Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Ieb
VOL. 51 NO. 26.
Japan Will
Ask Limit on
Oriental Government , Ex
pected to Object to Dis
. erosion of Far East and
Pacific Problems.
Hughes Explains Stand
Chirac o Tribune-Omaha Be Leaerd Wire.
; Washington, July 7. Whether
, Japan will make the effort prior to
the assembling of the disarmament
conference or the principal allied and
, associated powers or after the con
ference begins its session in Wash
ington, it is taken for granted that
it will seek earnestly to have the
scope of the conference limited with
respect to questions affecting the
Pacific and the far east
Japan's official implied objection
to discussing these questions until
their limitation is denned is amplified
by the comment in the Japanese
Sra and the statements of its
prominent men. From these it is
apparent that in withholding assent
to participation in that phase of the
conference, which will deal with far
eastern and Pacific matters, pending
a definition by the United States, the
Japanese government has a deeply
serious purpose suggesting suspicion
of the objects of the conference. '
No authoritative information has
ler.i furnished in behalf of Japan
' as to its 1 own views of the limita
tions .whkh it would place on the
deliberations of the Vashington
gathering.' This is not' strange, in
of the fact that Japan has asked
the United States, "the inviting par-,
ticipant," to furnish its ideas as to
character,. and scope of the confer
ence. , '
Up to Conference.
Secretary Hughes has made ah
answer to this request and it is the
understanding" that he. takes the po
sition, in behalf of President Hard
ing, that it is not for the inviting
particpiant," but for the conference
itself, to determine what questions
affecting the Pacific and the far east
are proper subjects of discussion. It
may be added to this that generally
the United States government takes
the position that in a conference de
signed to remove causes of friction
that might lead to war, every ques
tion coming within that description
should have the attention of tht
- Japan takes the position that the
Shantung, question is settled. Even
if it were not settled, according to
the understanding of Japan's atti
tude.' it would be no concern of the
Washington conference for the
reason that the disposition of Shan
tung is provided for in the treaty of
Versailles, to which the , United
States is not even a party. The
same contention might apply also to
the status of the island of Yap, for
which Japan holds the mandate of
the league of nations.
. ', Demand Open Door Policy.
Japan has been equally emphatic
as the United States in declaring for
the open door in China, but there
are many phases of this question
which probably will be considered
by . the Washington conference.
Japan has obtained a number of spe
cial privileges In China and the Chi
nese government has charged that
sqme of these were 'obtained Under
threats from Tokio, so it is certain
that China will seek to have the
Washington conferees take notice of
its side of the case.
It seems to be certain that the
Japanese government will bring ber
fore the Washington conference the
question of "racial, equality," which
formed an interesting phase of the
peace deliberations " in Paris. The
Nichi Nichi Shimbun.a prominent
Japanese newspaper, declares that
as long as the powers practice racial
discrimination against Japanese in
the United States, Australia, New
Zealand and elsewhere, while de
manding enforcement of equal privW
leges and equal opportunities in the
far" east, Japan should carefully con
sider before joining the Washing
ton conference. This mattery should
it be brought forward in the confer
ence, will be bound to assume an
important aspect, judged by the
manner in which it was stressed at
Paris. - ' . - - . v , ; -
Frisco Police Will Hunt
Bandits With Armored Car
San Francisco, ' July ' 17. An
armored automobile equipped with
two machine guns and protected by
steel one and a half inches thick, is
to be used by San Francisco police
officers in operating against thieves
who work from automobiles. Chief
of Police Daniel O'Brien announced
today. The armored car will be in
operation within 15 days and will be
a permanent addition to the police
department's " equipment., ; It will
carry a crew of four or five men.
Shenandoah Mayor Vetoes
Permits to Sell Cigarets
Shenandoah, la., July 17. (Spe
cial.) Shenandoah's legal battle
over cigarets continues, with , the
mayor a second time vetoing the
permits to dealers to sell them and
the attorneys for the dealers serv
ing notice on Frank Sanman, city
' clerk, .that they will start mandamus
proceedings , to secure the license.
