THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1921. v Society Fawcett Porter to Wed Ruth Edwards Announcement has been made by George Edwards of Montclaire, N. J., of the engagement of his daugh ter, Ruth, to Fawcett VV. Porter, son of Mrs. J. B. Porter of Omaha. No definite plans for the wedding have been made. Miss Edwards is a niece of Mrs. H. O. Edwards of Omaha and vis ited herel ast fall. Mr. Torter was graduated from Central High school here and Union college, Schenectady, N. Y. He is a member of Chi Psi fraternity. He is a well known club man, being a member of the Omaha club and Happy Hollow club. He is secretary of the Men's Nebraska State Golf association. Dinner-Dance. Harry Greenway was host at a dinner-dance at his home Monday evening. Pink roses formed the centerpiece and covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lcomis, Mr. and Mrs. James Reed, the Misses Geraldine Hughes of Des Moines, Patricia Tinley of Council Bluffs, Stella Murphy, Marian Coad. Pauline Coad, Charlotte Todd, Mil dred Walker, Marguerite Fallon, Ethel Piel, Ruth Neff, Helen Porter and Messrs. Jack Wilcox, Forrest Bronson, Byron Reed, Eugene Cole, Morton Wakeley. Harold Fair, .loyd Murphy, Koiana uaupei, , j j son. Affairs for Mrs. Markel. Mr. Harrv Schifferle will enter- l tain Thursday in honor of Mrs. John Markel of Lincoln, formerly Carita '.O'Brien of Omaha, who is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. O'Brien. Mrs. Morton Englcman will en tertain Friday for Mrs. Markel. Afternoon Bridge. Mrs. Milo Gates entertained in formally at a bridge tea at her home Monday afternoon in honor of Miss Olga Metz a bride-to-be. Four ta bles were set for the game. Cooking Club. Mrs. W. H. Wheeler will entertain members of the Original Cooking club at luncheon at her home, Thurs day. . Luncheon for Visitor. Miss Frances Patton entertained ( informally at luncheon Monday for 7 Miss Catherine Rogers of Rockpcrt, Conn., guest tt the Arthur S. Rog ers' home. Personals Michael Lynch of Columbus is ill at the Methodist hospital. Miss Milcjred Othmer left Sunday to spend a short time in the, east. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Loomis left Sunday for an extended eastern trip. liss Mary Burt left Monday to ncLthe summery in New York City. . "-v. Caroline V routy ot jutnoau, ptei., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. George, B. Wray. Mrs. John Markel and small son of Lincoln are at the T. J. O'Brien home. Mrs. Lee W. Edwards has re turned from a visit with friends in Davenport, la.- Miss Catherine Rogers of Rock port, Mass., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Rogers. TV onil Mrs. H. A. Wap-eener and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Selby motored to Lincoln Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Hamilton, sr., will move into their home, Fifty-first and California streets, about July IS. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sterricker end daughter, Martha, leave Friday to spend the summer at Batavia, N. Y. Miss Mary A. Fitch left Friday for Madison lake, Wisconsin, where she will spend the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Connor and children and Mrs. Adeliade Kenner ly have gone to Colorado Springs to spend the summer. Mrs. Edwin Thompson of Dallas, Tex., -who is spending the summer at the R. P. Hamilton, sr., home, has returned from Lincoln, where she spent a short time. Miss Mary Drake and Miss Doro thy Falk of Minneapolis, who has ,-heen visiting at the Drake home for Mne past two weeks, are leaving this week for California. , Mr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Morrow announce the birth of a daughter, Martha, Sunday at Garkson hospital. Mrs. Morrow was formerly Miss Mary Belle Palmer. Miss Marguerite Hess Jeft Monday for the Minnesota lake, wliere she will spend two weeks. She will be joined by her father, J. J. Hess, the latter part of this week. ' Fred Walker of Newark, N. J., who - has been visiting in Omaha, left last week for Sioux City. Mrs. Walker, who was formerly Miss Sadie Green of this city, will join him there Thurs day. Mrs. Charles L. Hempel