Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1921, Page 9, Image 9
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921. Tells of Fight To Cut Southern Representation R. B. Howell, -Back From Capital, Says Reduction Made by Committeemen Totals 40 Per Cent. R. B. Howell, republican national committeeman (or Nebraska, re turned yesterday from Washington and dictated the following statement on his mission to the national capi tal: "Anyone who goes to Washington md trios to accomplish anything in connection with a department finds that it takes an interminable time to get around. "Of course in the case of my recent visit, the meeting of the subcommit tee on southern representation of the national committee consumed a full week. The results in this case, while not all that I could wish, were of a distinctly progressive nature. The fight to reduce southern representa tion began as the result of the con vention of 1912 and in 1913 I served on the subcommittee that brought about a reduction at that time of something over 22 per cent. This reduction, together with that of the national committee last week, makes a total of 40 per cent reduction in a relative way of southern delegations in conventions as compared with 1912. Reduction of Seven. "The actual reduction made last week was seven in the case of South Carolina, reducing its .representation to four in the next convention. This state cast but 2.240 votes for Hard in in the last election. Were the r other republicans of the country . . .1 . . ! . icjjicsnucu in mc iica.i .un vciuivn 111 the same proportion, there would be 150,000 delegates in all. "The delegation from Mississippi was reduced from 12 to 4, the state having cast 10,000 votes for Hard ing in the last election; in other words, the basis of representation in the last convention, with 10,000 re publican votes in- Mississippi a state that was hopelessly democratic would have equalled the influence of the 300,000 republicans in Michi gan. "On the same basis of representa tion, the republicans in Nebraska could fill every scat in the next na tional convention and then have 200 delegates waiting outside. Cut From 17 to 10. "Georgia was also reduced from 17 to 10. However, the great gain was made in finally breaking away from the theory that each congres sional district was entitled to one vote, whether it cast any republican votes or not. It has been this theory that has been the stumbling block in the past and I think now it is finally relegated to the scrap heap. "It seemed to be the view of stme that this cuts down representation of the npcrro vote in the. south. An a matter of fact,1 it was the so-called lily-whites that were chiefly making" the fight to maintain representation irf southern states. Homes Where Children Mav Be Boarded Are Sought Wanted Temporary homes, in private families, in which to board children in whose .families adverse sircumstances prevail. The Rev. R. B. Ralls of the Ne braska Children's Home society is sues the appeal. The children's board will be paid, iSe emphasizes. "Many children are . in need of home care because of s,udden cir cumstancesillness, insanity or death of . parents," he explained. "There is no place to take these chil dren, only institutions, whose care is not as desirable as family life for children." The Children's Home society will investigate all applications and su perintend the children's stay in such homes. ' - 'Swat Flies' and 'Cut Weeds First Orders of Dr. A. S. Pinto Swat the flies 1 i Cut the weeds! , Those were the first .cquests made by Dr. A. S. Pinto, health commis sioner, who began his official du ties yesterday morning. . "VVe are starting in .vith the hope and expectation that there will be hearty . co-operation between the public and the health department This department will strive toward a cleaner and healthier Omaha. . We know that cleanliness leads to health ful conditions. To begin with, I will ask everybody to swat the flies nd to cut the weeds. . Man Who Shot Wife Held, No Counsel to Defend Him Without counsel or friend Harry McCauley, who shot his wife