THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1921. 11 Society Miss Yates Goes Abroad. Misa Helen Yates of Lot Angeles, tormeny ot this city, leaves Omaha Friday evening for New York City. rrora mere she will go to New Haven. Conn, tn fi nrainr af mm. mencement xere'w r Vl Sh recently received the Gold Charm J . W r e . J awaraea oy tne vale Kecora tor coniriDutions to its columns, she sails from Montreal nn Tnni 7i abroad the U. S. S, Victoria to spend tnree months abroad. ihe will be in a party of 12 girls, several of whom nave been attending the uirrs t-oi legiate school with her in Los Ange les during the past year. Parties for Miss Harsh. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Harsh enter tained at dinner at the Fontenelle Friday evening in honor of their daughter, Miss Jeannette Harsh, and Truman Red field, who will be married Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Goodrich, jr., entertained at dinner Wednesday evening at the Field club fo.' this couple and J. H. Payne gave a din ner at Happy Hollow club in their honor Tuesday evening. Mr. Redfield and his bride will be at home at the Bransford hotel fol lowing their wedding trip. Lawn Social. The Omaha chapter of American War Mothers will hold a lawn so cial Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs, Mabel Jordan, 2416 Capitol avenue. A musical program will be a fea ture of the affair, which is open to the public.- A small admission fee will be charged. The committee in charge of the affair includes Mrs. Flora Woolf, chairman, Mrs. E. Lewis and Mrs. Susie Finney. ' Entertain at Dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess will entertain Jit a large , dinner party at the Country club Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgess and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Burgess. . ' Picnic Party. Mrs. Howard H. Baldrige enter tained at a picnic party Friday in honor of her nephew, Keating Cof fey, son of Dr. and Mrs. Iitian Cof fey of Los Angeles, who is spending a short time at the Baldrige home. Informal Bridge. Miss Helen Wahl entertained in formally at a bridge party at her home Thursday afternoon in honor of Miss Genevieve Roberts of Lin coln, who is her guest. Army Party. The Officers' club of Fort Crook' gave an informal dance Friday evening, June 24, at the Service club at the post. Invitations have been issued to a number of Omahans. Personals Omaha Girl Honored mm tTnv"';:jcs- Clubdom Mrs. M. D. Cameron New Secretary of P. E. 0. Association. Mrs. M. D. Cameron of Omaha was elected recording isecretarv of the Nebraska P. E. 0. association at the annual state convention which was held at Lexington Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mrs. Elizabeth Robertson of Be atrice was chosen president; Mrs. Ona Baird of Plattsmouth, first vice president: Miss Lull Wolfotd of Lincoln, second vice president; Mrs Maude Hendy of North Platte, cor responding secretary: Mrs. H. Grantham of North Platte, organizer and Mrs. Harriet G. Salter of j Pierce, treasurer. i Osteopathic Women's Club. The Omaha Osteopathic Women's ; club held a business meeting and pic- i nic supper at me nome 01 ur. Mary Anderson and Dr. Minnie lhompson Thursday evening. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Dr. Jennie Laird, president; Dr. Mabel Wesson, vice president; Dr. Florence Mount, secretary, and Dr. Angeline Mc Creary, treasurer. Business Women'i Outing. The Omaha Business Women's club will hold its annual outing at Camp Brewster this week-end. Problems That Perplex Anawil by BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Activities of Women In northern Japan there are more women and girls doing the farm work than there are men. The girls wear trousers when at work. A bill has been introduced in the French senate repealing a clause of the civil code by which the wife owes obedience to her husband. Lucile Lathrop. Miss Lucile Lathrop, who was graduated from Rockfcrd college, Illinois, 1 Wednesday, June 15, was admitted into the Socratic society, a senior honorary association, which corresponds to Phi Beta Kappa. Miss Lathrop, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Lathrop, ai rived home Thursday. Miss Lathrop spent her junior year at the University of Colorado. Sh; is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Appetizing. Tomatoes cored and baked with a pork? sausage inserted make appetiz ing dishes. They are also delicious ii stuffed with baked beans, seasoned with mustard and baked. ADVERTISEMENT Miss Flora Marsh is expected home from Kent Place school, bum mitt, N. J., June 25. ' nr.