Mayor George B. Warner for a sec
ond time vetoed the permits when
they were passed by the council by
a 3 to 2 vote.; .
Three Fatally Injured
When Train Strikes Auto
Danville, 111., July 17. Mr. and
Mrs. jimes D. Craig and Mr. De
villed, a boarder at their home at
Harvey, 111., were fatally injured
and the 4-year-old daughter of the
Craigs was slightly injured this
morning when their automobX was
struck by a Big Four passvsger
train at a crossing near Cnvinct n.
Ind, 13 miles cast pi DanvillCa ;
taterea M SaNae-Clu
QuM f. 0. UaMr
Keith County Wheat
- Averages 25 Bushels
Ogallata, Neb., July 17. (Special
The wheat croo in Keith and Per
kins counties is proving to be more
ot a success each year. In Keith
county wheat is exceptionally fine
and wilt average close to 25 bushels
an acre. New wheat from all parts
of the county is being marketed and
a greater part of it is testing around
61 pounds to the bushel.
Farmers report that their Kanred
fields are averaging eight bushels an
acre more than ordinary winter
wheat. Some of it is yielding 40
bushels an acre.
-The corn crop in Keith county
bids to be the finest Keith county
has ever had. Rain is needed, al
though most of the fields will be
able to go, a week o 10 days with
out being severely injured by the
heat. ,
Fight Over Body
Of Baldwin Does
Not Materialize
Mail Driver Slain by Mysteri
ous Assassin is Buried in
Bluffs Uncle Who Was
To Claim Body Leaves.
Thep redicted fight over the body
of Walter Baldwin, Council Bluffs
mail wagon driver who was shot and
killed by an unknown assassin
Thursday night, failed to material
ize yesterday. . runera! services were
held from the home or his step
daughter. Mrs. Sadie Kelly, 1411
Avenue A, and burial was in Fair-
view cemetery.
W. M. Boudle of Skidmore, Mo.,
an uncle of the murdered man, came
to the Bluffs Saturday night for a
conference with C. H. Glenn, postal
inspector. Boudle stated his inten
tion of taking the body back to Mis
souri with him for burial beside
Baldwin's mother.
The common-law wife of the dead
mail driver asserted just as firmly
that the funeral and furial would be
in Council Bluffs as planned. Indi
cations were that a fight would en
sue over the disposition of the body.
, No difficulty of any character was
experienced yesterday, however, ac
cording to Corrigan & Beem, the
undertakers in charge of the funeral
arrangements. Boudle, the uncle,
left the city for his home on an
afternoon train before the services,
which were held as scheduled from
the home of the stepdaughter. Rev.
R. Burton Shepard officiated.
Boudle told Inspector Glenn Satur
day night that he would spare no
money to assist in finding the person
who killed hisf nenhew an that he
would induce another wealthy uncle,
Al Skidmore of Tate, Neb.; to con
tribute funds for the search.
Federal agents halted their investi
gation of the case late Saturday
afternoon and will not resume their
activities until this morning. An in
quest will be held by the coroner
early this week, at which it is hoped
information may be offered by per
sons wrho have not reported to
authorities in charge of the investi
gation. . ' ,
Six Months' Search
For Alleged Forger Is
Ended by Omaha Police
A six months' aearch for Ralph
Aldrich, Oakland, (la.) alleged for
ger was ended Saturday, when De
tectives Trapp and Munch arrested
him 'at Fourteenth and Douglas
streets. 'They recognized their man
in the glare of a street lamp. Aldrich
was about to disappear in the dark
ness when the detectives rushed for
ward and seized him.
After his arrest Aldrich, according
to the officers, admitted having
passed several worthless checks in
Omaha and Council Bluffs in the last
few months. V
Aldrich was wanted especially for
passing a bogus check at the Rex
pharmacy, Seventeenth and Cuming
streets, last winter. It is thought by
officers that feral checks of $35
and $50 now'neld by police were
passed by him. ,
Tree Blows Over on Auto;
Child Killed; Woman Hurt
Denison, la., July 17. (Special)
Daniel Fink and family, returning
home from this city, were overtaken
by a violent storm. When passing
through a wooded section of the
road a large tree was blown over
upon the auto. Mrs. Fink was
badly injured ia the 'back and an
8-year-old daughter received such a
blow upon the head that she died
the next day.
