Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 10, 1921, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 A
Coaster Car Taxi
Service Proceeds
Boost Milk Fund
ll-Year-Old Boys Do Thriv
ing Business at Nickel a Ride
Profits AH Go to Help
Babies of Poor
"Taxi! Taxil"
This cry resounded through the
neighborhood of Twenty-seventh
and Poppleton avenue last week as
James Freed and Edward L. Brad
ley., jr., 11-year-olds, sped through
the streeets in their high-powered
coaster limousine.
"Xickle-a-ridc." they called.
All the kids in the neighborhood
clambered aboard, or tried to. Even
if their exchequer boasted only a
Enriched by $1.
Result; The Bee milk- and ito
fund for poor children of Omaha is
enriched by $1.
James and Edward brought their
hard-earned money to The Bee office
to present it in person.
''We earned it ourselves," they
announced proudly.
Their mothers told 'how hard the
boys worked to construct the taxi
out of their coaster wagon. They
hoisted a box on top for a body,
made it luxurious with an old rug,
used tin cans for headlights and
lusty young voices tor a siren.
Mrs. Bradley tested out the car
and pronounced it safe from spills
before business began.
The same fine spirit which
actuated the little lads to perform
this service for their less fortunate
brothers and sisters is evidenced by
the Florence Nightingale club 01
Omaha nurses, who subscribed $10
to the fund, it stands as ioiiows
I'r.xInn.W .L red I1SK.S7
k. j. m. .: son
Tan.r. Frol and Kdward Bradley . . 1.00
In tlio nam of I ho Florence Might
Ingale club 10.00
Pair of Runaway Blair
Youths Held at Fremont
Fremont, Neb.. July 9. (Special.)
Robert Mead, 18. and James Han
na, 16, runaway boys from Blair,
were held by police here until a
mother of one of the boys arrived
to take charge of the luvcnile tramps.
Robert stated that he was tired of
hanging around home doing nothing
and was on his way to Lincoln to
enlist in the army. Young Hanua
said he had had a disagreement with
his father a few days ago and decided
to leave with- his pal, headed for
Trenton, Neb., where an unelp was
to find employment for him.
Veterinarians to Hold
Convention Here July 11-13
Members of the Missouri Valley
Veterinarians' association will hold
thoir annual convention in Omaha
July 11-13. Headquarters during the
convention will be tne Kome notei.
More than 300 "vets" are expected
to attend.
Circus Parade Set
For 10 A.M. Monday
Will Be On Time, Says Hagen-
beck-Wallace Manage-ment.
Newly Reduced Prices
Increased Value
The plain statement of a price reduction tells
less than the full Nash story.
For the Nash manufacturing efficiency and
economy that made possible new prices also
added quality to Nash cars.
The big Nash plants at Kenosha and Milwaukee
are the finest works that could be devised.
Ample finances provided the most modern
machinery. Long experience developed the
most effective shop practice. And Nash pro
duction ability is constantly finding ways to
build more economically while building more
The new lower first cost means a lower final
cost because of the many betterments contin
ually being embodied in Nash cars.
That is exactly what Nash value stands for
paying less and getting more in able perform
ance, in durabilty, and in solid comfort.
The worth of every Nash car is further safe
guarded by our Nash service that is territory-
wide and unfailingly prompt.
Come see the Nash models at their new prices.
By usina it, half dozen men can.
in 20 minutes, perform work that
formerly required a force of 40 or
V) men atifl nrrunird at least two
hours' time.
Another time and labor saver is
the Curtis seating arrangement. .The
seats fold and unfold, in accordion
fashion, and four men now do the
work that formerly kept SO busy.
The Hagenbeck-Wallace circus
parade will leave the Paul street
show grounds promptly at 10
o'clock tomorrow morning and
will traverse the following route:
From assembling grounds,
Twentieth and Paul streets, on
Cuming street to Twentieth, to
Sixteenth, to Douglas, to Elev
enth street, to Farnam street,
to Fifteenth street, to Howard
street, to Sixteenth street and
thence to the show grounds.
The Hagcnbcck-Wallace show,
which will exhibit at the Paul street
show grounds .tomorrow afternoon
and night, is said to be the largest
circus in the world, that has a street
In addition, it claims the distinc
tion of being the only circus that
starts its parade at the advertised
time, pracitcally every day.
