6 ,,,...v THE BitIK: UMAHA, WUDJNfcfcJJJAY, JUNE 2a, lSHSl. 10 f Classified Advertising Rates He per Una (count lis words to Hn) 1 day Me pir line ptr day, 8 consacutiva dan 1 3e per lino per day, 7 consecutive days Mo per lino pr dy. 0 consecutive dayi No ads taken (or leaa than total of 16c. Thsse ratta apply either to tha Daily r Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear in both morning and evening daily liaperi for the one charge. CONTRACT RATES ON APPLICATION Want ada accepted at the following of fice! i MAIN OFFICE 17th and Farnam Sta. .Sooth Side 4986 South 14th St. Council Bluffa It Scott St. WANT AOS RECEIVED BY PHONE ATLANTIC 1600 THE BE! will not bo responsible for mora than on incorrect insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. Evening Edition 11:4a A. M. Morninc Edition :00 P.M. Sunday Edition 0:00 P. M., Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. DECKER O.orie, age 11 years. He is .. survived by two bothers, Joseph and Andrew. Funeral Wednesday artnrnoon at t:J p. m. from John A. Gentleman's mor tuary. Interment Holy Sepulcher ceme tery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S HBST. "rmSAMBULANCEhbm Thirty-third and Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 701 South lsth St. Jackson K2. HEAFEY & HEAFEY Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone HA. 285. Office 2U1 Farnam. FOR AMBULANCE call Market OfiSO. Korleko Funeral Home. 23d and O Sta. tr FioRisfsT' LEE L. LARMONM" JS14 Douglas St. Douglas 1244. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam. Jackson 1251. JOHN BATH. 1804 Farnam. Jackson 1006. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Itk-tlM. Charles and Mary Lubowski, 2101 Wil lie in street, boy. Sam and Sarah Rosenbaum, 5240 South Twenty-fifth stret, girl. , Arnold and Phoebe Walilstrom, f 104 South Forty-firth atreet. girl. Dewey and Bertha. Smith, 1101 Califor nia street, girl. Harry and Uerthle Patch, hospital, glr). Oen and Josephine Hlne, hospital, girl. Anton and Helen Hoffman, 2421 South Eighteenth street, boy. Frits and Josephine Tledemann, lilt South Nineteenth atreet, boy, Pete and An ton Is, Bartman, 1101 W treat, girl. Walter and Anna Howe, hospital, girl. Thomas and Margaret Short, hospital, girl Bert and Fhllomenla Jubar, hospital, boy. Robert and Klelo MoDorltt, hospital, girl. Joseph and Mildred Danovlch, hospital, boy. James and Nancy Mclntyra, till Arbor street, girl. Edgar and Martha Taylor, 4322 South Seventeenth street, twins, boy and girl. John and May Bakosky, 1801 U atreet, boy. Harvey and Urania Morrow, hospital, girl. Joseph and Iron Codlroll, 1(11 Pierce atreet, girl Lester and Florence Loeffler, 1120 W atreet, girl. Frederick and Mario Rich, hospital, girl. Ernest and Nellie Stoner, 1027 South Twenty-etxth street, boy. John and Sylvia Setsery hospital, boy. W. D. and Grace Reily, ltll Locust street, girl. William and Bertha Marshall, 4411 North Twenty-fifth street, girl. ' Thomas and Elisabeth Horn, 1011 Wirt treet. boy. Joseph and Lucy Tylskl, till . Spring treet. boy. George and Stella Radockowich, . 2132 R atreet, boy. Frank and Stella Ketlara, 4401 South Twenty-ninth street, boy. Edward and Agnes Kelly, 1111 A street, girl Norman and Ethel Toung, hospital, girl, Leo and Zelda Waxenberg, hospital, boy. Aubrey and Nelle Pomeroy, hospital, boy. Artie and Neey Adkins, hospital, girl. Earl and Eunice Polk, hospital, girl. . Kenneth and Margaret Rhodes, hos pital, boy. , . Gilbert and Catherine Brown, 4114 Decatur street, boy. Deaths. - Mrs. Stella Emma Larson, 11, 1134 North Fifty-ninth street. Benjamin Benjamins. If, 2421 Eraklne Streer. McKtnley West. 11. hospital. Alonso W. Luts, (2. hospital. Baby Hedges. Infant, hospital. Lou E. Winder. 76. Sixtieth and Harri son streets. Dan Maro'ney, 43, hospital, . Alex Barron, 88. hospital. Joseph Leo Sena,' infant, 1210 South Seventh street John Newman, It, hospital. Ben Benjamin. 91, 2421 Erskino street. Arthur Wehl, it, 1247 South Sixteenth street. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples hare been Issued licenses to wed: Herman H'.llman, 21. Omaha, and Ida M. Balr. 27. Omaha. Lloyd I.. Williams. 21, Omaha, and Agnes Darda, 11. Omaha. John J. Buckley, jr., 21, Revere, Mass., and Theresa Travickl, 11, Omaha. August C. Timm, 24, Fort Omaha, and Helen Harmon, 20, Omaha. Warren C. Haines. 2L Council Blutfty It., and Anna Janousek, 11, Omahay -' Columbus Daugherty.' 21, Forfc Crook, Neb., and Lucllo Brady. ity-dmaha. - - Cornelius F. Reynolds, JH, Omaha, and Rose L. linger. 21, Oakland. Frank O, Krlso, txf Omaha, and Libby M. Kroupa, I J, Omaha. Frank Harmers, Omaha, and Teresa M. Kobak, V Omaha.. . . Olen W.amb, 30. Omaha, and Mar guerite Lj Walmer, 11, Omaha. Paja1 Unkllech. 37, Omi I Vv'Vl.HJIIlar. 31, Omaha. I "'Edgar A. Steele. 12. Lin Omaha, and Anna ir a. Steele. 11. Lincoln, net)., ana La Vaughn Heller. Lincoln, Neb., II. , George M. Gerhard, 27, Omaha, and Lillian Passick. 20, Omaha. Thomas J. McMenewee, over 21, Den. nlson. Ia.. and Catherine LeQuade, over IS. Dennison, la. - Charles Brayboy. 21, Omaha, and Pearl Stelner, 23, Omaha. v Vogt A. Wagner, over 11, Lock port. 111., and Eva M. Hardlannert, over 11, Omaha. Harold N. Helm, over 21. Omaha, and Gladys M. Schmidt, over 11. Omaha. John M. Roubal. 21, Omaha, and Virginia- Kemets, 20, .Omaha. Harold E. Smith. 