- .nJ Ifrc CI W Hfrftratri are registered at-the Hotel Chat ham in New York. Fdwarrf I. Kushner has iust re- tiir.nod from Chicaeo. where he has been attending school. Dr. and Mrs. Ahiis A. Johnson will attend the third reunion of Mobile Hospital, No. 1, Saturday in Council Bluffs. Mrs. Augustus Kountze arrived Friday morning from New York City to visit Mr. . and Mrs. C T. Kountze. , Mrs. Robert Sample of Uniontown, Pa., formerly Mary Mitchell of Coun cil Bluffs, arrived here Friday from her home in the enst. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davis will motor to Glenwood, Minn., the latter part of July to spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Kloke and grandson. Robert Clarke, leave the latter part of the month to summer at Alexandria, Minn. Mrs. Louis S. Clarke will join them about August 1. Mark Burke, jr. of Columbus. Neb., who has been attending Quincy college in Quincy, 111., is spending a few days at the F. T. Walker home. Dr. and Mrs. W. G.' Wohl have re turned from an eastern trip. Dr. Wohl attended the convention of the American Medical association in Boston. Mrs. Wohl visited relatives in Philadelphia. Grape Juice Parfait. Let one teaspoonful of granulated gelatine stand in a quarter of a cup ful of strawberry juice for five min utes, then dissolve over hot water. Add three-quarters of a cupful of rich, heavy grape juice, half a tea spoonful of lemon juice and one cup ful of sugar. Stir occasionally until the sugar is dissolved, chill and fold in a pint of heavy cream whipped solid. Mix well, turn into a mould with a water-tight cover and bury in equal parts of rock salt and ice for four hours. . , . Marshmallows. 2 cups, sugar. Y cup corn syrup, J4 cup hot water. 4 tablespoons of gelatin. , 4 tablespoons cold water. Whites of two small eggs. I teaspoon vanilla. 1 tablespoon cornstarch. !Tii sugar, corn syrup and hot water in saucepan, and stir .until sugar is dissolved, bring to boiling point and boil without stirring to 240 degrees. F or until it forms a soft ball when tried in cold water. Remove from fire, add gelatin, which has soaked in cold water, and beat until it is white. Add whites of eggs beaten until stiff, and beat candy vigorously un til it gets thick and stringy. Add v vanilla and cornstarch, pour into pan that has been dusted over with sifted confectioners' sugar, and sift confectioners' sugar over the top of the candy in the pan. Cut into squares with a silver knife, or cut with shears. Blackburn college at Bloomington, I1L, will teach women students power farmitr in addition to domestic cience, etc. It Took All the Grit Mason Had To Stick It Out A Kitchen Hint. The odor will disappear from a knife that has been used for cutting onions if it is wiped on a damp cloth and rubbed riskly with coarse salt. Making a vow 23 years ago "that if she ever voted she would also smoke, a Lewistown, Me., woman recently walked into a cigar store and after purchasing a cigar lighted the weed before the astonished proprietor. Apple Mint Jelly. Cut the apples in quarters, barely cover with boiling water and cook until soft. Turn into a jelly bag to drain. For a pint of the apple juice heat a cupful and a half of sugar. Set the juice over the fire with the crushed leaves of a small bunch of mint; let simmer for 20 minutes, then strain into a clean saucepan. Heat to the boiling point, .add the hot sugar and cook until it jells. This will make three small glasses of jelly. "Firw tim T cm rmt nn a run new, I feel thankful to Tanlac for I m convinced it kept me on the job," said William W. Mason, 1924 MrfleHan ttrrft. Philadplnhia. for the past nine years a motorman for .i v. ' i