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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1921)
14 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921. Classified Advertising Rates It per Jin (count ill word to lint) t day II ptr lint per dir. I consecutive day lit ptr lin per dy, T consecutive dirt 14c per lin per day, 19 eonseeutiv day No ad 4aken for leas than a total ct IS. These rate apply ithr to th Dally tr Sunday Bt. All advertisement ap pear ia both nomine and avening daily (Xpert (or th on cbarg. CONTRACT RATES ON , APPLICATION l Want ad accepted at lot following of fit.; MAIN OFFICE 17th and rarnam 8ts. South Bid 4DI& South 24th 8t Council Bluff It Seett fit. Want" ads received by phone atlantic 1000. i THX BEE will not b responsible for nor than on incorrect inacrtion of an advertisement ordered for mora than on tima. CLOSING HOURS FOR WANT ADS. trenlng Edition U :4S A. M. Morning Edition..... 8:00P.M. Sunday Edition 9:00 P. M . Saturday DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. GREEN Mr. Anna, beloved wlf of J. . ., y. Oreen. She la survived, besides her husband, by daughier. Gertrude. I " f.,....l ....rHut mnrninv fr.nm l-t. ! drnre of T. C. Green, 127 Emmet St., at 1:30 a. m., to Sacred Heart church at a. m. Interment Holy Sepuh'her ' remetery. ilVES George P,. jr. aged 19 years, te ' loved inn of Mr. and Mra. Utorm P. - Ive. ei. 208 8. 2th St. Funural from All Saints church Mon day 2:30 )). m ; remains In state at ' Cote end McKay parlors until tlma of "funeral. HAOKftTY The funeral cf .Madallnc .'.Hagerty. aged 19 yearn, will be held 'ffaturday. till a. m, from the family " "residence. S0 N. 2th, St.. to St. Johns church 1:30 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. LODGE NOTICES. MEMBERS of North Omaha Lodge, No. AH, Degree of Honor, ar reiueated to . attend tho funeral of Joaephlne Lang paul, 'from family residence, 1161 6. 13th, Saturday at 1 p. ni. Ma Loseph, Chief of Honor, Hatel Ryan. Recorder. . FUNERAL DIRECTORS i -STACK & FALCONER OMAHA'S BEST "AMBULANCE Biclsl a Thirty-third and Farnam. TlHULSE & RIEPEN FIONBER FUNERAL DIRECTORS. -T01 Sooth lh St. Jackaon K2 : HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker and Embalniera. ;rhqne H. III. Office 11 rarnim. FUR AMBULANCM caTl Market oTsO. Korlaku Funeral Home, 83d and 0 Sta. f FLORISTST JLEB-L.LARMON :llf Twugla St. Douglaa 1244. i.. Hendereon. 1519 Farnam. Jackson 1268, JOHN BATH. UI4 Farnam. D. 1MI. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. 1 7 nirl,a '' P. T. and Kathryn Dolan, SloeHEvane , street, girl. . ... Thomas and Louis Andrew, ' 3105 Eacltol avenue, eri rl. E. Max and Mary Pitch, 4311 Larlmore (avenue, boy. 1 Charles and Freda Larson, 2614 Xorth 'Twenty-fifth atreet, hoy. ! Lawrence and Arlcne King, S10S X iai,..i knV , John and Mint Mann, ihlrrat, boy. 'Ear and Halen Rigby, 'fourteenth atreet, boy. ' Tony and Sara Calabria, ittreat, girl. - Martin and May Bergln, 160! Haacal 1241 Sou 2213 Pierce 2241 Pierce iStreet, boy. Ray and Bess Gano. 2422 Leaven avorth atreet, uoy. ' Clarence and Haiet Calabria. 1111 .Bblrley atreet, girl. I J' Oustof Edwin Hekenson, 4T, 111 North . fcbc leant b. street. . Ou Chlvera, IT, hoepltal. .tames Frampton, Jr., JS, hospital. "I William Kelly, 66. hospital. ,; Sarah Ontman, I, hospital. . MARRIAGE LICENSES. ! George H. Young, 44, De Moines. Ia find Harriett Ford, 61, Des Moines, la. ': Herbert I. Cramer, over 21, Omaha, and .Kettle Mahrenholti, over II. Omaha. : BoJIalav Cermak, 10. Omaha, and Jo 'epha Vyhnanek, 20; Omaha. ': Zack Anton, 42, Omaha, and Margaret iFay, IT, -Omaha. U Charles T. Hlgglns. 40. Hastings eb., .And LHIIan ft. Johnsoa. 13. Portland. Ore. T. M. Christ P. Nielsen, over 21, Omaha, 'and AmoHa Jensen, over 18, Omaha. Henry Nlcholaison, SO, Omaha, and Jes 'aie O. Salyarda. 10. Omaha. Hobart O. Fulbright, 24. Omaha, and (Victoria Clen P. Lion, 24. Omaha. ' William Buek, 27, Omaha, and Anna gelle-Alien. 