'metropolis. Just how well pleased the citizens of Delaware are at this representation has not been brought to notice, although if size and population figured in the. senate. New York would be entitled to even more weight in congress than it now has. Nearly one-fourth of the federal taxes were contributed by New York last year, its quota being $1,124,351,706. In view of a fact such as this, it must be admitted that the influence of the Empire state m matters of government is not on the theory that he who pays the piper calls the tune, and that the state does not ex ercise the power it might well be expected to. As a matter of fact it is possible for a minority of the people of the United States to dic tate to the majority. This condition comes about through the fact that more than one-half of the people of the United States live in twelve states. Constitutional amendment require ratification by three-fourths of the states, which three fourths conceivably might be the thirty-six states having less than half the population. New York, paying almost one-fourth of the taxes, and with nearly a tenth of the total popu lation of America, may have strengthened it self at the expense of Delaware, but is still far from controlling the nation. Home Versus the Camera. Mrs. Natalie Talmage Buster Kea ton admits she turned down not one but several offers of $2,000 a week from movie magnates that she might take on the general manager's position in the home of her brand new husband. This re versal of the usual order of things may make some women gasp. Quite a few of them will be ready to assert that Natalie will come nearer earning $2,000 a week in a kitchen than ever she did in the studio. That depends on which way you look at it A lot of wonderful cooks are working for their board and clothes, while a lot of perfectly good dishwashers have been spoiled to make rather indifferent actors. However, Natalie is not taking so much of a chance. Bus ter will be able to provide for her immediate needs, and she. need not dread the approach of the installment man for the next few months, if ever. If conditions were a little different, the tale might be otherwise. "At any rate, the fair and artless Mrs. Keaton will get a lot of fancy advertising out of her abnegation, the film will not lose any more than she ddes, and after she has tried home-bossing for a while the job will be waiting for her down at the lot perhaps. Nor will she, so to speak, retire alone to the domesticity of her choice. Several million good wives and mothers in America prefer their lot to that of being a movie queen. The Omaha Woman's club plans to erect a building down town, which will be a remarkable institution, as compared to those put up by men's organizations; Instead of being devoted to de? vetoping muscle or enlarging business or 'giving opportunity for social diversion, this home will be dedicated to mental improvement A Pekingese pup Is a little thing to quarrel about, yet a wealthy divorced couple have had to go to law over who shall have it Now that the former kaiser has had to give in and pay taxes in Holland he may understand one of the reasons his subjects revolted. State As Super-Parent What May Happen if Ben Lindsey's Ideas Shall Prevail (From the New York Times.) ' In proclaiming the state as super-parent, Judge Lindsey of the Denver children's court is very convincing, but convincing of something quite different from what he apparently in tends. The state has accepted the responsibil ity of educating the child and "no one today seriously questions this responsibility." "It is far more its duty to feed the child" and in gen eral to take responsibility as to its "health and morals." "The child must no longer be the vic tim of conditions over which it has no control, but for which society and the state itself are to blame." The words are doubtless inspired by a high spirit of. humanity, and patriotism; but constructive statesmanship requires something more than that. Let us first reconnoitre the pass to which sentimental philanthropy has already brought us. The cost of state aid public schools, pub lic baths and playgrounds, maternity hospitals, Americanization schools falls upon those who pay taxes, which is to say very largely upon the middle class.' So heavy is the burden under which the class struggles that it can no longer afford to have children and educate them ac cording to the traditional American standard. In this v important field statistics are mainly lacking, but there are certain straws in the wind. We know that, on the average, a Harvard graduate and his wife have one child and a Vas sar graduate and her husband seven-tenths of a child. If any of our advanced institutions were limited to children of its own graduates, it would shrink by approximately one-half with