Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1921, Page 13, Image 13

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1921.
Exceptional Bargain.
-room cottace. corner lot. Ona
biock io car HQ ana tfeneon Hign
Held Land Co.,
lOSI Military Are.
Dundee Home $7,000.
I rooma, I atorlaa, modern; not
new, but In food condition. Whlta
enamel finish, oak floora (lrit
floor: nw furnara; garags; lot
it ft. wide; paving raid; half
block to car Una. Reasonable
terms. Quick possession. Homes
at thla price In Dundee are few,
Dundee Home or
Exceptionally wall constructed
olid brVk homa with I bath
room; vacuum vapor hat; t out
(Ida entrances; located on corner
lot 100x111 ft Surrounded by
beautiful ehads treee; paved allay;
1 block to car Una. Can be con.
verted Into a t or l-famtly dwell.
In if. Would make an excellent
Investment. Priced right; termt
reasons ble.
' Evanston Home.
l-room, I-ttory stucco ; corner
lot, HtxliS ft. Finished In qusr-tar-aawed
oak and white enamel
with oak floora throughout; large
living room, dining room, sun
room, breakfast room, kitchen let
floor; 4 attractive bedroomi. In
cluding enclosed sleeping porch,
bath, 2d floor; full cemented base
ment; steam heat: ateel beams
and girders In basement; asbestos
shingle roof; garage. Price
-Fowler & McDonald,
Vknn 14!. 1120 City Nat. Bank Bldg.
Make Us An Offer,
Beautiful Lockwood,
530 South 52d Street
Thla two-story kallnstone home
built before the war ha the latest
architecture, fireplace In living
room, built-in mahogany buffet,
breakfast room, tiled kitchen,
4 bedrootna and tiled bath on
second floor, beautifully finished
and decorated throughout. Artls
tio fixtures.
Double garage with full-cement
Hlghcat residence point In
Omaha. East front lot, (0x140.
A. P. Tukey & Son,
620 Fir.t Nat l JA 4321
Sunday call Mr, . Hustan, Har,
5124 Izard Street.
Exceptionally well-constructed brick
home, south front lot 98x136 ft.; large
living room, dining room, sun room,
breakfast room and kitchen first floor;
4 oorner bedroom and Bleeping porch,
2 bathroom and extra lavatory second
floor; mald'a room and bath third floor;
Interior finish of walnut and whlta en
amel; hot water heating plant; base
ment equipped with laundry trays,
shower bath and toilet; 2-car garage.
Owner will trade for Improved or un
improved city property for part pay.
George and Company,
' t . Atlantic 2024.
Near 48th and California
On of the most attractive bunga-
rooma and two bath rooms. . Finished
In gumwood and oak; furnace heat.
Two-oar garage.- Many other feature
that we will be glad to explain to you.
For full Information call
George and Company,
T ROOMS. 110,500.
' A real home, full two-story, oak
' throughout, furnace heat, fireplace, all
built-in features, large 60 foot lot, pav
ing paid, two blocka to car line. If
you are looking for a real home ar
range with us to look this over. Sun
- day call Walnut (032.
"Better Value."
Hiatt Bldg.
1914-14 Douglas.
Atlantic 00(2.
7-Room Bungalow, Dundee
Owner leaving city, will sell hi
choice Dundee property at a bargain.
Full 2-story bungalow type. Living
room, sun room, dining room and
kitchen first floor, all In mission finish;
beautiful fireplace and wall decoration.
All rooms large and comfortable. Three
bedrooms and bath 2d floor. Large
variety shrubs, trees and fruit. Located
at 407 Dodge street.
Mattson & Smails,
Pnnirlai 8102. 1214 City Nat'I Bank.
Built for a Home.
Located at 5005 Webster St., J-Btory
kellestone, 7 room and bath, extra
toilet and lavatory between two bed
rooms, oak floor throughout. Ivory
enamel and mahogany finish, full base
ment with laundry trays, toilet, fruit
room etc.; lot (0x128 with paved alley.
Owner anxloug to sell and will consider
a reasonable offer. Call me up for
further Information.
C. A. Grimmel,
Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Phone JA 11(.
Dundee Colonial.
Two-story six-room and tile bath,
strictly modern and biand new. Beau
tifully finished In Ivory enamel through
out. Attractive decorations and lighting
flxturea. Garage and driveway. Pull
east front lot, close to car and school.
Thl la choice; special term this week,
i 214 South (Otb St.
Mattson & Smails,
Dougla 8102. 1214 City Nafl Bank.
Dundee Bungalow.
In on of the choicest section! of
Dundee, this 7-room story and one-
halt strictly modern bungalow. ijJ
. lent condition, new double garage aW
concrete driveway. Close to school )d
car line. Immediate poeseeston nd
reasonable terms. (112 Burt St.
Mattson & Smails,
Douglas 2105. 1214 City Nafl Bank.
Beautiful Brick Home
I am here from California;
muat aell my home and furniture
at once. Coma, look 1 over.
Price very low. Call Walnut (!
