IS A THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY. JUNE 19, 1921. Market News of the Day Financial Dy ALEXANDER DANA NOYES Chicago Triune-Omhi Hoc Leased Wirt. New York, June 18. It has been a matter of. frequent comment dur ing the past two weeks that while the industrials were suffering sharp price recessions, the rails presented a firm front in stock market trans actions. jN But today this strength was sup planted by decided weakness as speculators for the decline turned their attention against the stocks of ' the carriers, causing a break of from i to ) points, lhe extreme recession in this proup developed in the case of Canadian Pacific, which dropped to 105, the lowest price that has been recorded in M years. That stability of the rails, which wu supposed to have been derived from the declaration of the regular dividend b," the Northern PaHflo railroad a ft-w days ago, was of a short duration. The at tack on lhe rails was doubtless brought bout In part by the failure of the Ches apeake and umo directors at toeir mcei in on Friday to take action on the dlv. Odd which was deferred a month ago. The weekly statement of the Assoclat d banks showed an Increase of $115.' Sit. 000 In loan account,! this comparing; with a decrease in loans of ll,2S.000 In the preccedlng week. The advance In loans now la undoubtedly In anticipation of the July 1 requirements as to dividends interest and the like. In surplus there was a decrease of S1.479.6S0, the excess received now standing; at S46,S06,70. Foreign exchange prices were Inclined toward hlfther levels, but the market wai without nnv outstanding factors. jAt the high of 13.79 today sterling was nearly a full cent above the previous close. . The cotton and grain markets followed the stock market. In the case of the former there was no change and prices roHnonded accoiaingiy. The grain marked, however, after an rsT.ince mnde some reductions. In wheat IH g short account has apparently been lfcrselv settled and consequently there wss not me rounaaiion niunine ancy such as has been wltneesed recent ly. Liquidation of long contracts coming on the marks under such circumstance caused prices to react. Chicago Grain New York Quotations Range of prices of the ImI ''" turnlsnea Dy iogan oe mjau. v..- - bU"dln,: BAILS. High Low Clbaa Frl'dy Close A T 8 JT 79 78 78 Baltimore A Ohio S7t 36. 35 Canadian Pacific. 110 10R N Y Central Chcs A Ohio..... Erie R R ....... Ot Northern, pfd. Chi Gt Western.. Illinois Central... Mo. Kan & Tex... Kan City South'n. Missouri l'acino.. f. N H H... North'n Pac Ry... Chi & N W Penn R R Reading Co C, R I A P Bouth'n l'ae Co... Southern Ry Chi. Mil A at r, Union Pacific. Wabash 67 65 48U 48tt 105 63 714 89 2 nv U'i 87 65 33 65 28 71 18 24 79 S7 im, 67 52 12 64 65 48 12 63 74 89 2 23 , 18 14 67 65 33 65 28 71 18 24K 114 114 '4 115 7 1 7 7 89 2 24 19 15 68 Vi 65 83 4 67 30 72 ,.. 19 ,.. 25 ...115 .. 7 STEELS. Am Car A Fdry...H7 116 1" Allls-Chalmers Mfg Si Am Loco Co 76 75 lUd Alloy Stl Corp 20 20 Baldwin Loco Wk 69 67 Beth Steel Corp.. 48 48 Colo Fuel, Iron Co 28 tn- Crucible Steel Co. 67 J6"4 Am Steel Fdrys... 2 26 Lackawanna Steel. 28 37 Mldvule Stl, Ord.. 23 22- ;sed Stl car uo iv " Iron. Stl Co.. 46 soys Steel Spring.. ...... W-Shef Stl, Iron. United States Steel 74 ' COPPERS. Anaconda Cop Mln 27 36 Am Sin. Rfg Co.. 37 Chile Copper Co.. 10 Chino Copper Co.. ..... Calumet A Arts... ..... Inspir Cons Cop.. 82 Kennecott Copper. 18 Miami Copper Co. 20 Nev Cons Cop Co Ray Con' op Co 12 Utah. - a Co... 49 88 2 23 19 15 68 66 33 67 30 71 19 25 32 76 20 67 48 28 66 25 87 22 70 46 73 74 37 10 32 18 20 '12 48 87 , 37 10 22 18 20 12' 48 117 81 76 30 69 48 64 25 28 23 70 46 76 36 ' 74 37 87 10 23 47 32 18 20 10 12 48 INDUSTRIALS. Suit Co 28 28 19 25 42 iti n A W I 8 8 20 Am Internet Corp 35 Am Sum Too Co.. 46 Am. Cotton Oil a rr.l A T1...106 106 Am. Agr. Chem... 36 Bosch Magneto .. o Continental Can. . 