Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 51 NO. 25.
Police Seek
InShootin g
Theory That Mail Driver Was
Killed by Bandits Is
Side-Tracked By
Fired on From Ambush
Council Bluffs police are balked
by mysterious circumstances sur
rounding the shooting and killing of
Walter- L. Baldwin, 49, 512 Ninth
avenue, driver of a United States
mail wagon. They are at a loss to fix
a motive for the murder.
Baldwin, surrounded by the -wom
an with whom he had lived 13 years
and her children, died from his
wounds at the Jennie Edmundson
Memorial hospital at 5:25 a. m. yes-
Four persons Y were questioned
vesterday by Council Bluffs police.
They are:
Mrs. Bud Hisel, the woman with
whom Baldin is said to have lived.
Bud Hisel, the husband, from
whom she never had been divorced.
George Helms, 1705 Avenue D,
son-in-law of Mrs. Hisel.
Mrs. George Helms, 1705 Avenue
D, his wife.
Man Held for Investigatioa
All four were released at noon
by police who said they were con
fident no one of them had any
knowledge of the shooting.
Louis Bird, 307 Bancroft street, is
being held at the personal order of
Chief Dempsey for investigation into
the shooting.
Bird was arrested during the night
on charges of crossing the Douglas
street bridge from Council Bluffs
without paying toll. He was fined
$25 by Judge War pi h and
ordered held farther by the chief.
Dempsey said he is holding Bird
at the request of Chief of Police
Jim Nicoll cf Council Bluffs.
No Driver in Seat
At 1 a. m. yesterday the switching
crew of a Northwestern train at
Twelfth street and Third avenue,
Saw a horse drawing a mail, wagon
across the tracks with no driver m
the seat. They shouted "whoa" to
stop the animal.
Their calls attracted the attention
of Mrs. Samuel Moore, 1125 Third
avenue, who had risen from her bed
to get a drink for her daughter. She
looked out of the window and saw
the wagon, with the body of a man
dragging from the shafts, his foot
caught and his head and one arm on
the pavement. . ;" " ; " '-
' Screams for Help. j
She screamed for help and sev
eral men living in neighboring
houses ran out to investigate. Ed
ward (Gilday, 1120 Third avenue,
telephoned the pplice station and an
ambulance was -sent to the scene.
Baldin was found bleeding pro
fusely and in an unconscious con
dition from which he never rallied.
The trail of blood was tracked
back along Union avenue from
Third avenue to a point within a
few yards of Fifth avenue. There
a swerve in the wagon tracks, foot
prints by the side of the road and
a pool of blood told a mute story
of the tragedy.
Union avenue is a short street two
blocks long, from Fifth avenue to
(Turn to rate Two. Column Three.)
New York Broker Is
Killed by Caretaker
On Estate of Wife
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.
Northport, L. I., July 15. Harry
G. Hemming, a New York broker,
was shot and killed last night by
Frank Eberhart, caretaker on Mrs.
Hemming's estate on Duck Island,
Long Island sound, four miles from
here. Eberhart then went to his
room, it was reported, and shot him
' self. '
Hemming was killed as he was
trying to enter the house of his wife,
from whom he had been separated
for about six weeks. They were
married about two months ago.
Mrs. Hemming had. called Eberhart
to help her keep Hemming out and
when her husband tried to pass both
of them and force his way into the
house, Eberhart shot him, according
to the story Mrs. Hemming told.
Eberhart was said to have been
caretaker for Mrs. Hemming for a
number of years and to have been
appointed special deputy sheriff at
her request :
in Control
Of Area in Belfast
; Belfast, July 15. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) The military resumed
control of the North Queen street
area in Belfast this morning and ar
mored cars patrolled the streets.
At the city hall a conference was
held, attended by officers of the po
lice and the military and by leading
townspeople to discuss the situation
here in view of the disorders that
had occurred during the week.
It was announced today that rein
forcements of the military in Belfast
from adjoining areas was contem
plated. When the reports from last night s
rioting were made public this morn
ing, it developed that two persons
were killed during the disorders and
that between 30 and 40 others were
During the disturbances the mob
looted a number of public houses.
