THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 13, 1921. SLEEPY-TIME TALES rVTHE TALE OF CHIRPY CRICKET .BY ARTHUR .SCOTT BAILEY CIIAITF.R IV. Too Much Music. It was just beginning to grow light in the cast when Chirpy Cricket ci aw led into li is hole in the pasture, after ins fiddling with his favorite cousin. Having spent a good deal of the orevious day in listening to the humming of the musical Bumble Bee family, who lived next door to luni. Chirpy was more than ready to rot. All was auiet at that hour of the morning, except for the creaky fid dling of a relation of Chirpy s wo didn't appear to knonw that it was time to go home. But Chirpy Crick et didn't mind that. Fiddling never bothered him. v He never knew whether he had fallen asleep or not. He may have been only day-dreaming. Anyhow, all at once he noticed a rumbling sound, which grew louder and loud er as he listened. "The're at it again 1" Chirpy Crick et exclaimed. "The Bumble Bee family have begun their music. I do hope they aren't going to have another all-day. party, for I don't want my rest disturbed." But he soon found that the Bum He Bees were not tuning up for nothing. Before long, they were humming and buzzing away as if they hadn't a care in the word. "I declare," Chirpy cried, at- "I didn't mean to hurt tjoui? feelings, Chirpy told him. though there was no one but him self to hear "I declare, they're dancing again! It can't be long after sunrise, either. And no doubt they won't stop till sunset." lie began to feel very much up set. He could understand why peo ple should want to make music by night, and hop about in a lively fash ion, too. But by day ah! that was another matter. Being unable to rest, on account of the uproar from the Bumble Bees' house. Chirpy crept out of his door end stood blinking in the pasture. Soon lie noticed a plump person sitting on a head of clover which tne cows had overiooKea. v-nirpy couldn't s?e clearly who lie was, coming up out of the darkness as he had. But he was glart there was somebody to talk to, anyhow. "Cood morning!" he greeted the pi rsoir on the clover-top, adding in a loww tone, "Theyy're a queer fam ilythese Bumble Bees!" To his great dismay, the person to whom he had spoken began to buzz. And leaping nearer him, in order to see him better, Chirpy Cricket discovered that he had been talking to Buster Bumble Bee! Buster was a blundcrinsr, good-natured chap. And to Chirpy's relief, instead-of getting angry he merely laitfilicd. r "I didn't mean to hurt your feel ings." Chirpy told him. "If I'nr dis agreeable this morning, it's because I need a good vest. And your fam ily's humming disturbs inc." . "Why do you think were queer.' Buster asked him. "Don't you call it a bit odd hav ing a dance, at this time of day?" "Bless vou! They're not dancing in tbere!" Buster Bumble Bee cried, - "That's the workers storing awav Uhe honey. . They're always huzzing like that.-,. Perhaps you didn't know that our honcymakers can't work without being noisy. To tell the truth, they wake me every morniug. . And often I'd rather sleep." "Will they keep this racket up all summer?" Chirpy inquired. "On all pleasant days!" Buster Bumble Bee said. ' "Then," said Chirpy Cricket, "I'll have to move to a quieter neighbor hood. This humming every day would .soon drive me frantic." "I don't blame you." Buster Bum ble Bee told him. "I've often felt that way myself." (Copyright. Grosset & Dunlap.) Jewel, Flower, Color Symbols for Today By MILDRTD MARSHALL. The ' garnet, today's talismanic gem. and also the natal stone of those bom on an anniversary of this da was believed by the ancients to be strangely potent in aiding in the solution of mystery or in aiding its wearer to decide the best course to take when in a doubtful situation. Doubts aroused by friendship were also solved by it. and it was looked upon as a help in helping lovers to straighten out their difficulties. Today's lucky color is crimson. It was a custom in Oriental countries for the high priests to wear crimson robes on this day, since they believed that this color gave them mystic powers. The