Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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Does Wood Rot?
The first analogy which comes to
mind when we think of rotting wood
n a piece of iron a railroad rati, for
xample which has been allowed to
remain out in the rain until it has
been partly eaten away by rust. But
here the action of the rust is due to
a chemical change in the iron or
steel, following the application of
water, while the rotting of wood is
caused by an entirely different rea
son, tiny microbes or bacteria which
lodge in the pores of the wood and
gradually eat it away until it tails
apart. The fungus growths thrive
best in moist climates and it is for
this reason that wood which had been
exposed to the elements, without the
protection of a coat of paint, turns
brown and rots away in a compara
tively short space of time.
Paint, however, is not the only pre
ventive of rot. Another is the soak
ing of the wood in crcasote or other
combinations of pitch which effectu
ally seals the pores and prevents the
entrance of the bacteria which cause
the decay. This is the method fol
lowed in the preparation of railroad
ties and other wood which must be
continually exposed to the rain,
though, In the case of the piles which
support the city of Venice, a very
tough variety of wood is used and,
owing to the fact that it is sub
merged in salt water, has not rotted
despits its centuries of use.
Copyright, 1921, Wheeler Syndicate. Inc.
Common Sense
Good Breeding.
If you want to know whether a
person is shamming or pretending to
refinement and real culture, listen to
the voice in anger or annoyance.
The man or the woman who was
born to command never says sarcas
tic things in a raucous voice.
All may aspire to command, a few
reach the place who were not to the
manner born; but the true and "bred
in the bone" head of affairs is
smoother when ruffled than the imi
tation when putting on the front
supposed to be necessary to show
So cultivate poise and understand
ing. There is nothing so hard to stand
as the criticism of a person who
lacks good breeding.
You get what you expect of per
sons more often than you think.
If you know exactly what is the
right thing and expect only the right
thing and do your part, more than
likely you will get the best that is in
the men or the women you have
under you.
But remember the first "nasty,"
mean remark that you make, when
you are disappointed, may mean the
difference between success and
Absolute control is characteristic
of the men in high places who keep
them permanently and keep going
on and up the ladder.
(Copyright. 1921. International Feature
Service, Inc.)
I tin Vnii
(Cover up
You Know the Bible ?
(Cover ud the inmira r.irl h
flons and aee If vou can annnnp thom
Then look at the answers to aet It you
are rlsht.)
Follow These Questions and An
swers As Arranged by
1. What were the names of Laz
arus' sisters?
2. How far distant was Bethany
!rom Jerusalem?.
3. How long had Lazarus been in
the tomb before being resurrected?
4. What was the name of the shep
herd of Carmel who refused food to
5. What was the name of Nabel's
6. Who was Abishag?
1. Martha and Mary.
2. About 15 furlongs. See John xi.
3. Four days.
4. Nabal. See Samuel xxv. 1-12.
5. Abigail.
6. One of the maids in the house
hold of David.
(Copyright. 1921, Wheeler Syndicate, Inc.)
Parents' Problems
How can children be taught not to
be wasteful?
A regular allowance is very help
ful in solving this problem. By
learning not to waste his pennies, a
child learns not to be wasteful of
other things. There is a little poem
that also is useful m this connection:
Wilful waste makes woeful want,
And I may live to say,
WnnlH I had the crust of bread
That once I threw a vay.' "
Man Overcome by Heat
Beatrice, Neb., June 24. Dr. M.
T. Sigler of Odell was overcome by
heat while working in the harvest
field at the Callan farm. He was
taken to his home and is reported
much improved.
Montr bach without question
Ml (Hunf SaJre and Soap), fail lo
ry th treatment of Itch. Keietna,
A Rincworm,Tctteror other lteta
' ro akin dleeaee. Trr tti.
treatment at out raev
Shermaa tt McCooaoll Drug Storea.
Shave. Bathe and
Shampoo with one
Oatfaara afrah U tm,m Mofarealilj maiktai
More Truth Than Poetry
Where is handsome Dan, whose hair
Was always neatly oiled,
Who hummed a cheerful little air,
As joyously he toiled!
Who glanced at you, when you came in
And called you by your name.
And said, with an engaging grin:
"A little of the same?"
He's studying anatomy, and keeping tabs on germs
He's lamping in his lexicon for scientific terms
For he can shake 'em up no more, except on one condition,
And so he's learning how to be a registered physician.
