Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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jOmaha Woman,
Now Movie Star,
Obtains Divorce
'My Husband Was Tired of
Married Life,' Mrs. Anson
Told Court at Los
Word that Mrs. Laura Anson,
beautiful movie player and a well
known social leader in Omaha, ob
tained a divorce from her husband,
Dr. John F. Anson, in Los Angeles,
was received in Omaha yesterday.
"My husband was tired of married
life," Mrs. Anson testified before
Judge Summerfield, according to
the information received.
Both Dr. and Mrs. Anson were
popular in society in Omaha. They
had a beautiful home at 5010 Chi
cago street.
They were members of the Field
club and took active part in social
gatherings here.
Less than two years ago, Dr. An
son "went to California. His wife
followed in an effort to effect a re
conciliation. While awaiting the decision of her
husband, Mrs. Anson obtained work
in the movies. She has appeared in
several big productions. She was
recently shown in a prominent rol
in "Sweet Lavender," which played
at the Sun theater.
She plans to continue her screen
career, she says.
Whether Dr. Anson will return to
Omaha has not been learned. He
was connected with the Taft Dental
parlors while living here.
Mrs. Anson is a striking brunett?,
of plump build and beautiful tanned
Man Who Shot Wife at
Movie Begs to See Her
V i V
Harry McCauley.
Harry McCauley, 923 South
Twentieth street, who shot his wife
in a local movie theater last Satur
day night, was brought back from
Iowa yesterday and placed in the
city jail. The county attorney will
charge him with shooting with in
tent to wound and shooting with in
tent to kill.
McCauley insists that his wife
wronged him. He pleaded to be
taken to see her at the Wise Me
morial hospital.
Tots Suffering
Here as Acutely
As in Asia Minor
There Is Need Right in Oma
ha for Relief for Children
And Babies in Poverty
Stricken Homes.
Millions of dollars were subscribed
to relieve the suffering of poverty
stricken children in Europe.
Thousands of good American wo
men are still knitting sweaters and
other wearing apparel for the ragged
waifs across the Atlantic.
Yet right here in Omaha there is
suffering among children and tiny
babies, just as acute suffering as in
Europe or in Asia Minor. .
At heart we are buck passers. Wcl
drift on, counting on someone else
to do what we know is our duty.
Any physician will tell you babies
suffer more during the hot summer
days than at any other time. They
also will tell you ice-cooled milk is
the one thing which will relieve
The Bee's Free Milk and Ice fund
was established to bring relief to
these tots. Subscriptions asked are
not large. The limit is $5. All sub
scriptions will be acknowledged.
Subscriptions are as follows:
Subscriptions to Date.
rr,'vlolr acknowledgcdi 179.00
C. A. Baker 1.00
W Dnndn .. COO
Irrin H. Millard S.00
Judge Wade To Sit
In Woodmen's Suit
Federal Judge Martin J. Wade of
the southern Iowa district, will
come to Omaha Saturday to hear
the suit of Texas and Missouri mem
bers of the Woodmen of the World
against W. A. Fraser, sovereign
commander of the organization. '
Judge Woodrough ruled ' himself
disqualified to near the case btcause
he is a policy-holder in the order.
The plaintiffs in the suit seek to
enjoin Mr. trascr from being chair
man at the organization's national
convention in New York.
Fumes Overcome, Plumher
Who Cuts Into Gas Pipe
Michael Lynch, plumber, 2218 Pa
cific street, was overcome by gas
fumes yesterday wfiet he accident
ly cut into a gas pipe in the base
ment of a house at 1028 South Twen
ty-fifth street, where he wass doing
repair work.
Lynch was working in a trench in
the basement. The sudden rush of
gas fumes soon overcame him and
he fell prostrate to the bottom o the
Roomers in the house found him
and called police surgeons who suc
ceeded in reviving him and took him
home. He will recover.
Youth Shot by Ex-Officer
Is Removed to His Home
Clifton Hannon, 3324 Tones street,
one of the victims of former Defec
tive John Herdzina's bullets April 9,
was removed from the Vord hospital
to Ins home luesday following a
second delicate operation on his
He failed to lecover fully after the
first operation for the removal of a
bullet that peierced his skull. .
Fortune Is Left
To Omaha Girl
Louise Heitfeld Will See World
On Interest of Berruest
From Uncle.
Miss Louise Heitfeld, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heitfeld, 2019
Pinkney street, has inherited one
third of the estate of her uncle, Fred
Rawitser, who died in Chicago last
The estate is estimated to be
worth between $100,000 and $150,000,
according: to information received
by Miss Heitfeld from the Illinois
Trust company. ...