Des Moines Children Parade
For Lower Ice Cream Prices
Des Moines, la., July 17. More
than 500 children between the ages
of 6 and 16 march :d through the
downtown section of Des Moines,
protesting against the high price
of ice cream cones. Most of the
children carried placards , inscribed
"We Want Nickel Ice Cream Cone."
Woman of 83 Champion
Mermaid of Chicago;
Swims for Recreation
Chicago, July 17. Mrs. Elizabeth
Anna Amacher. 83. is one of the best
amateur swimmers along the Chicago
beaches and she is a daily visitor in
the lake.
This elderly , lady of the lake was
born, in Switzerland in the shadow of
the Matterhorn and she swims not
for health, but for recreation. .
"I used to swim like a fish when I
was a girl she explained today. "We
lived on the shore of a little lake in
Switzerland and I fairly lived in the
water. Of course, I can not swim as
far now as I could then, but I get a
lot of enjpyment out of jt.
Hitter Nay M. !MW. it
Act ft Mara 1. 1ST.
State Plans
To Combat
Nebraska Police May Be Sta
tioned at Railway Termi
nals to Check Attacks
Of I. W. W.
Launch Rein of Terror
Lincoin, ' July 17. (Special Tele
gram.) Use of state' police at rail
road terminals to handle the I. W.
W. menace on freight trains was
under discussion here today by state
Governor McKelvie was out of the
city and other officials declined to
talk for publication. -
According to word received" here
the I. W. W. are establishing a
reign of terror for all other hoboes
and refuse to let any excepting their
own members ride on freight trains.
At the same time the organization
members are reported to be using
their mob power in "bluffing" freight
train crews into giving them exclu
sive use of one freight car on each
train. The members were reoorted to
be traveling in droves of 20 to 30 to
insure safe passage from train crews
and at the same time to force inde
pedent hoboes to walk. )
The worst menace of these tactics
from reports received from railroad
officials is the fact that closing of
car shoos and other industries had
thrown hundreds of men out of work
who have been driven to the harvest
fields and who. it is feared, will
return to their homes I. W. W.s.
Record Crowd at
Nelson Aiy Meet
First Interstate Aviation Tour
nament Closes No Acci-.
dents Mar Exhibitions.
Nelson. Neb.. July 17. (Special
Telegram.) The third and last day
of the first interstate aviation tour
nament and show closed here. The
aviatorr pronounced this' the most
successful of the three tournaments
held up. to this time in the middle
west territory. Not a single mishap
of any kind occurred to mar the
pleasure of the three days
The , cup winners today were:
Acrobatic contest, Hogsden Smith of
Grand Island; cross country race,
k ?rt Cochrane of Araoahoe sore,
landing, smiin; nuraung, duck wea
ver, Wichita, Kan.; Curtis Friday
won second in this event.
Nebraska's own aviatrix, Mrs. El
sie Allen of Grand Island, with her
daring wing walking, and the Duncan
brothers and Pat McCarthythe wild
Irishman, gave their strongest pro
gram of the three days. .
Two specials were given in the
evening out over the city. Wilford
Eottenfield gave his second para
chute jump over Main street and in
the quiet of the evening sailed for
about two miles north before reach
ing the ground. The Duncan brothers
did wing walking, trapeze and dare
devil acrobatics over the main street
and held a record crowd spellbound
for about 15 minutes.
Clyde Duncan closed the afternoon
program with a fine parachute jump
at the field. Altogether this has been
a record-breaker' amusement pro
gram for this section and has been
very widely patronized. The peo
ple of Nelson are being loudly
praised for the magnificient way they
handled the program and cared for
the people in attendance. -. .
York Tourist Gamp
Praised by Tourists
York, Neb., July 17. (Special.)
York's tourist camp is one of the
best equipped places in Nebraska for
the overland traveler, according to
visitors. "
The camp is located in the city
park, just five blocks from the busi
ness center and is only one block
off the S. Y. A. highway which con
nects the " D. L. D. highway from
Lincoln with the Lincoln highway at
Grand Island.
