Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE BEE: UMAHA, FK1DA. JULY 8, 1921.
Kansas Will Ask
r 1 ..
II neuuction m nay
And Grain Rales
Head o Public Utilities Com
mission to File Request
With Interstate Com
merce Body.
Washington, July 7. Immediate
action h" will insure Kansas ship
, per of ' ly, grain and grain products
relief trom 'burdensome freight
rates,' ' will be requested of the In
terstate Commerce commission to
morrow, by Clyde M. Reed, chair
man of the Kansas public utilities
commission and the Kansas congres
sional delegation.
A formal application will be made
for a reduction in the freight rat;s
Jl'H gram, gram products and nay.
A Other hay and grain producing
states are expected to join in the ap
plication later.
"These rates vitiate all attempts at
a readjustment toward economic nor
malcy," Chairman Reed declared, tn
his formal application. 'The ex
isting economic conditions is such as
to warrant giving grain, grain prod
ucts and hay freight rates first con
sideration in the inevitable revision
of transportation rates.
"Owing to the great reduction in
the market price of grain, grain
products and hay, which reduction
has not been accompanied by a cor
responding relative reduction in the
freight rates, the grain and hay pro
ducers of the state of Kansas are
financially in a precarious condition."
The horizontal increase of 35 per
cent applied to rates in the western
group last Inly has resulted in a
maladjustment of rates because ot
the marked decline in the prices ot
in and hay, the Kansas onicials
The petition says the rates are
"prohibitory" and will "lead to bank
ruptcy and ruin of the grain and hay
producers of the west." j
4 Rcpesentative Christopherson of
rSouth' Dakota introduced a resolu
tion in the house today providing
tha the Interstate Commerce com
mission be requested to consider the
agricultural products freight rates
Alliance Commerce Body
Gets Express Rates Lowered
Alliance, Neb.. July 7 (Special.)
A reduction of more than 50 per
cent on express shipments o ice
cream from Alliance to Hot Springs,
S. D., has been secured by the Alli
ance Chamber of Commerce. The
rate from Crawford to Hot Springs
was only 96 cents a 100 pounds,
while Alliance shippers were paying
$2.15. The Interstate Commerce
commission has advised Secretary
Carey of the Chamber of Commerce
that the rate trom Alliance to Mot
Springs has been cut from $2.15 to
Federal Dry Agent to Work
With State Deputy Sheriff
Lincoln, July 7. (Special.) R. G.
Anderson, federal prohibition agent
for Nebraska, was' notified today by
lederal Director Hunt ot Minne
apolis that starting Saturday, July 9,
one federal prohibition agent will be
aliened to work with one of the
state deputy sheriffs.
Anderson will consult with Ous
Hyers, state sheriff, and J. C. Kins
ler, new United States district at
torney, today at Omaha to perfect
a plan whereby those engaged in
prohibition enforcement work in this
state will co-operate.
Farmer Must Pay Alimony
To Omaha Woman, Court Says
Lincoln. July 7. (Special.) Eliza
beth G. Kesler, 64, Omaha, will re
ceive $3,000 alimony from William
H. Kesler, 73, Harlan county farmer,
the state supreme court ruled today,
affirming a decision of a Harlan
county judge.
Testimony showed that Mrs. Kes
ler left her husband and went to
Omaha after they had been married
two years. He claimed the desertion
was not his fault
Insurgent Delegates of
Texas W. O. W. Not Seated
New York, July 7. Spirited argu
ments were made at the convention
of the Woodmen of the World today
when the credentials committee re
fused seats to so-called "insurgent
delegates" of Texas and Missouri
after recognizing insurgents . from
Action of the 1919 convention at
Chicasro increasing fraternal insur
ance rates caused the factional fight.
was said.
Californian Killed as
Train Hits His Auto
Cedar Rapids. la., July 7. N. M.
Goodwin was killed and his brother,
James, suffered injuries which may
ran bi Heath when thev were run
down by a Northwestern train near
here this morning, iheir home was
a A a Han ft fa1 Ttiev were on
their way from Cedar Rapids to
.- , T-1 1 I t . I J 1
umana. ine ooay oi ine aeaa man
was mangled. His brother was in
ternally hurt.
Two Omaha Women Sent
To Pen for Store Theft
Lincoln. Tulv 7. Clrma KlarU and
Maude Robinson of Omaha were
sentenced to serve from one to seven
years in the Nebraska state peniten
tiary for grand larceny by District
Judge W. E. Stewart today. They
were found guilty of stealing cloth
ing irorrt a local department store.
