THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921.-;- The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY .TUB BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY NELSON ft. UPDIKE, Publt.htr. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The iesMiataa' Pml at hlr TIM Bm u a W. ta n ehuiielr diiitltd la fee um fer publication all am dispatches credited to It or art otherwise endued In (hit paper. Sad alen toe oral nm twallthrd herein. U rinutt of sublkauoa ot cut evaoisl niepatcaef are im mattea. - BEE TELEPHONES fnnt Breach Eicnanie. for AT I.-.. 1 AAA tea DnulMil at Pmaa Wia!L Al IftlUlC 1UUU Far Night Call After 10 a. ss.i Editorial Depertaeot AT laatle toil er INt, OFFICES OF THE BEE x Mam OrYlre: 17U and Pamam Council Bluffi - IS BooU St I own Bide. WIS Soatb Mtk SV Out-e-Towa Of flea i N Tort Chlcass . Mr) Plflt Are. I WaaMnitoa 1811 a Mt. attest Bide, ran. Franc. 420 Kb tu Honors The Bee's Platform , 1. Nw Union Passanftr Station. 2. Continued Inproromont ( tha No- braslca Highways, including tha pava mont of Main Thoroughfare loading into Omaha with a Brick Surfaeo. , 3. A abort, lowrato Waterway from tha' Corn Bolt to tho Atlantic Oeoan. 4. Homo Rulo Charter for Omaha, with City Manager form of Government. Time to Take a New Tune. Hot weather is oppressive,, sometimes almost unbearable, but it is inevitable.- More than 'that, it is beneficent. Without heat the great food crops could not be raised. We know it is irritating to be told this, but jrruinblincr about the weather will not alleviate any of its discomforts. Quit singing "the blues," Business is not as brisk as it was a year ago, or two years ago, and a lot of men are out of M-ork. Yet this is a temporary condition, and will not be permanent. However, business is not so rotten bad as it might be. During the month of June 3,053,307 revenue cars of freight "were loaded in the. United States, an average of 763, 327 for each of the four weeks reported, or 122, 221 a day. Railroad, earnings;' for May showed , a big increase. This is the best possible proof that some business is, moving not the swift, overwhelming tide that' gushed over all during the years of the war; but a steady stream of such magnitude at disputes the assertion that the present depression in business is the worst ever known. '.,..' A big crop.of wheat is assured, most of it al- ready harvested and some sent to market. This crop was produced; at a 'cost much below that of last year, and will yield the farmer some return for his labor. Another bumper corn crop is well on the way, far ahead of the season in its growth. Prices for' meat animals are such as mean some profit at present. Many rifts are appearing , in the clouds that have Hung; oyef the agricultural industry and th' farmed imiles now and then when contemplating tht fuiure.r?, Prices on staples, are descending to , lower levels, not pre-war, 'fbrthat 'stage, may never" be reached again, ;;?but far below ! the peaks at tained last year. All of these things are indic ative of .approaching resumption of activity, the beginning of a new era of production. One -j doe? not need to be imprudently optimistic to. note encouragement in , surface signs. It is easy and cheap to predict better days, when the country is at the. nadir of a slump, but it takes no anore of moral courage to sing a song of hopt)',' than, it does to swell the moaning chorus of despair. , "Defeatists" should be sent to the rear now. Lethal! hands take a new grip on things, change the ttme and quit singing "the blues." We are bound to have a revival, and there is plenty of reason for thinking it is not far ahead. ' At any rate, we are nowhere near as badly off as we might be and surely in no such predicament as some folks think. 'Dear Credit and Omaha. One of the unpleasant features of the re construction period is that credit has been set . so high that it is difficult for anybody to secure funds, let alone municipalities, such as Omaha. Here we find a big plan for public improvement suddenly checked for lack of fundspnot for the reason that the city's solvency is questioned, nor that the work is not necessary, but just be cause the bond issue proposed is not sufficiently "attractive.' A 5 1-2 per cent, non-taxable city bond, would have been snapped up by investors as a rare treasure once, and to casual citi- zea it looks, like a good thing right now, but with public utility 'tissues going around 8 and some as high as 10 per cent, buyers disdain for the moment the lower rate but better