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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1921)
I HE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1921. 12 Classified Advertising Rates Me per lin (count all word to line) 1 da 16 per line per, day. t eoasecuttve day 15 par Una per day, T eonsoeutlv dayr 14a per lina par day, tl eoneeutivo day No ada takes for let than a total ot tie. These rate apply either to til Daily or Sunday Be. All advertisement ap pear in both morning and evening daily tnen for the on charge. CONTRACT BATES ON APPLICATION Want ada accepted at the following of tic: MAIN OFFICE. ....17th and Karnam St. South Sid 498 Hot-th S4tb 8t Council Bluffs It Seott St. WANT ADS RECEIVED BY PHONE ATLANTIC 1000. THE BEE will not be responsible (or mora than ona Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for nor than an tim. . CLOSING HOUH3 FOR WANT ADS. Keening: Edition 11:45 A.M. Morning Edition 1:09 P.M. Sunday Edition 90 P. If.. Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. WE Winn to thank our friend for their klndnea and sympathy ahown ue dur ing th death of our beloved wife, sister and daughter, alio for the beautiful floral offering. Mr. B. Harrel, Mr. Chris Anderson and family. PRICK Patrick J., aged 9 years. Funeral from the home of his niece. Mr, fheator Washburn. 2517 Corby St.. Saturday morning at 8:30 to Sacred Heart church at a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. PCMY Oustave; died June 15, aged 24 years, 6 months. 16 days. Funeral private. CARD OF THANKS. WE WISH to thank our kind friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy end for the beautiful floral of ferings during the death of our beloved If a and mother. Mr. William Stelmle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stanley. Mr. and Mr. William Vanderford, Mrs. Glen Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Stelmle, Mr. and Mrs. John Stelmle, Mr. Will Stelml and Family, Mr. Henry Stelmle. FUNERAL DIRECTORS " STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST mov AMBULANCE Thirty-tniro ana urnim. HtJLSE & RIEPEN PIONEER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 701 South 1 Bt. Jackson 1226 HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Ption H. 266, Office Mil Fsrnam. FOR AMBULANCE call Market 0(IH0. Korlaku Funeral Home. 23d and osts. FLORISTST LEE L. LARMON 'XSTS' 1114 Dousta St. Dougla 8244. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnaro. Jackson 1256. JOHN BATH. 1804 Far nam. Jackson 1906. "BIRTHS AND DEATHS. . Births.. . Joe and Louis Huntoon, hospital, boy. Jiobert hd May. Wakenlght, hospital, airl " John and Melia Dogoda. 8001 Valley "cor'neflua and Allc Holl'estoll. 304 Exns treet, boy. Vincent and Haiel Keller. 3324 North FiCty-flfth tret, girl. Peitths. John Davidson, 64, 1162 Nortn Sixteenth treat. , . ,. , Ttphar Pelnar. 42, hrap.tal. . t ?red RoSi? . 2102 South Thirty-fifth 1S thBf North KTCaCn? ;f.rbeaeu-gh., 2028 n... .street Viva E. 8waney. Infant, hospital. Mary Donner. 7 4017 Hamilton street. i,ouisa Haye. 66, 2117 Grant striet. Mr. Myrtla Turner, it, hospital. Hssel Richie., 18. "japltal. Lculaa Stelmle., 74, 4218 Maple tr MARRIAGE LICENSES. Tha following persona were Issued per- mlt to wed: John 3. Keating. 86. Omaha, and Ada Woods, 19. Rock Island, 111.. Culseppa Cnrro, 22. Omaha, and Rosar'.n Grasso. 16. Omaha. - " Clarence McDanlel, 21. Omaha,-and Amanda Wright.. 18. Omaha. . Doyle D. Murphy. 21, Lincoln, Neb., and Marie McCoy. 18, Lincoln. Neb. Eugene Wolfe, 24. Topeka, Kan., and Mary Olyve- Bourke, 26, Omaha. Uoldla George Grant. 29. Lincoln. Neb., and Florence C. Stein, 19, Malcolm. Neb. Frederick E. Graham, over 21. Omaha, and Adallna M. Stone, over 18, Omaha. William J. Wolff, 22, Omaha, and Vera MiKinney, 23, Omaha. Eone Wood. 28, California, la., and Merna Beebe, over 18, Mondamon, la. Alonao N. Schulze, 26. Omaha, and Helen A, Wlaler, 22, Omaha. 1 Carl H. Moses, 26. 'Carter, S. D., and Edith Pettlgrew, 21. Omaha. Carl J. Vondra. 27, Petersburg. Neb., and Gertrude E. Ernst. 2. 8pmcer, Neb. Newel E. Lleser, 21, Omaha, and Myrtle M. Lllley, 17, Omaha. LOST. FOUND AND REWARDS. maw. , nmvstT na TlfiT An afreet cara tl0' IVH A phono Tylr 800. Wa are anxlpu to ro itore lot article to rightful owner. OMAHA A COUNaL BLUFFS ST. RT. COMfANI. LITTLH femal fox terrier. Party who tola pup 1 known; If pup 1 returned, no question asked, otr.-erwlse will cause arrest. Adam Bauao, e.ia mume. LOSTj Bluo llk umbrella with a light tan port leather handle. Return 4o main office Omaha Beo. Reward. Lost on atreot ear. ' LOST Billfold, money and Burlington pass; property of C. A. McMunn. Call Burlington roununouae. i-ii " LOST. trayed or atolen, 3-year-old bay maro from 0S 8, 13th, Monday night. Please notify Mar. emu or uk. SPECTACLB caso and glasses. Name C. J. Vlack on case. Return to F. H. Craig, 1102 S. 82d St. Reward. . TORTOISB shell glassea In case. 4652. Mar. SPECIAL NOTICES. CONCESSIONS WANTED FOR JULY 4 Merry-go-round, ferrls wheal, stand, novelty stands, side show of good char, acter, baby rack or anything else In this Una. Only town In a radlu of 40 . mtlea that I celebrating. Write to Sec, American Legion Celebration Com, Fontanelle. Ia. WANTED for July 4 and string of pic nic to follow, merry-go-round, ferri wheel, whip and concessions. FRANKLIN BROS., Prom., Falls City. Neb. AMERICAN Legion, Fairmont, Neb., would like to hear from all varieties of con cesslona for Fourth of July celebration. BIO Fourth of July celebration. Con cession wanted. Wrlto E. C. Hansen, Adams, Neb. - - PERSONAL. THB SALVATION Army Industrial horn aollctta your old clothing, furniture, magaalnaa. We collect. Wa distribute Phono Dour 4186 and -our wagon will ralL Call and Inspect our new horn, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. TRAINED nurse will &ke old people or invalid to her home. Price reason able. Box-X 61, Omaha Bee. WILL not b responsible for debt con tracted by my wife from thl date. Carl Peteraon, is do. sinoi. AT IT WITH FLOWER3 FROM HESS SWOBODA. 