THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. JUNE 11, 1021. TheOmaha Bee DAILY (MORNING) EVENING SUNDAY THE BCD fUBLISHINO COMPANY MILSON ft. UPD1KL Fablisaer. MEMBER Or THE AiWClATtD MiS ' Tha AHdUt4 ttm. of tlek Tti H ll mm. t a- elnilf tnlitltd uu m hi auMloaUsa of til am tnwM arwtttat M II r a On-wIM radtll m ikla vft, ud tm las Inrl pvaliilM luraiii. All tighti of publlcauaa af oiu woil euatlabi m tlta wmi BSC TELEPHONES J"rtmU Dnaeh Kuiiinf. ilk for AT lanti. 100A taa DaputOMol or Pinog Wnuid. nuc I WW Far Might Ca.ll Artar 10 . m.i Editorial Dwutmait AT taaUa 10U at 1MI OFFICES OP THE BEE Una ftfflM! irtk kA FiniH 11 loon (. I Booth BkU. tail Boatk ttta a Canadl aiim Km Tort ChiMta Out-al-Tava OKkaai I rifta Aft. I Wtiatattaa 1111 0 It. Iuik Bias. I Putt. hue. t lua K iMOn The Bees Platform i 1. Naw Union Pattenfar Station. 2. Continued1 improvement of the) N braika Highways, including tha para mant of Main Thoroug hfaraa leading into Omaha with a Brick Surface. 3. A abort, low-rate Watarwajr from the Corn Belt to tha Atlantic Ocoan. 4. Horn Rula Chartar for Omaha, with City Manager form of Government. Telephone Ratei and Deflation. Neither state officials or the public should discount the request of the Northwestern Bell Telephone company for a continuance of present telephone rates on the theory that it is merely maintenance of existing: charges and not an in crease. Technically that is so; in fact, the issue is a question of increase. The 10 per cent surcharge on all telephone rentals, now at issue, was allowed by the state railway commission last November. It was designated an emergency" rate, effective only until June 30. The purpose of making it tem porary was two-fold: First, to permit a study of actual effect upon the company's revenue, and second, to ascertain whether or not operating costs would not decline. The"' company asks now that the .temporary rate be made permanent and in addition that a IS per cent increase be made on "person to per son" long distance calls. This raises the issue of both the new and the old increases on their merits, which has not been fully tested out heretofore. ' ' " ' In support of its plea, the company recites that its net earnings for the first four' months of 1921 were only $218,775, less than 5 per cent on its investment.- This is not in itself conclusive. Many industries ordinarily prosperous are now in a period of depression, yet all are "carrying on" as best they may until the day, gradually but surely approaching, when normal times return. As The Bee suggested in connection with the street car fare case, this is a time for searching inquiry into costs of operation. The days of ''easy money" have passed. That means he day of easy expenditure as well as easy income, The motto today is not "How much can we get?" but "How much do we have to have?" Taps. "Fighting Colonel" F. W. Galbraith is no more. He was a successful business man, and he de served that success. When the specter of foreign aggression cast its menacing shad?w over the great republic that gave him the opportunities he so ably improved, he was among the first to ac cept the challenge. He was looked upon as a man by the greatest company of proven men the world hag ever known. He was chosen as the leader of an organization whose members stand in powerful opposition to those things which would weaken and destroy the institutions of Americanism they glorified on the field of battle. We bow our heads in sorrow at the untimely end of the civilian commander of a body of men whose deeds placed them among the front ranks Of staunch and noble, Americans. We mourn the loss of a great patriot, a high-minded gentleman, a fearless soldier. Benefits of Planning Together. i A promising movement .that is spreading throughout Nebraska is" that of the community club, bringing people of all varying interests into . ...1.1 X-A.4l.AM V.i.n..a politics animates groupings of this sort, but the sole aim is the achievement of a new and happier community existence. The news dispatches tell of a meeting of the Wymore Community cluh at which $300 was appropriated to the support of a base ball team and at which the proposal for a. spur track connecting the Union Pacific and Burlington lines was, indorsed. In the first of these actions is seen the interest in recreation and sports that is part of the function ot a com munity organization; in the other is registered the assumption of the task of analyzing the needs, present or future, of the town, and of pressing toward more satisfactory arrangements. Aurora is another Nebraska town having com Hiodious community club rooms and an active organisation, and ttfere are many others. In many cases families living on farms for miles about the towns, but who have