Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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aloes Give Davenport Good Support and Trounce Des Moines, 9-3
Locals Score -
In Third And
j Eighth Innings
Guy Langstroth, Former
Cleveland Indian, Hurls
Came for Boosters
Play Today.
Where Buffaloes Play
July 6 Dei Moinet at Omaha.
July 7 Dei Moines at Omaha.
July 8 Open.
July 9 Omaha at Tulsa.
Is He Responsible for Pirates' Work?
the former Cleveland
Indian, grew ashamed
of himself yesterday
afternoon. Guy has
been with the' Des
Moines Boosters for
nearly a week and
hasn't been doing
anvthine but loaf.
I Why should he take money from the
,,'Des Moines club for doing nothing?
he asked himself.
So yesterday Guy asked Manager
"Jick Coffey if he could hurl the
'.initial game against the Omaha
j Buffaloes. Now, Jack is sort of a
kind-hearted bird nd wants to
; please everyone, so what did he do
but inform the former Indian that
tJie coujd start. ' i
Guy got in the game and was in
' there when last play was made, but
1 during his reign on the mound the
-Buffaloes bumped him hard, in fact
they walloped him and his team
mates for four runs and five hit in
. the third inning and five runs and
four bingles in the eighth, enough
tallies to win the contest, 9 to 3.
r Heaves Mean Curve. I
Claud Davenport, who heaves a
mean curve ball from a six-foot, six-
inch height, was nicked for 12 bin
gles during the nine frames he faced
the Boosters. Of the even dozen al
lowed by "Slim," one was a triple
by Moeller and two were doubles
by Jack Coffey, the silver-haired
player, and Yuna.
When the Boosters did reach the
lean, lanky hurler, their efforts
were nipped in the bud by the good
teamwork of the Buffaloes, who cov
ered their respective diamond posi
tions in good style. The fielding
of the garden performers, which al
ways features the locals play, was
not much in evidence yesterday.
"Billy" Lee did most of the cad
dying out in the pasture, spearing a
Booster drive and fielding several
bingles that Booster batsmen elected
to. park in his vicinity of the lot.
Nearly aH the visitors hits were well
B3ed, but they didn't come at the
Several times during the game
"Slitn" jerked his team out of tight
places, thus saving the Boosters from
grabbing a better hold of the game.
In the sixth inning Yuna singled to
left and took third on Anderson's
blow to center. The next two visitors
were easy outs, but Kennedy
singled, filling the sacks. Things
looked pretty bad for the "Big Boy,"
who draws his monthly pay check
from Secretary Finn, but he curved
one over for Mr. Coffey, who in turn
grounded out. One Booster crossed
the rubber, however, but there might
have been two more had not Daven
port tightened.
Boosters Score in First.
The Boosters scored in the first
when Coffey forced Kennedy at sec
ond and counted when Danny Moel
ler tripled. The Buffaloes jumped
on Langstroth hard in the third and
scored four tallies when Lingle
singled and took second on Daven
port's bingle to center. Gislason
drew a base on balls and then Fred
Haney strolls to the plate and parks
the horsehide to left for a double,
scoring three of his teammates. Lee
played the big brother act and Fred
trptted home with the 40 score.
The Boosters registered in the
fifth when Coffey smacked out a
double and scored on O'Connor's
drive to right field. In the following
stanza the visitors from across the
creek tallied their final score when
Yuna singled, advanced to third on
Brown's bingle to center and scored
on Kennedy's single to tfie same part
of the field. So much for Des
In the eighth the Buffaloes took
another wallop at the new Booster
hurler when they scored five more
tallies. It happened this way:
Haney walked. Lee singled and
Lelivelt came through with his sec
ond hit of the game, a single and all
bases were occupied. "Pun" Grif
fin steps to the plate. Strike oncl
Ball one 1 Crack 1 Three Des Moines
fielders start for the center field
fence, but arrive too late. "Pug"
collects a double-base blow and reg
isters three scores. O'Brien singled
and Griffin scored the ninth Omaha
The same teams meet this after
soon. The box score follows:
Base ball fans all over the country are beginning to believe that
'Rabbit Maranville is responsible for the pep shown by the Pittsburg!
National league base ball team during the present season. Maranville was
secured from the Boston Braves by the Pirates in a trade for several play
ers during the winter. The "Rabbit," who is considered one of the best
shortstops in the country, if not the best, is the life of the team and has
his players on the jump at all times.
Humphrey Lmtd League.
Newman Grovo, Neb., July 6. (Spe
cial.) In a cam of ball which waa full
of excitement from atart to finish, the
Humphrey Trl-County league club took their
second fame ot ball from the urove by
a score of 9 to a. in a contest of 13 in
nings. Wagner, on the mound for Humph
rey, pitching his first game, was very
unsteady at times, which accounted for
the Groves' amount of scores made. John
son and Hlnman did the slab work for
the Grove club, Johnson being relieved
by Hlnman in the eighth Inning, who
pitched quite effective ball. Humphrey
had an S to S lead in the ninth Inning,
but their opponenta came back and tied
the score In the last ' half on safe hits
and were held to a tie until the 13th
and with a single each by Duesman.
Fangman and Wakefield, ended the con
standing of League.
Humphrey T '
Corn lea
Madison .6
Newman Grove
Lindsay s
Creston t
Platte Center 2
Leigh ,r .1
CbOreon. Sb S
Baaer. 3b .. S
. If a
Lelhrelt, lb., t
Ortffln, rf .. 4
O'Brlea. c(.. 3
Maaeey, sa . . 4
Untie. ... 4
Parenport, p 4
i a
1 5
.. a it 14 l s 27 is a
Kennedy. II. I M I t t I 1
Coffey. Sb. .. J ltll
Moeller. lb. . 5 1 S 11
O'Connor, rt. S I I I I t I 1 I t
Milan, rf.... Sll4
Tnna. Sb...S 1 S S 1 1 1
Brown, as... S 1 1 1 S
Anderson, e. 41S
langsnrh, p( I I I I 1 t
: Totals ... .8 il14l"lllj"t
- Beero by Innlngst ...
