Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921.
Stillman Brings
More Witnesses
From Canada
(Testimony of Three Women
Expected to Center on Re
lations Between Defend
ant and Guide.
Toughkccpsie, N. Y., June 16.
Counsel for James A. Stillman cen
tered his court fight for divorce tO'
day upon testimony regarding the
relations of Mrs. Stillman with Fred
IU-auvais, the part-Indian guide
named by the New York banker as
Shortly after rioon they surprised
Mrs. Stillman and her attorneys by
producing four witnesses said to have
come from Canada. Three of these
were women. Presumably they were
to tell of relations between the de
fendant and Bcauvais at the Stillman
camp, near Three Rivers, Quebec,
They were expected to go on the
stand later today.
When the morning session opened
Bernard Kelly, former superintend
ent of the Stillman estate in the Po-
cantico hills, and his wife, Irene
Kelly, were taken into the building
where the hearings were held. Kelly s
reading of a letter alleged to have
been written to Mrs. Stillman by
Mexican Oil Producers
File Protest on Tax Boost
Mexico City, June 16. Formal
protest against President Obregon's
recent decree increasing taxes on
export petroleum was filed in the
Treasury department by representa
tives of the Associated Oil producers
of Mexico. It was declared the tax.
as a whole, was excessive, and did
not take into account the statistics
said to havefeen furnished by the
government relative to oil produc
tion and exportation
Manuel Padres, under secretary of
the treasury, made no comment on
tne protest asserting he would pass
it on to President Obregon.
Ex-Senator Beveridge Is
Said to Have Declined Post
Fresno, Cal., June 16. Former
United States Senator Albert J. Bev
eridge of Indiana has formally been
offered the position of ambassador
to Japan and has declined the post,
according to a special dispatch to the
rresno Republican from Washing
The reason given for the refusal
to accept the position is that the
former senator intends to be a re
publican candidate for United States
senator in Indiana in 1922,. the dis
patch says. He will be opposed by
the incumbent Senator Harry S.
New. -:
Naval Appropriation .Bill , ' . .
Confab Ends in Deadlock
Washington,' June 1$. Confer
ences between the senate and' house
on the navat appropriation ; bill
ended today in a? deadlock- and the
$490,000,000 bill with the Borah ,dis-.
armament conference ' amendment
was taken back to the house for ac
tion. ' .
S Cool Fresh
Good Looking
Father, 39, to Get First 8th Grade Diploma
Awarded to an Adult in Omaha's Schools
Tissue and French
ginghams with or-
gandie ties and
trimming, dotted
Swisses, French
voiles, 'permanent?
finish organdies.
Price Range
$7.50 to $19.75
A Few for More
Pj0 i
mr m m mi m .
m raw mr
Wear fir
3 I6th and Farnam
A iL liipiWllplili
23$ "f ;il .-, .r.?-
ran r wS W r4
m , ..i . fr-ini p wiim iwif liffl
Today Nathan Rosenberg, 39, will be excused from jury duty so he may receive his diploma at com
mencement exercises at Cass school where his three children also are students. . "
In the picture are Mr. and Mrs. Rosenberg with their three chidren, left to right, Joseph, 9; Esther, 7, and
David, 10.
For the first time in Omaha school
history, an eighth grade diploma will
be awarded to an adult.
Nathan Rosenberg, 39, father of
three children, will receive the cov
eted piece of paper at Cass school
graduating exercises today.
It will be the proudest achieve
ment of his life, Rosenberg admits.
"I never could have dbne it with
out, my faithful wife," he modestly
disclaims. "She deserves the credit,
not i.1;
His wife's willingness to assume
the burden of caring for their little
junk shop at 1008 North Sixteenth
street, no woman's work indeed
while her husband attended school
every day, along with his three lit
tle ones, in addition to her house
hold duties, made it possible from
the economic standpoint for him to
keep up his studies.
And Rosenberg is not through, hie
intends to enter high school in the
fall and continue through the four
year course. ... ' ,
"I don't want my children to be
ashamed of their old dad when they
get older," is his simple explanation.
"I have come to a new land of op
portunity, shall bring up my chil
dren to be loyal Americans and I
want to set them a good example."
Rosenberg has taken out nis citi
zenship papers and, indeed, is serv
ing on the jury this week, the great
week of his graduation.
Rosenberg came to this country
from Warsaw, Poland, less than nine
years ago and settled in the east.