through the back at the Rialto theater last Saturday, was held to the district court by Judge Wappich. Bonds were fixed at $5,000, McCauley after he pleaded not guilty waived preliminary examina tion. "I shot her for good reasons," McCauley stated s he was taken to his cell. The condition of Mrs. Myrtle Mc Cauley showed no improvement, at tendants at the Wise Memorial hos pital stated today. , . " Central High Cadet Camp at Vallev Ready for Visitors ! Today fs visiting day at the Omaha Central High school cadet camp at Valley. A special train leaves Union station t 9 a. m. and will leave camp for the return trip at 7:15 p. m. The automobile road be tween Elkhorn and Valley is closed, motorists being advised to keep straight west on the Dodge road, cross the bridge southwest of Elk horn and continue on the southwest side of the river and railroad. They should turn west one mile this side of Waterloo. Visitors mnst carry their own lunches to camp. Montagu Tanc'ock Gets Post In Associated Ad Clubs Montagu A. Tancoclc, manager of the bureau of publicity of the Om ha Chamber of Commerce, has been elected vice president of the com munity advertising department of the Associated Advertising Clubs cf the World at their convention, which is being held in Atlanta, Oa, this week. 1 Infants of Poor Suffer on City's ' Heat Wave Days Cool, Soothing Milk Furnished Through The Bee'a Milk and Ice Fund Furnishes Relief. Introducin May Collins, a shining light in filmland who is reported to be engaged to Charles Chaplin. Miss Collins has played leading parts in several recent releases by Coldwn. She met Chaplin several years ago while watching him perform some of his "hit and run" escapades. . . Neighborhood Houses. Grand William Farnurn in "'The Ciivatest Sacrifice." Hamilton Douglas MacLean in "V!.t's Your Husband Doing?" Hobart Bosworth is working on his picture, "Renunciation." . Marie Prevost is playing opposite Hoot Gibson at Universal. Grace Darmond has just complet ed her work in "Handle With Care," a forthcoming production. She expects to got east soon. Reginald Barker, well-known di rector, is scriouslv considering pro ducing independently, it is rumored. Charles Murray will no longer be seen in Sennett comedies, having re cently left the latter. Ruth Stonehouse .is playing op posite Tom Santschi. Downtown Program. Sun Viola Dana in "The Little Pirate." . .. Rialto Elsie Ferguson in '5a- rrpA anrt Prnfans Love." Strand Thomas Meighan in "The Citv of Silent Men." Moon Jane Novak in "Kazan," Empress "Extravagance," fea turing Mav Allison. .Muse "The Ghost in the Gar ret" - Man Walking Out Bet Arrives Here Chicagoan Who Lost Wager on I Election "Hoofing It" to Coast. W B'. Martin, Chicago business man, made an election bet. He was s trong for - Mayors Thompson - and backed that gentleman's ticket in the recent Chicago election. ; Yesterday Mr. Martin arrived irf Omaha on foot. He must walk to the Pacific coast by way of Omaha, Denver and Sante Fe, according to terms of the bet he lost. He coaxed M. J. Gallucci to come along as his companion. ' . Incidentally, Mr. Martin found downtown hotels full of convention visitors when he arrived yesterday. But he was determined to have a Rood bed to sleep in. So he trudged out to the Blackstone where he found accommodations for the night The Chicago man admits his trip across Iowa was not so good. "Too much mud," he declared. . This is Mr. Martin's second Jong hike. Two years ago he walked from Chicago to New York.- That also was on a bet he lost ' The ."tie-ticket" travelers will leave- this morning for the west. Masons and Eastern Star At Syracuse Both Install Syracuse, Neb., June ' 16. (Spe cial.) The Masons and Eastern Star orders here held joint installation of their officers in tlje presence of the members and their families. The officers of the Eastern Star installed ate: Mrs. Mollie Schroeder, W; N. Hunter, Mrs. Ella Bell, Mrs. Estella DeKay, Mrs. Lenora Wiles, Mrs. Zaydia Hancock and Mrs. Elinor Wiles. The officers of the Masonic lodge installed were: Paul W. King, Edwin F. Andrews; Willard .Stong, Louis S. Fallers, William N. Hunter, El mer DeKay, Ferd H. 