Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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U. S. Must Keep
Out of Foreign
' Interests, Huglies
apcrfnrv nf Stnf a SnAnLini at
j , u 0
Alma Mater, Says Country
Must Not Relate Unneces
sarily to Political Issues.
Providence, R. I., June IS. Secre
tary of State Charles E. Huglies told
a gathering of his fellow a'umni of
Brown university today that it was
not desirable that America's helpful
(influence should be frittered away
"by relating ourselves unnecessarily
to political questions which involve
rivalries in interest abroad with
which we have no proper concern."
"It is equally true," he continued,
that we cannot escape our relation
to the economic problems of the
Will Maintain Ideals.
America, the examplar of free in
stitutions, aiding humanity, he said,
called for the supreme endeavor
in the world war. "This sentiment is
still with us," he added. "We have
t:ot lost," said he. "the capacity for
the high and unselfish endeavor
which linked us in unity and joy of
service in flie crisis of the great war.
The springs of faith, of mutual trust,
of fellowship, have not dried up.
"Our men did not go forth to fight
for this nation as oae of imperial
istic designs and cunning purpose, or
lo protect a land where avarice
might find its surest reward. They
offered their lives and all the ener
gies of the country were harnessed
in the supreme effort, because we
loved the institutions ot liberty ana
intended to maintain them, because
we hated tyranny and the brutality
and ruthlcssness which found expres
sion in the worship of force and be
cause we found our fate linked with
that of the free peoples who were
struggling for the preservation of
the essentials of freedom.
World Is Unsettled.
"It would not be fitting for me at
this time to discuss our foreign re
lations, but I am glad to say that
the message of America is one of
cordial friendship to all nations. We
have no questions which mutual good
will and the processes of reason can
not solve. We have no subtleties,
no duplicity of meaning, no soft
words to conceal a purpose of self
aggrandizement at others' expense.
The only method of diplomacy we
f know is that of candid discussion of
t the merits of problems. This, we
think, is the way to prosper a cause
( believed to be just and we shall ad
vance no other.
"The world is settling down, but
it is not yet settled. The counsel of
power and expendiency still domi
nates, as the serious ploblems left
by the great war press for solution.
This country' seeks not an acre of
territory by reason of its participa
tion in the struggle 'that led to vic
tory. Nor do we wish any exclusive
advantages in the possessions which
is a result of the war have passed
under new control. We simply ask
. that we shall not be excluded from
rqual privileges wherever our in
terests are affected. .That seems to
ift to be a reasonable position."
"Not Arrested Sincel907i"
Prisoner's Plea for Mercy
"Judge, I have not been arrested
since 1907," said Charlie White,
negro, Twentieth and Paul streets,
to Judge Wappich in Central police
court when he was arraigned for
petty larceny. .
The judge listened to White's plea
for another chance for about 10 min
utes and then imposed a sentence of
IS days in the county jail.
Larry Finn and Ray Coady, de
partment store detectives, stated that
White stole several garments from
Brandeis and Burgess-Nash stores.
Electrical Hair Clippers and
Bull Pup Among Loot
Electrical hair clippers with motor
attached, five pairs of , clippers 11
razors, five pairs of shears, two razor
hones, two boxes of cigars, 6000
cigarets and $2 in pennies, made
up the loot of burglars -who forced
the rear door of the Wolk Bros,
barber shop-at'l404 North Twenty
fourth street, Tuesday night night,
according to police.
Dr. J. E. Soniers, 618 Brandeis
theater -building, reported a ,heck
Vrotectograph stolen from his orhce.
R. Kellar, Seventeenth and Cuming
streets, complained someone had
stolen his bull pup. .
Battalion of Enginers
Ordered to Pueblo, Colo.
San Antonio, Tex., June IS. The
Eichth battalion of engineers
Wmounted), stationed at El Paso,
has been ordered to rueblo, t-oio.,
by rail to assist in sanitary work m
the town ,by Maj. Gen. Joseph T.
Dickman, commanding general of
the Eighth corps area. The engi
neers will combat the spread of dis
ease in the recently flooded districts.