Mr. Rawitser was 60 years old
and the retired head of the South
Acton Woolen Mills at South Ac
ton, Mass. He was a brother of
Mrs. Heitfeld and regarded Miss
Heitfeld as his favorite niece.
Mrs." Heitfeld and her other two
children, Fred Heitfeld and Bertha
DcLanney of Belgrade, Neb., also
will share in the estate.
Miss Heitfeld, who is employed at
the Edison Shop, 313 South Fif
teenth street, stated that she ex-
fiected to use the interest on her
ittle fortune for travel.
Court Dockets Cleared of
AH Court House Riot Cases
County Attorney Sliotwcll has
wiped the slate clean of all criminal
cases growing out of the court house
riot of September 28, 1919.
Six oift of 22 men tried were con
victed, 11 acquitted and in five cases
juries 'disagreed. Claude Nethaway
and George Davis each were tried
twice with disagreements. Davis
was charged with assaulting Mayor
Smith. .
,. - . If . , ,' "'
Keeps the dryness out
and the flavor in
WHAT keeps peaches so fresh in
the jar? They're sealed
That's what we do for Chesterfield
cigarettes seal 'em in an extra air-tight
wrapper of glassine paper.
You don't lose one bit of that fresh
tobacco fragrance- rich Turkish blended,
with Burley and other choice tobaccos.
You get fresh cigarettes that smoke
better, taste better and are better 1
darn pood
AV '
f 'pi ; .
-J v;x , J
"-and the blend can't be copied
Air-Tight Tim of SO
Aak your dealer to ehow you the new
racuum-aealed fine of 50 Chaaiar&elda.
" A compact, convenient and absolutely
A1R-TIQHT packing-the cigarettaa
keep freah indefinitely.
Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.
Asks Court to Give Her
Waif Found in Her Hall
Mrs. C. R. Tate, 2604 Davenport
street, formally applied to district
court yesterday for legal possession
of the 3-months-old waif she found
in her front hall two months ago.
The infant has been cared for at
the University hospital where it has
thrived under the treatment of a
proper food formula. Mrs. Tate
changed the name of the baby from
"Hdene" to "Edna Gertrude," the
fromer having been suggested by the
mother who abandoned the infant.
Dodge Street Paving Bids
Higher Than Two Years Ago
New bids for the paving of
streets and alleys affected by the
Dodge hill grading show that the
American Faving corporation is low
with a price of $4.6'.', as against a
low bid of $3.99 offered by the J.
J. Parks company two years ago
last month.
The increased cost for this dis
trict in two years amounts to nearly
$14,000, based on an estimate of
19,740 yards of paving.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Brief City News
In Receiver's Hands John V.
Austin of Omaha, was appointed re
ceiver for Fred R. Osborne, mer
chandiser, yesterday !n federal court
by the' referee in bankruptcy.
Talks to Nurses Sara B. Place,
superintendent of Infant welfare
work for the city of Chicago, ad
dressed the Visiting: Nurses associa
tion yesterday noon at the Univer
sity club. She urged the promotion
of infant work even before babies
are born.
Drakn Estate $550,000 Vincent
C. Hascall, appraiser, filed a report
yesterday in county court, showing
the valuation of the estate of the
late Luther Drake to be $555,000,
The will leaves all except a few
small bequests to the widow, Grace
Drake, 3910 Harney street
Gives Insurance "Dope" Charles
V. Schwager, of the Ameriean Ltvo
Stock Insurance company, Brave his
brother Rotarians the "inside dope"
or. live stock insurance at a meeting
of the club at the Hotel Rome yes
terday. Ray Kingsley presided as
Out on Bond James' Hayek. 19,
who went gunning for a man who is
said to , have married 1 5-year-oltl
Mary Hayek, was released from the
city Jail on bond. Poltre learned
yesterday that Charles Bolls, 1230
South Twelfth street, who married
the girl, went to Alnsworth, Neb.,
with his child-wife.
Seeks Reinstatement Polios Coin
mlssioner Dunn, commenting on the
Herdclna chso yesterdAy, stated that
the only charga he had ugalnnt the
detective now under suspension was
that his reinstatement to the polios
department would be againftt "the
good of the service. Herdilna.
wants to return tp tho department.
Ask Boost of Pensions- 11. C. Cook,
retired sergeant of police, has re
quested Police Commissioner Dunn
to take an Interest In the proposi
tion of placing seven retired mem
bers of the police department on a
basis which will give them pensions
of half of last salary received, in
stead of a flat $50 a month, as pro
vided for in tho old law.,
Short-Weight Ice la Sold,
City Inspector Is Told
, V. S. Metcalfe, city inspector of
weights and measures, is receiving
complaints from citizens who re
pr.rt short-weight ice deliveries.