each generation. What else can this mean than that the brain power of the nation is shriveling? r or several decades the increase of our popula tion has come almost exclusively fron immi Krants and the children of immigrants. Yet Judge Lindsey proposes that the national wealth be still further diverted to the care of the. children of the incompetent and improvi dent; A curious sign of the times is that women of the middle class seem blind to this danger, and not always because of philanthropic senti ment. When committees of the house and sen ate were lately struggling with the question of salaries in the civil service, they gave several reasons, some of them rather clumsily ex pressed, why men should receive higher pay than women. They were sharply taken to task bv the president of the National League of Woman Voters. If woman's sphere is the home, argued Mrs. Maud Wood Park, it is "up to the men to "make that career so desirable that women will choose it!" What else had the dear congressmen intended? If men are to be hus bands and parents, they must have incomes scaled to the service they are rendering to the future As an abstract principle, equal pay for the sexes is as convincing as the super-parental responsibility of the state: but in the actual world of today both would work inerrantly and power fully against all the high interests of women and of children. The tendency of modern imoulse. and of such thought as it inspires, is somewhat too individual istic, considering only the particular hardshio. the particular "right." The prime concern of the state is with the family; its future lies in its women as related to their children. The prob lem is by no means simple; but it cannot be solved by insisting, whether from motives of philanthrophy or of selfishness, upon individual rights which can be granted only at the expense of the family. Leadership at Last Mr. Harding deserves the highest commenda tion for his proposal to the principal allied and associated powers for a conference to consider the limitation of armament. - , To the World, which has been in the fore front of the campaign for the limitation of arma ment, Mrt Harding s invitation is doublv gratify ing. There were imes when it seemed as if the president failed to appreciate the gravity of the issue - or to understand . the seriousness of the question of competitive armament in respect to the exhausted economic life of the world. He originally opposed the Borah resolution, which provided only for a naval holiday on the part of Great Britain, Japan and the United States and did nothing to further the general cause of dis armament until it was plain that congress could no longer be restrained from an expression of its opinion. The president has now generously atoned for any mistake that he made in the earlier stages of the discussion. It would be easy to find fault with his proposal on the ground that it is too broad and that problems relating to land forces and the far east might better be deferred until an agreement has been reached in respect to naval competition; but such criticism is captious at this time. It is better to attempt too much than too little, provided there is genuine good faith and earnestness on the part of the United States government in striving to effect an agreement. The response of the British government to Mr. Harding's suggestion is quick and complete. Lloyd George told the -House of Commons that "no effort will be lacking on the part of the British empire to make the proposed conference a success. More than that no prime minister could say, for he not only pledged the govern ment but he pledged the empire as a whole to the undertaking.' Mr. Harding's invitation is a manifestation of statesmanship of the first order. It is world leadership after more than two years of blind and infuriated obstruction on the part of the republican party as represented in congress, and in particular by the senate. It helps to restore to. the United States some of the prestige that was wantonly wasted in order that senators might gratify their hatred of Mr. Wilson at the expense of world peace and world safety. What remains now is for the president and the adminis tration to use their utmost endeavors to bring the , conference to a successful conclusion. If they can make an end of the destructive system of competitive armament they will have well earned the gratitude of mankind. New York World. ' Mellon's Great Speech. One of the greatest speeches ever made in this country on disarmament was delivered the other day by Secretary Mellon of the Treasury. It wasn't what you would call a great oratorical effort," lacking as it was in rounded periods and florid similes and being rather bald and curt, in tone. But it was some disarmament speech. He announced that the gross