Daghistan Insurgent Ilead
Fighting Reds in Caucasus
Constantinople, June IS. Prince
Chamyl, head of the Daghistan in
surgent mountaineers of the northern
Caucasus, has taken arms against the
t ,.bolsheviki in the Caucasus and de
clared he will not surrender until lib
,rtv has been re-established in the
"Caucasus. He has defeatd soviet
. ..detachments in several fights recent
Fairbury Bank Elects
New Youthful Cashier
Fairbury, Neb., June IS. (Spe
cial.) George Johnson, cashier cf
the State Bank of Gladstone, has re
signed, effective July 1. John
Knoble, assistant cashier of the
Farmers State bank of Kelvey, was
elected in place of Mr. Johnson.
The new cashier will be one of the
youngest cashiers in Nebraska. He is
21 years old.
Federal Reserve Bank
Cuts Rediscount Rate
New York, June IS. The New
York Federal Reserve bank today I
reduced reeoiscount rates on com
mercial paper from 6J4 to 6 per cent.
All the bank rates now are on a 6
per cent bays.
Bargains of all kinds in Bee
Want Ads,
Woman Condemns High
Heels and Short Skirts
Salt Lake City, June IS. High
heels and short dresses were con
demned by Mrs. Burton Morse of
Twin Falls, Idaho, in a speech she
delivered before the convention of
the Intermountairt and Pacific co?st
States Federation or Women's
Clubs here today.
"I want our young women to be
taught that they are not men's play
things, but their companions," she
said. "I want girls to be taught to
appeal to men's intellect, and to ac
complish this we must change our
mode of dress and when we see
something wobbling along the
streets in tight skirts and high heels,
its head gaudy with henna or some
other dyestuff all fuzzled out over
her ears, we will instantly recognize
a sex-female and not a woman, for
a woman is God's production and
this described something is the re
sult of man's handiwork. Mothers
who permit their daughters to be
so dressed are preparing them for
the preface of marriage and not for
marriage itself."
Cabinet Crisis in
Britain, Belief
Revolt of Government Fol
lowers Endangers Lloyd
George's Stability.
London, June IS. Dr. Chris
topher Addison, former minister of
health and since last April minister
without portofolio in the British
cabinet, has resigned his post, it is
declared by the Daily Maif today.
This latest development is described
in anti-government quarters, the
newspaper said, as a result of a re
volt of the government's followers.
It was declared this alleged revolt is
likely to endanger the stability and,
even the existence of - the Lloyd
George cabinet, and cause a general
A manifesto signed by about ISO
coalition members of the House of
Commons was presented the govern
ment yesterday, protesting against
the expenditure of public money
without the previous sanction of
Parliament. It was asserted that
this protest resulted from the ap
pointment of Dr. Addison at a salary
of 5,000 annually without submit
ting the matter to Commons.
Stillman's Sister
On Witness Stand
Mrs. Percy Rockefeller De
clares Brother Lived at
Father's Home.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Tune IS.
Mrs. Percy A. Rockefeller, sister of
James A. Stillmrfh, New York bank
er, testified in his behalf today at a
hearing here in his divorce suit
against Mrs. Anna U. Stillman.
She testified, it was - understood,
that Mr. Stillman lived at-the Park
avenue home of his father continu
ously during the period beginning in
January, 1918. and extended through
cart of the month of April ot that
year. At no time during these
months was. Mrs. Stillman there, it
was said she testified. Mrs. Still
man, according 'to Mrs. Rockefeller,
spent these, months in Canada, at
Buffalo and on the family estate at
This testimony was offered, it was
believed, to support Mr. Stillman's
contention that he is not the father of
Guy Stillman, the infant born to
Mrs. Stillman in November, 4918.
Another Cut in Salaries
' Made by Steel Companies
Pittsburgh, June IS. Announce
ment of deep salary cuts, effective
June 16, was made today by large
independent steel companies, in the
Pittsburgh and Youngstown dis
tricts, and according to the trust
worthy information, more drastic
slashes will be made early in July.