secured Omaha paper, s : N " This conditidn will not be permanent A New York firm already is advertising that' the return to the 6 per cent basis is at hand, while ' another advises its clients to buy municipal is sues at 5 per cent. That Omaha will outlive the present stringency, which amounts to little less than a hold-up, is very certain. The plan of selling the issue over the coun ter, ought to bring' in enough money to make sure . that the work of improving the streets .can be carried on. Such expenditure of funds only serves to make" more certain the security, to 'improve the credit on which the issue rests. Holders of money,' bond dealers, bankers and the like, may embarrass the publicfor a time, but in the end the work will be done and the, community will noi-haye paid an unreasonable interest rate for its borrowed funds, especially when the law fixes the limit to which the city ,, can go.-.- Should Oftce-Holders Vote? A suggestion that all persons on the public payroll should be barred from voting is made by a farm paper. "In the interest of good gov ernment and to prevent the . office-holding class from perpetuating its power by controlling the casting ( vote at elections," the argument runs, "all people, from the president down, who are drawing national, municipal or state salaries, should lose their votes while in office. In other words, public servants should not be allowed to become; public masters. That is the ten dency today." The total number of employes in the execu tive civi service of the United States last year was approximately 640,000. There are a great many other job holders beside this in. the feder al service and when to this is added the army of state employes and those on county and municipal payrolls, it will be evident that a considerable per cent of the total population, is engage in the. business, el government in one way or another. There is no doubt that the list of officeholders has been greatly expanded, but a considerable portion of this is due to public in-. sistence on additional governmental machinery. We can not have a host of boards, bureaus and commissions to do things for us that we should do for ourselves and not engage men to operate them. These still remain citizens and it is doubtful whether temporarily depriving them of the right of suffrage would tend to diminish their num bers, nor would there be any way to prevent a political machine being built up, as now, from their friends.. . ' , Judge .Wray's "Program." ' Arthur G.vWray, who is expected to be, the candidate of .the Nonpartisan league, for gov ernor of Nebraska next year, proposes a pro- gram of laws to be initiated that is interesting., The judge expects to run with, the republican label, but that he may be assured of the nom ination he wants' matters fixed so that any mem ber' of the league, no 'matter what his party affiliations otherwise, may aid in nominating the republican candidate. ' j . No objection can possibly be urged against Judge Wray's ambition j he is freely entitled to aspire;, for any;, office in the gift of the people. In fact, be has aspired to a great many of them already.! Last year he was a candidate for gov ernor on the farmer-labor ticket. If he wants to run as, a republican next year, he has that privilege, but he ought to permit himself to be passed upon by republicans only It is hardly fair to ask the democrats or Townlcyites to. name the candidte lor another party. . " One of ( the laws Judge Wray proposes to initiate provides that: The legislature must be prohibited from any further attempt to repeal the state-wide, primary law. The party circle must be re- moved from the ballot; and the legislature!' should be forever prohibited from passing a law requiring a voter to register his party,, affiliation. s ' Forever is a long time.,. Suppose the. law makers of 1S?1 had passed a law that would; have bound the state forever to a political pro gram as then laid down, what would the unlift ers of today be saying as to the injustice of such a condition ? Or, does Judge Wray admit- that his plan is the climax, the apex, tha seek no-further of political science, and that any chjjige posterity may want to make will, be a step backward, and -from which he now pro poses to interbose his sapience and save them from themselves? We understand his objec tion to party labels, for the present law makes it difficult for a democratic leaguer to "ote at the republican primary. ' It also works the other way. The Nonpartisan league is nonpartisan