Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 A
Jots Are Held in
City During Long
: Hot Summer Time
' .While Almost Everyone Else
Goes to Resorts, Poor Babies
r Get Only Relief Through
Milk Fund.
Almost everyone is beginning to
'.' long or cool, snow-capped moun
tains; or clear, rippling lakes, with
banks overhung by heavy foliage.
, Some time during the long sum
mer almost everyone will depart
from the sun-baked, sultry city for j
lome resort where cool breezes
blow. Comfortable sport clothes
will be donned and the vacation will
renew the vitality sapped by long,
hot days in the city.
But can anyone depart happily on j
n vacation Knowing mat wunin a
tewtbJocks of the home they are
leaving there are tiny babies infants
who have suffered even more from
the heat? These tots, in the poor
homes of the city, will have no
chance to escape the heat, to breathe
tlit fresh, cool, invigorating air of
ome summer resort. . ,
.The Bee's Free Milk and Ice Fund
firings relief to these babies. It is
the only agency which does. Any
sum from 10 cents to $5 is accepta
Subscriptions are as follows:
Previously acknowledged $48.00
Ilertha Levy v S.00
I, If. Enrhart (1.00
F. It. freeman 5.00
Kennedy. Holland, DrJ.aey anil Me-
Langhlln 5.00
'. Total ,...;..'........ $60.00
, T
Chiropractors of
Several States to Be
Entertained Here
Omaha will entertain the chiro
practors of Nebraska and surround
ing states this week, the occasion
being the annual convention .of the
Nehraska Chiropractic association.
"Dr. Lee W. Edwards of Omaha
has arranged with two of the dis
trict chiropractic associations of
Iowa to forego their home meetings
and join forces with the Nebraska
chiropractors in Omaha. A delega
tion from South Dakota, including
several officers from bouth Dakota
Chiropractic association, are ex
pected to arrive in Omaha today.
' While in Kansas City June 6.
where Dr. Edwards addressed the
Missouri chiropractors, he painted
the attractions of Omaha and the
Nebraska chiropractic convention in
such glowing colors that a large
number from Missouri are planning
to attend.
Omaha Orchestra Plays
For Lake Manawa Dances
-Jazz; music for dancers on the pa
vilion at Lake Manawa is being
played this season by the Kriss or
chestra of Omaha. Dancing at the
lakeside pavilion continues to be the
most popular form of amusement at
Lake Manawa, although crowds al
ready have taken advantage of the
bpating and bathing facilities at th
summer resort. '
Several industrial picnics were
held at Lake Manawa last week in
spite of the inclement weather.
Numbers of other picnics are
booked for Manawa in the immedi
ate future. Rapid street car service
between Omaha and Manawa is be
ing maintained and the automobile
roads are kept in good condition.
Women Foresters Meet
" Joint meeting of the Women's
Catholic Order of Foresters will be
held Monday evening at 7:30 at the
home of Mrs. William Foran, 1007
South Thirty-fourth street.
a ,
Musical Instruments ,
Orchestra, Brass and Jazz
1513 Douglas Street
It you an aertooa. dependent, wsei.
ma dawn, throng ll grew or other caw.
we mat to ana Too cor book which Mia
boat SBXTONIQUE, a ratantrr nmedy
that will cost Too nothing If yoa are not
cored or benefited. Every nn needinf a
toaie to overcome personal weakness, etc.,
haold (at thia free book at one.
440 Berry Block, Nashville, Term.
Noted Kansa City Specialist Finds Pain
4 last Remedy for This Dreaded
Physicians agree that a large percentage
Vt Constipation is caused by Prolapsus, or
a folding down of the lower bowel, piles,
and other rectal troubles. Constipation is
ene of the most serious human ailments
and is responsible for much nervousness,
headaches, stomach and liver troubles,
pains in the hack. etc. Dr. A. S. McCleary,
head of the Parkview Sanitarium in Kan
sas City, has developed the only known
cure for Prolapsus. It is sn absolutely
painless treatment and the cure is positive
without the use of surgery or physics.