22, Oakland, Neb., and Stella Barg, 11, Oakland, Neb. Justus R. Smith, 21, Omaha, "had Johanna Tranernlcht. H. Omaha. LOST, FOUND AND REWARDS. LOST Monday night on either Center atreet road or Millard high road, or Dodge road. 1 brown poeketbook con taining number of annual railroad passes, also 1 black leather address book. Finder please Phono Douglas local 111. Rewsrd. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phono Tyler 100. Wo are anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMPANY. PARTT that picked up the . money in U. P. R. R. headquarters building la known. If returned to train caller liberal re ward, no questions. LOST Whits and brown Boston bull ter rier. Answers to name of "Billy." Tag No. 117. Reward. Webeter 1202. T (MT Small HI V Inf.., 1 u f KaaIz nt value to Visiting Nurse Association only. Jackson 1210. . - - GOLD watch chala attached to gold knife bearing Initial "R." Call Douglas 1171. Reward. ' LOST Betweea 24th and Douglas and Moon theater, gold wrist watch; liberal reward. Call Harney Hie. LOST A equare gold wrist watch; finder plesse call Walnut lilt. SMALL black loose leaf book between ltb and Farnam and llth and Douglas. Visiting Nurse Aasfa. Phono JA. llto. PHYSICIAN'S bag. Juno 17, between lfth ess upil mnm u. iu-ii bi a .... Finder please phono Wt Mil.. Reward. PERSONAL. AT IT WITH FLOWER! FROM HESS 8WOBODA. 1411 FARNAM STREET. GRADUATE nurse will take ear of In valids la suburban home. MA. Mil. PIANO papils, beginners or advanced. Mrs. Nepodal. Walnat (114. WEAVING. Old ruga remade. AT. 1411. MASSAGE 110 North Serwntaenth gtieet. BwedH maiMf a, BasaassalOt fctJ.M)7. 1 BRINGING UP ( MR PEDDLE LOOSE S ff LEAVING TOWN A.rsO HE iKCX WAMTb TO tsACf OOOOt r-f TE.LL 'irv, TO COMFv l X r ,N! ,M TkL.ED TO DEATH TQ m? bAV OOD PERSONAL. TOURISTS. Refined young man would like to drive car for partiee touring the west or northwestern states; would ask little or no wagea; well educated with tech nical, mechanical and electrical knowl edge and ability to repair and maintain all parta of the car; best of manners and pleasant, unobtrusive nature; will ing to spend soma tims in putting car In condition for trip. Address Box T-167S, Omaha Bee. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 413s and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. TRAINED nurse will take old people or invalids to her home. Price reasonable. Box X-61, Bee. RENT HOOVER vacuum, 11 up. Har. 1071. ELECTRIC baths and massage. Web. 29U VIOLET RAY and massage. DO. 0844. MASSAGE Call Douglas 1549. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, sld-, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plojt sdglng, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 308 Brown Blk. Jackson 1131. N'eb. Pleating A Button Co.. 1SU4 arnam St.. 3d floor. Douglae (670 ' Contractors. GARAGE, $100 and up; house remodeling, screen porches, new and repair work; satisfaction guaranteed. W. Stephens, 4401 S. 22d. Market 0527. PATCH plastering,, cement work a special ty. Phono Walnut 0117. A. Pettit. BRICK plasterer and cement, new and repair work. J. Nau, Walnut 4567. Corsetiere. HATTIE Putnam Nubone Corset Shop. 102 Karbach Blk.. At. 2113. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy, Stage and Ballroom Dancing Taught. Lesson by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Atlantic 6646. IfQipino School for Dancing. 1434 XVC1 ixlc Farnam. Douglas 7S50. Dressmaking. Dressmaking. Call Harley hotel. Room 243. Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau. Railway Ex. Bldg., JA. 2056. Night, KEN. 3812. Independent Detective Bureau. 304 Neville Blk. Atl. S501; night, Wal. 4056: K. 0465. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Atlantic 1136. Furs. WE remodel your furs and make them like new. Furs stored and insured against all losses. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO.; 203 a 16th. Douglas 7333. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging Writs for prices. The Ensign Co., 607 Howard St. FILMS developed, one-day service. Kase Studio. 213-il Neville Blk. BR ITT Printing Co.. 7 Elks Bldg. Painting and Paperhanging. SNIPER ROOFING CO. Repair all kinds of roofs and ps'nt, shingle roofs with tile coat any 'olor. Colors permanent. Phone Har. ,? 5i6. ALL kinds of painting and papehanglng; work guar. L. P. Mortensen, DO. 4688. INTERIOR varnishing enanv.iing, floors waxed, wall paper cleaned 'Walnut 4821. 7 Patent Attorr.sys. PATENT ATTORNEYS J. W. MARTIN. PVflnt atty., 1711 Dodge. Miscelianejfa Announcements. PAXj.vT-MITCHELL CO., 27th andjaAIha Sts., Omaha. Neb. Hrass, Jr.fhze, aluminum and machine gray IrcuPcastlngs. Standard size csst lron JbiiKings in stock. DIAMONDS X pwf,h thpr,v,r,eg". to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Doug- las 6041. JUST received, two carloads of slightly damaged clear lumber which we can sell at low prices. Mlcklin Lumber & Wrecking Co., 24th and Burdette Sts. Webster 6656. ' OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made ' over in new ticks at half the price of new beds. 1107 Cuming. Jackson 2467. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 35c; double edge, 45c doz. Mall orders so i.olted. Omaha Sharp to. 102 N. 16th. KINDLING wood for sale long as it lasts, cheap. Boxes and fruit baskets. Web ster 4862. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electric, 111 8. 13th St., Omaha. ROGERS Confectionery Store. 24th and Farnam St., Jackson 0127. WHITELY, tiro and radiator man: reas. prices; work guar. 220 S. 13th. DO. 6603. WOODROW Cafe No. 2. 