'Reuter and Warren A. France. School Principal Will Be Retired Despite Protest , Mrs. Agnes M. Harrison, princi pal of Farnam school, will be re tired from the teaching force despite petitions being circulated by patrons of the school, Superintendent Bever idge announced .yesterday. Mrs. Harrison has - taught in Omaha schools for 40 years. She has been at Farnam school for 26 years." , Omaha's recent heat wave was 'close to breaking June records. Everyone suffered from the humidity, but none probably was affected to the degree as infants in the city. . Babies in Omaha there are whose home's are large and roomy,' whose lawns are shaded by luxuriant trees and whose little bodies are kept as coot as human care can make' them. But babies there are, also, whose little homes are not so comfortable, whose parents are pressed by financial stringency, and whose suf fering from the heat is almost un believable in this day and age of modern conveniences. Milk Is Iced. There's a Visiting Nurses as sociation in Omaha which takes care of these babies sees that they get cool, soothing milk iced through funds furnished by The Bee's free milk and ice subscriptions. And in" the .years this fund has been maintained, the nurses' associa tion has come to depend on it for the'relief of these tiny bits of' hu manity who have no control over their present sufferings. t No Overhead Expense. There is no overhead expense to this fund, no salaries to be paid to workers, every cent goes toward the relief of these babies. Contribu tions are acceptable from 10 cents to $5. They are acknowledged in this column as follows: Previously acknowledied ........... (90.00 Ctah 2.00 C. C. K 8.00 Geo'ge W. Johnston 5.00 C. G. Tldd 5.0U Total Albert White, Former Omaha Banker, Dies At Oklahoma City Albert S. W.hite, 47, former Omaha banker, died suddenly of heart dis ease in Oklahoma City, Okl., yes terday, according to word received here todav. He was living tempo rarily in Oklahoma City while or ganizing a trust company. Mr. White was well known in Onifha. He organized the State Bank of Omaha and served as vice president for three years. He grad uated from the University of Ne biaska law school. He was for three years student manager of ath letics at the university and while serving in this position he obtained the services of Sam Crawford as foot bail coach. Under White and Crawford Nebraska won its first Missouri Valley championship. Mr. White was elected justice of the peace on the South Side shortly after he left the university. Later he went -into the banking business He is survived by his wife, who was with him at the time of his death, and a son, in school in Cali fornia. . Brief City News .1101.00 Birth Rate First 5 Months Of Year Shows Big Jump Omaha is growing, according to the birth records in the health de partment Total births for the first five months of this year was 2,087, an in crease of 281 over the corresponding period of last year. Each month this year has shown an increase over . the corresponding month of last year. Total deaths first five months of this year, 1,276; first five months last year, 1,390. Supervises Violin Classes John T. Reagan, violinist, is voluntary teach er and supervisor of the violin classes at the Omaha social settle ment. ' Held on "Dope" Charge Barney Kinserllngr, arraigned yesterday be fore United States Sommissioner Boehler, was held for the federal Krand jury, charged with selling dope, on a $500 bond. ' Seek Trio Police are searching for two men and a woman who to'ok Alice McGill. 17. 