Pes Moines 1 t 1 1 t
Oman 4 t I X
Ram mmry Three-baee fertt Marller.
Two-baa bttai Coffer, Tnna, Haner.
Griffin. S. Raraed rans: Omaha. Si De
Molnea, S. Winning riteber: Davenport.
Iseln pitcher lAngstrotn. Btrark oat:
By Davenport. 4; by Ingstrotn, .
Double playst Maseey to Gialason to Leli
velt. Kanrstreth to Coffey to Moeller.
Ift on bases: Omaha, Sf Pee Moines,
1. I'mpires: Daly and Baraside. Time
f game: 1:3.
Wilber Wins Two.
Wilber. Neb.. Julv i. rSoeclal 1 The
Wilber Base Ball club went on a batting
spree ana Deal tne colored Giants of
Lincoln by the score of 27 to 1. anit
Western, IS to 0. The Giants drew a big
crowd, but put up one of the poorest ex
hibitions ever staged on the Wilber dia
mond. Wo would advise the colored gen
tlemen to get a better club together be
fore booking any more games. The game
at Wilber was a regular crowd-killer.
The game with Western was a better
exhibition than the score shows; both sides
pulled off soma thrilling plays, but "Bob"
Gumm, who was on the mound for the
visitors, was Ineffective in the pinches and"
received an awful mauling. Luae pitched
the first game for Wilber. Wilber plays
at Lincoln next Saturday against the
American Legion team, and goes to Exeter
next Sunday. Exeter Is the only team
that haa beaten Wilber so far this sea.
son, and Wilber Is out for revenge.
Blgsprlng Lose.
Blgsprlng. Neb.. July 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Brule ball team defeated Big
aprlng at Brule In a fast game, score, 9
to 7,
Scandla Beats Superior.
superior. Neb., July 5. (Special.)
nc.ii.nnj over a Decision on a ball hit
down along the third base line gave
Scandla the victory over Superior In an
11-inning game, the visitora winning by a
score of 7 to .
The acore stood 4 to at the close of
ine ninm inning and It was In the last
half of the eleventh that the doubtful
ball caused defeat. Nearly 1,000 were in
Rain Stops Game.
Geneva, Neb., July 6. (Special. )- Rain
stopped the ball game between Geneva
and Bruning here. Geneva was in the
Falrlmry, 6; Ohiowa, 3.
Falrbury. Neb.. July 6. (Special.)
Falrbury defeated Ohiowa in a game ot
naae ball, e to 3, at Falrbury. Batteries:
Falrbury, Brown and McQuald; Ohiowa,
Domeler and Croufe. Ohiowa will play
another game at Falrbury,
Fonrteen-Inntng Game,
Osceola, Neb., July 6. (Special.)
Osceola and L'tica teams played a 14-ln-ning
game on tbe Osceola grounds with
the score S to 4 in favor of Osceola. It
was the closing game on Osceola grounds
for this season.
Indian Team Win.
Winnebago, Neb.. July I. (Special.)
The Winnebago Indian bass ball team
defeated the Wayne team on the Wayne
diamond, 7 to 3. The pitching of Ar
mell for the Indians featured. The Win
nebago Indians have won 17 out of 20
games played this season, and will meet
any team In Nebraska or Iowa on any
Married Men Win.
Broken Bow, Neb., July 8. (Special.)
The base ball game between the married
men and the single men of the city re.
suited In a victory for the former, the
score being S to 7. Five Innings were
played, the married men winning most of
their victory in the last inning.
Jess Willard Anxious
To Meet Dempsey Again
Lawrence, Kan., July 5. Jess
Willard is willing to meet Jack
Dempsey again, he said today on his
farm near here.
The ex-champion added that he
was even anxious to get a chance to
recapture the worlds heavyweight
championship, which he lost two
years ago at Toledo?
Jess said it was a lucky punch in
the first round that ruined him.
"I've led the simple life; I am in
splendid shape today," he added.
'I would need four months tor
training and conditioning then I
will be ready for Jack Dempsey."
Stipend Urban Shocker
From St. Louis Browns
St Louis, Mo., July S. Urban
Shocker a star of the St. Louis
Brown's pitching staff, has been in
definitely suspended for leaving the
club without permission at Detroit,
it was announced tonight.
Orders Trial of .
Players to Continue
Chicago, July 5. Judge Hugo
Friend, in the criminal court today
overruled a motion to quash the gen
eral conspiracy indictment against 18
former base ball players and alleged
gamblers, in connection with the 1919
world's series scandal and ordered
the trial to continue. Attorneys rep
resenting the indicted men moved to
quash the indictment, alleging no
conspiracy had existed.
The state announced that Judge
Kenesaw M, Landis, high commis
sioner of base ball, will be called to
the witness stand soon and that night
sessions of the court would be sought
to speed up the trial.
The selection of a jury from a spe
cial venire ol 100 men begins today.
Mike Gibbons Beats
Sommers in Eleventh
Alan Track, Idaho, July S. Mike
Gibbons, St. Paul middleweight, de
feated Al Sommers of Spokane,
claimant to the Pacific coast middle
weight championship yesterday,
when Sommers' seconds threw the
towel into, the ring after one minute
of fighting in the 11th round of a
scheduled 12-round fight. Sommers
was knocked down twice for a count
of nine in the 10th round.
It was Gibbons' fight all the way.
Sommrrs showed a disposition to
clinch. The local man took a large
amount of punishment and after the
second round, was bleeding freely at
the mouth.