1811 Farnam St. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. llth. JA. 0521 FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. FOR SALE Complete set household fur niture. 6005 Davenport St. Walnut 1671. Pianos and Musical Instuments. GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer In drums, xylophones, etc.. Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. Phono Harney 2167. Try Smith's pedal. BIGGEST phonograph bargain in Omaha. Bhlaes Phonogrsph Co., 1404 Dodge. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sols agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Eery machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4I!0. 1112 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPH3. F. a. E.'; bargains. Ill Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parti. MICHEL'S llth and Harney Douglas 1171. ALL fixtures must go. Wall cases, show cases, looking glasses, electric fan, etc. Must vacate. Copley the Jeweler, Pax ton Blk. TRUNKS and traveling goods, at low prices, will take your old trunk In on ' a now one; wo do repairing. Alfred i-ornisn a to., iijo Farnam St. WE buy, sell safes, mske desks, show cases, etc. Omaha Fixture Supply Co. S. W. Cor, llth and Douglas, J A. 2724. SAF"RSBAROAIN8- 12th Farnam. OAfCiO j, j. Derlght Safe Co. A Lloyd baby carriage. Harney 2681. WANTED TO BUY. . DESKS DESKS DESKS Now desks, rid desks bought, sold and traded. J. C, Bee. 1207 Farnam. D. 114 FATHER Tt fvx I CO TO AOVTRrVLlA TO t)EE.KT MV FORTUNE DON'T KNQw A tlN4LE WANTED SITUATIONS. Male. GOOD all-around restaurant man with j manaicer's experience. Good appearance and reference; 16 years' experience. Ad dress Box Y-1678. Omalia Bee. J1AN and wife, colored cook and chauf four or yard man. Ref. Web. 2167. Female. -HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDKESSE8. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. Laundry and Day Work. CLEAnTng and-daywork. Douglas 6126. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Mechanics in building trades contract to October 1. Privilege renewal 60 days: elgh-hour day. five and one-half day week; overtime time and half; nil work American plan strike and lockout conditions. "Wages, nlasternrs. $10.20: bricklayers, struc tural iron workers, plumbers, 10.25', glass workers. 17.85; painters, paper hangers, decorators, tile setters, s.jo. Other trades accordingly, aoara reason able. Apply Builders Exchange, 110 Jes sle St., San Francisco, Cal. WJ3 need a good all around printer. None but a high grade workman and shop manager will be considered. Write or phone, stating your experience and refer ences. Do not come. Steady position to the right man. York Republican, York, Neb. WANTED Bakers, oven men, bench hands and mixers. Apply Schulze Bak ing Co., 2215 Leavenworth. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. 110 So 4th. Writs for catalog. Omaha Bee. Salesmen and Solicitors. WE want four responsible salesmen, those with cars preferred, to sell an auto mobile necessity direct to dealers, ter ritory adjacent to Omaha now avail able. We also have an executive posi tion open for a salesman possessing ex ceptional ability and who Is financially able to finance himself In building a foundation for the future. - Remunera tion, also results, depend upon the ef forts put forth. References required. Give your telephone number In an swering that an interview may be ar ranged for. Address C. C, E., care Fon tcnclle hotel, Omaha, Neb. INVESTORS attention If you are capable or organizing a sales force to call apon physicians, druggists, nurro and hospitals selling an article of Won derful merit and long needed r'y the medical profession, endorsed by some of the most prominent nrsicians In ths country, communlcaAj with Box Y-1666, Bee. r WANT El Salesmen for '.jraska territory to sell higb-grads 'fne of men's neckwear and men's lunishlng goods: liberal commission' give age, experience and references and full details in first let ter. Jales Manager. Box 1343, Des Vlolnari, Ia. i7 jV-L.ES par gallon mads with new Patented gasoline vaporizer. Writo for particulars. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Fukwana, 8. D. Miscellaneous. BAKERS. Experienced man only; good wages, permanent work. Apply Schulse Baking Co., 22d and Leavenworth Sts. 1.000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR Uncle Sam's Shoes at $2.10 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 70S N. 16th. HELP' WANTED FEMALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED Bright, intelligent young wo men, age 18 to 20, at least one yr. high school, to take up nurses training. At lantic Hosp. Training School, Atlantic, I... Household and Domestic. girls Watch the Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for widower, aged 35 years, with two boys, aged 8 and 7. I have very nice home In email fown In Nebraska. Box Y-1577, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. FOOD FOR THOUGHT. In the present business condition those who can do mors than one thing are in demand. Comptometer knowledge isn't heavy to carry nor tedious to ac quire, but It pays big dividends. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. Day and Night Courses. Douglas 1493. 