Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1921, EDITORIAL, Image 28

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    a u
The Married Life of
Helen and Warren
Back From Your Honeymoon. How Nice to Have the Neighbors Drop in and Help You Get Settled
Copyright, Lit Publishing Co.
Helen It the Gullible Dupe of a Glib
Promoter and the Lure of
Easy Money.
In fluttering wonderment Helen
turned from the telephone and flew
out to the kitchen.
"Cora, there's a gentleman com
iiiir up. Show him into the library
say I'll be right in."
"Mr. Drexell What wai Mr.
Drexelr Why wai be calling on
her? He had phoned up that it
was something "personal."
Pleasantly excited at this break in
the monotony of a long hot after
noon, Helen dressed with eager ex-
A final fluff of powder, a final
glance into the mirror at her blue
organdied slenderness, and she hur
ried into the library. -From
a chair by the window,
tall man rose to greet her. " In spite
of the heat he looked cool and fault
lessly groomed. His light gray suit
was of a distinctive cut and on the
desk beside him lay an expensive
Panama hat
"Mrs. Curtis?" bowing with elab
orate courtesy. "I hope I'm not in
truding. I have just come from
Mrs. Holden on the ninth floor."
"Oh, yes, Mrs. Holden," murmured
Helen inanely, still bewildered.
"I have an exceptional proposition
here of which Mrs. Holden took
advantage and she thought you also
would be interested, drawing a
leaflet from his pocket. "I repre
sent the Marvin Oil company which
just now oilers a most extraordinary
opportunity for a gilt-edged invest
ment." .
"Oh, I I'm afraid you'd have to
see Mr. Curtis," faltered Helen.
"Ah, but it's Mrs. Curtis I want
to interest. It's the woman in
vestor, we have something so abso
lutely safe."
Helen listened politely to the
many forceful arguments that fol
lowed, but she was mainly intent
upon how she could word a firm
but gracious refusal
Impressed by Mr. Drexcl's deep,
rich voice and ponderous impor
tance, it was going to be hard to say
- He spread before her an imposing
array of circulars from which he
glibly quoted facts and figures. He
emphasized, the 30 per cent annual
dividend and guaranteed that with
in six monthi the stock, now a dol
lar a share, would be 'worth three.
Mrs. Holden had taken five hun
dred shares and would probably
take more.
"But Mr. Curtis would never con
sent to my investing in any oil
stock. He's Terr skeptical about
most stocks and particularly
"Ah, Mrs. Curris, I admit there
have been many false oil securities
on the market but because of that
would you condemn them all? Think
of Standard Oil 1 The people who
Invested in that thirty years ago are
millionaires today. That is the op
Dortunity I offer you now!"
He paused to emphasize this
point, and to touch his moist fore
head with an exquisite gray silk
"Oil is the world's most essential
commodity. All the great ocean
liners are being turned into oil burn
ers. It saves the labor, of coaling
and one fireman can do the work of
10. Now we have a property here
that we guarantee will yield 500,000
parrels a year, to say nothing of
'J! Vage still undeveloped. New wells
ill 6 Seine opened ud every week."
7"5?i!&ther half hour of trip-hammer
arguments in his resonant voice and
Helen began to waver. There was
that $50 she was saving for a linen
"Oh, no. not 500 shares," as taking
the sale for granted, he started to
J. a .Ti" - ,IYF- S M V
nil out a certificate, r my is an i
could possibly invest"
"You are missing a very rare op
portunity Mrs. Curtis. But of
course," with a note of condescen
sion, "if that is all you feel you can
His disappointment was evident.
His attitudt conveyed that her sur
roundings would have indicated
larger resources.
She felt almost apologetic, as
though she had taken much of his
valuable time with but nttie return.
It was not until after his depar
ture that the doubts and misgivings,
which all along had clouded the
background of her thoughts, loomed
She had invested $50 in oil stock.
" And she had given him the money I
She knew nothing of this man or
hia company I She had weakly yield
ed to his persuasive arguments be
cause she had not had the courage
to say "No." ,
Now she thought of a dozen ex
cures a dozen ways of saying "No"
with dignity and firmness. But he
had made her feel that it was al
most an. obligation for her to invest
He had been . positively oatronizing
in accepting her $50, implying that
' his time was worth more than that. .