While Sommers succeeded in pen
etrating Gibbons' defense several
times, his blows seemed to be inef
fective. Gibbons found his opponent
with telling punches throughout the
bout, following him about the ring.
The fight was witnessed by about
Z,500 people. The purse was an
nounced at $10,000. divided $7,500 to
Gibbons and $2,500 to Sommers.
" .
Race Meet to Open
At (yNeill Soon
O'Neill, Neb., July 5. (Special
Telegram.) The arrival of Harrison
Brothers' stable of 12 horses direct
from Reno, Nev., Tuesday morning
swelled the number of horses al
ready at the O'Neill track awaiting
the opening of the track meet, which
begins Wednesday of next week, to
74 head. Reservations already made
exhaust the park capacity of ISO
stalls and several hay barns and pri
vate stables have been rented for
late arrivals.
1 i
Large Crowd Attend
Kearney ftace Meet
Kearney, Neb., July S. (Special
Telegram.) About 25,000 took in
the opening races of the midsummer
meet here yesterday. Cloudy weather
prevailed, with occasional showers,
but the track remained fast and good
time was made. The races continue
over Tuesday and Wednesday.
Benny Leonard to Fight
Sailor Freedma July 15
Benton Harbor, Mich., July S.
Benny Leonard, who called off his
scheduled bout with '"Sailor" Freed
man today for the lightweight cham
pionship, telephoned from Chicago
that he was leaving tonight for New
York, but would return to fight
Freedman July 16. Freedman leaves
tomorrow for New York, having
been matched to fight "Johnny" Dun
dee 15 rounds there July 12. He
will return to Benton Harbor to con
tinue training for the Leonard fight
immediately after meeting Dundee.
HAVE you filed your entry in
The Bee's champ fisherman
contest to decide champion
ship angling honors for Nebraska
and Iowa?
Fifty dollars in prizes are of
fered for the biggest fish caught
in Nebraska or Iowa waters since
June 1.
For details call Atlantic 1000
and ask for the fish contest man.
Bambino Knocks
Out 31st Homer:
, Beat Athletics
Yankees Take Eighth Succes
sive Game Baker Wal
lops Out Double With
Three on Bases.
New York, July 5. The New
York Americans won their eighth
successive victory here today, de
feating Philadelphia, 7 to 5. Ruth
hit his 31st home run of the season
in the sixth inning and in the seventh
Hasty intentionally passed Ruth,
filling the bases. Baker then dou
bled, driving in three runs. Ruth is
two weeks ahead of his 1920 sche
dule, when he made his 30th and 31st
home runs off Kerr of Chicago on
July 19. The score:
Witt, rf
Dykea, 2b t
Welch, cf 3
CWal'er. If S
JWal'er, lb 5
Perkins, e 4
Dugan, Sb t
G'll'way, aa 4
Hasty, p a
xBrazlll 1
Naylor, p 0
4 2 t 0
Fewster, cf 6 2 3 0
P np gh, aa
Kuth. If
0 Baker, 3b
OlMeusel, rf
0 Pipp, lb
Total 38 13 24 11
Ward. 2b
Schans, o
Plercy. d
Qulnn, p
Hoyt, p
Totala 34 12 27 11
xBrazlll batted for Haaty In eighth.
Score by Innings:
Philadelphia ......4 0 0 0 0 9 8 0 15
New York 0 0 9 3 0 1 4 0 x 7
Summary Runs: Witt. 2: Dykes. C.
Walker, J. Walker, Pecklnpaugh, Ruth.
Baker, 2: Hoyt. Error: Welch. Two-
base hits: Ruth. Duran, Baker, 2: Few
ster. Meuael, C. Walker. Home run: Ruth.
Sacrifice hit: Welch. Double plays: Dykes
to J, Walker: Dykes to Galloway to J.
Walker. Left on bases: New Tork, 6;
Philadelphia. (. First base on balls: Off
Hasty, 2; off Naylor, 1; off Hoyt, 2. Hits:
Off Piercy, 1 In 1 Inning, none out In
first: off Qulnn. 4 In 1-3 inning: off
hart, Robertson. Two-base bits: Hornsby,
In 7 innings; off Naylor, 0 In 1 inning.
Struek out: By Hoyt. I: by Hasty. 2.
Winning pitcher: Hoyt. Losing pitcher:
Hasty. Time of game: 1:40. Umpires: Con
nolly, ivaiiin ana emu.
' Indians, 16; Sox, 4.
Cleveland. July S. Cleveland made a
clean sweep against Chicago by winning
today, IS to 4. Sothoron had good con
trol and was effective with men on bases.
Lack of control was the principal fault
ot the Chicago pitchers. The acore:
J hnson, ss 6 3 3 4
M'lllg'n, 3b
Collins. 2b
Falk. If
Mostll. cf
Sheely, lb
Mcciel., rf
Taryan, o
Mulre'an. p
D' en port, p
Totals 36 13 24 12
Ja'leson, If
Evans, If
Wamby, 2b
Speaker, cf
Graney, cf
Smith, rf
Gardner, 3b
Sewell, ss
J'hnst'n, lb
Burns, lb
N'maker, e
S'nault, c
Soth'ron, p
Pittsburgh Baby Is
Named Jack Dempsey
By Fnlvereal Serylee.
Pittsburgh, July 4. Before the
echo of the resounding whack
that sent Carpenter out to take the
count had died away Saturday
the latest Pittsburgh baby to ar
rive had been named "Jack Demp
sey." His exultant dad, running about
crowing about the event, met his
brother, who happened to be an
ardent Carpentier fan. The father
and uncle were soon engaged in
a bitter quarrel. Both were arrested.
In police court this morning the
uncle was sentenced to buy the
baby a pair ot shoes.
Phillies Bunch
HJts in Eighth;
Defeat Braves
Drive Watson Off Mound Dur
ing Rally Powell and
Wrightsone Collect
Circuit Clouts.