Sufferers from Constipation who have Pro
lapsus will never be fully relieved until
4he Prolapsus is cured. Write for Free
Booklet "B," to Room 184, Parkview Sani
tarium, Kansas City, Mo., if you want to
know how to be cured of Constipation
caused by Prolapsus.
On a Telephone Tip Our Buyers
Rushed In and Bought the Cream
of Seasonable Merchandise at the
Starting Monday This Store Will Close at 5 P. M.
Here Is
the Story-
We Are
Passing Our
Stroke of Luck,
on to You
Hardee Vttou, Omaha, TTek; Bepie r
raiea wiia Ita
' Pnm.
Aale Of such magnitude ant snot.
remaraapie often tigs bring 'one
back, to pre-war days. The whole.
salers and . manufacturers .'are
swamped with buyers from sir see.
Hons of the country, notable among
the early arrivals was a force of tea
buyers with Mr. Thna OTvn-1 nraal-
dent of Harden Bros., Omaha, Neb.
The buvini In all linen a anlrllxl
throughout, the offerings are Imme
diately mapped up, and indications
are the. manufacturers. . will be
Oleaned of memhanrila fufar tfc
who wwa, 4aw. . -i.
Values You
Won't Be Able
to Match for Months
to Come
Everything in Readiness Sale Starts Monday A. M. 9 o'Clock
Second Floor
Lady Ruth front lace and E
& G back lace, pink and
white coutile, graduated
front clasp, also elastic tops
in fancy . materials. Sale
Lisle Hose
Main Floor
Regular 1 and extra sizes.
For Monday only, pair
t n
Women s Fibre
Silk Hose
Main Floor
Three - quarter boot, all
sizes, large assortment of
colors. Exceptional values
at, pair
Live Wire Bargains
Wash .Goods and Cottons
(Center Room Main Floor
We invite you to share in the splendid economies
made possible, by this Great Sale,, commencing
Monday. Manufacturers, Converters and Job
bers have made tremendous price reductions in
consideration of HAYDEN'S COST.
1,500 Yards Serpentine Crepe All newest ki
mono styles. Price a year ago 59c. This
sale 29t
4,000 Yards Novelty Printed Dress Voile 40
inches wide, an exceptionally good range of
styles and colors, few slight misprints in fin
ishing, this 59c value Monday, yard...29
2,000 Yards Printed Foulard 32 inches wide, a
fabric patterned from high-grade silks, col
ored and black printed grounds, this 39c
value, yard 19t
Pajama Check Dimity Pink, blue, tan, 36 inches
wide, for children's dresses and night wear,
39c value, per yard 25
Live Wire Bargains ;
Cottons and Wash Goods
Center Room Main Floor
Unbleached Sheeting 36 inches wide; extra fine
thread, compares in quality to the old favor
ite "Fruit of the Loom" brand. 17c value,
this sale, per yard . . . k 10 f
Wide Sheeting Unbleached, ZV yards wide,
closely woven, hard twisted cotton. Price a
year ago 85c. This sale, per yard.... 452
Fine Cambric 36-inch skirting finish. Special
quality. Worth 22c. This sale, yard. .15
Bath Towels Towels of quality, generous size.
Choice of all white or colored borders. Price
a year ago 69c. This sale, each 29
A. C. A. Feather Ticking Blue and white, stan
dard stripes. Price a year ago 60c.
Each ....28
Bohemian Ticking 2,000 quality. Price a year
ago 50c. This sale, per yard 28
$10 Dress Sale That Will Create
Sensational Selling
Your choice Monday of hundreds of the season's many lovely dresses, made
up in organdies,' voiles, tissues, ginghams, silk tricolettes, in every new
shade, sizes suitable for misses and ladies for street wear, afternoon wear,
club wear or general wear; dresses in this group made to sell up to $20.00.
