Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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Woman Saved
From Suicide
Drops From Sight
Found Unconscious and Res
cued, Leaves Room at Mid
night Despondent Over
A few hours after police surgeon
battered down the door of her bed
room and found a woman lying un
conscious across her bed early Thurs
day evening1, the woman, whose life
they saved, slipped out of hr apart
ment and dropped from sight.
A towel across her face, a partly
filled perfume bottle by her 'side,
and the strong fumes of an anaesthet
ic satisfied the officers the woman
had ude an attempt agnst her
awn life j ;
. After several hours of medical
treatment the woman was revived to
consciousness. ,
Separated From Husband.
She was not seen vesterdav.
She is Mrs. Marie McDonald, 2010
Davenpoft street, separated trom her
husband,' fhich is believed to have,
been the principal motive for her
'utile attempt against her life.
..' Folice surgeons were sent to her
apartment at 6:30 by J. M. Gollehon,
Blair farmer, visiting his kin at 2001
North Forty-fifth street.
Mrs. Thelma Sexton, 2010 Daven
port street, saw Mrs. McD6nald
; leave the apartment at midnight.
Gollehon told police he, met her
jj'on the street Thursday and she told
him her husband had left her, She
:had heard he was working on the
.South Side and asked ' Gollehon to
id her to find him and try to effect
a reconciliation.
; Search In Vain,
i The McDonalds have been wed
less than a year, Gollehon said.
Gollehon assumed the role of
Good Samaritan, told Mrs. McDon
ald to get in his car and then
searched for her husband on the
South Side, he said.
! The search was in vain and as he
and Mrs. McDonald separated she
handed him a note in an envelope,
' "Don't read this now. Open it
and read it after while."
Gollehon opened the note right
away. This is what he saw at the
Notifies Police.
"I am seeing you today for the last
time. I hope and pray I can act
"This is my last day. I am hearts
broken. . I am going to end it all.
Goodby and God bless you.",
Gollehon hastened to Central po
lice headquarters where he notified
police surgeons who frustrated Mrs.
McDonald's attempt at suicide.
Mrs. McDonald came to Omaha
from Fremont.
She is about 40.' police say.
Eighth B Graduating
Class of Henry Yates
School Gives Program
The Eighth B graduating class of
an interesting class day program
yesterday 'afternoon. Margaret
"Bubb and Marjorie Nelson played
a piano duet and a violin duet was
-cr i i n....i... vi.:.. J u .l.n
John Montgomery read the class
nronhecy. , The class will was given
oy Delmar Saxton. Irene Goosman
sang "To the Rising Sun," and Rev.
Titus Lowe addressed the class. A
vnral sn!n was civen . bv Gretchen
T war
oresented bv Gretchen Dishong,
Margaret Wyman, Mary Alice
Bromwell. Marsraret Bubb. Thomas
Bitrclow, Tohn Montgomery. Robert
. Rilev and Sanford Root. The class
.ae VrA in ct.vl.ra1 mnciral tlllffl
bers and a girls' chorus and boys'
chorus aaaea to tne interests oi ine
occasion. ' .
f.'c Afn1ia Pnwnn is the
Eighth graderteacher and Miss Mary
rninippi airccieu we uiubis. wi
jradua.ting class.
.fork Rite' Masons Are
n.r j t -nrx
1VCIUBCU luivipviauuu
Lincoln, June 10. (Special.) JJ,
M. Amsberry, secretary of state, re
fused to file articles of incorpora
tion for the "York Rite Masons, ne
gro, also known1 as the King Solo
man' Masons of Kansas. The at
tempt ,;of this order to incorporate
in Vphiraelra Jintlv contested bv
the State- Rite Colored Masons of
VphraiWa AmsWrv held that the
presenj negro .Masonic order with
two losses in umani ana unc m
Lincoln hadn't as yet, built suuf
ficient 'financial and fraternal foun
dation to withstand competition.
Wholesale' Arrests Made .
In Chicago taxicab War
i Chicago, Tune 10. One man siai ,
Cvfa1 9 fl1tmhf.r of shrrOt-
; ings land many cabs wrecked, the.
xoii w a xwo-aay xaxicaD war, re
sulted last night in wholesale arres s
of drivers for the two rival com-
nanifi .. t
. Th present putbreak was ' the
climaf of a fertd which has raged
for months. During the day de
tectivts raided the office of one
compiny, arrested , two men . and
seized records. Later 25 drivers were
pr.ctarl At a - ter hnirfll - rriarty . of
operating without a cabstand license.
Parachute Juniper Drowned.