Omabans in Washington
Washington, July 15. (Special
Telegram.) E. O. Ames, vice presi
dent and general manager of the
Omaha Alfalfa and Milling com
pany; E. M. Morsman and Samuel
Burnsof Omaha Are in Washington,
titm u t0M-CIM
OmM P. 0. Older
Heir to Millions
Mortimer De Peyster, Who Blew $100,000 in Six
Weeks, Was Twice Canned From Universities,
Bumming Way From Cheyenne to Chicago.
Clad in a pair of army trousers, an
Lenny shirt, an old white hat and a
broken-down pair of shoes, Mortimer
A. De Peyster, heir to millions,
clambered out of an ash can in an
Omaha alley this morning and pro
ceeded to stretch the kinks out of
his cramped body.
He had put up for the night in the
ash can because his last dollar de
parted his company Tuesday.
Brushing the dust and cobwebs
from his clothing, Mortimer stepped
briskly from the alley and headed
toward the Henshaw hotel, where
today he will receive prospective em
ployers, or anyone headed toward
Chicago who would like a nice young
millionaire for a companion.
For Mortimer A. De Peyster must
be in Chicago before the 25th of this
month. -Otherwise he stands to lose
500 smacks.
Mortimer is not traveling between
Cheyenne, Wyo., and Chicago in the
drawing room of a Pullman-or by
any other of the approved millionaire
methods. One of the express stipu
lations of the journey is that he
must not board a train of any de
scription. . '
i "Went and Did It"
In the words of the poet, Mortimer
"has went and did it again." And
therebv hanzs a tale.,
It was October 19. 1897, that the
heir to the De Peyster millions first
saw the light of day in Washington,
D. C. His birth cost the lite ot nis
mother and his father died when
Mortimer was 14.
Terms of the fathers will were
that monetary affairs of the son were
to be conducted by A. S. White until
the heir became 24.
Mortimer completed high school
and with much eclat proceeded to do
up Yale. He made a grand-beginning,
among other things giving the
statue of the sedate Nathan Hale a
coat of red and green paint and stag
ing a free-for-all fight in Vanderbilt
dormitory. Yale authorities decided
the institution could worry along
wtihout Mortimer and were not back
ward in telling him so.
Harvard Didn't Want Him.
.Mortimer decided to give Har
vard a chance. Harvard, being a
good sport, took a chance. But
the heir showed entirely too much
speed and the institution, after un
dergoing several pranks approach
ing in nature those bestowed upon
Yale, only more so, cheerfully hand
ed the young scion his "pregrad
uate diploma" and bade him God
speed. - Whereupon Mortimer's guardian
GrainMen Will
Reply to Attacks
Against Dealers
Omaha Exchange to Join Na
tional Association in Cam
paign to Explain "In
side Workings."
Officials of the Omaha Grain ex
change decided yesterday to join
with the National Grain Dealers' as
sociation in an educational cam
paign which is to be carried on in
every state in the union. In making
the decision the officials declared the
dealers had remained silent too long
on propaganda giving the impression
that the dealers in the grain ex
changes were combined against the
"Everything in the grain exchange
in square and above board," Presi
dent Wright said yesterday. "There
is nothing secretive about the oper
ations of the grain exchange and
any Nebraska farmer, business man
or private citizen can visit the ex
change, ask any question he wishes
and it will be answered. v Visitors
will be welcomed."
Will Describe Operation.
The educational campaign will in
clude publicity in the newspapers
which will describe the real services
of the grain exchanges to the farm
er. The publicity will show the
inner workings of the exchanges and
prove conclusively that any farmer
who has grain to sell can come on
the floor of the exchange and sell
it regardless of whether or not he
is a member.
'The attitude of silence ' main
tained by the grain dealers through
out the years . has been miscon
strued," President Wright said.
Outsiders, especially farmers,
seem to think that our silence is an
acknowledgement of grounds for at
(Tara to Fare Two. Column Foot.)
FT an admirer for yourself, if
doesn't , behave,"
"That introdaeee a subject for me,"
Margaret cried snyly. "Come with ns,
Neen, and take him off my hands for
a fortnight. Yon ean teach him golf
if yon like, or tailing. Kaa- Mm and
wake him up."
Keen did nar him and wake him op.
What it aU led to to told ia
. "The Red Fisher"
Blue Ribbon short story br Owen
Oliver. Complete ia Best Sanday'i
- t
The Secret of Dead Man's Swamp" is the title of the story for
next Sunday in the series, The World's Greatest Detective Cases."