South Side.
If You Work in South
W hav the home for you. On Wool
' worth, close to 24th St., rooma and
sleeping porch. In fine shape, big lot,
oak finish and a big map at (7,600.
Kasy terms, to good parly. Will hw
.Monday. ,
Bedford-Johnston Co.,
' JACKSON 1724.
NEW seven-room, all modern, built by
owner, no "sham"; lot 72 by 122; pricej
(5.25. $750 eaah, poaaeaalon. Act quick,
several sr after it. Nethaway. Kea-
woql HQS.
1H OR ACRES with 7 room, all mod
ern house, oak flolora. Ideal country
home; price, 28,000. and ((,(00. $1.(0
cash. Must b aeen to be appreciated.
Nethaway. Kenwood 140.
Nethaway. Flor. prep, no colored. KE. 140S
Strictly modern, good garage, plenty
f shrubbery; all In oak, on paved
street la Clairmont. all tor $4.00. Call
Ken we Ml CM! or Jackson 2282. ff
appointment see same,'
Bemis Park
Beautiful two-story frame dwell
ing on (0x(l lot. Containa three
rooma and finish of quarter,
aawed oak down, four bedroom
up. Back and front terrace
abound In fruit tree and shrubs.
If you want a comfortable horn
with attractive surroundings thl
la your opportunity. Call
A.. P. Tukey & Son,
Jackson 4222.
Eve. and Sunday Mr. Baverldge, AT 4701
Clairmont Home Bargain.
T rooms, all modern semi-bungalow,
living room, dining room,
kitchen, den and bath on first
floor, t targe bedroom on second
floor, oak finish, full cement baa,
ment, with aaperat coal bin.
Thla 1 a well arranged house and
well worth the money, It won't
laat long. Phone office Sunday, or
Mr. Shaver, Kenwood ITtt, or
Mr. Smith, C. B. 21(.
N. P. Dodge & Company,
404 wieners Bldg., lttit ana
Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 0222.
36th and Leavenworth
t-room, 2-story; oak finish first floor,
white enamel and birch second floor;
hot water heating plant: large lot: yard
nicely parked; large shade tree. Price xerma.
George and Company,
Atlantic, 3024.
Six Rooms Two Lots,
Six room on one floor, full
basement, sightly east front cor
ner 100x1(8. Owner has purchased
a business out in the state and
muat hav his equity out of thl
Alfred Thomas & Son,
(04 First Nafl Banx. JA. 00(4.
A Used Car Wanted.
As Part Payment. '
on rla"ity (-room oak finished bungalow,
close to car In weat part of city. Full
i.,.cirM'Ht end attic, tiood south front
lot. Everything strictly modern. Price
Is ((.(00 and a right-priced used car and
a little cash will buy it.
Bedford-Johnston Co.,
Jackson 1724,
Sixteenth atreet near Jackson, 2-story
brick building 4(x6( ft.; 2 stores, (
apartments. Income, $7,220 per year.
Price, 2(0,000; (15,000 cash, balance on
eaay terms.
George and Company,
Atlantio 3024.
Juat completed, classy six-room and
breakfaat room; oak finish throughout
except kitchen and bedroom; built-in
feature; full cement basement. Delight
fully located H block from car Una
and on paved street. Price $7,(00. $2,500
cash, balance Ilk rent, by owner and
l-room atucco bungalow, on block
to car line, all rooma on one floor,
with a large sire attic. Oak through
out, flreplalce, all built-in features,
dandy basement, best of plumbing. Can
arrange terms. If Interested call owner
Walnut 5757.
Cathedral District
Six-room bungalow, oak and white
namel. Fir place. Bookeaaes, built-in
buffet, breakfaat nook, etc. Decorated.
Priced for quick sale.
George and Company,
Atlantic 2024.
FOR SALE In the heart of West Far
nam by owner. On account of leaving
city will sell home, corner of 26th St
and Dodge, consisting of living room,
dining room and kitchen, first floor;
four bedrooms and bath, second floor;
finished third floor of three rooms;
fin decoration and electric fixtures.
Prle reduced to $1,100, with $2,000 cash
and balance monthly. Phone Harney
152 for appointment.
Nearly new two-story bungalow; oak
finish, whit on second floor; living
15x2( ft.; fireplace, buffet, two rooma
finished on 2d floor: south front lot:
half block to Harney Car; owner leav
ing city; was offered $11,600 about 18
months ago. Price for quick sale, $8,500.
RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. AT 0721.
Omaha Real Estate and Investment.
(21 Psxton Blk.
Atlantle 4880.
10-ROOM apartment, l-room apartment
and I rooma down; bath and toilet In
each. $4,000 cash. Nothing like this.
Call Jackson 2282.
SIX-room, modern home In Cathedral dis
trict now being completed. Phone
owner and builder, HA 2195, or HA 0927.
FIVE fine lots, west Fsrnam district,
$3,(00. Big bargain. Jackson 0327. G. P.
Bemis Park.
T-rm. md. house, garage. ' HA. 2040.