Hampton, Va... June 10. Private
)T. Mulligan a parachute jumper at
Langley field, was drowned today
when his parachute was caught in an
adverse wind current within but a
few feet of the ground and he was
carried into Black river. t
Postmasters Appointed
WiihiBKton. June IS. (Special Tele
Itrim. Eit mMter hv been appointed
Nbrlc Lillian. Caster county. Janet
VT. KlUott. le eleon W. Cannon, re
lnd; Matnet, Cherry county, Henry J.
Block, Oeorte B. Crallln, remoTed;
Murphy. Hamilton connty. Alfred M. John
Kin, vie John K. Meiuaen, reattned;
. Strang, Fillmore eoanty, Svalena A. 6im
, merman, vice Ltllle K. Stewart, rwxlirned.
Iowa Bojholm, Boone county, Harrey
Z Lehman, vice Albert O. Howe, reelfned;
Frederic, Monroe county, Samuel TV. Rob
erts, vice Avla Oilland, reelcned: Pleaean
ton, recatur eounty. Meryl B. McDowell.
' vice Pelantv T. DavlF, reaigned.
South Dakota Bovee. Charie Mix
i county. Jweph R.' HulL vice Joeeph A.
Summer. resigned; Whitnev, Perklne
county, Witliam T. Beoulex- Tie Alfred
1 H. Jteyer. raalfaee)
Financial Director
League of Nations
:: I
r K
' i , : -
Boy 'Can't-Help-It'
Horse Thief Goes
Back to the Farm
6- '.uerbert Ames of Canada,
whose photo is here shown, holds
the important post of financial di
rector of the league of nations sec
reta'riat. Standardizing- exchange
values is .one of the -big problems
nqw before, him. .
Howell Confers
With Nebraska
" I . f
National Committeeman Said
To . Be : Supporting Sen
ator Saunders for Omaha
Washington, . June 10. (Special
Telegram.) N a t i o nal Committee
man R. B. Howell yesterday paid his
respects to members of the Nebras
ka delegation, including Congress
man Reavis, who arrived during the
morning 'from a speech-making tour
in Nebraska; A. W. Jettens of Oma
ha, who discussed the Omaha post
office situation with the national
committeeman, and Judge Kinkaid:
It is understood that Mr. Howell
is supporting Senator Saunders
for the Omaha postmastership.
In view of the fact that the civil
service commission has called for an
examination for postmaster at Oma
ha on July 12, it will be a matter of
interest to know who will take the
examination. Candidates will not be
required to report for examination
at any place but will be rated ac
cording to the formal notice of ex
amination on the following subjects,
with their .relative weights. Educa
tion and training, .20 weights;, busi
ness experience and' fitness, 80
weights. In addition to" full and de
tailed information called .for in the
general application blank candidates
are required to furmsii the following
in connection with eacfi responsible
position held by them: (a) The num
ber 'of persons under their supervi
sion; (b) the character of the busi
ness done bv the oerson. firm or Cor
poration; (c) the volume of business
done annually and (d) the commer
cial rating of each person, firm or
For offices paying $6,000, as Oma
ha and Lincoln do,, the candidates
must show that for at least seven
years they have successfully filled
responsible positions which required
ability to organize, to direct, or to
manage business affairs, including
such positions in different branches
of the postal service; candidates
must also show that they have dem
onstrated their; ability to meet and
deal .with the public satisfactorily.
$55,000 Damage Suit Against
Ha den Brothers Appealed
Lincoln, June 10. (Special.)
Peter Mehrens of Omahafiled an
appeal in the supreme court from
the decision of the Douglas county
district court, which refused . him
$55,000 -damages against Ha'yden
Brothers, Omaha. Mehrens claims
the firm persecuted him by having
him arrested on a charge of larceny
and later on' a charge of disloyalty
in order to force him to give up a
lease he had for the use of the base
ment of the store.
Western Nebraska Backs
Ogallala for Reformatory
Ogallala, Neb.. June 10. (Special
Telegram.) Telegrams received
from Alliance, Gering, Scottsbluff,
Sidney and Chappell state they
unanimously favor Ogallala as the
location t f 6r the state reformatory.
Ogallala has 41 counties and com'
Lad of 8, Who Swiped An
! other Mount Thursday to
t Enter Races Flees to.
I Escape Kearney.
Kermit Gasaway, 8, who dropped
into town Thursday long enough to
steal another horse, start for the
races and get arrested, escaped to
his uncle's farm this morning before
the juvenile authorities got hold of
him. His father, Charles Gasaway,
2509 South Twentieth avenue, told
the police the hoy had just come in
frcm his uncle's farm at Valley for
a visit and he would send him right
back. f
An order to go to Kearney In
dustrial school, to remain till he is 21
is hanging over Kermit,' who seems
unable to curb his propensities tor
horse stealing. This order was placed
over him in juuvenile court, April 30.