48 . American Can Co. 27 Chandler Motor . . 69 Central Leather Co 84 Cuba Cane Sugar. 9 Cal. Packing Corp .... Cal. Pet. Corp... 41 Corn Pro. Rfg. Co. 62 Nat. Enam. A St'p .... Flsk Ruhber . Co . 1 2 General Elec. Co.. 123 Gt. North. Ore.. 27 Gen. Motors Co. . 9 Goodrich Co Inter. Harvester . 82 Haskell A Brkr V. S. Ind. Alcohol. 63 Inter. Nickel 14 Internat. Paper Co 53 Island OH 3 AJax Rubber Co. zs Kelly-Spring. Tire 88 Keystone Tire, Rub 10 Inter. Merc. Mar. 11 36 36 48 26 68 34 8 41 61 12 28 20 36 46 17 105 105 36 3is 28 19 35 43 35 48 16 68 24 8 41 (1 12 123 123 27 27 9 20 80 S3 14 52 2 5 36 9 11 4 63 14 52 3 26 36 47 27 69 84 9 66 41 62 46 12 123 27 ' 9 31 83 61 64 13 62 3 25 38 10 12 36 11 107 106 11 " 26 7 35 46 19 61 66 68 19 72 28 72 63 8 31 17 10 27 7 26 46 20 62 67 68 20 73 29 73 62 8 32 17 30 33 33 A 70 Mar. Mot. Co. Mex. Pet 108 106 Mid. States nil ... 11 - " Pure Oil Co. ..... 26 26 Wltlvs-Over. Co. ,. 7 7 Pacific Oil 36 36 P.-A. Pel. A T. .. 47 46 P.-Ar. Mot 19 19 Royal Dutch Co. . 62 61 V. S. Rubber Co. . 67 , 66 Am. Sug. Rfs. Co. 69 68 Pin. Oil A Rfg. .. 20 19 Sears-R. C 78 71 Strom. Carb. Co.. zs n ude. Corp T4 73 Tob. Prod. Co. ... 62 52 Trans-Con. Oil .... 8 ,7 Texas Co 32 '31 V. S. Food Pr. C, 18 17 V. S. S., R. A M. . 80 30 White Mot. Co. .... Wilson Co., Inc. .. West Un. 90 90 90 West El. A M. .. 43 43 43 Am. Wool. Co. ... 71 69 69 Total sales. 398.300. Money, Friday close, 1. M. rka,. close, .0146: Friday close, ,C45. Sterling, close. 3.80: Friday close, 1.79. Weekly Trade Review New York. June 18. Forced liquida tion, professional pressure and absence of buying power were outstanding factors of tha sixth successive week of unset tlement and sharp declines In tha securi ties market. . , Liquidation encompassed shares of the best type, but expansion of the aggres sive short account mainly Involved stocks whose earnlnr capacity had steadily dwindled since the closa of tha war. Oils were In a class by themselves, Mexican Petroleum, at an extreme re action of more than 30 points, frequently overshadowed all other operations and added perceptibly to demoralisation or the general list. Decline of UnKed State Steel com mon to the lowest quotation In six years was another disquieting factor to those who regarded that stock as a barometer of Industrial conditions. Questions of federal taxation, foreign obligations and financial requirement of the railways influenced trading. Lowering of the local rediscount rate on commercial paper, additional con tractions of speculative loan and Increased offering of demand funds from Interior sources evidenced further relaxation, of the monetary strain. . Movements of international exchange we're in keeping with adverse industrial and economlo condition In Europe and Latln-Amerjca. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga., June 18. Turpentine-Firm- 61 c: sales, 116 bbls.; receipts, 483 bbbJY Shipment. 647 Bbls.; .lock, 1.803 "Rosin Firm: sale M casks; receipts. 1. 336 casks; shipment., 666 casks; stock, , "oteB IS,5: !.. J Sl6t0S?l' F.. U.703.75; Q., 13.76; H., " . ;; i : ...: M.. 14 7606.25:; N 35.26; WO, i.76 1.80; WW, t6.t04S.5e. " Chicago Prod. in., la Poultry Ally, lower; By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha Ve Leased Wire, Chicago, June 18. Grain traders were mostly set for a gooi! advance, but cooler weather with showers in the northwest and southwest a:id pre dictions for more normal tempera tures with showers over the greater part of the country for the coming week started a selling movement Under this selling movement; the gen eral week-end evening-up and ex tremely heavy pressure from longs, prices declined and closed well to ward the low point, with