- If you're interested in base ball, you'll want The Bee Roto
gravure Section for next Sunday. There is a full page of snappy
action pictures of Omaha amateur players.
The Rotogravure Section also offers a page of photos from
Shenandoah, Ia., and an attractive page for movie fans.
The Best . . . The Sunday Bee
Sutter May . IMS. at
Act l Mink t, Is7.
Flat Broke Here
turned over to him $100,000 with
which to play. But Mortimer play
ed so hard that six weeks saw the
disappearance of the last thin dime.
"This will never do," groaned the
guardian. "Ypung man, henceforth
your allowance will be 250 simoleons
per month. See can you manage
to live on it."
Mortimer chose to live without
it. He is earning his own way and
giving his allowance to persons
whom he deems worthy.
Thus we find the heir-unapparent
slipping out to Cheyenne to pick up
a little ready cash riding; a saddle
on the tail of an airplane at the
Frontier days celebration July 26 to
Craves Action. -
His contract signed," inactivity
ed the young scion . his "pre-grad-few
days of idleness staring him
in the face. But fortune favored
He met Bill W. Holliday, retired
"Befcha $500 you can't beat your
way to Chi," dared Bill.
"Bet'cha I can," said Mortimen
That's why the wagerer arrived
in Omaha yesterday on his way to
Windy City. He left Cheyenne with
$1 at 9:40 Monday, reaching Sidney
that night. Tuesday night he spent
in Bigspring, Neb.; Wednesday
night at Lexington and Thursday
night at Valparaiso.
Mortimer is depending upon auto
rides, as terms of the bet will not
allow him to travel by train. Each
morning he wires to -Bill, stating
how far he has gone, the license
numbers of the cars in which he has
ridden and how much money he has
Spends Last Dollar.
"I spent my dollar the second day
I was out," said Mortimer yester
day. "So far I am now as broke as
a person can get.
"I would like to work one or two
days at anything in order to get
enough money to carry me through,
or I will drive a car to Chicago
for my expenses. If anyone is go
ing that way I would like to ride
with him if possible. While in Oma
ha I will tackle any job that anyone
can produce, dangerous or other
wise. Jobs include anything , from
washing dishes to hanging from my
eyebrows from the tallest building in
"I will receive prospective employ
ers today at the Henshaw hotel (in
the lobby), also any persons going
toward Chicago who would like a
nice young millionaire to ride with
them and make himself pleasant."
Hides Are Thrown
Off Free List In
New Tariff Bill
House Votes to Fix Ad Val
orem Duty of 15 Per Cent
Leather Products
Washington, July 15. Hides
raw, green and pickled were
thrown off the Fordney tariff free
list today by the house, which vot
ed 152 to 97, to impose an ad
valorem duty of 15 per cent to be
followed by another amendment tax
ing all leather products, including
shoes. '
Eight republican members of the
ways and means committee which
forwarded the bill voted - for free
hides and Representative Garner of
Texas,' ranking democratic com
mitteeman in charge of the general
fight against, the bill, voted for the
There were" many . breaks from
straight party lines on. the first con
tested section of the measure, but
finding themselves with votes to
spare, republican leaders forced an
early adjournment over the demo
cratic demand that the bill be read
for amendment.
Pleads for Farmer.
Representative . Hawley of Wash
ington, republican member of the
committee, in pleading against the
duty declared . the farmers, by a
tariff, would get. less than they were
now paid and that $81,000,000 would
be added annually to the nation's
shoe and leather bill. He was joined
by Representative Burton, , repub
lican, Obio, a former member of the
senate, who told the house that the
Payne-Aldrich bill did not put one
cent of tax on the hide of the cow.
The action of the leaders in ad
journing after a five-hour session
(Torn to Fare Two, Column Six.)
rIE man advanced toward her; his
lip carved in smile that was
more evil than any frown could
have been. He held out bin hand.
"Hello, AUayne, dear girt Haven't
forrotten me m noon, have yon?"
Into the holy present leaped the an
dean past. This man. Bennett Halsey,
from whom she had shrank in toathlnr
and fear. She fell, rather than sat
down. Into a chair.
