Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE BEE: OMAHA? SATURDAY, .1ULY 16, 1021.
Cannot Cheat
Nature of
A Reckoning
Xou can't dance tilt 3 in the niorn
iugjand come down to work frcsli
ani, eager at 9 the next morning.
Yo, can't eat salad and ice cream
and, cake at 5 and bring much ap
petite to your 7 o'clock dinner.
Inhere has to be a sense of bal
ance, in all you do, or nature ad
justs the balance in her own way.
Strangely enough, most humans
complain about the effects they've
inatjfaged to produce, but they don't
do -4nuch to change the cause nor
even give due consideration to that
-v. Don't you know plenty of girls
4 lid insist on trotting around all
Aimer in thing silk stockings, laugh
ing! at their immunity to the colds
that might beset other folks who
didn't show due regard for keeping
thefr ankles warm and who arc
astonished and feel abused when the
spring finds them constantly oh the
invalid list?
There's no way of cheating nature
of 3ier reckoning. She doesn't al
ways collect the minute the bill falls
due? It wouldn't be so bad if she
tlitf-for it's easier to reconcile your
self .to paying for a bit of reckless
ness when the memory of its enjoy
ment is still fresh than it is to be
calljd to account long after the glow
is fijone and forgotten.
In youth every one builds the
foundation of his . house of life.
Hatyits, reputation, education, health,
all Start piling up a cumulative mass
I C 1 1 . . . :n- ,.,ki c
wnen ioiks are juuhb, m wuai n
jllcd truthfully the formative pe
riod," , . . . . ,
In youth ypu rc training tne ooay,
...u;;i : hi nnlv one vou 11 ever
nth" - j
possess. You re building up the mind,
Vrir vrrv woman nnitntrt that
inborn graciousness that makes the
practice ot Hospitality a sort ot sec
ond nature to her. Yet eVerv woman
can acquire the manner needed to
make her guests. welcome.
To begin with, guests should be
made to feel welcome, not only by
the pretty courtesies that are ex
tended to them, but bythe words
and attitude of every member of the
family they visit. ; Even the glad
smile of a child of the house is a
welcome1 that any one might envy.
This attitude of welcome is natural
to some of us; but all of us can ac
quire it, and children so quickly copy
the manners of their elders and re
flect the home atmosphere that they
can be depended on to do their part
So much for , the general atmos
phere that betokens kindly breed
ing. Now for the actual attentions
of a social sort that you may pay
your guest. ' ;.
You may, toward the early part
of her stay with you, plan some sort
of party anything from a most in
formal knitting tea to a formal din
ner or dance. - - , i, t
Seme very dear friend, perhaps
under some, social obligation to you,
may give this first party for your
guest a tea, pernaps, or a- dinner.
Such a tea is naturally informal; in
these days the guests ; are .quite cor
rectly asked by .'phone.
How to Make Good
Fudge Creamy
fanv neivile find it difficult to
make fudge, because it suddenly
turns grainy just as it . is about fin
ished. '
If tnat .thp fnlfnwiner wav it will
. . - - - o j
be found to be creamy and will re
main moist for a lengthy time:
Ta turn mfule ff ctiorar artft a lift
possess, loure uuuoiuk up wc mum, . - "--i-
which is to be an asset or handicap ful of milk and two ounces of choco-
in life s struggle lor success. Ana ic. vuu uu.-viuic umu
,1 1 1- - Nai. n arAa.. r n ( . Kill n"lt, llfn
VvoU can never can duck one hub- --j "
4ct hour, nor , yet live over one add vanilla and a piece of butter the
'. a I eiti nT a wa mil, aiifi 3 rin w ... i-ncii 111
warv moratnt ...,... .. . . -
Iii doing a business job, if your the pan in which it was cooked.
on wmnir vou can When , it has become almost cold.
start over and do the problem an- beat or stir until it begins to thicken.
. ; - 'fi. ma' n mto c r m fr i mi r' i 11 .1 mi mi: ul.'mi ctu. auu iusl uviiit
otner way. iiiwit - i - - -. . - , - --
CharmsThatMake S i m p 1 i f V i n g
Meals tor
and .energy and often a sense of dis
couragement, but the thing may
woek out, and then ihcres a tre
mendous satisfaction in the mere fact
of paving persisted. , .