"But I wasn't learning to be an
American fast enough in the crowded
ghettoes, so I decided to come west,
where I was told I could learn Eng
lish more quickly."
He came to Omaha three years
ago with his family and immediately
entered Cass school.
All the tribute of a grateful nature
he lays at the feet of Miss Rose
Bernstein, teacher of the ungraded
room at Cass.
"She who gave me my earliest
training helped me over the rough
spots and gave me courage to go
on. She prepared me for the eighth
grade work, which I had to take in
order to get my diploma.
It was "hard lines" for the' man of
middle age to leave the ungraded
room, where other adults were also
being taught, to enter a room of only
children of 13 and 14, but the strong
urge for an education saw him
through. Now he prefers the day
classes at high school to the evening
ones, which many adults attend.
"I cannot afford to waste the time
I am getting too old. If I should
fan in one subject, look what time I
would lose if I chose the night
The three kiddies enjoy going to
school with their daddy.
They are David, 10; Joe, 9, and
Esther, 7 years old.
Incidentally. Rosenberg will be
excused from jury duty today so he
may graduate. .
Explanation of Peace
Plan Asked by Holt
i . .. .
(Contlnned from Pace On.)
half the earth and whose population
numbers three-quarters of the human
race. You even permitted, without
rebuke, your ambassador at the court
of St. James to say that you will
have nothing to do with any 'com
mission or committee appointed by
the league or responsible, to it di
rectly or indirectly, openly or furtively.'
You have, nevertheless, as presi
dential candidate, repeatedly prom
ised ; during the campaign, and as
president you have reiterated that
promise, that you will seek to es
tablish 'an association of, nations
based upon the application of jus
tice and right, binding us in con
ference and co-operation for the pre
vention of war and pointing the way
to a higher civilization and interna
tional fraternity in which all the
world might share.'
"You have not yet given the
American people the slightest ink
ling of the terms of this Harding
association that you propose shall
supplant the Wilson league. Has
not the time come, I respectfully
ask, for you to do this. Surely you
cannot expect the 48 members of
the' present league to scrap it and
come into your association unless
two things are pefectly clear:
"First, that the new association is
substantially as good or better than
the existing league, and,
Must Have Support '
"Second, that this time a proposal
of a resident of the United States
will have a permanent and over
whelming support of the American
people. . -
You are a statesman or sumciem
experience to know that our people
will not suDDort vour association-
no matter how excellent without the
fullest preliminary discussion. Events
of the last two years have demon
strated this. You cannot, therefore,
hooe to tret oublic opinion behind
your association without taking your
countrymen into your connaence.
"Even if your . own party were
completely united on the issue, you
would still have to get some demo
cratic suDPOrt fo assure the ratifica
tion of your association by two-thirds
of the senate. As your party was
the one that first made the league
party issue, the democratic senators
would be only human now if they
turned the tables and also made your
a'ssociation a party issue." They con
trol more than a third of the votes
in the senate and they can block you
as you and your colleagues blocked
Mr. Wilson.
Effective Plan Necessary. .
"If-you expect to gain democratic
support, it is incumbent upon you
to propose an .association so con
crete and effective as to commend
itself to the enlightened sqfise of
both parties. Therefore, the quicker
you take the American people into
your confidence the better.
I here is anotner ana even more
important reason why you should
disclose the details of your plan at
once. .
The world is on the brink of
revolution, famine and pestilence.
The only great ideas that have come
out of this war as world panaceas
are the league of nations and bol
shevism. If you repudiate the ex
isting league and delay too long to
suggest anything in its place, you
run the very real risk of making the
world believe you have no plan at
all and if that comes to be generally
believed, can you guarantee that the
world would not turn to bolshcvism?
Time to Redeem Promises.
"Mr. President, the time has come
for you to redeem your premises.
The country and the world have
waited long enough to know just
what kind of an association of na
tions you have in mind. If you
delay much further, people every
where will inevitably conclude that
either you have no concrete plan at
all, or else that you propose to put
party harmony above world welfare.
In that event there will be nothing
left for those who want America to
play her rightful part in stabilizing
the world, but to organize the coun
try so as to capture congress for the
league in 1922 and the presidency
in 1924. This can be done, for the
vast majority of the American peo
ple republicans as well as demo
crats, want the United States to en
ter some sort of a league or associa
tion with enough 'teeth in it' definite
ly to. hasten the daywhen, as Victor
Hugo prophesied, 'the only battle
field will be the market opening to
commerce and the mind opening to
new ideas.'"
