Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 A'
Wealthy Farmer
Admits He Robbed
Bahk in Illinois
Holdup Nets $2,500 Which
Men Buried on Place All
of Loot Is Recovered.
V Bloomington, III., June 25. Own
. ing a $50,000 farm and perhaps as
. much more in live stock, Mont
'. gomery North, one of the leaders of
t the community, is a prisoner in the
county jail today. He confessed he
: had robbed the State bank at Hudson
t Monday 'afternoon. The job was
pulled with the coolness and bravado
T of expert bandits of long experience.
y There was not a hitch in the pro-
; cram of North and his pal. Charles
5 Welch, the latter a man of 50, who
had 'been employed by North for
r several years as a hand about the
farm. Velch is from Iowa City, la.,
and is a floater.
Welch charges North with sug
; resting the holdup. He claims that
i North pointed out how easily a bank
' could be robbed. Welch finally
agreed to the robbery. They drove
to Hudson and at 1:30 p. m. Welch
entered the bank and stuck up the
cashier with a revolver. North then
tntered, taking about $2,500.
The pair was shot at as they left
the bank but Welch returned the fire
while North drove the car. They
reached a farm owned by North, and
going to an old barn, divided the loot
' and buried it. Welch went to Peoria
' and returned to Bloomington next
day. He was under suspicion and
was arrested here this morning.
He confessed and implicated North.
The latter was arrested later and also
confessed. The stolen money was
I Murder Charges Are Filed
Against One of Four Held
Charges of first degree murder
were filed yesterday by County
Attorney Shotwell against Leo
Brunson, John Doe and John Doe
in connection with the murder of
Mrs. Margaret Foley Hyland on the
South Side by highwaymen the night
of June 4.
J. W. Lee and William Robinson,
arrested for investigation in the case
probably will be released, according
to police, but Sebastien Salerno, po
lice say, will be held for further in
vestigation. Judge Refuses to Permit
Collector Seize Property
Federal Judge Woodrough issued
a restraining order yesterday pre
venting the collector of internal rev
enue from levying on property
owned by Charles Saat. Recently
v Saat was charged with illegal pos
',' session of liquor and was taxed
$2,318. The collector, so Saat al
"f leged, had planned to sell enough cf
Saat's property to satisfy the claim,
then attach the checks for the
' amount.
Natad Kanaaa City Specialist FintU Pain
In Rimcdy for Thl Dreaded
Phyilclans afrret that a large percentage
of. Constipation is caused by Prolapsus,
or a folding down of the lower bowel,
piles, and other rectal troubles. Consti
pation is one of the most serious human
ailments and is responsible for much nerv
ousness, headaches, stomach and liver
troubles, pain in the back., etc. Dr. A. S.
McCleary. head of the Parkview Sanitarium
in Kansas City, has developed the only
known cure for Prolapsus. It is an ab
solutely painless treatment and the cure is
positive without the use of surgery or
physics. Sufferers from Constipation who
have Prolapsus will never be fully relieved
until the Prolapsus is cured. Write for
Free Booklet "B," to' Room 184, Parkview
Sanitarium, Kansas City, Mo., if you want
to know how to be cured of Constipation
caused by Prolapsus. ,
. Instruction rolls in
cluded !
? Learn how to play in 10
Without musical knowl
edge you can learn how to
play a
Made in three models. x
White House model.'
County Seat model, $600.
Suburban model, $495.
Either in mahogany, wal
nut or oak.
Terms if Desired
. A 'Jmi.
1513 Douglas Street "
The Art and Music Store
j New Dental X-Ra)r f
! Laboratory " f
i Dental Films 50c Each f
$3.00 Full Set
1 603 Securities Bid.
lth and Farnam, Omaha
Wizard of Mystery
Writes Serial for Bee
I " cpS
t ill
Arthur Somen Roche.