Just Can't Help It.
Although he is of such tender
years, 'tis said he has stolen more
horses than anyone else' in Omaha.
It seems he just can't helo it.
He had, stolen four horses before
the Kearney order was made. One
of these he. stole while he was at
Riverview Detention home for steal
in? another." ' '
. Three days after the Kearney
order, above mentioned, Kermit was
back in juvenile court for sealing an
other horse. . 1 '
Pleas Save Him.
His tender years and his parent's
picas saved him from incarceration
at the industrial school, where .there
are no horses. ' The parents said
they wduld send him forthwith to
his uncle's farm, at Valley. On that
condition Judge Sears let him go.
Since then Kermit has been on the
farm where he has two horses to
take care of. and a ponji of his own
to ride.
But it seems stolen horses are the
sweetest to Kermit. He came back
to Omaha he rode in, and Thursday
he found a horse and wagon stand
ing at Thirteenth and Castelar streets.
He unhitched the animal, got upon
its back and started for Ak-Sar-Ben
field. '
Going to Races.
As he galloped . past Nineteenth
and Leavenworth streets Thursday
afternoon Detectives English and
Ryan saw him. They stopped him.
"Where are you going with the nag,
kid?" they inquired.
"Going to the racei," said the boy,
"and I got to hurry."
He was. putting spur to his steed
again when he was turthcr inter
rupted. "What's your name?" demanded
the detective.
"Kermit Gasaway."
Back to Farm.
"You come with us," said the of
ficers of the law. "We know all
about ypu. Where'd you steal this
nag?" - .
And. with Kermit astride the ani
mal, the detectives leading" it, they
proceeded to the police station.
Kermit's father was soon on the
job and early yesterday morning he
took him back to the farm.
Farmer Held After His
Wife's Body Discovered
Aberdeen. S. D., . June 10. Dan
Wampler, 43, farmer, was taken into
custody today for questioning fol
lowing the finding of his wife's body,
Mrs. Mary Wampler, 37, buried in
a. cornfield near the Wampler home
at Hecla, S. D.
For the past several weeks neigh
bors of the Wamplers had noted
Mrs. Wampler's absence from her
home, and early this morning a
searching party located the body
buried about 10 rods from the home.
Wampler declared that when he re
turned to his home three weeks ago
his wife was gone. He said he had
no idea of what became of her.
Yesterday was the first time Mrs.
Wampler s disappearance was re
ported to officials. Wampler was
brought here for questioning, but de
nied knowledge of his wife's where
abouts. State s Attorney William-
sen, who was among the searchers
who located the body at 3 a. m. to
day,, said the head was crushed and
that ; the body had been crudely
Dunea without a casket.
Man Held for Alleged
Talk Ahout Bandit Murder
Alleged to have made statements
concerning the murder of Mrs. Mr.r-
garet Foley Hyland by highwaymen
last Saturday night, Joseph Gosky,
Lies Moines, la., arrested yesterday
by -Detective tddie Morgan on a
charge of having stolen orooerty in
his possession, is being held tor in
vestigation oy ponce.
Gosky is held incommunicado.
Police are checkinz uo his state
mercial club of 52 western cities all ments. . . '
boosting if to receive the new state . He may clear himself with an alibi,
uiMiiuiiun. . i ponce say. , . ' -
V i! .! qcss. I?
New 85c
Victor Records
Tomorrow only we will place on sale our entire stock
of 85c ten-inch, double-faced Victor records at 55c each.
Sale Starts at 8:30 A. M.
, - Terms Cash No Delivery No Exchanges
Omaha, Neb.
Conferees Deadlocked
On NavaIBudget Bill
Washington, June 10. Senate and
house conferees on the naval appro
priation bill were reported virtually
at an impasse over senate increases
aggregating about $98,000,000.
House conferees refused to agree to
any important appropriation in
ert ases as proposed in senate amend
ments. Another wide divergence reported,
was on the senate proposal tor an
enlisted personnel of 120.000 men
and the house proposal for 100,000
Although the conferences were be
gun only yesterday, predictiens were
made freely that there was no pros
pect except a deadlock.
Burglars recently carried away
14.UUU artihcial teeth trom a shop m
Airplane Crash
Seen by Crowd
Going to Races
Pilot and Passenger Unhurt
But Han Slated for Next
Flight Suddenly Changes
His Mind.
In full view of hundreds of per
sons on their way to the" concluding
card of the Ak-Sar-Ben spring run
ning races at 2:30 yesterday, an
airplane, bearing two passengers,
crashed to the grbund at the west
end of Ak-Sar-Ben field, turned com
pletely over and wrecked the left
wing, main rigging and propeller.
The plane was piloted by C. A.
James, with Ray Churchill, 241S
! Cuming street, as a passenger.
