Stock Promoter. Once Rich. Can't Pay Hotel Bills William McWhorter 'b Baggage Seized Following Arre6t; was Registered Under Assumed Name. A Texas oil company it expected to go by the boards when William A. McWhorter, in company of a United States officer, shakes the dust of the Lone Star state from his shoes. Eivdenee found by federal officers in the Houston hotel room of the stock sales' promoter arrested Friday for using the mails to defraud, indi cate that McWhorter was involved in Texas in exactly the same kind of .lock deals for which he will stand trial here. Included in the evidence are pa pers showing that he planned to ap propriate 1,050,000 shares in a $2,000,000 oil company. Used Fictitious Name. MrWhorter was registered as "Ed Jenkins, Los Angeles, Cal.," in the Brazos hotel, where he was arrested. In addition to the stock assigned to the name V. A. McWhorter, there was a huge block of stock as signed to "E. A. Jenkins," in the same company. McWhorter first denied his identi ty as other than McWhorter, but after brief questioning, admitted Jenkins Mas a fictitious name, ac cording to a report received by fed eral officers here. He told officers he was dodging apprehension in order that he could arrange his business so that he could make his bond. Baggage It Seized. That he is flat broke, though once noted for his luxurious habits, is indicated by the fact that hotel of ficers are holding his baggage for non-payment of room rent. McWhorter told the officers he had been in Sou thf America, Panama and Mexico since the indictment against him was returned in May. Officers, however, believe he has been in Texas all the while under as sumed names. Business papers of eight or 10 dif ferent stock" concerts, in all of which McWhorter's name figures promi nently, were found in his room. McWhorter frequently boasted to Omaha friends how quickly he cculd rehabilitate his finances, in the. ior him, rich days of floating the Wil liam Berg Potash and Missouri Val ley Finance companies. Seeks Bond Reduction. McWhorter will be brought back to Omaha by federal officers some time this week, it is thought. His attorney. A. L, Sutton, seeks to reduce his $25,000 bond to $12,500. While he had not yet been ap proached by Sutton this morning, Judge Woodrough indicated it was customary to make the reduction if the reduced bond was secure enough. Charles Wahlberg and Jacob Masse, two others indicted at the same time as McWhorter, had their "bonds reduced to $12,500 in Los Angeles. The trio will ttand trial here in the fall. ' V Movies of 88th in Action to Be Shown at Reunion Aug. 26-28 Movies of the S8th division American expeditionary forces in ac tion in France as well as in training in the United States will be one of the features of the big reunion ot the Clover Leaf men at Des Moines, August 26 to 28. A number of Xebraskans who served with the 88th are expected to attend the reunion. Railroad offi cials have granted a special rate of fare and a half for a round trip ticket The amusement program will in clude automobile tours 01 Des Moines, old Camp Dodge, athletic tournaments, regimental and separate organization banquets, addresses by former generals of the division, auso and horse races, airplane stunts, band concerts, parades, night fireworks displays, etc. Washington Urges Sales Concentration at Omaha The prosperity of Omaha and mid ti'; western cities is lecognized in information sent out yesterday frcjn Washington to the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. The information v hich likewise is being sent out to all leading business concerns, urges them to direct their sales to Omaha. The report issued for the guidance of these business firms for the direc tion of their sales recommends sales concentration in Omaha, Kansas City, Oklahoma City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Sacremento and San Diego. Boy's Body Held at Morgue Pending Word From Mother Fairbury, Neb., July 12. (Spe cial.) The body of Marvin Caine, 17, is being held here at a morgue awaiting instructions for disposition ftom Mary Caine, his widowed mother, at Guys. Tenn. The young man came here 10 days ago and w-as in the employ of the county on the state highway. He became ill and was obliged to quit work a few days ago. He was t?ken to a local hospital, where he died from fever. Wheat Expected to Average 30 Bushels at Lodgepole. Lodgepole, Neb., July 12 (Spe cial.) Wheat harvest in Cheyenne anoetT began in earnest this week. . ombine cutting will start about July 15. Wheat will average about 30 "oushels around Lodgepole this tar, it is predicted. Elevators were paying 85 cents for new wheat on Monday morning and 90 cents for old wheat ' Hardware Business Will Change Hands at Fairbury Fairbury, Neb July 12. (Spe cial.) O. H. Buchanan, secretary of the Fairbury Chamber of Com merce, and J. P. Moore, in the structural iron business in Kansas City, have formed a. partnership to engage in the hardware business at Fairbury.