Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 13

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1921.
Benson Society
Benson Correspondent Call Walnut 5370.
Baccalaureate Exercises.
, The Benson Omaha High bacca
laureate extrcises will be held Sun
day evening. Tune 12. in the Meth
odist church, Rev. John Calvert de-
, Jivenng the address. Mus e bv the
T Methodist -choir. Mts. C B. Criss-
r.nian will sing. "Jesus, Word of
; God Incarnate," by Gounod. Mem
bers, of tht class of 1921-are: Lucy
;Phalen, Roma -Roth, Fern Zellars,
;Helen Studenrotlv ;;' John . Calvert,
u..iBen Butler, Edwin Heckendorf, El
Jfrdon Sherbondy, Arthur Olson and
;Elme'r Gustason.
Receives B. A. Degree. .
Miss Evelyn Kclland, formerly- of
-'"Bensdn and a member of the Ben-
,son High 1917 graduating class, who
j now resides in Des Moines, la.,' win
II graduate Wednesday, June IS, from
inWhe College of Liberal Arts of Drake
:;i University. Miss Kelland will do
jj;thautauqua work during the sum
.ntner months and in September will
m.begin'teaching in the high schoolat
Moon'Kspids, la. .
' B. S. -Chapter, P. E. O. Sisterhood,
Mrs. N. H. Tvson of Dundee will
Mwbe hostess Monday, June 13, to the
members M the B. S. chapter of the
mP. E. O. sisterhood. Mrs. D. M.
aAVykoff will lead the current events
)J'. study program.
Z," Parent-Teacher Association,
ml!. The closing meeting of the Parent-
bleacher association tor the season
...was held Tuesday evening, June 7, in
"I'tJie assembly room of the Benson
ii; High school. Those taking part in
"ti'fht music were: Mrs. O. Arthur
IJijMelcher, Miss Ruth Rockwood and
"he Harold Wriffht noveltv orrhes.
tra. Miss Marv Sturecon slave an
i. . ..ii. r :-i
jj'Art," .and Miss McNamara, princi
pal of h Benson High, talked about
Ilyotne of the plans for the school to
;;be put into effect during the coming
.!vear. V
", Delegate to National Convention.
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, president of
jiiihe Oniaha War Mothers' organiza
tion, . was one of 12 elected at the
, imiitate convention to represent the
War Mothers of Nebraska at the
national convention in September at
SISacramento, Cal. . Mrs; Wilcox was
ISalso made vice president of the state
-J - B. I. L. Party
'"' The B. I. L. associate numbers of
Wne B. S. chapter of the P. E. O.
sisterhood entertained at a dinner
,party Saturday evening at the Pret
tiest Mile club. After the dinner
"!Wie members of the party attended
jUihe stock performance at the Bran
JSdris theater, , , -f , ( ' ,
,ff Amateur Dancer. "
Miss Velma Robertson, student in
'"the Benson schools, was one , of
IK10 selected from, a -, locat ydancjjmj
!;ja;cademy to- appear,- during- the past
week in a chorus, and faincdancibg
iiSfunt with the Princess' slqck 'com
Jjjpany at the Brandeis theater.' ' -
Affairs for Miss . Wilcox.,' ,
ll'Mi'si Hazel Wilcox, who appeared
'he t' t half of the week at the Em
';j?ress theater with the Cameo Musi
cal quintet, was entertained at a din-
""Mer nf .1? rnvc r Tnosnav hv
-arent, J3t and Mrs. , W, wV. Wil-
Hwwe'rtained it. fafflilv dinner -nmrt4 ?heIson' Binney tf eet. j ,. : ;: ,;v ;
a. Mumi 4-i,Wh&ivit.nttwn tor Mrs. Bellamy.; .,
".oi"W"'" I" wtu: o.i - ,..c. v 2 1
iTTXv eflnpsHav ittrs Mis Wjlcoxi.and her
f 1'tlwthw. Mr: Paul Wil'cost.i'and Mrs.