ibre Silk
Main Floor
Women's Thread and Fiber
Silk Hose, seamed back,
double tops, heels and toes
and lace clocks, colors; sold
at $1.95. Sale price
In the ANNEX
Men's Hose
Men's Fine Cotton Dress
Hose in black, cordovan
and navy. Irregulars of
39c values, at
2 pairs, 256
Union Suits
Child's Patented Taped
Union Suits. Very spe
cial at
Ladies' Gowns
Ladies'- Fine Muslin
Gowns, embroidered
neck, sleeveless, $1.00
$12.50 Voile and Ging
ham Dresses, $5.00
Fine quality dresses in an
elegant assortment of pretty
models, organdy trimmings,
all sizes 16 to 46; regular
values to $12.50. Annex
Live Wire Sale price is
only ..$5.00
$2.98 Silk Ruffle
Petticoats, $1.49
Fancy silk in chanegable
two-tone colors; regular
$2.98 quality. Annex Live
Wire Sale .81.49
$2.98 Gingham Dresses,
Large plaid and checked
gingham dresses in all the
new colors, sizes to 46; reg
ular values to $2.98. Annex
Live Wire Sale. .. .$1.29
$5.98 to $7.50 Geor
gette Blouses, $2.98
Beautiful new summer
blouses in Georgette, trico
lette and crepe de chine;
large assortment of colors
and styles in this wonderful
sale. These are actual $5.98
to $7.50 , values. Annex
Live Wire Sale 82.98
500 Dozen Dust and
Morning Caps, 10c
Of pretty colors, in percales
and cretonne; regular 25c
caps. Annex Live Wire Sale
at "...10
$1 Summer Blouses, 25c
200 dozen" summer blouses
in all sizes, white and col
ors; regular $1.00 qualities.
Annex Live Wire Sale.25
Ribbons, Gloves and Notions
From the Chicago Sales
Laundry Bags
Beautiful Fancy Cre
tonne Laundry Bags, all
colors, full size
45c Ribbons, Yard, 29c
A big line of plain and fancy
Taffeta Ribbons, extra
wide. . A complete line of
colors. 45c and 50c valu'es.
Live Wire price. .... .29
$1.50 Ladies' Silk Glove, $1
75 doz. pair of Double Tip
Silk Gloves, white, black and
colors. Regular price $1.50
and $1.75. Live Wire price,
per pair ......... 81.00
' Standard Notions
Sanitary Napkins, 2 in box,
per box 5
Shinola Shoe Polish, two
for 15t
Ladies' Cotton
Ladies' Fine Cotton Hose in
hemmed or rib top, gauze
weight. Irregulars of 39c
value, at, pair
Kid Curlers, 2 pkgs...25
Camisole Tape, silk. . . .9tf
Gold-Plated Lingerie Pins,
very fine, 2 cards. .. .15
Puritan Dress Shields, 40c
quality -25
Double Mesh Hair Nets, real
hair, 25c quality, for 12 6
10c Pearl Buttons, card 5
Rick Rack Braids, sizes 21
to 37, 15c quality.... 10
10c Cabinet Hair Pins.. 5
50c. Childs' Waists. . . .25
10c Darning Cotton, in gray,
black, white and brown, per
ball ..5
400 Count Pins, 3 pkgs.12
Toilet Goods
Tanty Imported Toilet Water, $1.00
value, special, at 69c
Coty 's L'Origan Face Powder, 79c
75e Mary Garden Face Creams 49c
60c Odorona 43c
60c Pepsodent 35c
25c Cuticura Soap...... IS'jc
60c Hind's Honey and Almond Cream 35c
86c Finaud's Eau de Quinine 69c
Best Olive Oil Castile Soap, three for 25c
60s Daggett A Ramsdell's Cream... 43c
25c Pond's Vanishing Cream... 16c
20c Aspirin 10c
60c Pompeian Day Cream , ....43c
EOo Armand's Face Powder... 39c
Djer Kiss Talcum 19c
Through a special purchase of Viva
dou products we are enabled to of
fer Vivadou Talcum Powders, in
cluding Mavis, at 15c
Women's 1 -strap Turned
Sole House Slippers All
sizes, 4 to 8; sold last year
for $3; during this sale,
pair $1.95
Children's Oxfords
Childs' Elk Stitch Down
Play Oxfords Sizes 5 to
11 ; sold last year at $1.50 ;
during this sale $1.00
Men's Union
, Suits
Over 5,000 Union Suits in this lot,
consisting of sample lines, broken
lots; materials in nainsook, ma
dras, silk fiber, pajama check,
mesh, knit in white and ecru; made
by Chalmers, Augusta and the gen
uine B. V. D. Sizes from 34 to
46 in all makes. Values a year
ago to' $4.00, at, each 99
We reserve the right to limit
the quantity to each customer.