camelia, believed to be potent in bestowing great beauty on women who wear it. is today's flower. ' (Copyright, lttt, Whwler Syndicate. .Inc.) Parents' Problems '.How can children b taught not to; cry when hurt? .vLittle boys can be easily taught iit to cry when hurt by being told that it is not manly. Small girls are open to argument, but they too respond to an appeal to their brav ery. If an increase of self-control is met with an increase of sympathy, the problem will be the more quickly solved. I mv 4 THE GUMPS i 1 0JT ANt XVJET? TW "StA &01H6 "TO OCT V1FLL To acta j 'cm BY THE TAIL- More Truth By JAMES J. 1 THE BLIND COP Funny guy, Policeman Casey, he can sec straight through a wall, An' can spot a prowlin' sneak-thief watchin' out to make a haul. He can look right round the corner in the middle of the night, And get on the job like lightnin,' when a roughneck starts a fight. He seems to be watchin when there's trouble anywhere, But he never sees us bathin' in the fountain on the square. Mix-ups do not last a minute, if they're started ori our strett, When them tough nuts want a riot, they get off o' Casey's beat. We don't dasst to swipe an orange off a pushcart any more, Or get rid o' bogus1 quarters in the blind Eyetalian's store. Casey'd grab us in a minute if we pinched a chunk o coal, But he never sees us. stripin' to git in cAir swimmin' hole. When the streets is like an oven in a cellar bakin' shop, An' a feller keeps on waitin' till he thinks he's goin' to flop, We sneak down behind the statutes, peel our rags off to the skin, Wait until there's no one lookin,' but the sparrows, an' git in. Casey always passes by us half a dozen times a day, , 1 But he's lookin' out for trouble thatymight start across the way. He's a tough old bird, is Casey"; when a guy starts in a scrap He is loaded in the wagon with an awfully messy map. Even kids will holler murder, when he grabs 'ein by the hair After they've been rollin' ivories underneath the school house stair. Xothin' that his job is stoppin' ever gits away from him, But he doesn't ever see us when we strip to take a swim. iHayHHaMawafaaaSSaiWBl PROVERB. In our jouney back to prosperity the more waste the less speed. TOUGH. The return of Bill Haywood to Leavenworth is going to make impris onment there unconstitutionally "cruel and unusual" for the rest of the con victs? A NEW ONE. We have heard of salting gold mines, but until recent developments in Mexico we never heard of salting oil wells. CoDjrigM. 1921. bj The Bell BrndlcaU. lac. Dog Hill Paragrafs By George Bingham " Slim Flinders says in church every body that has their eyes shut is not asleep every time, especially about the time the hat is being passed around. The Wild Onion School Teacher, in his usual helpful talk last Friday afternoon, in his frank manner ad mitted that there arc still a lot of things that he does not know. This statement came as a clap of thunder out of a clear sky. . Frisby Hancock has completed his moonshine still on Musket Ridge with the exception of putting up the smokestack. Copyright, 1921, George Matthew Adams. Do You Know the Bible? (Cover up the answer, read the ques tions and see it you can answer them. Then look at the answers to see If you are right.) Follow These Questions and An swers As Arranged by J. WILSON ROY. 1. Who is called the 'saint of the Lord?" 2. Where is reference made to the foreigner? 3. What mighty man of valor-was thrust out of his father's house be cause of his illegitimacy? 4? Who were Jannes and Jam bres? . J , 5. Unto whom was it promised that his sons should be kings over Israel until the fourth generation? . 6. Who killed Zcchariah, king of Israel? - Answers. 1. Aaron. See Psalm cvi. 16. , 2. Exodus xii. 45. 3. See Judges xi. 1-2, 4. Egyptian magicians who used their art to deceive Pharaoh. ' See Exodus vii. 9-13;. 2 Timothy iii. 8. 5. 2 Kings xv, 12. 6. 2 Kings xv. 10. (Copyright, 1121. Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.) A new case for a much-used key is made of gold and can be worn as a watch charm, i VlH WA! XT "Nt VMM OUT WTH NoU- WE'D LOW bV 0Y HE.'t rHT THE J Than Poetry MONTAGUE Where It Started Sandwiches. This popular form of refreshment was invented by, and named after the Earl of Sandwich, about 1871. The earl was so fond of gambling that he would not take time off for his meals, ordering his servants to give him slices of meat between two pieces of bread so that he might eat without leaving the card table. Copyright, 1921, Wheeler Syndicate, Inc. Downtown Theaters. Strand Jackie Coogan in "Peck's Bad Boy." Rialto Constance Talmadge "Lessons in Love." Moon "Wet Gold." Empress Mary. Miles Mintcr "All Soul's Eve." Sun "Blind Wives." Neighborhood Theaters. Grand "The Qath." ' After a long term of inactivity Monroe- Salisbury will star -himself in a new picture to be produced by his own company. The play will have a Spanish setting and Salis bury's representative is now in Mex ico gathering data. Marcia Manon has gone in f6r equestrian activities. Recently her husband presented her with a saddle mount and last week she was one of the honor guests at a southern California horse show. Filmland's latest rumor (is that Tom loore is leaving Goldwyn to accept another offer. For several weeks now he has been in New York with his wife. Rene Adoree. and on returning to the coast he is expected to announce his plans. At last has David Warfield agreed to enter the tilms. Metro, through Marcus Loew, has secured his serv ices for both "The Music Master" and "The Return of Peter Grimm." He is scheduled to work , at the studios in Hollywood. No longer will Ann Forrest be a Lasky luminary. Her contract has expired and she is joining another producing '.firm. Her last Lasky work was; done with James Kirk wood in "The Great Impersonation' AT THE THEATERS M OST unique, novel and original is the wonder act, presented by An drews and Mar as a featured act of the Empress show which . closes Ita engagement with tonight's performances. Another featured act Is the exclusive sing ing number -.offered by Van and Cant well who render a most Interesting rep ertoire ' of the latest of popular song numbers, an- whose voices furnish won derful harmony. Versatile artists are Ackland and' Mae, at Scotch lad and las sie, who sing, dance,--play the bagpipes and drums. Miss Mae la a finished star nf the art of terpsichore and her toe dancing la something new to the vaude ville atyli. - THE DEEP T.U TE.Lt NOV) XOMJ MAKT TUKT PG NKS - OHt 0? THOVe CATV GWCAKE UP HERE A&.YEP A can yd uvs tail he YH0V6HY HE. NAWV A CAN OF Mitt MOW -r .ommon dense By J. J. MUNDY. Are You Easily Discouraged? If you are the easily discouraged sort do not attempt any really big undertakings, for you will make a failure. No matter what your line of en deavor in the worth-while things you are bound to meet opposition, and discouragement, problems of which you had not dreamed and at first consideration they seem unsur tnountablc. - If you are unwilling to think hard and long tenaciously on the point you wish to bring about, do not start anything big in scope, be cause everything worth getting comes through a lot of thought and study.' To the man, or the woman, who has a big object in life,, a' good ob jective, a plan for the future with motive sufficiently high, the most delightful occupation is constructive thought and action toward carrying out the idea to a finish. Success is a hard road to travel, but if if is where you want to go, you won't find it so hard unless you are easily discouraged. If you count your discourage ments, your sacrifices, your self-de nial as such, you won't make a suc cess either, for. it takes the attitude of joy in effort to go over the top where success is. Copyright, 1921, International Feature service, inc. - WHY Do QuicksanSs Draw Objects Down? Everyone who has been to the seashore is familiar with the sensa tion which follows when one stands for some little time on the wet sand, particularly that portion of it which is not tightly packed. At first the foot makes only a slight impres sion on the sand. Then, as the water commences to collect, the person, sinks down little by little, until the ftet are covered as far as the ankles and it takes a conscious