141 FARNAM STREET. WEAVING. Old rugs remade. AT. 1433. MASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street. Swedish massage, massufcse.209 S.20.D.6877 SENT Hoover vacuum. II op. WaL 1947, ELECTRIC bath and massage. WE. 2911. MASSAGE), Emma, Brott, At 8763. MASSAGE Call Douglaa 9649. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordion Pleating. ACCORDION, aide, knifo. aunburt. box pleating, covered buttons, all else and stylea; hemstitching, plcjt edging, oyo let cut work, buttonholes). pennnta. Ideal Button and Pleating Co.. 108 Brown Blk. Jackson 193. Neb. Pleating Button Co.. 180 Varum St. 2d floor. Donglao 7 Contractors. GAR AOS, 11 00 and up; house remodeling, screen porches, new and repair work; satisfaction guaranteed. W. Stephen. 4409 8. 2 2d. Market 0527. PATCH plastering, cement work a special ty. Phone Walnut 0997. A. Petti t Brick, plaster, and cement, new and re pair work. J. Nau. WA. 4567. CEMENT work ef all kinds. Harney 3)61. Corseticre. flATTIE ' Putnam Nubone Corset Shop. 01 Kaxbach Blk.. At. 29U BRINGING UP FOR COOONESS WHAT AR.ET "TOO tblTTIN' IN THAT CEMEKT- MIXER FOR? ANNOUNCEMENTS. Dancing Academies. LEARN TO DANCE RIGHT. Fancy. Slage and Ballroom Dancing 'l'aught. Lesson by Appointment. EMPRESS RUSTIC GARDEN. Empress Theater. Atlantic 1643. V" cA Pint. School Jor I)anc;ne, IVCl-A 1I1C Karnam. Doug 7aa 2421 Detectives. RELIABLE Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. JA au&tt. isignt i, JAMES ALLAN. 318 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in an cases. Dressmaking. Dressmaking. Call Harley hotel. Room 84a. Kodak Finishing. j FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. write ror prices. a,niu Howard 8t. FILMS developed, one-day service. Kase Studio. 213-29 Neville. Blk. BRITT Printing Co., 1 ElksBldg. Furs. WBJ remodel your furs and make them Ilk new. Fur stored and Insured agalnat all losses. KNEETER ALASKA FUR CO., 203 8. 15th. Doug. 72. Labor and Building. WE can build you a good garage for $100. We also deliver kindling. Mirklin Lumber & Wreck Co.. 24th and Bur dette, Webster 6565. Painting and Paperhanging. PAPER-HANGING, painting, varnishing, floors waxed, paper cleaning. WA. 4667. INTERIOR varnishing enameling, floor waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4821. ALL kinds of painting and paper hanging, work guar. L. P. Mortenaen, DO. 4688. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent attv.. 1716 Dodge. Miscellaneous Announcements. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO.. 27th and Martha Sts.. Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Standard size cast Iron bushings in stock. DIAMONDS pay th best 'orlca with urlvlleg to buy back at raall profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO. 401 N. 16tb St Toug la 6049. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. Jackson 2467. RAZOR BLADES aharpened. Single, B5c; double edge, 45c doz. Mall orders so licited. Omaha Sharp Co. 103 N. 16th. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. J A. 0528 NEW and rebuilt electrics! apparatus. LeBron Electric. 818 S. 12th St.. Omaha. ; FLAT TIRE? CALL D. 6603. WHITELEY.'The TIRE MAN. 320 S. 13th. ROGERS Confectionery Store, 24th and Farnam St. Jackjon 0127. DESK apace, reasonable. 305 Leflang Bldg. FOR SALE. Furniture and Household Goods. HOUSEHOLD goods for quick ale, leav ing city. Kenwood 443. Pianos and Musical Instuments GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer In drums. xvlophones, etc.. Instructions, repairing. Address 2761 Davenport St. for catalog. ' Phone Harney 2967. Try Smith's pedal. BIGGEST phonograph bargain in Omaha. Shlaes Phonograph Co. 1404 Dodge. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING-MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, cold, rented and e repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Oet our prices before yoj buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRAPHS, F. 4k K. s: bargains, 519 Farnam Bldg. Farm and Dairy Products. THREE good hives, bees for sale, com plete bee outfit, cheap; also hive and ac cessories. 3132 King St. Kenwood. 4160. Miscellaneous Articles. SEWING MACHINES- W rant repair, sell needles and part. MICKEL'S . 16th and Harney. Doogias 1978. FOR SALE Murray Corliss engine, 199 H. P.; Westlnghouse generator, 75 K. W.: 4 K. W. exciter, all In good condi tion and now In operation. Dr. I. I. likens. Mayor, Tekamah, Neb. TRUNKS and traveling goods, at low prlcea. will take your old trunk. In on a new one; we do repairing. Alfred Cornish A Co., 1210 Farnam St. WE buy, nil aafra, make deaka. show, cases, etc Oraaoa Fixture & 8upply Co. C A TPTTG BARGAINS. 12th Farnam, Clnf JlJO j. j. Darlght Safe Co. One refrigerator, one bar, ona back bar: 5S24 N. 16th. wen. ez. NEW electric fans, all sixes, at reduced prices, uougiaa 4ti. WANTED, TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 14. WANTED Two front Ford wheels with good hubs.- Call Red J215. Co.. Bluffs. WANTED. SITUATIONS. Male. AUTO repairer wants work In a garage; will work for reasonable wages. F. S Wanous, Glencoe, Minn. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lot of good places are always advertised. Don't raise them Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing at home. Webster S8U4 DAY work 'wanted, white woman. DO. 8333 HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED 2 draftsmen for map work; must be neat letter and experienced Give education, qualifications and ex perlcene In first letter. - Box A-39. Bee. MOLER BARBER COLLF.GB. lie So. '4th. Writ tor catalog. WANTED Stereopticon and projector. A. Johnson, Blair, Neb. J. ATTORNEY, western Nebraska, Omaha Bee. Y-1662, Salesmen and Solicitors. Wanted Real Estate Salesman, IMust hav car. Prefer married man der 33. I AMOS GRANT COMPANY. Phtno Mr. Cbuda.'HA. 5306 Even!n?s. INSURANCE SALKSME.N. MEN OR WOMEN. Bometnmg new, special auto motile accident policy, everybody buy, experience unnecessary. Just the thing to rneet present money conditions. 9-50 a month easily inad . Call morning (49 Aeter Trust Bldg FATHER DON'-T TALK LIKE BOUGHT THt. CAR AND AN LEARNING TO t. HELP WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. 1.000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR Uncle Sam' Shoe at 82.90 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 706 N. 16th. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 121 N. 15th St. Phoie Jaokson 1112. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. TW.i dictaphone operators, eiyexifnced, 8!0. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, about i years' experience. SERVICE REFERENCE CO., 422 Paxtoo Blk. Maud E. Cloud, Mgr. GIRLS to prepare for gov. bookkeeping and stenographic positions, 81,100 to 81,400 to start. Our personal Instruc tion qualifies you quickly. Write Bee, Box A-29. Household and Domestic. GIRLS Watch the Domestio Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike placea always advertised. CAPABLE white maid for general house work; reference. Harney 0352. NEAT colored girl for housekeeper. 2220 Grace St., Webster 6710. Miscellaneous. LADIES Earn 815 weekly, spare time, at, addressing, mailing music circular. Send 25c silver for music, sample copy, information. Ansonla Musio Co., An son la, Conn. ' VANTEIW-Manicurist. Commercial Bar ber Shop, Corner Broadway and -Scott Street, Council Bluffs. J. J. Ollrlch. YOUNG lady to travel with show. W. Woolcy, Care Landea Shows, South Omaha. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys -to learn barber trade; big demand: wage while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1401 Dodge St. Tri-Clty Harbor College. BUSINESS CHANCES. SALE OF HARDWARE STOCK AND FIXTURES. The undersigned Trustee, will sell the stock of the LOKEN HARDWARE COMPANY, at Albion, Nebraska, In bulk, to the highest bidder for cash. All bids to be In my hands at close of business JUNE 20, 1921. The right la reserved to reject any or all bids. JAMES FOX, Trustee. Location Wanted By auto painter to run shop on per centage; can furnish A-l references. Boy. Y-1663, Omaha Bee. SMALL grocery store with 4 rs. furnished, grocery stock, fixtures, household furni ture for sale, bargain. HA 2421. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney, 1102 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL. Complete course in accountancy, ma. chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand ana typewriting, ranroaa ana wire less telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 for large illustrated catalog. Address BOYLES COLLEGE. I Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. ' rv Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Scboola. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6899. GLASGOW, ANNIE E., voice and piano. 603 Karbach Block. Jackson 1081. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARB YOU LOOKING FOB ROOMS? Or have you planned on making change, which will be more convenient for youT If o, then call The Bee .Vent Ad Dept. Tyler 1000, and we will oi only furnish you with a complete -Com list of choice vacant rooms In Omaha, but also keep your number on our 'Want to Rent" Ut for further refer ence In case you wanted to make in other change. These lists are absolutely free of charge to all readers and adver tiser of The Omaha Bee and published solely for their convenience and benefit Call any time. Atlantio 1000. Want Ad Dept DESIRABLE front room, strictly private family, home privileges; breakfast if desired; gentlemen. 3308 Larlmore Ave. Kenwood 3997. IF you are looking for a room for two, exceptionally cool, large, well furnished. West Farnam district, can rtarney mm. NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms, board If desired, very ressonable. 628 S. 25th Ave. Atlantio 8981. 2895 CALIFORNIA Nicely furnished rm. for gent'men, walking distance. HA. 0845 VERY nice room for colored rnan and woman. 2220 Grace. Webster 6170. 630 S. 25TH AVE. Furnished rooms; walking distance. Douglaa 6024. 2315 DEWEY 'AVE. Nicely furn, room, private family. Atlantic 2809. BEAUTIFUL sleeping porch with dresser and wardrobe. Web. 0539. NICE clean rooms, 410 Sweetwood Ave. near Z6th and fyrney. ROOM, close-in; gentlemen. AT. 0390. Housekeeping Rooms. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST VP .'OU8E- THE BEST IN CITY. CALL TYLER 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERY WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. , ATLANTIO 1000. WANT AD. THREE large furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light, bath and gas, 912. Do'uglas 1718. TWO 3-room apts. and other light house keeping rooms. 