The meeting of AUayne and Halaey
is one of the tense situations in this
week's installment of
"The Bogie of Fear"
Bine Ribbon aerial by Arthur Somen
Roche. Third Installment next Bon-day.
Irish Peace
Confab Is
Eamonn De Valera and Lloyd
George Confer Again; Con
ference Lasts Hour and
' Half
No Danger of Deadlock
By The Associated Press.
London, July 15. Another meet
ing between Eamonn De Valcra and
Premier Lloyd George took place
today, the discussion of the pre
liminaries of the hoped for Irish
peace settlement lasting about an
hour and a half. At its conclusion
it was announced .the conversation
would be resumed later, probably
next Monday.
The conference was again a two
man talk. In an adjoining room,
however, Sir Hamar Greenwood, the
chief secretary for Ireland; Lord
Curzon, the foreign secretary; Art
O'Brien, president f the Gaelic
league in London, and Robert C.
Barton of the Irish delegation were
on hand should their presence be
On leaving Downing street Mr. De
Valera said there would not be any
further meeting today and that he
"did not think" there would be a
meeting Saturday.
No Deadlock Looms.
A member of Mr. De Valera's
party gave definite assurances that
nothing in the nature of, a deadlock
or a breakdown of the conferences
threatened at any time. Meanwhile
Sir James Craig, the Ulster premier,
arrived in London today from Bel
fast, announcing on his arrival that
he would see the premier this after
Asked for an expression of opin
ion on the Irish situation, Sir James
"The less said now the better."
He added, however, that he was
The official communique on to
day's conference, issued shortly be
fore 2 o'clock this afternoon, read:
"A further conversation between
Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. De Va
lera took place this morning in
Downing street and will be resumed
at a later date, probably Monday."
Craig Visits Premier.
With his interviews with the Irish
republican leaders concluded for the
time being, Mr. Lloyd George this
afternoon received Sir James Craig,
the .Ulster premier, who arrived
fron Belfast . this , morningt Sir
James went to Downing sireef at
3 o'clock this afternoon, going direct
ly to the cabinet room to confer with
the prime minister. ,
"Lone Wolf Bandit
Hanged in Chicago
Harry Ward Executed for
Slaying Two During
Chicago, July 15. Harry H.
Ward, known as the "lone wolf"
bandit, was hanged this morning at
the county jail at 7:29 o'clock. He
paid the death penalty for the killing
of Thomas Graney and Rudolph
Schwartz last fall when they at
tempted to stop him after he had
robbed a hat store. Two others
were wounded by Ward at the same
Ward went to his death without
any apparent emotion. When asked
it he had anything to say he replied
that he "was ready to go."
Ward yesterday penned a letter to
newspapers in which he criticised
old reform school methods, lauded
Judge Ben Lindsay of the Denver
boys' court, paid a tribute to his
mother and lauded Chicago girls.
Ward spent the day singing parodies
on popular songs for the entertain
ment of fellow prisoners.
"I'd give $5,000 for a gun," Ward
told his fuards last night , "You'd
go some to keep me in here; I don't
care how ' many doors and guards
you have."
Reserve Banks Can Aid
Cotton Growers, Word
Washington, July 15. Federal re
serve banks in the cotton producing
sections already have authority to
advance $100,000,000 ' "or more if
necessary," upon customer paper se
cured by warehouse receipts for
cotton, Governor W. P. G. Harding
of the federal reserve board, today
wrote Representative Fulmer of
South Carolina. The directors in
each case, however, must be the sole
judge of the soundness and desir
ability of the paper offered, he added.
Air. rulmer inquired why such loans
could not be authorized through
southern banks.
Ellis Island Employes
Much Peeved at Chief
New York. July 15. Employes at
the immigration station on Ellis is
land held indignation meetings in
protest against the charges made by
Immigration Commissioner Frede
rick A. Wallis, that wholesale graft
ing prevailed there and immigrants
had been fleeced out of $5,000.
The charges of graft are a gross
libel on the integrity of the whole
of the employes," said Deputy Com
missioner Byron H. UhL "We may
have a few rascals among our 500 or
600 employes, but as a whole they
are honest men and women of proven
i Commissioner Uhl declared that
the employes were so indignant that
they may take further action at any
JULY 16, 1921.