Pueblo Appeals Not
Necessary, Says Weeks
(Contlnned from Pe One.)
The otherwise unemployed given
employment by city. Red Cross con
curs that total unable to earn enough
to pay for food does not exceed 300.
Red Cross reports that it has so
much supplies that they cannot un
load them and could feed the whole
population of the city with non-perishables
for one month. Out of 407
tents erected, only 59 are occupied;
out of 250 beds in field hospital, less
than 70 are occupied. Further emer
gency supplies or sending of any
one to distribute them unnecessary.
Truck and wagon trains have ar
rived and are working."
Will Remove Mud.
The principal trouble needing im
mediate relief," the secretary added,
"is the removal of mud and debris
and the repair of the water facilities
of the town all in the interests of
proper sanitation and to prevent an
epidemic The secretary of war has
therefore authorized the expenditure
of not to exceed $100,000 for the
city and it is now estimated by
Colonel Caples that the work of re
moving mud and debris can be ac
complished by June 30 at a cost of
about $85,000.
"As a further sanitary measure,
the closing of fcreaks in the levees
and the repair of the water system
of the town, which is the remaining
most Imperative requirement, the
secretary of war has authorized the
expenditure of not to exceed, for the
present, $80,000 for that purpose,
which was recomended by Colonel
Caples as result of his inspection on
the groundr
Labor Meeting Rejects
Plan of One Big Union
(Continued from Pace One.)
nearly a score of delegates jumped
from their seats and demanded the
name of the delegates who had ob
jected. He declined to give the
name of the delegates. As the con
fusion increased, President William
Hutcheson of the United Brother
hood ' of Carpenters and Joiners
arose and said:
"If you want to know who the ob
jector is it is I." ,
Several delegates called his name
aloud as the convention proceeded to
further business.
The resolution also urged that
steps be taken to have the govern
ment "abolish this unlawful organi
zation known as the Klu Klux Klan,
or White Caps," and that the feder
ation use its "best endeavors to pro
tect organized labor as represented
by the colored workers."
One of the greatest ovations ever
given a speaker in any federation
convention was given to the Rev.
G. S. Lackland of the Grace Metho
dist Episcopal church of Denver,
who discussed the "duty of the
church to labor." He was cheered
repeatedly by the delegates as he
condmned the enemies of organized
"The dense ignorance of the other
side will win the fight for labor," he
declared, outlining alleged attempts
by business men and others to sup
press the church investigation of the
tramway strike in Denver last sum
mer. 1
, Aid American Homes. I
'T'he pulpits of America have
been pleading for the women and
children of Belgium," said Mr. Lack
land. "Why in God's name do they
not plead for the women and chil
dren of America?"
"Three-fourths of the 300,000
babies that died last year died in the
homes of working men where the
open shop or American shop, so
called, conditions prevail where
they deflate labor."
He declared the American Legion
should "get together in the fight for
the masses," adding, "I believe they
will." ,
Col. Olney M. Ousley, director of
the American Legion, brought a
fraternal message from that organi
zation to the laboring men.
"The harmony of this natioA and
its honor only can be preserved by
upholding the constitution of the
United States," he said, closing with
an appeal for justice to "each and
every man."
Reports that President John
Lewis of the United Mine Workers
would announce his candidacy for
the presidency of the federation in
opposition to Mr. Gompers within
the next few days could not be con
firmed tonight
The miners' leader declined to
make any statement. Representa
tives of several unions ' supporting
Lewis claim that a canvass of dele
gates shows that Lewis is assured
of from 14,000 to 20,000 votes of the
more than 35,000 votes in the con
vention. Bargains .. of all " kinds in . Bee
vWant Ads '
Five Dead, Toll
Of Train Wreck
Near Chadron
Three Cars Plunge Into High
Water Smoker Pinned
Under Chair Car Is
Death Trap.
(Contlnned from Pmo One.)
injured and made their way to a
nearby farmhouse where they tele
phoned the chief dispatcher at
Smoker Is Death Trap.
Four or five persons who died
from injuries were taken from the
smoking car.
Confusion in the black of the night
caused doctors and rescuers from
Chadron, who were sent to the scene
by the dispatcher, to send conflicting
reports of the number of dead, one
early report going as high as 40.
Complete list of the dead and in
jured was soon wired to H. E.
Dickinson, general superintendent 'at
Omaha by railroad officials at the
scene of the crash.