But in the process of living, it is
1-arucr to head back t'rom the wrong
i,;,,;,, anr1 start over. Habits
forfn, while you aren't on your guard.
Drunkards , and druq: fiends arcn t
borti they are made. Congenital
v.ckklings are sadly frequent, since
v.Cdon't show much common sense
about our race and its protection.
r.utcvcn a congeqital weakling may
onrtmnt to a great deal if he is prop
erlKeuca611' carefully trained and
formed along lines of useful habits.
This doesn't mean that one who
blunders must sit down and give
hinlsclf over to hopeless weeping. It
mcns that he must stop blundering,
in I full recognition that he has
entfugh to pay off to nature already
ani-tlocsn't wantyany more heavy
deKts to come along. !.
The sane soul can even profit by
his blundering if he looks squarely
at?his false steps and where they
Icatt him, considers the wrong turns
he'" taken and proceeds to build
with the wisdom of experience
garjied instead of sinking into the
slough of weakness acquired.
The thing to do is not to tool
vourself. Recognizing clearly that
"for. every cause in life nere a
result, the thing to do is to be ef
ficient enough to make tomorrow to
day's debtor instead of today s crcdi-
Life is an inexorable bookkeeper.
Don't forget tha
' Iiovc at Ftrst Sight.
Dear Miss Fairfax: Some time
ago a man friend of mine gave- me
th telephone number of a girl he
was going about with. He also told
m7 that he loved her very dearly.
I called this girl up and told her
wHb I was. and that I would like to
meet her. Now I -am very much In
v? with her. . I would have told
her so weeks ago If It were not for
".I Imeim'aking a very nice salary
and live on the same very ' well. I
also have some money in the ban.
. What I would , like to know is,
should I talk to the girl or my
friend first, or should I let matters
go on as they are? B. S. J.
Talk the matter over with your
friend. Frankness between you two
men can work no harm and may
ck-ar up. the situation. The 'Other
cl-ap did an odd thing when he told
vou to telephone the girl for whom
he cares. Possibly his interest isn t
OS great as you understand it to be.
The way to be fair to him .and to
.,rif is to have a frank discus
sion of the matter.
Say You're Sorry.
"Dear Miss Fairfax: I have been
coins with a fellow for about five
months. I love him dearly and I am
sure my love is reciprocated. He is
IS and 116. We had many foolish
' quarrels, but he always came back
and asked me to get glad at him.
The other night we had a serious
quarrel, which proved - fateful. Ho
asked me to give him another chance
T etnhhnrniv reiuseu mm
Ullll M. 1 - , , ,
..u 1.1 .v.- n. answer wus No.
I'iu mil. iu ...-".-
and that I never wanted to see mm
again. I must have Deen crazy i
hooause it I wasn t I
Id those words
-Now I realize that this boy meant
the world to me and that ir ne noes
not come back to me I can only
vioma nw foolish self. Should I
n him and tetl him that I am
Korrv. or should I wait for him to
return? "KATE.
Write him a note and tell him you
are sorry for your narsn wora.
What is the use of withholding the
word that will patch up a quarrel,
even if your pride has to suffer In
doing it? You get over the hurt to
nriHa with a. Rtnllc from the
other psrtsa -and it takes a long
to get over a heartache you are
-tsponstble lor yourseu. ,
- Planked Slice of Ham.
Hav iht- ham cut two -nd a half
inches thick and sr ' ' r night.
When ready to cook nd place
in a baking dish, ' ' cupful
each ' of boiling w: I grape
juice, two cloves an ich piece
of cinnamon. Cover ... xok gent
ly until almost done. I- .'t from the
pan, drain again and fatcn on a well
greased plank. Surround with a
border of creamy, mashed potatoes,
brush over with egg yolk diluted
with a little milk, and run under the
flame of "the broiler to brown both
ham -and - potatoes. Garnish with
mall baked, stuffed tomatoes.
