Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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These Bewitching Dresses
For Women and Misses, Special
It is just the se
lection from which
you will love to
choose a dress or
two for the summer
THE summer dresses of bewitching beauty
and appealing youthfulnesa are fash
loned of org andiet and sheer dotted Swiss.
Lovely Colors
of Summer
Are Shows la Cap
tivatia Models.
Coral, Turquolso,
Green, Graf, Brown,
Blue, Tan, Maiso,
Navy, Orchid, Red,
Copon, and all the
new bjfh shades.
Featured in this
group aro the two
eolored organdie
frocks as are the
new round collar ef
fects, collar and res
tee styles, panels,
tunics ana ruffled
Is the Low Sale
Price for Saturday
Second Floor West
Their toft, easily laundered material and
cool, fresh appearance make them indispens
able to the woman who loves cleanliness and
neatness in style. They are very pretty
when worn with sport skirts or for general
wear. Po not allow this low sale price to
A Timely Sale of
for the woman whose occu
pation calls for many
fresh blouses.
suggest a blouse of impractical value. These
blouses are of checked and plain white voile,
made in attractive styles, with hand-drawn
collars; they are finished with the care which
has always been a feature of higher priced
models; priced for thia sale, 1.45
Second Floor" South
Special Presentation of
Canton Crepe
is 6:
Revealing the latest stylo creations for sum
mer wear. Paris must have had a band in the
designing, otherwise, how could they be so
chic, so saucy, so expressive of youth, of
sports and good times. White, sand, old blue,
brown, , black, navy, fashioned of Canton
Crepe with combinations of Duvetyn. Priced
for Saturday Selling, , . " 6.00
Banded Hats, they are specially O A A
priced at 1.00 and . ,
Children's Hats For Saturday selling!
all oar hats that sold up to 6.95; ;
leghorns and eailans, O AA -
each, sfiisVlv
Second FloorEast
Saturday, 200 Smart
Silk Sport Skirts
ThatRegularly SoldFrom 12.50 to$15
For wear during the eotnipr summer
months. Every woman should avail herself
of this opportunity. As the result of our.
great efforts in buying at unusual prices,
ws hava skirts to offer at a price that does ' t
not in iny way indicate wieir menu ncy
are fashioned of such fabrics as Faille Xilk,
Fan-ta-si and Moon-Glo Crepe; in black 'and
white and smart colors; plain and pleated
models. One of those) skirts worn with
classy sweater completes the modern woman's
sport dress. Saturday
Second Floor -Center ?
For Coming
Warm Weather Days
Women's Suits
of Shantung
Smartly unpretentious In their natural color
ing and almost geverely slenderizing sil
houettes are a limited number of new
arrivals in Shantung suits for warm OO CA
weather days. Priced at LLOv
Wonderful! Genuine!
Hand Carved
Direct Imports
for Saturday
50c to 32
Unmounted; beautiful in color) those rich
browns and cream colored cameos; per
fectly cut; sizes for small rings, scarf pins
and brooches,
4 Great
Your Choice 1.00 Each
Jewelry Specials
Beads Beads of all colors and ef
fects; both in jet and combina
tions; the rich dark red graduated
with tassel, pearl; coat chain of
jet; worth 1.50 and 2.00 ff
special, each, eVV
Pearl Ear Rings Oriental Pearls;
solid wax filled; finest gold filled
wires; special, 1 f(
X eW
per pair,
White Stone Bar Pins Dainty
scroll designs; set with small
stones; carved, platinum finish;
with safety catch; very 1 ff
special, each, eW
Sterling Silver Closinaiso Enamel
Soft Link Buttons In all the
dainty colors; special,
per pair,
Main Floor East
Continuing Our Sale of
Women's "Munsing Wear 99
Crepes, Voiles, Marquisettes, etc.
Child's "Munsing" Union Suits
Formerly 1.25 to 2.00 69c
Regular 2.00
to 3.00 Values
Union Suits'
Third Floor Center
$5 Star Vibrators
The Way to Health and Beauty
2.00 Thermopak, 2-quart sixei complete with filler; metal lined; keeps
food or liquids hot or cold; for picnics, outings, etc.; fiQr
special, ,
Genuine Gillette Safety Razor-
Complete wittt six Diaaes; in neai
ease; special,
each, R.rnr. R1ad- Pack
age of six blades, never sold, less
than 50c;
Main Floor West
Kodak Specials Saturday
2-A Brownie Camera, O CA
size 2xM, special,
No. 3 Brownie Camera, 'A CA
Vest Pocket Kodak.
xa 1 K.Ri2 V, . aneciaL
No. 2-C Autographie Kodak, with
antastigmac tens, ox e.i-i; sue
IS?' 25.00
Kodak Department Main Floor 'West
Sale o Toilet Goods
Danderine, 60c value, 54
Mentholatum, 25e value, .19
Non-Spi, 60c value, 37tt
Kremola, 1.25 value, at " 89
Lash Brow, 60c value, 39d
Lysol, 50c value, , "' 394
Resinol Soap, 27c value, 23
Cuticura Soap, 25c value, 19d
Chamois, 13x17, 69et
Mavis Talcum Powder,
25c value, 194
Mavis Toilet Water, 1.00
value, 894
Dora Face Powder,
60c value, 494
Energine, .30c value, 244
Pivers' Ason. or La Tre'fle
Face Powder, 1.19 value, 894
Pebeco Tooth Paste,
60c value,
Odorono, 35c value,
Coty's L'Origan Face
Coty's L'Origan Toilet
Water. 4.50 value.