nevertheless strong ties to their market place, are joining the . T .1 J. community associations, in some, i jjewara, me oratnortjiai uuu i w.iu. -rA Public health, welfare, education and all the most human problems that rise wherever a town exists, are watched and aided by such means, ine Ming is IO gainer a kiuui u' v.v- xens, whose only intention is to further the in terests of their community. That community eouiooed with such an instrument may well oe expected to be in the lead of those others which continue without any organized pian. , When Comparisons Are Odious: In discussing raiload wages, the attorney for a southern railroad has made the point that a certain locomotive engineer receives $371 more year than the governor of Tennessee: a yard master more than most ministers and high school principals and a railroad blacksmith more than high school teachers. One comparison that he did not make was between his own salary and those of the public officials, college presidents and other educators whom -he mentioned. The governor of Tennessee i paid $4,000 a year; how many times this amount does the attorney for the Nashville, Chattanooga & St Louis rail road receives for his services? And are they any more important than that of the chief ex ecutive of the state? . As far as the public, which is expeeted to meet the costs of railway operation, is concerned, jhere is no more sanctity surrounding the stipend of railway managers and other officials than there is about the wage of labor. In appealing for wage reductions there should be no distinc tion between the railroad employe in a swivel chair and the one in the cab or caboose. In the readjustment to lower levels it will not do to ex amine only the rate of pay of the switchman or other laboring man without going on up the line and considering what savings can be made in the head offices. Japan's Own Ireland. The experience of a young woman from Omaha in Korea reveals something of the pre carious hold Japan maintains over this alien race of 20,000,000 people bent on self-determination. Merely a case of a forgotten passport, and yet her railway journey to Seoul had to be inter rupted until the missing paper was secured. The Japanese authorities, sorely harassed by revolu tionary movements, were courteous as could be, yet something of the tension that exists there can be read in the experience. California papers, bent on stirring up animosity toward Japan, made much of this incident, but after all, it is no more than would happen in most of the countries of Europe; suspicion and misgiving cover the world. According to Japanese official statistics, since the outbreak of 1919 in Korea, 10,592 political prisoners have been flogged, 631 have met death, 5,156 have t)een imprisoned, and 11,831 are still awaiting trial. Korean figures 6n the number killed and executed reach 7,000. The struggle of this race to obtain the political freedom that has come to so many subject nationalities since the world conflict may appear hopeless, but its cour age is raised by contemplation of the delays and discouragements finally overcome by the Poles, the Czechs, the Slovenes and those other of west ern Europe. A returned missionary from the Orient de clares that America must turn its eyes to the far east, and criticises Japan. Yet that nation is only doing what has been done throughout his tory. It has come into conflict, however, with' a new spirit of independence, a fiercer longing for self-government, whose power can not be cal culated, and which, resting on the highest ideals of humanity, may prove stronger than any mili tary force. Competition of a New Kind. . Word from business men is that a new period of brisk competition is on the way. Once the shortage of production, which resulted from war conditions, is remedied the consumer will resume full power. Such is the outlook for the future as sketched by a speaker at the convention of the National Association of Retail Grocers, and the same view is being expressed by merchants in many lines. "Competition is going to be more active than for many years past," says L. L. Schmal, an officer of the grocers' organization. "At present, and- for many years to come, exists what is known in trade parlance as the 'buyers' market.' This simply means that the buyer will be sought by the man who has something to sell rather, than a source of supply sought by the purchaser." All this is te the benefit of humanity as con sumers, and will make also for greater efficiency in production and distribution. Successful con duct of business will be more difficult, but the prizes will still be attainable. Instead of looking. to high prices for profits, the attention will be directed toward gaining by increasing the volume of business through