."Takes time to , prepare a good
meal there's no' getting away from
it; And a woman's got to make a
choice she : either.. gives her family
tow-hour-to-make chocolate cake or
she buys "some i cheap' imitation of
cake at the baker's." : '
Thus spoke a woman who was
well-nigh convinced that unless you
rrcifrrtiH votircrlf to a fate of eternal
cooking in the kitchen you could not
give your family proper meals. After
all, it depends upon what you mean
by proper meals. .
The human body has certain needs
in the way of food. Too great a
number of us eat only to satisty our
palates without another thought to
the real reasons for eating. Why do
we eat? " To give us strength to do
our work. To renew the worn-out
tissues of the body and incidentally
to give our palates a certain amount
of pleasure.
To go back, however, to the ques
tion of the chocolate cake which
takes two hours to prepare. What
does it contain? Flour, milk, eggs,
chocolate, sugar Suppose we give
these same ingredients to the family
in another form. , Lets call it a
luncheon. The flour might be served
in the form of toasted bread. Butter
I Delicious "Nougat" Special f
t . "t ' Take home a quart of this V
3 ' f . cream, it is without doubt the
finest cream made, and 10 ip-
proprlate for Sunday dessert. J
2 JJ2 M
S TheFairmontCreameryCo. S
Whats What
The easiest and most rhnnnine
way of entertaining friends during
. . . a a .
tne summer montns is oy way 01 an
at liomn" nntiH of th tiotisff. on'
the porch or on the lawnr if there is
avanaDie space , not visioie irom tne
public street or roadway."
Atternoon tea on tne veranaa or
under a tree is . served just as for
indoor affairs. Usually the tea wagon
and chairs are of dickcrwork, but
there is no hard-and-fast rule in these
matters. Tea is poured by the daugh
ter of the house or by a visiting
fr!inH Ipavinir the hostess' free to rej
- - - a - -- -
ceive and introduce the guests. With
. ... a .
the tea is served tne customary loat
sugar, fancy cakes and choice' of
lemon or cream. On a warm after-
tt.rA choiilf. ti irrrl tia rcaHv
for l those who prefer a cool bever
age. This is served in tall glasses.
with sliced lemon and powdered
sugar. i , .
(Copyright. 19:1. by Puiblic Ledger Co.)
Come Once and You Will Always Cone
to the Washington Market
Broilers, '
Horns Dressed
per lb..,..,-
Best Creamery Butter, per lb
Lean Fork Chops, per lb....
any size,
. ...33c
Small Pork Loin Roast.' per lb..l934e
Extra Lean Pork Roast, per lb..l3'c
Prime Rib Rolled Roast, per lb... 25c
Choice Steer Pot Roast, per lb..l2',c
Choiee Steer Rump Roast, per lb.l8V
Fresh Spare Ribs, S lbs. for 25c
8ugar Cured Breakfast Bacon, lb 183.c
Extra Lean bacon, per lb 30c
Smoked Picnic Hams, per lb....l74c
2 8 -ox. Jar Puro Apple Butter, spe
cial .-33c
Pieklins Cucumbers, ' per market bas
ket 45e
Plats Home Maid Malt and Hops, per
set '
Unbreakable Keystone Capping Machine.
only $2.25
Our No. S Coffee, 8 lbs. for $1.00
Large Gold Dust, per package 29c
Large Cans Delmonte Fruits, can.. 30c
Curtis Ripe Olives, small aize, 10c;
large 25c
5-lb. carton Sunsweet Prunes, pkg..T5c
12-oz. Royal Baking Powder, regular
65c site 46c
Snow Drift at a price to be consid
ered Saturday only.
We Carry a Full and Complete Line of Fruits and Vegetable! at
the Lowest Prices
Buy your groceries where quality
f goods, makes a satisfied customer.
VICTOR FLOUR A new flour with an old reputation. With the
exception of the war period, this flour has been on the market for
years. Our personal guarantee goes with every sack that you can
not duplicate the quality. Per 24-lb. sack $1.19
Per 48-lb. sack .J. .jjjjj . .$2.27
PRIM LADY SPECIAL Don't miss this; 8 pkgs. of Sunshine
Crackers and Cookies, all different, and 1 Prim Lady Rubberized
Kitchen Apron, all for. $1.39
This Apron is a Wonderful Value by Itself.