Wilcox entertained 'at , ''an after
Slffieater ice cream party Wednesday
flight. Twenty-eight Avar mothers ol
"the Omaha organization .occupied .a
ejection at the matinee Wednesday in
ii.ionor of Miss -Wilcox. ;
West Famam Kensington,! .
T, Mrs. F. E 'Young attended: the
lt o'clock luriirheon , given . byf Ms.
.. C. Shimerfat.her. homevAYednesr
li'dav in honor of .the members-of ,$he
"West- Farnam Kensington,,,
Christian Endeavor Party.
Members, of the Presbyterian
t-t hnstian tnaeavor society were e"-
Jl&rtained at a party Saturday eve
M,ning at the home of Miss Jennie
Pteillespie, 6327 Military avenue.
Entertains Teachers and Officers.
'Rev.' and Mrs. Earl Moneymaker
the Presbyterian church will en
Hertain at their home on Sixtieth
'street Tuesday evening, June 14, the
Meachers and officers of the Presby
A'terian Sunday school
, .SJ" P. 6. O. State Convention.
15". Mrs. Arthur Nerness, Mrs. John
Welch and Mrs. W. A. Wilcox
ire delegates to represent the B. S.
tfinaoter of the P. E. O
f6f Omaha at the state
hwt 13, -14 and IS at
f'Neb. - '
... t. . ; ; Belle Rebekah Lodge.
Str The regular meeting of the Belle
f. fiRebekah lodge was held Monday
Kiight in the I. O. O. F. hall.
w.: Entertains Ahamo Auxiliary. ;
H Mrs. E. E. Paddock will be host-
ftMt T I -ft .ii... V.nm
Twn West Maple street to the Ahamo
A !?5siliarv. Members will vote for the
"international officers: of tne organ
watinn at this meetinff.
State Alumni Meet
m" Mrs. C H. Stephens, member of
".the first graduating class of the Iowa
State university, and her daughter,
Mrs. E. J. Whistler, left Friday for
Iowa City to participate in the an
nual commencement and alumni ex
ercises. Mrs. 'Stephens and Mrs.
Whistley are planning to be gone
three weeks and will visit relatives
and friends in Washington, la., and
other points. -
Cozy Club.
Members of the Cozy social club
will be entertained Monday evening
at the home of Miss Jennie Hughes.
Orpheus Club Picnic.
. Members of the Orpheus club of
the Benson High held their annual
picnic Wednesday at Elmwood
- L. C. A. Dramatic Club.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brilton of
Benson took leading parts in the
three-act comedy. "His Royal High
ness," staged Thursday evening, June
10, at Jacobs hall, 1716 Dodge bt
Wedding Dinner and Reception,
- Mrs. Mary G. Scanlon entertained
at a reception and wedding dinner
Wednesday, June 8, at her, home in
honor of the marriage of her daugh
ter, Helen Gertrude, and Chester D,
Hendrickson. and also Sarah R.
Phalen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Phalen of Elgin, Mont., and
Joseph J. Horton ot tsenson. Lovers
were laid for 50 guests. Mr. and
Mrs. Hendrickson will be at home at
2712 N. Sixtieth St. and Mr. and Mrs
Horton have taken an apartment at
the Strehlow.
Out-of-Town Guests.
Mr. "and Mrs. J. W.. Fitch enter
tained during the past week. Mrs,
Louise Saare and grandson, Ferdi
nand, and daughter, Louise; Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Jacobson and two children
and Mrs. is. f. Witt ot Newman
Grove, Neb., and Mrs.' O. C. Roberts
and son. Lawrence, and Mrs. L.
White and daughter of Arlington,
Neb., and Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cro-
well of Dundee.
Triple Wedding.
Father Buckley of St. Bernards
church officiated at a triple wedding
service Wednesday morning, June
8. ' Miss Sarah P. Phalen became
the bride of David J. Horton. Miss
Helen Scanlon was married to
Chester Hendrickson and Fay
Sewart became the bride o.f Leo
Daugherty. The three couples will
reside in Omaha.
Miss Sorensen Presented.