May the New Conference Be More
the Old Ones.
Howat Says Coal
Men Are 'Bluff ing'
On Wage Question
Union Leader Charges Opera
tors Preparing Way for
Increase in Price of
Pittsburgh, KanV July 15.-Oper-
ators of the southwest were merely
engaged in "a bluff in their demand
for a reduction in wages for the day
men employed at the coal mines of
this district, Alexander Howat, pres
ident of the Kansas Miners' union,
asserted today. ...
In a statement of his position on
his return from Kansas City,. where
he attended the conference of op
erators and union officials yesterday
at which the wage reduction demand
was made, he said:
"The operators are planning on in
creasing the orice of coal. Thev
knew we wouldn't stand for the re
duction and plan to make our re
fusal the basis for hiking the price
of coal.
"The absurdity of the operators
asking for a price increase because
of wages paid to miners should be
apparent to all," Howat said, "when
it is remembered that miners re
ceive only $1.25 for mining a ten
of coal, which sells for from $10 to
$15 to the consumer of the state."
Denies Advance Planned.
Kansas City, July 15. W. L. A.
Johnson, general commissioner of
the Southwestern Interstate Coal
Operators' association, commenting
on Alexander Howat's statement re
garding yesterday's wage" conference,
denied that the operators intend to
advance the price of coal as a result
of the miners' refusal to accept a
wage reduction. t - - ' .
"No increase is contemplated, so
far as I know,"; Mr. Johnson said.
He asserted that the operators had
granted three or four wage increases
during the war when prices of "com
modities were increased and that it
seemed only fair that the miners
should accept a reduction when these
same commodities are generally on
the decline. ,
"We do not get $10 to $15 a ton
for coal for which the miners are
paid $1.25. The industrial courts re
cently found that we are getting
$5.25 a ton, for such coal," he said.
Mr. Johnson added that he did
not know what the retail price of
the coal in question was.
Trans-Continental Liquor
Subject to Confiscation
Washington. July 15. Shipments
of intoxicating liquors entering the
ports of the United States or cross
ing the' Canadian or Mexican bor
ders without a prohibition permit are
subject to seizure by customs offi
cers under orders effective today.
The orders put in force the ruling
that trans-shipments of liquors from
one foreign country to another by
way of this country was in violation
of the prohibition laws.
'"' 1 " a-"" eennsaaa-enta i i j,
Woman Finds Baby.Asleep
On Floor After Long Search
Miami, Okl., July 15 Exhausted
and hysterical after a fruitless 24
hour search for her missing baby
daughter, thought to have been taken
by a band of gypsies, Mrs. Sam
Lankard, of this city, this morning
threw herself across her bed in de
spair. Thereby she discovered the
infant fast asleep on the floor ye-
B mill (I ytar), Dally as Saiy. I.M: Dally Mly. M:
Saasw, 2.M; la sslstt U UalM ttataa, Caaaaa aai Msxlee,
TOoprrUtil: By The OuaarrnmncTI
Fate of Mrs. Kaber
In Hands of Jury
Trial of Woman Charged With
- Plotting Murder of Hus
' v band Ends. . r
Cleveland, July 15. Eva Catherine
Kaber's case is now in the"1 hands of
the jury.
Her trial on a charge of first de
gree murder for plotting-the killing
of her husband, Daniel F. Kaber, by
hired assassins in their Lakewood
home, two years ago, which had
been in progress since June 28, ended
this evening.
Mrs. Kaber. who had sat appar
ently oblivious to the arguments of
counsel in which the state asked that
she pay the extreme penalty, fainted
just as Judge Maurice Bernon told
the jury the case was in their hands.
She was carried out of the court
room in her chair. '
Six forms of verdkt were given
the jurors, any one of which they
may return as their decision in the
case. They are: Guilty of murder
in the first degree, which carries with
it death in the electric chair; first de
gree murder with a recommendation
for mercy, carrying with it life im
prisonment without hope of pardon;
second degree murder, carrying life
imprisonment, subject to pardon by
the governor; manslaughter, carry
ing a penalty of imprisonment from
one to 20 years; not guilty, giving
her absolute freedom; not guilty on
the ground of insanity, thus freeing
her on the murder charge, but sub
jecting her to confinement in . an
insane asylum.