lower prices. ' While co operation between men in similar, branches of trade may be encouraged, it will most probably take such forms as lowering the costs of produc tion and handling by elimination of wasteful practices. The decision of Omaha merchants to do away with the duplicating delivery systems and unite in using the parcel post system of the Postoffice department is a clear indication of new tendency. Cohipetition as to prices remains, butxrivalry that heightens instead of lowers costs fades. The buyers' market may be a cause of terror to incompetent commercial concerns, but in the long run it will prove itself the. greatest good for the greatest number.: ' Not to Be Passed By. The City Jrfission, which is appealing for funds with which to carry on its work, occupies a niche all its own in the charity of Omaha. Unlike those organizations which supply a par ticular want of all destitute people of the com munity, be it the necessity of physical comfort, nursing care in time of sickness or what, the City Mission attempts to be a place of refuge for the people of a certain section, that one of the less happy and prosperous parts .of the icty. ; . If. they want food, or fuel, they come to the mission.' If they want medical care, they come to the mission. If they need spiritual inspiration to "carry on" through dark and tiresome days, they come to the mission. It is their 'sanctuary, in some respects more their home than the place where they eat and sleep. The City Mis sion should not be passed by. Boston boasts a bath tub for every' 4.4 in habitants, quite an improvement from conditions in 1880, when there was one tub to each 40 per sons, but doubtless there are some who, remem bering the Romans washed their strength away in the baths, will still find something to .worry about here. ' ' -' Brigadier Qeneral Mitchell, who has boasted that bomb carrying platresjrom the army could sink any warship, evidently has been hit by onj of his own bombs, and is slated for dismissal, but whether because he was right or wrong is not indicated. The bankers who are to debate, the question t (t.hili'xinff the dollar mav be accused of talk ing shop in public, but they are setting an ex ample of open discussion of financial and Business problems that might well be more generally followed. ' President Obregon is not reclining on any couch of ease if he consents to the demands of the United States, he will be tipped out of the presidency, and if he doesn't, the recovery of his country may be badly delayed. The back to the farm movement has' died, but the Iowa farmer who claims to have found gold and silver deposits in his pas ture may start an under the farm movement that would deplete the cities. That boy with mania for horses, who stole a mount and started for the races, may not have . . a a a a pony of his own, but he certainly has a noooy. The Japanese Chamber of Commerce, which is out in favor of a disarmament conference, evi dently is convinced that there is no profit in war. The Revolt of Youth Polite Literature Belongs to An Older Day, When Facte Were Hid. Elisabeth Sheplsy Sargeant, in The Bookman. That there is a sharp line of cleavage be tween the young and the old since the war, in England and America at least, is an open se cret. Books like "Potterism" and "Limbo" in England, books like "The Narrow House" and "This Side of Paradise" in America, reveal the line as almost steely in its hard, clear bright ness. And I can well imagine the- shock a Harvard overseer of the fine old type would receive in the neighborhood of his solar plexus if he read ' One Man's Initiation, 1917," by a recent Harvard graduate of great promise, John Dos Passos. Nothing could be less like the accepted Harvard view of the feelings of a heroic young soldier. Yet some of us who saw the war in. France find that book a true and indeed a beautiful, portrayal of the actions and reactions of one type of sophisticated and sensi tive American. It is the kind of frank yet subtly shaded human document which French man have always produced. I count it a great advance that young America has emerged from our burst of idealist unanimity not only more self-conscious but with the determination to which a love of France may well have con tributed to face objective facts, whether or not they are pleasant. -It is probable that for a time the unpleasant will be overstressed in American literature, and the pleasant denied or ignored. This is natural, necessary perhaps, in the leveling of scales weighed heavily in the Pollyanna direction. It was William Archer, I think, who told, after Howell's death, a story of how he wis once walking in a back street in Boston with that genial novelist who expressed a wish that he might know what was going on