Of course not For luncheons sardines always make a hit Take
your choice of the following:
Fancy Sonora Sardines, mustard and tomato sauce, large oval cans,
3 for . .... .......... . .... 50c
Underwood's (the name is enough) Mustard Sardines, 12-oz. cans, .
2 for 25c
Imported Norwegian Sardines, in pure olive oil, 28 to 30 fish in a
can, 3 cans for. ....62c
Imported "Cerise" Sardines in pure olive oil, can; .25c
Per dozen cans $2-90
Seward Butter, the- best on the market,
per lb .39Vi
Swansdown Cake Flour,
for' .....
: packages
Palm Olive Soap, S bars for.
Shredded Whole
packages . for .
Biscuits, S
Fancy, Slender, Home Grown Cucum
bers, 4 for J!!wj.2Se
Home Grown New Potatoes, per full '
peek 35c
Extra Fancy Sweet Corn, just - as it
runs, per doxen .............. .25c
Fancy Sunkist Lemons, extra special,
per dozen .......a 49c
Boneless Rolled Rib Roast, per lb. 28c
Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb. 40c
Haraey 0188. . ... - 28th and Faraam.
Free Delivery to Any Part of the City on Orders Over $5.00.
Unrivaled Values
Mail Orders
Carnation, Wilasn. Pet. Dun
dee Milk,, large ..
cans, each lljC
5 to a customer
48-lb.' Sack Omaha Maid
in Foodstuffs
16Vs lbs. Best Cane Granu
lated Sugar
Peas, Corn, Tomatoes, 6 cans. . . .59c J 10 bars Crystal White Soap 58c
Macaroni, Spaghetti MdNcdie8, 2 pkg$. 15c Best Creamery Butter, lb. ..... .40c
New York Cream Cheese, lb.....23c iElkhorn Brick Cheese, lb. 23c
Nomis Canned Fruits, per can, 25c; per dozen .$2,90
Burbank Plums, basket, 49c; per crate . .........$2.00
New -Potatoes, peck. ..... . . ... .30c Peaches, per basket, i .25c
Ice Tea Blend, lb;...... . 48c Advo Jell, 3 pkgs. for. .25c
. . j
Our Famous Santos Coffee, per' lb.. 22c
Saturday Meat Specials
S M - -
ieg oi spring
Lamb, . lb. .
Rib Boiling Beef, per lb.....'......H
Routine Veal, per lb...... ...... ....Me
LM Baeen. per lb. t3e
RoUed Bib Boast of
Beef, lb.
rark Baaat, per; lb. , UH
Fat Boast Beef , per lb.... 11a
Delicatessen Dept.
reatuiins box Innehca and
the daintiest of delletosa
salads. Very special price.
th highest 'frad Meicaroni,
Spaghetti, Ezt Noedlei and
ether Macaroni Product.
Uea's - jTaacy Ficnie
Ceoklea, spettal, lb...
Ortman'i Bakery Products
.- Orange Cake, each 3
' Chocolate and Strawberry Rail,
each S5e
DanUh Filled rastry. S for...le
Frail Gems, docen .S0o
f 1
might accompany this. The egg
might be made into an omelet or a
soft-cooked egg. The chocolate,
milk and sugar might be made into a
beverage. .
Compare the amount of time
necessary to prepare the luncheon
containing practically the same in
gredients as the chocolate cake. The
15 minutes it takes to prepare the
luncheon is far short of two hours.
Far be it from the writer of this to
decry chocolate cake. It is, perhaps,
one of the gastronomic delights. It
is cited merely as an example; for
the housewife who has to do all her
own. work must study as to how to
save her energy.
Dirty Dud
These hot days dirty duds
and the washtub make a
particularly disagreeable
combination. Save all the
fuss, bother and work.
Have your entire family
laundry done.
Everything washed clean,
flat work ironed, other
pieces damp, ready for
you to iron yourself.