1618 S. 10th. AT. 1863. TWO modern rooms, near 2 car lines, everything furnished, 835. AT. 0748. Board and Rooms. FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOTI WAN IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. Two cool rooms, each' suitable for two, with board. Special Sunday dinners, 60c. HILLSIDE INN, 2124 Davenport. At. 1683. LARGE, cool, modern, close In room and board. Call Atlantic 4544. BOARD and room. 88 wk. Doug. 6532. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. . Furnished. FIVE-room furn. apt, close in. available luc summer, .iuiio ig iv ociiu xu, tuu pie without children; gllt-edga refer ences required. Dg. 4404. FIVE-room furnished apartment. newly aeeoratea. 900 montn; overytmng fur nished. Webster 2243. FIVE-room furnished apartment In St Regis, for July and August Har. (096. 6195. Unfurnished. FOUR rooms and kitchenette and bath, all modern. Individual street entrance. Janitor service 365. The Pershing, 823 South 24th St. Douglas 6200. Peters Trust Company, Specialists In apartment management. FOR RENT Business Property 8EE F. D. WEAD. ! a 18TH ST. Bargains of Want Ads. all kinds in Bee Registered U. S. Patent Offie 4 .,. fflSS ij DOWN TOWN . C mJar NOW TO SEE J At HOW WELL I iTTaJ 4 S CAM IN f iw? Vthe: traffic; MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY and van CO STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS, REASONABLE RATES, FREE RENTAL SERVICE) COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 1107-11 Howard St. Jackson 0288. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household good and piano, moving, packing and hipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 106 South 16th. Doug. 4168 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Atlantio 8400, UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. J A. zsios POULTRY AND PET STOCK. 20 WHITE Leghorns, 81 a piece, also incubator, 812; bargain. Kenwood 44bl, WHEAT screening 84.50 per 100; del. W. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. Dg. 1142. R. I. R. chicks. 15c each. Black 4116. 215 Vine St., Council Blum. BABY chicks, 18o ach. Douglas 2186. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. TEAM of mares, wagon, harness, 8 acres corn, 1 acre potatoes. Kenwood 2216. BEAUTIFUL Shetland pony, saddle and bridle; reasonable. Walnut 4972. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OAKLAND COUPE. . Here 1 a fine little 4-passenger coupe, Just like new in every respect. Fully equipped, Including slip covers, motor meter, bumpers, extra tire tube and cover, ahock absorbers, etc. All tires are brand new and one can scarcely tell the car from a new one. Guaranteed In every respect and a bargain for some one. Call Douglas 1970. Guy L. Smith. If you 'are looking for a good used car cheap, do not 'fall to see our Special Bargains. Cash or terms. Omaha Auto Sales, 2060 Farnam. HUDSON SUPER-SIX DEMONSTRATOR. This week we will release one current model Hudson Super-Six seven-passenger touring car, which has been slightly used as a demonstrator here in Omaha. This car Is ujst like new and is fully covered by our new car guaran tee and service. See this car before you buy. It I a real bargain. Call Douglas 1970.' GUY L. SMITH! MUST SELL My four-door Dodge Sedan due to urgent need ot money. Box X-58, Bee. AUTOCAR 2-TON TRUCK FORECLOSURE SALE. PUBLLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST. BIDDER FOR CASH. 10 A. M., Jun 20TH FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. CLEMENT MOTOR CO., 1814 CUMING ST. WE sell "used, not abused cars." Thtit is not all we will buy your car for cash and sell it back to you on time. SALEADAY CAR CO.. 40th and Farnam. Open until 9:30 p. ni. NEW tractor worth 3301) for 8575 cash to settle bankruptcy claim; this Is an Allls-Chalmers 10-18, will pull" three bottoms. L. W. Burdlck, 1708 Burt St. SOME bargains in used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. Th. Handy Ford , Service Station, ,ch and Jackson, Douglas 8600. MY 1919 Allen touring, Just out paint shop. Thoroughly overhauled, new tires, con dition guaranteed. 4615 Dodge. Wal. 6644. USED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. ! tkawveb AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam Bt. NEW and used cars bought and sold. Goldstrom Auto Sales. 1318 Harney. Squire's garage, 2619 Farnam St. H. 0644. Repairing and Painting. WHITE garage; gen. auto repair, storage and auto painting; day and night serv ice; all work guaranteed. New manage ment Glen Morse, 723 S. 27th. JA. 0422. Clltes & Peterson, auto repair. 810 S. 25th. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 812 S. 24th. Accessories. INTERLOCK Inner tires and reliners do prevent punctures and blowouts. Vul canizers Supply Co. 2912 Farnam St Auto Tires. FABRIC TIRE REPAIRS BLOWOUTS OR RELINERS. Three-in. 92.25; 3ft In. 32.60; 4 In. 83.00. Used tires, Ford sires, 83.00 and up. Hart Tire and Rubber Co.. 718 So, 16th. Truck tire repairs a specialty. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. FOR SALE. Change In circumstances and sickness In family compel change in climate and these fine lands, the .accumulation of a lifetime, will be sold much below their real value, on easy terms. This Is the bargain hunter's opportunity, 2,000 acres solid body, living springs, fenced, adjoins railroad station, 20 miles east of Pueblo, Colorado, in Arkansas River Valley; a fine ranch proposition. Price 825 per acre, easy terms. 800-acre farm, well improved, Stuts man County, North Dakota; 2 miles to elevator, all level, valley land and all in crop, clean seed and well rented. Price 8100 per acre; easy terms. 640 acres, open prairie land, not Im proved, miles to good railway town and 25 miles from Denver, Colorado; in fine neighborhood. . Price 835 per acre; easy terms. 