12 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1921. S.r Classified Advertising Rates its ptr Una (count tlx words t lina) 1 day 1 par llM par day, t eonsaeutiva daya Ho par Una par day, T eonsaeutiva daya 14a par lina par day, 10 eonsaeutiva daya No ad taken lor laaa than a total of Sla. Thaaa rataa apply either to tha Daily or Sunday Baa. All advertisements ap. gear la both morning and evening dally papara lor tna ona enarce. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION Want ada accepted at tha following ef f laaa i MAIN OmCI 17th and Farnam Sti. South Slda ....1985 South 24th St. Council Bluff ,.U 8eot Et. WANT AOS RECEIVED BY PHONE ATLANTIC 1000 THE BEE will not ha responsible for mora than ona incorrect inaartion of an advertisement ordartd for mora than ona tint. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT AOS. Ivenlna Edition. ....11:46 A. M Morning Edition..... 9:00P.M. Sunday Edition 0:00 P. M.. Saturday FUNERAL DIRECTORS STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST. "rroTAMBUIaANCEKom Thirty-third and Farnam. HEAFEY & HEAFEY UnderUkara and Rmbslmers. Phnna HA. J6S. Offlra 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 5SS4 Cumin fit. Jnckson 12i. FOR AMBULA.VCR call Market OS0. Korlako Funtral Hema. 23d and O Sts. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON rFi'r?r 114 Douiilm St. Douglas 8344. I. llsndsrson, 161 Farnam. Jackson 1261. JOHN HATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackson 1I0. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births. O. D. and Eda Potter, Ralaton, Nab., trl. John and Grace McCafferty. 0910 Qll ' mora avtnua, boy. I.ouls and I.olaa Showers, hospital, boy. William and .Mildred Stubbs, hospital, boy. John and Hattla Bohan, hospital, boy. . Charles and Pearl Bundarlin, hospital, aTlrl. Parry and Hlw Lynn, hospital, boy. Edward and Elln Holland, hospital, boy. Herbert and Sophia Heath, hospital, tlrL Benjamin and Francea Jaeschke, hoa .' pita), girl. Fred and Bertha Stratman, hoapital, : tfirt. William and Marguerite llarria. hos : pita), boy. j John and Anna Linn, hospital, girl. Herman and Oertrude Naegele, lilt Caatelar street, boy. R. P. and lona Fields, tit South Nlne- teenth street, girl. Michael and Anna Keyed, 324 South eia-nteentn atreet, gin, Sebestlano and Mary Bsnno, hospital, boy. Frank and Elanora Franklin. 4119 North i mrty-iniru atraet, gin. Charlea and Ella Drapallk, 1601 B Itreet, girl. Bartholomew and Ethel Scanlan, 2724 Merldlth avenue, boy. Frank and Barbara Burdorf, 140 North ' Sixteenth atreet, boy. Edward and Anna Sodomek, : SOS E atreet, boy. Henry and Jessie Scheel, 4128 North Twenty-eighth street boy. Robert and Tlllie Jackson, 2420 Ereklne atreet, boy. Samuel and Bertia Brown, hospital, boy. Deaths. Philip Soch, 17, 4(20 South Twenty, aeventh atraet. Ava V. Fratls. SS, hoapital. ' Maggla Zlegler. 58, hospital. . Mrs. Cora Smith Thompson, 37, hos ' pltal. Richard J. Davey, 1, 441S Plnkney atraet. jt Joseph K. Wagner. 6. hospital. ' . -, Brady Tedson Cowger, 46. hospital. ,- Anna M. Smith, ?0. hospital. i Will Turner. 17, Carter laka. . V Josaph Sawica, 18, 4511 South Twenty lBlxth atraet. Frank Bendorf. Infant, 140S North Six teenth street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following couplea have been lsu-" William Heldbredar, 57, ftlca, . Neb., ' and Edna Mundt. 25. Utlra. Neb. Frad H. Feeken, over 21, Omaha, and Lela M. Hunter, over 18, -Omaha. Leonardo Camilleri, 20. Council Bluffs, , aa ana ifosa outers. 25, omtlu. , Lea E. Barr, 21, Council Bluffs. Ia., and Jennie Knight, 22, Council Bluffs. Ia. Gilbert Cheney. B7. Emerson. Ia., and . Mary A. Bellattl. 64. Glenwood. Ia. Philip R. Mitchell. 24, Omaha, and Maria Murphy. II, Omaha. Jamea Maples, Jr., 31, Omaha, and Kata .crocaetv -. omana. . Jamea Flynn, i. Mound City, Mo., and Cora Hill, 27. Mound City, Mo. Howard Laalett, 27, Danvar. Colo., and Dorothy Ouerfeld. ' SS. t.. rii,; Kmn Edward O'Nells. 34, Omaha, and Esther V, Anderson. S3, Wahoo, Neb. Lulgl, Zappalo, 41, Omaha, and Oulaep . pa Incontro, 35. Omaha. Jack R. Smith, 33, Tork, Neb., and . :.jiary m. noime. IV Hastlnga, Neb. t LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. V L08T Brown alligator traveling bag from i running Doara or auto, between Burling, jt ton depot and Clairmont Addition, Frl , day evening. Bag containing woman'a ... wearing apparel. Reward. Phone Wal ! nut 1170. J fUR ARTICLES LOST on atreat cars tele phone Tyler 400. Wa are anxloua to re- etora lost articlea to rightful owners. , OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. ;il,OST A email diamond garland pin, ba- "n mo umint ciuo ana me ron- icneua notei. fftone Atlantic 61SS, re ward. t .. . ..... iii i V ia. s khaki colored sweater coat laat . in. pet, omana se valley. Re. KB 3144. ' i'OliND Automobile lire with demountable rim. Owner call Harney 2890. PERSONAL. i B. F. WURN 3 uptomeinsi ana optician, announces the removal of the office from Brandeia '. building to 676. 677 Braadela Theater Si- Duildinir. timana. 