Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1921, WOMEN'S SECTION, Image 10

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1921.
Society Returns for Visit ' ?
Nordgren-Temple. .
The marriage of Miss Alice Clare
Temple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
F. L. Temple of Lexington, Neb.,
to John G. Nordgren of Douglas,
Wyo., was solemnized at high noon
Wednesday, June 6, at St. Peters
Episcopal church of Lexington.
Rev. George St. G. Tyner of Kear
ney officiated. Only immediate rela
tives of the tamily were present.
The church was decorated in roses,
mock orange blossoms and ferns.
The bride wore, her traveling suit
of navy blue with hat, gloves and
furs of gray. She wore a corsage
of bride's roses and sweet peas. She
was gtven away by her lather, rred
cric L. Temple.
The attendants were Miss Mary
Frances Temple and Mr. Frederic
Philip Temple, sister and brother of
the bride.
Following the ceremony a wed
ding breakfast was served at the
Temple home. The house and
tables were profusely decorated in
bride's roses. Mr. and Mrs. Nord
gren departed immediately for
Wyoming on a short wedding' trip,
after which they will be at home at
Douglas. ' 'y'.
Miss Temple has ' been active in
University of Nebraska circles,
graduating in June, -1920, with Phi
Beta Kappa honors. She is a mem
ber of Kappa Alpha Theta.
Mr. Nordgren is a member of
Kappa Sigma and a son of the late
John O. Nordgren ot Aurora, Neb,
A pretty wedding took place on
Wednesday morning, June o, at at
Bridgets church, when Miss Cecelia
Ryan became the bride of Thomas
Purccll. Tather : O'Callaghan offi
. The bride's gown of white pussy
willow taffeta was trimmed iwith
rhinestones and pearls with which
was worn a tulle veil. She carried
a bouauet of brides roses.
Miss Agnes Duffy, cousin of the
bride, was bridesmaid. She wore
' nile green organdie with hat to
match. She carried a bouquet of
sweetheart roses and lilies.
Hugh Maauire attended the
Miss Catherine Lowcry sang dur
ing the ceremony, accompanied by
Mrs. William Keenan, who also
played the wedding march.
Mr. and Mrs. Purcell have gone
to Denver and other western points,
They will be at home after July 1
at 501 Dartmoor aoartments.
Out-of-town guests at the wedding
were Miss Anna Ryan of Castlebar,
Ireland, a sister of the bride,' and
Rev. P. A. Ford of Lincoln, Neb.
. ' Scott-Bolshaw.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bolshaw an
nounce the marriage of their daugh
ter, Helen Dorothy, to Wray Moore
Scott, which took place on Saturday,
June 4, at their home. Rev. E. H.
Jenks officiated.
The attendants were Miss Izma
Tucker and W. Edward Dickel.
Helen Hays played the wedding
The bride formerly attended the
University of Nebraska.
After June IS, the couple will be
at home at 212 South Thirtieth street.
' Payne-Reeves.
The marriage of Violet Reeves,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. M.
, Reeves, and Dean F. Payne, son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Payne, of Uni
versity Place, Neb., will take place
Wednesday evening at the , Reeves
home. Rev. F. A. Ellis will officiate.
Miss Lily Hurwood and Clyde
Lynch of Lincoln will be the at
tendants. Myrle Reeves, brother of
the bride, will sing. Miss Thelma
Martin will play the wedding march.
After an eastern trip the couple will
reside in University Place.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Roberts of
Toledo, O., have issued cards for the
marriage of their sister, Miss Luella
Zimmerman, to Roger J. McElroy
of this city, the wedding to take
place Tuesday morning, June 21, at
St. Francis de Sales . cathedral in
Toledo. . . ' : :
Following a -wedding trip at the
Minnesota Takes, the couple will be
at home in Omaha.
, The wedding is the culmination of
a war romance. Mr. McElroy met
his bride, then a Red Cross, nurse,
while stationed in New York.
Davis-Met Wedding Plans.
