Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 22, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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Rare '&ky Show'
Slaled to Occupy
Stage Next Week
JTingsiJe Seats Only 1,000,.
000 Miles Away; It's Not
So Much Says Local Astronomer.
A rare "sky show" will be staged
la the heavens early next week.
Shooting stars will be part of th
scenic effect and a meteoric shower
will probably be included in th
This will be the first performance
in JJ years a revival being put on
by heavenly agents three times
each century.
June 27 or a little earlier, which
may make it Sunday or Monday
night, is the time set for the big pro
It accompanies the periodic ap
pearance of the comet Pons, which
v ill cross Winnecke on that date,
Nearest ringside seats on earth
will be 1.000.000 miles from th
stage, but if the night is clear earth
dwellers may view the show, accord
ing to M. V. Robins, local meteor
The last show was a fluke. A lot
of clouds KOt in before the footlight
and obscured the view for the earth
dwellers. No admission was charged,
no few complained to the 'manage
xneluV.Jut cat-calls and hisses went
up from learned professors and
astronomers whohad looked forward
for more than three decades to see
' injT'the show."
Meteoric showers occurred in
1833. 1866 and 1899, but the one
scheduled for Sunday is an "extra
The soarks that fly will be due to
Pons swishing his tail so as to strike
The fighting Pons will miss hit-
t na Earth by 1Z.000.000 miles.
Father Rigge is "knocking" the
cominflr show.
He regards it as some "highbrows"
do the movies.
' "Not much of an entertainment
I don't think it can be seen with
the naked eye," he said. "I wouldn't
bother to "see it even."
125 K. C, Kan., C. of C. Men
To Bo Entertained Here
Plans for the entertainment of 125
members of the Chamber of Com
merce of Kansas City, Kan., who will
visit Omaha Thursday, have been
made by J. M. Gillan, manager of the
industrial bureau of the Chamber of
The party will be met at Fort
Crook by representatives of the
Omaha Chamber of Commerce
Thursday afternoon. They will be
taken to the Chamber of Commerce
and parties will then be taken to Car
ter lake, the Field club or Happy
Hollow. A dinner will be served at
the Chamber of Commerce Thursday
The oarty will remain all night at
the Conant hotel and will depart for
Lincoln Friday morning.
Auto Thieves Must Work
Fast, Too Many Sleuths
Automobile stealing- has come to
be' fWigerous to such an extent that
eves have now adopted a new
hod of plying . their nefarious
trader"" -
They-"strip" the cars and abandon
them at the first ODDortunitv.
Monday night Deputy Sheriffs
Charles Johnson and Charles Hoye
found two "stripped' cars, in me
last week the sheriff's office has
found half a dozen such. About two
weeks ago a cache was found north
of Millard, where, in a thick, more
than $1,000 worth of accessories and
a party stripped car were tound.
Andrews Pledges Support
To Pending Maternity Bill
Washington, June 21. (Special
Telegram.) Congressman Andrews
issued a statement today as a re
sult of many letters from women's
organizations throughout the coun
try in. behalf of the Shephard
Towner maternity dm, saying inai
he would whole-heartedly support
this or any other measure that
would wisely extend aid of the fed
eral government to promote the
care of maternity and infancy. He
said the bill would not require a
very large appropriation and he be
lieved that it was a step in the right
Sarpy County Men and Iowa
Visitors Revel at Den Show
Monday night was "Sarpy night"
at the Ak-Sar-Ben den, when 350
Papillion men headed by Tom
Dooly, 200 Gretna men headed by
John Secdrd and 200 Springfield
men headed by H. B. Harberg, in
vaded the stronghold for some fun.
They got it and so did 300 Iowa
visitors from Atlantic, Minden,
Avoca gang had a brass band which
they worked overtime. After the
show Dr. W. E. Smith and Allen
Frazer of Bellevue spoke.