public debt of the United States was- $23,858,597,542.43. St. Louis Star. I' , Guides Wiser Than Serpents.. Lady Surma, who has been made president of the new Assyrian nation, was educated .in England and will be under English guidance. She will have a better chance than Mother Eve, who once reigned in' that region and whose chief adviser, tradition says, was the serpent, Springfield Republican. Aboriginal or Hyphenated? When interviewed and asked' to define an American name Chief Pahgumpuinkaret re plied, "Umph, paleface make me heap sick." San Francisco Chronicle. To Keep Cool: Think CoaL An aid to keeping cool is thought of the coal that will be needed six months hence, and of the price thereof. That will be conducive to chills. Albany Journal. After Man Came Woman. "Males Still Ahead of Females Last U. S. Census Says." Headline. Of course, this is not meant to imply that the males are being chased. Temple fTx.) Telegram. How to Keep Well Dy DR. W. A. EVANS Questions concerning hygiene, aanltation and prevention el disease, submitted to Dr. Evans by readers of The Bee, will ba answered personally, subject to proper limitation, where a stamped addressed envelope la enclosed. Dr Evana . will not make diagnosis or prescribe for individual diseases. Address lettera in care of Tha Bee. Copyright, 1921, by Dr. W. A. Evana AT LEAST 2.75 BENEFICIAL. Prohibition may not be working at least there are come pretty good sisns that it is not working' 100 per cent but there are also some mighty (food signs that partial prohibition the brand we have is helping out the world. In Chicago the physicians at the county hospital tell us they do not have the flood of week-end pneu nionlaB that they were troubled with in former days; the men who got drunk on Saturday, developed pneu monla about Monday, and died by the next Saturday. Far be It from me to say that it was more than coincidence, bul: do you remember how the sheets were decked with advertisements; , of whisky as a remedy for the flu and pneumonia in 1918, and how the death list from flu and pneu monia grew and how, in Jan uary, 1920, when the flu camo back, there were no advertisements call ing on people to drink whisky for the flu, and how the death rate came down? This story deals with another angle to the whisky situation. In the old days Cook county hospital, each year, took care of 150 cases of cirrhosis of the liver, sometimes called drunkard's liver. In 1916 that hospital cared for 160 such cases. There was one patient with this disease for every 195 patients of all sorts. In 1920 this great hospital only cared for 19 such cases, or one case for each 1,466 patients. The drop has been progressive. In 1918 about half as many as 1917, 1919 about half as many as 1918, 1920 about half as many as 1919. Cirrhosis of the liver Is ,a slowly developing disease and the county hospital usually gets the late) and fully developed cases. The 1921 cases will Include the booze fighters of two or three years ago. Therefore wo 'expect to get some eases this year that earned their disease . by working at the bar before the pro hibition law went into effect. After all, will drunkard's liver disappear from the county hospital? Will we have to appeal to the pa triotic senses to keep it up in order that each medical student may ace one case of cirrhosis of the liver as a part of- his- training? I do not think so. . In the first place, there is the hootch brigade. I have one neighbor who pays three dues in this brigade one for him self in the daytime and two for him self at night and this loyal mem ber of the order should be able to serve as .clinical material a few years from now. But even1 aside from the hootch biigade, we will be able to get some cases not many, but some from the mustard eaters. ' . Dr. J. Li. Miller, who makes the above quoted report from Cook county hospital, discusses alcoholic beverages as the causes of cirrhosis of the liver. - The German literature in the main ascribes, this disease to al cohol. The controversy relates to the proportions due to beer and the distilled liquors, respectively. The Brititsh literature ascribes it to liq uors' in the main, but the Hindus have It and they do not drink: they get it from eating ginger, and the Egyptians have it, though they do not drink. They get it from eating highly spiced foods. When the day comes that prohibi tion approaches perfection and the cases of alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver are not longer found, we will be able to find enough cases to teach our students with among the pickle eaters and those who varnish their meat with mustard, not to mention those who eat cove oysters swim ming in pepper and salt and those who sop their rare roast beef in high sauces. But why think of it. Let us bo thankful for what we've