What's become of Rough Neck Pete
Who left a life of crime
To draw 'em down on River street
Just after quitting time? -Who
always made the collars short
Which packed the dingy bar
And made Old Rafferty's resort
Extremely popular?
He's conning therapeutics, in a book six inches thick
He's learning why a fractured skull will make a person sick,
For he can't draw 'em any more at Rafferty's you see.
Until he holds the sheepskin of a registered M. D.
- . " -vain-
Apparently the reason why girls go wrong is so they can get offers
to go into the movies.
Secretary Christian ought to ask Joe Tumulty who was his press
The republican party is going to reduce its delegate respresentation
in the southern states. Convention time comes in the watermelon season
and it's hard to get many of 'em to attend.
(Copyright. 1921. by The Bell Syndicate. Inc.) '
Three Little
Hot Weather Specials
Saturday Only
Chain Door Fasteners
These hot nights the door open for
ventilation yet complete security as
sured. Allows your doors to be opened
so far and no farther. The very thing
everyone has been looking for.
Handsome Dull Brass Finish
Parcel Poit Orders 10c Eatra
Moulded Garden Hose
A high-grade, guaranteed, moulded
garden hose, inch. The lowest price
in the city in any. length desired.
a Foot
Bill W?Z
"Frost King"
A sanitary water cooler.
Galvanized iron will fit
anywhere in ice chamber.
Contents become ice cold
in a few minutes.
59c and 69c
Parcel Pott Order 10c Extra
XYJL& sons co. .JUL i!
-Hardware and Kitchenwarc
I We Have the Biggest
f Player Piano
I Bargain
in the City of Omaha
S If interested in a high-grade late model Player
S at a Big Reduction
Farnam, s
Omaha, H
a w
Store Hours
Saturday: 9 A. M.
to 6 P M.
Store Hours 7
Saturday! 9 A. M...
' to 6 P M. Y?
fa -.the Satmnpdaf
Silk Gloves
Long silk gloves in 12 and 16
button length, made of tricot
and milanese silk in white and
Also lace nets, elbow length,
with fancy embroidered backs
in white and black, at $1.50.
Main Floor-
Sport Stockings
Women's silk sport stockings
to match your summer sport
frocks in white, black, tobacco,
moccasin and seal are here for
your selection at a very moder
ate price.
Main Floor
Baby Dolls
Another lot of baby dolls, 24
inches long, the size of a real
baby. Composition head, stuffed
body, prettily dressed.
Playground tools Rakes,
hoes, shovels, pails and trowels,
each 10c.
Fourth Floor
45c yd.
6-inch, pure silk moire rib
bons, some plain taffeta, others
in fancy stripes in all good
shades, are specially priced for
Saturday selling.
Main Floor
In the Junior Department
Newest Organdie Frocks
For Girls and the Junior Miss
$Q85 $J250
This is one of the greatest value-giving events which our new Junior
Department has yet launched. There are dozens of dainty styles, fash
ioned in finest Swiss organdies, with ruffles, with perky sashes, with
cunning collars, and they are in the very prettiest of the summer colors:
Maize Light Blue Corn Flower Blue
Orchid Light Pink Red and White
Also practical wool Jersey frocks and dresses of gingham. Many of
these are in the fashionable sleeveless styles, which are worn over dainty
blouses of net and dimity. Sizes 6 to 14 and 13 to 19.
Third Floor
White Shoes
Odd lot of women's white
canvas pumps and oxfords,
mostly high heels, less than" ' '
price. --',
White reinakin (trap pump,
$5.00. ,
White canva pumps, $6?D0.
Main Floor .' .".
Gift Stationery
Courtesy Lawn, a high grade
paper nicely boxed, in white,
pink, buff, blue, green, "with : "
quill pens to match an excep
tional offering at 75c. h-v.
Pound paper in linen finish ,
white, pink, gray ahd buff, .65c.. .
Mala Floor " "
Beaded Bags;"'
$495 10 $1950
These beautiful French 'Dags
in color combinations that are -just
what one would expect to
find in French creations,: dark
backgrounds with floral and
conventional designs in lighter
Mala Floor v
Photo Albums
If you have an album to keep
your kodak pictures, youJl.
certainly enjoy them in the
years to come. These 7x11 size
flexible back with 50 -loose
leaves are very special at 98c
Maia Floor
All of Our Early
Spring Millinery
In Final Clearance
Many of our most expensive models are
included, there are probably 300 hats in all
from which to make your choice. Almost
every size, shape, color and style. The trim
mings alone are worth more than this price.