Witches Take Last
Contest of Series
FromJopEn, 13 to 7
Wichita, Kan., July 5. Wichita
took the last game of the series
from Joplin and made it two out of
three by winning a wild game to
day, 13 to 7. Both teams used field
.a a. a . I nuruai Vt 99
ers to pitcn ana tney stoppea tne s worth. rf 3
rallir affpr thp. renrnlar hnrlprs Nl'olaon, If 6
B'eckel. 3b 6
iaueu. ocorc:
Philadelphia, July 5. Philadel
phia bunched four hits for as many
runs in the eighth inning and de
feated Boston today, 6 to 5. During
this rally the Phillies drove Watson
from the mound. Home runs were
made bv Powell and Wrightstone.
In the ninth inning the Braves made
a rally,- and would have tied the
score but for Powell's attempt to
score from second on a short single.
Rudoloh was coaching at third base
and, after the game, Boeckel made a
remark about sending Powell home.
This resulted in a fist fight between
Boeckel and Powell. Score:
Powell, cf
Barbara, aa
W. L.Pct. W. L.Pct
Wichita 47 30 .610 St. Joseph 89 3D .60S
Omaha 44 85 .B&rjoplln 85 39 .473
Okla. City .-9 37 .6131pm Mohies 35 43 .455
Sioux City 39 38 ,506Tulsa 29 48 .377
Yesterday's Kesulta.
Omaha, Si Dea Moines, S.
Wichita, 18; Joplin, 7.
Oklahoma City. 4; Tulsa, 1.
St. Joseph, 1; Stoux City, ,
Today's Games.
Des Moines at Omaha.
Wichita at Oklahoma City.
Joplin at Tulsa.
Sioux City at St. Joseph.
W. L.Pct.1 W, L.Pct.
Pittsburgh 48 25 .5S Brooklyn 37 38.507
New York 44 26 .829 Chicago 33 38 .457
Boaton 37 33 .83ICincinnat 27 43 .368
St. Louis 38 34 .528!Phllad'phla 20 49 ,290
Testerday's Results.
SI. Louis, 8: Pittsburgh. 2.
Chicago. 3; Cincinnati, 2.
Philadelphia, 6: Boston, 5
Today's Gamea.
St. Louts at Pittsburgh.
Boston at Philadslphia.
Brooklyn at New York.
sen, cf, p 4 1 1 !
Willia's. cf 1 0 1 (
Ha'ilton, 8b 4 1 1 !
Mueller, rr 4 z z l
Bratchi. If 3 0 1 (
Walker, lb 4 3 10 0
R'ertson, ss 4 1 3 7
Kr'eger, 2b 4
Dunn, o
Ragen, p
Young, p
Doyle, p
Smith, cf
W'burn, 2b
Berger, as
East, rf-p
Beck, lb
Butler, 3b
Bi'kesly, If
Haley, o
Maun, p
M'D'nald, p
2 2
3 0
2 6
2 1
3 3
1 1
Holke. lb 4
Ford. 2b 3
O'Nell, o 4
Wataon, p 4
M'Q'illn, 'p 0
1 1
1 4
0 0
4 1
1 2
1 2
1 4
1 0
0 0
llSmlth. 2b
4lL'urveau. If
Totals 35 11 24 12
R'b'urg, 2b
P'kina'n, sa
W'stone, If
Meuael, rf
Lee, lb
Willia's. cf
Mill'r, 3b-s
Bruggy, o
Causey, p
B'g'tner, p
Hubbell, p
0 8 0 8
Totals 40 21 27 18
Totals 32 13 27 11
Score by Inning:
Chicago 1 1000200 0-
Cleveland 21X80310 x 16
Summary Runs: Johnson, Falk. Mostll,
Mccieiian, Wambsganss, 2; Speaker, 2
Smith, 8; Gardner. 8; Sewell. 4: Burna,
Errors: Johnson, Mulligan. Sheely. Two-
base hits Johnson, Smith. Three-base hlta
Burns. Wambaganss. Sothoron. Stolea
bases: Evans, Burns. Sacrifice hits: Mul
ugan. Falk, McClellan, Nunamaker, 2
Burns. 2: Sewell. Double Dlay: Burna to
Sewell. Left on bases: Chicago, 9; Cleve
land, 7. First base on bale: Off Mul-
rennan, 4; off Davenport, t: off othoron
Hlta: off Mulrennan, 6 in 3 Innlnara: oft
Davenport, 7 in 6 innings. Hit by pitched
ban: By Mulrennan, Bewell. struck ourtuy
Mulrennan. i: uy sothoron. z. wild pitch:
Sothoron. Losing pitcher: Mulrennan. Time
of game: 2:15. Umpires: Dineen and Mor
Senators, 7-4 1 Boston, 5-1.
Boston, July 8. Boston lost its fourth
successive double-header today, Washing
ton winning, 7 to 6, and 4 to 1. Johnson
held Boston to six hits In the second
game. The score:
First game:
Judge, lb 4 1 13 1
Milan, If
Rice, cf
Smith, rf
Sch'cht, p
Shaw, p
Harris, 2b
Shanks, 3b
arrity, o
R'rke, ss
'grldge, p 0
Miller, rt 4
x Johnson 1
Lelbold, cf 3 2 2 0
M nosky, If , 3
Foster, 2b 4
M'lnnls, lb
Scott, sa
Collins, rf
Vitt, 3b
Pennock, p
Myers, D
Karr, p
Totala 38 13 27
Totals 39 13 27 17
xJohnson batted for Schacht In seventh.