gained. No Taxation Relief (From the l'hiladelphia Ledger.) The tax-revi3lon program, the long and hopefully waited for tax revision plan, will come as some thing worse than a disappointment to the taxpayer. It will come as a numbing blow. When tax revision was promised it meant but one thing to the wait ing millions; that was lowered taxa tion. Spokesmen for the administra tion admit that all existing taxes, except those on corporation excess profits and income taxes in the high er, brackets, must stand. They go further. They admit that there must be additional levies if the gov ernment is to meet its obligations, even though soldier-bonus action is deferred. Taxes are not to be lowered. New sources of revenue must be found. There is to be a "stamp tax," an always-hated stamp tax, on bank checks; a 3-cent letter postage and the "nuisance taxes" will linger on. The taxpayer hoping for relief gets two blows, almost in the same spot and at the same time. Doubtless the government is get ting little out of the surtax on in comes above $75,000, as these pass the "collection point.," It is sound tax levying to remove these, but it will be a sore and sorer point with the small income taxpayers, for whom no relief of any kind is fore-, shadowed. The removal of the ex-' cess-proflts tax and the substitution of a general sales tax Is reckoned as sound policy from the viewpoint of industrial revival, but it will be fought with bitterness by agricultur al interests and union labor. Small wonder that President Harding is throwing the administra tion weight against immediate ac tion on the soldier-bonus bill! Un less the country wants to pile taxa tion on taxation, the bonus legisla tion must wait. We are now trying to raise $4,000,000,000 for national expenses. The bonus bill will add anywhere from one and a half to five and a quarter billions to the load. Secretary Mellon talks with grave earnestness of the bonus danger. He reminds us that we will have all we can do to take care of the disabled soldiers and that we should not dis sipate our resources "In a sweeping plan for cash payments to able bodied soldiers and sailors." As to legislation now, he gives this solemn warning: Its direct consequences are in , escapable. It would so involve grave dangers of renewed inflation increased commodity prices and . unsettled business conditions the result would be serious injury and loss to the whole community, and in the long run even the veterans themselves would lose far more than they would gain. The real troubles of the adminis tration begin with tha announce ment of the tax program and effort to defer the promised bonus. The administration is in a most un fortunate position, in that it must actually 'keep schedules in force and hunt new sources of revenue when it was expected to lessen the burden., However,, the party in power had no illusions about this when It wrote its platform in Chicago 13 months ago.. The plank on taxation said: The burden of taxation imposed upon the American people is stag . gerlng; but in presenting a true statement of the situation we must face the fact that while the char acter of the taxes can and should be changed, an early reduction of the amount of revenue- to be raised is not to be expected. It Is this "fact" that the adminis tration and the taxpayers are facing now. The future will tell whether "the character of the taxes" can be changed for the general betterment. : Nor did the republican platform go to any great length in promising a bonus to service men. It pledged "the utmost consideration" to the disabled, but for service men gen erally there was no promise of funds. Valor and patriotism were to be "held In Imperishable remem brance." and the promise made was this: "We pledge ourpelves to dis charge to the fullest the obligations which a grateful ration justly should fulfill. . . ." President Harding and Secretary Mellon appear to have kept thus far to the actual party pledges. Their trouble is that the country general ly and the service men particularly have taken It for granted that the pledges would be exceeded. . Alliance Commerce Body Appoints New Secretary Alliance, Neb., July 17. (Special) Dan Foley, until recently employed as a bookkeeper in a hardware store, has been appointed secretary of the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, suc ceeding George M. Carey, who re cently resigned because of a $2,500 deficit which the chamber incurred during the last two years. Efforts will be made to clear up the deficit as rapidly as possible; The weekly luncheons will be continued. lees A. aV .aV Danger In Mixed Marriages. Yutan, Neb., July 9. To the Edi tor of The Bee: Just a few words against the erroneous doctrine which J. D. Crum is attempting to spread through your paper. I uphold Judge Sears for his