Miss Margarite Liljenstolpe pre
sents Miss Olga Sorensen in piano
recital at the First Christian church,
Twenty-sixth and Harney streets,
Tuesday evening, June 14. The pro
gram will include selections from
Tschaikowski, Rachmaninoff, Eugen
D. Albert Moszkowski, Grieg and
others. Miss Sorensen plans .- to
study music abroad during the com
ing year. .:., v
. Attends L. E.O.Lucheon. .
'vMesdames Harry Knudson, Porter
Brown and "Earl Rody ;bf Bensort
and C. Larson of - Denver attended
the L. E. O. card party and 1 o'clock
luncheon, Tuesday, June 7, at the
Prettiest Mile club.
Narcissus ' Chapter of 0. E. S.
The Narcissus chapter of the O.
E. S. will entertain at a kensington
Tuesday evening, June 14, at the;
hpme of Mr. and jfrs,h.C; P., Mc-:
(S) Jlop
Love us, Lord, but not too much,
Come Thou near, yet not too near,
All Thy laughing splendor spoils
What we daily see and fear,
What we bear, and do, and touch.
Love us still, but not too much.
Come Thou near, Lord, not too near,
Let us breathe Thee through our lips.
Even now I saw Thy hue
In the maple's yellow tips,
When a leaf, so gay, so dear,
Fellbut come Thou not more near.
Let us breathe Thee through our lips!
Do Thou enter in our eyes!
Touch us that we not forget;
Make us simple still, and wise.
Circling us, Thy finger
Let us breathe Thee through our lips.
A PRAYER Jessie MacDonald, in Poetry.
Llnlns for tar wrap
and collar piecca Indleat
that the material with
fancy drsigns In violent
color have been set aside
(or mouiwellne de ol
printed In elt color.
Exquisite Cut Glass Giftings Ar
rive in Time For ' June Wed
dings. THE John Henrickson Jewel
Shop, Sixteenth and Capitol,
have received a large shipment of
exquisite cut glass gift pieces dc
signed to take a place of lovely
adornment on the lustrous linens
the ' bride's dinner table. Small
Wonder Sale of Art Stones in Ex
quisite Granites and Marbles.
THEY'RE having a wonderful
sale . 5 of beautiful memorial
etones at the Art Memorial com
pany's showroom at Sixteenth and
Jones. They have acquired the
QUITE possible is it for a season to be becoming to members of the
fairer sex, yes and to members of the sterner sex as well! (
Every woman looks just a bit sweeter in the dainty Swisses and
organdies in delicate tintings with toning bits of cream and white laces
in fine thread traceries. A wider latitude too is allowed in selection of the
mode for one is willing to take a chance on this long-lined frock, that
bouffant style's being becoming, and with what success one must remark!
And every man is better looking in coat of swagger lines, big patch
pockets, lapped seams roughly stitched, the big caps demanded by sum
mer driving, the informally soft shirts for sports wear. Wonder if that
isn't why the southern people have gained such a reputation for being good
looking? Warm weather wear is always in season there. .
A Crowded Place, This Shop of Bathing Caps '.of Excellent Quality
Embellishment. Specially Priced. ,
THE Van Arnam Pleating com- GREEN'S Pharmacy, Sixteenth
nanv fourth flnnr Paxtnn hlnek. VJ and Howard, have a fine assort-
terllng urer frame a
well a aome food looking
plain frame of Imitation
tortoise ihell without deco
ration or earring of any
ort are being ahown on
tha new bag.
Ever on the Lookout For the Love
liest in Silken Underappard.
TT has fallen to the lot of Mrs.
M. C. Donohue, Lingerie and
Corset Shop, McArdje Chapeau
Shop, 1613 Farnam, to introduce
the beautiful boudoir wear of Bessie
services of one of the most re- c;vtnt iA V-irnam ; an ment nf hatfiinif' cans at unusually Damsev. New York. "lust a little
ly nowned artists in the country, one . . . . d . ' h j , ; ranging from 25c to $2. different" to be sure, this exquisite
nf who has designed memorials such as 1,,8'f U"V , "B , . . , - u u u 1 nger e fash oncd from av shlv rich
,, the Updike and Creighton mauso- weeks. Prepared to take care of The heavy caps which have become 'Ja tv 'JXl"
pieces of unusual beauty for jellies ieums, as well as stones sausiymg every decorative neea you win una ppwr iu kccH outs im llsned Dy laces of cunning stitchery,
lams or relishes are offered in the the individual preferences ot tne pur- tne prompt ana painstamng atten- and the water out ot one s ears are delicately wrought bits
; Airs. William Schopp of Keystone
patk was hostess Monday at a
luncheon of eight covers, given in
honor of Mrs. A. Bellamy of Chi
cago. Personals. :
Arthur Thomas returned Monday
from a business trip to Canada.