Unbleached crash, red
border, a good desirable
toweling, at, yard
Leader Voile
Wash fabric, a superb
quality ; worth 39c.
This sale, per yard
Essex Chambray
32 inches wide, fast col
ors. Worth 29c yard.
This sale, per yard
Curtain Fabric
Natural color, 36 inches
wide. Lengths up to 20
yards; actual value 25c
yard. This sale, yard
Fine Percale
In long remnant lengths
10,000 yards of light
colors; worth 25c. This
sale, per yard
Apron Checks
Fast color Indigo blue
and white check ging
, ham, long remnant
lengths; worth 19c yd.
This sale, yard
121 '
Shirtings and French
blues. This sale, yard
Bed Spreads
72x84 size, crochet
weave, Marseilles pat
terns, year ago $2.98.
This sale
Pillow Cases
Standard size, good
quality. Price one year
ago 39c. This" sale
Jress Voile
40-inch summer fabric
blues, browns, grays,
etc. Year ago priced
49c. This sale, yard
The present extra vote offer of 50,000 extra votes for $25.00 fn
subscription payments between June 6 and June 18 Is the only offer
of extra votes to be made during the remainder of the campaign. For
each dollar over the $25.00 sent in during thjs period you will be given
2,000 additional votes.
This final offer opens Monday June 6th and closes Saturday June
18th at 10 p. m. During the final week of the campaign no extra votes
will be given. Nothing but the regular scale of votes will be in frce.
The IMI1.Y end Sunday. Hornlnr er Kren
Inr, bjr Boy Carrier In Omaha, Connrlt
Bluffa and In town where Carrier Boy
(en ire is maintained.
Hornlnr, Erenlnr and Bandar by
uoy carrier.
Ill Yeara S35.C4
i Teara 20.40
1 Tear 10.10
6 Month (.10
3 Montha 1.65
160, COO
Tr I Month! $55.10
Tear 1 00
Montha f.00
Montha (0
Dally and Sunday by Mall.
Morning or Evening Without Sunday by
lamer noy service.
Tra I montha
. 16.60
. T.80
. , l.t
. 1.18
H Teara 128.50
Year. 15.00
Tear 7.51)
Montha 4.00
Montha 2.00
Dally Only by Mall. Without Sunday
Teara ..128.00 260.000
Teara . 10.00 76,000
Tear 6.00 S2.000
Montha 2.60 12,000
Sunday Only by Boy Carrier,
6 Teara 126. 60 160,000
2 Ycari 10.40 76,000
1 Year (.20 12,000
6 Montha 2.(0 12.000
Sunday Only by Mall.
Teara ,
Teara .
Tear ..
. 600
. 2.60
. 1 25
Renewal subscription payments will be give hall aa many votes a new subscriptions
Standing of the Club Members JSSJSST SShSTtS
counted In the office of the Club tnanarer up to 3 p. m.. Friday. June 10. It will
be noticed by studyinf thia liat that many changes have been made in the positions
of some In the race.
Chib mombera who entered only a short time ajo now have commanding posi
tions in the column.
The standings of member will probably only be changed three or
four mors) time before the close of the campaign. 'Club member de
siring good (tending in the list should tend in sufficient vote to rait
their (landings to the desired level.
