Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Free Milk Fund
Medium to Reach
Unfortunate Tots
Relieves Suffering of Children
Born Amid Heat and Squalor
of PovertySubscriptions
' Grow.
Most of us are unable to visit the
poverty stricken homes of our city.
the suffering ' of children amid the
heat and squalor of poverty, perhaps
tbut a few blocks from our own cool
and comfortable homes.
The Bee'i Free Milk and Ice fund
is a medium through which we can
relieve .this misery. Pure, coo!,
soothing milk will do more to make
life for the unfortunate kiddies bear
able than any other one thing.
"Three-in-one," a regular contrib
utor to the fund, has dropped in
with three $5 subscriptions. He is
one of the kind-hearted, thoughtful
men, who realize the destiny of the
nation rests in no small way on the
babies who will either become
healthy, happy, useful adults or suc
cumb to the environment rn which
chance has placed them. Bring or
mail your subscription to The Bee.
Any sum from 10 cents to $5 is ac
ceptable. Subscriptions are as follows: .
lrTlonily ncknowledf d . .135.00
Thrr-ln-nn 18.00
('. M. Randall l.flfl
Mr. A. I.tnnrman.. ... 1.00
It. P. tamiibpll 1.00
C. F. JHcOrew 5.00
Total 48.00
Baldridge Describes
Paradise of Pacific
H. H. Baldridge. attorney, sooke
befofe the members of the Kiwanis
club at their weekly noonday lunch
eon - at the Rome hotel yesterday,
Mr. Baldridge described Hawaii, the
Paradise of ihe Pacific, and the jour
neys he made in visiting the vari
ous islands of the group.
Particularly interesting were his
discriptions of native life and of the
advance the islands have -made under
the guidance of the United States.
Members of the Kiwanis club will
have an all-day picnic at the Coun
try club, Lake Manawa, Juhe 30.
T)t.-. j. r- .l.
x insarc ucmjr maae lor ine mem
bers of the Council Bluffs Ki
wanians to join the festivities.
There will be a program of picnic
stunts arranged by Ray . Beselin,
chairman of the June entertainment
committee, and in the evening there
will be dancing. (
Brief City News
Km Kstate $305,13 The es
tate of the late Fred iirug totals
1305,943, according to appraisers.
Will l'ay All Debt The Outran
tee Securities company wilt pay all
Its creditor". Frank E. Sheohan,
trustee, announced.
Xlnoty-XInc-Year I,ease A 99
year leas on the building at 1517
Douglas street was purchased for
148,000 by Petrow & Giannou, pro
prietor of Candy "Land.
Raid lied by Theatrup A raid on
the old Hazel MeVey resort, 414
North Fourteenth street, Thursday
nljtht, was led by Serge. Olaf Thes
trup, whom political dopesters had
thought to be under ihe new police
To Go to Xeor East Mrs. Flora
Stanton Kalk, mother of Lieut.
Stanton Kalk, who was killed dur
ing the war, leaves noon for Syria
to do Near East Relief work. She
served in France with the T. M.
C. A.
Membership Drive A member
ship drive will be launched by the
Theodore Roosevelt po.t of , the
American Legion at a mass meet
ing in Columbia hall, Twenty
fourth and Lake streets, this even
ins at 8:30.
National Guard '
Leaves on Outing
Men Will Spend Two Days in
Camp on Ashland Rifle
Captain, Peterson's company of
National guardsmen left bright and
early this morning for the govern
ment rifle range at Ashland, Neb.,
on the first of a series of outings
planned for this summer.
The men, who were loaded into
two 'motor lorries, carried full field
equipment and will spend two days
in camp on the range. Part of the
time will be devoted to maneuvers
and shooting. The remainder of the
stay will be given over to a general
outing. Guardsmen will receive
pay for two days from the govern
ment. Next week the guard will open a
recruiting campaign to fill the
Omaha companies to maximum
strength. About 125 men are re
quired to fill the two infantry com
panies, the headquarters company
and the medical unit. A tent will
be placed somewhere in the down
town district and two recruiting
sergeants placed on duty to receive
recruits. Special prizes will be
awarded to workers.
It is planned to have all outfits
up to maximum strength by July 1
in order that all may have some
training before the annual encamp
ment in August. It has not been
decided yet where the guard will
Southern Pacific's Oil
Declares Initial Dividend
New York, June 10. The Pacific
Oil company, organized when the
Southern Pacific railway relinqushed
control of its oil properties, has de
clared an initial dividend of $1.50 a
.List of
That You Will Enjoy
95212 Lucia
74197 Caprice
35703 Grieving
for You
Whiteman Orch.