Mrs. Ben Morton returned Tues
day from a visit in - Lincoln, Neb.
. N- H. Tyson and T.: F,t Pipkard
motored to btanton, -JNeb., bunday,
Mrs. W. H. Loechnerreturned
i uesday trom a visit in Ashland,
. Mrs. Bessie Neal of Blair, Neb.,
is a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank, Cook.
- Mrs. Herman kWulff and daugh
ter, Dorothy, (eft Thursday for
their home in Colorado Springs,
Colo. '
; Lucille Jaltas and Fern Zellars
have returned to Peru, where, they
will . take the summer normal
course. N
John-Giles returned Friday from
Kansas City, Mo., " where he spent
the week attending the national By
Rite convention.
Mrs. William Zimmerman ; and
son, Lewis, will return Monday
trom a fortnights visit at the ranch
in WKeeler county, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paddock and
Master Harry and Miss Veta' Pad
dock and Mr. John McColl motored
to Sioux Gty, where they spent the
week-end, -
Mrs. R. H. ; Maloney and son,
Jack, and daughter, Eleanor, leave
the latter part of the week for a
six-weeks' visit with , relatives in
Kearney, Neb.
Mrs. D. C Sturt2 and grandson,
Walter Frederick Reishaw, are
planning to leave June 15 for a
three-months' visit in Kansas City,
Oklahoma City and Enid, Okl.
noted Hawkes or Libbey glass ware
at $5. Then there are the quaint
compotes so lovely for tiny cakes,
candies or preserved fruits. Truly
wondrous is the selection ot vases
offered, quite the most artistic
long-stemmed rose vases I've seen.
One of exceedingly graceful lines
has long, wide lines of engraving,
dully lovely with an oval of roses
between the stripings. Silver chests
for the bride, a particularly appro
priate gift from the mothers and
fathers of the bride and groom, are
offered in an unsually wide price
range. These in mahogany and
walnut or in the less expensive
woods satin and velvet lined, the
popular silver designs of. the day
represented in sterling and quality
plate. I'll be glad to sc;d lllus-t-ated
folders of some of the new
designs especially beautiful. A
gift shop of artistic selection, ex
traordinarily low in price quotations.
From Kansas. Comes An Order For
Long-Distance Sewing.
third flnnr Securities build in sr.
Sixteenth and Farnam, this week re
ceived an order for long-distance
sewing trom Goodland, Kan., from
one Ot roily s patrons. interest
ing, is it not? One needs but to
send the picture of style selected,
together with measurements as di
rected by this modiste. The prices,
reasonable, very!
chaser, in the way that only artistic tion rendered gratifying, indeed,
stones can. It would surely be of Send for price lists of work done,
advantage to write for one of their
illustrated catalogs. I'll be glad to Envelope bags of silks and vel-
send them upon request. . vets made with all of the vanity
- fittings will be shown. Embossed
As cool as the salt sea water it- suede giving the effect of a damask
self is the Neptune embroidered or a brocade and embroidered in
Swiss overdress on a white organ- steel beads tracing the pattern of
die. Smartly tailored it is a "buy" the embossed work will be the most tiny miss. These dresses are longer
at $25. v popular material for the dress bag, than the wash frocks.
to be had at 75c. A quaint little
"fancy" to wear over this tight cap
is of black rubber with tiny red
roses at intervals achieving a chic
effect pleasing indeed.
of drawn
work, it is an offering well worth
the viewing. May I extend to you
Mrs. Donohue's cordial invitation ,to
enjoy the showing of exquisitries?