Will Include all territory Inside the
City limits at Omaha south of Paeiflo
atreet, weat of the river to Seventj
aecond street. Including- Ralston, Belle
vue. Fort Crook and Avery.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one S20.M
B. ft I.. Deposit nnd one 1100.00 It.
L. Deposit will be awarded la thia
Georgo Peterson, 3412 Wright. ... .990,560
Norman Lewis, 1922 8. 29th 989,660
Mrg. F. Marecek, 6218 S. 2flth 988,410
Ernest Herngren. 2016 S. 7th 987.650
R. W. Sage, 2519 S. 33d 986.4
Hiry Furst,' 3205 W 985,630
L. A. Speitzer," 6626 S. 23d 913.410
Mrs. Thomas Seize, 2813 1 St 851,090
Mrs. F. D. Hawarth, 1775 S. 9th.. 838. 960
Mrs. J. N. Williams, 3608 8. 23d.. 806,660
Mrs. Pearl Starkey. 4825 Poppleton.676,420
H. Uakenholz, 2823 Monroe 561,310
Mrs. C. A. Kauth, 1822 Bancroft. 542,880
O. H. Evans, 4350 S. 40th 487,280
Iva Slegel, 1724 Dorcas 403.480
Miss J. E. Kolie. 1338 S. list 376,100
Mrs. Ella Dostel. 2300 S. 14th 367,780
John Spell, 810 Forrest Ave.. 280,470
J. L. Beecroft, 4545 S. 18th 236,910
Mrs. C. A. Christiansen, 622 Cedar. .216,830
Mrs. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha. 148, 170
Mrs. C. S. Lusenburg. 1906 S. 30th. 110.860
E. H. Burke, 1102 Park Ave 11,850
Will Include all territory inside the
city limits of Omaha and on, and
north of Pacific street, west of the
river to Eighty-third street and as far
north us Maple street.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. ii L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
& 1.. Deposit will be awarded to this
Rev. N. C. Hanson, 1713 N. 25th. . .990,920
Mrs. A. E. Waack, 2222 Howard. .989,640
C. B. Hyde, 3830 Seward 988,300
A. Hicks. 2716 Miami 987,200
Mrs. O. J. Hubbard. 3804 Farnam (86,770
Kloye B. Morell. 544 S. 25th Ave.. 986, 410
Mrs. W. J. Whlteaker, 4804 Podge 986,600
Mrs. Anna Marlnelll, 858 S. 21st. . .984,960
Ralph N. Pratt, 502 S. 28th 983,000
Louis J. Schafer. 112 N. 26th 982,830
Dr. Frank Q. Smith. Blackstone. .981.180
C. F. Slospnn, jr., 4906 Cuming. . .980,670
Dessle D. Harron, 2567 Douglas. . .979,620
Mrs. Emily Winner. 119 N. 20th. . .977.590
O. W. Hendee. 4204 Burdette 938,640
R. E. Holbrook, 3556 Pacific 880,790
E. H. White. 667 S. 33d 828,310
Mrs. M. L. Vosburg, 2564 Dougdas. 794,210
Harold Anderson, 3116 Marcy 788,700
Mrs. Marie Coulter, 3009 Harney. .704, 7o
Mrs. B. N. Clausen. 4809 Under'd. 649,310
C. J. Wright. 2310 Howard 621,960
Mildred Plank, 2714 Burt 620.620
A. D. Klein. 1r.. 4806 Dodge 538,680
Mrs. C. M. Tomondl, 4507 Charles. 6fl, 700
C. A. Weir. 1915 Charles 455,710
Phlnas Wintroub. 1324 Howard. .. .354,510
1 .7. K. Mcintosh, 4160 Chicago .239.660
L. N. Swanson, 4129 Lake ..164.390
Harold N'eilson, 4315 Seward 118,960
Will Include all territory Inside the
city limits of Omaha on and north of
Maple atreet, west of the river to
Eighty-third street nnd north to Ser
geant street. Including Florence and
the Carter Lake district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $700.00
B. & L. Deposit and one $100.00 E. 4k
I.. Deposit will be awarded la tela
968,990 ,
0 911,960 I
.'860,640 J
1..... 860.490 I
R. V. Kennedy, Tekameii 987,670
Mabel Brasda, West Point ,...986,470
Jens Jensen, Lyons .'...985,940
Q. C. Hoback, Nehawka 968,990
Ea K. Horak. Winnebago.