The more she thought of it the
more indignant she grew. How could
she have been so foolish? Mrs. Hol
den I She would ask her about it, at
A moment later she had the Hold
en apartment on the phone, but the
maid informed her that Mrs. Holden
was out and would not be home be
fore dinner. ' -'
The rest of the afternoon Helen
spent In poring over the Maryin oil
circulars, trying to reassure herself
that her $50 was safe. Certainly the
i arguments seemed convincing. The
one that gave her the most comfort
she read again and again.
"With the progressive and sound
policy of its management, plus the
enormous potential value of the vast
areas of its holdings that have not
as yet been touched, and the high
efficiency of its producing, transport
ing, refining and marketing organi
zation the Marvin company is rap
idly reaching that point where it
will rival even the Standard oil"
It was after 6 when Warren came
home hot, tired and irritable.
Grumbling at the heat, he did not
notice Helen's worried abstraction
until they were almost through din
ner. "What's the matter with you?"
" gulping down his third glass of ice
water. "You're not very chipper." '
"Oh, it's just the heat" not look
ing up from the radish she was
peeling. f
"Want to go to a roof tonight?
Good show at the Rotterdam" j
Helen had never felt o poor, j
After her outlay of $50, slW shrank
' v. " : - a-.-. ;
from the thought of Warren
squandering more at an expensive
"No, dear, it's too hot We'll be
much cooler here. Oh, don't drink
any more ice water you 11 be sick.
If she could only tell him about itl
But she dared not He would be
rabid if he found she had invested
in anv oil stock.
"You can't beat this for heat,"
grouched Warren, when he turned
on the fan in the library. Not a
breath from those windows. Hello,
where'd this come from?" stooping
to pick up a circular the fan had
blown to the floor.
"Hump, same old bunk. Didn't
know you were on a sucker list."
"That's, a company Mrs. Hclden's
in she bought 500 shares."
"Don't you believe itl Holden
wouldn't let her touch any oil stock
with a 40-foot pole."
"But, dear, it must be all right,"
excitedly. "I know she took $5001
might take more."
' Who said that?"
"Why," the representative thd
man that sold the stock, reddening.
. "Huh. one of those oil sharks been
gunning around? Got a nerve to
horn in here. What in blazes made
you see him?" flinging the circulars
into ine waste Das km.
Oh, dear, I want to look those
over, she started to rescue them.
See here, sternly. What re you
uuiuiu uui vii iiac. - ma jtccia ga
.... n:.
nveted on her flushed face.
'Why, nothing, dear," tremulous
ly. "I just wanted to"
You weren't fool enough to fall
for any fake stock promoter's hot
It isn't a fakel Mrs. Holden
took. $500 worth and I " desperate
ly, "I thought I could take $50.
"Whats that?" explosively. 'You
didn't give him the money?
she nodded, . gulping back the
tightening lump in her throat
You hand out $50 to any smooth-
talking promoter . who happens to
blow in?"
"Call up Mrs. Holden," hysteri
cally. "She'll tell you it's all right
She wouldn't have taken 500 shares
Don't believe she did!" he snort
ed, turning to the telephone. That's
only part of the con to rope you in.
Hello, give me the Holdens apart
ment." With shrinking dread, Helen
waited, her hands clasped tight
"Mrs. Holden? This is Mr. Cur
tis. A man was here this afternoon
trying to sell some oil stock to Mrs.
Curtis. He . said you'd bought 500
shares. Is that right . . . Not
a penny's worth. I thought so. . . .
Yes, most of 'em are crooks."
- Slamming up the receiver, he con
fronted Helen savagely.
"Well, he's trimmed you for 50
bucks, all right I You don't deserve
to have it back but I'm not going
to let that bird get away with it."
Jerking out the desk drawer that
held his business stationery, he se
lected one of his - letterheads. His
mouth grimly set, for the next 10
minutes hew rote with rapid, wrath
ful strokes. Then he whirled about
with a vigorous, "Now listen to this:
"I find that my wife, Mrs. Warren
E. Curtis, through false representa
tion made by your agent, subscribed
today for $50 worth of stock, in the
Marvin Oil company.
"Am returning the stock certificate
by bearer and demand the return of
the $50.
"I might add that in my practice
I have co-operated with both federal
and state authorities in investigating
questionable flotation schemes, and
you will find it more to your advan
tage to return the $50 than to have
any publicity given this matter."
"Guess that 11 bring 'em to time,"
he reached for an envelope,
"Oh, dear, how could I have been j
so so gullible?'