Score by Innings:
Washington 0 2 0 0 0 0 S 0 0j 7
Boston 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Summary Runs: Harris, Milan, Shanks,
Gharrlty, 2: Johnson, Lelbold. 3; Me.
nosky, Mclnnls, Scott. Errors: Shaw, Har
ris, Mogrldge, Ruel, Vitt. Two-base hits:
Miller, Shanks, Ruel. Sacrifice hits:' Me
nosky, Foster. Left on bases: Washing
ton. 8: Boston. II. f irst base on Dana:
Off Mogrldge, 1: off Schacht, 2; off Pen
nock, 2; off Myers, l. Hits: uri Mo
grldge. 5 In 1 Inning: off Schacht, 6 In
Innings: off Shaw, 3 In 3 Innings; ott
Pennock, 11 In 6 2-3 Innings; off Myers,
in 1 1-3 innings; on Karr, i in i in
ning. Struck out: By Pennock, 2; by Karr,
Wild pitch: Myers. Winning pitcher:
Schacht. Losing pitcher: Pennock. Time
f game: 2:07. Umpires: Evans and
Second game.
Judge, lb 4 1 10 0
Milan. It
Rice, cf
Smith, rf
Harris. 2b
Shanks, 2b
Plclnlch, e
K rue. sa
Johnson, V
Lelbold, cf 4 0 3 0
Menosky, If 3 1 1
Foster, 3b 6 0 2
M'lnnls. lb
Soott, ss
Ruel, o
Collins, rt
Vitt, 2b
Myers, p
4 1 15
4 0 2
2 0 3
3 11
4 0
4 10
Totals 33 ( 27 It
Totals 34 13 27 12
Second Uame:
Score by Innings:
Washington 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 0 I
Boston 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 01
Summary Huns: Milan. Smith.
Rourke. Johnson, Lelbold. Errors:. Vitt,
Rourke. Two-base hits: Plclnlch, Mc-
nnls, O'Rourke, Myers. Stolen bases:
Rourke, Collins, Menosky, Foster. Sac
rifice bits: Harris, Shanks, Judge, Rics.
Double play: Myers to Scott to Mcln
nls. Left on bases: Washington, 10; Bos
ton, 11. First base on balls: Off John-
6; orr Myers, . Hit by pucnea oau:
By Johnson, Collins; by Myers, Smith.
Struck ut: By Johnson, 3; by Myers, L
Time of game: 1:47. Umpires; Owens and
Tigers, S Brawns, 2. ,
St. Louis. July 6. Detroit made It
three straight over St, Louis by taking
today's game. S to 2. Palmero's eight
bases on balls and an error by Riley In
the sixth proved costly for the Browns.
The score:
ue, lb
Bush, sa
Shorten, ef
Heil'an. rf
Veach, If
Jones, 3b
Basaler, e
Young, 2b
Ehmke, p
1 13
1 1
Totals 28 8 27 13
Tobln. rf
Ellerbe. 3b
Willia's, If
J'obson, cf
Severeld, 0
Riley. 2b
M'M'nus. lb 4
Austin, as 2
Lee, sa - 1
Palmero, p S
Totals 31 8 27 18
Scare by Innlnas:
Detroit 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 S
St. Louis 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
Summary Runs: Shorten, Hellman, 2;
Bassler, Young, Tobln. Jacobson. Errors:
Tobln, Riley. Two-base hits: Jacobson,
McManus. Three-base hit: Tobln. Home
: Jacobson. Sacrifice hits: Williams.
Veach, Bassler, Ehmke. Double plays:
Bush to Young to Blue; Severeld to Mc
Manus to Ellerbe; Palmero to McManus.
Left on bases: Detroit. 7:' 8t. Louis, 0.
First base on balls: Off Palmero, 8; off
Ehmke, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By Ehmke,
Ellerbe. Struck out: By Ehmke. 3. Time
of game: 2:02. Umpires: Wilson and
Cereals are more nutritions and
better cooked in skim milk in blace
Totals 83 12 24 171
XMcDowell ran for Haley la sixth.
Score bv fnninra: '
Joplin 1 3010000 27
Wichita o o o z z o o o i
Summary Runs: Hamilton. 2: Mueller.
Walker, Krueger. 2; Cady, Smith. 3;
Washburn, 2; East, 2; Beck, 2; Butler,
B akesley. z: Haley, uriinn. Jirror: uunn.
Two-base bits: Hamilton. Walker, 2; Ra
gen. East. Home run: wasnourn. sacri
fice hlta: Bratchi. Cady, Ragen, Griffin.
Double plays: Butler to Berger; Robert
son to Walker; Krueger to Robertson to
Walker: East to Berger to Beck. Struck
out: By Ragen, 2; by Chrlstensen, 1. Hits
and runs: Off Maun. 6 ana 3 in l 1-3
innings; off McDonald, 2 and 2 In 3 In
nings; off Ragen, 11 and 4 In 5 Innings;
off Toung. 6 and 6. none out In sixth;
off Doyle, 4 and 4 in 1 Inning. First base
on balls: Oft Chrlatenson. l; oft Ragen.
1: off McDonald, 4;. off East, 3; off
Young. 1. Left on bases: Wichita. 8: Jop
lin, 9. Wild pitch: McDonald, it by pitcnea
ball: By Christenson. Haley. Time of
game: 1:45. Umpires: Anderson ana
Sooners, 4; Oilers, 1.
Oklahoma City, Okl., July 8. Timely
hitting by Runser, Heatly and Harper
and - Ramsey's effective pitching enabled
Oklahoma City to win today's game, 4 to
1, and make a clean sweep ot the series.
The score:
Totala 80 t 27 1
xKing batted for Parklnaon In eighth.