wheat off 3 cents for July and 1 cent for Sep tember, corn 1 5-82c, oats S-8(g!3-4c, and rye 221-4c lower for .the day. Weather and crop news are the main factors and are expected to con tinue for some time. Although wheat prices were up at the highest of the season, the finish was at a loss of 10 cents for July and 1-4 cent for Sep tember, with corn S-8c lower to l-4c higher, oats unchanged to l-8c low er. Rye, 41-210 3-4c, with July leading, and barley 2 l-2c lower. Provisions had a better tone and gain ed 510c on lard and 22 l-22Sc on ribs. Wheat at High Point Wheat prices reached theld highest point soon after the opening, with fair buying on lea favorable crop reports from Le count, who said rains were needed. Crops have lost In South Dakota, with wheat starting to head short, although the crop Is not far enough advanced ror oiaca rust development. His comments on oats In dicate alight damage by drouth with heads short. . An advance of 2c over Friday's close to 31.33 for July and I cents up ror Sentember to 31.26 44 brousht on a general selling movement, which was helped by the weakness in stocks on Wall street and brought out a loto of July and September from weak holders, carrying the price down T cents for July and 8o over for September. ... Selling September and buying July In large volume by a cash house was a feature and narrowed the spread to 4c, the smallest so far this week. Nothing waa heard about export business. Cash premiums here were firm to l cent oeuer, a compared with July. Expect Export Demand. The trade la looking for the movement to continue, the largest at this time In re cent years, and Is expecting a good ex port demand. At the same Baltimore of fered to resell wheat the buying of futures on the break, however, was by cash inter est and houses with eastern connections. A bis business was on in corn, with tna buyer of Friday the point sellers. In all, holding, attributed to an eastern trader, and selling by leading cash inter ests, enablede the short selelers of the pre vious day lO gee in, ana laey uuuujii round lots a prices declined. July broke 3 Ho to 62 o, with 1 cent rally at the last. while September sold oft nearly 3 cents and closed 1 cent above the low point at 6464e. Crop new waa generally favorable, although rain will be beneficial. Heavy sales of July and September oats by cash and commission houses combined with the break In wheat and corn, offset the effect of unfavorable crop reports. After a decline of 1 cent to le witn September leading, the largest cash In terest became a heavy buyer. There a active spreading betwen July and September, the dlffereno being lclc, with the close 18 c for July. Seaboard houses were good seller or July rye, breaking it 3c, after a bulge of lc September broke So. and all closed at almost tha bottom. Cash rye waa So over July. Pit Note. The grwin markets are regarded as two-. elded at present with the weather and croD news leading factors. It Is said that the large holdings of wheat and corn for eastern and Wall Street account any neany tnrouKn liquidating, me seuing; uc lng due to the' unfavorable Saturday. In Wall Street failure to. settle the British miners' strike lends to unnerve holders of securities and grain and all bulges run Into . selling orders. For the pres ent traders are looking tor nervous, sharply fluctuating markets with wheat showing changes of 610o In periods of three to rour daya Cash corn waa hair c under the July for No. 1 white and No. 2 yellow today. - It is deliverable at o over. Buy era were not particularly anxious for It even at the discounts, which Is c. The selling- of 500.000 bushels corn to store created the Impression that there will be good deliveries on July contract and there is more money in delivering ine corn on July trades than selling it for eastern shipment or for export Cargo of Wheat Sold. -A cargo of wheat was sold today for export and bids at the gulf were un changed for June loadings. 