Equipment includes gas for cook
ing, shower baths, and a large pavil
lion for shelter in case of storm, un
der which cars can be parked and
bedding spread. The newest con
venience is a washing ; rack for
tourists to use in cleaning their cars.
Lack of Work Checks Rush
For Discharge From Army
Cheyenne, July 17. Rush of ap
plications for army discharge has
stopped at Fort D. A. Russell, near
here, according to Col. Thomas
Dugan, commandant. Poor chance
of getting a job in civilian life is
responsible. , . - 5
Three-quarters of the enlisted
personnel have applied for discharge
under the recent order reducing the
army strength to 150,000, but a
large number of these men are ask
ing to withdraw their applications.
They, have talked the matter over
with their commanding officers and
learned that the unemployment situ
ation is bad. Thirty dollars a month
and food appears rather attractive
in this new light.
Soviet Minister Denies
Appeal Made to America
Riga, July 17. (By the Associated
Press.) George Chitcherin, the Rus
sian soviet foreign minister, denies
that a direct appeal has been made
for American aid to alleviate the
widespread famine in Russia. Re
ports appearing -in Baltic ; states
newspapers were that an appeal had
been made through Senator Joseph
I. Franca of Maryland, who now is
ia Russia
Mexico Purchases Home
For Ambassador to U. S.
Chirac o Tribune-Omaha Re I-emted Wire.
Wishington. July 17. The home
of Franklin MacVeagh of Chicago
has been purchased by the Mexican
government to be used as the home
of the ambassador of that country
at Washington.
Work will be started at once on
the erection of a chancellory to the
north of the house and it is expected
that this small building will be com
pleted in two months, when the of
fices of the embassy, now located at
1413.1 street, which has been the
Mexican embassy since there has
been an ambassador from that gov
ernment, will be moved.
Cash Shortage
Causes Schuyler
Mills to Close
I :
Common Stock Wiped Out-
Plant to Reopen Soon Un
der Management of Pre
f erred Stockholders.
Schuyler, Neb., July 17. (Spe
cial.) Wells -Abbott - Neiman com
pany, capitalized at $1,000,000, said
to be the largest flour milling con
cern between Minneapolis and the
Pacific coast, has been closed or re
organization. Common stock of the company,
held principally by heirs of the Nie
man and Abbott families, will be a
total loss, it is said. Preferred stock
holders will not suffer, according to
members of a committee of the
shareholders appointed to manaee
the concern when it reopens in three
weeks.'.-" - '
: Closing of the plant was necessi
tated through lack of ready cash.
stockholders said, asserting that the
company has plenty of assets, but
no ready cash. Additional loans will
be advanced by holders of preferred
stock, they said. . 1
Indebtedness of $500,000.
Auditors from the Peters Trust
company of Omaha and Foster &
Company of Denver, who bonded the
company last year, estimated the m
debtedness of the concern a $500..
000. Ready cash will amount to only
$250,000, it is claimed.
Improvements acerecrahno- ahnnr
$600,000, together with mismanage
ment n tne purcnase ot gram, were
responsible for the shortage, accord
ing to members of the preferred
siocKnoiaers' committee.
Resignation of Gerald Ehernber
ger, president of the company, has
mitee said. Ehernberger. who was
eiccteq president several years asro
to succeed the late Chauncev Abbott.
'fit,; will be .succeeded by M. We II J of
JNew xorK, who will assume man"
sgement upon his return from
Other Officers Retained.
The present secretary, J. W. Will
iams, ana the sales manager, R. E.
Heany, will be retained, it was said.
Heaviest individual preferred
stockholder is Mrs. P. Wagner of
New York. There are many hold
ers of preferred sock in Schuyler and
otner Nebraska towns
Reports of a shut down were de
nied by Ehernberger, who declared
that the mills had been closed for
only two or three days because of
a shortage of wheat. He said that
he is still president of, the concern
and asserted that there is no dissen-
tion' among stockholders. -
Woman's Arm Broken,
Others Injured When
Car Goes Over Bank
Mrs. Frank Peck, 3024 Vinton
street, sustained a fractured arm and
possible internal injuries, and her
husband was badly cut on the face
and body when the automobile in
which they were riding on the Lin
coln highway near Elkhorn Saturday
night went over an embankment and
turned turtle.