; The wedding of Miss Olga Metz,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Metz, and Dr. Herbert Davis, son of
Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Davis will be
celebrated at All Saints church at
8:30 o'clock on the evening of June
29. The Rev. Thomas Casady will
perform the ceremony which will be
followed by a reception at the Metz
home. ' --. .- -
Miss Metz will; be attended by
Geraldine Hess as maid of honor
and Mary Fuller, Gertrude Stout and
Gertrude Seely of Ashville, N. C,
bridesmaids'. ? . ' ' '
The best man will be Louis Metz
and the ushers will be Robert- Gar
ret, Loring Elliott, Wallace Shep
herd, Guy Beckett,' Norman Curtis
and Robert Edwards.
Miss Seely will arrive in Omaha
about -the 19th of June.
; ;, Wedding Date. ' . !
"" The marriage of Miss Jeannette
Harsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
N- B. Harsh," and Charles Truman
Redfield, will be quietly solemnized
next Saturday afternoon at the Good
Shepherd church. The attendants
will be Miss Nina Garrett and Jay
Burns, jr. , i
Miss Garrett : will entertain atl
, Many informal affairs are being
given for Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Ryan
of Gillette, Wyo., who, with , their
small son, Robert, are visiting at the
home of Mrs. Ryans' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Undeland.
Heyn Thoto.
Mrs. Ryan, . who was formerly
Miss Jean Undeland, was a popular
member of the younger set before
her marriage and was also well
known in Omaha musical circles.
luncheon at Happy Hollow club
Thursday for this bride-to-be.
" After a short wedding trip Mr.
Redfield and his bride will be at
home at 637 South Thirty-first
street. ' ' '
Wedding Attendants.
Miss Mary Louise Robinson of
Austin, Tex., will be bridesmaid at
the wedding of her brother, Ed
ward Robinson, jr., of Austin and
Miss Mercedes Coad Jensen of this
city on June 28. Walter Dumond of
Austin will be best man.
The ceremony will take place in
the evening at St. Cecilias cathedral
and will be very quiet. Only imme
diate relatives will be presenti'
Miss Jensen is the daughter of
Mrs. Ellen Coad Jensen.
Miss Robinson arrives Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Robinson, sr., the
groom and his best man will arrive
in Omaha June 25.
Miss Beatrice Coad will entertain
informally at tea next Tuesday for
Miss Jensen and her guest. -
Engagement Announced.
Mrs. A. H. Wesin announces the
engagement of her daughter, Miss
Vera, to E. M. May of this city.
No date has been set for the wed
Wedding Plans.
The ' marriage of Miss Grace
Tucker, daughter of Mrs. E. A.
Tucker, and Lester Stedman Hager
man, son of Mrs. L. I. Hagerman of
Des Moines, will be solemnized next
Wednesday. June 15, at high noon
at Wheeler Memorial church, Rev.
R. L. Wheeler officiating.
The attendants will be Miss Naomi
Coglizer of this city and Paul
Sankey of Minneapolis. ' The1 wed
ding will be very quiet, with only
relatives present.
Mr. Hagerman and his bride will
leave following the ceremony on a
trip to Chicago and the Pacific coast,
where they will remain until winter.
They will be at home in Des Moines,
la., after January 1, 1922.
Evening Wedding.
The" marriage of Miss Lee Zien
and M. Elliot Handler will take
place Thursday evening, June 16, at
the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.
B. R. Boasberg. It will be followed
by an informal reception.
Engagement Announced.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Weber an
nounce the engagement of their
only daughter, Murial Edith to Ed
win W. Winterton- son of Mrs. -M.
Winterton of this city. ' No date
has yet been set for the wedding.
For Mr. and Mrs. McGurk
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reasoner
will entertain at dinner at the Coun
try club Wednesday evening com
plimentary to Mr. and Mrs. John
McGurk of . Upton, Neb.: who are
spending the week in Omaha. . ;
Mrs. McGurk will be the guest of
Mrs. Reasoner at the bridge party
to be given Tuesday afternoon at
the Country club by Trinity guild
for the benefit of the children's ward
at Garkson hospital. ' ; -
Benefit Luncheon.
Mrs. R. K. Lawrie of the North
Side colored branch of the Y. W. C.