T" ine Kaia iransu company. "I had stomach trouble in a bad form for three years and was going down hill fast. Nothing I ate agreed with me and after every meal f was nr tn hav hrarthiirn. dizziness and sometimes awful cramps. I got in such a nervous condition my hand shook like a man wun tne paisy and at nights my sleep was broken and restless. In the mornings I felt so miserable I used to dread the time to come for me to take out mw rar and if took everv OUnCe of trr',t T rmiM muster tn stirlr until quitting time. Finally I got so weak and was so discouragea l was reaoy to give up. "This was my condition when I started taking Tanlac and I owe all my present good health to this won- icinc and tn nothin? else. The first thing it did for me was a nrhat anrttit and I SOOtl found I could eat anything without Jear of wad atter-ettects. us a fact, four bottles' made a new man out of me. My nerves are quiet, I sleep like a tog ana wase up m li mnmlnw f1incr fin Then I eat a big breakfast and go to work wnisinng iixe i usea io long Tanlar like I do the clerks in the drug stores couldn't e - t. . .....I,, wrap h up last enuugn sufi" the demand. It's great." Monty back without qutio i a utiuTtl niliDlMTPVn SKIN DISEASE REMEDIES (Hunt's SaWo and Soap), tail la th treatment of Iteh. Bcitna, traatmaat at our riSkv Sfcarmaa A McCoiumII S Draff Storoa. Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear soap, ointawiit. Tswom. Be. wimwn ssaism ill SAXON'S Summer Specials BI HAIRNETS ... ... Special Sale Elona Human Hair Nets, per dozen ......... 50 Wear-Ever Human Hair Nets, per dozen... .$1.00 Venida Hair Nets, 2 for 25 NOTIONS This is a new department re cently installed for your conven ience, as we are open nntil mid night , Ladies' Dress Shields for....50. 65d and 75 Sanitary Aprons for 60 and.75 $2.25 Ladies' Black, Brown or White Silk Hqse for. . 81.39 Baby Rubber Overalls. . . .65J Sanitary Napkins, doz. . . ..55d Handkerchiefs 25d Shoe Laces .10d Wash Cloths, 10 for. . . .25 Abdominal Belts for Men and Women Pins and Safety Pins Electric Curlers, each 25 Hair Wavers, each 10fr DRUG WANTS $1.50 Fruitola, for gall stones, at 81.24 75c Father John's Medicine for 59 $1.50 Ozomulsion 81.12 30c Pond's Extract 21 1 $1.00 Murine Eye Salve. ...59 25c Sloan's Liniment. ... .23 $1.50 Pastor Koenig's Nerve Tonic $1.10 Kosine for Epilepsey. . . .82.00 $1.15 Peruna Tonic 95 35c Steam's Rat Paste... 21 35c Eagle Milk 25 35c 8-oz. McKesson's Milk of Magnesia 25 $1.25 Nujol, 20 oz 92 $1.00 Squibb's Petrolatum 75 35e Sal Hepatica 29 35c Miller's Snate 0il....29 30c Lavoris 20 $1.25 Listerine 79d $1.10 Nuxated Iron 89 $1.25 Lyko Tonic 984 $3.75 HorlickV Malted Milk for 82.89 60c Cocoanut Oil Emulsion 394 25c Mentholatum 174 60c Syrup Figs 464 $1.15 Tanlac 894 Hinkle Pills, bottles of 100, for 254 Life Buoy Soap, cake 84 12c Jap Rose Soap 84 Per doz 924 35c Energine ...254 Beaton's Straw Hat Cleaner for 104 30c Colorite 224 TOILET PREPARATIONS 50c Orazin Tooth Paste, extra special 254 $1.50 Brownatone Hair Stain for $1.22. 75c DeMar's Liquid Shampoo Soap ...454 75c Wyeth Sage and Sulphur for 594 $1.00 Q'Ban Hair Tonic. . .894 $2.25 Coty's L'Origan Face Powder for .894 35c Bandoline 254 30c Woodbury's Facial Soap for .....214 3-inch Powder Puffs 104 $3.50 Mary Garden Extract, per oz 82.25 75c White Rose Extract, per oz. 484 $1.50 Meritol Lilac Extract, per oz 854 30c Mavis Talcum Powder. 194 30c Moon Kiss Talcum Powder for 154 $1.25 Houbigant's Talcum, all odors 984 25c Mennen's Violet Talcum for ..154 INSECT DESTROYERS El Vampiro Insect Powder and Gun 104 30c Hofstra . 224 15c Peterman's Roach Powder 124 15c Peterman's Ant Food for 124 30c Black Flag .214 30c Kellogg's Ant Paste. 254 PHOTO DEPT. Films Developed Free When Prints Are Ordered BATHING CAPS 354 to 81125 CIGARS 15o Straight Rothenberg Vanderbilt size 104 Box of 50 for ..$4.50 Heineman's H. B. Hand-Made for 54 Box of 25 for 81.15 New Bachelor 64. 15c Mozart Americanos. . . .104 Box of 50 for. ...... .