Mrs. Peck was pinned beneath the
machine. , Two other occupants of
the car, whose names have not been
learned, were bruised and shaken up.
The accident occurred as the ma
chine was passing a car driven by Jack
Beacom, , 2506 Jones street, who
said that the car was swerving from
one side of the road to the other and
that just as it came opposite him,
the driver ran too close to the side
of the road, the outer wheels slip
ping over the edge of the embank
ment. , -
Jack Beacom assisted in picking up
the injured persons and brought
them to Omaha, where they were at
tended by Dr. E. C Henry and
taken to their homes.
Mrs.. Peck was unconscious when
found. The party was on its way
to Valley on a fishing trip.
Police Seize Home Brew
In Home and Whisky on Hip
- A raid on the home of Jack Wil
son, 5220 South. &Twenty-fourth
street, netted 35 quarts . of home
brew, according to South Side po
lice, t
Joe Serreno, proprietor of a soft-i
drink parlor at Twenty-fifth and N
streets, was arrested when found
with a small quantity of corn whisky
in his possession. i ' : j
Both men were booked at the
South Side station, charged with un
lawful possession of liquor.
British Peer Gets License
To Marry New York Woman
New tYorlc, July 17. A marriage
license was issued to Lord Queen
borough, British peer, and Miss
Edith Starr Miller, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Starr Miller of this
city and Newport, R. I. The wed
ding will take place on Tuesday.
Lord Queenborough, who is a
son-in-law of the late William C.
Whitney, gave his occupation as a
director and his age as 60. His
first wife was Pauline Whitney,
i who died in lglg, Misi Millet il 33.
JULY . 18,. 1921.
;, The Changing World
77 old twimmang holm.
Tht mid feuhiontd orchtstra, which nmim thm
iaaemn hot to look mU ,' .
Omaha Couple
Are Robbed of
Costly Jewels
Masked Men Strip Gems Val
ued at Thousands of Dollars.
From Mr. and Mrs. i
Thomas Lindley. ;
'v r .-v Vi"'". '" ' ' ' "' i1-- ' '
5W'and Mrs. Tho'itnis J4. Jutfdfc;,
enjoyed an evening at the Field club
Saturday. They returned to their
home at ,'1311 South Twenty-sixth
street at A o'clock, drove into their
garage a.n;i were preparing to put
the car away for the night when two
armed, masked men stepped out from
the darkness and pointed revolvers
at them.
One of the men stepped toward
Mr. Lindley. '
"We've come to get your dia
monds," he said. "Fork 'em over. We
know ydu have them ' insured and
you needn't worry about any loss.
We hope you will be peaceful about it
for we don't want to hurt you. Of
course, if you resist, you know what
the consequences will be." (
-Relieved of Gems.
Without further ado, Mr. Lindley
was relieved of one ring weighing
5 1-2 carats ?M a stud weighing 1 1-4
carats. , '
From Mrs. Lindley the robbers
took a pair of ear rings with two
large diamonds in each piece, and a
cluster ring of 10 stones set in plati
num. The stones were blue white
and valued a$ $7,000, . Mr. Lindsey
said. ' '
After the robbers had pocketed
their loot they backed out of the
garage and escaped in the darkness.
Mr. Lindsey immediately reported
the robbery to police. He described
his assailants as being about medium
height and dressed in dark clothing.
V Mysterious Calls. .
According to Mr. Lindley there
have been several . mysterious tele
phone calls to his home in the last
few weeks for . which he could not
account. When. the calls were an
swered and the caller asked what
was wanted, invariably the reply
would be, "I must have the wrong
number." . . , -
These mysterious calls were ex
plained last night when one of the
robbers admitted that they had been
watching Mr. Lindley's movements
around his homt for several days. .
Mr. Lindley. is identified with the
Lindley Live . Stock Commission
company, 2v2 Exchange building,
south bide. . "
Situation in Silesia Is
Becoming More Serious
Berlin, July 17. Charles Laurent.