behind the drawn shades of a certain blank-looking house. Archer grimly propounded certain possibilities from which his companion recoiled with an ex clamation of horror and dismay. There you have suggested the difference between the old Ameri can realism of Howells and the "genteel tradi tion," and the new American realism of Evelyn Scott or Zona Gale. I doubt if either of these writers wilt ever give birth to as great a book as "The Rise of Silas Lapham." .But I think someone as yet unborn may write a far greater because "Miss Lulu Bett" and "The Narrow House" came into being. The final test of the younger generation, the thing that will eventually prove its cOnrbution to American life and literature to be a deep or a meager draft on this great and largely unex ploited fund, will be its disinterestedness. I pre fer this term to Mr. Sherman's moral idealism but I admit that there is some resemblance be tween the two. If the younger generation have the failing of the younger generation in England as represented in "Potterism" the tendency to work for what it gets out of things (for money, for success, for popular acclaim) instead of what it puts into things, then its members will not be the equals of the best of those who have pre ceded them even by 10 years or so of Willa Lather and Sherwood Anderson, for instance. One may not expect a young person of the present to say at the end of a busy wfck as her grandmother did, "What have I done to make others happy?"; but her "What have I done that was amusing and exciting?" leads one straight to Bertrand Russell's definition of the acquisi tive as distinguished from the creative temper. The creative art certainly does not consist in Squeezing into one's glass dozens and dozens of delicious oranges, though "objectivity" seems sometimes to point that way. It consists in turning oneself into the orange, in squeezing one self, forcing out one's very last drop of juice. We are learning, in spite of the guardians of Puritanism, to create for the joy of creating, and to cultivate our native roots in all their variety to graft New England stock with Semitic branches, and fertilize the prairie with seed from Scandinavia. But let the soil be never so rich and abundant, we shall not have a great art and literature until we are willing, as the pioneers, were, to pour our blood and tears into the furrows. Possibly t'he best way for the young revoltes to carry through their revolt is to see very clear ly the line of cleavage from their elders see it and glory in it, as Amy Lowell lias deliberately done with' the new poetry. And yet not long ago I heard a poet, who ranks high among the new but draws all his originality from traditional New England roots, say that it was not neces sary for a man to quarrel, with his father in order to be free, in order. to "take his place." He must "find his direction," find it and stick to it but that done in youth, he could wait 20 years, if need be. for success. So speaking, in the midst of a reading of his farm poems, Robert Frost, with his timeless profile, his mop of tossed gray hair, his voice with its subtle hint of dialect, con veyed a direct sense of the creative spirit in Amerea. And an ordinary, unilluminated New York audience found itself suddenly sharing his faith and patience, his life that had been lived for immaterial rewards," his mpst beautiful in dividual vision and expression of our national genius. ' A vision, an expression utterly unlike Edgar Lee Masters'. Yet is one more American than the other? Let us be grateful for a nationality that includes them both. Power of India Fakirs From the Detroit News. The fakirs of India, according to stories com ing from that country, have a peculiar faculty for throwing themselves into a trance, suspend ing all the activities of life, and remaining for many weeks not only without food, but also with out water and with a very scanty supply of air. They begin their performances by taking a dose of bhang, a powerfully stupefying drug. Then they are lowered into a tomb, where they remain in a profound trance for from six to eight weeks. When resurrected, they are wan, hag gard, weak and wasted. . ; No explanation of this extraordinary power is forthcoming. Investigations prove that the pulse can not be felt and there is no evidence that the heart continues to beat. The performer of . the apparent miracle does not appear to breathe, and makes no movement whatever. The power resembles that of hibernating ani mals. A marmot can live six months without food or water, and the story is told of a wonder ful Egyptian snail - which was brought from Egypt apparently dead, in 1845, and placed in the British museum. Five years later a growth was noticed in its mouth, and on being taken from the