The "wizard of mystery," Arthur
Somers Roche, master writer of
thrilling serials of action, has pro
duced his latest vivid story, "The
Bogie of Fear," for The Sunday
The first installment will be pub
lished next Sunday. Don't fail to
read it.
Prominent Lawyer Dies
New York. June 25. John B.
Stanchfield, New York lawyer, who
appeared in many important cases,
died today at Islip L. I.
Youths Who Took
Girl Auto Riding
I Sent to Kearney
Officers Seek Older Man Who
Is Said to Have Been
jt. Member of the
";: Party.
Three youths were sent to the
Kearney Industrial school and Alice
McGill, 1602 North Thirty-fourth
street, was sent to the Geneva
School for Girls by District Judge
Sears in juvenile court yesterday
as the result of an alleged orgy
which lasted several days early last
week. The girl returned home hys
terical, with her clothes torn, and
told of having been taken away in
an automobile by several boys.
The three boys are Clarence Ber
ry, 10, no pj&rtn l wenty-stxtn
street; William Nesladek, 17. 2013
Chicago street, and Melvtn Shock,
17, 915 South Twenty-sixth street.
An older man will be arrested.
officers said. He was one of the
party and will face charges in the
district court in connection with it.
The hearing on the case yesterday
was held by Judge Sears behind
closed doors.
The girl was . employed in the
home of Dr. Robert Nichols, 4153
Harney street.
Divorce Court.
Divorce Petitions.
Ernest Banks against Grace Banks, de
Georgia Johnson against Everett John
son, nonsupport.
Divorce Decree.
Marian McCrea from J. Nash McCrea
Grasshopper Army
Invades County
Hords of Insects, Covering 300
Square Miles, Destroying
Colorado Springs, Colo., June 25.
An army of grasshoppers, estimated
by County Farm Agent J. C. Hale
to be 15 miles wide and 20 miles
long, is advancing on El Paso coun
ty, Colorado, from the southwest,
Mr. Hale announced tonight. In
their advance the grasshoppers arc
destroying virtually all vegetation in
their path, according to the county
Mr. Hale, accompanied by E. T.
Haas, an entomologist of the United
States Department of Agriculture,
will start out tomorrow to meet the
grasshopper army with two tons of
poison. The poison is to be dis
tributed among farmers, who will
use it as a means of killing the in
sects. The grasshoppers are advancing at
the rate of one mile a day, the
county agent said. He estimates the
onslaught of grasshoppers army to
be the largest in the history of this
Swarm of Bees Drive People
Off Main Street of Lincoln
Lincoln, Neb., June 25. Several
thousand bees swarmed down the
main thoroughfare of Lincoln today,
rfpidly clearing the street. Automo
bilists finally ..dispersed them by
speeding their cars through the
swarm. The bees are now clustered
on a tree in the postoffice square
awaiting for some one to claim them.
Laborer Admits
Slaying Wealthy
New York Widow
Mystery of Death Cleared by
Confession Gained Access
To Home on Pretext of
Being Buyer.
West-Hampstead, N. Y.., June 25.
Lawrence Kubal, 36, a farm labor
er, confessed last night, police said,
to having murdered Mrs. Minnie S.
Bartlett, wealthy widow, in her home
here last Wednesday.
Kubal, in his alleged confession,
said that he had killed Mrs. Bartlett
with a chisel. He said he had called
at the house on the morning of the
crime and had represented himself
as a possible purchaser of the proper
ty, sne demanded $45,UUU(J but he
said he told her he had only $22,000
and would return later in the day
with his wife and brother.
Kubal returned to the Bartlett
home early in the afternoon, accord
ing to the confession and on being
admitted by Mrs. Bartlett told her
that he must have . some money,
about $500, and that he would not
harm her if she gave it to him.
Kubal said that he noticed a foun
tain pen which Mrs. Bartlett kent
opening nervously in her hands.. At
the sight of it, he said, the thought
came to kill her. Drawine a chisel
from his pocket he struck her on
the head with it, police reported
him as saying and seized her by the
throat. As she reeled under the
blow she clawed at his face and
then Kubal struck her again, when
she lay still. He then took a ring
from her finger.