403 Mickel Bldg. "The School That Graduates Experts." HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand, wages while lesrnlng: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge lit. Tri-Clty Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. -Complete courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, - comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all Englieh and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1565 for large Illustrated cstalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6110. GLASGOW. ANNIE E., voice and piano. 603 Karbach Block. Jackson 1081. BUSINESS CHANCES. WINDOW cleaning company, well estab lished and fully equipped: priced right for quick ssle. Call B. 18)1 or write Service Window Cleaning Co., 1436 8 St.. Lincoln, Neb. i TWELVE rooms for sale, nicely furnished; reasonable. 1112 Farnam, Atlantic 4838. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS 7 Or have you planned on making a change, which will bo more convenient for you? If so, then call The Bes Want Ad DeHt.. Tyler 1000, and we will not only furnish you with a complete room list of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on our "Want to Rent" list for further refer- I enco in esse you wanted to make an other change. Tbe.-a, lists ars absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tisers of The Omsha Bee and published rolely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Atlantio 1000. Want Ad Dept. TO LADIES Clean front room, good oar service: private home. Harney 1227. LARGE - southeast room with sleeping porch. 2885 Webster. Harney 4829. TWO choice rooms, modern borne, "4 block toHanscom park. Harney 6145. . COOL nicely furnished room, modern priv ate home, 14.50 wek. Hsr. 1810. LARGE, cool furnished front room, close in. Douglas 8510. MCE, clean iltenluf room, 211 N. liiix St. Registered U. S. Patent Office r FATHER IN ST THAT PERSON THER FOR RENT ROOMS. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSB- KEEPING ROOMS IN CITY. WE HAVE TH& HB8T IN CITY. CALL TYLER iOflO WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. MODEI'.N brick apartments at 21st and Burdette streets. Excellent; ' 523 Paxton block. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, cen trally located. Market 2451. 2201 I St. THREE rooms furnished complete for adults; 130 month. Webster 1317. TWO and three rooms each, for light housekeeping; rear 621 S. 16th. TWO rooms furnished complete; 18 week. 3701 Ames Ave. Kenwood 3618. MODERN hpkg. room. Webster 60C8. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS, AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOU WANT IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. Unfurnished Rooms. 2 LARGE unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Harney 1282. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. FOR RENT Furnished house. 6 rooms; 3 bedrooms, piano and Victrola; 150 per month. Near 29th and Harney. J. L. HIATT, 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 0061. FOR RENT A 6-room, modern cottage, furnished; large screened porch, 165. 2606 Templeton street. KEN. 4097. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. 3 ROOMS, furnished, No. 17 Kingsborough apartments, from July 1 to October 1; 165. PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." Atlantic 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. COMPLETELY furnished 2 and S-room apartment, private hath and shower; walking distance. Brown Apts., 601 N. 21st. Do las 6644. Unfurnished. FOR RENT.,. ' 7-room flat, mpijeri-ificept heat. Just papered and,. Tainted. Near 24th and Cuming Stf "j. L. HIATT CO., "Better Values." Hiatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglas. AT. 0063. RENTAL LIST . APARTMENTS. Three rooms, No. 4, 2117 Wirt St.... $50.00 Two rooms. No 16 Bosworth, 2217 Howard St "i'50-00 Five rooms. No. 1 Georgia, . 1040 South 29th St 175.00 txrtTTHir.a Seven rooms. 610 South 38th Ave 175.00 (i an pe seen sunnay ueiwwu a y. Eight rooms. 3004 Marcy St 175.00 PETERS TRUST COMPANY, "Where Omaha Rents." Atlantic 0544. 17th and Farnam Sts. FOR SUB LEASE In Elwood. 5-room apartment; 6-room efficiency; situated at 49th Ave. and Dodge St., overlooking Dundee. Apartment for rent In Newton, 725 So. 18th; 158. J. L. HIATT CO., 1914-11 Douglas. Atlantic 0061. FOUR-ROOM apartment, south exposure. 2566 Marcy St., the Cheodo. For ap pointment call ( GEORGE & CO., Atlantic 3024. TWO, 3 and 4-room modern apartments: electric ranges; Janitor service. The ' Pershing, 823 S. 24th. Douglas 6941. Peters Trust' Company, Specialists In spnrtmgnt management STEAM heated apartments, close-in, low rent. O. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago, FOR RENT Business Property. MODERN store, near lth and Chicago. G. P. Stebbins, 1610 Chicago. SEE F. D. WEAD. 110 & 18TH8T. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY STORAGE & VAN CO. STORAGE Exclusive household stor age. Separate locked room, special room for rugs, paintings and musical Instruments. MOVING Motor equipment, manned by experienced, careful employes. PACKING Skilled workmen, compe tent to pack household goods, bric-a-brac, pictures, paintings, in fact, any article requiring packing. . . SHIPPING Special freight rates on consolidated car shipments to all prin cipal cities. FIDELITY STORAGE t VAN CO., 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. (Formerly 16th and Jackson Sts.) . FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separat" locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 104 South 16th. Douglas 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantio 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. . Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. JA. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES. GOOD saddle ponies for hire byq the hour. silo izara Direct, aii&uiiu ioov. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOR SALE Genuine wild Mallard ducks. Will furnish government permit for their raising. M. C. Peters Mill Co., 29th aril B streets. WHEAT screenings, $1.60 per 100, deliv ered. A. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. DO. 1142. 30 laying hens and 7-week-oid pig. 1705 Ave. I, Council Bluffs. Black 3014. AIREDALE pups for sale. KG. 2770. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. J AUSTRALIA, " ls Iti LUCK.V J WK sell "used, not abused cars." That la not all wa will buy your car for cash and sell it hack to you on time. S ALL ADA T CAR CO., 4flth and FsrBfhJ. Open until 1:39 p. m. .f SEE JICGS AND MAGCIE IN FULL PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEE YOU NM OJ RICH OUT DO TOO REALIZE THAT COUNTS or KN.iD . there: 1921 ar Int l Ft ATURg tmvicg. r it a in Inc. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE JORDAN touring car, 1911 model, looks ana runs good as new. Priced very low. Felton's Garage, 2019 Farnam. FOR SALE A National 7-passenger tour ing car; A-l condition; 1900; will take small car in trade. Kenwood 0237. SOME bargains In used Kurd cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Servlf. RtJtinn ! mr.A .T.itfaiMii Douglas 2500. NEW and used cars bought and sold. Goldstrom Auto Sales. 1311 Harney. USED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVEB AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. s Repairing and Painting. WHITE garage; gen. auto repair, storage and auto painting; day and night serv ice; an worK guaranteed, new manage ment. Glen Morse. 723 S. 27th. JA. 0422, Ciltes & Peterson, auto repair. 810 S. 25th. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 112 8. 24th. Squire's garage. 2619 Farnam St H. 0644. Accessories. INTERLOCK inner tires and rellnars do prevent punctures and blowouts. Vul can iters Supply Co. ,2912 Farnam St. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. THE west is calling you. But before you heed that call send for a copy of ths Western Real Estate bulletin. Reli able Information and many fine Illustra tions. 10 cents a copy, none free. Ad dress 1736 Champa. St., Denver, Colo. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. We have cash on .hand to loan on Omaha residences. E. H. LOUGEE. INC.. 638 Keelins Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1011 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2711. 1100 to 110,000 made promptly. F. D. WEAD. Wflad Bldg. 310 8. 18th St. HELD Land Co.' real estate, loans and Insurance. S!"j4 Military Ave. - Miscellaneous. BJTS CHOICE 7 MORTGAGE3 Nothing better for saving. V. T. Graham. 704 Peters Trust Bldg. 1ST MORTGAGES bought Jo. 1180. REAL ESTATE WANTED. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1421. WE . have a customer for good seven or eight-room house west, or will consider a desirable building lot. F. D. Wead, 310 S. 18th St. Atlantic 0151. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOMES C. B. STUHT CO., City Nafl Bldg. Douglas 1717. LIST homes and Income property with GRUENIG REALTY CO.. 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966. HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List It with C. A. Grimmei, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST with us. We guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO.. 716 Bee. DO. 6645. RTPW17TT REAL ESTATE UiliXVXj X X gei.. Rents, Insures 860 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633. M AijUE. liN V-COi-iUCi X lw., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1346. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS RF.ST BUSINESS CENTER Best transfer point, best price, best location. Hood prospects on an mum. Good income always. 21th and Leaven worth Sts. W. T. GRAHAM, " 704 Peters Trust Bldg. Ja. 1B33. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE New Stucco Bungalow For Sale or Trade. One of the most attractive Kellastone bungalows in the city; large living room " with fireplace, fine dining room and kitchen with all built-in features, 2 bed rooms with tiled bath and built-in wall tub, floored attic, cement porches, guar anteed furnace. Owner will sell on easy terms or will consider a good first mort gage as first payment, or trade for acreage close to Omaha. For full In formation call owner. Atlantic 006S. 7-ROOM strictly modern home in Bemis park district; price $10,000: will take part payment vacant building lot not over S2.000 and some cash; balance like rent. Phone owner and builder. Har ney 2195. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Near Fairacres. ti "acres opposite proposed new Hsppy Hollow site; good 7.room, modern house facing east; living room, dining room, sun room, kitchen, first floor; three bed rooms; sleeping porch, second; electric lights, furnace . heat, garage; many bearing fruit trees. Price, $11,000: rensonsble terms. A good home with speculative value. Well Improved acre tracts in this vicinity nre few. See us at once if Interested. Fowler & McDonald, REALTORS. Jackson 1426. 1120 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. DUNDEE $5,800. 