FIVE-ROOM, modern house, close In.
Jackson 0327.
t. JC Bt'CK A CO. buv and sell homes.
A bargain In a suburban home.
4 large lots, all klnda of fruit and
berries. Shade trees. High and
sightly. Always cool. A splendid
modern oak finished bungalow of
7 rooms. Furnace. Electric stove
and heater. Owner has left city
and want otter. Let us show you
thl today. A ral buy.
2((l Fort St. A nlc home.
I large room and bath. Excel
lent condition. Large lot. Shade
tree. Oarage. Let u (how you
and make offer.
1002 No. 28th Ave. Dandy oak
finished bungalow of 6 rooms. ,
Nearly new. Excellently arranged.
$1,000 caah required.
390$ No. 14th. A fine 2-story
home of atJC room. Fine . oak
finish. Fireplace, buffet, full
bssement Large attic Hot water
heat Oarage. Would eoat $3,000
mere than price asked to dupll
, cate. Price, $M00.
4707 Franklin. A nice modern
bungalow of I rooms. Excellent
condition. Owner leaving city.
Easy term. ..
Sundava call 3. Langfellner.
Kenwood, 2(21. or E. A Hoising
ton. Kenwood 3472.
Charles W. Martin & Co.,
Heal tors.
T42 Omaha Ntal. Bk. Bldg. AT 0117.
Special Offer.
Lots Near Miller Park,
$175$5 Down and $5
Monthly. "
Her Is a chance for yon to
start a horn of your own. Pay
$5 down and gat your contract.
Build a temporary home and live
in It until your lot I paid for,
then you can borrow enough to
build that horn you have always
wanted. No rent to to pay. You
can pay for your lot In two or
three year and be independent of
a landlord. The lot sr high and
- sightly, rich, black eon and close
to boulevard and school. If yon
wish to see these lots todsy call
Walnut 1320. Week days call
The Byron Reed Co.,
Doug. 0227.
1112 Farnam St.
The Best Bargain of the
Year. . '
Six rooms, semi-bungalow, all
modern and in fine condition.
Three large rooma on first floor;
three bedrooms and bath on sec
ond floor. Hardwood floor and
finish. Fine lot, good lawn, plenty
of shade. Set of awning with
home. The beat value la a home
we have aeen for many month.
Price, 15,250; easy term to re
sponslble partlea. Sunday call
AT. 2(11 or HA. 721T.
C. T. Spier & Company,
204 Peter Truat Bldg. DO. 4257.
5-Room House
Just being completed. Flexotlle atuc
co construction, on corner, lot near
Miller park. First floor haa long living
room acrosa front, nice light dining
room, convenient kitchen with built-in
wall cabinets ajid rear entry. Second
floor haa two nice bedrooms, bath and
linen closet. House finished In osk.
Full esment basement, garage. Pur
chaser may select lighting flxturea, wall
decorations, stalnlag of woodwork, and
window shades. Located (7(2 North
24th St. Price $6,860. Term. Sunday
call Kenwood 0460.
1(02 Dodge St.
Phone Jackson 4270
$3,000 Easy Term
Will Buy This Seven
Room Home.
Seven rooms, full two-story
home, modern except heat: In
. good location near Florence Blvd. ;.
This la not a new home, but it Is
in fine condition and a real snap
at this price. Here is your oppor
tunity to get a home at a figure
less pre-war price. See It at once.
Sunday call AT. 2511 or HA. 7317.
C. T. Spier & Company,
304 Fetors Trust Bldg. Douglas 4887.
We have a dandy six-room
story and a half home, having
living room, dining room and
kitchen downatairs, three, bed
rooms and bath up. Full base
ment, brick foundation. This Is
a very substantially constructed
home and In the very beat condi
tion In every way. Two block
to car and handy to new Clifton
Hill school. $(.000 on good terms
to responsible buyer.
Alfred Thomas & Son,.
(04 First Nat'I Bank. JA. 0014.
Immediate Possession.
-room, modern home, kitchen,
living room, dining room, bedroom
and bath on first floor, two bed
rooms upstairs, full cement base
ment, large corner lot, one block
to car, $4,000, and easy terms.
Phone office Sunday, or Mr.
Shaver, Ken. 37(8, or Mr. Smith,
C. B. 21965.
N. P. Dodge & Company,
404 Mickel'a Bldg., lstn and
Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 0829.
3114 Decatur Street.
Good (-room modern nearly new
house that's well worth the price
asked. Terms can be arranged,
2709 Bristol Street.
Well built T-room modern house with
hot wster heat; near car and school
Reasonable terms. Sunday, for prices,
call Walnut 4767.
Creigh, Sons & Co.,
(08 Bee Bid. Jackson 0200,
2224 Maple Street
Must Be Sold.
Eight-room. two-story horn
built by owner who haa been only
occupant and who for very good
reason now desires to make a
quick sale. Full south front lot,
nice shade tree, convenient to
car, public and parochial school.