Autoist Who Runs Down Boy
Getting Off Car Arrested
While alighting from a street car
at Forty-fifth and Military avenue
Monday night, Fred Leo Hughes, 13,
4324 Maple street, was struck by .an
automobile driven by William Tjenos
of Glenwood, la.
The boy was taken to Central po
lice station, where police surgeons
examined him and found his injuries
to consist of body bruises. He was
taken home. The Glenwood man
was arrested for reckless driving
and released on bond.
"Agent or Owner'" Issue in
Bank Case at Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls. S. D., June 21. The
questioin as to whether a federal re
serve bank is an aeent or the own
er when it acts as a clearing house
for checks is at issue today in the
case of the federal reserve bank of
Minneapolis against the receivers of
the First National bank of Eureka, S.
D., in the federal court here.
Goes to Naval Academy
Washington, D. C. June 21.
(Special Telegram.) Daniel Stubbs,
son of F. H. Stubbs of Superior,
Neb., is in Washington on his way
to the naval academy, having been
appointed by Congressman Andrews.
Omaha Camp Leads in
Woodmen Competition
St. Louis, June 21. (Special Tele
gram.) Omaha Camp No. 120, from
Omaha, under command of II. C.
Martins, leads the field by margin of
five points in Monday's entrants at
the ''modern Woodmen of America
head camp competition in this city
and bids fair to carry away fina
honors as many prize-winning teams
ot national renown have been de
fcafed by them.
Mime me tamp iierks associa
tion of the Modern Woodmen of
America completed its convention
today with election of officers, the
head camp of the organization got
unaer way tonight with preliminary
business sessions. It was announced
that more than 5,000 visitors are here,
many of them beuig quartered in
large tent camp erected by the for
esters branch,
Reavis Bill May
Relieve Stockmen
would Give Borrowers Six
Months JLonger to Redeem
Cattle Paper at Banks.
Washington, Tune 21. (Soecial
Telegram.) In his trip over the
western part of Nebraska recently
congressman Keavis was pro
t'oundly impressed with the absence
ot cattle from the rich grazing lands
in tne ittn and bixth congres
sional districts, lands that have here
tofore afforded splendid pasture for
thousands ot head ot live stock, and
it set him to making inquiries as to
the cause tor this condition.
As a result of his investigation.
the Falls City congressman has
reached the conclusion that the lack
of feeder cattle in Nebraska is due
largely to the inability of stockmen
to secure a proper line of credit of
banks doing business under the fed
eral reserve system.
lo remedy this condition, Mr,
Keavis today introduced a bill au
thorizing federal reserve banks to
rediscount cattle paper, giving bor
rowers 12 months time in which to
meet their bank obligations instead
Of sue months under existing law.
Chairman Mcradden ot the bank
ing and currency committee of the
house; impressed with the picture
drawn by Mr. Reavis, directed that
hearing on his bill be accorded
the congressman from the First Ne
braska district on ' Wednesday
morning and added that he did not
anticipate there would be any
serious opposition to the measure.
Judge Refuses to Release
Children From State School
Beatrice, Neb.. June 21." (Special.)
The application of Charles Sitzman
of .Lincoln for a writ .of habeas cor
pus, releasing his three children from
the feeble-minded schopl. was denied
by Judge Colby in the district court
on the grounds that the children had
been properly committed by a eourt
or competent jurisdiction m Lan
caster county and that they could be
released only on a proper showing
before the same kind of a tribunal.
Further, that writ of habeas cor
pus could not be. used in an appeal.
or by a court of review.
Bachelor Trio Is Broken;
Minister Member to Wed
Three bachelor brothers, whose
five sisters are all married, face an
invasion. .
The brothers are Thomas B. Dy-
sart and John T. Dysart, Omaha at
torneys, and William Edmund Dy
sart, Presbyterian minister at Barnes-
ton, Neb.
Rev. Mr. Dysart, 30, is the young
est of the bachelor trio, and as his
brothers put it, "he's the first to go
and do it."