18734 Do You
Ever Think of
Whiteman Orch.
18713 12th
Street Rag
All-Star Trio
18718 Biddy
Benson Orch.
18721 Honolulu
Whiteman Orch.
Come in or Phone
15th and Harney
TTTTlrre(c(cVj M A (c
We solicit charge
account with out-of-town
mers. ;
Store open Sat
urday evening un
til 7 o'clock.
Oinha Clothing Sales
Every man's, woman's, and children's garment
in the entire Beddeo stock has been subject to
the most startling shattering of prices and in
- addition you choose any garment in the house
witha cash down payment of only
Here's a sale that holds forth
the most remarkable advan
tages ever introduced by
any Omaha store in recent.
years-7-Men and women in
Omaha and for miles around
should take the fullest ad
vantage of this great sale. .
Here's a Clothing Safe That Will
Prove a Real Benefit to Thousands
of Omaha Men and Women
We do not demand all your ready cash. Supply your every
apjfarel need. Pay. us but $5.00 and the balance can be
cared for in terms to suit your conyenience.
Lowest Prices in the City
and the Greatest Credit
Term in Existence
Come, be convinced of the.
truth of this assertion ; a few
minutes spent in any depart
ment n the Beddeo Store
will prove that value for
value we are not surpassed
by any store, and the big,
liberal credit accommoda
tions are for all to enjoy.
Wlipl fZ
(0 1
.1 to. .v -
Don't deny your
self the opportuni
ties offered in this
advertisement just
because you
hilven't the ready
cash we offer you
a charge account
that's easy to pay.
jfJ M;.
ini 1L
A 1 t .
Women's Spring and Summer
Suits and Wraps
At 2S Discount
.Included are the smartest of spring and summer suit models in
al! of the wanted fabrics of the season, including;
Tricotinc Serge Poiret Twill
in straight line effects, ripple style and tailored models. And in
Women's Wraps
one may choose from the loose, wrappy styles, straight line models or
cape effects, for this sale not only includes the novelty effects, but the
conservative styles as well. Also
Silk and Wool Dresses
Including Taffetas, Tricolines and Crepes at 25 per cent Dilcdunt
Saturday in the Auditorium
You Are Invited te Attend a
Free Moving
Picture Show
Saturday morning at 9:30 o'clock
in the Burpess-Nash Auditorium
on the fifth floor of the new
building. It is a big five-reel fea
ture film v
With children taking the leading
parts. t
You Are Invited to a
Free Piano Recital
Given by
Elenor Lear's Pupils , .
in the Auditorium
On the Fifth Floor
4 P.M.
Dainty New Neckwear
Just Arrived For Saturday's Selling
Net camisole vestees with frilly lace and net fronts that
range in price from $1.95 to $5.00.
New line of organdy lace vestees, assorted colors and de
signs, at $1.25.
New lot of suit and sweater collars and collar, and cuff
sets. Priced from 65c to $1.25. ,
Pilgrim Bags
at $2.95
Of hand-boarded India
leather in brown, black,
navy and red, is an ideal
bag for a vacation trip
or a gift for the graduate.
Photo Albums
Flexible' back, 50 loos
leaves, with pocket in back,
For the Graduate
Jeweled casque combs set
in brilliant white and colored
stones. Priced from $1.00
to $23.50. ,
Girls Dresses a $3.95
Are of Organdie, Voile, Gingham ,
also regulation dresses of white Jean or copen Palmer linen.
These dresses are taken from our regular stock and
greatly reduced for Saturday only. Sizes 6 to 14.
. Third Floor New Building
' Sale of Women's .
White Canvas Oxfords
at $3.95
Less Than V2 Price,
About 200 pairs of women's white
t canvas oxfords with white ivory soles
'and covered heels. Also 100 pairs of
plain white pumps and oxfords, several
styles in practically all sizes and widths.
Main Floor
Sale of 500 Packages of
Bucilla Goods
Stamped and Ready to Embroider
2 Regular Price
Consisting of women's aprons, chemise, corset
covers, sofa pillows, embroider covers, library covers,
centerpieces, blouses, negligees, aprons, Children's bon
nets hats, creepers, dresses, rompers. Towels, luncheon
sets, boudoir hags. A competent instructor will show you
how to embroider and make the garments.