- The men purchased the hardware business of Whht & Jones and' will take over management on September 1 , When a Flier Hits a Freight: a Grinding Crash, Then This Photos by John T. Shea, Creeton. TheSe pictures show what happens to a fast passenger train when it crashes into a freight. They were taken after the wreck of Burlington passenger train No. 5, Omaha Woman Held in Chicago On Check Charge Mrs. Gladys Unger, Comely Drug Addict, Admits Pass ing Worthless Paper On Five Stores. Chicago, July 12. Mrs. Gladys Unger, comely drug addict of Oma ha, was arrested in Bloom's Beauty Parlor on Michigan'- avenue last night for passing worthless checks. After Detective Moran, chief of house detectives at the Congress hotel, had detained her because of her resemblance to Mrs. L. C. Mil lion, wanted in Kansas City on the the same charge, she finally con fessed to him and Detective McFar land. Checks totaling $2o0 were dis posed of in five Chicago stores dur ing the last few days all of them drawn on the Pioneer State Bank of Omaha. "Oh, I did have an account there," she said smoothly as she smoked cigarets in the detective bureau. "They'll get their money if they can connect." And then she smiled. Mrs. Unger claims to be the wife of Lou J. Linger, wealthy saloon man and hotel keeper of Omaha. The Pioneer State bank, on which the checks were drawn, was closed by the state June 2, following an in vestigation of its affairs. "Frozen notes" were responsible for the clos ing. The institution is now in the hands of a receiver. Orhahan Denies Woman In Chicago Jail, His Wife 1 Denial that Mrs. Gladys Unger, arrested in Chicago yesterday for passing worthless checks, is his wife was made last night by Lou Linger, Arcade hotel, formerly proprietor of the Grand hotel. Mr. Unger said he knew the woman who told Chfcago police she is the wife of the Omaha man, but declared his wife died four years ago and the claims of the woman held in Chicago are untrue. Man Caught 6 Years After He Deserted From Army Six years ago Fred E. Strine. 2010 North Eighteenth street, did not like the army nor Columbus, N. M., where he was stationed. So he deserted. Yesterday he was arrested by Detectives Graham and Franks. His wife and 1-year-old baby were at police station to see him. Mrs. Strine is going to plead with army officials to parole her husband. Three Husbands Relate Tales of Woe to Court Five divorce petitions were filed in district court yesterday, three of them by husbands. William Miller tells the court his wife, Marie, often told him to get out and never come back. Oscar Carlson, who wedded Mary in 1913, complains that she refused to talk to him. Merrett Stierheim says his wife, Stella May. has indulged in "conduct unbecoming a wife and mother." TO EUROPE By the Picturesque St. Lawrence River Route MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW Sailing Every Few Day from Montreal and Quebec to Liverpool, Southampton, Claagow, Havre, Antwerp, Naples, Genoa. Ocean voyage shortened by two Delightful Days on the Sheltered St. Lawrence River and Gulf EVERYTHING CANADIAN PACIFIC STANDARD NONE BETTER Apply t ArcBtt Everywfcar er to R. S. ELWORTHY, Cn'l Aft, Put Dept, 40 Norta Daarbora 5t, Ckkago CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY TRAFFIC AGENTS westbound from Chicago to Omaha, crashed into the rear of a freight in the yards at Creston, Ta. The en gine and mail cars of the passenger overturned and the engineer and fireman were injured. No Inquest Into Woman's Death Planing Mill Man Finds Wife Dead by Asphyxiation; . Body at Table. Deputy Coroner Paul Steinwender vesterday held investigation into the death of Mrs. S. C. Eader, 3302 Sherman avenue, who was found dead sitting at the table in her kitchen shortly after 6 Monday night. Her son-in-law, Dr. H. A. Schulz, dentist, 3020 Arcadia avenue, telephoned the home and went to investigate when he received no re- p'-v- - Gaining entrance bv a window in the bedroom Schulz called the police when he found Mrs. Eader dead. The police surgeon said Mrs. Eader's death was caused by asphyxiation and that she had been dead about two hours. Eader said his wife has been in ill health recently and was suffering from a nervous breakdown. He oper ates a planing mill at 2415 Lake street. He was overcome by the tragedy. Probably no inquest will be held, according to Steinwender. Man Sustains Fractured Skull in Street Fight Des Moines, July 12. Lewis W. Lamb of Fort Des Moines is near death in a local hospital with a fractured skull as. the result of a street fight here this afternoon. Police are seeking -his assailant who fled after striking Lamb and knocking him down. One suspect has been arrested and if Lamb dies it is probable charges of murder will be filed. Somen's Remarkable Sale of Dining Room Furniture