Eliminate the hard work
let us do it for you.
.OMAR. .
We have come to learn through
many sad experiences that real
strength is gained by co-operation.
Have you ever thought of applying
this to the meals of summer? Three
women whom I know tried it last
summer and it worked so beautifully
that they are enlarging the number
of co-operators this year.
They found that if you buy
smoked ham by the slice you pay
more for it than if you buy a whole
ham. The three housewives decided
to buy the ham together. One
cooked it. Then it was divided.
Finally they decided that one woman
was to do the cooking of both
luncheon and dinner for one .day out
of three. Each housewife in turn
was practically free after breakfast
two days out of three.
Another good feature about this
co-operative work is the fact that
we come "to know that there arc
many desirable ' dishes besides the
limited number wc know. . This is
good for any family from several
standpoints. It keeps the family
from becoming slaves to any one
form of cooking. But, better than
all, it gives the housewife a certain
freedom from constant cooking.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Macaroni Foods
the muscle builder the food of
the worker the one dish of which
the appetite does not tire. It is
made GOOD for you to eat. It
contains genuine Semolina, from
which the best macaroni is made.
For sale at all grocers.
Ask Your Grocer for
Potato Chips
10 c
Put Up in Glassine Bags k
for Cold Dinners and
Picnic Lunches
Come Once
and You
Will Come '
Harney St.
It's cool and inviting at the Central Marke t. Tempting salads, cold meats, delicious
relishes, fruits and innumerable dainties are ready for your picnic. Come once and
you will always come and economize at the Central Market.
Fancy Fresh Dressed Spring Chickens, per lb., 39V&C
Legs Genuine Spring
Lamb, per lb
Fancy Tender Steer
Kound Steak, per lb. . . .
Fancy Young Veal Breast
with pocket, per lb ... .
Steer Pot Roast,
per lb.
Steer Rib Boil,
per lb.
Fresh cut Hamburger, 1 Ol
jer lb. 1&2C
Best cuts Fancy Steer
Shoulder Roast, per lh.. .
Fancy Young Veal 1 7i
Roast, per lb 1 2 C
Star or Supreme Half OOl
Hams, per lb wfC
Tall cant Carnation
Milk, each
Tall can Elkhorn 6A CP
Milk, can, 10; caie VOiJ
10 lbs. Sugar
48-lb. sack Blue Bell Flour
at $1.98
Kellogg's Corn Flakes, pkg..9
6-lb. pkg. Sunsweet Prunes. 65?
Large Raisins, per lb 20t
3V'2 lbs. Central Special Coffee
for 98
Butternut Coffee, lb 394
Tea Sittings, 1-lb. pkg. .12V6tf
Cocoanut Snaps, per lb. . . .25
22-oz. jar Pure Preserves, per
jar, 25; 3 jars 72
Advo Extra Sifted Peas, per
can, 25; doz......$2.90
No. 2 cans Early June Peas, per
"can, 12; doz....$1.48
No. 3 cans Del Monte Pineapple,
per can, 35; 3 cans. . .88
Iten's Fig Bars, Buster Brown
(Cocoa Honey Cakes), per
lb ...22V2
Imported Sardines in pure olive
oil 15
No. 3 cans Del Monte Peaches,
per can, 35; 3 cans. . .98
No. 3 cans Apricots in Syrup,
5 cans for 98.