Alvin F. Barton, Lyons....
r.. r uusnman, Kennard.
zetta Lower, Valparaiso
lionald Waugh, R. 3, Valley. ..... .804,790
V. H. Hoerstmann. Fremont 772,6(10
Henrietta Miller, Oakland 682,760
Mrs. John Huebner, R. 3 .....644,430
Emma Fredstrom, Oakland 644.810
A. M. Sanders. Plattsmouth 637.820
Mildred E. Johnson, Mead 620,200
Josephine Kelchmark, Ft Calhoun. 487,870
Nellie Dwyer, Colon 414,040
Herman Buhk, Beemer.... 468.770
Mrs. Lulu Owens. Ashland 406 210
Jessie B.' Kays, Wisner ....375.340
Mrs. Cha. Andrews, Arlington. .. .373,470
J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water. , .336,480
Mrs. P. E. Buck. Fremont 321.840
I. N. Warrick. Blair 283,290
Bessie B. KraJIcek. Arlington 235.310
Anna Blumm, Scrlbner 220.310
Emma Johnson, R. 1. Fremont 1CH.810
Mrs. O. B. Daring. Hooper.. 141.610
Stella Starry. Springfield....; 110.870
Herbert Struthnrs. Craig 90,403
Will Include the following counties m
the state of Nebraska: Otoe, Nemaha,
Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Oage,
Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson,
Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamilton,
Clay, Nnckolls, Webster and Adams.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one 20(.OA
B. A L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. ft
I,. Deposit will be awarded la this
Mrs. Otis Wolford, Clay Center. .. .990,900
Mrs. B. F. Jordon, York 989.79D
E. E. Holmes. Inland 988.240
S. D. Long, Cowles 987,960
Mrs. Mark Hall, Auburn 986.810
Margaret A herns. Falls City 965,690
Raymond L. Crosson, Hastings. .. .949.960
Eleanor Shoff, Fairbury 846.970
Tillte Nolte. R. 2, Auburn 798.660
R. W. Mastin, Tobias 746.160
Mrs. Thomas Brower, Geneva 731.860
Vera Orosshaus. Sutton 666.710
Mrs. Chas. Fowler. Neb. City 651,610
Mrs. Lydia, Wolfskin, Superior 644,90
Emma Krutz, Deshler ..,.618,380
velva Balr, Fairmont 567,290
Mrs. B. Anderson,
Agnes Krasonctl,
Jewell Howard,
Mrs. Dean Kite,
Lola Hosford, Seward
George Whftsell
Mrs. C. D. Riley. Tecumseh 254,600
Delma Harp. Belvedere 200.270
Vern Butler, Red Cloud 161,170
Gladys Leahy, Peru 16.000
Fred A. Johns, Davenport 6,000
, 1824 H, Lincoln. 646.460 y
Aurora 624,720 mmT
Lincoln 519, Of '"-Jk
Auburn 437,340 .
Bward 413.640
. Kenesaw 307.170 I
Will Include all territory In the atatt
of Nebraska not Included In Districts
Number 6 and 7, also territory In South
Dakota. Kansas and Colorado.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. I.. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
I,. Deposit will be awarded In this
Mrs. Tom Rodebaugh, 3180 Mer'th. 990,660
Mona Harris, 2954 N. 47th Ave 989.690
Violet Brotchle, 6020 Flor. Blvd. . .987,660
Mrs. A. Dangel. 6225 Flor. Blvd 986.470
Leo Daniels, 3302 Maple 985,960
W. S. Stutenroth. 2456 Camden .. .984,910
Mrs. R. Tcdesco. 2939 Lin. Blvd. . .983,820
Mrs. Harry Rogers. 8611 N. 28th. .982,060
Mrs. . W.'Davis, 3929 Blor. Blvd. 948,650
a. L. Emery, 2654 Pratt 778,140
Mrs. G. I- Tracy, 2811 Browne.. . .634.960
Mrs. Gust Krantz, 7301 Maple. . . .526.780
A. L Frederick. 2558 Whltmore. . .495.500
Edna Lawrenson. 7711 N. 28th Ave. 468.740
Mrs. J. M. Streeter, 4008 N. 34th. .456.900
C. D. Schnell, 2423 Crown Point. . ,.272.980
C. Hall. 2878 Vane 268.500
H. Christansen, 6904 Mlnne Lusa. . .220,750'
Will Include all territory In the city
of Council Bluffs, Including the Mana
wa district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B.