card to which it was gummed and placed in water it. soon became active and ate cabbage leaves. , Ape Murderers Now. . ' ' One of the most interesting sights pf Gibral tar until recently was a famous colony of mon keys, which live in their native state of freedom. These "Barbary apes," however, have de clined so that it is believed only eight of them survive. A strange outbreak of crime is respon sible for the reduction of the, famous colony. The oldest male monkey on the Rock recently developed a passion for murdering the females of his race. ' - When the decrease in their numbers was traced to this simian Landru (the name of a man charged with murdering a score of Parisian women) he was captured and all his teeth taken out. It was hoped that this would make hira harmless, but an irresistible craving for slaughter led him to use guile. Employing all the powers and attractions which old age and villainy still left him, he proceeded to lure the female mon keys to the highest point of the Rock, where, suddenly seizing them, he would hurl them over the cliff, at the foot of which the mangled bodies ai Lba con fid inn creatures afterward were found. America and the World. Omaha, June 9. To the Editor of Tha Bee: I . was surely interested in reading the editorial entitled "Dis armament Plans Not Lacking;" also the speech of Senator G. M. Hitch cock at Trinity collere. Durham. Conn. Xow, the editor of The Bee struck the nail on the head when he stated, "Disarmament cannot be achieved by any off-hand process. The president of the United States Is pledged to the policy of disarma ment; he awaits authority from con gress to issue the call." I heartily agree with The Bee on that issue. Now, how about Senator Hitch cock's views on that importnat ques tion? He seems to maintain the same attitude of a year ago. He clings to that hobby, the league of nations and the covenant, and ex President Wilson as the second Moses. Has not Europe got a league of nations? Surely it has; and yet, France has a standing army of a million men, reacting towards mili tarism and desire of conquest, not only against Germany, her ancient foe, but in the far east, in Asia and Africa as well. She now has and pro poses to maintain the largest army in the world. These are the words of Senator Hitchcock in his speech in the World-Herald. France, England, Poland, Greece, all members of the league are still in the struggle for conquest. Will Senator Hitchcock tell us what would have been the consequences if the United States had been a member of the Jeague of nations? The billions that France England, Poland an other small countries owe the United States are used to maintain the military system that the United States crushed In 1918. A counterplot is going on in Paris now against the soviet government of Russia. There is a great danger of a war between England, and France, wihch will be caused through colonial Jeal ousy. Let the United States main tain her army and navy to a high standard for the next two years at least. If there be any disarmament, let France, England and Japan dis arm. . Mr. Hitchcock does not under stand European diplomacy or he would not shed tears over that vampire 'called the league of na tions. America has done her share in crushing military autocracy in Germany but like a tapeworm it comes together again. Let Uncle Sam tell France and England to come across wfth some mazuma so we can brng relief to our overseas men that are now denied the privi lege to earn an honest living. So let Europe talk about disarmament, but let Uncle Sam keep his vigilant e,ye across the big pond and see how the league of nations works. JESSE MARTEL. Rear Admiral Sims. Omaha, June 9. To the Editor of The Bee: I wish to bring out a few facts regarding B.ear Admiral Sims that I think very few people know. Military men know that all countries have an intelligence de partment in conjunction with the war department. According to the United States military rules, it is en tirely proper to try to ascertain the otheV countries' strength, plans, etc. In time of war it is entirely proper to sow discord In the enemies' side. Thus, in the last war. President Wil son was very sympathetic to the aims of the Bohemians. Poles and other nationalities of the enemies fold. What is fair to one should be fair to all. All is fair in love and war, especially, war, , Apparently Germany tried to sow revolution In Ireland and : failed. When Rear Admiral Sims states that the Irish were unpatriotic he is simply rebuking himself because the facts are the Irish have been patriotic and always will be. This is a land of, for and by the people; the majority, not minority rule.. If the people err it is their own bed they must lie in. It is a land of idealistic people, "God's