Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1921, Page 7, Image 7
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JULY 15, 1921. Baby Lips Plead For'Cooled Milk; Ice Fund Gives It isiung burses find Many Umaha Homes in INeed of Relief During Hot Summer "Pleas, mamma, may I have a drink of milk?" Lisped by baby lips, this simple little pica would be vain in many Omaha homes were it not for The Bee's free milk and ice fund. . , For there are many hemes in the city too poor to have on hand this necessity of child life, so the Visiting Nurse association finds. . ? Vln such home's, and for such help less little ones, milk and ice are pro vided daily throughout the hot sum mer by The Bee fund. Contributions to date are as fol lows: Prrlouily arknnivlrrirril . ....... .'. .M07.A T. K. Akert, Hatting l.Mt x. r. Mr. T. M. Orr 5.00 Thre Frlrnil of Little Children... 10.00 Frnncle A. Brogan IO.O11 "O" 1.00 Totnl S839.31 Brief City News r i Firm Hold Plcnto An' old-fush- loned picnic waa enjoyed yesterday by 150 officers and employe of the l'etera Trust company and the Peters National bank. Visits With Father Mrs. A. F. McAdamg, 324 South Twenty-seventh street. Is visiting at the home ofjier father, John F. Adams, in Lo- ralne, HI. . earner From Operation Mrs. J, Mackay, widow of . Hector Itfnplrav nf All Saints rfhiirrliJ la lm .proving1 at Clarkson hospital, where she underwent an operation. Fund Drive Postponed The cam paign to raise $300,000 for the Flanagan homo for boys has been Vktstponed to October 1, according u an announcement oy ratner Flanagan. Salvaged Mall Sale The sale , of salvaged mall packa.sres from the I'ueblo flood was opened yesterday on the north steps of the postof flce before a large crowd. The sale will be. continued today. Prize ftt Picnic A generous as sortment of prizes will be offered by the Omaha Manufacturers' as sociation at it.T annual picnic at Carter lake tonight. Dancing and swimming will be features of the outing. Tilquor Slakes Boy - Sick Francis Calnes, 16, runaway boy from Rans- " vllle, 111., suffered a severe attack of corrvulstcms from the effects of drinking Omaha, corn whisky. The boy has been taken In charge by the police. . . ' Named J Clilef Engineer Roy N. Towl, former city commissioner, has fceen named a chief engineer of the tf'.ast Omaha drainage district. Mr. Twl has been ducted to make a preliminary survey of the .project at once, Ikmt Race One of the thrilling features of the annual picnic of the Coodfellowship club of the Chamber of Commerce at Carter, lake. Satur day, will be a boat race. The naval reserve' vessels will be used, with 10 n to a crew. Ex-Soldiers Aided The June re port of the Omaha chapter of the American, Red Cross shows that 397 ex-service men were assisted. Soma of . the cases "were of financial aid pending settlement of claims with the government. Novena at St. Anns Next Mon day morning at 7 a novena In honor of St. Ann will be observed at St. Anns church. Twenty-fourth and Poppleton avenue. A welcome is extended to all who wish tc partici pate In this novena. i v . . ' False Rumor Distribution of candy and cigars among his city hall frifnds caused Ira Jones, superin tendent of public recreation, consid erable embarrassment In heading off -a rumor that he was married. Twas only his .birthday anniversary Ex-Dry Clitcf Hero--Kmerson D. Hunt, former prohibition enforce ment officer In this territory, ylsited Omaha yesterday on his way to Nor folk, Neb., where his mother Is ill! He called on U. S. Rohrer, prohibi tion enforcement officer for this state.-. ,.' Would Prevent Fine Samuel and Connita Scola have brought action In federal court to prevent, A. B. Allen, collector of internal revenue, from collecting a fine of $1,813 Inv posed on the plaintiffs In connection with alleged violation of the Vol stead law. , , , - Meet at C. of C In lieu of the regular weekly noonday loncheons, which have been suspended during JUly - and August, members of the Rotary club will meet ''Wednesday noons in a room at the crtamuer or Commerce and on other days at the Omaha Athletic club, lawyer Marries Zelma Skinner, C. Ratchford by Father Gabriel. The groom Is a member of an Omaha law firm and the bride Is a niece of Paul and IJoyd Skinner. A luncheon was served at the home of Lloyd Skinner, 3S13 Harney street.. : Offers to Catch Giant Postmas ter Herbert Daniel has received from A. R. Covington of the Third M. E. church f Hot Springs, Ark., an of fer to capture the S-foot giant that has been reported frightening wom en and children in Wheeler county. Neb. Covington is a Sunday school superintendent. -A Fl ECZEMA IK lnFormofflingworm.Couid Not Rest. Cuticura Heals. "Eczema began la the form of a ringworm. It was first below my Knees ana men . spread above my knees, and itched awful bad. I could not steep nor rest. Anything that touched it caused it to itch. "It bothered me for two ears. Then I heard of Cuticura Soap aJ. andOintmentand decided to try them. .HM . . . - w aen i naa ueea one dox oi v.uucurm Ointment end