2o lower for first hair or July, ana lc lower ior me more deferred loadings. country oirer ings of new wheat Saturday were not large,- whloh ia rather surprising when the nearness oi tne movement oi me new grain Is so close. Reports from central Illinois saiu cut- tin e of wheat will be about over In a week, should good weather prevail. Minneapolis July wneai, wnicn recent ly was 2c under Chicago, has advanced to 80 over, xnis is natural, as Minne apolis Is a spring wheat market and was not influenced to any extent by the win-' ter wheat harvest, while Chicago 1 large ly a winter wheat marxet. St Louis Grain. St. Louis, . June 18. Wheat July, $1.26; September, tl.20. corn July, etic; eepiemoer, . Outs July, 36 c September, 40c. Kansas City drain. Kansas City, Mo.. June 18. Wheat July, 1.21 : September, $1.16. Corn July, 67c; September, 60c. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago, June 18. Potatoes Old, weak; receipts, $5 cars; northern white, sacked and bulk, 60c per bu. ; new, steady; Vir ginia. $4.25 per bbl. Bar Silver. New York. June 18. Bar Silver Do mestic, 9c; foreign, 69c. Mexican Dollars 46 c. Bonds .and Notes Short Terra Notes and Bonds. The following quotations furnished by the Omaha Trust company: June 18, 1921. Am. Chem. 7s. 1941 93 Am, T. T. Co. s, 1933. 97 Am. T. & T. Co. 6s. 1924 96 Anaconda 7s, 1929,,,., 99 Armour 7s. 1930..:.... 94 Belgian Govt. 8s, 1941. 97 Belgian Govt. 7s. 1945. 98 Beth. Steel 7s, 1923 ,. 96 British 6s. 1922.... 97 British 6s, 1929 97 H British 6 Vis, 1937 83 C. B. Q. Jt 6s. 1936 96 C C. C. & St. L. 6s, 1929 85 Chile 8s, 1941 94 Denmark 8s, 1945 ...... 09)4 Brench Govt. 8s, 1945.. 97 B. F. Goodrich 7a. 1926. 99 OuU Oil Corp. 7s, 1933,. 96 Jap Covt 1st 4s, 1925 84 Jap. Oovt. 4s, 1931... 68 Norway Hs. 1940 loov loov North. Bell Tel. 7s, 1941. 98 99 N. Y. Central 7s, 1930.109 100 Packard 8s. 1931..... 94 95 Penn. R. R. Co. 7s, 1930.101 101 S. Bell. Tell Co. 7s, 1925. 96 96 Swift St Co. 7s, 1925. 96 96 Swiss Oovt. 8s, 1940. .103 104 Tidewater OH, 6s, 1930 91 92 U. S. Rubber 7a, 1930. 98 98 Vacuum Oil 7s. 1936. 99 100 West'gh'se EI. 7s, 1931. 99 99 93 97 96 92 94 98 98 . 96 97 88 84 96 86 94 99 97 89 95 85 8 8.20 8.40 7.90 8.36 7.83 8.20 7.66 9.24 7.00 7.41 7.20 6.90 8.45 8.55 8.02 .24 10.18 7.60 9.65 9.10 7.93 7.09 6.91 8.75 6.74 8.03 8.30 7.68 7.87 7.18 7.01 7.06 Standard 00 Stock. Th following quotations are furnished by Logan & Bryan, Peters Trust building: Anglo Born Scrymser . . , Buckeye Chesebrough ..... Chesebrough, pfd. Continental Crescent , Cumberland ..... Eureka Galena, Com. .... Galena Old, Pfd. Galena New, Pfd. Illinois Pipe Indiana Pipe .... National Transit . New York Transit Northern Pipe . . . Ohio Oil International Penn. -Mex. Prairie Oil .... Prairie Pipe ... Solar Ref Southern Pipe . South Penn. Oil Penn. Oil Calif. ... Indiana . Kansas . Kentucky New York Ohio Ohio, Pfd, Finch .350 .. 71 .145 .. 96 ..102 .. 27 ..110 .. 76 .. SO 83 ...148 , . 68 .. 23 ..127 .. 87 .240 375 9 73 & 160 100 $107 29 126 80 5 35 92 89 163 & 68 if 25 133 m 92 245 Pet. 12 13 O. S. O. a o. a o. s. o. s. o. s. o. s. o. Swau and vacuum Washington . , S. O. Nebraska 20 .420 .158 .340 75 .160 60 69 & 25 440 163 0360 80 0160 61 70 6414 SJ 65U 650 670 (ff 396 3ia ...385 ...307 ...350 ...109 ... 25 ...260 ...28 ...130 South Side em 35 260 32 140 New York Cotton. Chicago Trlbune-Omiiha Bee Leased Wire. New York, June 18. Confusing reports concerlnng the British labor situation had an unsettling effect in the cotton market again today, but promoted a gen eral evening up for over the week end. This Included a good deal of coverings, while trade buying was also reported, and early irregularity was followed by rallies, with the market showing a pretty steady undertone. The mid-morning rally carried October to 12.23c, but as soon as covering sub sided, prices eased under a renewal of scattering liquidation, the market closing easy net unchanged to 6 points higher. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, .Jane 18. Cattle Receipts, 376; market steady; fed steers and year lings, $6.0008.60; fat cows and heifers. Mo07.75. canners, $1.60(g4.00; veals. to.OOio-9.60; calves, i$4.506.50; feeding cows and heifers, $3.60fj4.76; Blockers, $4.506.60. Hogs Receipts, 3.200 head; market 10c to 15c higher; light, $7.758.00; mixed, $7.607.76; heavy, $7.007.45; bulk. $7.40017.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 700 head market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., June 18. Hogs Re ceipts, 6,000 head; market steady to 6c higher; top. $7.85; bulk, $7.607.86. Cattle Receipts. 800 head; market nominal; steady to 25c lower for the week: steers; $6.508.60; cows and heif ers. $3.608.50: calves, $4.O08.90. Sheep Receipts, 300 head; market nom nominal; ewes, $10.0010.60; lambs, $12.50 13.25. Woman Says She Was Bigamist's Wife for 12 Years But All She Asks Is Divorce And $4 a Week for Her Work During Time With Him Although Helena Lasik of the South Side believes she has been grossly wronged ty the man whose wife she thought she was for 12 years, she asks nothing but a divorce and $4 a week for her work during the time she was married to him. The man is Frank Lasik. Just 20 years ago in the village of Becna, Austria-Hungary, Frank married Helena. She says he told her he had leen divorced from his former wife, Mary Lasik. They came to America and settled in Omaha. In 1912 she was ill and he refused to comfort her and get medical at tendance, she alleges. In 1913 the former wife, Mary, ap peared, and on April 14 of that year he surprised Helena by marrying Mary, his former wife, again, she al leges. She says she does not believe he was ever divorced from his first wife. He proceeded then, she says, to transfer to Mary the lot on the South Side which Helena and he had bought. She has "given , the best years of her life," she says, and she asks $4 a week for it, a total of $2,288. e Chicago Man Held Up; Two Negroes Nabbed Patrick Dauehertv. Chicago sales man, was held up near the corner of Twenty-sixth and O streets, South Omaha, Friday night, and robbed of $218 in cash by three armed negroes The hold-up men made Daugherty take off his shoes in their search for money. They also took two refer ences from Chicago firms that Daugherty, carried. Shortly after Daugherty had re ported the affair to the police at the South Omaha station, two negro suspects were arrested and were identified by Daugherty as members of the trio who had robbed him. The fitsoected men gave their names a. William Jones and Mack Coleman. Autos Crash, Driver Begs To Pay, Police Say 0. K. Two automobiles came together at Twenty-fifth and Deer Tark boule vard at 4:30 p. m. Friday. Police learned one was driven by Dorris D. Asher, 272S Avenue I, Council Bluffs, and the other by James Curran, 1702 V street They did the Alfonso and TGaston stunt, accqrding to the police, and Asher found his machine got the worse of the argument. So Cnrran begged to be allowed to assume the blame for the crash and pay the dam ages. Asher agreed, and so did the police, no arrests being made. ' Joe's Auto Gets in Tangle, Police Relief Fund Richer Joe Storkiri came to Omaha Fri day from Irvington, Neb. He drove in with his gas buggy, but became tangled in the South Side streets, according to police re ports, and crashed into a safety zone at Twenty-fourth and N streets. Keen-eyed coppers nailed him tor reckless driving and he was permit ted vto deposit a cash bond, tor his