arrived home Friday from Salt Lake City, where she attended the council meet ing of the General Federation of Women's Clubs. Enroute home she visited at Cheyenne and Columbus, Neb. " . Daniel J. Ryan of Columbus, O., arrived Sunday to join Mrs. Ryan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Hixenbaugh, jr. Mrs. Ryan has been visiting here several weeks and will return home with Mr. Ryan next month. ing Baxter, E. H. Howland, William Wood and Walter Beebe are spend ing two weeks in Yellowstone park. Enroute home Mrs. Johannes and Mrs. Baxter will visit at Glenwood Springs Colorado Springs and Den ver, returning to Omaha about the middle of July. Mesdames, How land, Wood and Beebe plan to re turn about July 10, What's What By HELEN DECIE Some trained nurses are a joy for ever; when one of these departs ev ery member of the family is sorry to miss the capable, gentle, courteous woman who has co-operated so faithfully with the family doctor in the restoration of health and joy and peace to the household. That is the perfect type, but there are many other types not quite so satisfying. One of the most annoy ing is the nurse who abuses her priv ileges; who calls up friends on the telephone and "holds long conversa tions with them, or who invites peo ple to visit her while she is on duty. A wise physician always encourages the nurse to go out and take fresh air exercise in the intermissions of sick room service, but when, instead, she attempts to bring her outside affairs into the household she is not co-operating with the doctor, nor adding to the peace-of-mind of her patient, nor is she demonstrating the quality of good breeding, which is neither intrusive nor obtrusive. (Copyright. 1921, by Publlo Ledger.) Carter Lake Mr. and Mrs. Guy Furness enter tainir eio-ht cupsts at suoocr Sun day evening at Carter Lake club. C. W. bears had eight guests, four somes were entertained by Mrs. John Flynn and A. S. Ritchey. Melvin Goldstrum will entertain 16 guests at the dinner dance Tues day evening. A party of 30 will be given by A. L. Klekamp. Eight een guests will be entertained by A. E. Parmalee, and Frank Broad well, jr., will have 10. Mrs. A. S. Campbell has returned home from Lincoln, where she was called by the illness of her sister, Dorothy Fleming, who is attending the University of Nebraska summer school. Affairs for Mrs. Body. Mrs. Ned Ross will entertain at luncheon at the Prettiest Mile club Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Carl W. Body of San Francisco, guest of Mrs. Guy Collard. Mrs. Harlan Noyes will give a dinner at Happy Hollow club Tuesday for Mrs. Body. Under the provisions of the new naturalization bill introduced in con gress by Representative Johnson of Washington, women in this country would no longer derive citizenship or lose it by marriage. Problems That Perplex Answered by BEATRICE FAIRFAX A Question of Money. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 19 and love a man of 26, with whom I have been going out Now, Miss Fairfax, am I right not to give up my girl friends till I am engaged to him at least? Then again, he tells me he needs to save money. Now, Miss Fairfax, our trouble started when I told him to pretend to have money in his pocket to go to any place, but be wise enough to go only where bis means allow (the only place we ever go Is to the movies). Still, he is very good. I'm sure that he loves me very much, but we always have little misunderstandings. VIRGINIA. Perhaps he doesn't care to be re minded that he has so little money. If I were you I would drop the sub ject and try to look on the cheerful side of things. If you really love each other, tt will be a pleasure for you both to save. f A Deceiving Lover. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am 18 and In love wih a man 21. He has al ways told me he loved me and in tended to marry me, but the other night he told me he never really loved me. It seems he was In love with another girl before he met me, and she jilted him and married an other. What would you do? A. G. You ask what to do? It seems to me that I would regard the young man's frank statement as a polite way of telling me that he was tired ot me. Certainly I wouldn't be de ceived a second time. A. B. C: No place nearer than California or New York. Business along these lines is very dull at the present time. ADVERTISEMENT. "Dry Foot" Stops Throbbing, Burning Swollen Sore Feet A fs applications and no mora aching, swollen, tender swutj feet. Believes Kmw of corns and bunions by saturating s piece of cams with solution and Us on affecUd spots at night: wake up In the morning. Jio mora sgonr from corns ana bunions. Gft package ot Drr-Foot of jour drafftat and mix It up as per direction on package. Ap ply solution freely direct to the feet, allowing tt to dry. Then, no more foot misery, so mors drawn -up fares due to son ooras, bunions or callouses. Ufd. by Baker Chemical Co.. Hare lock. Stb. ADVERTISEMENT. 666 quickly relieves Constipation, Bil iousness, Lost of Appetite and Head aches, duo to Torpid Liver, "annrnmraih IIIIIIHIrV 11 HDEBODK By CORINNE LOWE. New York (Special Correspond ence.) The athletic career of many a lady is confined to her prowess in finding a new kind of costume for a sport in which she never takes part. The above model, however, is not one of those for the Country club veranda game. It is a real honest-to-tennis, honest-to-gelf, one-piece frock of pink linen worn over a white shirt waist. These frocks have recently made their appearance in Fifth avenue shop windows, and they are carried out most often in linen or wool jersey. As will be seen at once a model like this is intensely practical and adapated to any kind of out doors to which you may be addicted. Cluttering. A house which is well planned, perfectly convenient and comforta ble will be beautiful.. Don't clutter your heme with things which, though they may bemseful or attrac tive in themselves, are things which no one uses or enjoys. Every one is not able to afford expensive things, but if harmonious colors fcr the walls, floors and upholstery are chosen, together with furniture se lected for comfort rather than orna mentation," the home will be restful and attractive. As a means of self-defense London policewomen are taught jiu-jitsu. ADVERTISEMENT MILES ASSERTS HE FEELS LIKE NEW MAN NOW Omaha Man Overcomes Stom ach Trouble That Worried Him for 15 Years. "I never dreamed a little medicine could do so much good as Tanlac did me," said Olen F. Miles", f20 North Eighteenth street, Omaha, Neb. "For fifteen years or more my stomach bothered me, and no matter how careful I was about what I ate I was sure to have spells of indiges tion. My back hurt me terribly at times and I had awful headaches and spells of dizziness. I was subject to frequent bilious attacks, too. "Tanlac did me more good than all the medicine I took in the fifteen years put together. Why, I am not like the same man, and my digestion is so good I couldn't tell I ever had stomach trouble at all. I would like to tell the world that Tanlac is the best medicine ever made." 4X4-28 Securities BIdg.Tel.Douf.S347 Omaha, Neb. IV I.TTl Sen ail CO A L We are now receiving large shipments of Pennsylvania Anthracite Coal and sug gest that you fill your bin while quality and service can be given special attention. Updike Lumber & Coal Co. TPfiHa Fistulffi-Pay When Cured J L JIJLvCSi a mM raUm of treatment that curve Piles, fistula and tbet vtasia Kectai Diseases in a short time, without a sever suraJcal op ration. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anesthetie need, "f eumrmnteed la erery case accepted for treatment, and no money is to be paid aata cured. Writo for book ob Beetal Diseases, with names and testimonials of more taaa 1.00 prominent people who have beea permanently cured. DR. L X. TARRY Swtoriwo, Peters Trust Bids;. (Bee Bide.) Omaha, Nee. HOLDING A AdeU Garrison's ''Revelations How Mother Graham Surprised Even Dicky. If there were a cobwebby, dirty corner of the old Dacey farmhouse which my doughty mother-in-law did not inspect minutely and make me share in the scrutiny I do not re member it. No detail, good or bad, of the structure escaped her, and she might have been a prospective pur chaser instead of merely whiling away the time until the repair