ft I.. Depolt and one $100.00 B. L.
Deposit will be awarded In this district.
Gertrude Sullivan, 813 Ave. B. . . .990,480
Anna Ward. 1006 6th Ave 989,890
A W. Geiger. jr.. 428 Damon. .. . .720,8'10
Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 306 S. 18th 708.170
Mrs. M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave. D 666,640
Dorothy Lenihan, 662 Harrison. ... 458,960
R. P. Bolln, 2003 4th Ave 366,260
Mrs. Wrn. J. Ryan. 2026 Ave. A. .356,840
Ray Wilcox. 520 Voorhis 287,760
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1908 3d Ave. 283,190
R. D. Edwards. 2310 Ave. C 317.620
Mrs. Peter Jensen, Oakland Ct. .. .177.370
Bertha Zobel, 726 Ave. E 6.000
WIU Include all the territory la the
state ef Iowa outside the city ef
Council Bluffs and the Manawa dis
trict. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one ttOO.OO
B. it L. Deposit and one $100.0 B.
1.. Deposit will be awarded la thia
Harlan Klutts, Mnndamln 990,520
Merle Andres. Oakland 9S9.620
Nellie J, Solledi-r. Thurman 911,480
Bert Graham. R. I, Logan 871,660
Hazel Donaldson, Avoca, 857.770
Rev. O. B. Bniimnn, Minden.; 849,900
Mrs. S. L. Jefferson. Woodbine S02.440
June Ovlatt, Shenandoah 732 130
Ruth Knight. Olenwood 699,003
Mrs. Nettie Batcheldon. Rlverton. .678.620
June Beaver, Harlan..... 533,920
Betty t-iurett. Malvern 613.680
filen c. Sllllck. Missouri Valley.. .604.640
O. J. Atkins. Neola 495,370
Leona Hamann. Persia 410.090
Gladys Mayia, Harlnn.. 394,480
Oeo. v. Moore, Bartlett 378,730
Fred Tanks, Avoca.. 374,250
Mrs. Belle Iwen, Schleswlg... 337.260
Marion Caughell. Carson 300.170
Myrtle Rogers. Perclval 260.770
Opal Snyder, Randolph 259,470
IT. j. comer, Missouri Valley 226,410
Will Include the following counties la
the state of Nebraska; Cass, Sarpy,
Douglas (outnirie the city of Omaha),
Kaunders, Dodge. Washington, Burt,
Cuming. Thurston. Dakota, Dixon.