two or three cakes of Cuticura Soap I was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Maggie Holder, R. F. p. 1, Nixa. Mo. j I Improve your skin by daily use of ' I Cuticura Soan. Ointment nrt Tilmm. Bean twaPmarlha. AaJrm:"eeaerelee nOIm,D7t a 1UKMI, Itua " SU(Tt hmSnna.. Ointacat and Ml TalevaSe. gna laticra aoaa aeavae More Truth Than Poetry ; By JAMES J. MONTAGUE A FEW WORDS ABOUT BUNK I know that the manifold millions -Which prominent persons possess, Are a burden of care that is grievous to bear And bring only grief and distress. " . I frequently hear them complaining That fortune is liard to endure, . A id wishing they might share the simple delight That alone can .be known by the poor. And I've wondered, if sorrow increases i As bonds and investments accrue, ' , Why they cling to. their store, and keep on making more Yet somehow or other, they do. I know that a statesman holds office At a terrible price to himself, That the ungrateful state lays the man who runs straight With a sneer of contempt, on the shelf. , I've often heard statesmen asserting In voices they scarce could control,. That the .struggle and strife of political life " Destroys a man, body and soul. y. And I've wondered, if such is their feeling ' That they ever hold office at all . Yet the very same men will be running again For the very same jobs in the fall. ' . ' I know that the lot of an author' Is more than uncommonly tough; . ,, , . , ' : -He has few delights, has the person who writes.- : And nobody pays him enough. . Great authors will frequently tell you They wish they had learned to be crooks Any life they'd prefer, so they frankly aver,1 To wearing their hearts out on books. And I've wondered, if authors arc martyrs Why they do not speak out, loud and strqiig, And say that the pen they will not lift again, For I notice they write right-along! DIVISION OF LABOR. There is no -dodging the dairy interests, and the distributors raise the price of milk. , The farmers raise the cows Hustlers for Ak Must Average 15 ...... ; ' .'..- ' i Members an Hour Only 180 of Quota -of 700 Signed Up, But Both Teams Promise Burst' of Speed ! - ' Today.' , But a. day 'and a half remain for the Ak-Sar-Ben membership his tlers to reach their quota of 700 new members. A total of 180 new members had been rounded up as" the sun set gently on the western .horizon last night. Here's' how the rival mem bership teams stood:' , Coyotes .......K92 members Jack Rabbits .. .88 members Both teams" are determined to show a startling burst of speed to day. ' "We'll win this race or die in the attempt," quoth "Doc" Frye, cap tain of the Coyotes. "We'll walk away with the race," declared Captain Docherty of the Jack Rabbits. "We may be behind, but them Coyotes ain't seen nothin' yet." ."','' ; If the two teams are to bring the total of the drive up to 700 they must average about IS - members each hour, starting at 1 this morning. "But I think they'll do it," asserted Secretary Gardner. ' Police Confiscate Large Amount of "Hootch" Mash Nineteen hogsheads of mash, 30 gallons of "moonshine", whisky and large quantities of sugar were con fiscated by detectives yesterday afternoon in a 1434 1-2 South Thirteenth street. Four stills were in operation and three gas stoves in use. The ; house - was not oc cupied. , " ' A real old-fashioned repricing event a substantial discount from our already "tO WEST IN TO WN" PRICES Three Special Groups That Tell Their Own Story trine Gen Palm Beach $ in the wanted colors'" 75 ... $' Genuine Koolkloth- 75 : : 18): A Special Clearance Offering in All Wool Suits From America's Best Clothes Makers $20.00 Suits now. $25.00 Suits now. $30.00 Suits now . . . . . . .$22.50 $35.00 Suits now.-.;. . . . $28.00 $40.00 Suits now. $32.00 $50.00 Suits now . . .$37.50 Light-Weight Summer Trousers at Real Clearance Prices . ' mm 75 MAi-ma , BT U.'.VM.l;.::: t-Y.V.M SPECIAL! I IJ I 59cJ W N ... $15.00 .$18.75 Good Work Shirts Full Cut 600 pairs Wash PanU, iiv $ 1 .95 many patterns, two groups, "J.- ' at .............. i . 7. .. . . $2.95 Kool Kloth and Palm Beach" tf AGE Pants, light or dark shade., SZl"0 plain or striped .. White Flannel Pants, all wool, pencil stripe, ftt $595 4 i Blue Serge ; Pants, summer weight, of excellent ' quality, at $495 Matters Asks That, Charges Be Quashed Two indic'mcnts still stand against Thomas Matters, in federal court here, and no action has been taken toward dismissing these actions, ac cording to J. ,C. Kinslcr, United States district attorney. ! Matters, who rccen'ly was re leased from "Leavenworth peniten tiary after having served, 44 days, requested Attorney Kfnsler yester day to quash the charges which are pending. ..' . City and County Strong ' Box Contains $10,000,000 The joint strong box of Omaha and . Douglas county now contains $10,000,000 in cash and securities, the largest amount ever held at one time by the county and city treas urer. This amount includes the funds of the school district; the "Metropolitan Utilities district and the various city and county