$4.00 15c La Azora Pals, each.. 104 Box of 50 for . $4.00 RUBBER GOODS $2.00 2-qt. Velvet Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe for $1.45 $1.50 2-qt. Velvet Fountain Syringe 984 Mail Orders Receive Our Prompt Attention BEATON DRUG CO. 15th AND FARNAM Jealousy Again. Dear Miss Fairfax: I read your column on advice for different kind of trouble and rind that your advice la very good. So I thought I would turn to you with my troubles for ad vice. I chum with a girl who is very dear to me, but when we go out with sums young men she has some way of winninK my friend away from mo. Many times when some young man anked me to go with him when ahe is along I turn him down, because I do not enjoy myself. I sacrifice many good times for her xut she seems to forget thum when she gets a chance to sacrifice for me. I don't blame her in a way and still I do. Do you think . I ought to pay any attention to that or not? She does almost everything a boy nsks her or tells her to do. Do you think trmt is the reason why sho attracts more? I have gone with this girl almost two years and I do not want to make any enemies because I am a hater of enemies. ' I thank you in advance for your advice. Yours, WAITING. My dear, the problem you bring up is as old as the world and I am glad to give you my views. Jealousy is th3 emotion involved. Now, do not give jealousy or hatred a place in your life. You will accomplish more, make more friends, be happier and give more happiness by ignoring it. In your case, if you allow your self to be miserable because your boy friends show your girl chum a little attention, you may then lose both the friendship of the girl and the regard of the boy. Can't you hold your own with him by being a little quicker witted than your girl chum? You can't force the young man to go with you, you know, and if he does liappen to prefer the other girl, why blame either of them?' Of course, if your girl chum acts Improperly, you should stop going with her on that account. But don't sacrifice a lovely friendship just because a boy likes her better than he does you. From what you say, however, I judge your boy friend prefers you, but ' that he "jollies" more with the other girl when you are out together. As I see it, you need not always make it a point to include your gird friend. Can't you be strong and high- minded and fair? Do what you be lleve to be right, but don't let jeal ousy cause you to pout or to lose peoplo whom you have regarded highly otherwise. Be Formally Introduced. Dear Miss Fairfax: I love ear nestly a girl that works in the same place I do. I have made several attempts to speak to her, but she always goes home accompanied by another girl. What would you aa Vise me to d? GRATEFUL. You might be formally Introduced first, and then, ask her if you may accompany her home and possibly call on her some time. No home should be with out Kesinol Ointment to be applied to the first bit of itching rash or redness. Its mild, harmless ingre dients and its success in healing eczema and kin dred ills have made it a standard skin treatment and a favorite with doctors. . Bold In two ifeM. - . Aak yoor druegiat for it Resinol AMUSEMENTS. PHOTOPLAYS. rSTWEAVRE V DDAUrM'6 G AVA 61V B. A ' LAST TIMES , 3" " KAZAN" ji - B in their preient offering M TOMORROW J "Reputation" vt Brown's Saxo 6 ,H in a complete change of program K j 1 LAST TIMES WI I nark i a Ij VIULN M DANA ) TOMORROW The Big Photoplay - ,.' "skirts" ; featuring Singer's Midgets : ', Now til MAT. TODAY THE BRAT Princess Players E7v TWO SHOWS lr ONE EMPRESS DENSM0RE SISTERS A LOU H0WLAN0 In "Harmony, Singing and Dancing." GEO. L. GRAVES & CO., "Woman ol a Thouiand 8. ertti." BRADY & MAHONEV, "The Nonien leal Navlgatori." ROSIE RIFLE It CO.. Am trallan Da Lux. Photoplay Attraction, "EX TRAVAGANCE." featuring MAY ALLISON. PHOTOPLAYS. LAST DAY ELSIE FERGUSON in "Sacred and Profane Love" Harold Lloyd in "Now or Never" lj LAST TIMES IV t1 UUKUIHT (ilSfi 3 I tl TOMORROW W Last Times Today THOMAS MEIGIIAII "The City of Silent Men" Blizzard Cooling System Cools Dance at PEONY PARK The beat and most beautiful Dance Pavilion in the Country. Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings G. Rohan's Orchestra Bus service from 49th and Dodgs after 8 p. m. Take Dundee car to 49th and Dodge. Call. Walnut 6102. Malec Bros.. Props. EATTY'S Co-Operative Cafeterias We Apprciate Your Patronage. BASE BALL TODAY Omaha vs. Oklahoma City June 17, 18, 19 Game Called at 3:30 P. M. Box Seat at Barkalow Broi. Swim at (rug Park "It's Cool In the Pool" DANCING! iTery Nlglit. 8:30 to 11:15 P, M, Book YOUR Picnic Fridny Neliraska Bankers' Association and flebrasia laundry Owners' Picnic and Ontlng. Satorday Ereerss-OTlyng C, and Omaha Dally Kewi Can Hers' Picnic Bathing Bags. An attractive bag in which to carry a bathing .suit is made of tlouble-faccd rubber sheeting. Cut out an oblong piece cf the material and seam it up each side. The top can be bound with gay-colored rib bon. Sew a tape around the bag about two inches from the top in the inside. Through this you- ran run a' ribbon. A pocket with nh envelope opening may be sewed q"n Ahe outside of the bag and this it v Silked witli a striking design in colors to match the ribbon will make an artistic bag. In the pocket you can put a comb of soap or any article which you lo not want to get wet. The wet suit and shoes can go inside the bag. ? . . .... Special Feature Attractions for Saturday The Finest Beds at Lowest Prices 2-Inck Continuous Post In Vernls Martin, . " - ivory or white. Special tor Saturday 9.05 Durable Ivory or White Steel Beds $ 0.05 2 Inch Post Steel Bed, eithef mahogany or walnut finish $14.05 2 Inch Post Oxidized Steel Bed .......J t 8.65 ' 2-inch Poster Bed, walnut finish.. ....'.,..1 111.25 2-lnch Continuous Post, heavy fillers...,,"...! 113.75 2-inch Post Vernls Martin finish $14.43 Every Wood Bed Reduced for Saturday Selling mnanai " ' Former v Bovra'a New . Wee . Full Slie Quartered Oaft Bed , f28.50-Now $12.50 Full Sized Famed Oak $32.00 Now $15.00 Full Size Colonial Mahogany $48.50Now $19.85 Full Size, American walnut, Queen Anne Design ' $57.50-Now $26.00 On Saturday you will have the opportunity; secure Grass Bugs' at Remarkable Reductions, 18x36 Japanese Grass Rugs for...,.., ..... 30 zxdi jayuuese mass xvuso Wi , , , , , ..j 4 Ft. x 7 Ft Japanese Grass Rugs for.Wifft.; 27x54 Waite Grass Rugs for......M7H&'.. 80x60 Waite Grass Rugs for '&fflnM 3 Ft. x 6 Ft. Waite Grass Rugs fOT.V,';tS 4 Ft. x 7& Ft. Waite Grass Rugs lmYn Wm. A. Rogers Silverwar-e) for Saturday Selling to it Act . $1.95; $1.75 82.25. jCMj jU j y S j " 8 An Opportunity in Big yalues - r r Set of 6 Wm. A. Rogers Teaspoons yt . $1,151 , Set of 6 Wm. A. Rogers 1 OS Set of 6 Wm, A. Rogers Forks i'iis $1.957 . Rogers Extra Plate ' ';!f' Grecian Set ot 26 pieces jot j&iffirf.$12j5frj.. Porch and Lawn Furniture Saturday Selling for Folding Lawn Chair. ...vr.,wrt..$lJ25 Lawn Settees .'mw $2.45 Well Built and Serviceable . . , .-, , 4-Foot Fumed Oak Lawn Settees.... $5.95 -Genuine Reed Porch Chairs, light, cool and com fortable $9.75 4-Foot Genuine Oak Porch Swing, complete with Chain $6.15 Genuine Grass Chairs and Rockers $12.40 6-Foot Porch Settees- In Ivory or Frosted Brown; spring seats,-upholstered In cretonne....... $27.65 Large and comfortable Lawn Swings $7.45. t New Summer Cretonnes Specially Priced 9 - Cretonnes . Former Bowen't Price . Kcw Price I .95 per yd. Cretonnes, 47 j 1.15 per yd. Cretonnes, .58 1.25 per yd. Cretonnes, J3 2.00 per yd. Cretonnes, 95 Orinoka Sun-fast Blue and Gold Stripe, yard $3.95 Blue and Gold Damask, yard --$8.75 Black and Gold Da mask, yard $3.95 Plain Mulberry Rep, yard $2.00 Two-Tone Blue Narrow Gold Stripe, yard $2.15 Mulberry and Gold Da- mask, yard $3.95 Blue Kapok Silk, yard $2.25 Rose Sep, plain, yard..2.35 Brown with Blue and Gold Strpe, yard $2.35 Gold and Rose, plain, ' " full piece, yard $2.95 Blue Suntast, full piece, yard $2.25 Mulberry Damask, full piece, yard $4.35h Casement Cloth for Son Rooms In every department of this big store are values so much , better than yon are accustomed , to receiving, that you should ', take advantage of each and every offering. y. Former Bomo Price New Frloa J2.00 Casement Cloth,": 50 inches wide...$ ,95 3.00 Casement Cloth, 50 inches wide.. .$1.95 $4.50 Casement Cloth, 50 inches vide.l,$2.35 I : ; 1 QMAHAS VALUlVniVIHG STORCr. U JCi D.i ICil J tiL TT