This is made possible by the labor
saving devices, inventions of Cap.t.
William H. Curtis, superintendent
oj canvas for the Hagenbeck-Wal
lace circus. One of these is the
Curtis spool, which winds and un
winds canvas, much like the bobbin
on a sewing machine handles thread.
We have ample proof that we have
positively solved the problem, and the
an.wer is free to you. Write ut or
call at our clinic.
Maig nen Chemical Company
422-S Securities Bide. Des Molne., la.
5-passenger touring car. $1545
2-passenger roadster. .. . 1525
4-passenger sport model 1695
7-passenger touring car. 1695
4-passenger coupe 2395
7-passenger sedan....... 2695
. o. . Kenosha
5-passenger touring car. $1195
2- passenger roadster. . . . 1175
3- passenger coupe 1735
5-passenger sedan 1935
f. o. . Milwaukee
Alt NatH models, both open and closed,
have cord tires as standard equipment
Nash Sales Company
' T. H. McDEARMON, Manager
Wholesale Distributors.
10th and Howard Streets, OMAHA
Phone ATlantic 2916
Hayward-Nash Company
R. W. HAYWARD, President
Omaha Distributors.
Farnam at 28th, OMAHA
Phone HArney 0315
200 Dozen Women's
Tailored Long Cloth
In the
A quantity purchase from a well known maker of fine
uiidermuslins every gown made full and roomy.
STV iffi-TBY ,tll (SI
in the
Second Floor
Dresses on Sale Monday at
A large variety of the newest styles. High class Silk Dresses
In Canton Crepes, Tafetas, Swisses and Ginghams that sold a
high as $29.50. In this sale will be sold as low as $10.00.
Hundreds of
Voiles, Ginghams
and other wash
material. Dress
es that sold at
$12.50 will be
priced in this
great clearance
sale as low as
Many high grade
Organdies, . Im
ported Ginghams
Organdie and
Taffeta Combi
nations, Swisses
and Voiles that '
sold as high as
$29.50, will be
sold in this sal?
as low as
$15.00 Summer Dresses, $5.98 Silk Ruffle Petticoats, $1.49
Elegant organdies, fancy figured All of our silk ruffle petticoats; all
velles In all now colors and patterns; colors and changeable silks; tops to
former values to $15.00; July Clear- match; former values to $9.00, July
ancs Price $5.98 Clearance Price $1.48
$3.00 Georgette Blouses, $1.98 Nurse Stripe Gingham Petti-
50 dozen fancy georgette blouses In C0a8, 490
tie-baek and over-blouse styles; July All colors, light, medium and dark
Clearance Frlce $1.98 colors; nurse stripe and plain cham-
bray ginghams; !9o values, July
Bungalow Apron Sale, $1.00 chance Pric , 9c
All small lots and discontinued num- einftn c..m... n,,.... i as
bers of aprons that sold at i.60, 10'00 Summer Dresses, $3.98
$1.75 and $2.00; all go In one lot. Grand clearance of summer dresses;
July Clearance Price.... $1.00 figured voiles, light and dark colors;
values to $10.00, July Clearance Price
Children's Rompers and only $3M
.Cr"P!r!'49,C ,, $7.50 Summer Dresses, $1.00
Good quality checked and plain glng- .
hams, rompers and creepers; ages 2 " ? ot summer dresses In fine
to I years; 83c qualities. July Clear- figured voiles and polkadots; fine
aoe Price 49c trimmings; slightly mussed from
handling; former; $7.50 values, July
Clearance Price $1.00
Kitchen- Aprons, 25o
Gingham kitchen aprons, fuii fash- Children's $4.00 Voile Dresses,
loned with pockets, checks and $1.89
stripes; 49o values, July Clearance Au.over children's fancy volls dress-
prlc 8f cs: sold to $4.00; go In one lot.
July Clearance Price $1.89
$1.98 Fancy Blouses, 97c "
All our fancy wash blouses In flajon, 85 Aut0 and Rain CoatS, $1.98
marquisette and pretty voiles In One lot of auto coats, linen dust
white and colors: former values to coats and rain coats; to $5.00 values,
$!.!, July Clearance Price 0e July Clearance Price... $1.98
July Clearance Sale of Silks
Up to
10-lnch Wash Satin 40-lnch Sport
Jap. Stripe Poplin.
30-1 n o h Striped . ..