1602 North Thirty fourth street, out in an automobile and are alleged to have mistreated her. She is in St. Luke"s hospital. Wlrt'less Sleuthing Chief of Po lice Dempsey sent to 12 cities by wireless notification of the of far. of $600 reward for the burglars who stole $12,000 worth of oriental rugs from the Corte-Alrous-Hunt estab lishment Tuesday night. Club to Hold-Picnic The O'Neill (Neb.) club , will hold its annual picnic at Ha'nscom park Saturday afternoon. The club, composed of former residents of O'Neill, , has a membership of about 250 persons. Athletic games and a picnio. lunch are scheduled. Negro Holdup E. A. King, 2414 Chicago street, and Miss MaryWSast man, 3030 Cass street, were held up near the girl's home while return ing from a show. Wednesday -night. The robber escaped after obtaining $18 from King and a diamond ring from the girL Practically the entire port of Buenos Aires is tied up, due to the refusal of workers to remain on duty with non-union workers. ' Bus Driver Arrested After Boy Killed in Accident Des Moines, June 16. (Special Telegram.) Leonard Smith, bus driver, was arrested here today charged with manslaughter as .- re sult of an auto accident last night in which Ralph Bradford, 16, was killed. The bus, heavily loaded, was returning from the big Shrine con clave festivities and Bradford was riding on a fender. In attempting to pass a street car the bus over turned and Bradford was almost in stantly killed.. Equalization Board Hears Only City Assessments Numerous persons who sat for two or three hours in the session of the board of equalization yesterday found that the present board has no power to adjust county or city real estate -assessments. "We are sitting only to consider 1921 county and 1922 citv assess ments," said Charles Unitt of the board. "We have no power at this session to make any changes on as sessments of either city or county real estate." "HELP YOURSELF CLUB" The present extra vote offer of 50,000 extra votes for $25.00 in subscription payments between June 6 and Juno 13 is the only offer of extra votes to be made during the remainder of the campaign. For each dollar over the $25.00 sent in during this period you will be given ! 2,000 additional votes. i This'final offer open Monday June 6th and closes Saturday June ! 18th at 10 p. m. During the final week of the campaign no extra votes j will be given. Nothing but the regular scale of votes will be In force. VOTE VALUE OF SUBSCRIPTION PAYMENTS The Home of the Checkering Piano The World's Best Pianos and Player Pianos Pianos and player pianos that have proven their worth that have been and are leaders in their respective lines. Instruments that are indorsed by the world's best mu sicians. . . That are conceded to be of superlative quality and ex ceptional durability, therefore you can make no mistake in your selection of one of these Pianos or Player Pianos if you want the "WORLD'S BEST." . . Prices and. Terms This Month We are exclusive representatives in Omaha for the fol lowing instruments. CHICKERING Ivers & Pond, Marshall & Wendell, Foster, Schaff Bros., Pianista, Smith & Barnes, Estey, Auto Piano, Schoninger, Kohler and Campbell and others. Coma in and hear the celebrated Ampico Reproducing Piano in the Chickering. Fifth Floor. , Burgess-Nash Company VERYBprjYS STORK" Special The IAII Y mill Sunday. Morning or Even ing1, by Bojr Carrier In Omaha. Counrll Bluffs and In tnwna where Carrier Boy service U maintained. New 1 y. Tears 125.19 150,000 S Tear..... 20.44 180,004 1 Tear 19.24 16.000 Month (.10 32,000 8 ( Month MS 12.000 I Morning or Kvenlne- Without Sunday by' 6 Carrier Boy Service. 2 New J Tre.. S months 125.36 566,006 3 Teara 16.66 13(1.000 , 1 Tear 7.86 2.0no Monthe J.I 21.000 I I Monthi Ml 10.000 Sunday Only by Boy Carrier. New 6 Team .....325.(0 260,000 4 fYeare 10.40 76,000 3 Tear 0.20 33,000 1 ( Mobtha 3.60 13.000 Renewal eubaerlptloa payments will bo given Morning, Evening and Sunday by Boy carrier. Tr.. S Monthe ..,36.64 Tear 13.00 Monthe 3. OA Month -0 Dally and Sunday by Kali. New ISO, 000 163.000 63.000 tt.oot Vt Tear 3:5.30 Year 16 00 Tear T.IO Mentha 4.00 Month 3.00 Dally Only by Mall, Without Sunday Nc Tear 325.00 New 260.000 136,000 6 3,004 23.000 10,000 Teara 1 10.00 Tear 6.04 Month 2.30 Sunday Only by Mall, Tear ..'310.00 Tear 6.00 Year 2.50 Month 1.23 260,000 76,000 32,000 12.000 New 76,000 32.000 11,000 3.000 half a many vote a new subscriptions Standing of the Club Members lTBhcTudTd;h,. tlA ?.t7?A counted In the office of the club manager up to 3 p. ru, Tuesday, June 14. It wilt bo noticed by etudying this