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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JUNE 11, 1921. N tic -eti Anti-Britishers In A. F.L to Seek Irisli Recognition Sympathizers in Federation Prepare Resolutions Which They Claim Will Be Passed by Big Vote. Denver, June 10. Immediate rec ognition of the Irish republic, with drawal of the British troops from Ireland and the refund by Great Britain of the $9,000,000,000 loaned by the United States is demanded in the resolution tentatively drafted by Irish sympathizers to be submitted to the convention of :he American Federation of Labor here next week. This resolution it was learned to Aiv hat keen decided UDon at a meeting of delegates with Irish sym pathies. The committee tnat win complete the document is headed by Peter J. Brady of New York. Much Support Pledged. The Irish sympathies will ask the federation to call upon President Harding to immediately communi cate a message to congress urging recognition of the Irish republic and formally protest against the alleged "barbarious warfare" being carried on by British troops in Ireland. Re payment of the English loan is asked on the ground that British govern ment has failed to pay its interest and was using the money available for this purpose to maintain soldiers to suppress Ireland and "other small nations" and to carry out a great naval expansion program. "Approximately 95 per cent of the delegates to the convention are Irish, sympathizers," said Mr. Brady, who asserted that support to the resolu tion had been pledged by a larger majority. , . Elimination pf jurisdictional and inte-union strikes was the main is sue before the convention of the building trades department of the federation today. Resolutions were presented endorsing the work of the national board of jurisdictional awards, which has been successful in settling a large nuumbcr of jurisdic tional disputes in the building trades during the last year. Will Enforce Decisions. Should the convention endorse this arbitrati6n body, labor leaders said, the United Brotherhood of Car penters and Joiners, which has de fied a decision "of the board, will be compelled to accept the award hand- ea Qown ddiiisi . . ' with the sheet metal workers. In this dispute the board decreed that the sht metal workers were u titled to do the installation of metal frames and fixtures in buildings William L. Hutch:son, president Of the carpenters and joiners, ciaims that his organization is entitled to do this work and -will disregard the decision. - The position taken by the car penters has been declared by John Donlan. president of the building trade department, a menace to the successful operation of the national board. He urged the convention to take action V maintaining that tni eliniination of inter-u-ion controver sies was necessary to stablishing the building industry. Davenport Eastern Star V Installs INew unicers L.-t vK T,m 10. fSoe- eial.) Ipavenport Chapter, O. b. a., No. 2m at the regular communica tion, installed the newly elected offi eervas follows: .Mrs. Flora M. Jennings, wuimj Campbell, worthy patron; Mrs. Josephine Voigt, associate matron; M. M. Jennings, secretary; Mrs. MaryTampbell,- treasurer; Miss ' Josephine Uzzell, conductor; Mrs. Miry Walker, associate conductor; Mrs. Rebecca Minard, chaplin; Mrs. EUa Miller, marshal; Mrs. Mae Row, organist; Miss Ruth Walker, Adah; Mrs. Fannie. McCashland, Ruth; Mrs Lillian Shuler, Esther; Mrs. Atigie Portwood, Martha; Mrs. "Annie Row, Electa: Floyd Row, warder; James 'McCashland, senti nel. ' ' - Austrian Greets Sister First Time in 32 Years ' Brother and sister met for the first time in 32 years Thursday, when Captain -Ferdinand Zimmer of Vienna, Austria, arrived to visit his sister, Mrs. A. Bonoff, 3824 Leaven worth .street. Though a former cap tain in the Austrian army, he was permitted to enter this country be cause he had served with Czecho Sl6vakian, or allied troops. He speaks English and French fluently and intends to become an American citizen. Fairbury Country Club , House Near Completion Fairbury, Neb., June 10. (Spe cial.) The , Fairbury Country club house being constructed on their 80 acre tract a mile and a half south of town, is well under way. The committee has promised completion of the building in time for a Fourth of July celebration. The grounds are wired for electricity and the surplus lhade trees are being cut out. New Church Organized In Revival at Hamlet . Hamlet, 'Neb.. June 10. (Special.) D.. T f Flunoan ft Hastings jvc. j-v - 0 - new Community church at Hamlet 1A jturirtflr i;hirTi timp the church was organized, 120 members enrolled, and vu oapuzea m iw stream near tne cnurcn, i ' Vocational Director Addressee. 