stand and maintain that inter-racial marriages are a crime which should bo prevented. In reply to the points raised by Mr. Crum let me answer them as stated in his letter to you. First, Be cause man commits a deed or crime is no, proof that such action on the part of man pleases God. Why did God separate the races if he did not want different races to inhsbit the enrth? Each race has Its niche to fill in this world and must fulfill its own mission in life. Second, X believe also in personal liberty, but my liberty does not allow me the privilege of trespassing on the rights of other individuals or of society. And under no circumstances does a man have the right to curse the fu ture generations through his own action. Third, A law prohibiting later-racial marriages is right. Fourth, No. Fifth. It does. Sixth, It does. Seventh,. Missing from letter. Eighth, It is not necessary to allow children to be raised in such an environment. If would react to the detriment of the child and of society. You do not find inter-marriaares between the better classes of either race. Ninth, There is no use in the argument about the relative merits of the dif ferent races; each have their good and strong points. But a pure-bred breeder of cattle would not advocate the improvement of a pure-bred Holstein herd of high class by using a pure-bred Shorthorn bull. Such a policy would destroy his herd in one generation and wfll do the same in the- human race if generally fol lowed. And I thank God that the majority of people do not allow visionary ideals to overcome their better judgment. Tenth, Let us stand for more care in insisting on racial purity be it the black race or the white race. And don't impute all the crimes in the universe to God because He gave man the priv ilege of choosing between the right and wrong. A marriage between the races simply emphasizes the Bible statement that "the sins of the fath ers will be visited upto the children even unto the third and fourth gen oration. And how truly does that work in a mixed marriage. A SUBSCRIBER. Wants Dodge Street Fixed. Omaha. July 13. To the Editor of The Bee: Thousands bf people are inconvenienced every day, and have been for many months, by the disgraceful proceedings on Dodge street, and no relief promised for many months to come. While over on St. Marys avenue a job of grading and paving is mov ing swiftly to completion; "mum" seems to be the word about this job. Lots of money? Is this Omaha's invisible govern ment at work ? Is Kontsky saving the citizens' money on Dodge street and spending It on St. Marys ave nue? And if so, why? Omaha citizens are entitled to have a little light and lntormation on this weird situation in the city hall since the last election. A CITIZEN. Easterner to Direct Pageant at Superior ' Superior, Neb., July 17. (Spe cial.) Earl E. Harper of Auburn dale, Mass., will direct the. big chorus in the historic pageant at Superior August 16-17. Mr. Harper is a musical director of note, a graduate of Nebraska Wes leyan ' university and well-known on the chautauqua and lyceum circuits throughout the west. His wife, a for mer Lincoln girl, who is also well- known on chautauqua circuits and who Was very prominent in musical circles in Lincoln, will sing "In Flanders Field," the musical success of Edith Louise Neuman of Wy more, whose musical score of the world war poem has been so highly complimented by General Pershing. C. D. Crary, commander of Bal leau Wood post, American Legion of Guide Rock, was here in confer ence with Commander Hayes of the Superior post relative to the pageant Guide Rock will be one-of the towns furnishing troops for the big battle scene. Big Picnic Planned. Alexandria, Neb., July 17. (Spe cial.) A farmers' and merchants' picnic will be held in the city park here August 3. John L. Naiman is chairman' of the committee on ar rangements. Music will be furnished by the Hebron Firemen's band. 1 America Ignores Communications Sent by League "There Ain't No Such Ani mal," is Attitude Taken by State Department at Washington. ,Py EDWIN L. JAMES Copyright. 19tl, w York Times Paris, July 17. In the office of the secretary of the league of na tions at Geneva, there is a filing case devoted to unexpedited business. One section of this filing case contains a collection of papers which grows, thicker, but not thinner. It, contains, communications of the league of na tions to the new American govern ment. None of them has been ans wered. For since Harding has been president, the attitude of the j State department towards the league ap pears to be that tnere am i no sucn animal." Washington simply won't be bothered. European diplomats say there are few, if any, precedents for a government absolutely ignor-, ing the communications of an inter national association, duly recognized