Two Des Moines Girls Drown.
Dei Moines, July 7. Helen Bro
d'13, and her playmate, Bessie
Wfner, 9, whom she was trying to
jfscue, were drowned in Raccoon
rarer here.
Jim Hanlev Recovering
- j w
James H. Hanley, prohibition en-
t . T ,
jorcemeni director tor weorasKa, is
recovering from pneumonia at his
home, 4160 Cuming street.
Killed ByBulL
Chariton, la., July 7. Celo B. Sar
gent, 20, fell from a haymow in
front of a bull which became frieht-
ned wd tfoud hiia ti death here..
Political Ward Boss Is
Victim of Tuberculosis
Boston, Mass., July 7. "Diamond
Jim" Timilty, a political boss, be
loved of his people is dead and the
Roxbury district where he rose from
bricklayer to state senator mourned
his passing today. Death came yes
terday at his place in Sharon, where
he had gone to make his fight
against tuberculosis. The ward
boss, endearing himself to his con
stituents by charities that were
countless, had stayed close, to them
in their tenement district notwith
standing' his own greatly improved
fortunes until illness forced him to
seek better air.
Educators Urge
Place in Cabinet
Public Appreciation of Educa
tion Is Said to Have
Des Moines, la'., July 7. Public
appreciation of education has great
ly increased during the past year
with the result that much headway
has been made in the movement to
secure the creation of a federal de
partment of education with a cabi
net official as director, Hugh S.
Magill, field secretary of the Na
tional Education association, told
the national assembly of the body
here this morning. Mr. Magill pre
sented the annual report of the leg
islative committee.
The city school system and its
relation to the American program
in education, was discussed. Im
portant objectives of the city school
were set forth as follows:
A superior teacher in every class
The elimination of illiteracy,
through Americanization training
up to the age of 18.
Department of education with a
secretary in the president's cabinet,
and the equalization of educational
McKelvie Opposes
Howell Plan for
Radio Telephones
Urees Secretary Wallace to
J '
Centralize System Howell
Would Put His Campaign
Manager in Charge.
T tnrntn Tillv 7. Special." The
contention between R. B. Howell,
republican national committeeman
ani ranHiftair for United States
senator, and Governor J. R. McKel
vie, probable opposing repuDiican
candidate, over the distribution of
political plums in Nebraska broke
out again here today when Gov
ernor MrKTelvie made nnblic a let
ter to Henry C. Wallace, secretary
of the Department ot agriculture,
at Washington.
State Will Co-operate.
The letter written by Governor
McKelvie follows:
"The state department of agricul
ture, in Nebraska has been aware for
some time that the postoffice depart
ment and the department of agricul
ture have been seeking to develop a
plan for dissemination of market re
ports to the farmers through the
use of wireless telegraph and tele
phone. We have been very much
interested in this and have been
holding ourselves in readiness to co
operate with the federal government
in this matter through our bureau
of markets and marketing in the de
partment of agriculture.
"When Mr. Lee B. Stuhr, secre
tary of the department of agriculture
in Nebraska, was in Washington
some time ago he took this matter
up personally with the federal
bureau of markets and the informa
tion was civen him that the work
would probably be carried on in. an
interstate way through the federal
bureau of markets, and that the dis
semination of information in the
states would he detailed to the recog
nized state department having to do
with this subject.
Would Avoid Duplication.
"Meanwhile, we have been reluc
A New Harmony from the
Fragrant World of Flowers
With the first test of its adorable fragrance, CHARMET wins your
devotion. It is as sweet as the scented winds blowing over a
hundred gardens, for Sunny France has yielded thirty-seven of her
choicest flowers from the essences of which CHARMET is blended.
CHARMET captivates the senses and spreads its spirit of sunshine
into the heart.
Refcal in character, in the fcarb of tasteful restraint, you may have
CHARMET in these varieties :
Perfume (Charmet)-Rice Powder (Poudre, de Riz) -Vanishing
Cream (Creme Invisible) Toilet Water (Eau de Toilet) CoH
Cream (Creme deBeaute) Sachet Toilet Powder Rouge-Lip
Stick. All of one quality all of one fragrance CHARMET.
CHARMET may be had exclusively at:
Sherman & McConnell, 19th and Farnam streets, Omaha, Neb.
Taffe Drug Co., Broadway at Sixth street, Council Bluffs, la.
tant to spend the money in the state
in investigational work, because we
have thought that so long as the fed
eral government was doing it, the
states should not incur the expenses
of a duplication of effort.