Score by lnnlnfa:
Boston 1 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 0-r
Philadelphia 00001104 x I
Summary Runs: Powell, 2; Barbara,
Ford, O'Neill, Leborveau, Wrightstone,
2: Williams, Bruggy, Baumgartner. Er
rors: J. Smith, Parkinson. Two-baae hlta
Nicholson. Leborveau. Three-base hits
Williams. Wrightstone. Home runs: Pow
ell. Wrightstone. Sacrifice hits: Barber,
K(na Mauael. Double olavs: Ford to Bar
bare to Holke: Williams to Bruggy. Left
on baaes: Boston. 9; Philadelphia, 3. First
base on balls: Off Baumgartner. 6. Hits
Off Cauaey, 8 in 1 Inning; off Baumgart
ner 7 In 7 1-2 innings: off Hubbell, 1
in 2-3 inning; off Watson, s m 1 i-
innings; off McQuillan, 0 In 2-3 inning,
Struck out: By Baumgartner. 4; by Wat
son, 2. Wlitnlng pitcher: Baumgartner.
Ln ni nitcner: Watson. Time or game
2:00. Umpires: Brennan and Mccormick,
Cards, 8; Pirates, S.
Pittsburgh. July 6. St. Louis again de
feated Pittaburgh today. 8 to 2. Both Yel
lowiiorae and Zlnn were hit nard, wnu
Walker Droved a puzzle to the Pirates.
McHenry knocked a home run In the
fourth Inning and Hornsby one in the
ninth. The score: .
Smith, rf 4 12 OlBlgbee, If 5 2 2
2 13 llCarey, cf 4
2 0 llM'nvllle, ss 3
F'rnier. lb 4
Stock, 3b 4
H'rnsby, lb S
M'H'nry, If 4
I.avan, ss 5
demons, e 3
H'hcote, ct 4
Walker, p 4
Burke, 3b 5 10 4
Wuffll. 2b 5 1 3
Todt, If 4 13 0
Davis, rf 3 0 10
B'ehler, lb 4 2 11 0
Bennett, cf 4 2 2 0
M'Gi'nls, ss 4 0 3 3
Query, e - 3 112
Adams, p 3 10 3
xHoagland 0 0 0 0
xHevlng 10 0 0
- AB.H.O.A.
Runser, sa 3 2 3 3
Heatly, If 3 2 4 0
Pitt, rf 3 0 2 0
Harper, cf 4 3 0 0
Shanley, 2b 3 0 3
Graham, lb 4 1 10 0
Wright, 3b 3 0 0 2
Parker, c 8 0 6 1
Ramsey, p 3 0 0 1
Totals 29 8 27 13
3 3 2 B'mhart, 8b 3 0
13 0 R'ertson, rf 3 0
13 4 Ctshaw, 2b 4 3
110 Grimm, lb 4 1
1 2 0 Schmidt, o 4 0
1 1 2 Y'horse, p 2 0
xRohwer 1 0
Totals 36 9 24 15
xHoagland ran for Query In the ninth.
xHeving batted for Adams in tne ninin.
Snnr . bv lnnines:
Tulsa 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Oklahoma City ....1 0102000 x
Summary Runs: Hoagland. Hunser, 3:
Heatly. Errors: Burke, Wuffll, Wright,
Two-base hit: Benneett. Three-base hit:
Runser. Sacrifice hit: Heatley. Flret base
on balls: Off Adams, 8; of Ramsey, 1. Hit
bv pitched ball: By Ramsey. Davis. Dou
ble play: McGinnls to Wufll to Boehier.
Left on bases: Tulsa, 8; UKianoma juy,
5. Time .of game: 1:35. Umpires: Guthrie
and Holmes.
Totals 37 13 27 lOlZinn, p 10 0 2
Totals S4 10 27 11
xRohwer batted for Yellowhorse In the
Score bv Innings:
St. Louis 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 48
Pittsburgh 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 02
Summary Runs: Smith, Fournler, 2;
Stock. Hornsby. McHenry. Clemons,
Walker, Blgbee, Maranville. Errors: Barn-
hort. Robertson, Two-baae nits: Hornsoy,
Fournler. Three-baae hits: Smith, Heath-
cote. Home runs: McHenry, Hornsby.
Stolen base: Stock. Sacrifice hits: Four
nler, Maranville, Barnhart, Smith. Dou
ble plays: Stock to Hornsby to Fournler
Schmidt to Maranville to Grimm. Left
on bases: St. Louis. 7: Pittsburgh. 8,
First base on balls: Off Walker. 1; off
Yellowhorse. 3. Hits: Off Yellowhorse,
7 in 7 Innings: off Zinn, 6 In 2 Innings.
Struck out: By Walker, 1; by Yellow
horse. 3. Losing pitcher: Yellowhorse.
Time of game: 1:65. Urnplree: Rigler
and Moran.
Saints, 7; Packers, .
St. Joseph. Mo.. July 8. St. Joseph
came- from behind after Sioux City had
plied up a lead of four runs, and won the
first game of the series with tne racic
ers. 7 to . "Tex" Crosby scored the win
ning run in the sixth with a hit through
tbe Infield. The score: -
Harbor, cf .6 14 OlCo'nolly, ss 6 3 2 1
41Corrldon. it
Rellly, cf
Cubs, S; Reds, 2.
Chics go. July 6. Chicago got the breaks
in a pitching duel between Cheeves and
Rixey and won the final game of the
series from Cincinnati here today, 3 to 2.
The score: .
Bohne. 2b 4
D'ubert. lb 3
St'nbrT, 2b 4
Marr. 3 b 1
Metz, lb 4
Rob'son, If 3
B'mlller. rf 4
Kearns, ss 5
Bpellman, c 4
Lotz, p 2
Lehr, 3b 3
Dickson, p 2
Totals 37 9 24 11
Fisher, rf
Beatty. lb
M'D'ald. 3b
Nufer, 2 b
Crosby, o
Cullop, p
Grlner, p
Groh. 2b
Neale. rf
Duncan, If
Crane, ss
Win go. e
H'rgrave. e 1
Rlxey, p 3
1 6
1 13
1 0
6lFIack, rf
K'H'her. ss
Terry, 2b
Grimes, lb
Barber. If
OlMatsel. cf
Des I, 3b
Killlfer, e
Cheeves, p
3 3
0 2
0 3
0 10
0 0
1 4
1 8
3 2
0 0
Totals 27 7 27 12
Totals -86 13 27 10
xGrover batted for Cullop In fifth.