appearance in police court yester But Joe he "slickered" the city. He didn't show up and forfeited his bond. South Side Office Rohhed When the agent in the South Side ticket office of the Union Pacific left his cage to go to the baggage room late Friday someone broke the wicket from the window, leaned over the counter and emptied the cash drawer of $45.15, according to a re port made to the South Side police. The sneak thief escaped before the agent returned. South Side Brevities Ray Lester Marcos, 26, 2311 Madison street, died Thursday after an acute at tack of appendicitis. He is survived by his widow and one son, Lester. Funeral services were held yesterday at 2 from Brewer's funeral home, Twenty-fourth and K streets, Rev. R. I Wheeler officiating. Burial in Oraceland Park cemetery. Foreign Mcnanie nans, , Following are today's rates of exchange as compared with the par valuation. Fur- I pished by tha Peters National bank: Far Valuation. Today. Austria 30 Pcliilum 15 Czecho-Slovakla Dtr.mark -27 England rnnce ..... Got many .. Greece , . . Italy JuRo-Slavia Norway . . . Toland . . . . Sweden Switzerland Canada . . . 4.86 .193 .233 .105 .195 .'27 .37 .195 1.00 .0022 .0800 .0141 .1730 1.80 .0819 .0147 .0639 .0509 .0071 .1457 .0011 .2255 .1710 .8940 liberty Bond Prices. New York. June 18. Liberty bonds closed: 3Vis, 88.40; first 4s, 87.30; sec ond 4s, 86.66; first 4 Us, 87.53; second 4s,- 86.80; third 4s. 91.46; fourth 4s, 86.88; Victory 8s. 98.36; Victory 4s. 98.38, London Moneys. June 18. Bar Silver 85Ud London, per ounce. Money 4 per cent Discount Rates Short cent; 1 months' bills, 5. bills, i per cent. per Chicago Produce. Chicago, June 18. Butter Higher; creamery, extras, 32c; standards, 82c; firrts, 2731c; seconds, 24 26c. . Eggs Unchanged; rece'.-pts, 19,647 cases. i New York Honey. New York, June 18.-Prime Mercantile Paper 6 H 6 Per cont. Exchange Firm. Sterling Demand, 3.79'4; cables, $3.80. Francs Demand, 8.18c; cables, 8.!0c. Belgian Francs Demand, 8.04c; cables. t.nsc. .... Guilders Demand, 83.20c; cables, 33.38c. T.lre Demand. 6.05c: cables. 6.07c. Marks Demand, . 1.46c; cables, 1.46c. Greece Demand, 6.30c. Sweden Demand, 22.50c. Norway Demand, 14.60c. Argentine Demand, 31.00O. i Brazilian Demand, 12.80c. ' Montreal 11 per cent discount. New York Produce. ' New York, June 18. Butter Easier; creamery higher than extras, 88 34c; creamery extras, 32ft 33c; firsts, 29 324c. Kggs Irregular; unchanged. Cheese Steady; unchanged. Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 15o. Dressed Poultry Quiet; unchanged. Dry Goods. New York, June 18. Cotton goods were quieter today. Yarns inclined toward lower values. Knit goods were active in women's lines, but quiet In men's. Cer tain line of hosiery advanced. Burlaps were firm, wool gooda steady and silk in moderate demand. Today's Prices Call for Quick Action BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE A good "engine" to ride on. MIDDLE STATES OIL Good "fuel" for the engine. Reported earning of selling price. Writ for K-13 and read "Stock Market Opportunities" Shwnj&SIMand ItwaWj CcmalitktKiSbefilxf. t 198 Broad v,mNewttrK 5 Special Demonstration of the Famous, Unlimited Guaranteed (Wood or Copper Tubs) "Woodrow" Electric Washers by the Factory Representative All Week 8 A. M. to 7 P. M. HODGE ELECTRIC CO. 2516 No. 24th Street Phone Webster 0582 If you wish to see real washers, don't miss this. (State Dealer. You are lucky if you sell the "Woodrow.") Comp any Love -Haskell 209 W.O. W. Bldg. Every Known Kind of Insurance Douglas 0380 You Should Have a Tourist Floater Policy While on Your Vacation Let Us Explain It to You Dividend to be paid In July by established, conservative, producing company. 