"Next time one of these de luxe
holdup artists tries to hypnotize you
just switch 'em down to my of
fice. I'll tell 'em where they get
"If I only hadl" tearfully contrite.
"Well, cheer up, Kitten I Smarter
folks than you have fallen for a line
of smooth talk and the prospect of
easy coin. ' '
Next week: An Embarrassing En
counter at a Cheap Italian Restau
rant (Copyright, HJ1, Mabel Herbert Harper.)
If you suspect you may be suffer
ing from iron starvation, do not
wait until yon go all to pieces and
collapse in a state of nervous pros
tration or until in your weakened
condition you contract some serious
disease, but consult your family phy
sician im hav Mm take a specimen or
your blood and make a "blood count"
roar red blood corpuscle or test th Iron-
power of your blood yourself by adding
plenty or iplnaeh, carrot, or other Iron
containing; vegetables to vour daily food
and tak organic iron like Nuxated Iron
with them (or a while and sea how much
yonr condition improves.
Thousands of people have surprisingly
increased their strength, energy and en
durance in two week' time by thia simple
experiment. Bat in making this test, be
ore th Iron yon tak is organic iron
Nuxated Iron and not metallic or mineral
Iron which eeonle usually take. Omnia
Nuxated Iron la llk th Iron in yonr blood
ana use tn iron in spinach, lentil and
apple, whll metallic Iron is iron last a
it come from th action of strong acids
on small piece of iron. Nuxated Iron rep
resents organic iron in each a hiehlv cm.
centra ted form that on dose is estimated
to b approximately equivalent (In organic
iron content) to eating half quart of
spinach, or on quart of green vegetables.
It is like taking extract of beef instead r
Mting pounds of meat. Beware of substi
tutes. Look for the word "Naxated" on
very package and for th letters N. L on
very tablet. Your money will be refunded
by the manufacturers if von do nnt nht.ln
perfectly satisfactory results. Far !- h.
U druggist
wii iiuikiii
Letters From a Home-Made Father
To His Son
Dear Son:
Pooch Frisbee s goin round town
these days lookin' as happy as if
he'd iust evicted a couple o' tenants,
Seems he's finally managed to get
two seats to th Dempsey-Carpenter
fight 1 He could 'a bought a nice
quiet gran'stan' all to hisself for th'
same price. Twas a s prise t me
cause Pooch is th kind o man that
knocks a quarter again' th' bottom
o' th' plate when it passes him in
church an' then puts it back in his
pocket when nobody s lookin.
There's no accountin' fer human
It appears that the only piece o'
merchandise what ain't showed a
loss on inventory since th' war is
biceps. As far's makin' money's
concerned . you're wastin' time de-
velopin' your brains. You can exer
cise em till they re so hard an
knotty you could put Einstein to th'
mat in 15 minutes conversation, but
th' only folks who 11 come to see th
show is a couple o' bums who wan
dered in because th' steam heat was
on. a deaf ol' lady who was on her
way to a revival meeting an' mistook
the address, an' th' janitor, who has
to be there to see the contestants
don't remove nothin' belongin' to the
The next day there'll be a piece
about it on the real estate page per
vidin' you don't ferget to send it in.
"Last night at Pianola Hall, Prof,
Muggins srave the fust, an' last., of
a series of illuminatin' talks on th'
Muggins theory which makes the
Einstein theory look like a simpli
fied version .o' Mother Goose. The
Muggins' theory revolutionizes hu
man thought fer th third time this
season. As soon's we find out what
it's all about we'll devote half a col
yum or less to it in our Sunday
Maggzine." . ;
,. In recognition of his tremenjous
cerrybellum Prof. Muggins is of
fered the Chair o' Philology in South
Bend University." It's a fine old
piece o' furniture though it has one
On local affidavit. John Bart Brittain, balnea man, certified to
thia: "My head at th top and back was abtolately bald. An expert
aid that he thought thai hair root were extinct, and there was no
hop of my ever Earing; bow hair growth.
"Yet bow, st an age oyer 68, 1 hare a luxuriant growth of soft;
Strong, lustrous hair! No trace of baldness. Taa pictarsa shown
bar are from my photographs."
Mr. Brittaia eartifiad farther: "At time when
I had boeotn dieeourared at trying to grow my
hair again, I cam across, la my travels, a Chero- Jffr kslr ornmS '
kae Indian medicine man' wba had an elixir that ' "
he asseverated would grow my hair. Although I had bat little faith j
I gave it trial. To my araaaement s light fuzz soon appeared. It
developed, day by day, into a healthy growth, and ere long my aaia !
was aa atviifle aa in my jathfal dars. , i
True Hair Groweat Last .