10 bars Crystal White Soap.58
10 bars Electric Spark Soap
at ...48t
3 bars Creme Oil or Palm Olive
Soap for 25
Iten's Gate City Ginger and
Lemon Snaps, per bbl. . .35
Large cans Booth Sardines. 20
Orange Cakes, each 30t
Danish Filled Pastry, 2 for 15
Chocolate-Strawberry Roll,
each 25
Angel Food Jems, each. . . .10
Fruit Jems, per doz 20
Danish Goffee Cake. .10t-2OS
McComba' Home-Made Chocolates, regular 70c quality, Saturday, per lb 59
Extra Fancy Creamery Package
Butter, lb 35
Strictly Fresh Checked Eggs in
cartons, doz 25t
New York Yellow Cream Cheese,
per lb 27
Extra Fancy Limes, per 100, SI. 75; per dozen .25
Extra Fancy Santa Rosa Plums, per basket. 60
Extra Fancy Italian Prunes, per basket.. ..-60
Fresh Fruits and
Vegetables of
All Kinds
Omaha's Leading Cash Markets
For Quality Meats, Quick Service and Lowest Prices at
212 N. 16th 4903 S. 24th 2408 Cuming
Stores Open Until 8 P. M. Saturdays
Fresh Killed
Fancy Small
: Lean Pork
or whole
Sugar Cured
Skinned Hams
or whole
Sugar Cured
or whole side
Fancy Rolled
Rib Roast Beef
No bone
Freeh Spareribs . . 9c
Fresh Leaf Lard. . .... 11c
Choice Pork Loin Roast
at . . . : .20c
Fresh Boston Butts .... 18c
Little Pig Hearts, 3 lbs . 25c
Fresh Pig Livers, 2 lbs . 10c
Choice Salt Pork 22c
Pickled Pig Feet, 3 lbs . 25c
Fancy Dill Pickles, doz . 35c
Pure Lard, per lb ..... 15c
Compound Lard, per lb . 13c
Cudahy's Puritan Lard
100 Pure Leaf
5-lb. pails ....... .90c
10-lb. pails .....$1.75
Fancy Brick Cheese . . . 22c
Fancy American Cheese,
full cream ........ 25c
Fancy Sandwich Cheese
at . . . .30c
Sugar Cured Strip Bacon
at .18c
Sugar Cured Brisket
Bacon 18c
Sugar Cured Picnic Hams
at 18c
Sugar Cured Regular
Hams "..;. . .25c
Cudahy's Puritan Bacon
at ....... ...... .45c
Choice Veal Chops .... 22c
Choice Veal Steak ...... 28c
Choice Veal Roast .... 15c
Choice Veal Stew . . . ..11c
Choice Veal Legs
(i for whole) . . . ... .20c
Fancy Forequarters ... 14c
Fancy Hindquarters ,. . 20c
Fancy Lamb Chops .... 25c
Fancy Short Legs ..... 25c
Choice Wienies ....... 20c
Choice Frankfurts ,. . . . 20c
Choice Polish Sausage . 20c
Choice Garlic Sausage . 20c
Fresh Liver Sausage. . . 16c
Fresh Bologna Sausage 1 Zc
Choice Minced Ham,
sliced 22c
Choice Pressed Ham,
sliced 22c
Choice Corned Beef,
sliced,.....,.. 35c
Fancy Summer Sausage
. .....22c
Swift's Gem Nut . . 22c
Swift's Premium 01eo.23c
Buehler Bros. B. B., 2 lbs.
at r. 45c
Swift's Brookfield Butter
at . . . ... .... .41c
Swift's Snowflake Butter-
ine, 5-lb. tub . .$1.10
Choice Rib Boiling Beef . 6c
Choice Beef Pot Roast. 11c
Choice Beef Chuck Roast
at 14c
Choice Steer Shoulder
Steak,. 16c
Choice Round Steak. . . 22c
Fresh Cut Hamburger.. 15c
Prime Rib Roast Beef . . 20c
Choice Corned Beef . . 12c
A' Mb. bar of White
Naptha Soap, 6 bars
for ... . 50c
Fancy Early June Peas,
3 cans . . . .35c
Fancy Sweet Corn,
3 cans 30c
Fancy Pork and Beans,
3 cans ........... 30c
Fancy Tomatoes, 3 cans 30c
Fancy Sardines, 5 cans . 25c
Evaporated Milk
6 tall cans. ... . ....... 70c
6 small cans ,. . . .,. .35ci
Tomato Catsup
8-oz. bottle 10c
1 6-oz. bottle . . r., . . 20c .
Tee Pee Laundry Soap,
10 bars ......... . ...32c
Kasper's Stars and Stripes
Coffee .30c
Kasper's Big Five Coffee
at .....38c.
Express and Mail Orders Filled From This List Promptly