country." the returning soldiers called it. Rear Admiral Sims was correct when he said their votes are many; one of their votes is as good as his. If Rear Admiral Sims loves England so well he should stay there. As a high naval officer. Rear Ad miral Sims should know these facts and should uphold the honor of the American navy. Instead, by his un dlsciplinary acts and words, he is hringing discredit upon it and the American people. . ' Rear Admiral Sims does not speak as a representative American President Harding is president of all the people. I call upon the fair minded, Jusyce-loving people to ap peal to the president and congress that Rear Admiral Sims be rebuked or recalled. A BOHEMIAN. How to Keep Well By DR. W. A. EVANS Quattiotis concernin hyfieaa, aanitatioa and prtvantion of diaeaaa, auhmittad to Dr. Evan hr raadara of Tha Bea. will b. .n.w.rcd pataonally. ubjct to prepar limitation, whara a stamptd addraawd tnv.loj.. ia Or Evaaa will not maka diinoi. or prascriba for individual dlttaiat. Addraaa lattare . in cara oi Tha Baa. Copyright. 1921, by Dr. W. A. Evana L ,ommon Sense "It Must Not Be AQ.ain" (From the St. Xouls Globe-Democrat.) What of the future? Colonel Harvey, in announcing that Ameri ca would not recognize, speak to, or listen to, the league of nations, "di rectly or indirectly, openly or fur tively," held out no promise for the peace of the world save the hand clasp of Great Britain. That hand clasp is needed, to be sure, but he is an idealist indeed who imagines It it to be the answer to the world's desire. , "I find a hundred thousand sorrows touching my heart," said President Harding, "and there is ringing in my ears like an admoni tion eternal, an insistent call it must not be again! It must not be again!" It is to the ears of the presi dent of the United States that this admonition comes, the man who cap. do more than any other on the face of the earth to make it reasonably sure that it will not be again. And that admonition comes from more than a hundred thousand sorrows. It is the voice of millions, millions who live and millions who are dead, sacrificed In "the war to end war," as many of them verily believed it to be, and as an' anguished world devoutly hoped and still devoutly hopes. .If that war did not end war we must look forward to another, greater and more terrible, and our children or our children's children will be called sacrifice anew to the Moloch of mankind. It must not be again! But how can It be prevented? By handclasps? By pleasant words? By interchange of notes? No. There is but one way, and that is by agreement among the nations to stand together as one in opposition to war, to establish con tractual relations of peace, and so to develop international rights and na tional independence that Justice may be always attainable by peace ful processes. If the effort to estab lish such relations and such pro cesses fai, the United States will be held, and rightly held, responsible for tlie failure, and it is well that the president hears, and heeds, the insistent admonition, "It must not be again!" Ludendorff Should Know. General Ludendorff, who tells Germany that she cannot hope for success in fighting the French, is in a position to speak from -experience. Boston Transcript, WATCHING BABY'S DIET. The simplest form of diarrhoea in babies is known as indigestion. As a rule all it calls for is a moderate change in the baby's milk. In most cases the baby has been overeating or the food has been too rich. Less food or food that is less rich is indicated in most cases. In some the trouble is ,that the milk ts of poor quality, unclean, or it has been kept too warm. Many cases of in digestion cure themselves, if the mother is wise enough to give' the fretful baby water instead of milk to quiet him. Other and more serious diar rhoeas, according to De Sanctis and Parder, who write in the archives of pediatrics, are the fermentative, putrefactive, recurrent, and infec tious cases of diarrhoea. They pass frequent greenish watery stools con taining some mucus and maybe a little blood. There are from Ave to 20 stools, a day. These stools are acid and they burn, irritate, and red den the buttocks and surrounding parts. There is gas in the bowels. The fever is not very high as fevers in babies go. The child is irritable, restless, cross. There may be vomit ing. Some weight is lost. This pic ture most parents can match out of their experience. The plan of treatment which the above named doctors have found effective in this type of diarrhoea is as follows: 1. A dose of castor oil. 2. If there are no signs of acidosis the baby Is given no food for 12 to 24 hours. It has water frequently, but no milk or other food. 3. At the end of the period of starvation feeding with casein