to this extent: It does not care what party label it wears, if it can get its candidates into office. W. hy does it not come out into the open, as did the Farmers' Alliance or the people's in dependent party (the populists), or the farmer- labor party? Judge Wray's plan for breaking down party lines is well calculated to forward his chance if Tie cari get away with the" goods. Tariff and the Merchant Marine. A southern democrat in congress asks ' if the republican majority is moving to kill the American merchant marine again. He assumes that under the proposed tariff bill there will be no importation at all, consequently the ships flying our country's flag will have cargo only one way. He, ana those "wno are mwaea iikc him, will take comfort if they only study the question a little closer. Chairman rordney, when reporting the. bill for the committee, esti mated that it will produce $700,000,000 in revr enue; this contemplates the importation of two billion dollars' worth . of. dutiable;, goods, while the free list is ample. Under such circumstances the cargo-carriers that make ' up the revived, American merchant marine will find 'consider able freight for the return voyage. It will not, as under the democratic free trade idea, be at the expense of home industry. . Foreign manu facturers will compete with Americans in the United States on the basis of American cost of production. Import duties are to;.be levied on the basis of American vajuatidn,' and all advan tage secured for the domestic product. Our democratic bethren may be assured that, what ever befalls the new merchant marine, it will not be employed to bring goods from, abroad to break down the home factories. , , , . Between Man and Man. Eamonn de Valera, on his way to meet David Lloyd George, smilingly said the outlook for peace in Ireland was the brightest in history. We may believe this, if the conference is carried on in the spirit m which it has started. When the premier of England and the acknowledged head of the Sinn Fein movement: meet alone, they are apt to lay aside for the moment the fact that one is executive head of a great govern-; nient and the other the accredited representative of a powerful faction opposing that government, and become for the time just men earnestly seek ing a way out of a great difficulty. Each is look ing for an approach, and both may find it easier than appears on the surface. Concessions will have to be made on both sides, but these will be reached more readily -because the bargain can be struck without the influence of advisers who are not responsible. When James Craig comes into the consultation chamber, he ought to find the atmosphere considerably cleared because Lloyd George and de Valera have talked it over, and so opened a way to a settlement in Ireland.' And if only the "Battle of theBoyne" can ht put into, the background, and eyes turned to the future instead of the past, a happy outcome will follow. George Ade, now that he has been men tioned as the recipient of four cases of bootleg whisky, ought to write a fable in slang con cerning "The Hospitable Citizen Who Prepared a Thirst Shower for His Friends Which Was Attended Only by Revenooers." - 1 f ' " 1 A Financial Sermon' Why Credit It Dear, Taxes High and Business Upset (From the New York Times.) At the budget reform meeting President Harding preached a sermon on public financu o broader application than the eloquence of Bud get Director Dawes. "There is not a menac in the world today like that of growing public indebtedness and mounting public expenditures . . . There has seemingly grown up an im pression that public treasuries are inexhaustible, and a conviction that no efficiency and. no econ omy are ever thought of in public expenses That strikes at the root of the heresies which have given the world a delusion of wealth and prosperity, while all the time it has been squan dering capital as though that could go on for evew Labor is not able to see why the gov ernment can not keep wages up permanently mark them up from tax money. Social reform ers pile duties on the government which are not governmental, and marvel that taxpayers are not so grateful as the beneficiaries of what they do not pay for. Many such measures are pressed by those who ought to know better than the multitudes who think that the government has fundsof its own, and does not merely spend the money of one man for the benefit of another man. No government governs in a manner above criticism, although regulation of conduct is simplicity