"TKat I m mttonithtd mni happv u aiersan'ng my a twinel
KattffMMwas'"tMy. Ubvlottaij, the hair
aunt in the tealn. awaitiae?
riooa pomade. I negotiated for and came into i
negotiated for and earn into
thia, now called KOTALKO, and later bad
chemist. That my own hair growth was anaisasat ha peon amply proved.'
It ha been
many case that hair roots did
not die even when the hair felt
eat ' through ' dandruff, fever,
elopacM areata, or certain other
hair or scalp diaordera.
Falling Hair
Dandruff '
for SU ( AU
Busy Drug Stom 7
petsat lagndienta. No sleohoL
no shampoo; hat a compound of
wonderful emeaajr. Safe aad hsna-
, leas. va lor
hsir. Positively KOTALKO
at the drug star. Or ask lor Kotalk at the
counter ol any larf denartmeat store. Hemes
nothing else as "just as food." Moaey back GUARANTEE.
you send 10 cents (stiver or stamps) to pay part of
a PROOF BOX el Kotatko with BROCHDRK.
htirnta's. a a, Bit ranJPCa t. OTVlD
M a big array of Selaaiory IMltmomou jnm imra
KOTALKO. pp.y oat or twit daily: witch la
short, leg an' the . arm has been
busted by the former owner who had
a habit o throwin' his foot over it an'
goin' to sleep. In addition to this
he gets $1,275.78 per annum, when
ever possible, an' no charge is made
"He tutored a little boy in long
. . Division.",
nnBv-Bajnnp- awMn-ajBMgaaakatyaw'
roots nan not been deaa. oat were dor-
the fertilising potency of the then myate-
aoaseaaion of the principl for preparing; :
the recipe pat into practical torn by
areted in very .
and other
ebJId'a scalp and .,v& .i.cS
toilet good or drug KotoUco it vnmitrfal
laner tns name. Accept tor vomn $ Mtr
rniiiinvl tm if -
mailing aad advg. eost only, yoa will receive
postpaid. W shell also be pleased to and
Vim 1TR(
ra jya.uw" "y "
your mirror. For PROOF BOX fan ?
. Station X. NEW YJR(C
fer the use o' the chair t outside jo'
office hours.
Other Income Sources. :
Then, o' course, like every other
champeen, he's . got his side lines.
His book. The Phundamentals .0
Philology" is supposed, an' hoped,
to be th last word on th, subjeck.
In addition to his royalties he
gives lectures. Durin' the winter he
delivered a series o' stirrin' talks be
fore the Girls Friendly Society on
"The Higher Life." Fer this he re
ceived $25 and' the girls' pardon.
They gave him this price only per
vidin' he agreed to donate it all to
the church fer patchin'' the roof.
The most he ever made was when
he tutored, a little boy in long di
vision one summer fer which he re
ceived $34.50 an' was allowed to eat
with th' family.
If I wanted a boy to make money
I'd train him different. In th' fust
place I'd take him out o school be
fore he had a chancexto get his mind
cluttered up with th multiplication
table an' other useless furniture. .I'd
start him with an elementary course
in a boiler shop doin' light work
with a sledge hammer. From this
I'd work him up to more advanced
subjecks like runnin' up an' down
stairs with a pianno on his back or
actin' as a jack in a tire repair shop.
Fer his graduatin' exercises I'd send
him out to administer th' last rights
an' a couple o' lefts to a policeman
just t' get th' feel o' th' thing. Then
I'd hand him a degree o B.A.
Corn Enders
the old sort and the new
Corns used to be treated
by fakers. But science has
found a better way to treat
coma, And millions have
adopted it V
The modern way Is
Blue-jay ftufcor phukt. A
famous chemist perfected
it This great surgical dress
. ing house prepares it
Plaster or Liquid v
The Scientific Corn Ehder
Chicago New York Toroolo
. Makers of B 8 Starlk Sorgkal
Pressing aad Anted Product
lP)fiTias Fistula-Pay When Cured
l II ICartSi A mild system of treatment that cure Piles, fistula aad ether
tUB lfcciSy Rectal Diseases ia a inert time, without a severe surgical ep
, eration. No Chloroform, Ether or ether general anesthetl used.