Rev. Mrl Dysart will be married
tonight to Miss Ella Wells of Fair
bury, Neb.
New Gage County Highway
To Terminate at Wymore
Wymore, Neb., June 21. (Spe
cial.) State Engineer G. G. John
son has decided that the new high
way across Gage county from Paw
nee City to Fairbury shall be run
through Wymore, where it connect
with the Corn Husker highway run
ning from Sioux City to Manhattan.
Both of these highways are kept in
first-class condition all the time. The
junction of these two roads in Wy
more is at Furnas park, where every
facility is offered for camping, tree
of charge.
Alleged Thief Claims He
Found Church Silver Set
Beatrice. Neb., June 21. (Special.)
Glen Thomas is in jail here
charged with the theft of a commu
nity set from the Evangelical Luth
eran church. His brother, Charles
(Bud) Thomas, was arrested Satur
day, but later released when he de
nied knowing anything about the
silverware. Glen' Thomas states that
he found the set on a road near
Beatrice, and that he was holding it
to see if someone would not advertise
and offer a reward for it.
r i.l
Union Outfitting Co.
Gives OutingS Dance
for Public at Lake
View Park Tonight
Free Ticket Through Gate
and to Dance Pavilion
Can Be Had at Store.
Special arrangements have
been made by the Street Railway
IO. ana tne rarK Management
to handle the throngs that will
attend the Big Summer Outing
and juance given ty the Union
Outfitting Co. for its friends
and customers at Lakeview Park
this evening.
It will be a gala night; twenty
five prizes being distributed dur
ing the evening in addition to
other favors among the visitors.
Free tickets at the store.
Reward Offered
By Governor in
Hyland Murder
Three Men Now Held by
Omaha Police Pending In
vestigation of Holdup
Slaying One hundred dollars reward for
the arrest of the highwaymen who
shot and killed Mrs. Margaret Foley
Hyland of Palmer, Neb., in Omaha
on the night of June 4, was posted
yesterday by Governor McKelvies
Three men are in custody of Oma
ha police in connection with the in
vestigation into the murder. More
than 50 men have been examined by
the chief of detectives. I
New developments have been duff
up in the case by the sleuths, Chief
Denipsey and Commissioner Dunn x
admitted yesterday, although they
decline to make them public !
J. W.Lee, William Robinson and
Leo Brunson are the men now held
for investigation. All three con
tinue to protest their ignorance of
the tragedy.
Detectives say Lee and Robinson
have provided alibis which do not
tally for the night of June 4.
Chief -Denipsey declared he be
lieves he has two of the bandits but
is not' sure whether he has sufficient
evidence to warranty filing of murder
Denipsey and Chief of Detectives
Van Deusen are working person
ally with six detectives on the case.
Hold Funeral for Hero
Vs Of World War at Beatrice
Beatrice. Neb.. June 21. (Spe
cial.) A military funeral was held
Sunday afternoon at 4 tor Merle
Huntington of Liberty, who died in
France of pneumonia. The services
were conducted from the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Huntington, by Bitting-Norman
post. American Legion of this city.
Burial was m Liberty cemetery.
Named for West Point
WasViintrlnn Tune 21. (Snecial
Telegram.) The War department
. -k r it r i . r
announces that Koiio m. vanreit 01
Hastings, Neb., has been named
candidate for appointment to United
States military academy, July 1.
Other Cars Show Proportionate
A new carburetor which cuts
down gasoline consumption of any
motor and reduces gasoline bills
from -one-third to one-half is the
proud achievement of the Air-Fric-
tion Carburetor Co., 928 Madison
St.. Dayton. O. This remarkable in
vention not only increases the power
of all motors from 80 to 60 per cent,
but enables every one to run slow
on high gear. It also makes it easy
to start a Ford or any other car in
the coldest weather. You can use
the very cheapest grade of gasoline
or half gasoline and half kerosene
and still get more power and more
mileage than you now get from the
highest test gasoline. Many Ford
owners say they now get as high as
45 to 50 miles to a gallon of gaso
line.' So sure are the manufacturers
of the immense saving their new
carburetor will make that they of
fer to send it on 30 days' trial to
every car owner. Can be put on or
taken off in a few minutes by any
one. All who want to try it should
send their name, address and make
of car to the manufacturers at once.