itself compared "with the many an tics of social reform, benevolence and business heaped on government already overtaxed in its appropriate functions. Jt leads too 4 far afield to consider this text throughout tne world. Jhe figures are as tronomical and baffling in their intricacies Merely in passing, it may be remarked that the British government paid a subsidy of $50,000,000, a bounty to miners who had reduced their out put as their, wages were raised, and who had caused their country untold loss, lhere is no humanity, but a parody on government efficiency and economy, in procedure which causes the governments of Europe to consume, in taxes from 20 to 40 per cent of the national income. Normally, national savings accumulate 'at the rate of 10 to 16 per cent of national income Now national expenditures take from taxpayers and spend on others several times the sum which should increase the cafjital savings, and special discrimination is shown against those whose ot fense is that they earn and save most. There can be no real prosperity anywher until there ts budget reform everywhere. We are inter ested in the foreign reform budget almost as much as in our own. We can, not sell abroad if foreign governments take in taxes the funds Which would do more good if left in the chan nels of trade. Taking a home view of the same subject, it is to be remarked that all records are eclipsed by the flood of public bonds, whose interest it at a rate proportioning the Benefit of coupon clippers to the burden on taxpayers. : For the first five months of this year $366,667,901 of public bonds were issued. . During the same months trade was declining, and industrial capi tal issues were smaller than last year by $455,- 003,000. It has been long since railways have enjoyed, borrowing credit. . The great losses of raSway credit came earlier. There are on the horizon billions of road bonds and soldiers' bonus bonds and public improvement bonds of all degrees of merit, but all with the demerit of swelling taxes and starving trade. It is contrary to the interest of rent-oaycrs that) public buildings should be etected at.a cost in twenty-five northeastern states of $1,694,384, 600 compared with $739,548,000 for all business, industrial and residential buildings. It is -contrary to the interest of all using. credit that pub lic credit should absorb lunds at interest rates which business can not pay, and should throw tax exemption into the unequal scale. How can farmers expect to borrow cheaply when there are twenty billions of federal bonds tax exempt m varying degrees, and twenty billions 6f other bonds totally .exempt from federal tax ation? Here is the explanation of the shrinking movement of shares in June and the swelling total of bonds. . In the last three years the Mock Exchange business in bonds has totaled over five billionvlor the first half of the years; In no other half year has the bond business to taled a billion, rarely a half billion.- The current bond business is", several ? times", the normal volume, and the over-counter.- business is an abnormal addition.. Here is the explanation why credit is dear, taxes' high. 'Here is a menace touthis nation as well as to other nations. The president's words are fit and timely. Women's Independente He .must have been a sour misanthrope who, in describing the changed conditions of England in a recent letter to the New York Times, said that "the English women have gained their in dependence and seem to take a delight in push ing, the men off the sidewalk when they are all rushing for a motor bus or trying to enter trains in the tube railways." The plain intention is to attribute such feminine behavior to the fact that, after a long struggle by Mrs. Pankhurst and others, the women have gained the right to vote. The same correspondent implies that they smoke cigarets in public -places, wear bobbed hair and short skirts, because they have gained their "independence " We should hesitate to attribute such tenden cies in feminine behavior to' the mere fact that .woman now has the vote, and wants everybody to understand it. But even were it so, have not women the right to make their own use of their independence? Isn't independence within a short skirt, with bobbed hair and a cigaret better than slavery without them? Woman suffragists from Miss Anthony down to Alice Paul must have thought so or they would not have been so earnest and persistent about it. We see no rea son why men should become so misanthropic because women have gained