Sioux City 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 0 0
St. Joseph 0 0 3 1 8 1 0 0 x 7
Summary Runs: Harbor, Steinbrenner,
Marr. Met, Kearns, iOtx, Cormolly, Rell
ly. Beatty, McDonald, 2; Nufer, Cullop.
Errors: Bpellman, Connolly, Nufer. Earned
runs: Sioux city, 3; et. josepn, 4. mrst
base on balls: Off Cullop, 4; oft Grlner,
off Lotz, 2; off Dickson, 3. Struck
out: By Cullop, 1; by Grlner. 1; by
Lotz, 4. Left on bases: Sioux City, 11;
St. Joseph. 15. Wild pitches: Cullop, 2.
Two-base hits: Beatty. Connolly, Metz, 2.
Three-base hit: Rellly. Sacrifice hit:
Crosby. Hit by pitched ball: By Lots,
Nufer; by Cullop, Marr; by Dickson,
Beatty, Connolly. Passed balls: Crosby,
Stolen bases: Beatty. z; Bpellman.
Rellly. Time of game: 1:26. Umpires:
Ormaby and Buckley.
Totals 31 9 24 21
Score by innings:
Cincinnati 00 0 2 0 0 0 0 02
Chicago 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 x 3
Summary Runs: Roush. Neale, Barber,
Deal. Killlfer. Errors: Crane; Cheevea.
Two-baae hit: Crane. Three-base hit: Deal.
Home run: Roush. Sacrifice hits: Dun
can, Daubert, Rlxey. Double plays: Crane
to Bohne to Daubert; Kelleher to Grimes.
Left on bases: Cincinnati, 6; Chicago, 3.
First base on balls: Off Cheeves. l: off
Rlxey, 2. Hit by pitched' ball: By Rlxey.
Barber. Struck out: By Cheeves, 2. Wild
pitch: Cheevea Umpires: Klom and Ems
He. Time of game: 1:40.
'Kid' Schlaifer and
Rolfe Fight to Draw
Tommy Milton Wins
Grand Island, Neb., July 5.
(Special Telegram.) "Kid" Schlat
ter of Omaha and "Billy" Rolfe of
Philadelphia, fought a fast 10-
round draw here last night in the
MIM Atas)ft irlal iA-B I T .AtrtAM
Tm K I a ataxia - nav 4vjiwit
acoma Auto Race iiLlV?1.
- a'IU(CBVli VI VMWlia
knocked out "Kid" Ted O'Brien of
Sioux City in the second round of
a. scheduled six-frame seml-windup
Tacoma, Wash., July S. Tommy
Milton won yesterday's 250-mile au
tomobile race on the Tacoma speed
way. Miltons time for the 250
miles was 2 hours, 34 minutes and
30 seconds, an average of 98 miles
an hour. Roscoe Sarles was second.
His time was 2 hours, 34 minutes,
52 seconds. Joe Thomas, Eddie
Hearne, Tom Alley and Eddie Mil
ler finished in the order named.
Alton Soules was forced out after
covering 120 miles, when- a piston in
his motor broke. Eddie Pullen and
Frank Elliott, after the others had
finished, were flagged off the track,
having covered 200 miles.
Where the Amateurs
Team Plays Sunday
City League.
Thirty-second and Dewey Avenue North
Omaha Boosters against Drlvs-It-Touraelf
Co., 3:30 p. m .
Miller Park Townsend Gun Co. against
Knights of Columbus, 3:30 p. m.
Fontenelle Park Rlggs Optical Co.
against Bowen Furniture Co., 3:30.
American League.
Rlvervlew Park W. O. W. Boosters
gainst Big "H" Hardware, 3:30 p. m.
Carter Lake Club Dold Packing Co.
against Carter Lake Club, 3:80 p. m.
Thlrtv-serond and Dewey Avenue Mc-
Kenney Dentlats agalnat Columblas, 1:30
Elmwooil Park. Kast American Railway
Express against Philip Department store.
30 p. m.
Gate City League..
Miller Park Colfax Club against Mar
quette Club, 1:50 p. m.
Fontenoiie Park Christ Child Centers
agalnat Hodge Electrics, 1:30 p. m.
Rlvervlew Park Brodegaard Crowns
against South Side Merchants, 1:30 p, m.
Broz and Dode Hamilton
"Win July 4 Bouts
. Shenadoah, la., July S. (Special
Telegram.) Johnny Broz, Omaha
lightweight, bested Bill Mandox of
New Orleans in every round of the
eight-stanza encounter and was
given the decision.
Dode Hamilton of Omaha put
Young Farrin of Red Oak to sleep
in the sixth round of a scheduled
eight-mill bout. Both men are light
weights. Homer Smith and Hughie
Walker Fight to Draw
Des Moines, . July 5. Homer
Smith, Kalamazoo, Mich., fought a
draw with Hughie Walker of Kan
sas City here yesterday afternoon.
The men are heavyweights.
W. L.Pct. I W. L.Pct.
Loulayllle 47 58 .627 Sr. Paul 34 39 .468
Mln'apolls 43 31 .675IToIedo 35 41 .411
Milwaukee 40 35 .833IIn'anapolla 33 39 .458
Kan. City 35 38 .479IColumbus 30 45 .400
Yesterday's Results.
Milwaukee, 6; Kansas City, 1.
No other games played.
Today's Games.
Kansas City at Indianapolis.
Minneapolis at Toledo.
Milwaukee at Kansaa City.