: ( ; ' ,
Northwestern Trains
Tied Up By Flood Water
- Alliance, Neb., July 15. (Special
Telegram.) AU traffic on Chicago
St Northwestern west of Crawford
is still tied up by flood waters. Two
bridges art out and ' the track is
washed away in five places between
Harrison and Glenn station. Trains
are being held at Crawford.
At Andrews and Glenn stations,
20 miles west of Crawford, several
houses were flooded, but not washed
away. Crop damage is slight, as the
flood struck mostly timber lands
along White river and Kyle creek.
The Northwestern damage is esti
mated at several thousand dollars.
The body of Mrs." John Bassett
90, was found submerged in mud 40
rods below her house. Only one hand
Was sticking out of the mud. She
was a former evangelist and well
known in western Nebraska. She had
lived the life of a recluse for several
Chinese Interpreter Goes
Back to Wife After 36 Years
New York, July 15. Lem Wah,
for 33 years an interpreter here for
the Canadian Pacific railway, left for
China today to spend his remaining
days with the wife whom he left 36
years ago. He is 72 and has been
pensioned by the road. His job has
been inherited by his son.
Americans and English Get
Blackband Letters in Japan
Yokohama, July 15. Some Ameri
cans here, but more Englishmen.
have received letters written in Eng
lish, threatening them and their
families with death unless they pay
the writers of the letters large sums
of money. Police are investigating,
tween the bed and the wall
Successful Than
Fiancee of Slan
Man Gets Bandit
To Confess Crime
Shooting Occurs During Hold
up When Couple,-Out for
Motor Ride, Attempts to
Resist Robbery
Chicago, July 15. Miss Helen
Goodlow did what Chicago's best de
fectives were unable to do. She ob
tained a confession from a wounded
bandit who a few hours before had
fatally wounded her sweetheart The
confession involved his two compan
ions and is expected, to lead to the
arrest of" every member of a notori
ous criminal band. .
Miss Goodlow and Alexander
Dumurat, her fiance, were held up
while auto riding last night. Mr.
Dumurat attempted to resist and
was shot down. .Detectives arrested
John Kubes after he had been
wounded in a gun battle.
Dies in Hospital.
Dumurat was rushed to the Engle-
wood hospital,' where he died, and
a short time later the wounded
bandit was brought in. The bandit
denied he had been connected with
the holdup. All efforts to obtain a
confession failed. - Miss Goodlow, at
the side of her sweetheart, asked
permission to try.
She bathed the bandits face ana
gave him cooling dnnks. He was
surly at first but finally broke down
Grasping the girl's hand he sobbed
for his mother and gave the names
of his pals and the history of the
gangs activities.
Witnesses Hear Confession.
Plain clothes men, seated in the
background, . heard the confession.
An hour later Raymond Sheehan,
one of the men named by Kubes,
was captured. He , added his con
fession to that of Kubes, naming
BenStruckow as the third "man on
the job. : According to this confes
sion Strukow is leader of a large and
active band of automobile bandits.
He is an ex-convict with a bad rec
ord. ,
Detectives surrounded a house
where Struckow was believed to be
living. While waiting they heard
two shots a little way up the street
James Kamymski was found lying on
the sidewalk wounded. He said a
man answering Struckow's descrip
tion had shot him when he resisted
an order to hold up his hands. The
authorities believe Struckow's arrest
is only a matter of a few hours.
- The Weather -
Nebraska: Generally fair Satur
day and Sunday; not much change in
Iowa: Fair Saturday; Sunday in
creasing cloudiness, becoming unset
tled; not much change in tempera
ture. Hourly Temperatures.
S a. m.
S a. m.
S a. m.
10 a. m.
It a. m.
1 p. at ....
t p. m M
S p. m so
4 p. m 81
5 p. m S7
p. as .....86
7 p. m 83
S p. as ..S3
HUhes Friday.
Chtrsnne 7ii Pueblo Tt
Davenport Rapid City t
Denver M8lt Lsks .90
Dm Koines IS Santa Fs IS
Doelf City ,IS Bherldan M
Lander IK Sioux City.,,.. ...It
iorth Flatt 0VHtnUn ....,..
Bonus Bill
Put bn Shelf
By Senate
Near Battle Between Reed and
McCumber Features Debate
On President's Request
To Delay Action.