cal cium milk is begun. Two-thirds of an ounce of casein calcium is mixed with four minces of cold milk. Bring twelve ounces of the milk to a boil. Add to the boiling milk the four ounces of cold milk containing the casein calcium. Boil the mix ture for five to 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Strain. Add 18 ounces of boiled water. Cool. Use. If the sick baby is less than 4 months old they use a mixture of one-third milk and two-thirds water instead of half and half. To this the casein calcium is added in the same way. No sugar is added. No drugs are used except soda, and that is given or not, according to whether there are any indications of acidosis. At the end of eight days, as a rule, the diarrhoea will have stopped and the child can go back on ordinary milk. The danger in making use of this treatment is that acidosis may not ba recognized and the diarrhoea may be of some other type. The general rule in treating baby diar rhoeas is to give a dose of castor oil and to stop all food. This is a good rule, but if the case happens to be one of; acidosis following the rule may do more harm than good. xnererore, it is advisable when a baby develops diarrhoea, accom panied by fever and restlessness, have a physician. But if one is called in do not expect him to give much medicine. Obey Medical Laws. Mrs. D. M. R. writes: "We have had several active cases of diph theria in our community.' It is re quired of all of us to have our throats cultured. Out of 30 cultures eight were positives. These people are in quarantine. Just as if they had au active case. Do you think it Is the thing to do? Could they give It to anyone else?" REPLY. At least half of the diphtheria Is caused by contact with carriers. To restrict the freedom of carriers is standard health department policy and has been for more than 10 years. Its legality has been upheld by the courts. Obey the law. Attention to the mouth and throat promptly clears up most carriers. Send Stamped Envelope. Reply to Mrs. C. R. C: Send stamped, addressed envelope for booklet on "Personal Hygiene for Women." - ' Would Not Affect Children. Mrs. M. M. F. writes: "Here is a vital question which concerns dif ferent members of my family, espe cially my daughter. What relation Buckeye Kernels . From the Ohio State Journal. Once In a while when we happen to-go down the street behind a girl in a yard-and-a-Jialf skirt we feel like quickening Our ' pace and say ing, out of sheer kindness: Were you not aware, Beautiful Stranger, that it is a scientific fact that white stockings make the limbs look fully 25 per cent larger than they really are, even? One of the most pathetic things of all is the way we always reserve our flowers for the dead and we regretfully wish now that we had said a few words of heartfelt ap preciation, while yet there was time, to the rats who have been going out on the lawn to die without smell ing, as per agreement. We have- observed the neighbor women for so long now that when we see two of them engaged in earnest private conversation over the back fence we can form a sur prisingly accurate Judgment, mere ly from the gestures, as to whether it's another major operation or an other borrowed husband. If there's company on Monday, says one eminent authority on super stitions, there will be company every day of that week, and as an authori ty on bare facts we will add that, If they're wife's relatives, as they gen erally ae, every day of one week won't anywhere near cover it. Our OXl'n nttitllrt la ihla ... have reason to believe that manv of our other old soldiers stand shoulder to shoulder with us: We are so heart and soul for our dear old com-rade-at-arms, Georges Carpentier. that we entertain the strongest con scientous scruples against the vice of betting. - One of our inspirational adver tisers now announces that if we will save but 28 cents a day for 25 years we shall he worth $7,883 in our own name at the expiration of that time and we guess we can scrape up the 28 cents all right but are a little doubtful about the 25 years. Nature still shows superiority to man in some ways, despite the lat ter's opinion of himself, and the big gest watering-pot is a rather fiRile affair by comparison with the small est shower. ' A few of the higher animals, re marked good old . John Burroughs before he died, are monogamous but by far the larger number, he added in effect, are like Mr. and Mrs. Still-man. Another illustration of relativity or something is how much larger a back-yard garden is when it needs hoeing than when it brings forth Us fruits. mothers were sisters? Would they be second or third cousins? Could they get married in Indiana? If not, where? Would anything serious affect the coming generation in such a union?" REPLY. Second