Frocks for the tiny, tot .are ex
hibited in high colors, featuring
deep ; yokes with kimono sleeves,
bound in dark toned wool. Panel
pockets shaped and outlined are a
further form, of trimming. .
; .
Stationery For the Bride Most Im
portant In June - Wedding Plans.
rp HE Brandeis Printery, Brandeis
Grace of Carriage, Milady's Mosr J. . Stores, main floor near bank, is
Treasured Attraction Attained
Through Correct Corseting.
an exceedingly busy place during
June, the month of beautiful brides.
Y. W. G.- A.
'jSp SundayCentral building - open
;;from 10 a." tn. to 8 p.- m. :
.. MOnday--Members- .of . federation
"iif clubs meet at central Y. W. C A.
'$t 5:30 p. m. and will go by trucks
"b Camp Brewster, . where supper
."Skill be. served m outdoor dthing
-;,room. Tennis, Volley ball, bast ball
nd other outdoor games: will be
Splayed during the evening.' Teams
',3 these various sports will' be
yormed from the different clubs, who
l &ill participate in a contest later in
Vthe season, when a pennant or cup
will be awarded to the club win
'3ting .the most points. . :
Classes in swimming at 6:45 and
J:30,and swimming at 8:15 for those
;t,i;ho are accomplished in -the art
, .W Less active features for the sum-
wiier wilt be classes in basketry, con
ducted by Mrs. J. K. Jones; Miss
. 'Caroline Stringer will conduct walks
iSvith instruction on and
rees. Miss ' Ethel Cline will have
x n outdoor ycookery-class, embody
the building of fires, making of
Vbeveragesf"cooking by wet-leaf or
. Vjnnd process and all other features
pertaining to good outdoor cookery.
Members ot this jriass win prepare
their own supper." There will also
e bird study, bead work and na-
Jttirc stories.
with the federation in their summer
activities at camp. .
Wednesday Monthly business
meeting of the board of directors of
the Y. W. C A. will be held at 10
a. m. at Camp Brewster, followed
by luncheon, for which registration
must be made at the camp (Market
0958) not later than Tuesday eve
ning. Thursday Busy Circle club ' will
meet at 7:30 p. m. at "central Y. W.
C A. The" following will be in
stalled as the new officers for the
club: ..President, Nora Walters; vice
president, Kathryn Savidge; secre
tary; Dorothy Harris, and treasurer,
Rose Smith. , '
Friday W. W. G. ctub will have
a picnic supper at Elmwood park,
followed by games, under the leader
ship of Miss Annine Johnson.
Activities of Women
The staff of the library of the
League of Nationals in Geneva is
composed entirely of women. .
One of, the few women to be ad
mitted to membership in the nation
wide' Rotarian club is Miss Emma
Roberts, a singer, of Macon, Ga.
Mrs. Oswald "Chew, of Radnor,
Pa., is leading a movement to form a
national organization of women who
Tbe-..,Mcrm,GirU'; : will .ioinsejyed.werseas during the war,
fjl HE clever corset specialist fits Every day brings appreciative notes
milady with grace of, carriage expressing satisfaction in the per-
an item of paramount importance. sona service rendered in this print-
The expert fitting of Dorothy .Hill, ing and
Corset specialist, second floor i Ne--shapings
yille block, Sixteenth and Harney,
is to 'be enjoyed on all sale corsets
purchased during the sale now in sions of 1921
effect. .,
Milady's Sweater Blouse Follows
Lacy Paths.
T N the blouse department at the
Lamond Specialty Shop, second
Of Surprisingly Lowness Are the floor Securities buiWing, Sixteenth
Silk Finished Sweaters suit and sports wear. Fesh anrI
HERZBERG'S, 1517 Douglas, white georgette , in the little tie
wre unrvii-trincr evmiUitelv blouses so oooular are adorned in
Seemingly No End to the Charmful
' Stitchery on Sheerly Lovely Gar
N the Ideal Button & Pleating
company, third floor Brown
block, Sixteenth . and Douglas,
they're embroidering a great num
ber of sheerly exquisite things foi
summer. About the waistline ol
a satin and chiffon frock designed
for afternoon and evening wear
there is a ' simply 'charming wide
girdle crushed and tied at one side.