He stayed at his home after the
murder and refused to leave it in
search of work. He told his wife
and brother-in-law they said, that
he was afraid to go out because he
had killed a woman. The informa
tion became known yesterday and
led to his arrest followed by his al
leged confession.
Father of Rose Stahl Dies
In Hospital; 111 Long Time
Trenton, N, J., June 25. Colonel
Stahl, lecturer, writer, former news
paper publisher and civil war veteran,
died at a hospital Friday after a long
illness. He was born in Gormary 77
years ago. He leaves thtee sons and
two daughters, one of whom is Rose
5tuhl, the actress.
Garbage Contract for
Three Months Is Signed
Omaha's garbage question is set
tled for three months. Fred R.
Schrocder has signed a contract to
haul it for three months, beginning
July 1, for $21,600.
This is merely a temporary solu
tion, to tide the city over the crisis
caused by hot weather, Mayor
Dahlman explained. In the meantime
efforts to find a permanent solution
will be made, the mayor said.
Gasoline Now 20 1-2
Cents, Pre-War Price
The price of gasoline and keroienfc
took a 2-cent tumble yesterday,
cording to the announcement of the
Nicholas Oil company.
And with the tumble gasoline went
j i . i , m
at filling stations new is 20 cents,
and kerosene 9H cents. High test
gasoline sells at 23J4 cents.
The last time gasoline sold for
20J-S cents was in January, 1917, ac
cording to the announcement.
This slump follows another cut in
the prices c4 Oklahoma crude oils,
ririilii:iliili;fiiii,lrlN:iiiji,illilliniillillililliliiiillniiiil!'J,LJSJ'PIC 3000ll,:lllllll,'lill,llllllllllilll"'l'l'lw
Lower Prices
on Nash Cars
Effective July 2
Nash prices will be reduced,
effective July 2.
This conforms to our statement
made last October that Nash
prices would be maintained until
at least July 1, 1921.
The reasons were plain. Until
manufacturing costs were lower
we could not cut price without
cutting value, as Nash prices
were not inflated.
We pointed out then that while
the average rise in the price
of motor cars for a four-year
period had been 76 the price
of Nash cars had been raised
but 31.
This 31 included the addition
of cord tires as standard equip
ment and many other additions
and refinements which added ma
terially to the value of Nash cars.
So were-af firmed our fixed inten
tion of rigidly upholding the
high quality of Nash cars.
Since then every effort of the
Nash organization has been cen
tered on effecting sound manu
facturing economies.
New labor-saving devices were
added and production practice
so perfected that every process
of Nash manufacture is a model
of efficiency and economy.
The savings have been substan
tial. And they demonstrate as
nothing else could demonstrate
the remarkable Nash ability to
produce fine cars at the lowest
possible cost
Even while working production
costs downward we were im
proving Nash cars still further.
Now we can announce for July 2
a greater Nash value than ever at
a reduced purchase price.
At the new prices the leadership
of Nash cars is even more em
phatically apparent.
The Naah Motors Company, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Here Are the New Nash Prices
Effective July 2
5-passeiiger touring car .' . $1545
2-passenger roadster 1525
4-passenger sport model . . 1695
7-passenger tooting car 1695
4-passenger coupe 2395
7-passenger aedan .... 2695
f. o. b. Kenosha
5-passenger touring car . . .
2- passenger roadster . .
3- passenger coupe V .
5-passenger sedan ...
f.o.b. Milwaukee
All Nash models, both open and closed, have cord tires
as standard equipment
T. H. McDEARMON, Manager
Wholesale Distributor.
10th and Howard Streets, OMAHA .
Phone ATlantie 2916
ft. W. HAYWARD, President
Omaha Distributors
I Farnam at 28th, OMAHA
.." Phone HAmey 0345
""y ' ' '
H o o e .