at Bowen's This Week ADVERTISEMENT Just One Application and the Hairs Vanish (Modes of Today) -A harmless, yet very effective, treatment is here given for the quick removal of hairy growths: Mix enough powdered delatone and water to cover the undesirable hairs, apply paste and after 2 or 3 minutes re move, wash the skin and the hairs have vanished. One application usually is sufficient, but to be certain of results, buy the delatone in an original package. Mix fresh as wanted. W5M THE BEE: . OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JULY IS, 1921. Court Attack on Smith Bread Law Made at Lincoln Injunction Against Measure as Confiscatory Is Sougbt in Behalf of Omaha Bakers. . Lincoln, Neb., July 12. (Special.) Petition for injunction against the Smith bread law was filed today in Lancaster county district court by M. A. Hall, Omaha attorney. The complaint includes the following Omaha bakers: Jay Bums Baking company. Peter-sen-Pegau Baking company. Federal System of Bakeries, Charles Ort man and L. Petty's bakery. Charges Bill Unconstitutional. The petition charges the law un cosstitutional and that it confiscates property without due process of the law. The Smith bread law was en acted by the last legislature and pro vides that bread shall be sold in half pounds, pounds and . multiples of pounds. The bill was introduced by Rep resentative Ed Smith of Omaha and was the hardest fought measure in the legislature with possible ex ceptions of House Roll No. 1 and Senate File 65, the taxation bill. The bakers maintained a large and expensive lobby throughout the ses sion and carried their fight against the bill to the governor's office. Effective July 28. When a message was sent to the lower house by Governor McKelvie announcing the signature of ' the Smith bread bill members of the house arose in their seats and applauded Ed Smith, author of the measure. The law will become effective July 28 unless the injunction is granted. Kermit Thrown by Steed Second Time Kermit Gasaway, 8, "boy rustler," is about ready to dispose of the horse given to him "by Earl - Stiner, 4506 Frederick street, after the youth stole the horse last week. Kermitt suffered his second acci dent while riding his steed at -Eighteenth and Leavenworth streets yes terday. Kermit was on his way to visit his mother when the horse slipped. Beyond a few bruises Kermit was not injured seriously He was' sent home by Dr. J. A. Tamisiea. "I don't know but what I had better sell the old "nag," said Ker mit "About the next time he slips I will probably be killed."- Kermit lives at 2509 South Twen tieth street. Sent to Reform School Table Rock, Neb., July 12. (Spe cialsCarl Moore of Humboldt, negro lad who had been paroled, was sentenced to the reform school un til he is 21 in district court at Falls City. Moore had been found guilty of stealing after being released fol lowing a previous offense. Mr. ReeDuction Demands: That These 5000 Pairs of PANTS Be Turned Into CASH AT ONCE I CLOTHING COMFAKT S CORj4ir DOUGLAS 7 The big job is now under way men from every corner of the city are competing for these wonderful money- savings. Men's Khaki Pants "Made from medium weight durable khaki and veil finished all sizes, 28 to 50 waist line. Very special at Blue Serge and Kool Cloth . Pants-NOW Solid, fadeless blue serge and Kool Kloth trousers, these are wonderful values at $3.45. All sizes, 28 Jo 48 waist. Summer Worsted Pants Summer worsted trousers, fine Palm Beaches blue, brown and green flan nel trousers all sizes remarkable ral lies, at only Palm Beach and Mohair Suits Here's your chance, men, for big money-savings on fine-fitting hot weather suits alj sizes. Omahans Would Get the Lil A'thah' Bout Here; It Can't Be Says Antles Lincoln, Neb., July 12 (Special.) Jack Johnson, "L'il A'thah," re leased Saturday from Leavenworth penitentiary, will never box in Ne braska so long as 11. H. Antles is secretary of the department of pub lic welfare. So Antles declared today, follow ing receipt of inquiries from Omaha sport organizations asking if John son would be permitted to box in Ne braska. The Omaha organizations would bring Johnson to this state for a scrap in August or September. TH never grant Johnson a license to box in Nebraska," said Secretary Antles. The new law making boxing legal in Nebraska becomes effective July 28. Salesgirl-Teacher Turns Factory Hand Miss Marie Mathews is a great believer in seeing with her own eyes, so yesterday the pretty young school teacher entered the employ of the Iten Biscuit company as a factory hand. She Monday completed a two-weeks' period of service in the Brandeis store and expects to work in a 10-cent store this summer. The idea is to get next to the problems which confront young working girls, and Miss Mathews believes the best way is through ac tual contact with the girls and their problems. Miss Mathews is director of