A. will give a benefit luncheon Wed
nesday at 1 o'clock at the North
Side center. - The proceeds will be
added to a fund for, a hedge and
lights for the entrance of the center.
Among those who have reserved
tables for the luncheon are Mes
dames George Doane. C. N. Dietz,
Sam Burns, M. Shirley, Ward Bur
gess, E. H. Howland. E. H. Sprague,
W. A. Fraser and George Prinz. j
. .
Birthday Party. V
In honor of the ninth birthday of
her grandson, Joseph Redman, Mrs.
George L. Redman entertained Is
of his little friends Friday afternoon.
She was assisted by Mrs. A. Fair.
1 1
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Coon have
moved to 4259 Farnam street.
Mrs. Sam Burns spent last week
in Chicago.
Denman Kountze will return from
Yale on Tuesday.
Miss Addie Fogg leaves Thursday
night for New York.
Mrs. Harvey Milliken spent the
week in Sioux City.
Mrs, F. C.'Best has returned from
a trip to Grand Island.
Charles Moriarty has returned
from a trip to Lake Okoboji.
Miss Geraldine Dare is the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. A. B. Cutrie, ,
Helen Dettle of Jacksonville, 111.,
is visiting Miss Elizabeth Morey.
Steve King
mer R. 0. T.
will attend the sum
C. at Fort Snelling.
A. daughter, Mary Alice, was born
May 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Edward T.
A son was born to Mr, and Mrs.
William Stascko Friday at St. Jo
seph hospital.
Russell Best, who attends Harvard
Medical college, has returned home
for the summer. ,-' jf$ ... ,
Dick Barmettler and Wendal
Nolan plan to motor to Yellowstone
park next month. ' I
Dr. Nelson Mercer is here from
London, England. He is stopping
at the Omaha club. '
Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Hines an
nounce the birth of a son, Friday, at
St. Joseph hospital. . ; J
Miss Mary Estelle .Fitzsimmons
has returned from a two-weeks' stay
in Chicago and Milwaukee.
Gertrude Kinsler returned Wed
nesday from Notre Dame. Mr.
Kinsler went over for his daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. George Brandeis
are in Chicago for the Horse Show
at the South Shore Country club
there. . , ,
Bernice Dunn left Friday " for
Charlestown, III., to remain six
weeks. She will later visit in Gales
burg and Chicago. " ': '
Frederick Ajdous and Floyd
Stryker returned Thursday morning
from St. Paul,- where they attended
the college of St.; Thomas. ' $ ,
Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Schwietert of
Sioux Falls, S. D., - and Dr. ; Paul
Berger of Waukegan, 111., are visit
ing Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Edwards.
Mrs. M. S. Walklirj, ,and son,
Richard, have gone on a trip to
Colorado and Niagara Falls. They
will be gone about three months.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Netcher of
Chicago, spent a day last week in
Omaha. Mrs. Netcher is a duaghter
of Lawrence Read, who was a guest
at the A. V. Kinsler home this
Miss Wynne Fairfield it a mem
ber of the graduating class of the
Lincoln School of Teachers college.
Columbia university, New York
Mr. and Mrs. James Cullen an
nounce the birth of a son, Satur
day, at St. Joseph hospital. Mrs,
Cullen was formerly Miss Nora
James Davidson, jr., and George
Paul tforglum, son ot Mr. ana Mrs,
August M. Borglum, have returned
from Culver Military academy for
the summer.
Mrs. Harry Byram of Chicago and
.Mrs. Edwin Morrison of Kansas
City are spending the week-end in
Omaha with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. P. Tukey.
Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Porter will
attend the graduation exercises at
Manhattanville, New York City, of
which their daughter, Helen, is
graduate this year.
Miss Gertrude Moyer of Minneap
olis is the house guest of Mr. and
Mrs. F, B. Aldous. Miss Moyer is
also spending some time with heiw
aunt, Mrs. T. C Byrne.
Dr. Edwin N. Robertson of Con
cordia, Kari., formerly of Omaha
will visit his mother, Mrs. John A
Dempster, en route home from
Boston, where he spent the past
Mrs. C. H. Sayer of Kansas City
who has been visiting her mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Klessner, and Mrs,
H. Laufenburg, and Mrs. Mrs. B
B. Booth, left Saturday for her
Elsie Peterson a Bride
Mrs. Augustus Kountze of New
York arrives on Monday morning
to spend the- next two weeks with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kountze. Mr.