1,509 barrels daily production. Offi cers men who KNOW HOW TO MAKE HONEY in a safe and sane way. Ideal investment for those who want a safe place for their money with steady and resular dividends. Write today for full particulars about this won derful investment. Involves no obligation on your part. Address Desk 87, Sioux Oil 4 Refining Company, 100S F. M. Bank Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. Postal card will bring full particulars. Can use a few good brokers and salesmen. Write today. Fifth Big Annual Birthday Sale Now Going on AT PHILIP'S' BOG STOKE Our Big Birthday Sale has been a tremendous success, judging from the crowds of pepole that have visited our store since this big sale started. We are continuing this sale until Saturday, June 25. Don't fail to take advantage of our Fifth Annual Birthday Sale. Visit the store that sets the pace for record-breaking prices. See for yourself all prices in past history broken cut loose from your old traditions. Freedom of opportunity beckons to you here, supply your wants, not for the present only, but far into the future. Buy now and save. In celebrating our Fifth Birthday we will share this , event with those that helped us to be successful. Children's and Misses' Dainty White Dresses For Summer Wear A collection of clever models in white dresses of sheer, crisp lawn and organdie. Each garment has a guarantee of workmanship, quality and value. Assorted styles. Lace and embroidery trimmed. Paneled yokes and styles with h'igh waist line. Good assortment of sizes, from 2 to 17. Values up to $6.00 on Sale Now, at $1.49 Summer Time Is Travel Time Wa bare large selection of fine quality Bags and Suit cases to cbooie f rom Beautiful black split cowhide oxford bag, steel frame, claw catches, stitched corners, cloth lined, pocket extra large shape. Very J (Jg attractive value, Fine large size black cowhide oxford suit cases, best qual ity coated fiber, 7 inches deep, steel frame, leather corners, bell rivets, brass finished trimmings, fine ring handle, cloth lined, shirt fold. For this sale JC QQ only, at ....... pOe70 Getting the Boys Ready for Summer To get clothes that will wear well and look good until they are worn out is the big problem. Par ents who put the solution up to this store will find it well answered. Bring your boys here and see how well we can outfit them. Boys' fine wool Serge Suits, sizes 3 8. Some are in sailor styles. Regular $6.50 " dJO QO values, at, i........ pOVO SHIRTS AND BLOUSES So many mothers have told us that they cannot buy the material and make them at the ?Q price we quote, at OJC UNDERWEAR Some knit, others of Nainsook, so that every boy may choose the sort he wants, 4.Q at, per suit . t2C Our Entire Stock of MEN'S COLLARS Go On Sale Unheard of values in collars. Dandy soft collars for hot weather. Your choice of any collar we have in stock, soft collar in the patented "bhdewell Brand." Your tie cannot t I catch or tear in one of II these collars. Values up to I 75c, on sale now, choice, CCO STOCK PRIVILEGES 1 OK 0 D L PUTS AND CALLS Q I L J SO DAYS ODD LOTS Bast, safest way to trade. No margin. Calls possible, as risk is limited. Profits unlimited. Ask for free booklet. "SUCCESS IN THE STOCK MARKET" With small outlay hundreds of dollars are made. , UNLISTED SECURITIES KENNEDY & CO., Est. 1884 Members Consolidated Stock Exchange.N.Y. 