They also want local agents, to
whom they offer exceptionally large
profits. Write them today.
with a
And the added pleasure to
driving i almost unbelievable.
We attach them in two hours.
Sprague Tire Co.
18th and Cuminf
Atlantic 3032
"Dry Foot"
Stops Throbbing, Burning
Swollen Sore Feet
A few raIicslloni and no more iriilne.
swollen, tender svrHty feet. Relleree soreness of
corni afid bunions by saturating a piece of
satire with solution and tie on affected spots
at night: wake tip In the morning. Ko more
aiOTjr from coma and bunion.
Get a package of Dry-font ef your druggist
and mix It up aa per direction on package. Ap
ply solution freely direct to the feet, allowing
It to dry. Then, no more foot misery, no more
drawn-up fsces due to sore corns, bunions or
callouses. Mfd. by Baker Chemical Co.. Hart
lock. Neb.
Alleged Beatrice Bandits
Held to District Court
Beatrice. Neb.. June 21. (Special
Telegram.) Paul Geisler and Rob
ert, Newlon, charged with highway
robbery in the holdup of Mr. am!
Mrs. George Monroe of this city on
the night of June 4, who were forced
at the point of guns to hand ovel
the evening's proceeds of the
Gilbert theater, were bound over to
the district court today. In default
of $2,000 bond each, they were re
manded to jail. Geyster and New
ton are both 19 and were born and
raised here.
Ike Want Ads Small but mighty.
Nebraska Family Goes to
South American Colony
Nebraska City, Neb., June' 21.
(Special.) Mr', and Mrs. C. Dunbar
Smith and four sons of this county,
will leave in a short time for Bo
livia, South America, to participate in
one of the biggest colonization
propositions in the world. The loca
tion of the colony in central Bo
livia, on the eastern slope of the
Andes mountains. The grant con
sists of 17,000 square miles. It is
estimated that the land could sup
port 250,000 persons.
One thousand families are to be
established on the land in the sec
ond year and 10,000 are expected
during the next five years. The cli
mate is similar to that of southern
California. Prairie lands similar to
our western w heat lands require little
cultivation for planting crops. The
products of the soil are grain, cane,
cotton and fruit. Silver ana other
minerals are found nearby
Offer the
In a Big
Don't Aifss the
Offered in These
Big, heavy, fancy, double
thread Turkish Towels, In
various colors, blue, pink,
yellow and lavender; here in
time for the hot weather
bathers or for your own use;
a good value, r7Q
each, f C
A real 25c value; neat red
border; best value we hive
seen since 1914; hotel men
should buy them by the hun
dred; special, i
1,000 Table
Beautiful patterned, 2 yards
square; with circle designs,
and many are scalloped;
these were purchased to sell
at 2.59 each, for this great
sale we are letting 'JCk
a thousand go at 1 J
All Linen
A really good value when sold
at 39c; for one day only we are
going to sell it at,
per yard.
(Limit of 20 yards to a
A big cleanup In all single bed
spreads; In crochet and pique;
great values; spe
oial, each,
Main Floor South.
Nationally Advertised to Sell $1 Yd.
Brandeis Will Sell
At Per
Gold Seal Congoleum is nationally advertised to sell at $1 per yard; it is made to sell at 1.00 per
yarrl. and is absolutely worth 1.00 per yard. On every two yards is the Gold Seal label, and it is
genuine congoleum. Due to a fortunate purchase, it is possible for us to offer this guaranteed floor
covering at a little more than half its regular price.
In the field of low-priced floor-coverings for use over
the entire floor no name is more favorably known than
that of Gold Seal Congoleum. Millions of yards are in use today
throughout the wide world and every yard is backed with a
positive pledge of satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded.