Daggett & Ramsdell's Cold
Cream, 60c value,
Philip's Milk of Magnesia,
60c value,
Williams' Shaving Cream,
85c value,
Mulsified Cocoanut Oil,
60c value,
Main Floor West
A wonderful assortment of Bussells, Premiers, Ophe
lia, etc.; all colors; all fresh, fragrant home grown roses;
priced for Saturday,
Cut Flower Department Main Floor West
Candy Special
Coco Balls, rolled in nuts, delicious fresh soft cocoa
nut dipped in rich cream fondant then rolled in fresh
nuts, regularly 60c, special,
Cream Dipped Fruit Pudding, a rich candy fruit pud
din? dinned in a smooth cream fondant, two flavor.
vanilla and chocolate. Regularly 60ci Saturday, Per Pound
Main Floor West
New Arrivals in Girls' Dresses
Priced for Saturday
3.50, 3.95 to 8.50
June, with its last day of school, graduation exercises, Sunday
school picnic and thousand and one other big occasions, calls for
many crisp frocks.
These frocks are designed with a daintiness and beauty of
girlish atyle that makes them irresistible. They are made of crisp
. pink, green or lavender organdie, beautifully styled and well made;
priced for Saturday selling- 3.50, 3.9S to 8.50
Girls' Fine Wash Dresses
Specially Priced, Saturday
New midsummer models are showing materials
and styles that prove the young girl may be clothed
well at very small expense this summer. Pretty
gingham, plaids, checks, stripes And plain material,
in new and pretty fashions, for Saturday selling-
Second Floor West
"Tom Sawyer" Wash Suits
4.50 to 5.00 Values
Tom Sawyer Wash Suits in Russians, Norfolks, Middies and
Broadfall models. 4.S0 to 5.00 values. Q QC
Sises 3 to 8 years, per suit, OtViJ
Boys' Shirts and Blouses of pleasing patterns in fast
colors. Carefully made in every respect; they fit
properly, are smart in appearance and stylish J ft
for any occasion. Sale price, each, I JC
Boys' Wash Pants of excel
lent wearing material in a
beautiful selection of pat
terns, perfectly tailored,
sizes 6 to 18 years, v A (?
X t-TJ
2.00 values, each,
Tom Sawyer One-Pieee Play
Suits, an excellent value in
blue denim. Just the thing
for boys to play in. 2.00
values, sizes 3 to 10 1 ATZ
years, per suit, s"J
14 IA
Third Floor East
VMaxwaMT hMtaTt IO
Splendid Quality Infants' Shirts
Saturday Special
Splendid Quality Infants' Shirts, fabrics,
are wool, silk and wool, and cotton
mixed; both double-breasted and button
front. Most of these are samples. Sat
urday, each
Third Floor East
Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery
Special, Pair at
Full fashioned; in black, white, brown and
' shoe shades; some are all silk to the top; others
have lisle garter tops; double soles, spliced.
heels; very good quality; special, per pair
Women's Thread Silk Hose Lisle garter tops; semi-fashioned
and full fashioned; in black, brown, navy and gray; Of"
seconds of the 1.75 and 2.00 grades; special, per pair, ssmO
Children's Fancy Lisle and
Cotton Sox Great many
styles; fancy colored tops;
very special, per QE
pair, . OOC
Misses', Children's and Beys'
Three-Quarter Length Hose-
in brown, black, white and
grays good lisle;
very special, pair,
Main Floor South
Mid-Summer Styles in Cool Footwear
Women's Special Saturday
Dainty in appearance and delightful
in comfort are the new summer pumps
and oxfords. You will find a chic and
charming style in our White One
Strap Slipper with Junior Louis
heels, trimmed in black patent leath
er, brown calf, or white kid; priced
at, per pair,
White Strap Slippers and Ox
fords In a variety of styles,
may be purchased at 3,45
4.45 and 5.45.
Suede Slippers
We offer you a style of indi
viduality in our new fawn
two-strap Suede Slipper,
per pair, 11. WW
Summer Footwear for Children Saturday Special
Non-Rip Sandals, Guar
anteed not to ript in
brown, tan and smoked
elk, at,
1.95 to 2.95
Patent Leather Ankle
Strap Pumps
Size 8 to 8, 1 QC I Sizes 84 to O QC
J a. ner nair. &J
per pair,
Sizes to 9 AC
8, per pair, stO
11, per pair,
Sizes 11 H O AC
to t, per pr.,JetaJ
Main Floor West
"The Brimming Clip" By Dorothy Canfieia
It's a big book not high brow, not for a few, but for us all, alive with splendid
characters, vitalized by warm human interest On sale in our Book Depart
ment. Price
Main Floor North