675, 677 BRANDEIS THEATER BUILDING S.THE SALVATION Army Industrial home I solicits your old clothing, furniture, V- n" Jiin"ii. coiieci. a aisiriDute. S- Phone Douglas 4134 and our wagon ; will call. Call and Inspect our new -- homo. llH-mt-1114 Dodga St. AT IT WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS - m sivuiium, 14ia FAKNAM STREET - PIANO pupils, beginners or advanced. Mrs. Nepodal. Walnut 4144. v ELECTRIC baths and massage. WE 2H. FM BROIDERY work done; call MA. 4330. r MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street. ; Swedish masaag. masaueae.20 S.20.D.4877 V BENT HOOVER vacuum, $1 up. Har. 1071. J SWEDISH masaaga. 314 Nov Mia Block. MASSAGE Call Douglas 54. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, aid, knlfa, auaburat. bog .j pleating, covered buttons, ail sties and I) styles : hemstitching, plojt edging, ava- t Ideal Buttoa and Plesttac Co.. 101 Brawn Blk. Jackson 1J4. - Nb. Pleating Button Co.. IS 04 Taraam . i: St.. 2d floor. Douglas 4474 Contractors. - PATCH plastering, cement work a special- j. rww wnnw esiT. A. rattlt. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and It repair work. J. Nau. Walnut 4447. Corsetiere. -HATTIB Putnam Mubone Corset Shop. , 402 Karbach Blk.. At 2443. Dancing Academies. Tfpl.PiTIP School for Dancing. 2414 -vcl 1"C Farnam. Dmrlii rasa. DetectiTes. , RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg.. J A. 3044. Night, KEN. 3S11 Independent Detective Bureau, 304 Neville Blk. Atl. 441: night. Wal. 4444; K. 0444. JAMES ALLAN, 413 Neville Blk. Evidence i- secured In all case. Atlantlo 1134. Dressmaking. -Dressmaking. Call Harley hotel. Room 242. .DRESSMAKING, plain sawing. HA. 41 6. Hauling. Baeement clean., hauling: reaa; HA, 0734. Kodak Finishing. , FILMS devalopad; printing and enlarging. Wrlta for prices. Tha Ensign Co., 407 . . Howard Sty . . " , ' ' " '.. BRINGING UP MR. Jl;- I KNOW THAT TOO ARC A OOD FRIEND OF JUDGE MOOtE. AND I'M TOCT MY VCROICT TODAY- VILL VfMl vF& HlrA AKlPl CIV ANNOUNCEMENTS. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed, ona-day service. Kaaa Hiuaio, ivevuie Bin. BfUTT Printing Co.. 7 Elks Bid. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN, patent atty.. 1T1S Pofla. Painting and Paperhanging. I'APKRHANOI.N'O. palntlnc. varnishing, noors waxed, paper .cleaning. WA.45J7 AIR BRCSH painting. Wa specialize In stucco nouses. Harney M3. Fur,, WE remodel your turs and make thtm like new. Furs stored and insured against an losses. KNEBTER ALASKA FOR CO., 20S 8. 15th. Douglas 73SS. Miscellaneous Announcements. DIAMONDS Zt. pay tha best prlca with Drlvlleae to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 402 N. 16th St. Doug laa 604S. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattreaaaa made over In naw tlrka at half tha prioe of new oaaa. itoi cuming. jacxaon 24b (. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 35c double edge, 45c doz. Mall orders ao llclted. Omaha Sharp Co. I0S N. lth. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. i-Bron Kiectric, us s. utn St., umans ROOERS Confectionary Store, 24th and f arnam at., Jackson 0127. WH1TSUI, tlra and radiator man; reaa. prices; work guar. 320 S. 13th. DO. 4403. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. JA. (424 FOR SALET Furniture -and Household Goods. FOR SALE Salid oak rocker. Cheap. Har ney 4S. 1141 8. S3rd. Pianos and Musical Instruments. GEORQB A. SMITH Dealer In drums. xvlophonea. etc. Instructions. rsDalrtnc. Address 2741 Davenport St. for catalog. Phona Harney 247. Try Smlth'a pedal. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ' ' ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for tha CORONA. Oet our prices before you buy. Eery macnina cuaranteea. Central Typewriter Exc Jackson 41ZQ. nil Farnam. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES Wa rant, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKEL'S 1.6th ? -u.iiT.rac.y' Douglas 1473, -tiUNKS and traveling tiCfiB. Hlgh- olaaa gooda at low prices. V7 ke your old trunk In on a new one'.' va do repairing. Alfred Cornish & Co., lzio f arnam St. WE buy. sell safea. make desks, ahow- caaes, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co. s. w. cor. 11th and Douglas. J A. 2724, FOR SALE Nearly new Iowa cream aep- arator. No. o. Call Harney 0437. IVORT reed baby carriage. Kenwood 2770. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS Now desks, used desks bought, sold snd traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 414C WANTED - SITUATIONS. Female. EXPERIENCED stenographer. bookkeeper desires position. Law work preferred. Would do supply work or typing. Col- . legs education. Address Bos T-1581, Omaha Bee. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch tha Domeatls column of Tha Baa. Lota of good plaoea ara alwaya advertised. Don't mlsa them. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing well done. At. 4342. LAUNDRY or day work. WEB. 0802. DAY work wanted. Webster 0S0S. DAY work wanted. Harney 4000. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades, WANTED 200 harvest hands, li per day for laborers, mora for atackera and ma chine men. Apply City Marshal, Yuma, Colo. MOLER BARBER COLLSGH. . lis So. uth. Wrlta for catalog. Omaha Bee. FIRST-CLASS baker at once, write or phono to A. J. Nethrrda, Niobrara. Neik Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN for Iowa, call on drugglata only. Permanent and good chance for man with -brains who Is willing to work hard. Call before noon, today only. 2!Vi Pearl Street. Council Bluffs, la. RELIABLE party m each county, manage office; have 45.000 year business your own; 20O working capital required. 322 - Leflang Bldg. ' SALESMEN wanted tor country territory. 304 Neville Block. Miscellaneous. ANY Intelligent peraon may earn good in coma corresponding for nawspapera; all or spar time; experlenca unnecessary; No canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for free booklet National Press Bureau Buffalo, N. Y. 1.000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR Uncle Sam'a Shoea at 22.10 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 76 N. 14th. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladies to learn barber trade. Special rates snd Inducements. TRI-CITT BARBER COLLEGE. Household and Domestic. WANTED by P. D. Smith. St. Edwsrd, Neb., a competent second girl. Two in family, no laundry, wages $40 a month and R R. fare. GIRLS Watch tha Domaaflo Column et Tha Bos Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike plaaas alwaya advertised. WANTED E,trienced second maid. Mrs. Ttirto i Millard. Barney 0047. 123 N. 3'h r . WANT r1"1 for general housework, eot taga, f-'nlty of three. Phono KE 4071. Miscellaneous. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. In tha preaent buatneaa condition, thoaa who can do mora than ona thing ara ia demand. Comptomatar 4tnowledge Isn't heavy to carry nor tedious to ac quire, but It pays big dividends. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. . Day and Night . Courses. Douglas 1442. 4(4 Micks) Bldg. "Tha School That Graduates Experts. LADIES Earn 214 weekly, spare time, at nome, aauressing, mailing music circular. Send 240 silver for music, sample copy, information. Aaaonla Musle Co., Ao sonla. Conn. TWO girls to wait on , trade. Olympia Candy Kitchen. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn earner iraoa: Dig demanfl. wages while learning; atrlrtly modern. Call or wrlta 1403 Dodge Sk Xrl-Uty Barber College. FATHER IT r ! EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Compute coursea in accountancy, ma china bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireleaa telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phona Jackson 1641 for large Illustrated catalog. Address BOYI.E8 COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha. Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 4840. GLASGOW, ANNIE E., voice and piano. 603 Karbach Block. Jackaon 1031. BUSINESS CHANCES. TIRE STORES. Ona located at North Platte doing buslneaa of $35,000 a year. Beat location la town; will take 41.000 to nanaia. Ona located In Iowa near Omaha, do. Ing a bualneas of 430,000 a year. Moat up-to-date place in lowa; win laaa 23.000 to handle. Either place will make better than 14,000 a year profits. ' ADAIR-LEB RUBBER CO, 2030 Farnam St., Omaha. FOR SALE Ford Agency. 168-car con' tract, good Nebraska town. Has made better than 314.000 a year the laat five years. 410,000 will handle. Reason for selling, taking larger agency. Would consider small trsde. Colorsdo or west em Nebrsska land. Will sell or lease building. Maronay Motor Co., Chap pell. Neb. FOR SALE Good confectionery and only cafa In town, good soda fountain ana rood fixtures, water and electric llgnts. Living rooms upstairs. Good reason for selling. Address Box 244, Cedar Bluics, Neb. TWELVE rooms for sale, nicely furn lahed: reasonable. 1112 farnam.. At, 4833. REAL bargain; reataurant for sale or trade for Ford car. AT 2374. Rooming Houses. TWELVE-room rooming house. DO 6171. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnisned Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS? Or have you planned on making change, which will ba more convenient for you 7 If so, then call The Baa Want Ad Dept.. Tyler 1000, and wa wtll not only furnish you with a complete room 11st or enmee vacant rooms in umana but alao keep your number on our "Want to Rant" list for further refer ence In case you wanted to make an other change. These Hats are absolutely free of charge to all readera and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit Call any time. Atlantlo 1000. Want Ad Dept. . SINGLE and double rooma. tor men only running hot and cold water; walking distance. Douglas 4444. Brown Bachelor Apts.. 608 N. 21st - NICELY furnished room, close in, sum mer rates, laundry and kltcnen pnv lieges If dealred. 