"I trust, therefore, that as soon as
you feel reasonably sure of the prac
ticability of this work, you will take
the matter up directly with the de
partment of agriculture m Nebraska
so that" we may lend you the fullest
co-operation in the carrying out of
this program. Our marketing or
ganization will be placed at your
immediate disposal, and we feel that
you will recognize here the oppor
tunity to carry on this work without
the creation ot any lurmer agencies
whatsoever in this state.
"It has been my observation and
experience that one of the most
fruitful sources of waste is in the
duplication of effort and the creation
of boards and commissions. Here,
then, is an opportunity to avoid that
condition bv usin gthe agencies that
already exist and are organized for
this specihe kind ot work.
Iowa Woman Hurt in Fire;
Hotel Man Held for Arson
Dallas, Tex., July 7. W. M. Ray.
proprietor of the Regal hotel, was ar
rested here today and a charge of
arson placed against him, following a
fire which wrecked the rtotci ana
caused injuries to 10 persons.
Miss Alice Roberts of Sioux City,
la., an invalid, was the most seri
ously injured. She sustained a pos
sible fracture of the skull when her
older sister, Miss Eleanore Roberts,
dropped her from a second story
window to the sidewalk below.
Her condition was reported at the
hospital tonight as slightly improved.
New Trial Granted Man
Held for Manslaughter
Lincoln, July 7. (Special.)
Rather than accept a sentence on a
manslaughter charge Harry Thomp
son of Stanton county is willing to
have another trial and run the danger
of landing in the electric chair.
Stanton was found guilty of man
slaughter and appealed to the su
preme court, alleging that the evi
dence shown did not warrant a man
slaughter verdict. The supreme
court agreed with -him and remanded
the case back to the district court
for a new trial.
President May
Probe Mystery
Of 'Den Shows'
Harding Officially Invited to
Omaha May Make Trip
West as Far as
Washington Correspondent, Omaha Be.
Washington, Juiy 7. (Special Tel
egram.) If congress should decide
to take a recess in late August or
tarly September, it is a pretty safe
guess that President Harding will
make a trip west, going as far as
Wyoming and stopping off at Oma
ha to be shown the mysteries ot Afc
Sar-Ben. At least that is Congress
man Jeffens deduction after pre
senting a most pressing invitation
from the board of governors of Ak
Sar-Ben and officially signed by the
secretary, Charles R. Gardner, to the
president today.
Mr. Jefferis told of the achieve
merits of Ak-Sar-Ben since its or
ganization nearly 30 years ago, the
good it had done n bringing the
people ot the- state togetner tor a
better understanding of varied com
munity needs and the splendid spir
it of co-operation it had inspired
throughout the commonwealth.
I he president, who is wise to a
lot of things that go on throughout
the country, indicated that he had
heard about the doings of Ak-Sar-
Ben and would like i to see the or
ganization in action.
Secretary Christian said that he
had been told of the shows Ak-Sar-
Ben put on at the "den" in Omaha
Doctors Recommend
Bon-Opto for the Eyes
Physicians and eye specialists pre
scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home
remedy in the treatment of eye
troubles and to strengthen eyesight.
Sold under money refund guarantee
by all druggists.'
and he would like nothing better
than be inducted into tin mysteries
of the organization, where achieve
ments, in the way of hospitality and
a good time, have become nationwide.
Hail Near Alliance
Damages Small Grain
Alliance, Neb., July 7. (Special.)
Many hundreds of acres of small
grain, principally wheat and rye, and
several fields of alfalfa lying north (
and west of Alliance were fatally !
destroyed by hail, which swept over
a territory in this county about 14
miles long and two to three miles
Among the heavy losers and the
acreages were the toiiowmg: jlcc
Basye, 100 acres ot wheat; John Law
rence, J-U acres ot wncai, oats anu
barley; V. G. Detamore, 120 acres
of wheat; E. E. Purinton, Link Da
vis, Tom Foy, Guy Rust, William
Newman and loin Lawrence. A tew
of the farmers carried full insurance
and several had no insurance at
Corn and potatoes were damaged.
Most of the small grain in the storm
area will net be worth harvesting,
the farmers say.