Second Floor
Mme. Binner Corsets
Keep Your Figure Young
For within youth ' lies the charm,' and the attractively
gowned woman finds her figflre displayed to best advantage in
Mme. Binner Corset
and appreciates the im
portance of having new,
corsets correctly fitted
before buying ew
."owns or suits. ' ,
The !
of today has a minimum
of .bones, using them
only as supports in front
and back. It is made to '
give the effect of a flat
back, is proportionately
as short as skirts are. In
fact the topless corset
coming only to the waist-
line is now widely worn.
Brocade and the light
weight fabrics are the
models displayed in our
corset shop. All reason
ably priced. $5.00 and
Toilet Articles
and Sundries
Beecham's toilet water, all
odors, $1.00.
Krankfe lemon cream for
tan and sunburn, 79c.
Harriet Hubbard Ayers
Ayeristocrat cream, S7c.
Aubrey Sisters' massage
cream, 47e.
Creme de Meridor vanish
ing cream, 19e.
Mavis or Colgate's talcum,
Colgate's dental cream, 19c.
Tooth brushes in sanitary
boxes, 19e.
Mulsified cocoanut oil
shampoo, 42c.
Dorin compact powder, all
shades, 39c.
Lash Lux, 42c '
Compact powder refills, 10c.
Colgate's bandoline, 19c.
Floating castile soap, 2-lb.
bar, 59c.
Palm Olive soap, 3 for 25c.
Saturday Special
Silk Gloves at 95c pair ,
?irt quality Milanese and tridot silk gldves, twp-clasi
gauntlet and eight-button styels with Paris point and two
toned embroidered backs in sand, gray, white and black.
Mln Floor
Extraordinary Values in
Women's Wrist Watches'
at $25.00$39.50$43.S0
several different styles, in round, octagonal or oblong shapes,
of green or white gold,' 18 karat, 15 jewel movements. All
' silk ribbon bracelets. A very dainty and acceptable gift for
the girl graduate.
, Main Floor
- .
Specials in Our Men's Section
Men's Suits, $35.00
Gray and brown Herringtons in all wool cassimeres in both double and
single breasted. Many suits with two pair trousers at $35.00.
PAlm Beaches, Tropical Worsteds, Mohair Cool Cloths and . ".
Gabardine Suits at $14.50 to $27.50.
150 Genuine Palm Beach Suits.
in grays, tans, naturals and fancy stripes.
at $14.50 :
25 Young Men's Tan Gabardine Suits, $30.00
Mela Fleer
Men's Splendid Quality
Fiber Silk Hose
A large assortment of men's
fiber hose in colors of navy, black,
gray, cordovan, Palm Beach and
white, all sizes, 9H to 11, 50c.
Mens Pure Linen ,
Men's pure linen handkerchiefs,
full size, with -inch hem. Very
special, 25c. ' '
Our Mens
Straw Hats
are made for comfort and service.
Select yours while the assortment
is so complete in both styles and
sizes. $2.50 up.
A Special Sale of
Men's Silk Neckwear ,
at 59c,
Saturday on the Main Floor
There are 5,000 serviceable ties in the lot, which
represents some of the finest of imported and domestic
silks, in a great variety of beautiful patterns and color
Mela Floor
Second Floor
China Specials
Sherbet Glasses
$2.95 ;
Sherbet glasses, high or
low stem, ' thin lead Mown
glass, set of six, $2.95.
Cups and Saucers
6 for $1.49-
'Cups and saucers, plain
white porcelain, set of six,
Table Tumblers
6 for 75 c -
Lead blown glass, set of
ix, 75c. . ;
Ice Tea Glasses
Colonial ice tea glasses,
large size, set of six,. $1.00.
Fourth Floor . i
Men's Cool Footwear
'' For Hoi Weather Comfort
Men's Palm Beach lace
oxford on medium toe last,
$7.50. .
Men's white canvas ox
ford with' strap of buck
leather over toe, $7.50.
Small lot of men's white
buck and canvas oxfords
reduced to $5.00.
Boys' play tennis shoes
with brown trimming and
brown rubber heels. Spe
cial at $2.25, $2.50 and
Mala Floor
, Mens Athletic
Union Suits, $1.00
Men's athletic union suits of fide quality nainsook and
striped madras, full and roomy and made with elastic back,
well fitting garments that will give excellent service. All
sizes, 34 to 54. , J. . ,
An Opportune Sale of s
Women's Gauze Vests
35c, 3 for $1.00
' ' Made of fine quality lisle in plain tailored, regulation
shoulder or fancy lace yokes. These vesta are extra
good length.
- Main Floor