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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1921)
n THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1921. m SLEEPY-TIME TALES If A ft-e l(tMt4 ?-THE TALE OF :-CHIRPY CRICKET BY ARTHUR 5C0TT BAILEY CHAPTER VI. A Plan Goes Wrong. Chirpy Cricket never fiddled faster than he did that night. Somehow he a notion that the faster he fiddled the more quickly the night would pass. For Freddie Firefly had promised to loan Chirpy his light, because Chirpy needed it when he saw Miss Christabel Cricket to her home beyond the barnyard fence. Chirpy was going to see her safely to her door when the night's k con cert was ended. And he could hardly wait until the time came when he would flash that wonderful light in the eyes of all his friends. "I hope -you won't go dancing across the meadow tonignt, ne re marked anxiously to Freddie Fire fly. "You might wander into this swamp and get lost. ''Oh, there's no danger of that!" Freddie assured him. "If you stumbled into the wet rm staa youve come! ururpjf greeted him. swamp you might put your light out," Chirpy Cricket warned him. But Freddie Firefly, laughed and told him not to worry. "I always enjoy at least one dance in the meadow each night," he ex plained.' "They're expecting me over there now. And I don't want to disappoint them." ... . "No!" Chirpy answered. And neither do you warn 10 uiaaayuun. me. So please don't faij to be on hand when the music's finished." After telling Chirpy that he wouldn't fail him, rreaaie rireny flitted away. But in spite of what he had said Chirpy Cricket couldn't help feeling nervous and uneasy. And he fiddled so fast that the other fiddlers kept complaining. . They said he wasn't playing in time. Chirpy Cricket was too well-mannered to contradict them. But he had his own opinion, which he kept to nmiseir. ne ir.uugm iu wm of time. "Good- 1" Vio xr1aimed under his breath. "JL.near heard such slow fiddling in all ray niei There was another way, too, in which Chirpy annoyed the others. He kept asking them first one and then another what time it was. , And of course nobody wants to stop and look at his watch when he is fiddling. At last one of h: cousins told him, in answer to his question, that it was time to stop talking and pay atten tion to the music. After that Chirpy Cricket tried to be patient. But it was hard not to : be restless. And he kept leaping into the air, hoping to get a glimpse of Freddie Firefly's twinkling light. For never return from the meadow. At last the fiddlers stopped play ing, one after another; for the night was going fast. The Cricket family always liked to be home before day light. Chirpy had almost given up hope of seeing Freddie Firefly. But to his great delight Freddie came skip ping up-just as Chirpy stood before Miss Christabel Cricket, whom he expected to see to her home. "T. 'm'.a .rttn!" Pliirnv greeted him. "I'll take your light now. Ana i n return it to you to morrow night." "Oh! That would be too much trouble for you," Freddie Firefly said. "I'll go right along with you and your young , lady. . And after I've lighted her home I'll do the same thing for you.- "Oh! That would, be too much trouble for you," Chirpy Cricket ob jected. "Let me take the light, please!" He certainly didn't want Freddie Firefly k tagging along with Miss .Christabel Cricket and himself. Or course, Freddie Firefly couldn't give Chirpy his light It was just as much a part of him as his head. And since Chirpy Cricket began to Only 1 Day More of Lloyd Baby Carriage Demonstration at Union Outfitting Co. Free Souvenir to Every Mother AttendingLloyd Carriage Given Away. The "Lloyd" is the Baby Car riage you have been reading about in the magazines and newspapers and the Union Out fitting: Co., which is "Lloyd" Headquarters for Omaha, is holding a demonstration of in terest to every mother this week. A "Lloyd" is the most eco nomical Baby Carriage you can buy, especially at the prices be ing made during the demonstra tion.; A "Lloyd" given away Friday. s -Advertisement mm