$(,500. ,
Alfred Thomas & Son,
(04 First National Bank. Jackson 00(4.
$4,500 Easy Terms.
Seven-room, all modern home In
good location near 25th Ave. and
Fort. Rooms are large, good fur
nace, full basement, nice lot.
near car and school. This is
priced at a pre-war figure. Sun
day call Atlantio 2511 or Har
ney 7217.
C. T. Spier & Company,
204 Peter Trust Bldg. Dougla 4857.
A splendid two-story house. Arranged
three bedrooms upstairs and bath and
three and the hall downstairs. This
I located west of 24th St. and north
of the Omaha university. Very reason
able terms. Call C. . Fred Dlckason,
Webster 6029, or
D. 8330. 330-2-4-4-8 Brandels The. Bldg.
$1,000 CASH
Balance $50 a month, has reception
hall, living room, dining room, two bed
room, bath and kitchen on first floor;
two bedrooms on second floor; built-in
featurea, full cement basement, furnace
heat, large lot, on car line. Call KB.
6294. Mr. Fltzpatrlck.
(-room house, one and a half block
to car line; east front lot; two block
south of Fontenella park. Small pay
ment down, balance like rent.
C. G. Carlberg,
JA. 0685. (12 Branded Th. Bldg.
Strictly modern, 80 ft. front, nice
close In. paved atreet and paid for.
$1,000 down. Price (5,000, $45 a month.
All on one floor, oak floor and finish.
Sure Is nice splendid construction and
la cozy and nice. Call Kenwood 08(1 or
Jackson 2282.
I can show you two five-room, partly
modern homes, that can be bought with
$500 cash, and balance $25 a month.
One Is priced at $2,200, the other $2,450.
Call Mr. Fltzpatrlck, Kenwood 6294.
NEW home Juat being completed near
Miller park for $7,600. $2,000 cash. Big
east front lot, full basement and attlo,
fireplace and other buillt-ln features;
garage and driveway. Buy now and
pick out your own flxturea and finish.
Bedford-Johnston Co.,
JA. 1734. Sunday call WE. 1227.
Thla four-room, new home can be
bought with $600 caah and $35 a
month, just one block from car line,
close to Fontenelle park. Call Sunday,
Kenwood 6294, Mr, Fltzpatrlck.
4278 Wirt St., new 5-room, all mod
ern. $500 down, $35 per month. Call
Walnut 1432 Sunday or Dougla 7412
Monday: ask for Mr. Cole.
4720 N. 29TH Good (-room house, modern
except heat, $700, balanc monthly.
Creigh. (08 Bee, J a. 0200.
us at once. Kenwood 017(.
R. F. CLARY CO.. 24th Ames Avenue.
1. B. ROBINSON, real eatate and InTeWI
meat. (42 Petera Trust. Uoo. 8f.7.
$500 DOWN, balance like rent; for 8-room
modern houee. Kenwood 1062.
Beautiful Edgewood.
On 69th, between Leavenworth and
. Mason fits., you will find 5 stucco bun
galowa that are certainly "up-to-date;"
( room, oak floors, enamel and ma
hogany finish, tiled floora In kitchen,
bathroom and vestibule; fireplace la
living room, breakfast nook in kitchen,
large lot (0x120. high and sightly, the
bungalow are priced below cost and
on terms. Look tbem over and ee me
for further Information.
C. A. Grimmel,
Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. Phone JA 1415.
SEVFN-ROO.M hour,, modem, except
. heat. $3,000. Terma(wner. 411$ S. 19th.
At Less Than Cost.
I can sell you the handsomest,
' beat built new horn in the Field
club at much less than buildera
cost. Don't bother unless you hsve
from $7.(00 to (10,(00 ready caah
to pay down. Living room, 16x10,
beautiful rustic brick fireplace,
sunroom, breakfast nook, dining
room, kitchen, den. four bedrooms
and bath, all handsomely decorated.-
Flooring 114 Inch square,
double tnunged and grooved. It
almply can't b deacrlbed, but
must be seen to be appreciated.
It Is the most complelte best con
structed and delightful homiest
home tn Omaha of the very latest
modern construction. Don't loose
his chance to buy right and get
a bargain.
Stier Realty Company,
HA. (701. Til Petera Truat Bldg. DO. 8548,
Another Good One.
A neat home on South 81de, all
modern, has five rooms all on on
floor. Full cement basement, nlc
yard, on block from car line.
Owner Is leaving town and will
give immediate possession. A
ment, with separate coal ' bin.
well worth the money: It won t
last long. Phone office Sundays, or
2768, or Mr. Smith, C. B. 219(5.
N. P. Dodge & Company,
404 . Mlckefs Bldg., 15th and
Harney Sts. Phone Doug. 0829.
Look These Over,
2821 a 34th St., I room.
2829 S. 34th St., 5 room.
202( S. 22d St., ( rooms and garage.
These ar all brand new homes and
ar strictly modern and up-to-date, fin
ished In oak and white enamel, with
oak floors throughout entire house; full
cement basement: built-in features;
home-owning community. Terms.