V ii i
Others Join In Scrap
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Ieaed Wire.
Washington, July 15. In one of
the stormiest sessions witnessed in
the senate in years, the soldiers' bo
nus bill was sidetracked today, in
definitely, according to President
Harding's desire, by a vote of 47
to 29. - .,
This action was followed by scenes
of disorder and near violence never
paralleled within the memory of the
oldest senator. The dignified and
august senate was transformed into
a veritable madhouse, defying the
efforts of the presiding officer to
restore order.
Threatened fisticuffs, super-heated
epithets, a score of senators demand
ing recognition at once, bewildering
parliamentary entanglements and a
cloudburst on the roof of the capitot,
combined to create the almost unpre
cedented pandemonium.
The chief belligerents were Sen
ator McCumber ci North Dakota, re
publicans; Senator Reed, Missouri,
democrat, and Senator Robinson, Ar
kansas, democrat. Only the most pol
ished finesse on the part of peace
making colleagues prevented Sena
tor McCumber and Senator Reed
from engaging in a fistic encounter
McCumber Starts Fight ? '
The battle began when Senator
McCumber, immediately following
the vote on the bonus, took the floor
to assure the senate that the bill
would not remain suspended long.
He promised that it would be
brought back again from the finance
committee within the present ses
sion. Democrats at once began to heckle
the North Dakota senator. Then they
tried to choke off his speech, Sena
tor Robinson making a point of or?
der against it on the ground that
the bonus bill was no longer before
the senate. He charged that Sen
ator McCumber was "using up the
senate s time trying to apologize tor
the vote on the bonus.''
A series of hopelessly involved
parliamentary Maneuvers ensued,
scores of senators shouting at the
tops of ' their voices, demanding
recognition from the chair. To add
the season burst uoon the canitol atV
this mnmpnt. Th rnar nf tnrrente.
of rain on the roof of the senate
wing, mingled with incessant crashes
cf thunder, rendered the debate vir
tually inaudible. Vice President
Coolidge fiinally ruled in Senator Mc
Cumber's favor. An appeal was
taken by Senator Robinson. Sena
tor McCumber moved to lay , the
appeal on the table and by a party
vote the senate sustained the vice
president. The round thus ended
with McCumber again in possession
of the floor.
Reed Enters Ring.
Proceeding with his speech. Sena
tor McCumber informed the senate
that the bonus would come forward
(Turn to Fare Two, Colnmn One.)
Fight on Bonus Bill
Again Delays Debate
On Sweet Aid Measure
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Ineed Wire.
Washington, July IS. Senators
were so busy today pigeon-holiipg
the soldiers bonus bill that they
found no time to devote to the Sweet
bill for the relief of disabled veter
ans. j.
As a result the Sweet bill still re
mains in the hands of the finance
committee, which has had charge of
it since it passed the house more than
a month ago. The committee held
a meeting today, but after hearing
Secretary of the Treasury Mellon
again discuss the foreign loan situa
tion, senators were forced to hasten
away to attend the shelving of the
Inasmuch as the senate has ad
journed until Monday, there is no
possibility of it coming up before
next wee.
Senator Walsh of Massachusetts, a
member of the soldiers' relief com
mittee, delivered a speech m the sep
ate challenging some of the state
ments contained in President Hard
ing's address Tuesday and insisting
that the veterans have been shames
fully neglected.
Arcbbisbop of Paris Calls
If or People to Pray for Rain
Paris. lulv IS. Cardinal n,,;.
archibshop of Paris, today called on
me people to. pray tor rain because
of the prolonged drouth, which has
caused much dam acre in ettfTriri rr
The cardinal instructed the clergy to
say special prayers for rain during
masses for the next nine days.
Vienna National Assembly
lias Very atonny Session
Vienna, July IS. In the storm
iest session since its tnano-nratiAn
the national assembly has passed the
second reading of the bill placing
Catholic derevmrn of Austria anrf
all church employes and servants
on the salaried civil list. The ser
geants at arms were compelled to
Pay Roll Bandits Get
$40,000 at Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh. lulv IS. Four m acted
men this afternoon held up an elec
tric trolley car near Eldorado park
and esraned with tilt Ann in nnnan
carried by the paymaster of a local
rAal nmri'inv.