A cure guaranteed ia every ease accepted for treatment, aad no money ia to be paid aatn
eared. Write for book en Rectal Diseases, with name and. testimonials ef more than
l,0 prminnt people who have been permanently cured. .
DR. E. R. TARRY Satortaa. fetor Trent BMg, (Bee Bids.) Omaha. Nek. J,, .
(Bruiser o' Athletics) an' start him
in business fer hissel'.
An by th' time l.e might 'a been
occupyinr th' chair o' Philology, fer
his afternoon .nap he'll be signin'
papers guaranteein' fer th' small sum
o'.half a milyun dollers to black
anybody's eye. that's offered him,
' Havin' signed th' papers an' got
his wages in advance he can now
start makin' money. As Professor
Muggins he'd 'a spent his life dod-
derin' around libraries lookin' up
other folks' opinions. As Fightin
Jack Muggins he's paid fer havin'
opinions of his own. You can read
'em in th' street , cars. ;
"I use Hokus Massage Cream
every night an' allow no other in
my trainin' quarters. Muggins."
. Fightin Jack Muggins says hope th' best man wins. I ains say
'Neverust Union Wear is a knock- j in' who it'll be, but if somebody in
out I specify 'em in all my fight i the audience don't get hit with that
contracts.' " " , ; guy's dome in the first round it's
Gettin' walloped in th' head seems
t' loosen up a man's idears. Pretty
soonyou'll begin to find articles by
him in th' Sunday papers:
"Is Marriage A Failure? Who
knows? At Any Rate I'm Not. By
Fightin' Muggins."
. "My Views on World Disarma
ment An' Three Reasons Why I'm
So Great. By J. M."
Thrives on Publicity.
In order to allow th' great Ameri
can people to spend a few hours
every day realizin' what worms they
are, he builds a grain' stanr behind
th': trainin'' quarters where, fer th'
small sum of , a doller, you can
watch him skippin' th' rope, fancy
dancin', rollin' th" hoop' an' gener
ally poundin'. hissel' into shape' fer
th' big fight.
' Every mornin you can read about
him while you eat your eggs:
"When asked if he expected . to
It is folly to pare corns or
to treat them in unscientific
' Blue-jay is applied by a
touch. The corn pain ends
instantly. Then the com is
gently loosened. In a little
while it comes out
Prove this tonight -
End other foot troubles
' To keep the fees in proper eon.
cwion. bathe them with Bloe-iay
FootSoap. kchecksnceasiveper
pmnon. It slop smarting aad bora
ing. . , - '
Then Bhsa-iay Foot Relief.
soot King, cooling massage for ach
ing muscles and tendon.
A final luxury ie Blue-lay, Foot
rVwder , an antiseptic, deodorant
powder that keeps foot feeling ana.
These new Brae-jay treats eats
Each, 3k combination peg. II-OO.
win th' comin' battle Muggins smil
ed. 'I ain't sayin' nothin' fer pub
lication,' he said modestly. 'May
th best man win. I hope in the in
terests o' sports an' th' movin' pic
ture rights, though, that OTOole is
in good condition. An' if I don't
knock th' big stiff fer a goal in th
second it's because I'm, only usin'
one hand.'
"In the opposin' camp the Chal
lenger, was found goin' through
some wand exercises.
"I'm feelin' fine,' says be. 'an
ready fer th' -fight o my life. I
hope Muggins is in good . shape
'cause otherwise it's rough on th
guys what come away over to Jer
sey to watch me slaughter him. I
hope th' best man wins. I ain's i
because the ivery- is -rooted deeper
than I thought.'
Getting Too Fat?
Try ThisReduce
The day of the slim woman' triumph
has arrived. "The thinner one is the more
stylish," aay Hhe' dressmakers, "and th
more comfortable," say those whose fat
mikes summer intolerable. This vrould
have been aad news for the fat woman i
year ago. She would have had to try diet
ing or exercise. Nowaday, however, the
woman Who ia too fat for the styl goes to
a druggist and get 'bos of Marmola
Prescription Tablet, one of which she
take after each meal and at bedtime and
so reduces her superfluous flesh quickly.
These tablets, being mad In accordance
with the famous prescription, are perfectly
harmless, even on the hottest days, and
they are also the most economical prep
aratlon a person can. buy, for they eost
only one dollar for a full sized . box, one
of which is frequently enough to start a
person to losing fat at th rate of two,
three or four pound a week. Pretty neary
every druggist keeps this tablet in stock,
but should yours be sold out, you can
easily obtain a box by sending to the mak
ers, the Marmola Co 4618 Woodward ave
nue, Detroit, Mlctu .