438 So. 14th LARGE clean sleeping room, suitable for two, in private ramuy. Tel. vtainut is, 145 N. 3Stn at. SLEEPING rooma. also modern housekeep Ing apts.. cloae in. 410 sweetwooa Ave. 2 8LEEP1NO rmS., or hkpg rooms, private home. Kenwood 111:. ONE nice sleeping room, 2124 Douglas St, Douglas 52K8.; Housekeeping Rooms. tyew Light Housekeeping Modern, Convenient, Fireproof Apartments. Rent $42.50 Per Montli Light, airy living room, private bath to. each apartment. Kitchenette with stove, icebox and cabinet furnished. A separate clothes closet, with wall bed installed. You only need a small amount of furniture to make these rooms very homelike. These apartments ara 10 minutes' walk from downtown district. one block to, car lines. Drake Rental Agency, 121 Drake Court. ( 2Id and Jones. Telephone Douglas 2805. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSB- ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE JMM .BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000 WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OU BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1004. WANT AD. LIGHT housekeeping rooms, close In. 41,60 wfc. Call DO. 4087. Mra. Willis. NICELY furnished light-housekeeping !" . istn, wen. OS02. WANTED By young couple, 3 or 4-roo'm nour. unrurnisneo. Ken. 3606. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping r.o niiaren. IM w. Z4tn St. TWO light housekeeping rooms In mod ern nome. Douglas 748.8. Board and Rooms. A home without Its care and expense. noma lor ousiness people. Meals as good as you get at "the club." An easy chair en the cool veranda after. Aak the person living there. THE MERRIAM HOTEL, 104 S. 2ith St. Phone DO. 2074. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BKB WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and 3-roem apartments: private bath and ahowar; walking dlatanca. Brown Apts., 604 N. 21 at. Douglas 4844. FOUR-room apt., well furnished, private on in entrance and phone. Close in, nice shade. 614 So. 2th St. Unfurnished. T FOUR-ROOM apartment, aouth exposure. z&&s Msrcy St., tha Sheodo. For ap pointment call. GEORGE A CO.. Atlantlo 2024. ' Peters Trust Company, SpoolallaU In apannwnr management. WISH to dispose of lessa on 6 -room apartment in naw building. Call Har ney 4444 for Information. APT. of three rooma and bath In brick flat; first floor; modern, 340. See thla aura. 1304 8. !4th Ave. ROOM apt. soooad floor, 447.60. Maple Court, 14 Maple. Call Janitor, WE 4446. FIVE-room, semi-basement , sDt.. ret- erences required. 60 mo. HA 4410 FOUR-rm. apt, screened porch, tile bath .gyrpuon nail. ZZfUi n. d. St. Tw.O Pt. all modern, close 1. G. P. """"Q". Jim :nirago. NICELY furnished apartment. Call Kenwood sat. FOR RENT HOUSES. HJnfurnished. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. 6 rooma.1 a raoasra uupux. Uarney lilt. a Registered U. S. PaUnt Offiea VH-V-TH THE PROFEio LEAVE AH! HE'S f urt- TWENTY ) ZJZJO THAT ltwiN; -TOUR. T FlW ST ""! YEARS! r . nnFI WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT. Six or seven-room unfurnished house in .Dundee. GEORGE COMPANY. Atlantic 3024. FOR RENT Business Property MODERN store, close in. 1610 Chicago. Q. P. Stebblns, SEE F. D. WBAD. 110 a 14TH ST. OFFICE for rent. 534 Paxton Blk. DESK ROOM. Atlantic 1431. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE! MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES, REDUCED FREIGHT RATES TO ALL PRINCIPAL CITIES. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0233. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separata locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 308 South ISth. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantis 2400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us aatlmata your moving, packing and storage. 1406 Davenport. J A. 2008. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WANTED 100 kittens. 3 weeks old; must ba weaned. 26c each delivered. M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th and B Sts., South Side. FOR 8 ALE Water Spaniel pup, 2 months n I A I , 1 Tl- I A A .1 IIREDALE pups for sale. Kenwood 2770. LIVE STOCK. TWENTY choice milk cows. Market 4001 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. FORD touring .care, roadsters, trucks: 1919, '20 and '21 models.- with or with- out starters. We are not In the used car ousiness and do not sell for a nrofit. but are replacing our old equipment wun new. l'rlve-lt-1 ourseir Co., 1314 xiowara 01. rnone Douglas 36S3. , DODGE COUPE, new tires, repainted sest covers and nice appearances Must aeu. weoster SS37, 1420 KISSELL sportster In excellent con- aition. ir you want something Just a little different at a big saving call xiarney vaai. LATEST model, 4-passenger Peerless. Just ilka new and a splendid auto mobile In every way. Will give terms and accept small car as part payment. Phone Mr. Odell. Harney 0100. Business nours uarney ones. W'K sell "used, not abused cars." That Is not all we will buy your car for cssn ana aeu it naoit to vaii nn tim. SALE AD AY CAR CO., 40th and Farnam. upen until t:30 p. m. SOME bargains In used Ford cara. M uaitrey Motor Co. The Handv Ford Service Station. Douclaa 3600. " "n and Jackaon, BUICK Touring Car, in first-class condi tion. 4300. 2701 Third avenue. Council Biuirs, ia. USED cara bought and sold. Chaikim Stearns Auto Co. 2014 Harney. Doug las 702S. NEW and used cars bought and sold. Goldatrom Auto Sales. 