French ambassador to Germany,
made representations to Dr. Fried
tich Rosen, the German foreign
minister, concerning the situation in
upper Silesia. Reports from Gen
eral Lerond, head of the interallied
commission in Silesia,. and communi
cations from the Polish government,
the ambassador ' declared,- left no
doubt that the situation in upper
Silesia was1 becoming - more' serious,
owing to the nondelivery of arms
and the presence of German bands in
the plebiscite region and along the
frontier. "
Atlantic City Hotel Man
Arrested Under "Dry" Law
Atlantic City. N. J.. 'July 17.
Emanuel Katz. proprietor of a hotel
here, was arrested by Cape May po
lice and held under $2,000 bail on a
charge of smuggling intoxicants
along the coast. According to the
police, Katz. is suspected of being
implicated in a plot to land 152 cases
of whisky, valued, aV $30,000, from
By milt (I mr), DiMjr aa iiia'ay. I7.M: Dally eal. Ml
ate. ItMi to HlaU la Ualtta Statu, Cauda aaa Mixtea.
TCiMU: USl: y ft CUcc MomlI
I1 1 : . 1
sVl IE l . - - . 1
Thm modmrn mrehmttrm, which cm work mlt night
without otmih pit mr mxmpmthy.
Omaha Man Is Elected
Head of, Los ; Angeles
And Salt Lake Railway
Salt Lake City, July 17-Carl R.
Gray of Omaha, president of the
Union Pacific system, becomes pres
ident of .the Los Angeles and Salt
Lake railroad and H. M. Adams of
Omaha, vice president in charge of
traffic of the Union Pacific system,
her.omfts second vice oresidetit. uti-
ucr . uic piano .. uic x v.mii.
syt?:n has to reorganize the road as
a unit. Announcement to this effect
jvas made at the general, offices of
the Oregon Short Line railroad at
thei conclusion of an all-day confer
ence late yesterday between Mr.
Gray.'E. E. Calvin, general manager
of the Oregon Short Line railroad,
and George . H. Smith, general at
torney for the same road.
Mr. Gray will replace W. A. Clark,
former United States senator from
Montana, from whom the Union Pa
cific system recently purchased the
controlling interest in the Los An
geles and Salt Lake road. Mr. Adams
will replace J. 'Ross Clark, former
vice president o( the road.
liner Leviathan May
Be Reconditioned by
U. S. Shipping Board
New York, July 17. The giant
liner. Leviathan, which has been idle
at her pier in Hoboken for two years,
costing the taxpayers $45,000 a
month for upkeep, will be ordered
reconditioned, salvaged or sold with
in the next month. . This , was an
nounced by Chairman Lasker of the
shipping board, after - he had in
spected the former German liner,
Vaterland, which was seized . dur
ing the war and converted into an
American troop ship. . --
If it is decided to refit the 54,000
ton steamer and put her on the seas
again as a first-class passenger liner,
the cost probably would be $12,000,
000, experts told Mr. Lasker.
The cost of building and refitting
a ship of the same size today would
be in the neighborhood of $30,000,000,
it was estimated.- ;
P. A. S. Franklin, president of the
International ' Mercantile . Marine,
who'was a member of the inspecting
party, said his company had an
agreement'with the shipping board to
operate the Leviathan for five years
if the government decided upon re
conditioning it. ... ' . "
Spiritualist Decamps .
. . , As Police- Chief Arrives
. Greenfield, Mass., July .17. Head
quarters at Lake Pleasant of the Na
tional Spiritual alliance of the United
States were plunged into a turmoil
tonight when it became, known that
Chief Rheamont of Wisconsin, mas
ter spiritualist, trumpet bearer and
materializing - medium, had mysteri
ously disappeared from the ? camp
grounds on the arrival of Chief of
Police : Michael Carroll of Miller's
Falls, armed with a warrant t for
Rheamont's - arrest on a charge of
assault and battery and fraud.' "
The chief's disappearance was the
aftermath of ' an attempted expose
by Converse Nickerson of Everett,
who is also a spiritualist. sThe trum
pet seance, so-called, came to a sud
den , end 1 Wednesday . night when
Nickerson began ' using a pocket
flashlight, it is said... -
Forger Sentenced to 10
Years 'in Iowa Prison
Avoca, - Ia., July 17. (Special.)