equal rights. Men must take feminine independence as they find it, and if the women push them off the sidewalk to show5 their equality, the men, instead- of grumbling about it, should climb back and push nc women cn u tney are Dig enougn. it nor. they better not write about it. Springfield Union. ' '. , If movie-goers wish to show their disapproval of Clara Smith Hamon going into the films, the best way. to do so is to stay away from the per-, formance,; Hissing the silent drama can never be effective; Dry agents have seized a brewery in Mfnnc-. sofa, which ought to stimulate the .demand for jobs in the prohibition enforcement bureau. One of the worst things about the war is the disappointment of the great expectations" of peace. ' ' ' ' The one-pound - foaf . seems to hang .heavy, heavy ovcr .the heads of the .bakers"..- Wilson on His Job. ; Woodrow Wilson' is not doing what some republican strategists would" like to'-have him do. Springfield Republican. But he is doing what the : American people by the greatest majority ever developed decided he should do and must do and that is quit the White House and get out of the way of the gov ernment of the United States. Hartford Courant.-. . . One Cause of Rejoicing. Gasoline is getting down to' a price at which a man whose income is $5,000 a year can afford to own a small pleasure car. That this is true is the cause of rejoicing among the- hundreds of thousands of $2,500 a year men who own cars of considerable dignity. Louisville Courier Journal. In These Confusing Times. Sometimes we ' do wonder how we got the 18th amendment, the Volstead act, the anti cigaret laws, the Lord's Day Alliance and the name for Liberty bonds all in the same era. Worcester Telegram. . , ; , The Thrill to Come. At last, Senator 'France has been permitted to enter Russia. But the really thrilling part of his ,trip will be when it comes fp decide whether he will be permitted to get' but Baltimore vtAnaerican. . , : . . How to Keep Well Br DR. W. A. EVANS Quaatleas concerning ay(ine, Malta tian and pravantlon al oiaaaaa, aub mlltad to Dr. Evana by raadcra el Tha Be, will b anawarcd personally, subject to proper limitation, where - stamped, addressed envelope ia en closed. Dr. Evans will not make diafnosit or proserin for individual dieeeaes. Address latter in care el Tha Be. Copyrlrht, 1921, by Dr. W. A. Evan. PROGRESS IN ALABAMA. Dr. S. TV. 'Welch, health officer of Alabama, made the statement about April 1: "If I can And the money to continue the work now being done against venereal disease in this state two years from now syphilis and gonorrhea will be a rare in Alabama as smallpox now Is." While smallpox was then fairly prevalent, It is certain that venereal disease was 1,000 times as much so. I could not see how bo ntupendoua a task- was to be accomplished In two years, yet I was bound to ad mire Dr. Welch's ambition and de termination. He had several reasons for his optimism. One was the high venereal disease rate or ,the men examined in the draft and the low rate of the soldiers who had been In the army. The first figure showed how great Is the prevalence or venereal disease among young men, where nothing in the way of control is done. The second showed how- easy it is to bring the trouble under control. Upon entrance to the army ne groes had a venereal disease rate that was seven times that of whites. After being in the army six months the rate among negro troops wai no higher than- that among white troops. Much of the venereal dis ease In Alabama is amour negroes. The Alabama plan.-embraces the usual educational work, by means of leaflets, bulletins, letters nd moving pictures. The dtseases are reportable. There are local clinics for the free treatment of the in fected. ' There are 11 of these free clinics supported . In part by the rtste and in. part by local funds. This is a considerable number for a small state. The outstanding features of their method Is the co-operative clinic for the treatment of those who can and should pay something but who can not pay much. The co-operative clinio method ta as follows: .... "A local physician is furnished a speci fied equipment for treating ve nereal disease, . is -supplied with standard medicines, and commands' the state laboratory service.