These two reductions, ;only a few
weeks apart, present the most drastic
action yet undertaken in the steel
industry in the policy of retrenchment.
TJAVING sold our ladies' ready
" to wear store at 1621 Far nam
Street, known as "Berg's Women
Shop" to J. L. Brandeis & Sons,
we will devote our entire time
and attention to our men's cloth
ing and furnishings store, at 1415
Far nam.
Phone DOuglas 2793
"tV , PRINTING yj3Tl .
Crowds Throng
Station as Sims
Leaves London
Special Car So Burdened With
Floral Testimonies That
Room for Members of
Party at Premium.
London, June IS. (By The As
sociated Press.) Rear Admiral Wil
liam S. Sims, left Waterloo station
this morning for Southampton,
where he was to board the steamer
Olympic later in the day and pro
ceed to New York. He rode in a
special car that was so burdened
with floral testimonials that there
was scarcely room for members of
his party to move about.
Leaning out of a window of the
car. the admiral waved his cap to a
large group, who despite the earli-ni.-ss
of his departure, had gathered
to give him a rousing sendoff.
Answering reporters requests for
a farewell message. Admiral Sims
called attention to dispatches in this
morning's newspapers, telling of a
reaction in the United States against
his critics, he said he had nothing
further to say and "nothing to re
tract." He said he had received hundreds
cf letters approving of his attitude
regarding "American hyphenates."
Asked whether he had received any
threatening missives, the admiral
smiled and said: ,
"I had one signed 'Erin-Go-Bragh'
making a play on a reference lo
zebras in my address last week, and
telling me I would meet the asses
on the other side, but I have paid
no attention to it it doesn't worry
He added that he thought the
handwriting was that of a boy and
declared the letter bore a London
Westminster Abbey now gives
lessons to its congregation in the art
of interpreting church music. For
a short period each Sunday after
noon an expert is present to criticize
and assist members of the church in
their hymn and psalm-singing.
Q. R. S.
That Will
Help You
Keep Cool
1446 Ain't We Got
FunFox Trot.
1323 The "Love Boat"
1281 Margie Fox
1309 Crazy Blues
Fox Trot.
Blue Bird
113 Somewhere a Voice
Is Calling.
108 Sunshine of Your
1254 When Irish Eyes
Are Smiling.
337 Mighty Lak' a
1250 Gypsy Love Song.
Come ia and hear them or
. phono Doug. 1973 and we will
end thorn to yon.'
15th and Harney
Heart Trouble Causes
Death of Unknown lan
T.inrnln. Tuns IS fSnerial An
autopsy held this afternoon on the
body of an unidentified man tounu
this morning on the Rock Island
tracks near University Place re
vealed that he died of heart trouble.
Six cents, a shaving brush, a towel
15c ISI
25c tjgi
U Thursdaj
7 for 1.00
Keep Cool Special Sale of
Topless Corsets
Care, not luck, makes
Women's Fine Lisle Union Suits In bodice or regulation style; r7Q
with tight or loose knee ; regular and extra sizes, per suit, J C
Childrens' Fine Dimity Union Suits With drop or close seats 5 JQ
1 to 15 years; formerly sold at 1.00 and 1.25; special, per suit, Ot C
Women's Fine Combed Cotton Vests In flesh or white ; bodice gA.
or regulation styles; all sizes; special, each, tJvC
Suits for Boys
$4.95 Sale of Boys' Suits
Boys' Suits Every mother should attend this
sale ; boys' one and two pants suits in mixtures
of gray, green and brown; , 495
Bizes 7 to 15 years, special, each,
Brandeis Stores
Big 3-Day Basement Sale
Begins Thursday at 9 A.M.
' and continues
Until Saturday at 6 P.M.
and razor were the only articles
found on his person. A hat band
bore the trademark of an Omaha
firm. He apparently was about 55
years of age.
Oakland Pioneer Dies
Oakland, Neb., June IS. (Special.)
Tohn P. Rosen, Oakland's oldest
merchant, died yesterday at the age
Finest Quality Soft Collars
The Famous Corliss-Coon Make
Men's Soft Collars
Regular Retail Price 25c to 75c
WWII llllh KM
a beautiful figure.