One $1,11.1.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. I.. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
A L. Deposit will be awarded In this
Thos. Warder, Maryvllle 990,680
iiert Hrownell, Chappell 989,440
Fern Gates. Stamford ..988.960
Wm. Halsey, Lebanon 987,190
Anay Htone, wood River 986,190
A. R. Lee, 119 Locust, No. Platte. .985.880
Elizabeth E. Fairehlld. Lemoyne. .983.950
Melba Phllbrlck. Ord...' 968.050
J, P. Minner. 109 W. 6th. Or. la 948.570
Mrs. J. A Qulnton, Brule 932.990
Mrs. K. C. Dillman, Broken Bow.. 890.780
Mrs. H. J. Mcintosh. Cozad... 887.800
Mrs. Fred Collum, Arnold 875,97
Mrs. K. J. Reichstein, Minden 837.690
Mrs. E. Stelnke, Holdrege S07.900
J. F. Srhwatgeer,' North Platte. .. .801,190
E. G. Nisley, Lexington. ... v. .... .784,990
M. A. Hostetler, Shelton ...781,690
Harriet Edward. Sonttsbluff..., ..726,000
Hazel Farrell. Gothenburg ,...718.570
P. C. McKenrJe. Burwell ...,695,900
Dr. C. H. Blackburn, Mitchell 638,480
Lurlle Johnson, Orleans 680,490
Blanche Meyers, Sutherland 560,470
Martin Nielsen, Dannebrog 539,390
Harry K. Selk, Scotia 601,840
W. K. Harris. Bertrand. ......... .486,970
C. O. Jones, Hyannls 459,7'
Mrs. F. S. Copeland, Bridgeport. . .461,880
Oyma Cl"de O'Neill 489,460
Mrs. A. K. Callahan, Gerlng 437.620
Hazel Trundel, Sumner ,...416.(8 0
Mrs. Clay Funston. Ogallala 412.700
W. B. Shelton, Paxton.... 396.690
Hilda Jacobson, Aripahoe ,, .370, 810
Mrs. Bertha A. Eber, Kirk 341,620
C. B. Dossett, Axtell ,...303,190
Vera Corley, Callaway ....280.04O
Wm. McKcevee, Cordova .,..246,280
Helen Hammond. Valentine. ...... .245.900
H. B. Van Busklrk. Mullen. ...... .234,100
Anna Randall. Long Pine ,.231,490
R. L. Dunn, 6th Ave., Kearney .... .201,760
Wm. F. Beranek, Loup City 170,910
Ethel Fttzslmmons, Alnsworth 139,460
Will include the following counties In
the state of Nebraska; Butler, Polk,
Merrick, Nance. Piatt. Colfax, Stanton,
Madison, Boone, Antelope, Pierce
Wayne, Cedar and Knox.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, ene $900.00
B. & T.. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
ft I.. Deposit will be awarded In this
Mrs. Wad Pruitt, Humphrey 990. T0
Ida Ruther, Stanton 9S9.biO
F. L. Brown. Schuyler ...988,680
Josephine Newton, ( Osceola 987.300
Helen Wynkoop, Central City 984,800
Fioyd Buchanan, Sliver Creek 983.890
Harry J. Muffley, St. Edward 983,630
W. C. Halsey. Oakdale 966.930
D. P. Hill, Genoa 895.790
A. E. Stafford, Rising City 850,790
Laura Kolena, Crelghton 763.540
Hazel Sowders, Nellgh 766,87
Marguerite Durbln, Bloorafleld. .. .748.180
Vivian Dee, David City 717,780
R. E. Strasburg. Polk 681.91
Lydla Seyersdahl, Madison. ...... .662,940
Juanlta Carlson. Stromsburg. .... .669,040
Elmer Nordland. Columbus 650,740
Blanche Colby. Shelby . (21,660
E. C. Wilde. 828 S. 8th. Norfolk. .621,410
Anton F. Votava, Schuyler 454,600
C. J. Havlland, Norfolk 428,900
O. C. Smith. Albion 400,160
W. J. Keeler. Fullerton 198,370
Mrs Ed Lyons, Newman Grove... 192.86
Josephine Evans, Platte Center.. .382,(10
Fred T. Wlnginton, Schuyler S56.910
R. .7. Swanson, Fullerton 316,860
F. J. Maslowsky, Randolph. .......800.18
Cedrlc Anderson. Wausa ..,-..265.170
Sara Pavles. Wayne ....262,600
Henry J. Haynes, Oct a via... 181,740
O. C. Griffin. Clarke 157,730
Ray Chase. Plalnview 129,000
Frank Pallas. Pender 990.580
Mrs Archie Roherfs. No. Bend. . . .9.7"
Herman A. Homsnn, Elkhorn 918.900 I
by club member on tbe
vote offer which closed Sat
urday, June 4th, hay been
placed in the mail check
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is correct.