- For this " and the privilege.' of being designated a" co-operator- he oon tracts to treat venereal disease for, $2 a treatment, or $25. for a course of .14 treatments. The treatments consist of Wasserman . and - other laboratory tests, lrf jecttons . of ar- sephenamine, and. the use of such other remedies as are indicated for either venereal disease. Fourteen standard treatments,, properly given. are said to be the right number; Those . not able to pay $25 are treated in - the free clinics. Those able to pay more than $25 are not treated at the co-operative clinics.' work against venereal disease is only one part of the health protec tion given the people of Alabama. They 'have a""-system of co-operative county.. Jb.e.alth. officers . provided, for under; ,'thfeir law. "... Under-; that sys tem' a-'.cotjntyi establishes a .'health department: with iunds' obtained in part from the' state, in "part from the county funds and in part from outside sources. The state health officer haa enough control over the county health officer to prevent the appointment of a man' for purely political reasons, to prevent the re moval of an efficient man because he has done his duty, and 'to keep the local men on tiptoe and to standardize the looal work. under the Ttlan. malaria is com ing under control. and should prac tically dlsappeari-from-Alabama in a few years, as -it Jas disappeared in other states. Hookworm is not the burden on educational, funds and thej stumbling- .block to teachers that itiWas 20 years ago.-. Fewxt-the states recognize the need or a rural health, officer... In most states-the city death rates are lower than those of - the country; especially if we Jirrilt the city group OX ' John Brognn's Home. Omaha, July 18. To the Editor of The Bee: The press is the watch dog of civilization. A news Item in today s Issue of your great paper headed, "AVelfare Board Wants More Funds for Relief Work,',' states that the honorable members are "to acquaint themselves with Its present status by visiting the employment bureau." While on their tour of benevolent inspection, I would suggest that they visit the county store and listen to the tales of woe of the suffering ap plicants. I will cite one to illustrate pthers.' John Brogan (Italian), 1405 William street no kin of Attorney Itrogan's though he needs a lawyer as well as food out of employment with a sick wife and five children. Bought the house he lives in under contract for $8,R00, paid $1,000 down, leaving a balance of $2,500 to' be paid in monthly installments at $30 a month. He has 'lived in the house IS months, met his oblige tions regularly. Also paid $60 and $60 in excess of the sareement. Poor Brogan's book shows that he still owes a balance of $2,27$. If I to cities with more than 25,000 in habitants and count the smaller cities and the towns and villages in with the country. It is true that the heaviest of all . death rates is in the small cities and the towns and Villages,, but in the scheme of or ganization generally followed the county health officer serves the smaller cities as well as the truly ruraj population. Whereas the great city death rates are now about one-third of the old-time fig ures, the country and small city rates have not fallen very mark edly. , At Any Drug Store. R. W. ' writes: "Where can I buy lanolin.' and is it a liquid or salve? In what quantities can I buy it?" ' REPLY. .. Buy it at' any drug store if yoa want a pound or less: If you want a ton or such a matter' try a whole sale house. It is a grease a little firmer than lard or" butter at the same temperature. lllllllHlllnlllllllll!lllllllHI!lllllllllll!ll 1 . "T LV. Nicholas oil Company 'Bowen's Take Me With You on Your Vacation Trip Note These Special .Prices Victor Model $1.0Q Edison ' $16.50 Select Your : Columbia ; Grafonola at Bowen's Now Your machine taken aa part payment en any Columbia Model. And As Usual, You Make Your Own Tarms. rteward Between 15th c 16th m t merican in name ?; and ownership, but worldwide in its matchless supremacy. ,qufeit:e small arands just received est paused The cut in Pianos and Player Pianos made by this house during our sale recently continues on all unsold instruments. There is the Meldorf Player at $395 The Dunbar Piano at. .$275 On $2.50 and $3.50 ,' ' . Weekly Payments The other Pianos and Players (ten additional makes) are cut to lit the times some new Grand Pianos as low as $675; some Uprights, nearly new; as low as $160, $180, $190 $00 and $ZZ5. Easy payments. Mm 0. 