1218 Harney. - USED ears, bought, sold and exchanged. tkaw vkh auto CO.. 2310 Farnam St. Repairing and Painting. WHITE garage; gen. auto repair, storage ana auto painting; aay ana nignt serv ice; all work guaranteed. New manage ment. Olen Moras, 723 S. 27th. JA. 0423. CI I tea A Peterson, auto repair. 810 S. 25th. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 412 8. 24th. Squire's garage. 2619 Farnam St H. 0444. FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St. Paul, Minn. Nebraska Lands. FOR SALE 140-acre atock and dairy farm, b miles from Sumner, Dawson county. Neb. If aold aoon tha prlca la 14,600. A. NELSON, IT 'West 81st St., Kearney. Neb. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. We have cash on hand to loan on Omaha reaiaencea. E. H. LOUGEE. INC.. 688 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEF.FE REAL ESTATE CO., 1014 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2716. 4100 to 410.000 mada nromntlv. P. IX WEAD. Woad Bldg. S10 S. 18th St. HELD Land Co., real eatate, loana and insurance, tvnt Military Ava. Miscellaneous. INVENTOR Of aatontehing discovery wanta financial aid to develop an in vention that looks too good -to he true but nothing mysterious, everything can and will ba proven, but Inventor must have financial aid right in the start to prove his claims, but all capital guaranteed by first-class real estate. Call on him personally. Within 80 miles of Omaha. Security 'within 100 miles. Folka wanted that will return to hu manity aid according to their own auc ceaa. Address Y-16, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Attention, Dundee Property Owners. We have a client for a T-room home 3 bedrooms In Dundee. This Is a cash deal. No Inflated values wanted. Also wa have a client for a 6-room bungalow In Dundee. $3,004 cash, 3150 a month. ' Call Mr. Schermarhorn. A. P. Tukey & Son, 420 First Nat. Bk. Bldg.- Jackson 4322. BIRKETT REAL ESTATE Sella, Rents. Insures 360 Patera Trust Bldg. Jackaon 0483. '.J TEBBENS frtB5a H Omaha Nat'l Blr. Bid. PmiKlai 2183, To buy or bp II Omaha RmI Em tat tma FOWLER & M'DONALD 120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackaon 14:4. HAVB Inquiries for homes do you want to aell year property? I.ist It witn , C. A, UrimmsL Omaha Nat'l Bk. BICf. PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE SEE JICCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL REAL ESTATE WANTED. WB SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., City Nat'l Bldg. Douglas 4787 THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1504 Dodge St. Douglas 1346. LIST homes and Income property with ORUENIG REALTY CO.. 1412 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1944. LIST with us. We guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO., 716 Bee, DO. 6546, CAN pay 4360 down for a home. Want in a good location, box k-z, Bee. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. SEVEN-ROOM modern house, 34,000. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. O. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. For Sale and Exchange. 126 acres highly Improved, one mile from Central City. This place will suit you. 210 acres Improved, three miles from town. f ine grain and stock farm. HO acres improved, In Hamilton county, three miles from town. - 320 acres Improved in Polk county, five miles from town. 140 acres unimproved, Merrick county. 620 acres Improved, Logan county, 200 acres under plow; an ideal grain and atock farm. If interested write for full particulars. M. A. Larson, Owner, Central City. Neb. BELVIDERE store, 34th and Laurel Ave., 6-room bungalow In the rear, 12,000 casn, balance like rent, will trade. KE 0804. WILL exohange 7-pasbenger Kissel car and some cash for good building lot west part of town. Call Harney 0427. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. Beautiful Brick Home. I am here from California; must sell my home and furniture at once. Come, look It over. Price very low. Call Walnut 5109. Price 45.400. 31.000 down. 450 mo: 6-rm. Dung., strictly md., barg. M. L. Smith A CO., 30! Leflang. AT 3901 er WA 3632. Florence. NeHiaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West West Farnam, Nearly New, This house has real value and owner must sell, 4-room, nearly new, 2-atory, with finest aatln , ftnlah woodwork down and Ivory enamel and oak upstairs; eaat front; 43.600 down and reduced nrlce. Call Schroeder Investment Co., Jackson 32S I. 634 Railway Ex. Omaha Real Eatata and Invastmenta. JOHN T. BOHAN, 421 Paxton Blk. Atlantic 4880. D. R. BUCK A CO. Out and sell horaea. North. Owner Must Sell Soon. Here's a real chance to get a real heme at a real bargain. Owner of 6- room Mlune Luaa bungalow built by owner himself for a home has r-e duced price from 37,600 to 34,800 for a quick sale. Everything In best of condition, beautltul yard ana well built garage, close to ear line. Very easy terms. Evenings and holidays phone Mr. Shaver, Kenwood 8764. N. P. Dodge & Company, 404 Mickel Bldg. 15th and Har. Sts. Phone Douglas 0829. 