Frank Brown, confessed forger, has
been . sentenced to'" 10 years in the
state penitentiary at Fort - Madison.
Brown was arrested following an at
tempt to pass a worthless check on
the Avoca Mercantile company. He
bad forged the name of R, F, Plahn,
wtmm moimmUng AW.
Ulster Meeting
Main Feature In
Irish Situation
Sir Jamea Craig Refuses to
Make ; Statement on Con
ference With Cabinet
Members. 4 '
Chicago Tribune Cable, Copyright, 1921.
London, July 17. The conference
of Sir James Craig, the Ulster pre
mier, with his cabinet was the out
standing feature of the Irish situa
tion. , The Ulster cabinet members
were hastily summoned from Bel
fast ',:
After the meeting, Sir James re
fused to make a statement as to
what took place or what his position
was, saying the matter was too se
rious to be discussed, many lives de
pending on the way the question was
handled, and that any indiscretion
might do incalculable harm.
"In my opinion what will best Kelp
the attainment of peace is-for all
concerned to maintain a rigid sil
ence, he said. :
However, it is said thatir James
is in possession of Mr. De Valera's
peace terms and these were discussed
at the meeting. The Irish leader's
terms are said to include dominion
status" for all Ireland, with provin
cial autonomy for; Ulster. ' ' i ,
' De Valera Stands Pat. - v
4 No tripartite conference has been
arranged yet and Mr.,. Dei Valera is
still insisting that Sir James meet
him in Dublin. '.".-,
Both Downing street and the Irish
republican headquarters in Gros
venor hotel are resting during the
week-end. Mr. Lloyd George went
to "Chequers," his country home,
and Mr. Dc Valera went motoring in
the country with members of his
party, while Arthur Griffith remained
with friends in London.
. The whole Irish party plans to at
tend mass tomorrow at St. Georges
cathedral, Southwark, whose bishop,
Dr. Amigo, is a friend of Ireland
and an opponent to Cardinal
Bourne's policy. f ,
Mr. De Valera will probably , meet
Prime Minister Lloyd George late
Monday and perhaps he will have an
informal talk with Sir James Craig
at the same time. On Wednesday,
it is expected that Mr. De Valera
will take, back to Ireland Mr.' Lloyd
George's terms for submission to
Dail Eireann or possibly for plebis
cite by all Ireland.. .'
Fitzgerald Released. . .
Desmond Fitzgerald, the Sinn
Fein 'minister of propaganda, who
has been interned for some months,
was released ' f ronl Curfagh camp
last night and is on his way to Lon
don to join Mr. De' Valera. He. has
been- living on bread and water and
has' been sleeping on the camp floor
for the past month as a punishment
for leading a mutiny.
-The "Weather
.' Forecast - ,
Nebraska Unsettled. Monday and
Tuesday, probably thunder showers;
cooier in east aionaay. ,
. Iowa Fair in extreme east, prob
ably thunder showers, cooler in west
and central portions Monday; Tues
day generally fair. and. cooler, pre
ceded by thunder showers in east
. Hourly Temperatures.
( a. m 7
a. m. 7
7 a. m..... 7
a a. m...., rl
9 a. m.. ... . . .MS
1 p. m.
I p. m
S p. m
4 p. m.
ft P. Bta.ura.
19 a BK. .... .w.i S4
5 P
It a. at. 7
1 Oa " I I 11 mH
Sims Letter
To Daniels
Senate Sub-Committee Gives
Admiral Clean Bill' of
Health in 1920 Naval
' Controversy.
Secretary Is Condemned
Chlctifo Tribune-Omaha floe T.euuM Wire.