160 acres, all Irrigated and In crop, living water, good, fair buildings, half mile to good town, 30 miles from Den ver, Colo.; all in beets, wheat and al falfa. Price 9225 per acre; easy terms. This Is a very rich and productive farm. 240 acres, fine level land; no Improve ments; one-third in crop, balance open prairie; 4 miles to town In Red River Valley, Pork County, Minnesota. Price 860 per acre; easy terms. Come or write at once If you want a genuine bargain. CHAS. O. ELWOOD, 701 Ideal Bldg.. Denver, Colo. Minnestota Lands. EQUITY Land Exchange. St Paul, Minn. Nebraska Lands. FOR 8ALE Eight acres farm land, ZV miles south of Grand island; good (or ' chicken or truck farm; new, modern, 7 room bungalow, with garage, two chick en houses, and barn for cows. For par ticulars write Paul Welnhold, P. O. Box 493, Grand Island, Neb. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on hand to loan on Omaha residence. E. H. LOUGEE. INC (38 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO.. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 2716. 1100 to 810.000 mad promptly. P. D. WEAD. Wead Bldg.. II 8. 18th St SEE JICCS AND MAGGIE IN FULL PAGE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY BEF SHE'LL HRIVF IN THE, TRAFFIC ALL. RiHv an" every imrCi ri tF i - i 1021 INT L FBATUHI ' FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. HELD Land Co.. real estate, loan and Insurance. 6064 Military Ave, Miscellaneous. To Oil Investors Do you want to co-operate with a few business and professional men who have built up a solid producing oil company with over 20 wells and now drilling for a gusher in one ot the highest arade oil fields in America. We want to hear from Investors with $100 to 3500. Box X-34, Omaha Bee. 1ST MORTGAGES bought Ja, 1180. REAL ESTATE WANTED. WANTED. i I want a 6 or 7-room house In Dundee or Cathedral district Not over 6 years old. Fireplace and large living room. Can pay rash and will buy at once If suitable and pricod right. BOX X-56, BEE. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate see FOWLER & M'DONALD 1120 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1426 HAVE inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? List 11 wun C. A. Grlmmel, Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. LIST homes and income rrnnerty with GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1966 WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOME? C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nat'l Bldg. Dougla 8787. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 Dodge St. Douglas 1345, DT'DT?r,rprP REAL ESTATE: XjllVXVJu 1 X gens. Rent. Iniuret 350 Peters Trust Bldg. Jackson 0633. LIST with us. Wa guarantee results. STIER REALTY CO., 715 Bee. DO. 6546, LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 413 Karbach B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Four Corner Lots, Near Krug Park, $1,000. Four nice east front corner lots, Just north of Krug park; two blocks to paved road; water in street. Priced for quick sale at 81,000 on very easy terms. A real bargain for someone. J. L. Hiatt Company, "Better Values.' Hiatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglaa. Atlantic 0063. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee Choice Dundee Home. Attractive 2-story colonial home. Six rooms and. bath. Beautifully finished In mahogany and Ivory enamel. Garage. A gem at the right price, 22.500 cash, terms on balance. 317 South 50th avenue. Mattson & Smails, Douglas '8102. 1214 City Nat'l Florence. Nethaway. Flor. prop., no colored. KE. 1409 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West New Bungalow, Easy Terms. Immediate Possession. Large living room with fireplace, fine dining room and kitchen with all built in features, two bedrooms with a tiled bath and built-in wall tub; dandy 8 foot light basement; guaranteed fur nace; laundry tubs, etc.; stairway to floored attic; concrete porches; asbestos textile roof with 16-year guarantee; a nice south front lot; one block to car line. Most complete bungalow home in the city. Just what you have wanted. A small cash payment, balance about same as rent J. L. Hiatt Company, "Better Values." Hiatt Bldg. 1914-16 Douglas. Atlantio 0063. A HOME YOU WILL WANT. LINCOLN BLVD., MONVCLAIR. A very attractive stucco home, full two stories, large living room arrange ment, dining room, breakfast room and kitchen all finished in oak; threi nice bedrooms, one an enclosed sleeping porch, and bath second floor. Finished in birch with oak floors; two brick flreflaces. House In good condition throughout, well located and priced right Owner leaving city. For quick sale, 97,500; $2,000 cash; balance 75 monthly. GLOVER & SPAIN, Realtor. Douglas 2850. 918-20 City National. $500 CASH 340 PER MONTH. If you are willing to live a little way out I can sell you a neat 4-room home with a good sized sun room (5 rooms In all). This Is almost new, has sewer, water, gas, electric lights and complete plumbing Including floor drain and faucets in the cemented basement. Guar anteed furnace. Will paper new through .out; oak floors. Lot 40x146. Stucco and frame construction. Douglas 7412 days, Mr. Carse. Atlantio 3601 evenings. CLAIRMONT BARGAIN. Seven very fine rooms; living room 15x23, fireplace and buffet, oak finish, screen porch, ail in finest of repair; 4?xl20 south front lot paving all paid. A great aacrlflce at 38,600. part cash. Thin la ffnnd for a fflW daVS Only. RASP BROS.. 212 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721 rniim E , .ma. na mmlprii. S415 317 jacKson ot., on 101 it u .'v on, 81x124 ft. deep. For quick ale the price ha been reduced from $4,200 to $3,760. The houses are now rented. F. D. Wead. 810 So. 18 St. Atlantio 0161. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN TV BOHAN, , 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantio 4880. D. K. BUCK ft CO. bur and aell homes. North. $2,500 Bargain. Neat cottage, 4 large rooms: city water, toilet sewer, furnace, cemented cellar, shade trees, cement walks, iron fence; 1 block to car line. Near Seven teenth and Vinton; owner leaving city. Terms on pert TEBBENS CO., 805 Omaha Nat'l Bank. $650 CASH. A 6-room, all modern bungalow, two blocks west of Miller Park, 1 year old. close to car line and school. Finished In oak and enamel. Call Mr. Cole, DO. 7412 days, or WA. 6432 evenings. 4720 N. 89TH ST. Good 6-room house, modern except beat $700, balance monthly. CrelKh. tins Bee. JA. Oaao. SOUTH FRONT; i, rooms; sunroom; frame and stucco bungalow; garage to match. Alfred Thomas A Son. Jackson 0064, u SI HELLO YOUR. ORIS SlRVICI. INC; Prank Bars Omaha Girl From Commencement Because of a girlish prank at a masquerade party of a party of Wcllesley college girls the evening of May 21, Catherine Goss, daughter of District Judge and Mrs. Charles A. Goss, was denied the privilege of staying at the college for commence ment exercises. Three other girls in the party also were denied the privilege. All, how ever, received their credits for the year and can return to continue their courses next fall. Seven other Omaha eirls attend ing Wellesley took a pledge not to reveal the name of the girls disci plined. Bonds and Notes The following Quotations furnlaharl hv tne umalia Trust company, June 16. 1921 r' - t- nn fr!7 1 11 Approx. Mat. Bid. Ask. TId.- 11141 94 9514 7.99 1922 97 97 8.25 1024 95 96'A 7.70 192l 92 92 8.3S 1941 97 98 8.20 1945 98 984 7.63 1623 95 ?4 9)H 8.15 1922 9714 974 7.30 1929 884 8V 7.32 1937 83 84 7.22 1036 96 96 6.8! 1929 85 '4 86 8.4j 1941 94H 94 8.55 1945 99H 100 8.00 1945 97 Mi . 98 8.20 1925 8914 89 10.1S 1933 95 951i 7.60 1925 84 84 9.75 3 9.11 68 V, 68 8.95 1940 100to 100 7.9 1941 98 98 7.1', 1930 99 100 7.00 1931 94 14 95 8.75 1930 101V4 102 6.70 1925 96 9f. 14 8.03 1025 95 95 8.23 1940 103 103 7.63 19:i0 90V& 91 A 7.35 1930 97 98 7.80 1936 99 100 . 7.00 1931 98 98 7.15 Rate. Am. Agrl. Ch..74 Am. T Sc T Co 6 Am. T ft T Co 6 Anc.conda ....7 Btlglan Govt.. 8 Belgian Govt. ,7ft Leth. Steel.... 7 British 64 British. ....v.. 6 hi British ,54 C B & Q Jt 6Vs C C C & St L 6 Chile 8 Denmark 8 French Govt... 8 B F Goodrich.. 7 Gulf Oil Corp. .7 Jap. Govt 1st 4 to Jap. Govt 4 Norway .8 N W B T Co 7 K V. Central 7 Packard 8 Fcnn R R Co 7 S W B Tel Co 7 Swift ft Co.... 7 Swiss Govt. ..8 Tlde'r Oil Co 6 M V. 8. Rubber.. 7 hi Vacuum Oil... 7 West. Elec 7 REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. NORTH SIDE On King St., two blocks to car. Beautiful corner, "56x130. An Ideal country home with all city advantages; city water, sewer, cement sidewalks and eletrlc lights; all kinds of fruit; shade trees, lots of shrubbory: all kinds of berries and grace vines. The most wonderful view In the city. A thoroughly modern house of 7 rooms 4 rooms finished In oak and bath on first floor; cemented basement, fine furnace. Ownea is leaving city and can give Im mediate possession. Asking $7,500 and Is well worth It, but let us show you and make offer, , Charles W. Martin & Co., REALTORS. 743 Om. Nat'l Bank Bldg. AT. 0187. FOR COLORED i rooms, 6 rooms, 7 rooms, modern, small payment aown. Davis, 2630 Grant St., Web. 2420. J. B. ROBINSON, real estate and Invest tnent. 64 reter Tnm. twnii. " FOR SALE OR RENT Five-room mod. ern nouse. a rt. oou. - South. For $300 Cash 1319 Connell Court. Fine 'new hydrostone bungalow. All modern up "to the minute. 4 room with five-room accommoda tions. Hot water heat. This I just the house tf the small fam ily. Price and term cannot be equalled. $4,350 and $300 cash. Balance like rent. Sunday call Atlantio 2511 or Harney 7317. C. T. Spier & Co., REALTORS. 304 Peters TniBt Bldg. Doug. 4867, Near 13th and Bancroft. $300 DOWN. BALANCE EASY TERMS. A new, weu-Duut nome, . wuu four rooms and bath. Hot water heat.. One-half block to car. Possession at once. E. H. Benner Company, REALTORS, DO. 8406. 437 Railway Exchange. Miscellaneous. $4,000. Stucco bungalow, five rooms; oak finished with unusually fine oak floors. This house I in elegant condition Inside and out. Haa full cemented basemeut; large lot; garage. Terms, $600 to $760 down. Amos Grant Company, R.EALT6R8. Douglas 8380. 330-2-4 Brand. Th. Bldg. Immediate Possession. Five rooms on ono floor; nice loca tion. Price $2,300; term around $260 down. . Amos Grant Company, : REALTORS. Dougla 8380. 330-2-4 Brand. Th. Bldg. CHEAP RENT YOU'LL NEVER GET IT AS LONG AS YOU RENT FROM SOMEONE ELSE. RENT FROM YOURSELF, BE YOUR OWN LAND LORD, OWN YOUR OWN HOME AND WATCH YOUR DOLLARS GROW. CreigMons&Co. Established 1868 608 Ece Bldg. Ja 0200 Drawn for The Bee by McManua Copyright, 1921 International New Service DINYy-KEEP. K1Q? OFF THE, STREET.