1,1) THE BEE: OMAHA. . FK1DAY, JULY 15, 1H21. v V 0 Society Mrs., Charles Hull Has interview - With Jqffre Mrs. "Charles A. HulC who is spending the summer in Paris, had a two-hour , interview wtth. - Marshal Joffre a few days ago, according to a cablegram, received by her "hus band, Dr. Hull. It was Mrs. Hull's purpose in going to Francethis year to acquaint herself first-hand with economic and sociological conditions in the country, of our ally. She will meet ether distinguished personages in France,, though ."'none,), probably, will have more interest for Omahans than the one with 'his genial French leader. ' " Among the notables m board the La France, , on which ' Mrs.'. Hull failed from ftew Yorkjune' 9,were Mile. Irene Bordoni, who. had been playing in "As You Were" in' New York .Mrs. Honore Palmer, who married a son' of Mrs. Fottei; Palm cr; lso Henry Miller's son, .who has taken the late . Charles. Frohman's t'iace in the theatrical world, amllhe famous . Dr. ) Alexis. Carrel, . typically American in ' appearance, according to accounts which" Mrs. Hull1' has given her friends here. '"'.-.- . . Personals; Bernice Barrett of Norfolk is an i Omaha- visitor;" 1 ', ' 5 . John Iienr.eyits . is , cn 'route . to -'Washington, U.-l.' :i, , . .. Miss, liiura Kropf 'of Topcka, Kan., is visiting at, .H.'- K. Schafcr home. -.. . , . Doane Powell and J." E. Gatchcll leave Sundav for a " week's" visit at Lake Okoboji. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiller have returned to their home1 after .a-six months' visit in California.' . Mr. and .Mrs. William H. Clarke left Wednesday for Indian' Garden hotel at Walloon - Lake, Mich. Miss Frieda Goldberg of Council Bluffs has "returned from a visit of three weeks with relatives in Denver, Mrs. Jean Whitney of ' Jforfolk is visiting her daughter, ' Mrs.; Cyril I.angan. She. is enroute' to : North Carolina. . ' . ; ' ' i Mrs. Joseph Schopp and daugh ter, . Mary Catherine. . of ;" Maxwell, . Neb.,' are ;. visiting Mrs'. Catherine Schopp. - , , , ., , . f Mr. and Mr,. M. Solomon,, for merly of Council Bluffs'. 'are settled in their hew home at 3603 Daven port afreet, Omaha." i Miss Marguerite -Fallon, returned Monday from Columbus, where - she spent a week as the guest of Judge and Mrs. A.M. Albert at a-house party. . Dr. and Mrs. . W. F. Callias arc enjoying a visit at Albert Lee, Minn., '4n .company ;.v;ith. Mr. and ' Mrs. George . Payne, . and Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Stroud. ' ' "J , E. R. Houghton will, leave Satur day for Hoqiam,,.Wash., where- he will join his wife, who has been vis iting there for several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. B lagan, for- League of Women Voters Mrs. H. J. Bailey, district director Nebraska League of Women .Voters, ana Airs, vvara snater, state secre tary, will go to Lincoln Friday to attend a state board meeting of the league called by Mrs. C. G. Ryan of Grand Island, state nresident. Other members ci the board residing in Umaha are Mrs. Draper bmith, Dr, Jennie Callfas and Miss Gladys Shamp, all committee chairmen. They will not be able to attend. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss policies and formulate plans for the year's work. Mrs. Ryan was elect ed president at the state meeting in Lincoln in Tune. The proposed league calendar will r.lso be discussed at this meeting. Mrs. Charles Dietrich of Hastings, past state president and present di rector for the Sixth national region, has charge of this matter. It is the plan of the leaprue to publish an at tractive' calendar, distinctly Ne braska in illustration and sentiment Such ; distinguished . representatives ef the state will be included as Willa Cathcr, author. A scene from i her My Antonia will be presented., A Mntiment has aiready been received from' Anna Steese Richardson of New York, formerly - of Omaha. Rollin Kirby and another illustrator have promised drawings. 