Washington, July 17. Admiral
Sims is not only vindicated but coin
mended for his letter to Secretary of
the Navy Daniels in January, 1920,
on the naval lessons of the war, his
course approved throughout, and the
tardiness of the administration in
Carrying out his , recommendations
roundly condemned in the majority
report made public today, of the sen
ate naval affairs subcommittee, which
investigated the Sims-Daniels con
troversy last year.
. Impressed with the high import
ance of the great volume of expert
testimony, the report, signed by the
three republican members of the sub
committe, Senators Hale of Maine,
chairman; Bell of Delaware,, and
Keyes of New Hampshire, recom
mends the appointment of two corn
missions for the following purposes: '
. One, a professional commission to
be appointed by the secretary of the
navy to study all the matter brought
out before the committee and jn-the
possession of the . department and
ether sources, bearing on the naval
lessons of the war and make a con- ,
fidential report thereon for the use
of the Navy department.1.
Another, a commission, including
civilians as well as naval officers, to
be appointed by the president to con
sider the reorganization of the Navy
department and recommend to con
gress such changes as it may deem
, Democrats "Disapprove."
The minority report signed by the
two democratic members of the sub
committee, Senators Pittman of Ne
vada and Trammell of Florida, finds
all major charges made by Admiral
Sims, of delays on the part of the
department resulting in prolongation
of the war and loss of lives, of ship
ping and of money, "wholly dis
proved," his other charges "trivial"
and points to the splendid record
made by the United States naval
forces as a demonstration of the
wisdom of the policies and plans of
the Navy department.
The majority report states the
conclusions of the subcommittee in
part as follows:
v "We find that Rear Admiral Sims
tot only within his ijjjjts.
wining as) jic m 10 me secretary oi
the navy on January 7, 1920, con
cerning certain naval lessons of the
war, but we find also that as Rear
Admiral Sims was-in a very respon
sible position during the war and ,
knew that important lessons could
be learned through his observations,
it was his duty to write as he did,
(Turn to race Two, Column Two.)
U. S. Pays Great Britain
$32,688,352 in Claims
Growing Out of War
Washington, July 17. Despite '
Great Britain's debt of $4,500,000,000
to this country, payment of $32,
688,352 has been made by the Ameri
can government to the British min
istry of shipping, in settlement of a
claim against the War department,
treasury officials said. The payment
was made, officals added, pursuant
to an opinion by Attorney General
The British cilaim was for trans
portation services arising out of tho .x
war with Germany and the payment,
it was explained, constitutes final .
settlement between the War depart
ment and the . British ministry of
shipping of all claims of either party 1
against the other for transportation
services. '
Secretary Mellon asked Mr
Daugherty for a ruling as to whether
the act of March 3, 1837, which re- ,
quires the secretary to withhold pay
ment of any judgment against the
United States where the claimant is
indebted to this country in any man- '
ner, applied to such a claim.
" Mr. Daugherty held the act did not
apply as it was not the practice o
sovereign nations to prosecute their
claims against one another in the
courts and obtain judgment but ad
just such matters through diplomatic
Ireland Quiet on ' Sixth
Day of Truce With Britain
Tribune Foreign Kews Service.
Dublin, July 17. The sixth day
of the truce finds Ireland quiet and
peaceful. This fact demonstrates
the intensive organization of the
people and their loyalty to their na
tional leaders. Fears were enter
tained here that a truce would lead
to the disintegration of the Irish
army, but these fears have disap
peared as the morale and prestige -of
the Sinn Fein military organiza
tion was never higher. The entire
nation, combatants as well as non-
comoatants, would welcome an
honorable peace if offered. Peace
also is reported from Belfast, but
the troops, still are on duty in the
disturbed areas.
Reduced Freight Rates
1 Become Effective July 21
San Francisco. July 17. The date
on which the reduced freight rate on
certain goods from California, m
tended for export from New York
and Gulf points, will be put into efl
tect July instead ot August 15, if
was announced by the Southern Pat
cific company and the Atchison, To!
peka and banta l e Kajl way com
Ihe goods are dried beans and
peas, canned goods, dried fruit in
Kat! anrl a9la lm a ) Vvr.v1.&
atitM ravnj. a ivv auu tscu iv, j
barley, fate a J;p. OTMpnly,
1 9' ayiju$riui