27th and Brown 5-room strictly modern new bungalow, all on one floor. oak finish and oak floors, built-in bookcases, built-in features in kitchen, full cement basement, furnace heat, nice attic, front lot on paved atreet, nearly paid. Price 35,800, 31,600 cash. Payne Investment Co., . 637 Omaha aNtional Bank Bldg., Douglas 1710. $4,500. Five-room bungalow at 4417 N. 41st St. well arranged and worth the price. Terns, about .61,500 casn. Amos Grant Company, REALTORS. SO. 3330. 230-2-4-6-2 Brandeia Th. Bldg. 2:150 CASH. 166 PER MONTH. STRICTLY MODERN. Jf you can pay 345- per month and a email payment down I ran sell you this new cast front stucco bungalow. This hss a large living room and Is finished In oak and white enamel.. Oak floors throughout. Tiled - bath. Call Douglaa 7412 ' daya and ask for Mr. Carae. 33d and Burt, $3,800. 716 North Thirty-third, 7 rooms and bath: all modern, newly decorated and painted; new roof; paring all paid; terms on part. . P. J. Tebbens Co., 606 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Jackaon 2182. SOUTH FRONT; 6 rooms: sunroom; frame and atucco bungalow; garage to match. Alfred Thomaa A Bon. Jackson 0064. 4702 N. 29TH Good 6-room house, modern except heat, 3700. balance monthly. Crelgh. 60S Bee. Ja. 0200. J. B. ROBINSON, real eatate and Invest meat 442 Pitrs Trust. Doug. KPT. South. Near Hanscom Park. We have just Hated a very good 9 -room modern home, on a prom, inent eorner lot; property In very good condition: nicely arranged with four bedrooms; quarter sawed oak finish first floor. Real value at 7,600; 1-2 oaah. GLOVER & SPAIN, . REALTORS. Jackson 2859. 914-20 City National. SOUTH. Ara building a 6-room bungalow near Rlvervlew park. Will sell for 4600 down and 344 per month. Call Walnut 6432 evenings or Douglaa 7412 days. Ask for Mr. Cole. Miscellaneous. BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR SALE OR TRADE. Nine rooms, hot water heat, quarter sawed osk, fireplace, tiled bath and billiard room In baaeinent, large 40x144 foot ldt, beautiful shade trees. House In excellent' condition, both Inaida and out; two blocks to two car lines; now vacant; Immediate poeeeaslon. Price 414,000. on good terms, or will trade for a smaller home well located, acreage close to Omaha or might consider a good first mortgage aa part payment. For full Information call owner, AT. 0002. Xfanv bargains .miv be found On ,. . ' lflC e Want pages. - Downtown Programs." ' Sun Will Rogers in "Boys Will Be Boys." Strand Wallace Reid in "Too Much Speed." Rialto-rDouglas MacLean in "One a Minute. Moon Tom Mix in "The Big Town Roundup. Empress "Hearts and Trumps." Muse "The New York Idea." Neighborhood Houses. v Grand "Lahoma." Ralph Ince, who plays the leading role in "Wet Gold," a tale of love and adventure at the bottom of the sea, which opens tomorrow at the Moon theater, was born in Boston and received his first theatrical train ing as a member of Richard Mans field's company.' He became a screen actor and later a director. Later Mr. Ince created the role of Abraham Lincoln in a series of photoplays depicting the great Liber ator's life and career, which earned for Mr. Ince a national reputation. Since then. Mr. Ince has continued to direct many of the most famous stars who have appeared on the screen. Married life isn't going to inter fere with Constance Talmadge's screen career. o, cheer up, lansi There is no reason to be downheart ed. The Talmadee studio points out that only recently Constance and Norma Talmadge entered into a $20, 000,000 contract to make photoplays for an additional three years. And we don't believe she's going to pass this up. As proof .that she means business, Constance completed "Les sons in Love," which was tempor arily interrupted by her marriage, and this picture will be the choice offering at the Rialto theater next week. Clara Beranger, well-known author and scenario writer who is now at the Lasky studio, calls her office a "brain cell," and therein she is now completing "Exit the Vamp," for Ethel Clayton. A bit of Algeria was transplanted to the rear of the Paramount studio en Long Island this week for a scene in "Peter Ibbetson," the screen ver sion of Du Maurier's book which is in the process of production. The scene represents an inn at the edge of the desert. Elsie Ferguson and 'al'cc Reid are co-starring in the picture. Knights Templar Grand Master Dinner Guest Of Commandery Here Joseph Kyle Orr. Atlanta, Ga., grand master of the grand encamp ment of Knitrhts Templar in the United States, was the guest of Mount Calvarv Commandary No. 1 at a dinner and reception given at the Hotel Fontenelle last night. Following the dinner -the Omaha Kniehts conferred upon the distin guished visitor the order of the tem ple. State grand officers, past mas ters and officials of the Omaha com mandery and Knights Templar were in attendance at the reception tenaer- ed the grand master. Grand Master Orr has just come from Iowa where the Iowa comman dary has been in session at Spirit Lake. Woman Learns of Father's Death Through The Bee Dr. Frederick Bacon, 5012 Cass street, sent a cony of The Bee's 50th anniversary edition to his brother-in-law. Harry B. Aver, probate iiirlce of York county. Maine. Recently he received a letter irom the judge, stating that he found an item tinder a Boston date line in The Bee, telling of the death of a man named Vaughn in Lewiston, Me. Vautthn had been attacked by a trrouo of circus rowaies ana a killed. The man killed was the father of a servant employed in the judge s household and she had had no pre vious word of the death. Chicago Girl Seeks Sister Adopted From Omaha Home .Seeking to locate her sister, Virgil Everingham, adopted from the Childs Saving institute here, Miss Marie Everingham. 