C. G. Carlberg, Realtor,'
JA. 0685. 812 Brandels Th. Bldg.
Close-In Bungalow, $5,250.
Why not buy a real owner-built
home? Built well, look well end
la surely mighty good value. Big
lot and five large rooms; attic for
two more. Term also.
Schroeder Investment Co.,
Jackson 2281. (21 Railway Exchange.
Sunday, Harney 0411 or Walnut 2251.
Thl cottage is over toward the River,
view park. It has a very pretty yard,
with big shade tree all around the
outh and east lde. Corner lot Juat
a block from 10th St. car line. Well
worth the price asked and If the term
are an object we can probably fix you
out. Call Bob Mitchell, Kenwood 0799,
D, 8880. 830-2-4-8-8 Brandels The. Bldg.
3063 South 33d Street.
Splendid (-room two-story dwelling,
oak ftllsh, built-in features, awnings,
garage, paved street, one block from car
line. Quick possession a owner leav
ing town. Muat be seen to be fully
appreciated. Prile for quick sale,
$8.(00. $2,000 cash, balanc leas than
Jackson 068S 81$ Brandels Th. Bldg.
South Omaha
Good 2-story brick store build
ing on 24th street; also brick
cottage, corner lot. Fin for oil
station, auto accessories or any
business. Owner her from
California say sell at $8,000.
Term. This I ome snap.
S. S. & R. E. Montgomery
111 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1811.
South 12th St, $3,800.
276( So. 12th, splendid large cottage,
I rooms and bath, all modern, large
lot, near car line, term can be ar
ranged. P. J. TEBBENS CO., Realtor.
Sunday H. 1317. Week day J a. 2181.
MODERN. 7-room house, oak downstair,
all wall decorated, full cement base
ment, laundry, good location. Mar. 8487,
(-ROOM; all modern house on car line,
oak flnlah, fine neighborhood; reasonable
Market 1489.
FOUR-room house and 2 lots for sal
cheap. 3417 T St., Jim Klllelea.
Dundee Specials.
$6,800. '
T rooms, not brick but fire
proof exterior; excellent arrange
ment consisting of 4-rooms on th
first floor, one that could be used
for den or sleeping room with
extra lavatry and toilet; 2 Tood
bedroom and complete bath sec
ond floor. Well built, ha cement
porch; no exterior upkeep out
side of window and door casings.
A very economical as well aa
practical arrangement. Reason
able terms.
A very complete, modern, cor
ner home, convenient to car; liv
ing room arrangement, all larg
rooms, fireplace; built-in cup
board In kitchen with butler
pantry; on panel doors. Four
bedrooms, on an enclosed aleep
lng porch, second floor; on room
finished on third floor; two large
porches, one screened In. Com
plete, light, airy basement, with
Rudd heater; stationary tuba;
enclosed fruit room and coal bin;
extra toilet Garage. Reaaonable
term. A real buy.
Ttemis Park.
Near 34th and Lafayette.
. $b,iou.
Six room, hot water heat; one
car garage. Regulation living
room arrangement first floor;
three bedrooms, sewing room and
bath second floor; eaat front lot.
Too amall for preaent owner. This
Is worth the money and surround
ed by beautiful homes. Very
reasonable term.
Clifton Hill Special.
T rooms. bed room, oak
floor: hot water heat; south
front lot Well built and in good
condition. Owner extremely anx
loua to get an offer. Thla can be
bought worth the money. Investi
gate. South 10th Street.
Near hoapltaL 7 rooms, mod
ern and in excellent condition.
Regulation living room -first floor;
I bedrooms and bath second fl"r;
one room finished nn th third;
oak floor throughout; finished in
maple and whit naml; garage
for two car; creened-!a porch:
canvased wall throughout; fir
and weather proof roof. Too
mall for preaent owner. Will
make n attractive proposition
Price, 13.360.
Call Sunday or venlng!
M. B. Oriffln, Harney 2073.
B. E. Price. Webstar (260.
Nil Booth, Walnut $00$.
Realtors. "
$11-20 City National.
Jackson 2350.
WEST Leavenworth, 8-room, sun room;
most desirable home; two garages.
Will aell furniture and window drup
eriea with home if desired. Possession
now. 10-room house, 40th and Burt St.
(-room house 20th and California. (
room house. South 24th and O.
70$ Keellne,
Sholes Specials,
Hanscom Park District.
On Woolworth Avenue, two
blocks from Hanscom Park, an
excellent two-story house, south
east front on corner with recep
tion hall, living room, dining
room and kitchen on th first
floor. Oak finish on floora. .Up
stalrs has a very nice bedroom,
bath and a nice sleeping porch.
The house is In excellent condi
tion and a good purchase at
On Thirty-third street, south
west of Hanscom Park, one block
- from the car Is a six-room house,
having reception hail, living room,
dining room and kitchen on first
floor, qr, oak finish on first floor.
Upstairs three good bedroom and
bath. House strictly modern; flno
bssement: hot water heat; large
lot 50x140, lie fine; price, $8,500.