1513-15 DOUGLAS STREET rThe Art and Music Store iitiininfiiiiiaiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii &4v3hiuroff of TO Mint-rj- o. li. Sleeping on the around! Oh, sore, you'll rt osed to It. It'll bo like a feather bod. The follow that told mv that must have hated ma and mine. Tha ground, to sleep on " is like sleeping on one hundred salt shakers, sharp aide op would you call that comfort ? I saw a man tap tha road wha , had on of those Basford Steel Bell that I saw at Scott's and he looked fresh, as a daisy this morning- with an "at home' sleep to his " credit. rolka, listen! That steel bed Is the thine What if It weighs S lb., It'a comfort you want at night to enjoy a camping trip. What If you do hav to carry a . couple quilts along to put under you. you need thm for warmth, veo on an army cot What If you have to pay tit for a comfortable Baaford fold-up ateel camp bed. bettor cut out asm of the other thlnga In the outfit and sleep comfortably. Tou can get them only at Gufc OMAHA Wsteh far the Heal ot Tim's A dr cert urea. Touring' am up In mathematics. Brogan has paid $1,650. I am unable, however, to figure out when 13rogan's. home will be paid for. JERRY HOWARD. The Matters Pardon. Omaha. July 18. To the Editor of The Bee: Why hasn't The Bee said anything regarding tho pardon of Thomas H. Matters? There should be something done regarding this miscarriage of Justice, so that men of powerful influence and pull, hereafter, will serve their time like many who are not fortu nate enough to have the money and graft that was back of this case. No wonder we are having less respect for laws; one made for the poor man and one for the influential. After all the money and time thut was spent on thin can and to have it made a Joke of, is too much for art ordinary nun, . ,A poor, oM man, that did Just as Mr. .Matters did, still stays. in vrlsou. Is there Justice in lhat?i None whatsoever, und I would like to see those other cases that still hang on taken up. Don't make us any more suspicious of our lows. He made his own led so he should be mad to He in It. Justice . . w nr.wriN 19 oil any .... . . . His, Great Talent. "Blank's a great artist, isn't he?" "No." . :. "But h gets big prices for his work ?" ... "Yes, he's a mighty good sales man." Boston Transcript. rcrslstcht Profiteers. Among the people who do noi seem to know tho war Is over are some who operate soda-water foun tains. New Haven Journal-Courier. TO EUROPE By the Picturesque St. Lawrence River Route MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW Sailings Every Few Days from Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool, Southampton, Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp, Naples, Genoa. Ocean voyage shortened by, two Delightful Days on the Sheltered St. Lawrence River and Gulf EVERYTHING CANADIAN PACIFIC STANDARD NONE BETTER , Apply to Agents Everywhere or to S. ELWORTHY, Gen'l Aft., Pass. Dept.,-40 North Dearborn St., Chicago CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ' TRAFFIC AGENTS "The Quest Must Be Satisfied" THE late Marshall Field wrote a new creed in store service when he laid down the rule that "the; customer is always right." ,'-;'-:':,"v'Nowaday8,' ' progressive hotels subscribing to -.. .: the ; same spirit in .hotel: service, invariably insist . that "the guest must be satisfied." This is an unvarying policy of the Fohtenelle. Our guests must be satisfied. j-fOTEL poNjEJvlELLE s . ' "Built, and maintained for those discriminating v . Americans who instictively demand the best." 330 ROOMS 330 BATHS $3 to $5 V The Man Who Plans His Future Systematically and Holds to His Plan Persistently Will Attain Success as a Natural Course of Events A Savings Account is One of these Essentials that Every Thoughtful Man Knows . Cannot be Disre- ' garded if his Success is to ' be a Certainty. Remember It Takes Only $1. to. Start Your Account 4 Interest on Savings Intereat compounded . , quarterly. Depoalte pro tected by Depositors . Gunrnnty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Your funds subject te - with drawn! without notice. . American State Bank Eighteenth and Jarnam Streets TJ. W. Gelaelman. President 0. C. Oelaelman. Cashier H. M. Krogh, Assistant Cashier Drive Home This Thought Consistent saving, dollar by dol lar, like the nails in a house, will build a competence to protect you in days to come. With Resources of ..$17,500,000.00 Reserve . . .". . v.. ,$675,000.00 Experience .30 years' We invite you to invest your say ings with us and participate in our semi-annual dividends, as thousands of others have for years. OFFICERS PAUL W. KUHNS, Pres. . E.A.BAIRD, Vice Pres. J. A. LYONS. See. J. H. M'MILLAN,. Treaa. F-ur- Conservative Savings A Lsaa Association 1614 HARNEY 1 W' i - swMjt". rw .$?j:'-