To Keep Skin in Fine
Condition All Summer
, It would be much better for the akin if
little, cream, powder or rouge were used
during the heated term. 'Mixed with
perspiration, dust and grime, these things
are anything but beautifying. Ordinary
mercolised was will do more for the com
plexion, and without giving an oily,
streaked. spotted or pasty - appearance.
It Is the Ideal application for the season,
aa it not only keeps the pores clean, bat
daily removes particles of scarf skin which
have been soiled by dirt .or weather. By
constantly keeping th complexion clear,
white, satiny, it does more toward per.
petoattng a youthful countenance than any
of the arts or artifices ' commonly em
ployed. On ounce of mereollsed wax. ob
tainable at any drug store, will completely
renovate the worst complexion. It is ap
plied at night like cold cream and washed
off In the morning. '
To Veep the skin from sagging or
wrinkling, or to overcome such condition,
there's nothing better then face bath
made by dissolving an ounce of powdered
saxollte in nan pint witen natcL
It pee eae
raaomra, t
we weak to
iB yea ear bask wafca tells
SKXTONIOV. a yestoratlva sesassy
that wiS eost yea aotaiag If yee era as
ekeoJd get this free bosk at
40 Berry Block, NsshvOle, Tsnn.
Dr. B. E. Paddock, physician of Kansas
City, Mo, is giving away Free, an Illus
trated book that tells how hundreds of
people have obtained wonderful results
from simple home method of treatment
In eases of inflammation and catarrh ef
the Gall Bladder and Bile Ducts as asso
ciated with Gallstones. Just send name to
Dr. C E. Paddock. Box OB-301.
Kansas City, M
ass esse, Ssspasdss weak, I
areaaa ii or stair esesi. I
"Both contestants are avoidin'
publicity. Muggins went fer a short
10-mile run immediately after sup
per, escorted only by 16 trainers, a
brass band an' several thousand
cutside an' watch him ; though po
lice was kep' busy durin' th' after
noon drivin the crowds offen the
verandah, where O'Toole was read
in the newspaper. He's very sensi
tive an' demands privacy. When he's
eatin' th" public is forced to stand
outside and watch him through th'
window while only his personal
friends an' a couple o' dozen news
paper men is allowed to go inside an'
stan' around his chair."
If you ever have a son learn him
to be self-supportin'. Fasten his
milk bottle to the end of a chest
weight an' let him cut his teeth on
a aumDeii.
Yours fer bigger picepr
s - Amor H Amesby, '
(Copyright, Ull, by Ed Stresttr.)
Shave, Bathe and
Shampoo with one
Soap. Cuticura
Ossrsra SospfatasniwItefessafSlsissMiaavaig.
I Money back without question)
Halve and Soao). fail l
the treatment of Itch. Sesame,'
Ringworm, Tetter or ojneriw
ln. .kin 4laaa.aee. Try thai
treatment at our rMk..
Sherman A McConaell S Drug Store.
r Women Wh
Defy Time
The women who keep their
heslth sre the women who hold
their youthful looks, robusthealth,
elesr skin, firm muscles and clear
complexion, which with the aid
of Lyko, give a woman victory
orer the years.
. The Orcat 0MrI Took
makes a woman the picture of
health by keeping the bodily func
tions In normal working condition.
. . It regulates toe bowel.
safeguards one again
ooastipataoo. aid diges
tion, etimulate the appe
tite end put the body, ia
general, fn good working,
order. When one to well
he or she ia bound to feel
and look young no Uses
qrbat their yean.
Absolutely Pore
Lyko contains only
pure beneficial drug,
combined la Just the
right proportions to
give the most satisfac
tory results. Wheaone'a
condition require the
use of a laxative tonic It
to surprising how rapid
the system respond a
this tried remedy.
Ask Your Dniraut
Lyka ia sold only In the origins packs.
Each bottle ia tasted a en Its thamnaatie
vslu bstere lesvieg tee laboratory anS bottled
esSsrtbsssestkypeaieesadltioM. CetsbetUe
taesy and sea haw see year eeariluen nssreves
"jowseva reu willlea sssn kkt Ua pwtare
Sol JWenvrwefarrer
New York Ksasa City
For sal by Beaton Drug company. ISth
and Famaaa streets, and ell retail druggists.
Many bargains are to he foupd o
v - mo
lyn si!
V .