that the light had been promised him, in the end Freddie had to ex plain everything. It was a great diappointment to Chirpy Cricket. He had expected to have wonderful fun, flashing Freddie Firefly's light. But Miss Christabel Cricket did not seem to mind in the least. "You oughtn't to blame Freddie Firefly for not loaning his light." she said. "You know you wouldn't let him take vour fiddle. Well, Chirpy Cricket hadn't thoueht of that. And he had to admit that what she said was true. And just then the sun peeped over Blue Mountain. So everybody hurried home alone, after all. (Copyright. Orosset A Dunlap.) beneficial to those afflicted with nervousness or sleeplessness. The daisy is today's symbol; sig nifying hospitality, it is particularly adapted to use as a decoration for social functions. (Copyrlfbt, 1121, Wheeler Syndicate. Inc.) Jewel, Flower, Color Symbols for Today By MILDRED MARSHALL. Tim lanic-Taziilt is hoth the talis- mam'r eem and the natal stone for today.' Among the ancient Egyp tians it was regarded as a stone meant for sirens, and Cleopatra and other famous women frequently wore it as an ornament It was be lieved also to be a cure for the un happiness arising from disappoint ment in love. It was also endowed with the cower to cure various forms of fever, according to ancient legends, but those who wished to benefit by it must wear it close to the flesh. Tndav's color is violet, which the orientals believed was particularly Common Sense By J. J. MUNDY. The Other Sex. . When a married woman allows herself to think that a married man, not her husband, is interested in her, she makes a big mistake from all angles. First of all, it makes her self-con scious, and that spots her at once to the observer whether she is aware of it or not, and she won't act natural, for she can t. When a man or woman cannot speak to another man or woman without a certain tense, strident tone, it means lack of self-control. Get yourself well in hand, Mr, Man or Mrs. Woman. lust because a man is a gentleman or a woman is gracious is no reason to think there is any feeling beneath the surface. even if it would please your vanity to think so. It is too bad that men and women cannot be courteously oolite with out being misconstrued in dealing with the opposite sex, yet they can after all, for time alone will tell the story if they are on the square. Don't let your playful mood. Mrs Married Woman, cause you td be too familiar with another woman's husband, especially if you want to keep his respect as well as to stand well with his wife. Parents' Problems How can children be taught the value of mpneyr Some children learn value of money when given a regular allow ance, and required to use it to meet definite expenses, even if these are nothing more than materials for play. Other children learn the les son best by earning regularly some money, if only a little. Children who receive a penny when they ask for it or otherwise have money irregu larly cannot be expected to learn to understand its value. Accessory Thieves Plead Guilty at Broken Bow Broken Bow, Neb., July 14. (Special.) Victor and Ellis Zeller, brothers, living north of Broken Bow, pleaded guilty to petit larceny in county court, having taken a bat tery and lamp from an automobile belonging to Jack Insko. They were each fined $25. Playtimes Echo "Mother, I'm Hungry ! " The answer is rcaiy instantly j heaping bowl of nJST TOASTIES with cream or milk and childish appetite C - could ask nothing more delicious or satisfying Post Toas ties are the toasted perfection of selected white corn Order by name to get the best of all cornflakes At Grocers Everywhere! Made by Pbstum Cereal Co., Inc. Battle Creek, Michigan. Phoenix Headquarters Where It Started AM16EMENT8. Sash Windows. ' Sash windows are an English in vention; they came into use shortly after the great hre of London. Be fore this time all windows opene on hinges. The word "sash" comes from the French "chassis," some thing that slides in a groove. They are mentioned in Lister's "Journey to fans, published in 1699. Copyright, 1921, Wheeler Syndicate. Inc. rilOTOPLAYS". At P R A Y ' S PHOENIX HEADQUARTERS hosiery requirements for the entire family can ALWAYS be filled. Pray's assortment of PHOENIX HOSIERY is complete Bring Your Phoenix Needs to Pray oraa, mm ALSO MACK SENNETT COMEDY "HIS FICKLE FANCY" Rialto Symphony Orchestra Playing the ' Overture "STRADELLA" 1 WO O LOreS 1908 F.rn.m Street SPECIALS FOR TODAY Ladies' Silk Hose, all col ors 65 Men's Silk 2 .Hose, on al ;; 48 Cotton Hose . . . . . .12Vt Child's Hose . ... 