effort to withdraw them from the casing of v;et sand which surrounds them. Practically the same thing occurs in what we call "quicksands," al though here the action is Jar more rapid because the sand is more loosely packed and the weight of the water and the sand combine to pro duce a sucking effect upon anything which presses down upon them. A person who blunders into one of the sands a sort of natural trap for the unwary involuntarily presses down upon the sand under his feet in order to secure a purchase or a leverage, but the wet sand opens under him; almost with the rapidity of water, and he sinks lurthai and further, apparently sucked in by the sands, but really falling through them by reason of his'own weight. Probably the most dangerous sands of this kind in the world are the famous Goodwin Shoals, off the coast of :" LAST TIMES TODAY photoplays. Va dDMAIKIA'S Jjk Py Talmadge - i "lessons! e.... s"" p in LOVE" I I It Stales With Thrills K: lSmLJi in . i ii t 7?.?pra i.i maf a. m .i,fl mil -jim ihe penman." Ill II HI lllllfl Ff I l.-M V I 1 -i frfl This Drama of Adventure til ' fTg-. II '.J-w- Jf zJFimxilBxei B "BLIND ) Kids ak 15c ! WIVESr - , A drama for men anil fjf women Not for the child ip I Cooperative aiBj- If JLJJ Cafeterias ssMsyasMsjseaMl sUsWs" w Appraeiata your ! ............T. ..... ..TTT.r..' I ' Patronaga. SEA FISHERMAN I'M 1 KILLU TH6 WAUR HW, THAT A LOT OF BACK- ALL. WE'RE 3plMej TO WAVE A TISM PMEfcTbDAN- VP tT Tur UBLE- HEt Count y,E HAP 31 OHOOK QM k . . 0e -r v. England, where an entire fleet of 13 warships was once lost through sail ing upon the shoals and being en gulfed by the sand before it could teturn to the open water. (Copyright, 1921, 'Wheeisr Syndicate, Inc.) Romance in Origin Of Superstitions By H. I. KING. Snakeskins. To the. ancients an eel was merely a water-snake. In fact philologists derive the word eel primarily from a Sanskrit word meaning snake. Thus in superstitions, and' folk-lore eels and snakes are one. Here are a few popular supersti tions regarding snakeskins (or eel skins,) the localities from which they are gathered ranging; from Maine to Virginia and 'Kansas:. An eelskin worn around the waist will cure or prevent, cramp and rheumatism.- For sprains wear such a skin around the waist. For rheumatism wear one around the leg. Snakeskins worn around the wrist or the leg will cure rheumatism. The -skin of a snake worn around the waist prevents backache.- go in swimming-wear a snakeskin around your ankle and you "will not have cramps. A dried snakeskin - stuffed.' into the ear will cure toothache. These superstitions are- merely survivals from the serpentsorship of our far-off ancestors, a cult which persists among civilized man today in the form of these and many ether current superstitions. The idea of the curative properties of a snake skin is inherited directly, it would ap pear, from the connection of the snake with Aesculapius, the Greek god of medicine. The survival of serpent worship in the form of popular superstitions recalls the words of Frazer regard ing such survivals. He says they show "the existence of a solid layer of savagery beneath the surface oi society, unaffected by the superficial changes of religion and culture," which he regards as "a standing menace tS civilization," adding . "Ws seem to' move on athin crust which may, at any moment, be rent by the subterranean forces slumbering be low." , - Copyright, 1921. hy The McClure News paper Syndicate. AMISKMENTS. EMPRESS LAST TIMES TODAY. VAN CANTWELL. presenting "My" ACKLAND MAE. "Versatile Pep." ANDREWS MAY, "The Wonder Kettle." Three Marvelous Wells. Photo play attraction, "ALL SOULS EVE," featuring MARY MILES MINTER. PHOTOPLAYS. 1F,r-y Vf YUM. I NPVFP WAb Tb tOfr WAfc rVLWE.