list that many change have been made In the position of em in the race. Club member who entered only short time ago. now have commanding posi tions in the column. The standings of the club members will be changed only two more times. If you want to stand well up in the published list during the remaining days of the campaign, you should send in some voting cer tificates. Some of the club members have passed the million mark in today's published list. In order to do this some of them have thrown in all their reserve votes. One million votes is not so many when if you stop and figure out that four new subscriptions of $25.50 each will earn you 1,000,000 regular votes and if turned in during the present special offer of 2,000 extra votes per dollar, the total remittance will earn 1,204,000. The highest published standing today is less than 1,226,000 votes. AT THE THEATERS In "The Brat" Miss Theodore. Warfleld, leading woman of the Princes Players at the Brandels, la giving her Omaha friend an opportunity to see her In an enUrely different type of part than any aha ha played In Omaha. It la a highly emo tional role and requires an actress of ability to play It. The Brat" laugh one minute and crle the next. She le a child, but aha '"svea with the devotion of a woman and makes' a woman'a aacrlflce for the man she loves: Miss Warfleld Is giving a marvelou performance of 'The Brat." Her acting thia week will never be forgotten by those who see her in this play. .. i , ' The Densmor sister and Loa How land, former musical comedy favorite, are featured on the new vaudeville show opening at tho Empress yesterday, in an offering which they .call "Harmony." Their act la replete with harmony sing ing, dancing, Including an impersonation of Frisco's famous dance, and a touch of comedy. A bewildering offering la that of George L. Grave A Co.. under the raptlon of "Woman of a Thousand Se crete." The act Is a decidedly distinct novelty. Brady Mahoney, who call thamaelve the "Nonsensical Navigator Who Offer a Voyage on the Ocean of Fun," are a pair of comedian of the nut variety. Their la an original act In which the element of surprise predom inates. A program of fancy aharp-ahootlng Is presented by Roel Rifle Cm. Ml Rifle demonstrate her right to be called Mob Fury Hatred ana Mice Asa M at i n a 1 , B a ffi g e r "There is one problem in American life for which I forsee no solution. It is the race problem, the negro question." These words of Grover Cleveland are recalled by . the Louisville Courier-Journal in its editorial discussion of the sudden and appalling flare up of mob fury and race hatred in Tulsa. In this Oklahoma city, which according to . one of its journals "has the highest per-capita wealth of any city in the world," the rumor that a colored boy was to be lynched brought a crowd of armed negroes to the jail to pre vent it. With the white mob and the black confronting one another, somebody fired a shot, and the result was a pitclied battle with' scores of casualties, the burning of the city's negro ; section; and the addition, as . the New York Evening Post remarks of "a ghastly chapter to the record of national disgrace." THE LITERARY 'DIGEST, in this week's issue dated. June 18th presents the edi . torial opinions of newspapers, including the negro press, published in all sections of the country upon the Oklahoma riot It shows the causes that' animate such outbreaks, the remedies suggested to prevent them, and the effect that the reports of them have in the eyes of foreign nations. ,. . ' Other important and interesting articles. in this number of THE DIGEST are:' "Harveyized" Diplomacy Haiti Charges Us With Misrule Flood-Swept Pueblo (Illustrated) Huge National Loss From Waste Constantinople. The Russo-Turkish Goal : J- ' Election Scandals in China Bolshevism's Fatal Defect r Chinese Fears of a Pacific War A British Call For Radicalism Wax Worth Millions From Weeds Anthrax in Shaving Brushes The Hen that Changed Color When and When Not to Be a Doctor Why Dogs Chase Things The French Chef in the Royal Academy The Jangled Nerves of Art Abbot Thayer, the "Father of Camouflage" The Church and "Social Revolution'1 To End War by Teaching Love Our Joyous Charity Stumps Britain The "Little Presbyterian Elder" in the Cabinet The Bright Side of Peonage, by a . Man on the Spot "Docking" the Air Liner of the Future Best of the Current Poetry Topics of the Day DISTRICT NO. I Will Include all territory Inside the City limit of Omaha eouth of Paelfle treet. wei of tho river to Seventy second street. Including Ralston, Belle vne, Cor Crook and Avery. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, on ftog.M B, 4 L. Deposit and one t00. B. A L. Deposit will be awarded la this district. . Henry Furet. 3205 W ?'!;S'5'J Ernest Herr.gron, 2015 S. ?th.-.223.C56 TJ. W 'sin. 2619 S. 23rd 1,222,10 Norman Lewis. 19J2 S. !th. .. .1,221. a- XT n.,,1, 11(1? Parte Ave. ...1.207.8 , . ' . 4114 u' 1. 143. COO Mrs. i D. Hawsrth, 1776 8. th. .1,167.890 Mr. C. A. Kauth, 1822 Bancroft, 980,840 L. A. Speitzer. 662S 8. 23rd 928,410 a. rrhAmaM AaIva 911 T Ht 869.090 Mr.' T N Williams. 3608 8. 23rd. 838.860 Mr. Pearl Btarkey 4826 Poppleton, 682,480 H. Hakenholz, 2823 Monroe 689,810 HI.. T W. Ifnlln. 1338 S. Slat. ... 562.790 O. H. Evan. 4550 S. 40th 520,820 Iva Slegal, 1724 Dorcas 403,480 Mr. Ella Dostel. 2300 8. 14th.... 383. 840 Tnhn KnAl! II I A FArmit AVA 318.740 J. I,, fleecroft. 4536 S. 18th 236,990 Mrs. C. A. Christiansen. 623 Cedar. 216.830 Mr. Anna Ruppert. 2014 Martha.. 164.170 DISTRICT NO, t . Will Include all territory inside the elty limits of Omaha and on, and north of Paelfle street, west of the river to Eighty-third etreet and far north a Maple etreet. One fl.HB.OO Maxwell, one 9200.00 B. I. Denoelt and one 1100.00 B. L. Deposit will be swarded In tola district. O-.fT. Hendee. 4204 Burdette.. . .1,225.610 Mr. Marie Coulter, 3009 Harney, 1,224,780 Mrs. M. L.. Vosbure. 2664 Douglas 1.228.210 Mrs. W. Whlteaker. 4804 Dodge. 1,222,700 Ralph N. Pratt, 602 S. 28th 1,222.000 Mrs. C. J. Hubbard, 3804 Farnam 1,221.860 Mr. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard. .1.220.640 Mr. Anne Marlnelll, 858 S. 21st, 1.219.960 I.oule J. Schafer. 112 N. 2th. .. .1,219,880 R. VE. Holbrook. 355S Pacific. .. .1,219,310 E. ft. White. 667 S. 33rd 1.219.310 C. F. Rloeson. jr.. 4906 Cumins. .1,218,670 Mrs. Emily Winner, 119 N. 20th. '.1,217,690 A. Hicks, 2716 Miami 1,215,770 Kluye B.. Morell, 644 S. 25th Ave. 1,196.410 Harold Anderson, 3116 Marcy 1,176,700 Dr. Frank a. Smith. Blackstone, 1.150,730 Desele D. Harrop, 2667 Douglas. .l,v)87,620 C. B. Hyde. 3830 Seward 1,087,300 Rev. N. C. Hansen. 171-1 N. 25th. .994,920 Mildred Plank, 2714 Burt 773,420 Phinas Wintroub. l'324 Howard. .659.510 Mrs. B. N. Clauson, 4809 Under'd, 656,480 a J. Wright, 2310 Howard.... 621,960 A. D. Klein. 1r.. 4806 Dodre. .... .676.680 Mrs. C. M. Tomondl, 4507 Charles, 627,730 C. A. Weir. 1915 Charles. 466.710 J. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago. ... ..239,650 Harold Neilson, 4316 Seward. .....144,960 Many Striking Illustrations, Including Humorous Cartoons Vice-President Calvin Coolidge, says: "The success of The Literary Digest is the best evidence of the need that it fills. It presents in a concise form the pertinent news and comments of the day so it can be readily comprehended." June 18th Number on Sale To-day News-dealers 10 Cents $4.00 a Year 4 The if M II A.I sV V waasnssssaw eawasssswaar esW SV 'BW Et est Digest FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK DISTRICT NO. 9. . Will Include nil territory Inside the city limit of Omaha oa and north of Maple street, west of the river to Eighty-third (treet and north to 8ar geant .treet. Including Florence and the Carter Lake district. One 91.115.00 Maxwell, one $700.00 B. & L. Deposit and on $100.00 . L. Deposit will be awarded la til district. Mono Harris, 2954 N. 47th Ave. 1,226,690 Mr. W. Davis, 3929 Flor. Blvd. 1,224.660 Leo Daniels, 3302 Maple 1,223,960 W. E. Stutenroth. 