Fight in Beet Fields
Kimball, Neb., July 7.-(Special
Telegram.) Side! Soto, Mexican
beet worker, attacked a fellow work
er in a beet field near here with a
beet hoe and "a large knife and cut
his hand and arm badly. Soto was
A Remarkable Sale
of Georgette
Friday and
Included in the sensa
tional sale are Geor
gette Blouses and Over
Blouses worth in some
instances five times
the sale price. While
they last, at
Be Here Early The first
People Get the Best
The Little
Woman Jilted
After 26 Years
To Get $17,000
Supreme Court Makes Award
Despite Defendant's Objeo
tion to Goiter on Fi
ancee's Neck
Lincoln, July 7. (Specials
Growth of a goiter on the neck of a
fiancee is not sufficient cause for the
breaking of a marriage engagement,
tinder a decision of the Nebraska
supreme court handed down today
and as a result Miss Jenny Sellers
of Humbolt. Neb., will get $17,000
from Louis Henry Howe, wealthy
Lincoln bachelor.
Testimony introduced showed that
Jenny Sellers became engaged to
Louis Henry Howe when she was
14 and he was 24, and that the en
gagement continued until she was
40 with a goiter on her neck and he
was 50 with $75,000 in cash in his
Howe claimed, according to testi
mony, that the goiter grew on her
neck and temper, and anyway, she
refused to marry him while his
mother was living.
The trial court awarded her $22,
000. The supreme court cut the
award to $17,000.
Friday and Saturday
A Special Sale of
200 Summer Dresses
.ot No. 1
One rack of Gingham and Voile
Dresses, some trimmed in
Organdy, special fcQ 7C
lliJe I J
Lot No. 2.
One rack of fresh new Organdies
for afternoon, street and evening
wear, special $7 35
Lot No. 3
One rack of the better grade of
Organdy Dresses at a price that
is a sacrifice, special 85
UR interest in every depositor
extends beyond the mere rou
tine of his banking business. We
are interested hot alone in doing
what is necessary but in knowing
what more we can do.
United States
National Bank
N. W. Corner
16th and Farnam Sts.
The Bank of Personal Attention.
To Make Rich
Red Blood
Revitalize your worn-out ex
hausted nerve and increase
vaur atrentrth and endurance
take Organic Iron; not metallle iron which
people usually take, but pure oncania iron
Nuxated Iron which is tike the iron in
jour Mood and like the iron in spinach,
lentil and apple One do of Nuxatett
Iron U estimated to he approximatflv
equivalent (in onranie iron content) to eat
ing one-half quart of ptnaeh, one quart of
green vegetable or half a dosrn apples.
It li like taking- extract of beef Instead of
est inn pound of meat Navatrd Iron is
partially predigested and ready for almost
Immediate ahsorbtion and assimilation hy
the blood, while metallic iron I iron just
a it come from the action of strong acids
on email piece of iron filings.
Over 4.000,000 people annually are using
Nuxated Iron. It will not injure the teeth
nor disturb the stomach. A few doses will
often, commence, to enrich your blood. Your
money will be refunded by the manufac
turers if you do not obtain satisfactory re
sults. Beware of substitute". Always insist en
having genuine organic iron Nuxated
Iron. Look for the letters N. I. on every
tablet. Sold by all druggist.
liWRed BlooASirnthnd Endurance)!
Gift For Every Baby
At "Lloyd" Carriage
Exhibition Saturday,
Union Outfitting Co.
The Latest Improvement in
Baby Carriages Will Be
Demonstrated Saturday.
Up in Michigan there is a firm
turning out the most beautiful
Baby Carriages in the world and
at the same time weaving them
on looms into shapes that are
roomy and restful for baby.
The Union Outfitting Co.,
which is Omaha headquarters for
this famous "Lloyd" Carriage,
will hold a special sale and dem
onstration, beginning next Sat
urday. A very useful present
will be included with each car
riage sold. As always, easy
Luxuriant Hair Due
Shampoos with Cuticura Soap pie
ceded by light touches of Cuticura
Ointment do much to cleanse the
scalp of dandruff, allay itching and
irritation, arrest falling hair and pro
mote a hair-growing condition.
(ultSsekrrMtoMsU. AMressc'OtHeanU
.rstorl.s.Dp ai8,lUMl.tMi" Solderj.
where. Sesp2se. Oiatmenttt sodfiOe. Tsteam2be,
BJVCuticara Seep shares without aang.
An Unfailing Way
To Banish Hairs
(Beauty Notes)
Ugly hairy growths can be re
moved in the privacy of your own
home if you get a small original
package of de la tone and mix into a
paste enough of the powder and wa
ter to cover the hairy surface. This
should be left on the skin about 2
minutes, then removed and the. skin
washed and every trace of hair will
have vanished. No harm or incon
venience can result from this treat
ment, but be sure you buy real dela
tone. Supply Your Needs
by Using
Bee Want Ads Best Results