- MAIE 1 N' A. CAvR: Title to Valuable Oil Land Is at Stake In Federal Hearing Washington, June 16. Title to approximately 2,000 acres' of valu able oil land located in Naval Oil reserve No. ?, in California, is at stake in hearings begun today be fore Secretary Fall and Assistant Secretary Finney. The Honolulu Oil company is seeking to establish its title to the lands which have pro duced more than $8,000,000 worth of oil since 1909, when President Taft set the naval reserve aside. All of this money has been impounded awaiting final action on the title to the lands. In the meantime, the wells are being worked under a trustee. The Honolulu Oil company owned and was working the land when President Taft set the reserve aside. The company contiued to claim title under the mining laws and applied for a patent. The commissioner of the general land office held that the company was entitled to patent but Navy department, j through the De partment of Justice, objected and Secretary of the Interior Payne de nied the patent. Secretary Fall was recently re Quested by the company to reopen the case and he granted the present oral hearing in which the Depart ment of Justice is represented by Special Attorney C. D. Hamel, San Francisco, and the oil company by its officials and attorneys. Banquet Tendered General Agent for Insurance Firm Eighty Nebraska agents of the St Paul Fire Marine Insurance company attended a banquet in honor of William C Lyle, general agent for 25 years, at the Happy Hollow club Wednesday night fc., H. Jorgensen was toastmaster. Frank T. I. Martin entertained with sleight-of-hand tricks and the Y. M. C. A. quartet sang. Toasts were given by M. A. Hall, E. R. Goodman of North Platte, L. B, Fenner of Hurwell and J. H. Capron of Ord. Federal Government Gets Control of Machine Guns New York, June 16. The United States today formally obtained pos session of the 495 machine guns and nunareds ot parts seized yesterday at Hoboken on the steamshio East- side and believed to have been des tined for Ireland, Federal Judge Lynch at Newark, N. J., signed an order forfeiting the shipment, held by the Hoboken po nce, to me leaerai government. Real Estate Transfers Edward L. Croll and wife to Au gust Olson, Marcy st, 200 ft w. ot 30th st, n. ., 100x123.6 $ J.000 juane m. varison to reari m. L,ove et al . e. cor. 46th and Penrose ' sts., 176x127 $,000 jonn r. omitn to Mae u. Walsh et al., 65th st, 160 ft a. of Pacific at, e. ., 60x160, and other prop erty John A. McConnelt and wife to Mae C. Walsh et al.. Marcy St.. 127 ft w. of 66th St., s. ., 45x160 8,260 xivury c. uaaen ana wire to utlo Gaden. Jackson st. 176 ft w. at 61st st, n. a., 60x130... 1,700 Robert J. Webb.., trustee, to Adam Hess, J st, 100 ft. w. of 41st ave.. a. s., 60x128 Irenaeus Shuler and wife to Daniel G. Cary, 62d ave., 283.34 ft n. of Howard t w. s., 66.66x136.... Leonard Jackson and wife to Louia Lundln et al., Camden ave., 211.2 ft w. of 45th st, n. ., 40x128.. Paul W. Kuhna and wife to Louis Lundin et al., Camden ave., 261.2 ft w. of 45th St., n. a., 120x128.. Catherine A. Prather to Margaret Morris, 27th st, 143 ft n. of Ma son St., w. s., 46x165 Hiatt Co. to Oliver L. Burwlck and wife, 27th St., 89 8-6 ft. n. of Grand ave., e. s., 44 4-6x121.... Omaha Plattdeutsche Vereln to Paul Ponluch, 12th at, 307 ft . of Bancroft st, w. ., 60x140.... Inez E. Beasley and husband to C. W. McKaln, 60th st., 80 ft n. of , Wirt st e, s 40x146 Fred C Wilcox and wife to Har riet B. Patrick, s. w. cor. 28th ave. and Bauman ave., 43.5x120 Frantlska Sperl and husband to John Stodola and wife, n. w. cor. 18th and W sts., 60x130 Daisy M. Minikus and husband to Roxie White, Barker ave., 131. S ft w. of 42d at, n. s., 44x108... E. W. Exley, trustee, to William J. Shields, 2.4th St., 96 ft. n. of Ban croft St. e. .. 47xl58 H. A. Scott Co. to Walter G. Bad ham, 21st at., 100 ft n. of Dorcas st, e. s., 60x105.7 Farmers and Merchants bank to George H. McArdle, 60th st, 250 -ft . of Miami st, w. ., 100x128 John F. Flack and wife to William H. Gates, s. w. eor. 14th ave. and Wirt st, 121x142 Marie Iron to Ellen Corneer and husband, n. e. cor. (4th and A at., whole block Joseph F. Bredln to Irene C. Bredin, Charles St.. 150 ft w. of 32d st, a ., 40x80 Fred S. Gearhart and wife to Esther Moskovlts, n. . cor. 45th St., and Barker ave.. 40x108.... Bartholomew Real Estate Co, to John W. Horwell. Frfwler ave., 141 ft w. of 25th ave., n. .. 47x107 t.... Jerome O. Boukal and wife to Joseph Canlglia, Laird St., 40 ft w. of 16th at, e. a, 40x60 Mary Pulver and husband to Henry W. Woodland, 45th ave., 66 ft n. of Miami st, w. a. 45x126 Henry W. Wendlund and wife to Mary Pulver, 47th ave., 150 ft n. of Miami at, . a, 60x125 Myra J. Kerr to Louis F. 8pecht and wife, n. w. cor. 29th and Elli son sts., 60x125 May Theodore and husband to Ed ward F. Munroe, Hamilton st., 120 ft. . of 35th at, n. ., 60x78 tt.. Omaha Loan and Building associa tion to Wilson Austin, Park ave., 264 ft n. of Pacific at, . ., 99z 140 Frank Hiestand, executor., et al. to Drake Realty Construction Co., Park ave., 36$ ft n. of Paclflo St., e. .. 49V4xl40 159 2,500 2S0 1,675 8,200 3,760 1.100 2,960 7,760 1,200 6,000 700 2,200 8,200 109 1,500 7,000 2,000 4,700 1.(00 6.600 2,100 2.100 4,000 1,500 New York Snirar. New Tork, Jun 16. The local market for raw auaar was oulet today and price cere unchanged at 4.00c tor centrifugal, wun no Dusinesa reported. London Metals. London, June 16. Standard Copper 13 IDs. Electrolytic f77. Tin 170 7s 6d. Lead 23 6s. Zinc 21 lis. TT" Aerial Vagrant Finds Trouble After Long TrijJ Gives Army Officers Merry Ha! Ha! When Police FaU to Stop Flight in "Rat-Trap" Ship. By UNIVERSAL SERVICE. Washington, June 16. Merrill K. Riddick, aerial vagrant, after a re markable 5,000-mi!e flight, is in Washington and trouble. Riddick, who is a former air mail pilot and son of Representative and Mrs. Carl .W. Riddick of Montana, taxied down on the flat at Boiling field and announced he was going into the business of carrying pas sengers. "In that rat-trap?" demanded Maj. M. J. Scanlan, commanding of ficer, after the plane had failed to pass the army