"A woman advised me this morn
ing that she paid for 25 pounds and
received 19 pounds," said Mr. Met
calfe. 'I am going to make an ef
fort to require ice men to observe
the law with respect to the use of
scales instead of the hit-and-miss
1 i
mess-mi rc
A Mammoth Sale of 2000
Boys' Wash Suits
$1.65 $1.95 $2.95
which includes blues, tans, grays, fancy pin stripes,
and many fancy mixtures. Middies, Sailors ' and
3 Oliver Twists. Many suits at less than V their origi
nal pnee. Sizes zy2 to is.
Main Floor
Gifts of Silver
Are a Delight to the Bride '
for they are practical as can be and will last throughout
the years of wedded life as a pleasant reminder of the
giver's good wishes. Here are some Thursday cpccials in
Sheffield Silver
Roll Trays, Cae Baskets, Sandwich Trays,
Casseroles, Candlesticks, Flower Vases,
Bowls, Crumb Sets, Etc. .
in burnished silver or platinum silver finish in new and
varied designs. Very special, each, $5.00, $7.50, $10.00.
Mia Floor
House Furnishing Needs
At Very Special Prices
Electric Fans
1.00 ea.
Polar Cub electric fans,
switch at base, prewar prices.
Lawn Hose ,
18c ft.
Moulded of best quality
rubber -inch size, corru
gated. Cut any length.
Mason Fruit
Jars, 98c doz.
One-quart size, complete
with covers and rubbers.
Jelly Gl asses .
60c doz.
With tin covers, regular
style and mould shape.
Illinois Refrigerators
70-pound ice capacity, golden oak finish case, white enamel
food chambers. Special, $29.50.
Sale of Crepe de Chine or Satin
Barsa Negligees (
In Washable Fabrics
at $10.00
Lovely models of crepe de chine and
satin fluttering pleated ruffles, bodices
with shirrings, with occasional rosebuds.
In all delicate shades, flesh, pink, blue, or
chid and rose. Are placed on special sale
Second Floor
Shoe Repairing
That Represents the High
est Degree of Service.
Not only are our workmen
the most skilled and thorough,
but they take a particular pride
in every piece of work which
they put oojL
Leave ycrar shoes in our shoe
department, which is con
veniently located on the Main
Floor or call Douglas 2100 and
we will call for them.
That We May
Better Serve You
we have recently opened a spe
cial service department in con
nection with our hosiery de
partment, a department in .
which you may
Have Your Hose
to Match Your Sport Clothe
or have drawn work for dressier
occasion wear Come in and let
us tell you all about it We
have an expert in charge of this
special work who can give you
many kinds of open clox or all
in drawn work, in any pattern
or on any hosiery, which you
may wish to select.
Main Floor
Let the Kiddies Come to .
Barber Bills Barber Shop
where they can ride the ponies
and get a hair bob at the same
Mezzanine Floor
I run
a mm
ate mmm. AnmdMt, wme,
i dmnL, thiMrt mmm
wnl ts nil too oar boo which Mb)
boat SKXTONIQU. ratontm naMdy
that will eart Ta Bothlog If ta an Mt
and or tawaui. Enrr a .It
tool, to mitaM nmocal whiiM, ..
beoid gmXihlatn Hook at taaw.
440 Barry Block, h. -hUlo, Toon.
Write your namo and address below
mail to Loring Park Sanitorium
and receive Diet List and Menus
Street........ .
City. ...O.B.
Shave With
Cuticura Soap
The New; Way
Without Mu
FREE Complete Diet Lirt and
Menu Schedules with Table of Food
Values and Ml uutrucbont, recently
compiled and bued on (even years
of experience and success in ike
treatment of Diabetes at Loring
Pule Sanatorium. '
Tneie will bt durribuied (re,
white they kit, bonner pffftud.
Phone jour a-iilnu, cali or wrue.
IKS Himoa PUc
Vim Atlantic 4)44 Miamfila
Fistula-Pay When Cwrei
A mild of treatment that eurea Pile, Fistula and .that
Rectal rXaeases in a abort time, without a adver. sort leal on.
ration. No Chloroform. Cth.r or other teneral aneeth.tie o.ed.
A euro cuaranteed In .very ease aeeapted for treatment, and no money is to he paid vntfl
eared. Writ, for book ob Rectal Diaeaeee, with namea and testlmontala of mora thai
1.00S prominent people who have beea permanently cured.
DR. C R. TARRY Saaatoriuaa, Peter Tnai.Bdc..(Qa Blag.) Omaha. Neb.