6-room bungalow; living room and dining roo-t finished in oak; two large bedrooms and bath, white enamel; kitchen with built in cupboards: oak floors through ut; attic large enough for twt large rooms. Full basement, floor drain, south front corner lot; paved street, two blocks to car; garage. Terms. GLOVER & SPAlft, REALTORS. Pit City Nat'l Bk. Jackson 2160. Florence. Nethaway. Flor. prop, no colored. KB. 140 REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES LAKE SHORE PROPERTY. For sale, beautiful tract on Clear . water lake, secluded location, but close to popular resorts, rear Annandale. Minn., about five acres with over 700 feet of shore line, fine trees, one-story, five-room house with foundation, plas tered and decorated and furnished. In fact an all-year house, and other equip ment including Ice house with Ice; de sirable location for summer home, 60 miles from Minneapolis on concrete road. Buildings located so that prop erty can be divided. Immediate pos. session. Price IS.OOfl. Terms. Owner. E. O. Shafer. 608 Nicollet Ave., Min neapolis. Minn. ' 1 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West D. H. BUCK s CO. buy and sell homes. WELL lb BODY ELSE 1 -t 6 2? REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West Leavenworth Heights. 6 Rooms Garage. $6,500. New, strictly modern, oak throughout, garage, paved street, 2 blocks to car line. Owner leaving city. Best value In this district. A real pickup. J.L. HIATT CO., "Better Values." Hiatt Bldg., 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 0063. FOR SALE St. Johns district, six rooms and bath, modern except heat; large lot 50 by 147; block to car, 2 blocks to school. 14,750. Good terms. Call Walnut 0879. MONTCLAIR HOME 7 large rooms, mostly oak finish, fire place, buffet; a real bargain at 11,500. Some terms. 'ASP BROS., 212 Keeline Bldg. AT. 0721. Omaha Real Batata and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantio 4180. North. $3,500. SOU Pinkney St. Pretty nice house of flva rooms. It has city water, sink, toilet, bath and gas. Two largo lots. We are offering this on very small terms and wo consider It a good buy for anyone who wants a home with extra ground. Amos Grant Company, REALTORS. DO. 1380. 830-2.4-6.1 Bran. Tb. Bldg. 5-R. RUNGALOW, 28th Ave. and Binney., , $4,250. Attractive E-room bungalow In fine repair; oak throughout; good basement; 2 blocks to car and school. A real buy at this price on terms of 11,000 cash. J. L. HIATT CO., "Better Values." Hlatt Bldg. .914-16 Douglas. Atlantic 0061. N'everything. Doesn't lack a single thing. Choice little bungalow, facing east, a block from car, boulevard and not v.ery far from Miller park, i rooms all one floor, all finished in oak. Yes sir-ee and a lull basement too; garage; ptlco Is 15,500. Owner wants 11,250 rash, but make us an offer of terms. Shopen & Co., REALTORS. Jackson 4228. Keeline Bldg. WILL take your equity in that old house or vacant lot as tlrst payment on a brand new strictly modern 6 or 6-room home. This is a well located stucco bungalow. DO. 7412, ask for Mr. Carse. 4720 S! S9TH ST. Good 6-room house, modern except beat 1706. balance- monthly Crei-h. SOU Bee. JA. OiOO E37 Omaha National Bank Bldg., Douglas 1780. SOUTH FRONT: & rooms; sunroom; frame and sturco bungalow; garage to math Alfred Thomas A Son. Jackson 0064. THIS 2-story, 8-room homo must be sold. Price reduced to . $6,600; easy terms. Alfred Thomas & Son. JA. 0064. J. B. ROB1N80N. real estate and Invest ment. 642 Peters Trust Done. (087. South. $2,500 Bargain. Neat cottage, 4 large rooma, city wa ter. toilet, sewer, furnace, cemented cellar, shade trees', cement wAlks, iron fence, one block to car line; near 17th and Vinton; owner leaving city; terms on part. P. J. Tebbens Co., 605 Om. Nat. Bank. Jackson 5182. CHOICE Li k.VEN WORTH HEIGHTS HOME. Six rooms and bath. Including pretty sun room; oak finish with tha oak floors throughout. Built by day labor for home. Full cemented basement, beautiful lawn; must be seen to be ap preciated. $2,000 cash will handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 530 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 2282. AM building a 5-room bungalow near Rivervlew park, will sell for $400 down and $46 per month. Call WA. 6432 eve. nlngs, or DO. 7412 days, ask for Mr. Cole. Miscellaneous. $2,000 Terms. Unusually good proposition on a cottage just north of Leavenworth near Dundee. This is one of these neat, trim looking places with fine lawn and- pretty trees. Price is positively right and the terms asked only $400 down and $26 per month. As usual, we will submit any proposition less than $400 sub ject to the approval of the owner. Amos Grant Company, BITil.TnP" DO. 8380. 330-2-4 Brandels The. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME, FOR SALE OR TRADE. Nine rooms; hot water heat, quarter sawed oak, fireplace, tiled bath and shower, toilet, bath and billiard room In basement, large 0itl86-foot lot, beau tiful shade trees: house In excellent con dition, both inside and out; 2 blocks to two car lines; now vacant; Immediate possession. Price $14,000; on good terms, or will trade for a smaller home well located, acresge close to Omaha or might consider a good first mortgage as part payment. For full Information call owner. Atlantic 0063. MODERN NEW BUNGALOW 6-room and garage at 3408 Grand Ave. for sale on terms, will take a good cltv lot as part payment. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE and lot 64x132 at 4411 N. 28th St. for sale on terms. 3. MICH A EL80N, 620 First Nat. Bank. Douglas 7146. TWO HOUSKS, $3,250. A five-room stucco with electrlo lights and furnace. And a two-room house with electrlo lights, now renting for $10. Essy terms Call WE. 4605. DUNDEE d ,230 Buys a dandy (-room home, on a full sised south front lot and only 1 U blks. to the ear. The property is in excel lent shape, is finished in oak and pine, with oak and pine floors. Immediate possession. Easy terms. A snap for someone. WILLARD C 3LABAUCH. Realtor McCauge Bldg. Jackson 2SS Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright, 1021, International New Service - THEIR MONEY COOO Ab ANY Two Months of Blue Sundays And Tiffen Craves Movies Tiffin, O., June 28. Sunday movies are coming back here after two months of blue Sundays But only educational pictures will be per mitted, under a ruling of Prosecuting Attorney Lott, who launched a cru sade against Sunday movies last February. The county prosecutor held that movies which are repro ductions of dramatic, or theatrical, performances are illegal. Cartoon comedies and animal, or nature, studies are permissible. Direct Steamer Service From Boston to Ireland Boston, June 28. Direct steam ship service between this port and ports in Ireland will soon be in operation, according to local officials of the Moore & McCormack com pany of New York. The route will be inaugurated by the steamship Eastern Belle, which will stop here June 26 and proceed to Cork, Dub lin, Belfast, Sligo, Londonderry and Limerick. Buck waiter's By HARLEY (One of a series of interesting tales by Mr. Matthews about get rich-quick bubbles that have burst Others will follow.) Indifferent to the sufferings they cause there have ever been men ready to enrich themselves to the ruin of others, believing that a fool and his money deserve to be parted. To them it has been more than a proverb, a law, as true as nature's own "survival of the fittest," which they have only followed. In the year 1875 Mr. Benjamin R. Buckwalter came to New York. No one knew that he had failed as a dis penser of patent medicines and he was accepted for what he appeared a gentleman of extraordinary polish. Mr. Buckwalter soon began to ap ply his mind to the vagaries of the stock market. In' time he had au Office on Exchange Place, whence he announced to the public that he had made a discovery that would profit both. . "Anyone can make money rapid ly," his advertisements all over the country said. Write to Lawrence & Co. for their new circular. It was not modesty altogether that prevented Mr. Buckwalter from letting people know that he was Lawrence & Co. He had other rea sons. From all over the United States requests came to Lawrence & Co. for circulars. And all over the United States the hearts of men and women leaped as they read what the return mail brought them. No dream could have ever been more alluring, yet this was no dream. Nothing could be more businesslike than this circular. Lawrence & Co.'s circular began with the statement that it was the laudable ambition of every man to make money as rapidly as possible. That there was a prejudice agafhst the stock business was admitted, but that was because of ignorance. Busi ness in Wall street was absurdly simple. The firm, the circular proceeded, had devised a scheme which they called the combination method. Peo ple sent money to them which was pooled with other people's money, the whole being used to deal in stock. Every customer had thus the advan tages of the largest capitalist. The circular pointed to the fortunes made by Jay Gould and Vanderbilt on the New York Stock exchange. "Our idea," it said, "is to make every cus tomer a potential Jay Gould or Van derbilt." Then instances were given of its own customers. There was Mr. B. of New Orleans, who sent them $100, and in four weeks Law rence & Co. had made him ?440. How was it done?t Very simply. It was all explained by the large operations of Lawrence & Co. Of course, sometimes there were finan cial depressions which even Law rence & Co. could not control. The circular was nothing if not fair. But the profits on good deals were gen erally so large that even then the transactions would show a profit. Letters were quoted from all parts of America, the writers of which thanked Lawrence & Co. again and again for the profit they had made for them. The mails brought Mr. Buckwal ter letters from all over the country and asked him for the combination certificate the circular described, to be forwarded. If it were a small amount like $10 the firm would send a letter saying that the certificate was not being forwarded that day, as the combination was not yet filled. If the customer would send another $20 a certificate for $50 would be issued; the firm deducting the other $20 out of the profits to be made. Should the customer be loath to let this opportunity slip he would next get a letter congratulating him on a profitable deal and saying that Lawrence & Co. were using the money as further capital. The firm offered to issue a certificate for $200 on receipt of another $50, the amount unpaid being deducted from the profit as before. And so great was the rush for combination certificates now, customers were advised to or der by telegram. Should it be apparent from any re ply that the customer had no mor i Woman Reveals Hidden Romance Of Detroit Man Charges She Is His DaughteJ by Marriage With