138 Graduates fWral Citv. Tune 10. (Special.) One hundred and thirty-eight boys' and girls received eighth grade diplomas at the eighth grade com - mtneement held in this city. The graduates were addressed by u A. Fulrner, state director of vocational education. ' Davenport Pastor Resigns Davenport. Neb., June 10. (Spe cial.) Rev. L.. t. Shatter nas re signed the pastorate of the Meth odist church here to accept a larger Editors of Sixth District Organize York, Neb., June 10. (Special Telegram.) Publishers and repre sentatives of the printing trades met in York today for the purpo.e of organizing the Sixth district of the Nebraska Press association. Ham ilton, Polk, Seward and York coun ties wer .represented by the fol lowing publishers and editors: Miss Chattie Coleman and C. A. West enius. Headlight, Stromsburg: H. M. McGafhn, Fiogress. Polk; C. A. Carlson, republican, Aurora;-A. L. Burr, Register, Aurora: F. A. Mickel, Independent Democrat, Seward; L. L. Slagel, Journal, Mc Cool; F. P. Shields, Waconion, Waco; Thomas Curran, News Times, York; E. H. Bemis, Teller, York; Theodore Ward, Democrat, York, and J. G. Aeden, Republican, York. O. O. Buck of Harvard, sec retary of the state association, F. O. Edgecomb and Tyler Edgecomb of the Geneva Signal, also were pres ent. Organization was completed and the following officers chosen: J. G. Aeden, president; C. A. Carlson and F. W. Mickel), vice presidents; Miss Chattie Coleman, secretary-treasurer. The visitors were guests of the Com mercial club at dinner and after the business session drove over the city and inspected the house and grounds of the Country club. Some.Jobless Women Are Riding on 'Rods' Grand Island, Neb., June 10. (Special.) A large number of men being out of work due to the pres ent unsettled conditions, has caused a large increase .in the number of so-called "floaters, hoboes and bums." Almost every freight train cominf in and eoine out of this city carries a large number of this ck?s of people. The class is not made tip entirely of the male sex, as there are a number of the fair sex included. One peculiar in stance occurred at' a residence lo cated near the canning factory here. While the man of the house was working in his garden, two parties dressed in overalls approached the house and asked if they could use the bath room for a few minutes. They were granted the privilege. They entered the bath room and it was noticed that they were in the same a considerable time. Finally they came out. both neatly dressed as women, and, after thanking the man for -the accommodations, left in the direction of the city. Later he saw them return, going toward the lower Jards, where they undoubt edly again dorined men's clothing and caught a freight train, continu ing their journey. Keith County to Improve About 30 Miles of Highway Ogallala,' Neb., June 10. (Spe-cial.)-The contract for the new state and road from Ogallala to Belmar was kiven to George Mc Ginley, one of Keith counties larg est ranchers. The amount expended may run as high as $70,000, as that is the amount available for road work here-this year. Approximate ly 30 miles of road, part of which is now in quite good condition, will be improved. West Point Couple Married In That City 50 Years Ago VJfut Pninh Neb.. Tune 10. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Larson, niniiwr S(ttVre of Cuminc COUntV. celebrated their golden wedding here. They were married at west roint su years ago and one of the attendants at th peremanv at that time was present at the anniversary, being the best man., i he couple were tne reci pients of many valuable gifts of gold. ' . Schuyler Electrican to Take Charge at West Point YWsf Pnint Nh.. Tune 10. (Spe cial.) Ed Schmidt, who for the past 11 years has been manager oi inc municipal light plant ,in Schuyler, will take the nlace of F. H. Harbi- can, who has been manager of the Nebraska Gas & tlectnc Light CO. of this city. Mr. Harbican has ac cepted a similar position at Blair. Alfalfa Crop Light PairKlirw . .TlinC 10. fSoe- cial.) The farmers are busy cutting the tirst crop ot aitaita. in many m- ctanrpc th V1H is tOO liffht to be gathered with a rake. The idea is to cut the crop to make it possible for a second crop under favorable con ditions, v Guard Gets Equipment Beatrice. Neb.,' June 10. (Spe cial.) A big truck and other equip ment for the National, guard com pany has reached the city. J. he company now numbers about 75 men, and it is planned to increase this number to 100 before fall. Convicted Mail Bandit Conducts Search for Loot Man Taken From Train ,En Route to Prison to Look For Missing Bonds. Sacramento, Cal., June 10. Roy Gardner, mail bandit, sentenced to 25 years imprisonment at McNeils island prison, was taken from the train here today enroute from San Francisco to the prison by federal officials and led to a spot several miles from