Chiffonier in American Wal
nut, Brown Mahogany, or
quartered Fumed Oak, as il
lustrated, in dull rubbed fin
Dresser in American Walnut,
Brown Mahogany or quar
tered Fumed Oak, in dull
rubbed finish. Size of top,
22x42 inches. Mirror, 22x28
Full size 4 ft. 6-inch Bed in
American Walnut, Brown
Mahogany or quartered
Fumed Oak in dull rubbed
44.50 58.00 41.00
Good Bedroom Furniture
At Very Low Prices
Our friends will find every item in this advertisement to
. be of dependable quality, clean cut and attractive in style,
design, finish and color; in fact, at the prices named, the
kind of bargains people who seek real economy will appre
ciate. The .bedroom suite was manufactured in our own f actorv
and the frice was arranged for "a large quantity production '
that would keep our men busy during the slack season.
All Cotton 'Felt Mattress 07
This is a special value made in our own factory from a good grade of white
cotton, felted and built to give satisfaction, enclosed in attractive fancy art S
ticking. 4-6 size; weight, 50 lbs.
Simmons' Link Fabric Bed Spring O0
This spring will fit the bed advertised, or any 4-6 bed you may now have. H V
is one of the most popular springs of all the Simmons Line. Price mm
9x12 Seamless Axminster Rug
These rugs are in especially good Chinese and Oriental patterns 1 I
and colors. There is a wide choice and if your bedroom can be suited JJ
with a smaller rug than the one quoted in this advertisement, the price V- V-
will, of course, be less accordingly. .SPECIAL PRICE of 9x12 size
Complete Drapery Treatment Ready to Hang
Including one pair of Ruffled Muslin or Plain Hemstitched Chamber Cur- W
tains and Over-Drapes of especially attractive Cretonne, suitably edged. There J
is a choice of Lambrequin styles and materials. We show the complete treat- V-
ments on our third, fifth and main floors. Special price complete .
1 he Uutht Complete
Chiffonier,. Dresser, Full Size Bed SPECIAL, 143.50 ou can rea 0PCT a
Chair to match SPECIAL, 10.00 charse account when VOU
Simmons' Link Fabric Spring SPECIAL, 9.50 8 account wnen you
All-Cotton Felt Mattress special, 9.75 purchase this outfit or an
9x12 Seamless Axminster Rug SPECIAL, 38.50 . ' .
Complete Drapery Treatment SPECIAL, 8.45 one of the separate pieces.
Factory Expert Demonstration
Automatic Acorn
Gas Ranges
Automatic cooking is so simple, and so
scientifically correct in it results! .There's
nothing mysterious about it, but you will
be surprised at the perfect cooking done
The cook-book tells you exactly what to
do. It tells you, simply, how to prepare
each article of an entire dinner tells you
how to set the simple control of the auto
matic oven to cook it.
Once set and started the automatic oven
does all your cooking lot you has your
dinner all cooked and ready to serve at
dinner-time when you return from your
afternoon's outing.
We shall serve the food cooked in this
i k
Domestic Science
Class Contest
Everyone attending the demonstration will
be entitled to vote for their favorite domestic
science class. The class receiving the largest
number of votes will win an Acorn Automatic
Fireless Cooker and Gas Combination Range
valued at 215.00 for their school. Pupils, par
ents and friends may vote on any day from
June 27 to 30,, inclusive. No voter will be
permitted to vote more than once. Contesting
classes are Benson High, Commercial High,
Central High and South High.
A Special
Range Offer
An Acorn Gas Range equipped
with a 16xl8xl4-inch oven, white en
amel splasher back, broiler and dirt
pans, but without CO ff
automatic feature, i)fAl)
will be offered at mX,XJ
$5.00 allowance on the old gas stove you
are now using if you purchase this week.
'Lu.;1i..(,l,,ll.1;i:llll.,,il,i11.,li,1iORCHARD & .WILHEllM CO.mrmmmmwmmi