Kountze will join Mrs. Kountze
during her stay.
Harry Hershey of Denver spent
this week with Mr. and Mrs. S. W,
Townsend en route to the engineer-
in gcamp, Camp Humphrey, near
Washington, where he will take the
summer course.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Oliver
arrived in Omaha Saturday from St.
Paul to visit Mr. and Mrs. C E.
Oliver. Mrs. Oliver was formerly
Miss Claire Techier. The couple
will reside in St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaton are
leaving June 22 for their summer
home at Court D'Oreilles lake near
Hayward, Wis. The Beaton family
will make the trip by motor and plan
to return about September 1.
Mrs. Fred Metz returned Wednes
day morning from New York, where
she has been for the last two
weeks.. Mrs. Metz accompanied her
daughter, Mrs. Will Schnorr, who
has remained in the east.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Greenspand and
daughter, Shirley Hariett, of Los
Angeles, formerly of Omaha, have
returned to the city to make their
home. Mrs. Greenspan was for
merly Miss Melvina Newman.
Mr. and Mrs. O. Bartmettler have
spent this week at the St, Paul hotel
in St. Paul, where they went to at
tend the graduating exercises of St.
Thomas college, from which their
son, Richard, finished thfs year.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. .Rogers
will leave in a week or so for an
eastern trip that will include a stop
in Cleveland, a visit in New York
with Mrs. Rogers' sister, Mrs. Frank
Harwood, and a week at Atlantic
City. .
Mrs. Lee Huff is going "over , to
Lake Okoboji on Wednesday . to
open the Huff cottage there for the
summer. Mrs. Huff will spend only
a few days at the lake and will re
turn to spend the summer there
about the last of June.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Goodrich
and son, Howard, jr., left Friday for
Yakina, Wash., where they will visit
Mrs. Goodrich's mother. From
Yakina they will motor to Lake
Chelan, on the Canadian' border.
They will return to Omaha about
the middle of-July.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welsh are
leaving about the middle . of July
for Southern California, where they
plan to reside in the future. Mr.
and Mrs. Welsh and baby daughter
will spend the remainder of the sum
mer in Santa Monico and in the fall
will take a house in or near Los
Angeles. i '
Harry Weller and daughter, Doro-
thy, landed Friday at Glasgow, Scot
land. Later they plan a trip to
Paris, London and ' Switzerland.
They will arrive' in New York on
August 3. Mr. Weller will then re
turn home and Miss Weller will re
main there to visit a former school
mate, Harriett Waters. .
A reasonable degree of
forethougHt and prep
aration for the inevi
: table end mayavoid"
-J confusion, which "our
service plan will help
you to avoid. .
ttyldtntltl Tiir.tleParhr$
2616 Ftmtm St.
Fki Harniy 0454
Musk Is
ni: - ;m
gust, where Mrs. Stanley and their
young children will be joined by
Mrs. Stanley's sister, Mrs. G. A.
Seabury ofOmaha, and her two
children, who will be there for the
month of July.
Mr. Berne L. Havens of Omaha,
who has been in New York for some
days, is in Washington for a short
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Drain of Fair
bury, Neb., entertained a company
at dinner one evening last week, and
another company at luncheon in
honor of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Sanders
of Lincoln.
IJ lliill,liil!illiiilniHh:illniinln,il
The marriage of Miss Elsie Peter
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Peterson of Cedar Rapids, Neb., and
Harold Diers, son of Mr,-and. Mrs.
Fred Diers of Madison, Neb., took
place Tuesday evening, June 7, at
the home of, the brides' brother,'.
Francis F. Petersonand Mrs. Peter
son of Omaha.
The maid of honor, Miss Ella
Peterson, were gray taffeta and
pink organdy. The bridesmaids,
Misses Jean Hamilton, Avis Roberts
and Bertha Ehlers, all of Omaha,
and Miss Sus Boyer of Chadron,
wore organdy dresses in spring col
ors with baskets of spring flowers.