by other governments and 48 of therti belong to the leagufc. ' In that green filing case there are appeals for hungry folks; there are reports of projects for the suppres sion of white slavery; there are plans for the suppression of the opium traffic; there are notifications of pro posals for a change in the covenant American republicans dislike. Some are invitations to America to send a minister to discuss mandate mis takes which Washington thinks the league has made. But to these com munications, the response from J Washineton has been silence per haps the silence of that tomb to which the winning republicans con signed the unhappy league, but which it has not yet been quite reached. There is a growing feeling amohg league officials that the republican administration at Washington 'is not willing to let the league be buried in an orderly fashion, but is hurry ing along the corpse in an unseeming fashion and this tends to peeve the corpse. - Chautauqua at Liberty. Liberty, Neb., July 17. (Special.) The chautauqua committee, has signed up for another year, the dates to be early in August. Beatrice Men Form Body to Combat High Cost of. Traveling Beatrice, Neb., July 17. (Special Telegram.) Traveling men, manu facturers and jobbers of this city held a meeting to organize to com-' bat hotel, railroad, auto- bus and ga rage rates in the state. These officers were elected: George Smullin, president; E. E... Abbott, vice president, and M. 1 Wright, secretary. The, new organization A snlirit the sunoOrt 6t all councils and posts in Nebraska, as well as manufacturers and jobbers tor a re duction in general traveling ex penses. The meeting was, well-attended and the trond of addresses given was that expenses on the road were al most as high as during tlvc war. In stances were cited where hotels and restaurants had boosted, prices sky high a few years ago and had never made any reductioivs, although hotel supplies had -dropped nearly 10 per cent. .George Kelso of Grand Island, state treasurer of the United Com mercial Travelers, and Harry Price, secretary, led in the discussions. , Geneva Woman Enters Work '- Of Vocational Training "Geneva'; Neb., July 17. (Special.) -j-An appointment to the government vocational -training department has been received by Miss Allie Burke of Geneva, who has gone to Wash ington. Miss Burke will be sta tioned, somewhere in the east, prob ably at Washington or New York City. She has been teaching in the Lincoln scity schools for several years. 1 Aged Checkman in Lincoln Hotel Drops Dead in Lobby Lincoln, July 17 (Special Tele gram.) J phn Rosa,' 73, checkman at the Lincoln., hotel, . dropped dead in the lobby today. A letter addressed to a,", daughter directed her to pur chase a tombstone tor another daug tef who died . recently. Apoplexy caused death. THE CURTIS HOTEL MINNEAPOLIS -:- In ths heart of Minnesota'! ' famous lake - region. Tha newest, largest and most distinctive hostelry in the eity Rates averare 92 JO tha day for room with private bath. . mm TO EUROPE By the Picturesque St Lawrence River, Route JVIAKE RESERVATIONS NOW Sailings Every Few Days from Montreal and Quabee ta Liverpool,' Southampton, Ulasgow, Havre, Antwerp, naplet, uenoa. Ocean voyage shortened by two Delightful Days on the Sheltered St. Lawrence River and Gulf EVERYTHING CANADIAN PACIFIC STANDARD NONE BETTER Apply to Arents Everywhere or to S. ELWORTHY, Cen'l Agt., Pass. Dept, 40 North Dearborn St., Chicago CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAFFIC AGENTS reat$ummerKo5tes5j (SSI Red-blooded Americans, lovers of life in the open, jump to answer the call of this vast mountain region as joyfully as the small boy withk shout "C'mon Skin-nay" hot-foots . it for the "old swimmin' hole." Here in the Rockies, only fourteen hours I away, are all the joys and pastimes of . thegreatout-ofndoors. Sky-piercingmoun-tain heights, commanding, serene. Air that O. Henry called "aerial champagne.'' ' Wild flowers from meadow to snow line. Wild animals at home. Lakes and streams inviting the angler. Good motor roads through- valleys and canyons to rugged heights and over the Continent tal Divide. Golf, tennis, horseback riding, hiking. Modern hotels, camps, ranches. - ' All nature is in conspiracy against care. Come and , enjoy a sense of immense freedom. . Complete your vacation by going on to Salt Lake City and Yellowstone National Park. -'"."' Three trains daily Omaho to Denver, four to Salt Lake City. Through sleeping cars to Yellowstone. . Low Summer Fares nowinetfect. Letuiplanalripforyou. . Illustrated booklets "Colorado's Mountain Playground" :, , or "Rocky Mountain National Park "fm on request. For information ask Union Depot, Consolidated Ticket Office, or . A. K. Curts, City Pass. Agent, U. P. System 1416 Dodge Street Omaha ' A 1 ;1 1