cousins. The marriage of second cousins is not against the law in any state as far as I know. This degree of relationship is of no importance- from the eugenics stand point. Operation Only Cure. Mrs. C. s. writes; "Will you please tell me what might cause a cataract on the eye? The person affected Is a man of 82? Can it be cured by mediclne or is operation necessary?" REPLY. Among the causes of cataract are exposure to heat, exposure to certain kinds of dust and fumes, heredity and age. Be certain of the diagnosis. The only curative treatment is operation. Remedy Is Simple. E. S. wrtes: "What causes worms In a grown person? I refer to the flat white worms about half an inch long which dry up at once upon ex posure to the air. Are they serious? Can you give me a remedy?" REPLY. Except for the drying up at once this description fits tapeworm. Tape worm infestation is not serious. If you have tapeworm have your phy sician give you male fern. Not Bad Climate. B. S. writes: "I am thinking of making my home in Atlantic City, and would like to know if that cli mate would be injurious for a person afflicted with chronic nasal catarrh." , ; REPLY. No. Probably It's Ecsetna. A. O. B. writes: "What is the cause of a condition In which the skin between the toes turns white and comes off. leaving cracks in the raw flesh? In spite of care in keeping my feet clean and in drying between the toes, I cannot overcome this ailment. When my stockings are removed at bedtime the skin be tween the toes itches frightfully, and rubbing rubs the skin off. What uhould be used to overcome this ondition?" REPLY. The condition is usually called ctema. If there is much oozing, Cleanse with grease. If not oozing, oap and water can be used.. After a washing and drying apply a 1 per cent solution of formalin. Let this dry on. In summer try wearing sandals or well ventilated cloth shoes. CHOCOLATES . ! INNER CIRCLE' candi xsyr By J. J. MUNDY. Watch Your Talk. Don't joke or talk light on sicred subjects. ) . Some men are always laughing about their wives divorcing them or., telling stories which hint at. being gay with the stenographer. it is intended to be veryi funny, and generally raises a laugh among a certain class of fellows. But the finer and more understand ing man will not bring a thought or suggestion of this sort up for several reasons. There are always in the crowd certain persons who have come dan gerously near the divorce court at times, if the truth were known. Certain others will land in the di vorce court if, they continue as they are doing. And sometimes the very one who feels that a matter of that sort it. farthest from his wife's mind mighty be surprised to know just how near his own little wife is to the break ing point over something which seems to trivial to him and which seems so much more to her. Married life is made up of critical moments and tragic emotions at times, and who can say when the straw too much will seem like a mountain of neglect to overwrought nerves and a heart longing for com panionship. j WeD! 8tartinf our trip this Ins- a ft I can right here there's noth ing to thia home raada ropa 'am on bailing wire atnit baaa and bandies, earn and boMa aesttared all orer the 'ol bos before wcra ant ot town. j That yavna ehap told at right to I gaeaa IH (ro "n get that log gaga canter at j .. - . . ' Scott's Auto Tourist Store Opposite AadHarhon. - 10th and Hmi Wath for tha Bart of Towing ' Tim's Adventaraa. Phone DO uglas 2793 a OMAHAlr. s til i PRINTING 'IAi V W COMPAWY fSf tT'7Vi9agagiaaM iii1 1111 11 1 i'"rfaMa'iirTi'' I V COMMERCIAL PRINTCRS-llTHOSRAPrlCRS STEElOlEtMBOSSZXS uoost LtAr Devices Courage In Business Courage is absolutely essential for . successful expansion and develop ment along modern' industrial lines.', Courage explains progress- it is th . requisite for successful merchandis- ing it presupposes good goods-r cleanly sold fcnd it guarantees sery- ... . 1VC. y' , I ...... i ' j Under courageous leadership busi-' ness irresistibly moves forward thd l i.i; i at.. a.JjJ Business weaiuiiig anu me snouav merchandiser know not the meaning t . ji. . l n i i ij oi ine wora. courage Knows iear, but having a higher intelligence! laughs at it Courage is never goW . erned by conditions, it controls themf - The man, the mouse or the long-tailec rat are all leaders in their line if they but possess the distinction of Courage Take COURAGE to your heart, t your hands, to your head love it ' fondle it make it part of you ant remember that no higher tribute could be paid any one than to hav. it truly said : "He has Couragemoral ' and physical. - ' President L. V. NICHOLAS OIL CO. ' . "Business Is Good, Thank You (Our (aaolaaaa and lubricatinf eila conform te all U. 9. Goveramaat apaclficatioaa.) D I I