1959 West Mon roe street, Chicago, writes The Bee for assistance. The Chicago girl writes that her sister was adopted from the institute and that she, her self, attended a convent until 14 years old. She says she was unable to secure any intormation irom m institute while here several months ago. Information regarding her sister ent to the above address will be appreciated by Miss Everingham. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED Miscellaneous. $3,600. Cotfsire, tmnirslow style, In splendid rnndltlon Inald and out. 15J N. 25th. Strictly modern. Will handla on 2S0O down. Amos Grant Company, REALTORS. DO. 1380. i)0-J---l Brandeia Th. Bldf. Drawn for The Bee by McManu Copyright, 1931. Intarnatlonal Raw Sarvlea Dr. H. L. Arnold Dies Suddenly Prominent Specialist Was on Staff of Creighton and St. Joseph Hospital. Dr. Harry L, Arnold, prominent Omaha physician, died suddenly of heart disease at 12:30 yesterday at his home, 3105 Dewey avenue. He was 51. Dr. Arnold was unwell the greater part ot the week, but remained at his office until Thursday afternoon. That night he had a severe attack, but was better Friday morning. The end came unexpectedly. Standing high as an eye, ear, nose and throat specialist. Dr. Arnold was on the staff of Creighton university and St Joseph hospital. He was a graduate of a Chicago college of medicine and toog post-graduate work in Vienna. London and German universities. During the war he served as medical examiner for draft boards. Dr. Arnold was active in the Douglas county, state medical and American Medical associations; a Shriner and a member of the Field and Omaha Athletic clubs. Besides his wife, who won the Ne braska state golf championship last week, he is survived bV three neph ews: A. H., E. W. and W. C Arnold, all living in Omaha. Dr. Arnold came here from Illinois', his birth place more than 25 years ago. He was for years associated with Dr. Louis B. Bushman in medical practice. Boy Horse Rustler Driving Own Steed Excites Policemen Reports that Kermit Gasaway, 2509 South ' Twentieth avenue, had stolen another horse were made to juvenile court officials Friday morn ing by police. , "We just saw that Gasaway kid drive down the street with a horse and wagon," the informer said. "It's the same nag he stole yesterday." "That's all right," Miss Esther Johnson, chief probation officer of the court, said. "The man from whom Kermit took -the horse and wagon Wednesday gave them 1 to him. Kermit has a right to drive j his own horse. Kermit in his short life has "rustled" eight horses. Earl Stiner, 4506 Frederick street, former owner of the ancient horse, said he believed if he gave Kermit the steed that would stop his "rust ling" proclivities. Omaha Division of Air Mail Longest in U.S. Under New Order A. R. Dunphy has arrived here to take charge of the lengthened air mail division and increased aerial mail force which 'will fly out of Oma ha. The division has been extended westward to Rock Springs. Wyo. The new division for which Omaha is headquarters is now 1.150 miles in lenirth. It , is several hundred miles longer than other divisions created under the order which lengthened the Omaha division. There are now 17 flyers carrying mail out of Omaha. Among new pilots to be added to the Omaha division are: H. A. Collison. Harry Chandler, G. H. Winslow. E. Ham ilton Lee, C. B. D. Collycr, Al Gar rison and Robert II. Ellis. . 2 Traffic Cops to Be Put on Busy Corners in Afternoons Heavy downtown traffic caused Chief of Police Dempsey to an nounce yesterday two traffic officers would be stationed at each of the four busiest intersections in the busi ness district beginning today. The intersections are Sixteenth and Farnam, Sixteenth and Douglas, Sixteenth and Harney and Seven teenth and Harney streets. For the first few days, the officers at the corners will work but three hours in the afternoons. Their hours will be increased later, the chief de clared. State Auditor Blocks Plan to Raise Salareis Lincoln. July 8. (Special.) An effort of D. B. Cropsey, state treasur er, to get the salaries of his clerks raised failed today when G. W. Marsh, state auditor, relusea to sign the vouchers. Under the new law snrh increases must be placed m quarterly estimates to be signed by the governor. Cropsey wanted to raise his bond clerk from $135 a month to $193.33: a bookkeeper from $160 to $179.52; an assistant book keeper from $125 to $150 and a chief clerk from $u to sua. Farmers Near Superior Are Not Holding New v heat Superior. Neh., July 8. (Special.) Wheat in this section is arriving as fast as the condition of the roads will permit. Farmer are not show ing any inclination to hold their arain and the duality is excellent, some of it testing 63 pounds Chairmen Named For Districts in Boys' Home Drive Solicitation of Business Part Of City to Be Conducted By 10 Teams of 10 Members Each. A treasurer and chairmen for three of the districts into which the city will be divided for the $300,000 fund-raising campaign for Father Flanagan's Boys' home were elected at a luncheon yesterday at the Athletic club. The drive will start July 19. , Leo Hoffman wa chosen active head of the business district; Bern ard Larkin. for the South Side, and Will H. Wood, chairman for the. Live Stock exchange. Francis P. Matthews presided at the luncheon. He expressed the great interest of the late Dan W. Gaines, as treasurer, j in the work. Albert L. Sehantr offered to serve as financial agent. Rev. Mr. Flanagan sfioke on the work of the home and Mrs. E. W. Nash addressed the members on the self-supporting plan of the contem plated home. A general solicitation of the city's business district will be conducted by 10 teams of 10 members each, it is planned. Each team will be headed by a captain. The tiam officials and members are now being chosen. Seven new names have been added to the list of the executive commit tee, which complete that organiza tion. They are: Joseph Kopietr, Will H. Wood. Thomas Koziol, John Flynn, J. J. Fitzgerald, Bernard J. Larkin and J. Frank Coad. These men will assist in completing the organization for the convass of the city's fourth district, which will in clude the residential section. Sealskin Proves To Be Pussy Hide Omahans Pay $3000 for "Valuable" Furs; Now Looking for Salesmen. Seven men who invested in "seal" garments recently are plunged in deep sorrow. They reported yes terday to police that they had bought sealskin garments from three young men wearinsr the uniform of the British navy. After paying out more than $3,000 for the garments, which the sales men whispered had entered this country in an irrerjlar manner, the purchasers took stock of their bar gains and found what they had bought for sealskin was catskin and what they had bought for silver fox was nothing but rabbit skin. The men when applying at the city hall for a license to sell the skins gave their names as Henry and William Johnston and John Mc Millan. Detectives Palmtag rid Danbaum of the Omaha force traced the sales men to the Union hotel, 1025 Mason street, yesterday, but there lost the scent. .The victims .are Packy Gaughn. Bill Betts, Fred Smith, Bill Fox, Bill Hollbrook, Joe Hendrix and Billy Uvick. all regular attend ants at Baseball headquarters on Fifteenth street. Liquor Suits Against Tenants May Cause Owners to Lose Rent Four landlords may lose the reve nue from their properties for the next year. Police filed suits Friday against tf.-e following persons who, they sayf have been convicted of violating the liquor laws: John Helm, 323 South Eleventh street: owner George Smith, Agnes and Victor Fuller. 1812 Webster street; owner Libbie Abramovitz. August Coneugh, 622 South Thir teenth street; owners George M. By lund and John M. Talcott. Mrs. Leflang Given Increase in Alimony District Judge Sears, in a decision handed down yesterday, allowed Mrs. Caroline J. Leflang an increass of $50 in alimony. Her monthly al lowance is now $350. Mrs." Leflang, when granted a de cree of separate maintenance from Arthur Leflang last November, wal allowed $300. Mrs. Leflang asked for an increase because of high prices. Attorneys for Leflang, at a hear ing several weeks ago, declared Mrs, Leflang could find cheaper apart ments than the ElwooH. where she il living with her son, Chester. The whereabouts of Arthur Lef lang are unknown, according to his attorneys. "Queen of Dope Peddlers' Declares She Was "Framed" Another "queen of the dope ped dlers" owas arrested by federal agents Thursday night She is' pretty Mamie Allen, 22, living at 808 North Fifteenth street Mamie doesn t use the drug her' self, but she has a rather lucrative business worked up, judging by her rich wardrobe, said William Carroll, special narcotic officer. Mamie denies dope peddling is htt occupation. "someone framed on mm, she maintains. . She will have a hearing today at 2. UnsignerJ Letters Protest Increase in Tram Fares Lincoln, July 8. (Special.) Un signed letters, presumably from Om aha working men, protesting against the proposed increase in fare of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company are being received by the state railway commission. One writer declared that the same mm heading the street railway com pany's list of owners are demanding lower wages for workmen in one breath and then turning around in the next breath an4 demanding more money to carry these men to and from their work. 4 I1 7T