Cathedral District.
On 41st Avenue near Davenport,
an exceptionally well built house,
strictly modern, having a recep
tion hall, living room, dining
room, kitchen and den on first
floor; beautiful oak finish. Three
fine bedrooms, bath and sleeping
porch, with good clcsets on sec
ond floor. Hot water heat, and
garage for two cars. You will not
be able to find r house of better
construction er of a more real
value than 1 in thla place for
D. V. Sholes Company,
Tel. J A. 0046. 915 City Nafl Bank.
Good Eight-Room House.
Thla house was built eight year ago
bl owner for his home ai d Is tn best of
order. Finished In hard wood all
through, best of oak floors, highly pol
ished. Vestibule, living room, dining
room, den and kitchen on first floor;
three sleeping rooms and bath on sec
ond floor. Glass knobs, mirror door,
large aleeplng porch which can be
heated. A good basement, floor drain,
large hot air furnace, soft water with
pump in kitchen and cellar. Lot 50 by
124, with a garage, fruit and shade
tree. Here is a chance to get a good
home well located at a reasonable price.
((,600, on very reasonable terms.
W. H. Gates,
147 Omaha National Bank Bldg
Jackson 1894. Webster 2688.
13.500 Terms.
This house has five rooma, with
plumbing complete and gaa. Located
only half block off the car line. At
tractive piece of ground, 100x128. This
yard Is fenced and at the price and
on the terms offered we consider t
a very good proposition. Call Evart
Weyerman, Atlantic 1451, or
,. 8380. 230-2-4-6-8 Brandel The. Bldg.
Brand New Bungalow,
Five dandy room on one floor. Attic
and full basement. Excellent arrange
ment. Frame construction. Press brick
foundation. Oak and enamel flnlah.
Sightly location on paved street In
Leavenworth Heights. A real snap at
th price. For full Information call
Orant Benson, Sunday and evening.
Walnut 1580. ,
Benson & Carmichael,
(42 Paxton Block.
Atlantl S640.
LAST week we advertised for a
certain kind of a house for a
client. We found just what we
wanted and sold It. We had at
least 20 calls and among them
were two exceptionally fine bun
galows, one in Miller park and
one In Field club district, both
priced at $8,500, about H cash.
Compared with other we saw
theae are worth the money.
Shown only by appointment.
McCague Investment Co.,
Do. 1346, Mr. Brown.
Late model Haynes, 4
Pass. Coupe Like new,
at a price that ought to
sell it quick. Party wants
larger car and instructs
us to SELL.
Nice Buick, D-45 Buick
Couplet repainted and
in good condition. Priced
to sell quick.
1920 Studebaker Special
Six Touring, 5-Pass. Like
new, and in excellent
1919 Special Six, 5-Pass.
Fine condition, paint and
tires good.
We are not loaded with
used cars, but what we
have are good ones and
prices right.
O. N. Bonney Motor Co.
2550-25S9 Farnam Street
Harney 0676
Is That House of
Yours for Sale?
If you want it sold,
we'll sell it for you.
We have been sell
. ing Omaha Real Es- ,
tate for 53 years.
Creigh, Sons & Co.
Established 1868
608 Bee Bldf . Jackson 0200
Attractive Field Club
Home Lot 53x128 Ft.
Term to suit can Be arranged on thl
high-grade 8-rm. home. The construc
tion 1 the best. The rma. are all extra
large and conveniently arranged.
Ing rm. arros front of house. Fire
place; 2d floor finished. Excellent In
terior finish. Alley. Paving paid.
Owner leaving city. See at once.
Willard C. Slabaugh,
McCague Bldg. Jackson 1(5$.
I kmmtm cEajp
Council Accepts
State Audit on
Steel Railway
City to Use Railway Comrais-
BiAn'a Vnlnntirm in F1! it lit.
ing Increase in Trol-
ley nates.
The city council concurred yes
terday in the recommendation of
Corporation Counsel W. C. Lambert
that the city accept the physical val
uation and audit of the state railway
commission in the street railway rate
case which is pending, instead of
making an independent valuation.
This will save the city considerable
money and time and. Mr. Lambert
believes, will serve the best interests
of the city in its resistance of the
traction company's application for
higher rates.
"It is a question of whether the
city would be justified in going to
this expense of making an indepen
dent valuation and audit in view of
the action of the state railway com
mission," said Mr. Lambert. "I feel
that any independent valuation we
might make would be a duplicate ef
fort. It is my sincere belief that the
results obtained by the state railway
commission's engineering organiza
tion would be entirely satisfactory to
the ritv.' The railway commissioners
assured me that the city may have
access to their valuation and audit"
State in Good Faith.
"If you are convinced of the good
faith of the engineering staff of the
railway commission, then I agree
that it would be a duplicate effort
for the citv to make an independent
valuation," said Commissioner Zim
man. "I am convinced of the good faith
of the state commission in this mat
ter," replied the corporation counsel.