The bride was gowned in white
satin, with lace tunic, Dutch cap of
chantilly lace . and tulle veil. Her
shower bouquet was of roses and I
sweet peas. I
Dolores Peterson carried the ring
in a calla lily
The best man was Julius P, Van
Fleet of Topeka, Kan.
A vocal solo was given by Miss
Elmira Scovel of Chadron, a piano
number by Mrs. E. F. Peterson and
a violin obligato by Mrs. Doane
Assisting were Misses Zoe
Greenough and Olive Means and
Mrs. Delia Rich Cooke, all belong
ing to Alpha Xi Delta, of which the
bride is a member.
Friendship bracelets were the gift
of the bride to her attendants.
During the evening Dolores Peter
son danced.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Diers have at
tended the University of Nebraska.
After an extended western trip, in
cluding Yosemite Valley, Mr. and
Mrs. Diers will be at home at Madi
son, Neb.
As a Wedding Gift
SILVER is always acceptable. For ages" past the
silver service has constituted the bride's most
treasured gift. It is the fond promise of unlimited
enjoyment when actually a hostess in her own home.
NOWHERE in the city will you find a selection more
exquisite than the silver displayed in our store. Because
our store space has been limited we have each year se
lected two new silver patterns, discarding the older) and
less desirable designs, until now you will find represented
only the most popular silver of the day.
1 DURfNG the last few days of the closing-out sale this
1 exquisitely wrought silver is offered at the prevailing
f wholesale cost prices and less. It would be a paying in-
i vestment to buy silver now.
f 1 - Individual flat silver service selection
1 truly lovely. Unusual offering in great
4 hollow-ware piece of emphatic beauty.
Omaha's Oldest Established Jervelet
Store Close June 25th
Musical Recital.
Louise Shadduck Zabriskie pre
sents the following pupils in a recital
at the First Presbyterian church
Friday evening, June 17, at 8 o'clock,
to which the public is cordially in
vited: Samuel Thomas, Jane
Thomas, John Patton,, Margaret
Gloe, Helen Zabriskie, Betty
Zabriskie, Maurine Dillon, Priscilla
Noyes, Dorothy Graham, Leona
Lief, Cameron Millard, - Lawrence
Prall, Roland Strehlow, Boyden Hil-
liker, Robert Barnum, William Hil-
liker, Zelma Skinner, Johu Heming,
Hazel Belt, Louise Schnauber, Wil
liam Saunders, Jean Stirling.
Bridge Luncheon.
Mrs. . E. i V. Tavlor entertained
eight guests at a bridge luncheon at
the Athletic club Saturday in honor
of Miss Clarabelle Lupton of Kan
sas City, guest at the M. H. Veatch
Washington Society.
(Continued From Page One.)
Grand. Island, Neb., to make a visit
of a month before proceeding to the
former's new station.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders of
Lincoln,- who are visiting the for
mer's brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Coypendall of Oma
ha, who are now living at Copley
Court, are prolonging their stay to
three weeks instead of a fortnight,
as they had intended.' Mrs. Sanders
came about the middle of May and
was the guest of an old friend, Mrs.
J. E. Roth, in Cleveland Park, until
Mr. Sanders joind her, when they
went to Copley Court. Mr. Sanders
was accompanied by their son, John
Commander and Mrs. Stanley have
taken an apartment in one of the ho
tels at Cape May for July and Au-
"Instrument of the Immortals"
Not only the great pianists
from the time of Wagner
and Liszt, but ' practically
all real artists since its in
ception have preferred and
used the STEINWAY. To
day John McCormack,
Fritz Kreisler, Frieda Hem
pel, Schumann-Heink, Hei-
fetz, are as enthusiastic de
votees to the one supreme
piano, as are Hofmann, Ganz, Rachmaninoff and
See our wonderful assortment of magnificent Steinways.
We will make liberal allowance for your present piano and ar
range term to suit your convenience.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
1514-16-18 Dodge St. - OMAHA, NEB. Phono Doug. 1623
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AMR As these hats won't last long, we flKE
t?R$j 1 advise you to shop early. ' dHl!
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