The dead were taken to Chadron
in relief trains which were hurried
to the scene, and the injured were
removed to hospitals in Chadron and
Hot Springs, S. D.
F. M. Stewart of Gordon, one of
the five men killed, was a salesman
for the Hughes Grocery company of
Omaha. Frank Bosner of Lander
and C. M. Buck of Grand Island,
who lost their lives when the smok
er plunged into the creek, also were
salesmen. Buck represented the
Liggett and Myers Tobacco com
pany. R. C. Scott, Chadron, baggageman,
was killed when he vas hurled from
his car by the force with which it
struck the creek bank in the plunge
from the bridge. His body was re
covered from the water early yester
day morning.
Dies in Hospital.
B. F. Skiles, mail clerk, Chadron,
died of internal injuries in the hos
pital at Chadron. Little hope for
his recovery was held when he was
taken from the combination mail and
baggage car which had been tele
scoped; with the tender of the engine.
Miss Ruth Beckler of Crawford,
Neb., was , first reported the only
passenger on the train to escape un
injured. Another, however, proved to be
W. W. Finger, a soldier from Chey
enne, who was traveling as escort to
the body of another soldier named
McCoy to Hot Springs. The casket
was not recovered from the baggage
car until 2 a.m.
Three Omahans Hurt.
Three men from Omaha are
among the injured at the Hct
Springs hospital. Their hurts are
not serious. They are:
Conductor H. H. Fickbohn, 2532
North Sixty-fourth street; C. F.
WarnKftp Whstpr street, and
joe E. Re'efe, 3601 North Nineteenth
Warnecke is salesman for the A.
C. McClurg company and Reefe
salesman for the United States Rub
ber company.
V. L. Brink ot Lnaaron, aistrict;
claim agent; A. Roundseyille, Chi
fnrn acaictant rhipf nffineer. and
Wymer Dressier, Omaha attorney,
were on the Pullman car.
They were huned from their
berths and, upon investigation, as
sumed charge of the relief work
among the injured until the special
train from Chadron arrived.
MAct nf wrerlface was removed
by 2:30 p. m. yesterday, more than 12
hours after the hrst crasn, dui rail
road men said service over the line
could not be resumed for three or
four days because of the necessity ot
rebuilding the wrecked bridge.
Pit. driver from Casner. Wvo..
and Chadron were put to work on a
new structure as soon as tne wrecic
age was cleared. The Burlington
railroad sent a wrecking crew from
Alliance hv wav of Chadron to assist
in the clearing work.
Tli eticrinp arid the Pullman car es
caped much damage. The other dars
were total wrecks.
' Reports from Chadron' say tne
train uraa ravelinor between 20 and
25 miles an hour. The creek, which
is about 35 feet wide, is known as
a "Arv rrreV during summer.
An hnnr hpfnre the fatal wreck, a
westbound train crossed the bridge
in afptv. Then came the cloud
burst which filled the creek with
water and weakened the supports of
the bridge.
Tti rlinir rar wa half nh-
merged in the water after the crash,
with the smoker puea aiong tne
creek bank, the rear half beneath the
front halt of the chair car.
Baggage Car Telescoped.
Ahead of the smoker was the bag
gage car, on ,up the creek bank, tele
scoped by the tender of the engine
for 15 feet, according to the Chad
ron dispatcher.
Passengers in the chaif car were
able to crawl out the windows of
their car, climb to the top of the
coach and make their way along the
tops of the piled coaches to the top
of the creek bank.
The injured, rushed to Hot
Springs, were met at Buffalo Gap by
a special train bearing a corps of
surgeons and nurses from Dakota.
The scene of the wreck is about
half way between Dakota Junction
and Whitney.
On ordinary trips passenger train
No, 606 carries between 50 and 100
passengers on its run from Lander
to Omaha.
Big Mining Company Will
Reduce Wages of Employes
Sioux Falls, S. D., June 16. (Spe
cial Telegram.) The Homestakej
Mining company of the Black Hills,
which employs more men than any
other South Dakota industry, today
gave notice that on July 16 the
wages of its hundreds of employes
would be reduced 50 cents per day.
Fined for Theft of Tires
Stockville, Neb., June 16. (Spe
cial.) William Kotschwar, a farm
;i living 12 miles southwest of May
wood, was found guilty of stealing
tvr auto tires and finsd $3 yester
day. Elias Montgomery the com
plaming witness, found three tires
: tripped from h!j car June 1. He
tracked an auto to the home of Wil
liam Kotschwar, where the missing
tires were found in the cellar.