Such widespread popularity indicates but one thing, that
Gold Seal Congoleum is a high-grade floor covering,
meeting perfectly the needs of every home.
The recognized economy of Congoleum is of specialin
terest at this time. It offers the one solution to the na
tional demand for beautiful sanitary floors that are low In cost
and easy to clean. Its low price and long wearing qualities make
It particularly practical wherever the entire floor must be cov
ered. '
The positive waterproofness of Congoleum is an impor
tant factor to consider in your choice of a covering for
your floors. The basic material is a selected grade of felt which
is unaffected by water. Thus it does not rot and flake away
along the seams.
Fourth Floor Center
Your Ice Tea Will Taste Much Colder From a
Crackled Ice Tea Set
The Set Complete With Spoon Sippers
The set consists of one covered jug and six handled tea
glasses. The price, due to a very special purchase, is about
one-half of the regular value. During this sale we will in
clude with each set, six glass sippers with colored spoon
In this new and beautiful white
crackled glass ware you will see the
art of glass making at its height. It
is almost as cool to look at as the Ice
which it resembles.
Beautiful Cut Stemware
Worth $9 to $12 Dozen, at
In this assortment of goblets
and sherbets you will find a -regular
"Hot ' Weather Spe
cial" thnt. will be as useful as it is
Fifth FloorEast
Mnln Floor l'umpeliin Room.
Cool and Comfortable
For Women and Children
Children's Union Suits i
Samples and seconds, the well known Munslng and Minneapolis
makes with or without tape buttons. The lot Includes both muSlla
ot knitted materials with drop or closed seat; all sizes to 18
years; worth $1.00 to $1-25 per suit,
very special, Wednesday, at
Women's Union Suits
Women's sample union suits, knitted, fine lisle and combed cotton;
lot also .includes a few seconds; all whites with tight or 1 CC
loose knee; very special, per suit, 1 UU
Third Floor Center,
We Feature for Wednesday a Spzcial
Offer in
Hand Made Undergarments
Featuring for Wednesday, beautiful hand-made and hand
embroidered undergarments in dainty sprays of floral de
signs. There are numerous styles to select from, and every
gown and teddy is carefully sized.. Every woman who
knows and loves this dainty Philippine work knows that
this offering only represents a fraction of their real worth,
when we sell them
Wednesday, Each at 2.79,
Third-Floor Cent er.
Yes, It's Actually
a Bungalow
But the dimity Is so fine and
oft and the sash is of such crisp
sheer organdie that everybody
thinks it is Just a summer street
Isn't It fine to wear such a
bewitching little thing all day
long right at home?
And then when the hurried de
cision for a shopping trip comes
there Is none of the bother about
changing dresses, for these
aprons are pretty enough to wear
Third Fleer Sooth.
A Great Clearance Sale of
Four Days of Wonderful Wall Paper Bargains
Your unrestricted choice of the West's largest selection of high
grade wall papers at these amazingly low prices. Sale starts Wednes
day and lasts for four days Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat
urday. .
Our entire stock of tapestries,
tiffiny blends and grass cloths
that originally sold as high-as
'1.25 per roll, all go in this 39c
great clearance at, per roll,
! Bedroom papers, while they J 4c
iasi,, per run, ,
Kitchen, dining rooms, halls and
attics, papers for all 4.1r
them, at, per roll, " '
During these four days flie above
papers will he sold with decorations only.
No mail orders filled.
Basrmrnt North.
Have You Tasted the New
Brandeis Special
Ice Cream
Cooling and Deliriously Refreshing
Thirsty? Step Up to the Counter and
Get a Nice Cold
Root Beer, 5c
Served on the Main Floor
Wednesday Special
Worth 60c lb.
Toasted Marshmallows, sand
ed in' freshly toasted cocoa
nut, all prepared in our own
candy kitchen ; a regular 60c
value; special, Wednesday,