of the car should be accomplished, or rather the pretense of repair with which we were keeping her on the place we wished to buy. Dick strode in as she was peer ing into a door beside one of the old fireplaces. "Look out, mother, you may find a Bluebeard victim or a case bf hootch," he called gayly. She paid no attention to him until she had scrutinized the interior of the dusky cavity thoroughly. Then she straightened herself and spoke excitedly. "It's an old warming oven. Just think of it." Dicky flashed an amused glance at me. We are used to Mother Gra ham's reverence for ancient things, and her irreverent son declares that she says her prayers to George Washington's portrait every night. "I imagine there are more old scraps than that in the place," Dicky said judicially. "Looks in this kit chen out here as if they had built up an immense old fireplace. Come on, let's take a scout at it." "Why have you left the car?" his mother demanded disconcerting ly. A Haughty Exit. "Oh, it's all right 1" he rejoined. "Fortunately, Madge was driving on the extreme right side of the road when it gave up the ghost, so it isn't in anybody's way, and I've sent a 'message for the garage man with instructions to toot like the devil when he gets here. Thus I'll have a chance to explore this, too. I have a pretty taste in antiques my self. I was always afraid I'd marry one orobably .would if Madge hadn't seen me first and grabbed me. Bowen8" Your Opportunity for Living Room Furniture is at Bow ens This Week Everything: Priced From 30 to 60 Below 1920 Prices Money back without question If HUNT'S GUARANTEED SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's 8ale and Soap), fall la the treatment of 'ten, Ecseraa, Rlngworm,Teer or other Iteh in Un diseases. Try thia Sherman McConaell S Drug Store. treatment at our risk. Cuticura Talcum Fascinatingly Frasjrmat Always Healthful Sample freeof Oauesra laberatorles.DtjtXaUleea, Mate. Everywhere 2Sc. EXCEPTIONAL CHOCOLATES INNER-CIRCLE CANDIES' Dr. Bur horn9 s Chiropractic Health Service Our business is to get sick people well. Investigate our methods and find out what is causing- your trouble. Have the cause removed and you set well. An X-Ray of your spine will show tbe exact location of the misplacement that is producing the pressure upon the nerves that cause your trouble. Adjustment are 12 for $10.00 or 30 for $25.00. Private adjusting room. My Council Bluff office is located in the Wick ham Block. Hour 9 a. m. to 7:30 p. m. HUSBAND New Phaso of of a Wife' His mother had stiffened at his ex pletive and did not relax her atti tude during the rest of his chatter. When he had finished she faced him sternly. "Richard!'' Her voice would have congealed an icicle to lower degrees of cold. "Why Margaret permits your profanity and vulgarity of speech I cannot fathom. But please remember that I am your mother, and never let me hear such lan guage from you again." She swept out of the door into the next room, her head held disdain fully high. As is her wont when angered or annoyed at Dicky, she had managed to convey the idea that his ideas and ideals had been palpably lowered since his marriage to me, and that I was the cause of his deterioration. Dicky grinned ruefully at her re treating back. "Rent It? Nol" "You pernicious influence!" he murmured to me with mock re proach, tweaking my ear in passing to follow his mother into the next room. And, of course, with the assurance that my husband was on my side instead of his mother's in the age-old contest, I promptly for got all rancor toward her, indeed, I obliterated the little sting from my memory. We found her standing in the door way between the big old-fashioned, double parlors the second visit she had paid the spot gazing specula tively at the carved woodwork. "If this were thrown into one big room," she said, as if to herself. Mi Good Durable Trunk at a moderate price THE goodness of the trunk will be found in its dura bility. It is built to stand the hard usage given trunks during their transportation, and, to say the least, it will give the traveler utmost satisfaction. A trunk 36 inches long, made of 3-ply veneer wood covered with hard vulcanized fiber. Two heavy center bands on top and front; lots of good corners and braces; sturdy hinges and locks; 2 trays inside. All A safe trunk to buy at. . .