"The recent electric light and
power hearing showed conclusively
that if a regulatory body will pro
tect the people's interests, substan
tial reductions may be obtained,"
continued Commissioner Zimman. "I
trust you know of this council's at-
$2,400 Asking $450 Down
Might take even less. House has
four rooms and cemented basement.
Furnace, city water, electric llghta and
inside toUet. Call Ed Siiicka, Doug.
D. 30. 330-2-4-8-R Brandels The. Tlldg.
$7,750 Terms.
Six-hoom modern, well-located home
In excellent condition. For particular
I CAN take your equity in your old house
as first payment on a new 5-room
strictly modern, well located, stucco
bungalow; east front Atlantic 8501
Sunday; Douglas 7412 days, ask for Mr.
Another Double Discount Sale
A splendid assortment of fine cars.
All are thoroughly renewed and will be guaranteed
when sold.
1921 Models
1 Reg. Sale
Price ' Value D. D. S.
MARMON Four-Pass. Demon
strator $5,300 $4,250 $3,760
; FRANKLIN Brougham, 4-Pass.
Enclosed . . 4,400 3,650 3,300
FRANKLIN Touring, New,
5-Pass, 3,000 2,650 2,400
) 1920 Models
MARMON 34, 7-Pass. Demon
strator, has all 1921 improve
ments 5,300 4,250 3,760
FRANKLIN Touring Car with
new hood and otherwise
same as 1921 model 3,000 2,500 2,250
1919 Models
FRANKLIN Touring Car with
new hood "and otherwise
kept right up to date. . . 3,000 2,400 2,100
7-Pass. Renewed Model 34
, 5-Pass. Renewed Model 34
4- Pass. Renewed Model 34. . 3,500 2,800 2,500
JORDAN 5-Pass. Touring Car
in fine shape and refinished. 1,500 1,150 1,000
Older Models
MARMON 48, 7-Pass., fine
car 1,500 950 700
FRANKLIN Touring Car,
5- Pass., Series 9 1,750 1,400 1,250
CADILLAC, 4-Cyl., 1914
Model, 5-Pass. ' 750 600 525
FRANKLIN Sedan, Renewed,
Series 9 2,500 2,000 1,850
3 to . 5-Ton Truck, practically
new 2,000 1,500 1,200
2019 Farnam
mt: J- V' j ' f mi
life 4
1 1 J
Open for, Inspection 11 A. M. to 5 P. M.
S42T Seward Street 5-room, well constructed bungalow. Lot 80x1 IB ft
Larfta rooms and closets: finished In oak and white enamel. Built-in buffet
and bookcases; one bedroom finished aa sunroom. Room to finish three
large rooma on second floor: 8-foot basement; Fox furnace; best of fixtures;
B.iQ wr one er. rnre eo. inv,
titude in resisting the application of
the street railway company for high
er rates. This council intends to
nrotcct the natrons of the street rail
way company as much as if we had
direct jurisdiction over tne opera
tions of the traction company."
Seek 8-Cent Fare.
The street railway company is op
erating here under a temporary in
creased rate of fare granted by the
railway commission during August,
1919. Application for a permanent
rate is pending before the railway
commission, to be resumed on bep
tember 12, probably in Omaha. Re
cently the company filed another ap
plication, asking for increased tem
porary rates as follows: Cash tares,
8 cents; tickets, four for 30 cents;
children, 4 cents, and abolishing the
reduced rate which has been allowed
to school children. Arguments on
that application were held at Lin
coin, but no decision has been re'
ceived from the commission.
South Side
Man Parks Car on
Sidewalk. Sleeps
Judge Says "15 Days in Jail
for Drunkenness and Reck
less Driving"
Three hours' sleep cost P. H.
Smith, 5137 South Twenty-sixth
street, IS days in jail.
Smith was found sleeping in his
automobile, which was neatly
parked on the sidewalk at Twenty
sixth and P streets, by Patrolman
Burke of the South Side station.
Awakened, he made argument,
but with the assistance of two other
officers, Burke escorted him to the
station. He was charged with being
drunk and with reckless driving.
According to " police, residents in
the vicinity of Twenty-sixth and P
streets claimed Smith spent most of
the night driving around in circles.
Smith denied this and when sen
tenced to IS days in jail by Police
Judge Foster he said he would ap
peal. .
Dies From Operation
Mrs. Arthur Brannon of Gordon,
Neb., died in a local hospital Friday
following an operation. She is a sis
ter of Mrs. George Condon and
Frank Ward of Omaha. Funeral
arrangements will be made on the
arrival of Mr. Brannon from Gor
don. -
Booze; Pinched; $100
Frank Seckey, 4118 South Thir
teenth street, arrested by South
Side police Friday on a search
warrant, was fined $100 for illegal
possession of liquor by Police Judge
Foster this morning.
St. 2025
nsnit .