the Cass school "continuation" classes. Mills to Send Scotland .70,000 Pounds of Flour David City, Neb., July 12. (Spe cial.) The Ulysses flour mills have received an order for $70,00) pounds of flour to be shipped to Scotland some time in .July. The mills are running day and night to f.U the or der and to keep up the local supply. Vou who have been slaves to the tub, bound to hard work these hot days, it should be welcome news that you can get your whole family washing done cheaper and better THE WET WASH WAY We send flat work home ironed and ready for use. Other pieces are sent ready to be ironed just damp enough. Or we can rough dry them. HARNEY 784 JtHS FARHAN. .OWML. Chapter Thre 1 45 $ $1050 w it 32 522 7 Escape From Bluffs City Jail Prisoners Pry Bars From Win dow One of 5 Alleged Army Deserters in Lot Returns Seven prisoners in the city jail at Council Bluffs, including five alleged deserters from the United States army, escaped from confinement at 3 a. m. yesterday and six have not been apprehended. The seventh, Pete White, one of the alleged de serters, returned to the jail after go ing only a few blocks and sur rendered himself. The six who are still at large are: Albert C Johnson, held for investi gation into auto thefts; Thomas Car mody, held on a charge of the lar-' ceny of- sugar from a Council Bluffs grocery, wheree he was employed, and George Ney, Edward Johnson, The Power Behind Thomas Corn Exchange NatT Bank The Bank With an INTEREST in YOU 1503 FARNAM STREET B. Xikluewski and J. Suerk, accused as deserters. Individual cells of the jail were not locked and the prisoners, all on the first floor, effected their delivery by prying the. bars loose from an out side window, using an iron stake which .was used to repair the sink in the corridor. After securing their freedom the men ran east to the school house where . White turned beck and returned to jail. Farmer Arrested on Charge Of Firing Shot it Youth Beatrice, Neb., July 11 (Special Telegram.) Henry Brown, farmer living west of town, was arrested. charged with shooting at Harold Keimund, 17, with intent to wound. The defendant pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Judge Ellis, and his case was set for hearing July 29. He was released on $1,000 bond. Mr. Brown says that he saw sev eral boys fighting on the highway Sunday near his home and as he went towards them he fired two shots in the air from his revolver in order to frighten them. He denies, shoot ing at any of them. 1 BESIDES offering you all the knowledge and helpful experience that our officers have gained in their years of banking experience, there is a still Greater Power in our service to you. f :' Every Corn Exchange Director is a self-made Leader in his particular industry. His is a POWER of sound business knowledge. It is this collective -influence and power that gives the Corn Exchange National Bank its added Value. ' ' Flynn President of Hayden Bros, department store, 1s a Corn Exchange director.- He started as a cash boy in a small general store. He has been with Hayden Bros, for years, rising from a department manager to his present, position. Thomas Flynn is a true example of a self made man and much of the progress of Hayden Bros, is directly the result of his efforts. Make USE of this Greater Service Bank. Its Strength has been built for YOU. We invite your becoming one of us. Domestic Economy is Easily Learned YOU can take a free lesson every day, simply by reading the advertising columns of The Omaha Daily and Sunday Bee. No matter how well you run your home OR YOUR BUSINESS it can be done better and more'economically. The adver tisements teach efficiency in buying. They show you the cheapest and best markets. They help make housework lighter by tell ing about the newest conveniences and labor-saving devices. The merchant or business man can get a good line on a thousand and one things that will help him materially. No home and no business can progress by standing-still. The advertisements help you keep up with the bandwagon. If you want a real lesson in economy "read the advertisements 6 "SearchEghtTTiieT Captured After Hot Chase in Des Moines Dei Moines, July- 12. (Special Telegram.) After a thrilling chase through crowded streets in the heart of Des Moines, police captured Les ter Lang, alleged "searchlight thief," Monday morning. While in pursuit of Lang, one of ficer emptied the contents of his re volver in an attempt to wain the traffic officer of . the f ugith-e's ' ap proach. . The case started at Ninth and Lo cust streets at 10,- while- the down town streets were crowded. " Lang has a, reputation , of being a "dope head," 'with a penchant for stealing auto searchlights. He had been picked up previously with searchlights in- his possession, but Large deposits of . phosphorous have been discovered on an unin habited island south of and owned by Japan. Our Bank