Come early to enjoy full seeo
tion from the many styles offered, j
Third Floor
"Sassy Jane"
Summer Frocks
For Women and Misses
$695 to $2950
Charming frocks, irresistible for summer
sports and especially designed for golf, ten
nis, archery, , croquet and the many other
summer amusements, are here in a large
variety of sport shades. v
In gingham, dotted Swiss, voile,
organdy, linen and Jap crepe.
Second Floor
New Sweaters :rT
of Fibre Silk
A Special Purchase . :
iJ $975 - V.i:;
We were very fortunate in having been
able to purchase, at a wonderfully low price,
-a large assortment of new fiber silk sweat-'
ers; clever Tuxedo models, belted and sashed;
in the loveliest' colors of the summer season :
Pink, Mu. Copenhagen, rose, white,
reindeer, brown, peach, henna, navy.
Second Floor
Men's Summer Shirts
Clearance, $100
Some 50 dozen shirts of excellent qual
ity broken lines, discontinued numbers,
some slightly mussed from handling
summer negligee shirts with double turn
back cuffs, all of excellent quality, an
exceptional value at 'this price.
Woven Madras Printed Madras
Fine Percales
Men's Bathing Suits
Full new assortments for the warm summer days.
95c to $2.00. In wool, $3.50 to $8.50.
Main Floor
In cotton,
Men's Palm Beach
Suits, 1450
New, cool, correct the suit for summer wear
fabric, style, faultless workmanship all are offered
in these suits of excellent quality at this most rea
sonable price. In natural color and in smart stripes
of tan, brown, gray, and green.
White Flannel Trousers, $9.50
For Evening and Country Club Wear
Men's Canvas Oxfords. $7.50
In fine white Sea Island canvas. Also white
canvas and white buck oxfords, odd lots, now re
duced to $5.00.
Mala Floor
Household Needs
For Preserving Time
Jelly Glasses
60c doz.
Vi or Ji-pint sizes, tin
covers, regular or mould
shape, 60c dozen.
Mason Fruit Jars
l-pint size, 89c dozen.
1 -quart size, 98c dozen.
,-gallon size, $1.19 doz.
Preserving Kettle
8-quart aluminum pre
serving kettle made of
heavy gauge aluminum.
Polar brand. Special,
$1.39 each.
Fourth Floor
In Our New Auditorium on the Fifth Floor
Free Moving Pictures Saturday
A big seven-reel film of Aladdin and Hit Wonderful Lamp. Especially planned for the
fun of all children. Saturday morning at 9 :30 in the Burgess-Nash Auditorium.
1000 Pairs of Men's Khaki Trousers $1.49
For men and young men olive drab twill khaki trousers, finished with
belt loops, cuff bottoms, and the usual five pockets. Sizes 30 to 42.
Children's Dainty Pretty White Sum- Men's White Ten
White Dresses, $2 mer Blouses, $1 nis Slippers. $1
Pretty little cool white
dresses, with sashes of pink
and blue ribbon, trimmed
with lace and embroideries.
Specially priced, Saturday at
$2.00. Sizes 6 to 14.
Cool blouses for mid
summer wear, of voile and
batiste, and dimity attrac
tive models in a variety of
styles. On sale Saturday at
Th. Downetaira Star.
White cloth, rubber soled
tennis slippers 500 pair
comfortable for golf, ten
nis and the vacation days to
come. Specially priced Sat
urday at $1.00.
Toilet Articles;-
-. ,"b ( ."'
At Special Prices "
Mavis talcum, violet or rose, v
18c. " '.n'rn
Wool puffs, 4-inch size, 29c.
Odorono or Amolin powder, 3.
21c. - r. ".-,
Creme de Mirador, 1 7e. : : S . -.. ,
Mulsif ied cocoanut oil, 42c. '
Fountain syringes, complete,
89c. .
Lux 9c. Limit of 3 to a cusio
mer. . t .- .
Palm Olive soap, 7c Limit of :
5 to a customer. m;
Amber Elite perfume; r
price. i : . ..
Gillette razors in leather -cases,
complete with 12 blades,
i.8. "
Moth bags, largest size 42c. ,
Bathing caps, all styles, very
special, 35c.
Shaving brushes, set in rub
ber, 59c.
Lotus cream for tan and sun- '
burn, 50c.
Vacuum bottles, $1.19.? T
. Cocoa hard water castHe, 7." -
Main Floor "
i unjuijua-'mji .
1 1. J 'J. !UfU J..'-