-. . ,-. . PwvU Frelingf & Steinle 1803 Farnam Street Mail Order To Say: "Send me a loaf of bread" is to take a chance. To Say: "Send me a loaf of is bread Your sandwich booklet is waiting to be asked for. The Jay Burns Baking Company I caught her up eagerly. "Wouldn't it make a wonderful living room," I exclaimed. She gave me a stare that made me uncomfortable by something elusive in it which I could not understand. "I thought you said there was nothing for sale or rent in the place," she said incisively. "What was the matter with this? Too much trouble to fix it up?" I could hardly believe my ears. Had she really capitulated so quick ly? '"Why! I I " my voice was nothing but an embarrassed stam mer. Dicky came to my rescue dash ingly. "Madge never thought you would consider it for a moment, mother, dear," he said, "besides I don't be lieve anybody knew it was for sale before Mrs. Ticer spoke of it. Do you really mean you think we'd better try to rent it?" "Rent it? No!1' his mother snapped. Make your face a business asset. Don't be turned down because of a poor skin when Resinol Soap and Ointment can be obtained at little cost from any druggist and usually clear away eczema, rashes, etc, quickly and easily. Trial free. Dent.7-T. Beainol, Baltimore, lid. Resinol Mr 4 aI sL mr l" Here 15 Years Prepaid n certainty. "You'd have to spend the money to fix it up, anyway, and it's a valuable investment. Everybody who can ought to have a small farm in the background." "And you approve of our buying it?" Dicky asked incredulously. "Yes, decidedly, but not of the method you two have taken -to make me approve," his mother returned, with sternness in her face, but the s.iiliililliilliliiliiliillililliiliiliiiiiiiilirliiliiliiliiliilniniiil1'? a) l New Dental X-Ray I I Laboratory : l Dental Films 50c Each $3.00 Full Set ; 603 Securities Bid?. I 16th and Farnam, Omaha iiiHiiiiiiii!iiiiini!iini:i"iin"iiiii:i'"l,l',"ll'II';l",i'1 " A. HOSPE CO. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed 1813 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 0188 J" oiaae to Come to the land of piney forests dotted with ten thou sand shirnmering lakes. Come where the breeze is fraught with health and new vigor for you and the kiddles. Comfortable resort hotels, private cottages, free camp 6ites. Good food. Cool, healthful climate. Smooth motor highways wind pic turesquely throughout this land of rolling hills and lakes and woods. Minnesota offers you the kind of vacation you want at the price you can afford to pay. Ask your local ticket agent about low round trip summer tourist fares to Minnesota Writs or aeroplane sins map Joldtt cj W innesoM sent ires on requtst Ten Thousand Lakes of Minnesota Association Operating under tbt direction oj is Minnesota Land and Lake Attractions Board 736 Ryan :: St. Paul; Minn. Minnesota is a land of unusual agricultural, cial and industrial oppor- fimift. i. worth iitv in j in Minnesota sTry it y 2p i this summer. a V a Li a r.r:; :!:' "i ' 3 Atrnoro. DARU I Y-"!!!!;rnoMest sweepof Yellowstone vllv ana y- - . Ur;trv to be founa oin country - ure. tnaeeui r; took upon v hrase, u vour soui u f" .uncririningl the View the honzoa wondrou9 yonse "."wnn. hers, and wua SprvngS) Gg" 4 Visit TOorglYiov SP9' J ? Yellowstone ticket covers Sdditior ' .lnnltion o, information Union - iidsted glint of an ironical smile in her eyes "Now, Margaret, if you'll go out and start that car you'll perhaps be in time to go down and sign the papers which are waiting for yo-u." (Continued Tomorrow.) Bowcn8' Living Room Furniture Special This Week at Bow ens Priced From 30 to 60 Below 1920 Prices J commer rwTint The Saint Paul Hotel in Saint Paul Establish your Write for free 300 ROOMS Minnesota illustrated touring headquarters book 300 BATHS . at the Address SAINT PAUL Si'mtPiol Hotel Have your mail and telegrams m saint paul smfTm- LcTfedtou. accessime u - .;v,m or w iui df you the evet Dept. "it P. . Ah Union Pacific System