departments. Two of the local banks are carrying near ly $1,000,000 each o("city and county funds. Fort Prisoner Bores Through Wall With Knife Deserter Held Here Escapes From Guard House Under Cover of Electrical Storm. An ordinary aluminum tabic knife was the instrument which Rollic Styles used to bore through a 12-inch brick wall at the Fort Omaha guard house, making his' escape under cover of an electrical storm Wednes day night. . The fugitive is 25 years old and was brought to the guard house in April from Fort Sheridan, having been arrested - for desertion. Last Tuesday he faced a court-martial at Fort Crook and a sentence of two years at Leavenworth prison was imposed. Styles released the lock of his celt with a hack saw which authorities believe was slipped to him by lriends. The digging into the wall was done between midnight and 4 a. m., the noise being drowned out by thunder and rain. The fugitive is said to have worn civilian, trousers when he escaped. He is tall and combs his hair in a pompadour. Several companion pris oners stated 4hey ,knev when he broke, the lock, but they did not re. port the matter. . ft Framed Pictures at About One-Half Price Next Saturday at the Union Outfitting Co. A Special Purchase from an Overstocked Manufactur er Makes Sale Possible. Those who like decorative sut roundings in Jtheir homes will welcome the saving opportunity thia big "factory purchase" sale of pictures which the Union Outfitting Company puts on sale next Saturday makes possible. The best works of some of the foremost foreign and American artists are represented in .the collection, which embraces a wide range of subjects, all suit ably framed. As always, you make your own terms.- -v Advertisement B0BGES5 everybody!? store" -In the Downstairs Store- Another Enormous Sale of Dainty Summer Dresses 1 a! -V la.r a a. rti SVOI Ginghams Voiles and Organdies $JQ0 For Women and Misses Sizes l Jf, to Jf.6 The- values are most unusual, many of them less than regular factory prices. As for styles, you just must see them, but every mid-summer fashion is here in : dwnhnwKi In plaids and checks in KJtlvyriUUlo. smartly tailored styles. Or Voiles: p$ Bright and new -in any color that one's heart is set upon. Quaintly fashioned, in light and dark colors. both Many are in straightline effects with huge sashes of crisp organdy, others depend on tunics,. ruffles, pleatings and lace for their clever style lines. Downataira Stara Women's Silk Hosiery at 65c pr These are irregulars of a well-known brand of hosiery, offered at a mere fraction of their regular price. The slight imperfections will in no way impair the wearing qualities of the hose. All sizes in black, white and colors. 1 -'"''. Downatalra Stora. t Fabrics Gingham, 29 c yd. . Splendid quality ptaid and check ginghams in the new est colorings, 29c yard. Voiles, 29c yd In all newest designs and very effective color combina tions, 29c and 39c yard. Crepe, 19c yd. Printed " crepe of excellent quality in neat figured de signs, 19c yard. Downataira Stora. Silk Chemise, $1.95 to $4,95 Envelope style of fine quality crepe de chine with camisole top in dainty styles trimmed in lace, ribbon; run. A garment for real service. $1.95 to $4.95. . Downstair Stora .' Curtains: Fabrics Curtains, $2.50 Filet net curtains, a style of which you will never tire; launders well, 2l yard, length. Cretonnes, 39c up Attractive colors and dainty designs in a quality which will give' real-service, 39c to $1.00. y , Scrim, 35c yd. In a quality that will make very effective over-drapes. Unusually priced at 35c. Downataira Store. Men's Seamless Hose, 10 pr. for $1.00 Knit from good quality cotton yarn, reinforced heels and toes, elastic ribbed tops, all sizes, all colors. Very special, 10 pairs for $1.00. Limit of 20 pairs to a customer. v Downataira Store. Mina Taylor Dresses $1.95 In a variety of becoming styles, the workmanship of which assures you of per fect fit. There are checks, plaids . and striped ginghams, trimmed with collars of pique or self material. In all sizes, 36 to 44. Downataira Stora Infants' Rompers 95c - in cunning little peg top and creeper models, in all colors, of durable fabrics in stripes, - checks and plaids and plain colors. Sizes 2 to 6 years. ' . Downataira Stora , Barefoot Sandals $1.39 A cool shoe for boys and girlsmade of first quality tan or smoke elk leathers. Best grade leather soles. Sizes 6 to 2. Special for Friday, $1.39. Downataira Store Drugs and Toiletries at Economic Savings Medofleur toilet soap, 5c bar. Pepsodent dental cream, 37c. Compact powder or rouge, 35c. Lily, lilac, violet or rose toilet water, 50c Violet talcum, 15c. Hand brushes, 19c. Ivory combs, inches long, 27c Diamond C laundry caap, 6c Essex peroxide soap, 10c Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 for 25c Downataira Stora Lightweight Corsets $2.00 For summer comfort in plain coutils in pink and white, medium and low bust, elastic top, lightly boned, two pairs hose supports, front and back lace models. Priced at $2.00. Downataira Store I