the city to search for a mail sack, said to contain between $150,000 and $180,000 worth of bonds stolen from a Southern Pacific mail car here on the morning of May 19. According to.Special Agent Barney McShanc the loss of the bonds was not discovered until several "days after the car had been reported entered. Claims Double Cross. McShane said Gardner told the federal officers in San Francisco he hid the sack containing the bonds under a tree near this city tha night before the robbery of another train near Newcastle to which Gardner subsequently confessed. Search under the direction of Gardner failed to reveal the bonds. The bandit told the officers that he had been "double crossed" and that some one else had taken the sack. A further search was made along the banks of a nearby stream, but that also was fruitless. Gardner later was taken to a station near here to be taken to McNeils island. No information concerning the ownership of the bonds was made public here. Planned to Flee. Tli VianHft i a!H in have told the officers that he had secreted the bonds with the intention of secur ing them after the Newcastle train rohfery and leaving for Mexico. The mail car from which the sack was taken was attached to Southern Tacific .train No. 10, on the morning the affair occurred. As the train entered, the city lirnits a signal was given from the mail car to stop. The brakeman running forward saw a man leap off into the darkness and escape. A hurried check was made but according to the officers nothing was missed at the time. Escaped Convict Caught By Cherry County Sheriff Valentine, Neb., June 10. (Special Telegram.) Sheriff C. M. Hahn, while waiting at Crawford, enroute to Valentine with four alleged horse thieves, arrested Earl Pcarsall, alias E. C. Smythe, who broke jail at Val entine May 13, 1920. Pearsall pleaded guilty to obtaining money under false pretenses and was sentenced to im prisonment for fromt one - to five years. He escaped by sawing one of the bars in the window. Pearsall told the sheriff of his travels since escap ing and -says that he has drawn forged and worthless checks wher ever he has been. He says his record shows that" he is wanted in over 100 places for various crimes. Fairbury Camp Ground Fairbury, Neb.. June 10. (Spe cial.) Among the advantages of Fairbury of interest to tourists is the free tamping ground in the city park, where modern cooking equip ments and plenty ot shade and water are furnished. ire You . ' far ' ijy ma v'W Consider Yourself. Lucky Indeed to Be Able to Buy Such ALL WOOL Fabrics ' Made to Your Measure, at May we not emphasize the importance of having your next suit made to measure. Every suit is made in our own shops and we guarantee perfect fit and satis faction with every order. 1,000 different all-wool fab rics are ready for your inspection in all the season's latest colorings. Come in and look 'em over. ( We A r e Ta i 1 o r sN o t Agent s N. W. Cor. 15th and Harney Sts. Open Saturday Evening Till 9 p. m. 1 , Barker's Determined CLEARANCE of All Boys' 1 and 2 Pants Suits This is Omaha's greatest clearance event in boys suits. 350 boys' suits must go Saturday. The majority are' all' wool and worth twice their selling price. ' About one-half of this vast assortment are two-pant suits. . These values are yet to be equaled. Supply your boy now with the season's needs select from an assemblage of boys' $15.00 and $20.00 suits at . arker Clothes 2d Floor Securities Bldg. 16th and Farnam Sts. lQ) Omaha Manufacturers' Body Fills Vacancies on Board Following a luncheon on the roof garden of the M. E. fcmith & to. building, at which they were guests of the Smith company yesterday, the board of directors of the Omaha ftfanufacturers' association elected the following men to fill vacancies in their board: t C. E. Corey of Corey-McKenzie company; A. J. Eggerss, Eggerss O'Flyng company; T. B. Coleman, Pittsburgh Paint and Glass com- fianv: Cart Voetfle. Omaha Steel Works; A. J. Vierling, Paxton-Vier-ling Iron Works; T. F. Norton the T. F. Norton company; O. C. Willis, Armour & Co. Rouge, Short Skirts Taboo At Exercises of Convent Rouge, lipstick, artificial eye brows, low-necked blouses, tight and short skirts and exaggerated hair djess in fact all the so-called im modesties of modern dress will be taboo at commencement week ex ercises at Mount St. Marys convent, Fiftienth and Castelar streets. This request was made to alumni and school girls in a letter from the nuns, calling attention to the require ments of the church in the matter of women's dress. Salesman Hurt by Truck While on Way. to Station While on his way to the Union station at 2:45 yesterday afternoon, Bert Hannah, salesman, Chicago, was struck bv an Omaha Crockery company truck, driven by G. P, Spencer, 321fi California street, at