20, Omaha. joSTrFOUNDAND REWARDS IlrOR ARTICLES LOST on atreet eara tale- !'. ttere loat artlrl to rightful owners, . OMAHA 4k COUNCIL BLUFFS BT. RY. i y COMPANT. I Eo T a toy Boston bulldog on Park Ave., ti near Nicholas Senn hospital. Answer to name Billle; I2e reward. Tel. Corlnn Condon. Her. 4326 or Her. 0404. IjETWEEN Brandels, South Side, pearl I sunburst with diamond In canter, valued I- as keepsake. Reward. Market 36 jr.OST Fur neck plec in the Henshaw , cafe. Call PO. 4117. Reward. CLOVER leaf pin with pearl; reward. Call Webster 1981. 'TORTOISE shell glasses. Market 3672. i FOUND A parrot. Cajl WA. 3272. SPECIAL NOTICES. t CONCESSIONS WANTED FOR JULY 4 : Merry-go-round, ferrts wheel, stands, I' novelty stands, side show of good char ' iptKK ihahv packs or, aiivthins else in VI thia line. Only town In a radius of 40 i- miles that I celebrating Writ to Sc. ..Vjnerlcan Legion ctleDration iom, 'V Fontanel!, Ia. CONCESSION MEN AND SHOWS ATTEN- TION. Wanted elean concessions, free t tractions, merry-go-round, ferrl wheel, " motor dome, etc., for big American ? Lgion celebration at Emmetsburg, la., ' ;larT-emd t. Write for reservations 'Harisirtain what you have to Wjn, .W. ---lw-T-'hairman. i-.iFH;RG celebrates July Fourth. 'iit-Jiav you In th;. Ka' u eences- Ji j.'i , uei in eariy. uwntra ot . r-i.-rv-ao-rounds get busy. For In formation writ Earle J, Wright, Stroms Wr. Neb. ilOlSTON hotel. Gothenburg. Neb., un- 'l.der new management: dining room will f open June 6; rates 12 60 per day and VP. Th place that ttcKles your pal .! ate. Stven Stevens, Proprietors. PERSONAL. SHE SALVATION Army Industrial home f solicit your eld clothing, furniture, macaalna. W collect We distribute ' Phoo Doug. 4116 and our wagon will I fall. Call and InspSet our new horn, : lU0-1ii:-lU4 Dodge St IrRAINED nure will take old people or tnvelr to nr noma, i-rice reasonaoie. X-61 Bee. . Iay IT, WITH FLOWERS FROM HESS A SWOnODA. 1415 FARNAM STREET. tK'iOLET ray and maasag. Minnie John . on. - 2226 Farnam. Douglaa 1144. EAVING. Old rugs remade. AT. 1431. 'lASSAGE 210 North Seventeenth Street, edish massage, masues.209 S.10.D.H7T. .RENT Hoover vacuum. II up. Wal. 1147. ' SELECT P.O massage. Ill Neville Block. LECTRIC bsths and massage. Web. 211. JMASSAGE. Emma Brott. At. 3768. .MASSAGE Call-Douglas 549. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. .tACCORDAUN. side, knif. (unburst, box t. pleating, eord button, all else and j tyta; kmstltchlng. plojt edging. 1 let cut work, buttonhole, pennants, '! Ideal Buttaa and Pleating Co.. 101 Brown Blk. Jackaon 1121. eb. Pleating 4k Button Co.. 1101 Paraara Bt. Id floor. DOUgISS 16TO Contractors. " (OARAGE, f 100 and up; house remodeling, 'Y screen porches, new and repair werk; l satisfaction guaranteed. W. Stephens, 440 3. 22d. Market 0627. Conetiers. 1XATTIB Putnam Nubone Coreet Shop. I. tk.-k T , I- A. 9 l2 Karbaeh Blk., At. 292 v Dancing Academies. Learn to dance riort. . Fancy. Stag and Ballroom t Dancing 'I'aught ' Treason by Appointment " XMPRCSS RUSTIC OARDEN. " ImprtM Thester. Atlantic 646. .. . V a -, , . r..-'K i . . v ...... BRINGING UP I TOLD VOU ONCE THAT I D NOTIVE "OU ANY MONEY AND THAT 'bETTLE.i IT.' ANNOUNCEMENTS. Detectives. RELIABLE! Detective Bureau, Railway Ex. Bldg. JA a05. Night Col. 3S12. JAMES ALLAN, lit Nevlllo Blk. Evldanc aecured In all caaea. Atlantic 1136. Dressmaking. Dreaamaklnit. Call Harlay hotel, Room J4J. Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Writ for prlcca, The, EnatgD Co.. MOT Howard St. FILMS developed, one-day aervlc. Studio. 213-29 Neville Dili. Kase BRITT Prlntina; Co., f Klka Bids. Furs. WEJ remodel your fura and make them Ilk new. Fur atored and insured against all losses. KNEETKK ALASKA Fl'R CO., I0J 8. ISth. Doug. 7111. Labor and Building. WE can build you a good garage for siou. we also deliver kindling. Mn-klln Lumber & Wreck Co., 24th and 3ur- aeite. -Tveoster 669.' Painting and Paperhanging. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling, floori wuxea, wan paper cleaned, walnut 4Z1 ALL kinds of palntinr and naoar lianelnu. work iruaranteed.L. P. Mortensen.D. 4C. PAINTINO, paperhanging and wallpaper Cleaning, J. au. Walnut 45(17. Patent Attorneys. PATENT ATTORNEYS. J W. MARTIN, patent atty 1T14 Dodge, Miscellaneous Announcements. FRANK DVFKK. 604 HICKORY ST., REOPENED FOR BUSINESS MEATS, GROCERIES, DIAMONDS"" par th b ilAJUU J-Opnc, w)th- urlvllegi to buy back at email profit. GROSS JEWELRI CO 402 N. 16th St. Doug, lae 6049. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 27th and Martha Sta., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronie, aluminum and machine gray. Iron eaatlngs. RAZOR BLADES sharpened. Single, 26c; double edge, 45c doz. Mall order so llelted. Omaha Sharp Co, 101 N. 16th. NEW and rebuilt electrical apparatus. LeBron Electrlo.. lis 8. 12th St.. Omaha, FLAT TIRE ? CALL D. 603. WHITBLEY, The TIRB MAN. 320 S. 18th. RO(eR8 Confectionery Store," 24th and Farnam St., Jackson 0127. Orneha Towel Supply. 207 S. 11th. J A. 0521 FOR SALE. Furniture and Hounsehold Goods. ELECTRIG washing machine, new, slight, ly scratched In shipping. About half pries. Omaha Van and Storage Co., ISth and Leavenworth. TJouKlas 4163. OMAHA PILLOW OO. Mattreaeee made over in new tick at half the price of new beds. 1907 Cuming. Jackson 2467. BED DAVENPORT. Kenwood 0428. Pianos and Musical Instuments. MUSTXRAISE MONEY. Will sacrifices 71 brand new 27J rhonographs. 62-inch cabinet at 1S9.60, which Is half of regular wholesale priee. Come in and look them over. Thi Is not only a big bargain, but a good investment. Many other bargains. Regular exchange, 15c; exchange rec ords. 39c. 3 for 11. Open evenings and Sunday by appointment. Shlaes Phono graph Co, 1404 Dodge. Two doors east of V. r. headquarters. GEORGE A. SMITH Dealer in drums. xylophones, etc.. instructions, repairing, Address 2741 Davenport 8t. for catalog. Phono Harney 2967. Try Smtth'a pedal. BIGGEST phonograph bargain in Omaha, Bnlees Phonograph Co. 1404 Dodgo. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES. All MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sola agenta for th CORONA, Oct our price before you uy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Jackson 4120. 1912 Farnam. PROTECTOGRXPHS, V. 4k B,'a; bargains, til Farnam Bldg. Miscellaneous Articles. SOWING MACHINES" W rent, repair, eel! needle and parte. MICKEL'S . 16th and Horney. Doogiaa 1971, TRUNKS and traveling goods, at low prices- will take your old trunk In on a new one; we do repairing. Alfred Cornish & Co., 1210 Farnam St. WB buy, sell safes, make deaka. ahow cases, etc Omaha Fixture & Supply Co, 8. W. Cor. Uth and Douglas. JA. 2724. A A BARGAINS. 11th Farnam. klZlJ. JikJ j, j. parlght Safe Co. MOTOR boat, reasonable. AT. 2463. WANTED TO BUY. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1207 Farnam. D. 1141. WANTED SITUATIONS. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch th Domeatlo column of Th Bee. Lota of good place ar alwaya advartlsed. Don't mlsa them. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi tion in small town. Good references. Box 116, Carroll, Neb. ELDERLY lady wishes position on farm in family. 1614 Fort St., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Position as housekeeper bv middle-aged woman. Phone Hur. 6210. COLORED lady, want work: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Call Web. 6034. POSITION a bookkeeper. Wal. 2164. Laundry and Day Work. BUNDLE washing at home. Web. 3804. DAY WORK, 40 and 45c. Web. 2366. HELP WANTED MALE. Professions and Trades. WANTED One blang book forwarder. One blank book finisher. One atock cutter. One flat plate itereotyper. One ruler. Steady work and good wages and working condition. Open shop. Wir applications and references at our ex. pense. , Hall Lithographing Company, Topeka. Kan. WANTED Non-union lintovp operator permanently, for day and night work. Address American & News, Aberdeen, S. D. MOLEIt BARBER COLLEGB. 