The front of the bodice, which has
short kimono sleeves, is of em
broidered chiffon, a beauti
ful effect against the back of heavy
satin. Slashes in the looped drape
of the skirt at each side disclose
vivid patches of the embroidered
chiffon. This in combination oi
brown satin and Honey Dew chiffon.
Hemstitching, perhaps the most
popular mode of trimming of the
season, will be achieved in a de
cidedly short time if taken up to this
shop,- at an expense almost negligi
ble. New notes in trimming prove
unusually interesting each time I
visit the work rooms. A little
black satin frock seen this week had
bands of blue georgette on the
diagonally-hung flounces ah irregu
lar design of beads following their
charmful way round the folds of skirt,
neckline and cuffs. A jabot of lace,
creamy white, makes of this a lovely
costume. Scores of valuable sug
gestions are to be had in a visit to
this shop. Have you written for
a catalog? I'll be glad to mail one
upon request
Noted For Fine Fabrics Used in the
, Tailoring of Silk Shirts Offered
at Sale Prices.
nam, are placing on sale truly
exquisite jersey, crepe de chine,
pussy willow and Japanese silk
shirt frnm the hest-known shirt
venience during the hot days of our makers jn the country this week,
torrid season. A new conception in a nnnnriin, tim. tn ttnrV nn nn
comfort is the chaise longue with Smart shirtsl
big round shirred cushion of ere- '
tonne in addition to its luxurious Any girl graduate would be de
upholstery, these in several different lighted to receive a box of violet
designs. And if one's tastes are tinted stationery with a iade ereen
inclined to a bit of lazy reading, Wher nenholder tucked' under its
Hem lines are so irregular that a
dress may be two inches from the
Point d'esprit is being developed in floor at one side and 10 inches at
simple little party frocks for the the other.
Sweetly Fragrant the Big Wicker
Furniture Showroom ? . .
AT the H. R. Bowen, Furniture
Store,. Sixteenth and .Howard,
the showroom on Sixteenth street,
entirely devoted to the exhibition of
delightfully styled pieces of wicker
and reed furniture. Marvelously
pleasing are the creamy ivory
tinted suites with dashing bits
of black and rose, a charming fin
ish on edges artistically rounded.
Coolly conservative is the frosted
brown finish which fits into the
decorative scheme of any room. Sil
ver gray is 'a suite evolved of large
sized reed, delightfully artistic. The
variety of pieces offered is truly
surprising; a teacart is novelly
pleasing for it not only presents to
the delighted hostess a removable
tray with pale greens, golds and
browns in cretonne under its glass
covering, but also . has two side
shelves and a most convenient big
shelf underneath, affording a serv
ing table on which one might serve
a whole dinner an inestimable con-
engraving snop in smart tinted new gweaters the other after-
ana sizes oi papers an
real filet edging and insertion, a
there is a big-winged' rocker arm
chair with magazine and book pock
ets at the sides. Cleverly sized is
the upholstered hassock to slip un
der, one's knees, really a chair in it
self, an effective piece of extra fur
niture. Lamp tables, desks and
lamps, wicker porch swing3, da
beds of unique shapings make this
a showing unusually pleasing.
vivid satin ribbons. A box of deep
cream paper has pen of two peacock
feathers, exquisite, indeed.
It Really is a Cleaning Age
NO longer is milady's hat worn
throughout the season becom
ing a bit more worn and soiled as
the weeks pass. Instead the Kruger
nounced by Dame Fashion as the noon wnl,e 1 was shopping mere. et has 8mart touch 0f black in a
correct thing for" the bridal occa- Offered at $9.85 and $12.50 in novel tiny satin ribbon at the throat. A
m-i nr.ii. r.i , ., . . ... : ' i-.j t.f..... :c ...:u 4
vvmc ivi oamyita sutcnery tnese -tuxeao styiea
frilled front blouse of plain white' prices much, much lower than you Hat Shop, third floor Barker block,
and price quotations.
finished blouse if one wishes to re-
sweaters may be had in Honev Dew. move coat or sweater, it is but ?5.
vivid Harding Blue, tangerine, red, . .
green, navy, 'brown and the new Box coats worn with pleated skirts
smart white affairs. Better buy of self or contrasting materials are
several of these chic sports sweaters still popular,, a new feature showing
while they're offered at this remark- me stripes running arouna tne ngur.
ably low pricing!
would expect to pay, I asure you!