Famous Film Star '
Deserts Screen
To Become Cook
Mrs. Natalie Talmadge Keaton
Turns Down $101,000 a
Year Job in Movies to Be.
come Housewife
Los Angeles, July 16. It has been
whispered about among the mor
exclusive of southern California re
altors that a bride 'who is giving up
$100,000 annually just to learn how
to cook" is looking for a site for a
fine new home.
The Los Angeles correspondent o
the International News Service in
vestigated and verified the renoit,
with the exception that he found tho
become what she terms "a plain
every-day wfe." It was also learned
that mh ic n( s Hiatiniriiiched fatnilv
which boasts of two "movie" stars of
the first magnitude, that but recently
cU a "mnvie" min r fl ian.
and that she has appeared in a num
ber ot successtui rums.
The bride, Mrs. .Natalie laimaage
siance Talmadge, and bride of Bus
ter Keaton, tells, in the following
article, why she would rather be a
"queen in the home," instead of a
"queen in the films."
I am going to take up an experi
ment costing me $104,000 to deter
mine whether I can become a suc
cessful housewife.
In other words. I am turning
down an offer of $2,000 weekly in
real, honest-to-goodness money,
which would be paid to me if I ap
peared in the "movies," because I
want to "star" in a kitchen role.
I think I know what some really
intelligent people will say when they
read this.
I feel right now that something to
this effect will be said:
"Oh. verv welll She'll be glad
enouch to get back to the 'fill-urns'
when the novelty wears off. Let her
stand over a hot range and wrestle
with pots and pans like I have done
these 20 years and she'll likely
change her mind."
Or this, for example, may be said:
'It will be a cinch the way this lit
tle Keaton woman will keep house.
Why, any poor simp could bask in
ease half the time, with the conven
iences she will have. There'll be a
whole flock of automobiles to dash
here and there. Then there II prob
ably be a flock of servants and every
thing will be of a push-a-button sort,
and, presto 1 the work is done."
And again, someone may volun
teer an unkind remark like this:
"Oh, she's probably going to wash
a few dishes and 'hold out' on some
film promoter to get a little pub
licity r:
Let me emphasize that if anyone
harbors such ideas as I have sug
gested he,' or she, is wrong.
In Search of Home.
I received not only one offer com
manding a salary of $104,000 a year,
t-Mtf ciriri 1 n a-vf fllOfn V4sThja1 f Vim
isue. 0Vvaaia liv V l v. l la a Nkaeiv.vj lliv
"please sign here on the dotted line"
stage. But when I made up my
mind to marry Buster Keaton I also
made up my mind that I was to be
the real manager of our home, and a
real manager I will be.
At present 1 tn looking over Los
A 4 t.
ngcics ana vicinity ior,a site tor
that home. I prefer that it will be
on a high hill. It will be big and
roomy. There will be a vegetable
garden, a flower garden, a bridle
path , for horseback riding, and a
swimming pool. For years I have
been building a "castle of dreams,"
and this is to be my castle. I will
be just an old-fashioned housewife
and plan to make the hours spent in
my home the golden hours of my
I am studying the likes and dis
likes of my husband. I have learned
that he is fond of such plebeian
dishes as corned beef and cabbage,
pork chops, corn bread and corn on
the cob.
Riddle of "Movie" Struck.
I have not been so busy in films
but that I could devote a little time
to domestic science. I could pursue
it only at odd hours, yet I managed
to learn to turn out what my rela
tives said was fairly good cooking.
I can do considerably more than fix
a mess of corned beef and cabbage
for Buster. But if he prefers that
dish he will get it, and it will be pre
pared in the best way I know how.
It seems rather stranire to me that
I have heard quite a few "movie"
struck girls sigh and yearn for a
career on the silver sheet And here
I am sighing and yearning for a
career in a home perhaps just the
sort of a home that some of these
girls would forsake for a career in .
motion pictures.
But I am yearning for more than
a home. I am yearning for content
ment And just between you and I,
dear reader, I will tell you the un
derlying cause of my decision. It is":
' Because I love my husband more
than anything else in the world. I
want to make him happy, so that he
can be successful. If he is success
ful, than I will be pleased. For his
happiness will be my happiness.
Acting Marshal Gets Card
Jbrom Judge Hunger in Italy
federal Judge l. u Munger, who
is touring Europe with a party of
Lincoln friends, is now in Italy. A
card from Florence was received
from him today by J. B. Nickerson,
acting United States marshal The
judge states he had no news from
the United States since June 4. He,
is expected back early in September.
Divorce Court
Dlroreo Decrees,
Elisabeth Karam from Bamuel Karam,
cruelty. -
Maria Bryan from John W. Bryan,
Christina Tlmm from Carl Ttmm,
Charles N. Cllne from Melissa Cllne,
Arthur Williams from LUiie Williams,
Dlrorce Petition.
Mary A. Boa-era afalnst Clyde C Ret
era. noneupport,
Anna White against Ira C. White,
Old Resident Dies
Mrs. Emma H. Rogers, 75. a resi
dent of the South Side for 11 years,
died Friday evening et the home of
her daughter, E. J. Heisrodt, 4807
South Twenty-fourth street