Half Breed Indian in Canadian . Woods. Detroit, June 28. Sixty years ago it is claimed, Peter Girard, scion of one of Detroit's most prominent fam ilies of the day, married a half-breed girl in the Michigan wilds. A dauglw ter was born to the couple. The daughter, now the mother of three married daughters, has brought suit in circuit court here to obtain a share of the Girard estate, valued a $50,000. She is Mrs. Agnes Celia Poole and is opposed in her suit by Mrs. Carcw line Ackerman Girard, Peter's widow and Miss Mary E. Pierce, an adopted daughter. Peter married Carolina Ackerman, Mrs. Poole alleges, afteK deserting his half-Indian, half-French woodlands bride. Though no justiceor priest wed Peter and the half-breed woman, it is alleged by Mrs. Poole's attorneys that they were actually married by the only law the woodlands knew 4 that of agreement. Peter Girard. who in later life was" justice of the peace and postmaster at Connor s Creek, was 17 years oi age when he ran away from Detrc.it to the Baraga county backwoods. Ho) had quarrelled with Christopher Gil rard, his father. He was 20 when ha met and went to live with Julia Countwai Tebeau. the half-breed. Mrs. Poole relates a dramatia story cf the desertion of her mother by her father. Later, after she had become a mother herself, Peter ! recognized Mrs. Poole as his daugh ter, she alleges. Peter Girard died j in 1914. r- i i . t-. r .. i opain nas ueguii mc manuiatiuia of yarn from paper, which in turn is made from eucalyptus wood pulp. Road to Ruin MATTHEWS. money left he would in a few weekl get the following letter: "We regret to inform you that owing to the terrible fluctuations in the market we have had to use out own capital and at a great loss to us. Feeling that we have done all w$j could, we can only hope to retrieve our losses and yours by new ven tures, when with the brighter out look the losses may be forgotten ia the larger Rain." Naturally Mr. Buckwalter could not do all. the circularizing and office business himself. He had to take in clerks. One of these was . Mr. Dibble. As soon as he had learned the secret of the combination method he set up in business fof himself as Dibble & Co., using Mr Buckwalter's circulars, letter forms, names of patrons and all. Every head clerk that Mr. Buckwalter tried played him a similar trick. In a few months there were no less than eight of these firms established. Mr Buckwalter houcfit mm of them out, engaging t their fourtderas, clerks again at $100 tr week,- the un derstrappers, who had not had the enterprise to set up for themselves, stilt being paid from $9 to $15 a week. The firm's clients were all classes The widow of a soldier in the civil war having saved $200 enclosed it in a letter telling him how anxious she was to increase it as she had to pay a doctor's bill. Delighted by the reply that she had had a profit of $200 made for her she bought a lot of goods on credit Shortly anew wards ,she got the announcement that thtTmarket had, lost all. The same thing happened with the money of a railroad man's widow. A struggling pioneer, after reading the circular mortgaged his farm in the west for $200. . In a few days ho learned that he had made an enor mous profit; only' to find himseH with his family being turned out of doors three months later. A woman wrote to say that she had sold her two houses and sent $2,500 to invest. Another sent a dollar and next day demanded her certificate Mr. Buckwalter extract ing another two dollars before she) realized the certificate was wortlw less. Even a cripple who Jiad de livered some circulars was caught for his only $50. "I rolled myself round the street to do you some good and this is the return," ha wrote in reproach. A clergyman declared: "I do not fully understand the terms of your circular, yet I BELIEVE YOU. If I send $100 will you send me in 30 days $200? If so, I could get the. local farmers who are very rich v invest in your scheme. Teachers, doctors, merchants, even members of congress were among: the customers of the firm. Some men, even after receiving the final announcement, wrote back to say that their confidence in the combina tion scheme was still unshaken. However involved the circular was, the accounts of Lawrence & Co. were verv simple. For the year 1879, $206,189 was received from 16,551 customers. Most of this went to Mr. Buckwalter, the rest in office expenses. As for the shares the firm was to deal in, a head clerk from a private office opposite wrote the firm a memo each day showing the stock bought on behalf of it. But the transaction was too imaginary to be shown on the books. The operations of Lawrence & Co, began to receive .mention in other than financial columns of the papers. But no one of Mr. Buckwalter's friends in New York society knew of his connection with it He was just now making arrangements for a palatial residence to be built on Fifth avenue, and with his dog cart, horses and hounds, he seemed far removed from anything so sordid as the stock exchange business. But one morning the DaDers men tioned Mr. Buckwalter's name in con nections with the investigations into the affairs of Lawrence & Co., but he could not be found to explain, Leaving the clerks to do that he dis appeared. What cash there was he took, presenting the clerks with a list of 500,000 names of possible cus tomers as compensation for past seniles. (Cupyrifht. ltjo, hy tha McClura NswmI WkMMm Bvndtnate ' '1 i 0