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK What Is Ahead oJ the Railroads? AUR statistical department " has prepared a concise but com prehensive analysis of the railroad situation that should be read by all who hold or contemplate buying railroad securities. It will help you to get a cleaxer view of the future of these securities, as it contains much data relating to physical conditions and legislation, as veil as finances. Write us for a free copy of t'Whallt Ahead of the Railroad" KRIEBEL & CO. Jaomttmmnt Banker 131 Swtb U SaOfl SL, Chicago tibia (IMM Ik LMls Universal Silverware By making such an unusually larpe purchase of this silverware the PHILIP'S STOKE is able to give to its many patrons their choice of this sil verware at such low prices that, they will long remember. This Silverware la Guaranteed for 50 Years. Courtesy Promptness T I Accuracy TRUSTEE'S SALE at Public Auction June 23, 1921 There will be sold at public sale on June 23d at 10:30 a. m. at the plant of the Hebb Motors Company and Patriot Motors Company at Havelock, Nebraska, the entire plant, machinery, tools and inventory of the Hebb Mo tors Company and Patriot Motors Company, Bankrupts, consisting of nine and one-half acres, with 200,000 square feet of floor space, railroad siding, machinery and tools, the inven tory consisting of trucks, truck parts, truck bodies, body parts, raw materials, office furniture, fixtures, patterns and designs. For full information, write the undersigned. Joseph E. Rosenfeld, Trustee in Bankruptcy HAVELOCK, NEB. Including Bouillon Sooons. Dessert- Spoons. Taa- Spoons, Salad Forks, Gravy Ladles, Iced Teaspoons, Tablespoons, Knives and Forks. On sale at 98c and $1.98 Universal Silverware is fully warranted in every respect, and the word Universal on each piece is our absolute guarantee that it will give satisfactory service in any household. M MIRRORS - These mirrors were secured through special purchase that enables us to place these remarkable values before you at such unheard-of prices. Oak, mahogany and green finished frames. These mirrors were regularly sold at three times the prices quoted below. axil Mirrors, at 10x1 Mirrors, at 49c 69c 17x27 Mirrors, at 1930 Mirrors, at $2.98 1829 Mirrors, $3,49 ....$3.98 LEONARD WATCHES In gold or nickel style, every watch is guaranteed. 6th Birthday Sale price $1.25 "GEM" DAMASKEENE SAFETY RAZOR SET "Gem" nickel plated safety razor, six-extra "Gem" Damaskeen blades in a leather ease with patented catch button fastener, TCj case lined with purple velvet and moire satin, a set MOUTH HARPS Imported Mouth Harps in 2 sixes at 25c-49c Saxon Shaped Imported Cups and Saucers, Sx8 1.4 Cup, S S-4 Saucer, in large sera? of Dink roses or cnn. .e a. design, luster border. S cups and S I I 111 saucers for Clean Clippers POCKET KNIVES AND SCISSORS This high-grade line of Pocket Knives and Scissors will at once find favor with you. The Clean Clipper cutlery is mads of the bes material and work manship in its construction. The knives are 2, t and 4 blades, and the scissors come .fa a in all styles. Your choice of any at HK this Birthday Sale, at WV BIG VALUES IN OIL CLOTH This is an excellent time to obtain new table Oil cloth, s variety of choice patterns, Very special, per yard , 35c Library Table Lamp Assortment 3 styles, A, B and C: (A) Ht. 23 V4 in., bronze polychrome finish, 16 in. overlaid amber glass shade; (B) Ht. 24 in., an tique brass finish, !Vt in. over laid amber glass octagon shade, cerise bordeY. (C) Ht. 23 in., bronze and green finish, 17 in. overlaid amber glass shade, sun set border. All with 2 pull chain sockets. $35.00 value, only .. ..$17.50 Pie and cake knives, nickel silver plated handles; regu larly sold at sg g 50c; on sale sL C Grape fruit knives, nickel plated with steel tempered blade regular ly 60c value; on sale, each Teaspoons, Acme brand, sil ver plated COc values, on sale . . 10c brand, ail- 10c SUGARS AND CREAMERS Genuine Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer Sets, made of brilliant crystal, colonial panel, genuine cut floral spray design, double-handled sugar exceptional val ues, at, per set $1.00 and $1.50 During Thia S.Iei Souvenirs Will Be Given to Each Customer Z4th and O Jits. South Omaha Ak for tylf. Green Trading SUmpa They Are Given With Each Purchase. J v. . ' - , ii .. uaia aWMMW 4 A if