Neither was injured.
Stunts Above Track.
James was doing stunts above the
race track.
Churchill was taking his first
"I had intended to take up avia-
I've changed my mind."
As the plane, which James was
piloting to a landing, neared the
ground it suddenly went into a nose
dive, struck the earth and turned
completely over.
Crowds In Rush.
Crowds rushed to the scene, ex
pecting to see the mangled bodies of
the two passengers.
. Instead, they , saw the two men
stepping from the plane smiling rue
fully. The crash had knocked out their
wind. Otherwise they were unhurt.
The plane was brand new.
James estimated the damage at
R. C. Morris, 2415 Cuming street,
who stood waiting to replace
Churchill as a passenger for the next
flight, shook his head.
"No, thanks," he muttered as he
walked off.
Make Building Contracts
At 10 Per Cent Reduction
Verbal agreements on a 10 per
cent decrease in pay have been made
with , contractors by building trades
crafts, officials of the Building Trades
council announced yesterday. Some
contractors are holding out for 20
per cent reduction, according to
John M. Gibb., secretary. Work
is picking up, 2,000 men being now
employed, with a prospect of doub
ling in the next month, he stated.
Private Funeral Service k
For Mrs. Fred Hamilton
Tallhrarers for the funeral of Mrs.
Fred Hamilton, wife of the president
of the Merchants National bank, who
died Thursday at her home, were an
nounced yesterday. They are W. T,
Bums, C. T, Kountze, J. T. Magee,
Sam Rums, Ed Creighton, John
Madden, T. T. Stewart and Robert
Shirlev. Ushers will he Ren Wood
and A. C. Potter.
Private services will be held in St.
Cecilia cathedral this morning
at 9. Archbishop J. J. Harty will of
ficiate. Rurial will be in the family
plot in Holy Sepulchcr cemetery. J
An omelette or a t piece of fish
with fruit to follow, is said by ony
diet expert to be the ideal middaj
meal for a man or woman cmp!oye
in an office.
Store Talk
"If Tery business house was
as close to the people a your
tore is, thit' whole business
of readjustment would have
been settled long ago. It's
a pleasure and a satisfaction
to trade here, where I know
that prices are right," re
marked a customer.' . '
WM. L. HOLZMAN, Treas.
Tlhe Clothlmi
g Valines
of AmmeiricaX
NO W "the limit of priQe reduction for
this season has been reached
OU men who need summer
A clothes will appreciate our
frankness. Many of you might,
be tempted to defer buying for
lower clothing prices, but they
cannot go lower this season.
Our Prices Today
Save OOI Per
You UU3 Cent '
In justice to yourself, don't spend a dollar for
J clothes until you see and study our values. The .
finest Rochester hand-tailored clothes, besides the .
masterful productions of the . "i ;
House of Kuppenheimer
and Society Brand
Deliberately marked at radically low prices to meet
conditions. ,
Thousands of Fine Suits
A year ago you paid from $60 to $90, NOW
Hundreds of Good Suits
A year ago you paid from $45 to $50, NOW
$25 ad ?30
New Palm Beich Suite Finely tailored of finest $1 OCn $Oafl ;
; fabrics. A guaranteed saying of $5 to $10 at Yls6uv lo A3
Tropical Coat and Pant Suit $f E?v SOP1
Aero weaves, worsteds, mohairs, silk mohairs, pongee and Shantung silk suits. I S j j
A great separate room devoted to Zephyr weight summer comfort clothes, at ' to
Palm Beach
Pant I
White Flannel
White Serge $C
Pnf - O
Summer Trousers r
$3.50. 5. 87.50 ;j
Great Underwear Values
$11 go
quality inain
Athletic union
all. sizes to 50
White ; and ecru union
suits, short' sleeve and
ankle length, all sizes,
at $1.00.
Strictly fast color Ma
dras and Percale
gee shirts, sizes
17. The new
Supreme Value Shirts
lower JL
Collar attached shirts
in fine Madras, cords
and Garner, percales.
All fast colors. All
sizes, at $1.50.
Ideal summer comfort shirts. Silk fibre
and imported
. quality, $5
French Madras. High
Largest Showing of Cool Underwear
Featuring a vast range of Athletics in
crossbar nainsook, Madras,' aero weave,
handkerchief cloth and fine silks,
31.50 to 86.50.
Fine Madras, Russian cords, oxfords
Many with separate collars and collar at
tached, $2 to $3.50
White Silk Shirts The style leader of the hour. White
satin stripe crepe, white jersey and broadcloth, 7 and $8. -
Headquarters Straw Hats , Cool Caps ' Canvas Oxfords
$1.50 to $7.50
ft10 M IKV
50c to $6.00