- DStt Tb WAYS. TO THROVE T HANJE To. SAtf Ti) HlMVsKfc- Vim RfcO tn - oo ouYAM GET A fish to EvsfcY fEDHJE ONTME AN He ONlX.HrV HARNESS- ROWHT - .. e .s v a. 4 llMAl Alt HANGING OH MVS NUMBER- TAG Stir Caused by. Prospects Of Oil in Butler County David City, Neb., July 12. (Spe cial.) Considerable excitement pre vails in the east part of Butler coun ty near Abie over the prospects of striking oil. Parties, who have been looking over the ground, are satisfied that oil is there and have been leas ing for oil purposes. Farmers near Abie say well water contains oil in such quantities that In Denver 7:30 A. M. HI ROCKY MOUNTAIN NATIONAL ESTES PARK AT NOON, VIA AUTO OR RAIL AND AUTO Carries Through Sleepers to San Francisco Via Scenic Colorado-Salt Lake City . City Ticket Office, 1416 Dodge St., Douglas 1684. A. J. Palmquiit, Passenger Agent 1004 Farnam Street, Douglas 3S80 Mew MACBETH LENS GREEN CLASS VISOR $5 per pair Five horizontal and four vertical prisms center light where it is needed, dis tribute the rays evenly and - prevent' glare. LIBERTY LENS aglarb $3 per pair Seven horiiontal and sis vertical prisms, without visor, control the light as re quired by law, and are al ways free from glare. Drawn for The Bee by Sidney Smith. Copyright, 1921. Chicago Tribune Company TUOfui A I ikic ih TWE CHAIRS AfcOUNW V the water could not be used, stock refusing to drink it. In several cases gas has issued from holes in the ground and could be ignited. It is proposed to form a company and probably put down a test well. Fire Destroys Garage Beatrice, Neb., July 12. (Special Telegram.)i Fire of unknown origin destroyed the garage of Clarence Warren of this city, together with two automobiles. The loss is cov ered by insurance. P (S OH W G3 In Colorado Springs 10:50 A. M. Leans F)R YOUR SAFETY at night, Nebraska has wisely enacted a law against glar ing headlights. Fines run as high as $100. To avoid arrest and fine, be sure your lenses are legal and stay legal. First: Police permit use of no lens not approved by the Secretary of the Department of Public Works. Second: Macbeth and Liberty lenses carry this approval and are legal in Nebraska. Third: Macbeth and Liberty lenses are legal in all states. Best and safest for touring. No police annoy you. Fourth: Beware of painted lenses. Paint wears off, chips off- your lenses become illegal, sub jecting you to arrest. The color in the Mac beth green glass visor lens is fused into the glass and stays permanently. Fifth: Everybody in Nebraska knows Macbeth "Pearl Top" lamp chimneys. Sold here for 40 years. Macbeth and Liberty lenses are made in the same factory. Sixth: Equip with Macbeth or Liberty today. Demand for new lenses will be extremely heavy. Get yours while the dealer has them. Macbeth-Evans Glass Company PITTSBURGH, PA. . Brinch OScss ia Boiton, Chkaso. New York, PhUedelpaia Fittibarfh. Ssa Frsneiieo 720 Book Baildiaf. Detroit Mscbeth'Evsas Class Compear, l imilrd, Toronto, Canada LIST OF DEALERS AND JOBBERS OMAHA Western Automobile Supply Company Master Sales Company, Inc. Lee-Coit-Andreesen Hardware Company Paxton A Gallagher U. S. Rubber Company HASTINGS W. M. Dutton ft Son Company LINCOLN Nebraska Buick Auto Company KANSAS CITY Faeth Company Girl Says Mexican Held Her 2 Weeks Declares Man Seized Her on Street and Kept Her in Darkened Room Declaring she had been held pris oner two weeks by Raymond Rol aro, Mexicas, 2115 North Thirteenth street, at that address, Anna Avrcla escaped and caused the arrest of the man bv a ruse yesterday. - The "girl was seized by Robaro as she left work at 114 North Eight eenth street two weeks ago and taken to the Mexican's home, where he kept her in confinement in a darkend room under the belief that she had some money, the girl told police. Shortly before noon yester day Anna told Robaro she could get $4 owed her for work at the place where she says she was kidnaped. The girl, under threats oi death, she claims, was permmca oy Kooora to go to the house, with instructions to get the money and meet him at the postoffice. She met him, but with her was Policeman James Crawford. When arrested a revolver and knife were found on Robaro. Craw ford filed charges against Robaro and will seek his deportaton to Mexico. According to suicide statistics in the United States the day on which most acts of self-destruction are and 12 p. m. SERVES BEST THE MID-WEST Law For half a cantor? this trade mark has been the sign of admitted superiority In glaiiware Bp