1 he cat cndar'will be sold for the benefit of the league work in Nebraska. -. '- merly- of : Omaha. Mr. anad ' Mrs. Houehton and Mr.' and Mrs. Blatran will tour Yellowstone nark together later this month. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. ' Rotters leave next week for a motor, trip east. ', They . will visit Mrs.' Robert Forgan, sister of Mrs. Rogers, , at Long Island. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert King have gone to Minnesota for a months1 visit.- They were accompanied by Miss. Gladys King of London, Eng., who will visit in Omaha later. Mrs. W. A. Macoudric and daugh-, tcr. Billqween, have come to Omaha from Lawrence, Kan., to join Mr.' Macoudrie here. , They will reside at 3522 South Twenty-fourth street. Mrs. H. C. Sumney who fsspend ing the summer, accompanied by her mother, . in and around Portland, Me., has writteir to Mrs. Draper Smith tliat they are at present on-Che-beague'Island off the coast of Maine enjoying both ocean and woods. Mrs. Sumney writes that she has not experienced a hot day since she arrived in New England some weeks ago. . ; .-. ": Miss Annette Bardwell of Min neapolis, will arrive Saturday eve ning for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Warren Breckcnridge. Miss Bard well is en route home from ' Smith college. Massachusetts, and from Fort Worth, Tex., where hc at tended a house party at the home of one of her classmates. Mrs. Brecken ridge will " entertain at a luncheon Tuesday at.4ier.home in -honor of her sister. J .- - . O. E. S. Picnic. ' fanIi.'T.paf chanter O. EA-S.'will hold its annual picnic Saturday after noon and evening at timwood paric. A program of athletic events will begin at 4 p. nv Sirs. Charles Zicbarth is chairman of the ' committee in charge of the affair.- Dr. Gilder to Entertain Camp Brewster -Guests. A treat is in store for guests at Camp Brewster this week-end. On Sunday afternoon, Dr. Robert I Gilder, artist and archcologist, wi entertain the visitors at camp at his cabin, "wake KODin. Dr. Gilder's ' landscapes, which he will display to the girls, are said to portray, in a remarkable manner, the charm of present-day Nebraska. His Indian riKr ' due from ancient mounds, bring vividly to mind the dwellers ot prenistoric iNCDraska. Brewster guests will be transported to Wake Robin by motor bus. Happy Hollow Mrs. 'F. W. Robinson entertained 12 guests at luncheon Thursday at Happy Hollow club in honor of Mrs. E. H. Fairchild and daughter, Miss Mabel, of Berkeley, Cal., for merly of Omaha, and for Miss HI'S. Eddy of-Van Houten, N. M., for merly of this city. 1 Among others who entertained at the luncheon Thursday were Mrs. Robert Switzlcr.i who had a party of 10; Mrs. W. B. Whitehorn, eight; Mrs. Benjamin Baker, eight; Mrs. E. N. Benson, eight and Mrs. Elmer Thomas, four. ; ' Mrs. W. C Fraser entertained 20 children at the matinee dance Thurs day in honor of her daughters, Doro thy and Mary, and son, Robert, Mrs. H. K. Schafer entertained a party of 12 at the matinee dance complimentary to her house guest, Miss Laura Kropf of Topeka, Kan. ,E. F. Wcller will have 11 guests at the dinner dance Saturday evening and Thomas Flynn will entertain a party of seven. Field Club Mrs, C. H. DalbjThad 12 guests for luncheon 'at the club Thursday; Mrs. R. C. Goddard, nine, and Mrs. Jack Shireman, seven. , ' ; .MissrMyrtle JHall has made reser vation for six at the children's mati ne"c Friday afternoon, and . Mrs. J. C. McClure will entertain eight at luncheon Friday. " Country Club Mr., and Mrs. M. C. " Peters entertained 