tests. "That's the finest little hoat you ever saw," retorted Riddick. "I've lust covered 5,000 miles with it and I've got all my arms and legs, haven't I?" Major banian tnen Desougni Ma jor Gessford, superintendent of po- tice. "Don't let that daredevil fly that ship he'll ruin our reputation," Ma jor Scanlan pleaded. Police Keep Out But i Major Gessford said the air was a little out of his jurisdiction. So Riddick rolled his "boat" into a hangar and sent the engine into town for an overhauling. Then he'll be ready to take up all comers at so much per, he declares, no matter what army officers say. Riddick bought the plane, a stand ard, from the Dayton-Wright com pany for $3,000. He flew passen gers for a time in Texas and about two months ago started for Chicago. He earned "gas" money by giving passengers a "hop" -for anything they'd stand for and arrived in Chi cago. With eight gallons of gas and no money he left Chicago. The gas gave out at Gary, Ind. ' He finally found a victim who paid $3.50 in advance, with which Riddick bought gasoline. A little hop with his passenger and Riddick headed merrily on his way. Guest of Farmer. Flying on in the gathering dusk with but three gallons of gasoline in his tatfk, he landed on the top of a conveniently flat' mountain near Old Concord, Pa., where he stretched his legs and shouted for the natives to come and invite him to supper. Finally an old farmer appeared. "Son, he said, "you can't have a nerve in your body. Come and have supper with me." So Riddick had a good supper and a long night's sleep in a wonderful feather bed. In the morning he soaked his host $5 for a hop and when he landed another farmer took a chance also at $5. After collecting all the loose change in West Virginia Riddick tore up the atmosphere and put his wheels down in Washington, near the house of his father. The next mornincr he oersuaded his mother tr take a Tittle flight with him so tht hooDed off from Massachusetts ave nue and flew over to Boiling field J wnere tne army men raised tneir eye brows, as has been said. " Boston Wool. Boston, June 16. The Commercial Bui lettn will say Saturday: "The wool market continues Irregular this week, although prices are steady antf the demand la fairly general. "In the west buying proceeds witl moderation. The big sale of the weci was at Kerrvllle. Tex.,' where about 24 Is reported for the best 12 months ant about 20c for th eight, months Wool Elsewhere sales have been on about th same basis as last week. "In the goods market there Is HttU news." The Commercial Bulletin on Saturdas will publish world' wool markets price) as follows: Wisconsin Fleeces blood, 28."0c. Scoured Basis Texas, fine 13 months . 6575c; fine 8 months, 50 65c. Cali fornia, Northern, 7075c; middle county 6t68c; southern, 50ixI56c. Oregon, East ern No. 1 ataple. 70S 80c; eastern cloth Ing, 6063c; valley, No. 1, 6570c. Ter rltory, fine staple, choice, 80 8 5c: half blood combing, 7072c; three-eighths blooi! combing, 48952c; quarter blood combing 3842c; fine and fine medium clothing 60ifil63c. Pulled Detain. 85 90c; AA, 76 jf 8ue A supers, 60 70c. Mohairs Best combing, 27"30c; best carding, 22 25c. New York Honey. New Tork. June 16. Prime Hfercantii. Paper 614 84 per cent Exchange Heavy. Sterling Demand. tlUlLt .hi. ' $3.7754. ' Franc Demand, B.08c; cables, 8.10c. Belgian Franc Demand. 7.91c: cables. . A ... " ' Guilders Demand. 33.05c: cables, 33.16a. jjire uemana, f.sec; cames, 4. 9 sc. Marks Demand. 1.42c; cables, 1.43c. Greece Demand, 6.13c. v .' Sweden Demand, 22.30c. Norway Demand. 14.28c. f Argentine Demand, 20.73. v, Brazilian Demand, 12.87c. Montreal 10 per cent discount. Time Loans Steady: 60 day. 90 days and 6 months. Si per cent. uan Money Easy; nigh, 6H per cent; low, t per cent; ruling rate. 6 per cent; closing bid, t per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loan, Itt per cent Bank Acceptances 6 per cent New Tork Coffee. New Tork. June 16. There was a fur. ther sharp decline In the market toi coffee futures today owing to the weak ness of Rio exchange rates, the continued fall in the receipts at Brazilian ports. and reiterated reports that primary shlD- pers wer offering coffee ireelv In tht cost and freight market Both tradt and commercial house were sellers and tn pressure may have been partly due to unsettled conditions In stocks and cotton. September contracts broke t .44e and closed at 6.45o bid. with thl general market closing at a net decllm of 20 to 24 points. Closing bids: July, 6.06c; September. 4.46c: October, .69e; December. 6.86c: January. 6.96c: March, 7.16c: May. 7.81c. Spot coffee quiet; Rio 7s, 6Ho to 6e; Santo 4s, 9 Ho to 9 He. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga.. June 16. Turpentine- Firm: 62 41 c: sales. 329 bbls.: recelDts. 719 bbls.; shipment, I bbls.; stock, 8,162 DDIS. Rosin Firm: sales, 1,424 casks: receipts. 1.842 ossks; shipments, 450 casks; stock, 79.023 cssks. Quote B. O. E. F.. 83.76; . IT., $$.; $3.95: K.. $4.30; M., $4.90: N.. $6.60: WO., $6.10; WW., $6.76. Dry Goods. New Tork. June 18. Jotton roods wr somewhat unsettled today by weakness in cotton. Tarna were quiet, raw silk firm and burlaps easier. Wool good held steady. Th carpet auction closed with prices fairly ateady on axmlnster and velvets and somewhat lower on tapes tries. Dried Fruit New Tork. Jon 18. AddIss Evaoor- ater. market nominal. prunes steady. Apricot Firm. Peaches Quiet. Raisin Steady. Chelage Produce. New Tork, Jun 16. Buttei" Steady: creamery higher than extras. 3SijJ4e: creamery extras, 82H(?!3c; firsts, 29 Kggs Irregular, unchanged, Cheese Steady, unchanged. rv r I V If!