19 J. HELPHAND 314 NORTH 16TH ST. Hour. 11, I, 3, S, 6:30, S and 9:30 THIS WEEK ANY DAY Includes Tax Supply Your Needs by Using Bee Want Ads Best Results EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE THREE ROMAN GYPSIES. Novelty Slnfinf, Dancing and Mualcal Act. STANLEY, TRIPP A MARTIN, Comedy Hat Jugti.r,. GALLOWAY A GAR RETTE, "Black and Tan Classic." AL LEN MOORE, Slnginc and Dancing. Photoplay Attraction, "Coincidence." a Metro Special Production. niOTon.AYS. rnoToris. MAMA'S m 1ft TODAY TOMORROW "WET GOLD" SUNDAY HARRY CAREY in "Desperate Trails' TWO DAYS MORE "Blind Wives" i Ladies Attend Saturday M Matinee SUNDAY U "Snowblind" rr: a 9 He was ugly, de formed and an outlaw. She was young, trusting r.nd blind. Love between them would have been a tragedy, but love, as always, found a way. Starting Sunday ' at the Adapted sAl JpiBj. 1 From the J V?" fi I Famous Novel by CteW I KATHARINE f I NEWLIN BURT NJ EATTY'S Co-Operative Cafeterias We Appreciate Your Patronage. in 1512-Doujjlas St SATURDAY OUR GREATEST SALE OF DRESSES Prices reach the lowest point of the year in this sensational event Dresses Gin gHamsj Voiles and Or , gandies, in both light and dark colors. Never again will such values present them selves. Values to $12.50, now . . Dresses Fine Ginghams, Voiles, and Organdies, styles that are ex ceptional, all colors, all sizes. 'A wonderful offer. Values to $17.50, now . . . Dresses Finest Organdies and stunning Taffeta, Canton , Crepe and Crepe de Chine , Frocks. Values to $35.00, now ; 6 ft: : ' F3o V Hire mne i I 1 Manufactured by The Overland Tire and Rubber Co., Omaha 30x3y2, Ribbed Non-Skid FORD SIZE A special cash purchase of these high grade tires mad) in Omaha enables us to offer these tires at prices never Aerd of before. . This is your opportunity to take advantage of low prices on a home product that means many dollars saved on every Overland tire you buy. . Come in and lay. in a supply of these tires while this unusual Look over these prices they are offered subject to stock on hand and prior sale. f Every tire user in this city and territory knows that the Stephens system of retailing tires eliminates every middle profit and gives the consumer the advantage of buying where only one small profit is added to the actual cost of making tires. Any size Guaranteed Tube in our stock 60 These sensational low prices on tires are good for a short time only and if you want to re tire your automobile for the sea son's driving, and do it at prices that will leave many dollars in your pocket for other uses, get in and do your buying while the stock lasts. GOOD TIRES ABE NOT NECESSARILY HIGH PRICED TIRES These Prices Speak for Themselves Mail Orders Filled Only When Cash Accompanies the Order 28x3 8.00 30x3 ................S 8.20 30x3"a .'.. 9.85 31x32 $11.35 32x354 $13.00 , 31x4 ,......$14.00 -, 32x4 $1715 33x4 $18.15 34x4 ".....$18.65 32x4J2 $23.20 34x4'a $23.65 35x4'2 ..$26.00 36x42... ....$27.00 35x5 $28.00 37x5 - t- S3 150 No War Tax to Pay When You Buy From Stephens Tire Stores Co. When Lower Tire Prices Are Made, Stephens Will Make Them Stephens Tir e Storesv Co Dresner Bldg., 2215 Farnam St. HARRY F. T RUMBLE, Mgr. Omaha, Neb. Backed by a $1,500,000 corporation with tire stores in the following citiee: Pine Bluff, Ark.; tittle Rock, Ark.; Birmingham, Ala.; Sedalia. Mo.; Boonville, Mo.; St Joseph. Mo.; Topeka. Kn.; Wichita. Kan.; Los Angeles, Cal.; Tulsa, Okla. Money bek without qnattied M HUNT GUARANTEED um raiiaan suboies (Hent'e Selre end 8op)iUn JUeoweraLTetteroretberttefc.