Twelfth and Jackson streets. Hannah suffered a fractured arm, body bruises and cuts about the. head. He was taken to St, Joseph hospital. Spencer was arrested for reckless driving and released on bond. ) Tinfoil, weighing 74 tons, and col , . j .i Ar . . . has enabled a fraternal organization to endow nine beds in London hospitals. Wool Jersey Suits On Sale for $12.95 Others to $89.50 , Well tailored suits in shades of brown and blue. Equally good for traveling and sports wear. . Every Other Suit Regardless 4 ot us t ormer rrice is in me of These Three Groups JLJ V On for $45, $75 or $98.50 So varied were the spring styles that this sale promises satisfaction to every taste, and it in cludes all of our exclusive hand-tailored suits. A Charge for Alterations A Saturday Special Silk Boot Hose for Only 75c a pair Pure thread silk boots with lisje tops, double toes and heels. These are Wayne Knit hose and so their wearing qualities are assured. Black and white only an un usually fine value for 75c a pair. Saturday a Selling of Hand Made Blouses for $3.95 Soft undressed batiste blouses that will not muss easily sewn entirely by hand and de signed to display very tiny tucks, fine hand hemstitching, pleated frills and touches of real lace. White or ecru blouses are included in Saturday's sale. The Store For Bloutei Third Floor With Regard to the Neckline When a suit is worn as a dress, these carriisole vestees will prove in dispensable. Net and lace vests on a net foundation have a separate collar to match. " Other vests show various uses of organdy, net and real lace. Small collars for suits and dark dresses combine filet or Irish with net. Chiffon Is' a Graceful Fabric Pastel Bhades for dancing frocks and evening dresses may be had. Com binations of two and three colors are delightful. Center . AUle Main Floor Summer Dresses That Vary Greatly The inexpensive morning irock of gingham or voile, the,, very simple organdy or dotted Swiss and the beautiful hand made organdies from Corbeau. Every summer occasion finds an appropriate dress in our complete displays. There are dainty wash frocks for $1 5, others for $85 and up Apparel Sections Third Floor Bed Sheets for $1.49 Each Are Exceptional Bleached, seamless bed sheets made of extra heavy muslin, size 81x90 inches, are specially priced Saturday for $1.49 each. Athletic Suits Saturday $1.79 Athletic union suits made of . fine nainsook, with silk mull tops, will be placed on sale Saturday for $1.79 a suit. Second Floor Toiletries Priced Lower Djer Kiss talcum for Saturday, 19c. Hughes' double - bristle Ideal hair brushes for Saturday, 89c. Coty's face powder in all shades, 85c. Woodbury facial' soap, 19c a cake. Hair Nets 50c a dozen Sonia and Opera nets, cap or fringe shapes in all colors. Notion Main Floor Gloves for the Bride Trefousse French kid gloves are the most ac ceptable of fine gloves. The. sixteen - button length are $9 a pair, the twelve-button, $8 a pair. Sixteen-button ; length Kayser's wash able silk gloves are $3.25 a pair. Lower Prices on LACES Short lengths in laces that vary from two to six-inch widths. Ve netian, net topped and heavy Irish crocheted lace will be sold Sat urday for very low prices. Center AUle -Main Floor Leather Bags for Much Less Flat envelope or regu lar shapes, all most at tractive, are economi cally priced. Notion Main Floor Embroidered White Voiles 69c a Yard Plain and lace weaves e m b r o i dered with small, attractive pat terns (38 inches wide), for only 69c a yard. Linen Section Pure Linen Handkerchiefs Inexpensive An embroidered linen 'kerchief for 60c, 75c or $1 is a very pleasing value. Pure linen hemstitched squares are 25c to 50c each. Colored linen hanker chiefs, so attractive with suits as well as summer frocks, 60c each. North Aitle Mein Floor Silks for Present Wear Have Attractive Reductions Foulards Saturday $249 a yard Twenty-five pieces of our best forty- inch foulards in many new patterns and every desirable shade. For travell ing as well as afternoon wear a foul ard frock is desirable. Novelty Skirtings $.95 a yard Plaids and stripes in colors and in .white may be had for quite a bit less than former prices. Sport Flannels $2 and $2,50 a yard : White, poppy, Kelly green, Copenha , . gen, rose and stripes of black and white and colors. - White Footwear White kid pumps with a single wide strap over the instep are daintily made with, hand-turn soles and Louis heels. $13 a pr. White oxfords are shown in Nile cloth ' with light welt soles and military heels, $8.50 a pair. Woven Madras for 75c a yard This excellent madras shirting -with woven patterns in fast colors, 32 inches wide, is of fered in a large selec tion of new styles for 75c a yard. Second Floor II I charce at Parkersburg. la. The vacancv at this placn-his not yet . ' . 4,