Velvets and plushes of "blond"
shade are being shown for fall wear.
Fifteenth and Farnam, renders a re-
blocking, retinting and retrimming
service at a nominal cost invaluable
Japanese Toweling , Effective For
Summer Drapes
QUCH a delight the newly stocked
Tuneful Records for Columbia Graf
anola Just Arrived
T:the Hartman Furniture com
pany's Columbia Grafanola de-
J Nippon' Importing Company's partment, Sixteenth and Howard,
Shop, 218 South Eighteenth street, syncopated bits of . melody drift into
..:-....i l-i the different corners of the store just
showing uniquely inexpensive bits about this tjme o the nlonth( forJ its
of loveliness personally selected by release time for the newest records
Mr Taso on his recent buyisg trip and everyone is anxious to hear
to Japan. For the first time since SUch striking hits as:
long before the war this shop is "Broken Moon," Nora Bayes; "In
showing Japanese toweling in lovely a Little Front Parlor" (On an Old
designs, 12 inches wide, it comes Back Street) Nora Bayes, A-3397
in doiis oi ju yaras at $1.15. Une
might select a wistaria, chrysanthe
mum, or heron design, the latter in
two shades of blue on a white back
ground without a border. ., Surpris
ing inexpensive, too, are the new
table linens in blue and white,
the cotton crepe kimonos and the
gorgeously tinted silk and satin
robes. ,
Wraps decorated with large beads
are popular in Canton crepe and
cloth. ,. ,
-'' :-
"I'm Coming Back to You May
be," Fox-Trot Ted Lewis' Jazi
Band; "Wishing." Medley Fox-Trot,
Y e r k e s Jazarimba Orchestra,
A-3400, 85c. ' . .
"Some - Little Bird.". Fox-Trot,
Coon-Sanders Novelty -Orchestra;
"Mon Homme" (My Man). Fox
Trot, - Yerkes Jazarimba Orchestra,
A-3403, 85c.
"Don't You Remember the Time?"
Grant Stephens and Howard Marsh;
"Dear Little Street Back Hme,"
Campbell and Burr, A-3405, 85c.
"Moonlight."' Medley Fox-Trot,
The Happy Six; "Rebecca" (Came
Mecca), Medley fox-
Hartmann Wardrobe Trunks ' Offered-
On Sale. '
. Eighteenth and Farnam,". bag
gage builders of note are offering a
special sale of Hartman Wardrobe
Trunks. Formerly $72.50, now $50 an especial gratification, cleansing
Particularly Fitting is it
HAT Tune, the month
I - , " - ' I n . r
A. ,i...ij u.-. i.x!... oacK irom
,,u u,8 p.cnuiui numoer TrQt Yerkes jimba Orchestra,
oi me exauisiieiv iracrant h nssnms. a a(a oc-
, - " Awtut, -
After the Exciting Afternoons maki"S ,the PriT- for a dozfn un" You'll want every one of these
Snt f ' p.. usually low. No reason why ev- I'm sure, for they afford-a splendid
Ti?" . . , . , eryone shouldn't revel in the sweet- selection of the music demanded by
HE Whitening Facials which ness of roses," said Mr. John Bath summer crowds everywhere. Will
they're giving at the Comfort in his flower shop, Eighteenth and be glad to. send them but upon re
Shop, fourth floor Securities build- Farnam,' the other day. , ceipt of order enclosing check. ;
ing, Sixteenth and Farnam, are of
is a trunk specially made for Freling
& bteinle s store which has the ex
clusive Hartmann open cushion top,
locking bar, spring lock, hangers,
laundry bag, shoe box and four
bisr drawers. Another model is
the Number 4010 Hartmann with all
coiners gibralterized for heavy
travel. A trunk to which you will
point with pride upon a trip. In
cluding the war tax this trunk is
offered at $69.25. Hartmann Ward
robe trunks that were priced at
$55.50 are now offered at $45, the
the delicate facial tissues ot im
bedded dust particles, removing all
traces of wind and sunburn.