That Is why you should not
permit the not weatner to
tempt you to go without a cor
set Stout women will apprec
iate this very low elastic top
and long hip corset for hot
weatner; made of fresh col
ored coutil and there are two
other very attractive models
fashioned of pink satin and
brocade, tailored to the last
word; rubber top and medium
short skirt, free hip; all have
good strong garters attached
and are now selling in our
regular stock at 5.00 ande.50;
sizes 20 to 36;
Priced for Thursday
Third Floor Center
Young Men
special, each,
Men's Stare Baaement
of 78. Mr. Rosen came to Oakland
in 1869 and operated a store here
until about four yem ago, when he
retired. -Mr. Rosen clerked at the
Goldsmith store at West Point, Neb.:
seven years before he came to Oak
land. He is survived by his wife
and three children.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
While They Last, Thursday
15cor7 for 1.00
Is one of the best known collars, and
ar in the most approved and In every wanted
at a price that in many Instances does not
cost of material.
Thousands of Silk Collars in this
Polly Prim
Polly Prim Aprons In
checked gingham and
polka dotted percales; all
the much wanted shades;
pink, blue, yellow, green
and lavender; all daintly
trlmnved with narrow
lawn ruffles and edged
with rick rack;
Special for
Third Floor South
Special Values for Thursday in
Stamped Center
36-inch stamped white
center pieces, heavy
material for lazy Daisy
French knot and out
line stitches. Each
Scarfs to Match
Each 8So
Men Thursday
Young Men's Suits
Men's and Young Men's Suits Unusual values;
suits formerly sold from $20 to 32.50; in plain brown,
fancy grays, oxfords, dark worsteds and cassimeres;
single and double breasted models; in snappy or
styles; sizes S3 to 42;
Blind Woman Takes Exam
To Practice Osteopathy
Lincoln, June 15: (Specials
Miss Claire E. Owens of Geneva, a
blind woman, is among those taking
examinations at Lincoln for licenst
to practice osteopathy in Nebraska
Miss Owens has been blind since she
wa 8 vears old and previous to
jg lull
P Main Floor l "V
Men'a Store 1
Good Serviceable Wash
Clothes for th
The values are extraordinary
for the fabrics are the best; the
workmanship excellent and
there are many styles from
which to select All the de
sired effects in solid colors and
attractive combinations, divided
into three different lots; sizes
2 to 6 years,
Priced for
1.39, 1.50
Third Floor
Applique Stamped Luncheon .
Applique stamped luncheon sets, at re
duced prices. Four-place O Og
luncheon set of 5 pieces, per set aa0
Applique scarfs to match
luncheon sets. Each,
Applique buffet sets to
to match same.
Applique napkins to match, set of OA
four, per Set, Third Floor Wt OS C
Candy Special
Chocolate Almonds Fresh roasted
almonds, covered with a thick, rich
chocolate ; regular 80c ACkg
value, special, per pound, T' C
Brandeis Special Ice Cream T h e
most delicious flavors. Makes the
best Sundaes and Sodas.
Pempelaa Room Mala Floor We
Every Basement Department joins in
this Big Three Day Basement Sale. It
will be an opportunity for every man,
woman and child in 'Omaha to obtain
desirable goods at low prices.
Brandeis Stores clerks are obliging
and glad to help shoppers in every
possible way. Shopping in our base
ment is a delight
studying osteopathy she was musical
instructor in the public schools at
The latest available figures of autcx
mobile tires manufactured in 1920 an
44,065,000, or less than 5 tires for
each motor vehicle registered in the
United States. In 1919 the tire con
sumption totaled 27,380,000.
7 for 1.00
and 2.49
Our Art Dept.
Royal 'Society and Pa
cific package outfits,
this season's numbers,
Vz Off
These consist ot
women's gowns, under
wear, children's dress
es, rompers, luncheon
sets, library scarfs,
towels and so forth.
ipb Will
Root Beer
Enough to make five
gallons of delicious
Hire's Root Beer;
Mala Floor West