Louisville at St. Paul.
W. L.Pct.
32 84 .485
32 39 .451
29 42 .408
W. L.Pct.
Cleveland 48 28 .649 St. Louis
New Tork 46 28 .622lBoston
Washing. 43 85 .64BIChlcago
Detroit 38 37 .607Phllad'phla 28 44 .389
Yesterday's Results.
Washington, 7-4; Boston, 5-1.
Detroit, 5; St, Louis, 2.
New York, 7; Philadelphia, 5.
Cleveland, 16; Chicago, 4.
Today's Games.
Washington at Boston.
Detroit at Chicago.
Atlanta. 6; Mobile. 6.
Birmingham, 3: New Orleans. J.
Little Rock, 6; Memphis, 29.
Chattanooga, 6; Nashville. 13.
Jimmy Kelly Beats
Frankie Mason in
Benton Harbor Show
Benton Harbor. Mich.. July 5.
Jimmy Kelly, the Chicago west side
oride. defeated Frankie Mason of
Fort Wayne, Ind., in the main bout
of the boxing show staged here yes
terdav bv Floyd Fitzsimmons. The
Chicago bantamweight earned de-
.. . j
cision dv nis aggressiveness anu
eagerness to make a fight of the mill.
The bout, which took the place
of the scheduled Leonard-Freedman
contest, was a tame affair for the
first four rounds. Kelly was willing
to battle but Mason continually kept
on the defensive. He was content to
use a left jab which was offset by
Jimmy s aggressiveness.
Front at Grand
Circuit Races
Filly Wins Fasig Sweepstake
For 3-Year-Old Trdttern
Top' Geers Drives First
Winner of Year.
Jack Leahy Wins
Over Harry
Norfolk. Neb., July 5. Jack Leahy
of Winner S. D.. was given a decision
over Harry Reed of Lincoln, Neb.,
in their boxing bout here last night
Frank Farr, of Decatur, Neb.,
knocked out Jack McGill of Wisner,
Neb., in the fourth round of a sched
uled eight-round bout.
Exterminator Takes
Independence Race
Latonia, Ky., July 5. Extermi
nator, ridden by Jockey Haynes, won
the mile and a halt Independence
handicao in 2:30 1-5. The net val
uation to the winner was $15,725.
Wood Trap finished second and La
Rablee, third.
English Win
Leeds. Eng.. July 5. Australia de
feated England this afternoon in the
third straight cricket match, thereby
retaining the championship between
the two countries which Australia
won' from England in Australia last
year. ine event is one oi me Dig-
gest sporting features of each season.
North Randall, Cleveland, July 5.
Ernice Bell, Tom Murphy1 Peter
Volo filly, had no trouble in winning
the Fasig sweepstakes for 3-yeir-old
trotters, the feature of today's grand
circuit card. Murphy took the juve
nile out in front in both heats and the
result never was in doubt. Walter
Cox's Marge The Great finished sec-
ond in both miles, but the rest of the
field never was close up.
The second division of the 2:12
trot furnished the. most exciting fin
ish of the afternoon, the winning
horse turning up in Grey Worthy,
driven by Walter Cox, after four
strenuous heats. ,
Linara Watts set the pace in the
second heat, in which Carmehta Hall
furnished the contention down the
stretch with Grey Worthy a close
third. Linara Watts captured the
heat, her backers being rewarded
handsomely, a $2 mutuel ticket pay
ing $237.80. Cox got away fourth
in this mile and did not drive to the
satisfaction of the judges who, iifter;
the race was decided, fined him $300.
"Pop" Geers, veteran driver, drove
his first winner of the season when
Lillian Silkwood finished first in the.
2:10 class pacing. ,
Shawnee- second choice, won the
first division of the 2:12 class trot m
etraicht heats. George Watts, the fa-.
vorite, finishing second, by winning
the third heat by a short margin
from Bettie Thornton. Grey Worthy;
and Eunice Bell were the only fa-
vorites to win. ... . ...
At.- d'nlchinir ninth in the tirst
heat in the 2:16 class pace, Abbe Hal
won the next two heats and the race.
Jessie Riggs, the favorite finished
third in the first heat and fourteenth
in a field of 15 in the secona anu
then was withdrawn.
Pacific Ball
Team Beats Cheyenne
Union Pacific Store Department
base ball team returned from Chey
enne yesterday after defeating the
fast shop team at that place by score
of 10 to 3. The trip was made m
special Pullmans, which were at
tached to train No. 3 leaving Oma
ha July 2. The game was played
before a large holiday crowd at
Cheyenne on July 3.
The Store Department team is
very desirous of booking an out-of-town
game for Sunday, July 10,
and also have other open dates
and would desire to hear from any
out-of-town teams wishing to book
games with this team.
Arrangements can be made by
calline Mr. F. I. Holmes, manager,
Market 0053 or residence address,
3617 South Twenty-eighth street,
Gate Receipts of Bout -
Amount to $1,623,380
New York. Tulv 5. The total gate
,.r.;ni fnr ihf Demosev-Carpentier
boxing contest amounted to $1,623,-
Tex Rickard. promoter oi tne
bout announced tonight. The net re
ceipts have not been calcuiateq.
American Association
Kansas City, July 6. R. H. E.
Milwaukee J
Kansas City 11 1
Batteries: Trentman ana uosseu; jimet.
Carter and Blackwell.
No other American Association games
The Timber Workers' union has
locals in every lumber-producing
state in the union.
1921 Modal
Titles by
Irvra S. Cobb
All Next Week
' with a
And tha added pleasure to
driving is almost unbelievable.
We attach them in two hour.
Sprague Tire Co.
18th and Cumins Atlantic 03S
1921 Model
Title, by
Irvin S. Cobb
All Next Week
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This same champion is equally as successful off tht
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It matters not what your Insurance needs are; you
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