2156 Camden. .1,221,860 Mrs. Tom Rodebaugh (ISO Mer'th 1,120,168 Mrs. R. Tedesco, 2989 Lin. Blvd., 1,083,330 Mr. A. Dangel, 6225 Flor. Blvd., 1,065,470 Violet Brotchle, 6020 Flor. Blvd., 1,043.660 Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8611 N. 29th, 990,060 O. J. Emery, 2564 Pratt 778,140 Edna Lawrenaon, 7711 N. 28th Ave 735.T40 Mrs. Oust Kranti, 7301 Maple.... 614,780 A. L. Frederick. 2558 Wnitmore, 496,600 Mr. J. M. 8treeter, 400S N. 34th, 493.900 C. Hall. 2879 Vane 268,500 H. Chrlstansen, 6904 Minn Lusa. .232,750 DISTRICT NO. 4. Will Inelsde all territory tn the elty of Conncll Bluffs, Including the Mana wa district. One fl.lU.00 Maxwell, one KOO.0O' B. Ik Deposit and one (100.00 B. 4k I Deposit will be awarded la tbl district. Mr. M. A. Smith, 2104 Ave. D..1 Anna Ward. 1006 5th Avt 1, Gertrude Sullivan. 81 Ave. B..1, Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 305 8. 16th.. 1, A. W. Oelger, Jr., 428 Damon.... Dorothy Lenihan, 551 Harrison. R. P. Bolin. 2003 4th Ave Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 190S 3d Ave Ray Wilcox. 620 Voorhls. Mrs. Wm. J. Ryan, 2026 Ave. A. R. D. Edwards. 2310 Ave C...... Mrs. Peter Jenmn, Oakland Ct.... Bertha Zobel, 726 Ave E. 22S.64S 224.890 138,480 122,170 726,860 464,960 428,250 289,190 287,760 362.840 233,620 193,370 .11,000 DISTRICT VO. 5. f Win helnde all the territory la the Mate of Iowa ontslde the elty of Council Bluff, and the Manawa dis trict. On 1,11S.0 Maiwell, one ft 00.00 ? . J D'Pw't and one 1 100.00 B. L. Deposit will be awarded In tha district. Merle Andreas, Oakland 1,225,620 Harlan Klutts, Mondamln 1,224,620 Nellie J. Sollednr, Thurman 911,480 Bert Graham, R. 1, Logan 871,660 Haiel Donaldson, Avoca 857 770 Rev. O. B. Bauman. Mlnden 849.901 Mr. Nettle Batcheldon, Rlverton.. 814.420 airs. o. it. jarrerson. Woodbine... .802,440 jun irviaii, snenmnoan. . . Betty Eacrett. Malvern... June Beaver, Harlan Ruth Knight, Glenwood.... Olenn C. Silllck, Miasourl Valley O. J. tklna. Nenla. Leona ..-.mann, Persia .... Gladys Mayls, Harlan Geo. W. Moore, Bartlett. . . . . Fred Tanks, Avoca Mr. Belle Iwen, Schlewlg., Marion Caughell, Carson.... Myrtle Rogers. Perclval Opal Snyder, Randolph 731.130 ..719.68 ..694,670 ..699,003 598,760 ..495,374 410.090 394.480 378.734 S74.254 837.260 300,170 260.770 259.470 T. J. Comer, Missouri Valley 226.410 What you want as a club member I. votes, a votee only win prize. Subscription turned in this week will eern 2,000 more vote per dollar than they will at any later time in the cam paign. Final special offer doee Sat. urday night, June 18, at 10 p. m. DISTRICT NO. Will Include the follnwlnc counties la the state of Nebraska i Ca, Sarpy, Dougiaa (outside the elty of Omaha), Saunders, Dodge, Washington, Bart, Cuming. Thurston. Dakota, Dixon. One 91,115.0 Maxwell, one 9206.00 B. ft L. Deposit and on 9100.40 B. l Deposit mill be awarded la this district. Mrs. Lulu Owen. Ashland 1 V. H. Hoerstmann. Fremont. ...1 E. F. Cushman, Kennard 1 Mrs. Archis Roberts, No. Bend..l Mabel Braida, West Point..,...! R. V. Kennedy, Tekamah 1 Herman A. Homann, Elkhorn....! ..1 1 .....1 O. C. Hohack. Nehawka. Jens Jensen, Lyons Frank Pallas, Pender Ed R. Horak. Winnebago.. Alvln F. Barton, Lyons , Zetta Lower, Valparaiso , Jessie B. Kays. WtinCr Anna Blumm, Bcribner Donald Waugh, R, 8. Valley Nellie Dwyer. Colon Henrietta Miller, Oakland Mrs. John Huebner. R. 3 Mildred K. Johnson. Mead..... Emma Fridstrom. Oakland A. M. Sanders, Pfatismouth , Herman Buhk, Beeww. ......... . J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water... Josephine Ketchmark, Ft. Calhoun Mrs. Cbas. Andrews. Arlington.... Cedrlc Anderson, Wuhoo. . Mrs. P. E. Buck, Fremont , Beesle B. Krajlrek. Arlington..... I. N. Warrick. Blair Mrs. G. B. Darling, Hooper ,225,210 224,664 .223,490 222,760 221,470 220,570 ,177,900 104.9SO ,099,480 ,030,659 911,964 860,640 240.680 .833,440 .813.310 804.794 ,7x2,044 ,700,760 644.430 .606.244 544,810 5;7.82" ,458,900 ,438.480 434,876 373.470 .369.176 321.840 .303,496 283.294 .179,81 DISTRICT NO. 7. Win Include the following counties m the state of Nebraska: Otoe. Nemaha, Richardson, Pawnee, NJohnon, Gage, Lancaster, Seward, Saline. Jefferson. Thayer. Fillmore, York, Hamilton. Clay, Nneknlla. Webster and Adam. One 91.115 00 Maxwell, one (300.09 B. ft L. Deposit and one 9100.00 B. A L. Deposit will be awarded la thi district. . R. W. Matln, Tobla. 