Mail Clerk Who Died
Of Wreck Injuries
f & ( Sin
B. F. Skiles.
The. smallest apartment houses
are those occupied by bees. In a
cubic foot of honeycomb there are
about 9,000 cells.
Says Men of World Have
Organized Only 100 Years
Aurora, Neb., June 10. (Special.)
Rev. C. E. Lemon, pastor of the
First Christian church, spoke to the
Aurora Rotary club at its weekly
luncheon. The subject of his ad
dress was "Organisation." Out ot
the 6,000 years pf the world's history
which has bcenvwritten, he said,
5,900 years were passed by man
without organization. The past 100
years, he said, had been marked by
great organization of all of the
activities of mankind.
Rains Promise Bumper
Crops in Keith County
Ogallala, Neb., June 16. (Spe
cial.) -J. S. Kroh, weather man, re
ports a three-inch rain in Ogallala
Tuesday and practiclly the same
amount throughout Keith county.
Fall wheat is now in boom and this
rain will insure another bumper crop
of about 1,500,000 bushels. Spring
grains are made and corn, which has
had one cultivation, is greatly boost
ed by this fine rain.
First Wheat of Season in
Texas Brings $2 a Bushel
Wichita Falls. June 16. The first
wheat of the season to be marketed
from wagons was received here late
yesterday and sold for $2 a bushel,
including a bonus of 75 cents a
Jefferis Asks That
Farm Probing Body
Hold Hearings Here
Washington, June 16. (Special
Telegram.) Following the adop
tion by congress of the joint reso
lution presented by Senator Lenroot
of Wisconsin authorizing the ap
pointment of a joint congressional
committee to investigate the present
status of the farmers of the country,
costs of farm production, marketing
system and general industrial condi
tions, Congressman Jefferis sent a
letter to Senator Lenroot asking
that the joint committee hold hear
ings in Omaha if hearings outside
Washington were contemplated.
The Omaha ' representative called
attention to the fact that Gate City
was the leading primary grain mar
ket of the transmississippi country
and one of the great live stock mar
kets of the world.
Senator Lenroot in his reply states
that he does not believe it would be
necessary to hold hearings outside
of Washington, but if such a course
should be determined upon he will
be glad to present Omaha's many
claims for consideration to the com-
A ceneral tie-un of all industrv in
threatened in Mexico in connection
with the walkout of telephone employes.
jtapn .efa & Co.
To insure prompt service
orders should be placed
at the present time.
Fur Shop Third Floor
Remnants of
Wash Goods
Ginghams, ' tissues, per
cales, voiles, plisse crepes
and other fabrics in suit
able lengths for blouses,
dresses and children's
wear. Priced for a clear
ance Friday 15c a yard
Second Floor
f6r All Needs
Organdy flouncings in
complete sets, ruffled and
tucked, all ready for use,
come in both white and
colors. .
Seam and ribbon beading
in very dainty patterns. -
Galloons, scalloped on
both sides, in shoulder
strap width.
Very narrow edgings and
insertion for children's
garments, embroidered on
Swiss or cambric.
Protection Against
Summer Suns
Parasols are in favor this season. If you have
a particularly beautiful organdy or sport silk
frock, a matching or contrasting parasol will
complete the costume.
No two are alike and all are delightful. Ruf
fles, shirrings, Japanese shapes and beautiful
handles distinguish them.
Our children's parasols are attractive replicas
of the larger ones. Colors and styles are very
pretty and prices moderate.
To th Left as You Enter
A New Gingham
Bungalow Apron
A fine gingham apron that
is excellent for $2.69.
Second Floor
Sorosis Pumps Are
Repriced $8.85 a pair
Gray suede pumps with instep straps.
Patent leather strap pumps with gray
suede quarters".
ft Bronze kid strap pumps.
ft These are all this season's styles in
finely made slippers. The sizes are al
most complete.
On Sale Friday for $8.85
We extend to the delegates and their wives
a Real Nebraska Welcome.
Visit our Home Office while attending
the Convention
Fire Imotamce q.
W. H. AHMANSON, President.
W. L. WILCOX, Vice President.
W. A. SMITH, Vice President.
JAMES E. FOSTER, Sec.-Treas.
MERRICK E. LEASE, Agency Supt.