Pendants carved from opaque col
ored stones and strung on silk floss
threads are being shown in Paris. ,
If Your -Furs Are Not Yet Stored
T RESHER BROS., Twenty-sec
ond and Farnam, are justly
Following Fashion's Footsteps
Miss Summer Is Awake at Last
The lure of lavender! Tumbling over one another come thoughts of
old-fashioned gardens and piquantly quaint costumes of long ago. The
quaintness has vanished and the gardens have moved to the tops of the
houses, but layender is still loved as of yore, and this season perhaps more
than usual.
I stopped one morning at Barbara's where I found, atop the roof, a pic
ture of delicate loveliness, a combination of frocks and flowers. Clusters
proud of their great modernly of wistaria clinging to the green of the trellis formed the background, ln
eauiooed cold storaee vaults. There tersnersed with potted hydrangeas in palest blue. The same harmonious
Shriners Will Be Interested . to
THAT the art department in the
, A. Hospe Music and Art store,
,1513 Douglas, have Shriner mottoes,
framed at $3, in readiness for the
convention to be held next week.
Clever souvenirs are offered at
$2.50 and $4.50, little Kewpie dolls
in true Shriner caps, jolly little
persons, indeed.
Muffs will continue to be neglect
ed this winter as they have been
last season.
Style Secrets Divulged.
T KNEETER, exclusive
tailor, second
floor Sixteenth
Hartmann Wardrobe model that is a limited space left for storage color scheme was repeated in Eleanor's costume, the frock in lavender swiss A Trnwarj t,a
int returned from
. . . -j - t j .... j i j niart. t ...u... a - -, . ......
was quoted at $4,OU IS nemg SOia ana since numuer oi storage coiu
during the sale for $36.50. Every- panics have informed me this week
one is cordially invited to view these mat mey nave not an men oi avail
What They Are Wearing.
Ribbon runs under the collar and
ties in back.
Jade green sweaters of Iceland
Crystal and jet-fringed evening
gowns are much worn. .
Duvetyn hats are the newest sum
mer innovation for headgear.
Three-piece suits have eclipsed
the two-piece suits, for fall.
Felt hats have established them
selves in popular favor for the sum
mer . i ; .
"Un Reve" is the new . perfume
over which Parisians are going into
ecstasies. -
From a small lavender felt hat a bunch of sweet peas in many shades a tr,P t0 he s,vIe authorities cen
of pale purples tumbled down one side. ter, New York. ' Style secrets truly
Cynthia wore a frock of layender voile, with graduated tucks encircling startling has this talented man
the skirt, blouse and sleeves. A sash of soft lavender ribbon hung at one brought home, secrets to be di
side and at the waist blossomed a bunch of white silk lilacs. The same vulged to Milady Omaha upon re
lilacs adorned the large lavender straw hat in two bouquets at either side, quest You'll enjoy seeing the' ad- .
Barbara was in dainty crisp white organdy, with white scalloped tucks vance showing of early fall fabrics
forming the collar and circling the saucy puffed sleeves and billowy skirt, on disnlav in this shoo. Now is
with 1nnr rirmlar rini nf the same tend in the storing of vnur hit of Her hat. in nale blue ororandv. boasted the fame srallons ahout the hrim the time tn have nne'e mode
i material, . furry loveliness ' upon auest . and crown and completed a costume of daintiest simplicity. for vacation or .early fall wear. punt
remarkably low pricings absolutely
without obligation to buy. I'll be
glad to send out illustrated' folders
upon request
Frocks of crepe de chine are worn
able storage room remaining, it
might be well to call Atlantic 0345
for prompt storage service. This
storage covers insurance of every
thing relative to furs with the ex
ception of age. I'll be glad to at-
V. 4k