1.225.166 S. D. Long, Cowles .1,224,966 E. E. Holmes, Inland.... 1,223,994 Margsret Aheras. Falls City. .. .1.222.690 Mrs. B. F. Gordon, York 1,221,790 Mrs, Otl Wolford, Clay Center. .1.201,996 Mrs. Mark Hall, Auburn ..1,002,810 Raymond L. Croaeon, HastlngB. . . .949,960 Eleanor Shoff. Falrbury.. 892,970 Tllllo Nolle, R. 2, Auburn. 798,66f Mr. Thomas Brower, Geneva. . .731,860 Mrs. Chas. Fowler. Neb. City ... .731,616 George Whltsell, Kenesaw 694,676 Vera Grosahaue. Sutton 666,716 Mrs. Lydla Wolfskin, . Superior. .. .644.986 Emma Krutx, 'Deshler 618,386 Velva Balr, Fairmont.... 567.294 Mrs.-B, Anderson. 1824 H, Lincoln. 646.460' Jewell Howard. Lincoln.., 619,006 Mrs. Dean Kite, Auburn 443,436 Lola Hosford, Seward.... ...412.844 Mrs. C. P. Riley, Tecumseh. .... ...264.608 Delma Harp, Belvedere 200.270 Fred A. Johns, Davenport.... 6,000 DISTRICT NO. 8. Will Include aU territory In the state of Nebraska not included in Districts Number 6 and 7, also tearltory In South Dakota. Kansa and Colnradn. One 91.115.00 Maxwell, one 9200.00 B. ft L. Deposit and one 9100.00 B. ft I. will be awarded In this dletrlft. C. O. Jones, Hyannls 1.225.760 Andy Stone, Wood River 1.224.190 A. R. Lee, 119 Locust, No. Platte, 1.223,880 Elizabeth E. Falrchild. Lemoyne. 1,223.954 Tho. Warder. Maryville ...1,221,586 Bert Brownell, Chappell........ 1,220,444 Fern Gates, Stamford 1,219,960 Wm. Halsey, Lebanon ..1.169,194 Harriet Edwards, Scottsbluff. ...1,103,104 J. P. Mlnner, 109 W. 6th, Gr. Is. 1,438,670 Melba Phllhrick, Ord 1,009,746 Mra. Fred Collum, Arnold. ...... .1,001,974 Hazel Farrell, Gothenburg. ...... .866,766 Mrs. J. A. Quinton, Brule 932 994 E. G. Nialey. Lexington 936 996 Mra. E. flteinlt. NnMr... i baa Mrs. K. C. Dtllman, Broken Bow..'896,74. jirsi n. J. Mcintosh, Qozad. ...... .887. 804 Mr. T p.l.k.t.( ... ..a J. F. Schwalgeer, North Platte. .. .861.194 M. . Hostetler, Shelton.. 781,594 P. C. McKenzte. Burwell 695,904 Dr. C. H. Blackburn, Mitchell 638.484 Lunlle Johnson, Orleans 8H4.494 Blanche Mayers. Sutherland 560.47'; MrS. A. TC rfallfthnn P.toln. RCA ,JI Martin Nielsen, Dannebrog. . ..v. .539.396 Oym Clyde. O'Neill 620 461 Harry K. Selk, Scotln 601 846 " w. &. iiarris, ttertrand 48,970 Hazel Trundel, Sumner. ......... .416.986 Mra jiay Funstou, Ogailala..i... .412.704 C. B. Domett, Axtell..m!!mX!l80s!l94 Vera rv.rlev rull.w.v . a n , Wm. McKeevee. Cordova!!!!246!28 Helen Hammond. Valentine 245.904 H. B. Van Busk Irk. Mullen -.254,10 Anna Randall. Long Pine 231,494- R. I. T)unn. Jtrh iva t. .... u Mi r,n Wm. F. Beranek. Loup City . . 1 1 1 Il70lsi0 DISTRICT NO. V Will Include the following counties tn the state of Nebraska : Butler, Polk, Merrick, Nance. Piatt. Colfax, Stanton, Madison, Boone, Antelope, Pteroe Wayne, Cedar and Knox. One 91,115.00 Maxwell. ore 9200.00 B. ft I Deposit and one 9100.00 B. ft I Deposit will be awarded III this district. W. C. Halsey, Oakdale 1,225,934 Josephine Newton, Osceola 1.224,804 Floyd Buchanan, Silvercreek. ...1,221,194 Mrs. Wade Prultt. Humphrey. .. .1,321.764 D. P. Hill. Genoa .....1,221,790 F. L. Brown, Schuyler .....1,231.580 Ida Ruther. Stanton 1,220,634 Helen Wynkoop. Central City.. 1,119,804 A. E. Stafford. Rising City. .. ...1.067,790 E. C Wilde. 823 8. tth. Norfolk, 1,006.414 Harry J. Muff ley, St. Edward 983,610 Juanlta Carlson, Stromsburg 842,044 Laura Kolena, Crelghton 783,544 Vivian Dae. David Olty .....779,444 Hazel Snwders, Nellrh ..765,870 Marguerite Durbln. Bloomfleld... .748,184 Blanche Colby, Shelby 741,664 R. E. Strasburg, Polk ....681.816 Lydla Seyeredahl, Madison 674,984 Elmer Nordland, Columbu..... ...656.744 W. J. Keeler, Fullerton 484,874 Anton F. Votava, Schuyler ,454,600 Sam Davlea, Wayne .........407,600 O C. Smith, Albion 404 164 Fred T. Wlnglntnn. Schuyler 391,914 Mrs. Ed Lyons, Newman Grove... 392.(66 Josephine Evan. Platte Center. . .3.12,614 R. J. Swanxon, Fullerton 316.86C B. J. Maslowskv. Randolph 106 168 G. C. Griffin. Clark 17 da Ray Chase, rialnview 129.000