18 guests at the Country club Thursday evening. . Miss Davis to Honolulu. Miss Dorothy Davis, daughter' of Dr. and Mrs. W. M. Davis, will leave Omaha August 4 - for Honolulu, where she will teach mathematics in the high school there next . year, Miss Davis was graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1918. . She is a member of Pi Phi "sorority. En- route to San. Francisco, from wnere she will sail August 24, Miss Davis will visit Mrs. - Edward Harbert of Oakland, Cal., and Mrs. Rpbert Daniels of Greeley, Colo. . For Mrs. Abbott. Mrs. R. P. Hamilton and Mrs. Ed- W'in- Thompson 'of Dallas, Tex.', en tertained 12 guests at a bndire lunch con at Happy HoHow'club Thursday m honor of their house guest. Mrs, John Abbott of Sioux Falls S. D. Mrs. Harry J. Schifferle will enter tain' 11 guests at luncheon Friday at her home complimentary to Mrs Abbott.' .UJ;'' 1!" '!'.;! W. ' PRONOUNCED 1 im ' "SHAR-MAV V my. . '.---v..'- ' A New Harmony from the Fragrant World of Flowers It is like an, odor divinely rare sensed in dreams deligXtful. CHARMET is tke concentrated fragrance of thirty-seven of the 'finest blossoms that sun-kissed France produces. . CHARMET is deliciously feminine dressed in modest elegance rather than . . &audy showiness. It is indeed an aristocrat among perfumes. Also in Toilet Water (Eau de Toilet) Rice Powder ! (Poudre de Rix); Cold Cream (Creme de Beeuty) Vanishing Cream (Cream Invisible) Sechet Toilet Powder Rouge Lip Stick. .. CHARMET may b had exclusively at: ' Sherman & McConnell, at all stores,' Omaha, Neb. Taffe Drug Co., Broadway at Sixth Street, Council Bluffs, la. ' . , ' (IMC) CHICAGO Problems That Perplex Answered by f BEATRICE FAIRFAX "She's Class!" Dear Miss Fairfax: are two srlrls about 17 years old. .Lately we have heard 80 much about the word "classy." All. of our friends In speak ing of each ' other , always notice class first. A bov won't take a girl out unless he thinks she la "classy." Good looks don't seem so im portant. Could you please tell us what they mean by this word "classy?" Sincerely yours. TWO CLASSIC ADMIRERS. - "Classy" .is a bit of slang which has never' been authoritatively de fined. It conveys the idea of "in a class by herself," that is, out of the ordinary, something first class. Like all ' slang, " the woVd ts carelessly used. It is meant for a complimont and refers to the "toute ensemble," the looks of the girl herself, her clothes, conversation, etc. In so "many rases, slung indicates a pover ty of language. Instead of being able to say exactly what they mean, many people "bunch" their de scriptions under such a term as "classy," which cannot be accurate ly interpreted. Wild Flower: It is harly fair to task mo what to serve at a sewing circle without giving me any idea of the number of guests and the usual custom of your society. If you want one course only, I think ice cream and cake, or punch and wafers is Rbout the most enjoyable refreshment in the summer. For a two course luncheon I would sug gest tomato stuffed with either chicken or tomato salad, placing all or. a lettuce leaf. Thin bread and These Summer Nights demand "Music" for tha Auto Party, Porch Party, Picnic or Camp. Nothing could entsr tain better than music rendered on ' Hawaiian Instruments Ukeleles V $4.00 and up Banjo-Ukes. $10.00 and up Hawaiian Guitars. ...... .$8.00 and up We carry a complete stock of J, W. York is Sons Band Instruments, Sheet Music and Teachers' Supplies. Every instrument guaranteed. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1514-16-18 Dodge St Phone Doug. 1623. butter sandwiches should accom puny the salad, as well as a cold drink. Your last course could be ice and wafers. L. 11.: I will try to get you a good rccl)o for chicken tamales, though I cannot give it to you off hand. I know that corn meal, peppers and high seasoning are used with chick en or other meat. Enclosed in a corn husk,' I think they are steamed. Save Soap. Ficccs of toilet soap which have become too small for toilet use make an excellent shampoo if placed in a class and dissolved., in water until they become a jelly. Happy Hollow Sets Open Day for Women At a meeting of women golfers at Happy Hollow club Wednesday, Mrs. Howard Goodrich, chairman, it was decided that Friday, Septem ber 2, would be the open day for the season. Field club will have open day next Wednesday, July 20. Aiiciist .1 is nni-n riav at frremont. The open day at. Happy Hollow i will probably close the formal season; for women RoKcrs. . Social Settlement Notes. The W. I. L. 1.. club entertained 12 guests at a theater ' party at the, Sun Wednesday evening. Eighty-six children have enrolled in the summer kindergarten at the ! Social Settlement. The average at tendance daily is 60. ; ReadingxRecital. On Saturday afternoon, July Y at i o'clock. Miss Norma llertranv will read "Madame Butterfly" at the; Mistier school. This is one of the series of recitals being given during the summer session of the school. ilF ITTDTT MILITARY ACADEMY ssunniR school Alia? CAris MEXICO, MO Summer Camp begins Tuesday, June 28, 1921. f Term runs two months. Regular term begins, Thurday, September 15, 1921. Term runs nine months. Early enrollment in both Summer Camp and Academy is necessary, as capacity is annually taxed. Catalogue. Address. Col. E. Y. Burton, President Boi 1111 Mlco,Mo. Your Day Make washday your day. Dedicate it to yourself, , not to a washtub. Your family laundry will be done better and at less cost in time and temper if a you have it done THE WET WASH WAY : Flat work ironed smooth,' . other pieces returned damp, ready to be ironed, or rough dried, . as you prefer. . PHONK HARNEY 784 2!5 FAB HAM Chapter X Fira 'Bowen'a Remarkable Sale of Dining Room Furniture at Bowen's This Week .. FOR ALL those who lore the great outdoors, for those wlw devote a cer tain period to" their favorite pastimes, to health" and happi ness, for the young folks and those who always want to stay young, the one great health giv ing food is bread. Because bread is the very foun dation of our diet, in every grain of wheat there is a complete ra tion of raw food to J meet the needs of the. human body, baked into HARD ROLL bread it be comes a most palatable, whole some and economical food, spec ify HARD ROLL bread witb your next grocery order. V.V PETERSEN & PEGAU La : C BAKING CO. V W J ltlkra of TIP-TOP bread - announce for this week-end a Sweeping Clearance ; r of aii -Summer I Mid Mil iiery 675 Wonderful HATS A Street Hat A Dress Hat A Sports Hat Whatever your needs, you can find them in ,this complete clearance group of extraordinary values. Slany were formerly priced as high as $22.50 and none was priced less than $10. A This Is Practically a v Choice of the House at the amazing price of Not One Summer Hat Reserved v There are ; ' . " ' ' . h ' " ' Baronet Satin Hats, Taffeta ; Hats, Georgette Hats, Leg horn, Hats, Ostrich Trimmed Straws, Flower Trimrri e d Canton Crepe Hats, Garden. Flops, Felt Hats, Sport Hats and Exquisite Combinations suitable for early Fall wear. In order to get full benefit of the varied selections it h rvell to make ' your choice early. Fall Hats of 4 Duvetyn and Velvet materials not included. Bear, in mind . these condi tions: . No Returns No Exchanges Let Cuticura Be i Your Beauty Doctor SMp,Oto(nMiit.1ltm.Bc.mrTli. VWnwnplM Mrw:CllMltUMtlMla.tiKI, !. Mm. ADVEBTISEMKNT. 666 quickly relieve Constipation, Bil iouineit, Lot of Appetita and Hd kche, da to Torpid Liver, . , '' -s . . : 7 y