Messaline. $J-lnch All Silk '
30-lni'h Colored Pongee
rI?'"V , (Extra weight;
40-lnch Black
l Poplin. J3-incb Shirting.
12.00 40 In. Crepe de Chine. $1.39
(All colors.)
$2.50 40 and 36 in. Foulards, $1.49
$3.75 33-in. all silk Embroidered
Tongee $1.95
$2.75 40-in. Plaid Sport Crepe
for $1.49
3.25 40-in. Check Crepe de
Chine for $1.95
J NggjwgSy & B. cm. tSth A. JACKSOCt STSSs!?r I
I . !
j -Reduced Prices-Again Reduced!-!
SAVINGS on Top of SAVINGS in This July Clearance Sale
FOR months we have bent our efforts to
force furniture prices down down
down. And for the July Clearance all
discontinued lines, floor samples, broken
suites and odd pieces have been still fur
ther reduced from 10 to 50.
WE feel sure that homemakers pur
chasing furniture now can do so with
the assurance that nothing will be mate
rially gained by waiting longer to select
the things you need. The earlier you at
tend the better will be your choice.
As Always, Eeasy Terms Purchases Held Until Wanted
Women's Apparel j
: aft
r-fji mm mm m...
Handsome Chifforette,
solidly built of beautiful
walnut, in a very spa
cious design with large
top; specially priced for
the July Clearance Sale
only . . . . $32.50
Dining; Table, an attrac
tive, William and Mary
design in rich Jacobean
oak with extension top,
is specially priced for
the July Clearance
Colonial Buffet in beau
tiful golden finish with
French plate mirror ex
tending full length; spa
cious drawers and linen
compartment, in July
Clearance 4QQ CA
Sale at... VOVeOV
Restful Rocker, solidly
built of selected oak in
fumed finish; arms are
braced and the spring
seat upholstered in gen
uine Spanish leather in
July Clear-d f Q f
ance Sale vIS.OU
o O o
9? O
o o
iFli i- 3
Massive Library Table
in a beautiful mahogany
finish with large (top,
roomy drawer and artis
tic, square pedestal base,
reduced in the July
Clearance fcQO Cft
Sale to.. vOsfisOU
Chest of Drawers or
Chiffonier in golden
oak with spacious top,
and five roomy draw
ers, reduced in the July
Clearance $24.50
Floor Lamp with an ar
tistically carved, mahog
any finished base and
beautiful silk shade in a
selection of fashionable
colors, in this - July
Clearance (1 Q 7 C
Sale at.. iplJ7.0
Entire Stock
Reed Fiber
Typical, E very-Day "Union'
Dependable Brooms . , . . .31t
Sprustex Mop Outfit .98
10-qt. Galvanized Pails . .4lt
Electric Toasters 83.49 I Boxed Stationery .M6
Brown Baking Sets. . . .$2.48 50-ft Clothes Line ..... .24
Big Rolling Pins 19cH Glass Cream Whips 9
Home Outfits
This store is headquarters for com
plete Home Outfits and we have
many attractive combinations to of
fer young couples during this July
Clearance Sale. Prices are clear
down to bedrock and we also offer
Easy-to-Pay Terms
3 Rooms
4 Rooms
5 Rooms
Traveling; Bags, large size,
black, all seal grain leather bags
well lined, with in- dQ AC
side pocket; special PO
Suitcases in brown or black;
full 24 inches long with brass
locks, leather corners and brass
domes,. dQ QC
at only Piv.OO
j Y Baty yp
w'fSu andTvrmture ,
Demonstration and Sale
U I I r V Tl ff Loom
JLi JL J I U Woven
Establishing This Store a "Lloyd"
Headquarters .
Every mother should see this interesting Spring Exhibition
of "Lloyd" Loom Woven Carriages that are sunproof and
weatherproof; that will not warp, split or crack.
"Lloyd" Carriages Are Low Priced
They are woven, as you know, vn wonderful looms just like
a fabric and are almost as fine. And you can get a "Lloyd"
Carriage of the finest weave for the same price you would
have to pay for the ordinary carriage that is "hand woven"
from the coarsest reed. -
A useful souvenir
for every baby
whose mother at
tends this demonstration.
A "Lloyd"
Away Fri
day Eve.
A pair of "Red
Seal" Rubber Baby
Pants with every
Lloyds Baby Car
riage sold during
;his demonstration.