110 Bo. 14th. Write for catalog. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Experienced aaleaman to rep resent an established line and concern in northern N'ebrsska; salary and expense proposition. Address Box Y-155S, Omaha Pe WANTED Man to sell auto insurance. Call Friday or Saturday thu week. A. B Quigley. Fenford Hottel. Bee Want Ads Produce Result,. FATHER ...0 HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. A large middle-western concern desires the services of several high-class salesmen to sell a complete line of heavy service cotton goods. Duck, canvas, drills, waterproof ma terials, bleached and dyed goods to the re tail, manufacturing and repair trade. This is a splendid op portunity for hard working, intelligent men. Ambitious young men without road ex perience will be con sidered. Address Mr. Rankin, P. O. Box 921, Toledo, Ohio. Miscellaneous. 1.000 MEN WANTED TO WEAR Uncle Sam's Shoes at 12.90 Per Pair. MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. 70S N. 16th. WANTED Experienced A No 1 Job com positor, steady position to right party. 416 So. 14th St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. GIRLS to prepare for gov. bookkeeping nu sienoprapmc positions, gi.ion to 11,400 to start. Our personal Instruc tion qualifies you quickly. Write Bee, Box A-29. Professions and Trades. WANTED Ladlea to learn barber trad. special rates and Inducement. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Household and Domestic. WANTED Girl for general housework, best wagea, reference required. Call at 1234 South Tenth atreet, or phone At lantlc 0377. Mrs. Joseph N. Metcalf. GIRLS Watch th Domestic Column of The Bee Want Ads. Good, well-paid and homelike places always advertised. WAITED A competent white cook, ref erences required. Apply Mrs. Ward wurgess, 123 N. 22d Street. WANTED Elderly white woman to assist wirn general housework. Go bora nignts. t.all Harney 6183. Miscellaneous. FOOD FOR' THOUGHT. In the tiresent business conrtltton those who can do more than one thing are in demand. Comptometer knowlodge in t neavy to carry nor tedious to ac Quire, but it paye big dividends. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. Day and Night Courses. Douglas 1493. 40J Mickel Bldg. "The School That Graduatea Expert." HELP WANTED. Male and Female. CLERKS (men, women) over 17, for pob tal mall service. 120 month. Expert ence unnecessary. For free particular ot examinations, write J. Leonard (for mer civil service examiner) 909 Equit- ao'Q oing., wasnington, o. t:. WANTED Men, ladlea and boys to learn .barber trade; big demand; wage whll learning; strictly modnrn. Call or writ 1401 Dodge St Trl-Clty Bnrher College. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE Well established battery business In town of .00. Exlde agency. Address Box Y-1567, Omaha Bee. WANT to hear from owner having busi ness for sale. J. C. McConney, 1102 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Couple to be married In public in the city soon. . Liberal Induce ments. Bee. Box A-Jl. PARTNER wanted iu bus line business, one who can drive, with 1300. Box X-54, Bee. FOR SALE Pool room. For particulars write J. P. Ilelnts. Creston, Neb. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL NIGHT "CHOOU Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, eomptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wire less telegraphy, civil aervlc and all English and commercial branch. Write, call or phone Jackson 1665 for large Illustrated catalog. Addreit BOYLES COLLEGE, Boyle Bldg.. Omaha, "eb. Van Rant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 321 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas III. GLASGOW, ANNIE E., voice and piano. 603 Karbaeh Block. . Jackson 1011. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR ROOMS T Or have you planned on making a change, which will b more convenient for youT If so, then call The Be Want Ad Dipt. Tyler 1000. and we will ..ot only furnish you with a complete room list ot choice vacant rooma In Omaha, but also keep your number on our ' Want to Rent" list for further refer, enc in case you. wanted t make an other change. Theae Hat ar absolutely free of charge to all reader and adver tisers of The Omaha Bee and published olely for their convenience and benefit. Call any time. Atlantio 1000. Want Ad Dept DESIRABLE furnished room, private fam ily, gentlemen preferred. 701 N. 27th Ave., Harney 4963. TWO NICE front rooma, modern, private home, walking distance. Harney 2427. FURNISHED room with sleeping porch; beautiful home; 5 wk. Gent. HA. 6524. LARGE modern front room. 1 large closets, convenient for two. Harney 8823. NICE front room, modern private home, 111 month. 4020 Cass. Walnut 3612. NICELY fur. room, Minne Lusa bunga low, H block to car, ref. Ken. 1114. NICE front room. private family. 26S1 N. 14th St. line, reasonable. NEWLY furnished, large rooma; strictly modern; SOU Chicago. Harney 1049. NICE room for ! or 2 gentlemen, in private home. 819 S. S3d. H. 6616. EMPLOYED girl want roommate to share nice furnished room. Harney 1590. SOUTHEAST front room for gentlemen; private family. Kenwood 3912. NICE cool room, south and eaat exposure, suitable for two. Walnut 6945. 2J02 DEWEY Ave. south front room for tn-o. Walking distance COZY. cool. mod. rm. Private, pn. 7442. a ,mal, tu,Pn( rmt. n;0 c.pitoi Av. !. A- . ,uri .I Registered S. Patent Offle U. BY 'ou.y:ma6oe ) ENOUH,MOMEY TO OT.SICK, ON LOLLY - POPti? FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. 2124 Douglaa. Nice sleeping room. ROOM for gentlemen. Har. 4326. Housekeeping Rooms. New Light Housekeeping Modern, Convenient, Fire proof Apartments. Rent $42.50 Per Month Light, airy living room, private bath to each apartment. Kitchenette with stove. Icebox and cabinet furnished. A separate clothes cloeet, with wall bed Installed. You only need a small amount of furniture to make these rooms very homelike. These apartments are 10 minutes' walk from downtown dietrlet. One block to car lines. Drake Rental Agency 121 Drake Court. i!l and Jones. Telephone 2806. CALL FOR COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSE- KEEFINO ROOMS IN CITT. WE HAVPJ THE BEST IN CITT. CALL TYLETl 1000. WANT AD. ASK ABOUT OUR BEE ROOM LIST. PUBLISHED EVERT WEEK FREE OF CHARGE FOR THIS BENEFIT OF OUR ADVERTISERS AND READERS. ATLANTIC 1000. WANT AD. TWO gentlemen wish housekeping rooms, furnished; best of reference given. Doug, 7166, between I a. m. and 6 p. m. SUITE of for two. 2S1S. rooms, unfurnished, suitable Private entrance. Kenwood TWO pleasant rooms, furnished for light housekeeping. 2503 Bristol, wk. 2805. 2012 N. II Nicely furnished rooms. No objection to small children. W. 0803. 2C27 HARNBY Large airy, r.ewly pa- pered housekeeping rooms. DO. 4511. NICE clean housekeeping rooms at 211 N. 18th St. 2 LARGE rooms. Apply 22014 N. 23d St. 2019 ST MARYS AVE Housekeeping rms. Priced right. Mod., priv., all new. DO. 7442 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. KEnwood 0428. Board and Rooms, FOR CHOICE BOARD AND RM. WATCH THE BEE WANT ADS. AND IF YOU DO NOT FIND WHAT YOI7 WAN IN THE WANT COLUMN CALL AT. 1000 AND ASK ABOUT OUR COMPLETE LIST OF ROOMS. Two oool rooms, each suitable for two, with board. Special Sunday dinners at 60c HILLSIDE INN, 2124 Davenport. ROOMS AND BOARD Room and board, 18.50 week: modern, close In. Douglas 7605. 1107 Pacific. Hotels. BUSINESS lady wishes same or middle aged lady to share large, pleasant room at hotel. Occupant away all day. Box X-66, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT HOUSES. Furnished. WILL share fur. home with couple or 2 girls employed; reas. Webster 3954. Unfurnished. 6-ROOM furnished apt., close in, available June II to Sept. 16 to couple without children, gut-edg rerrence requirea. X-68, Bee. 7-ROOM modern, close to Fontenelle park, t block to car line, 6 or 3 3 month lease to responsible people. Call Ken wood 6272. FOR RENT APTS. AND FLATS. Firnished. MODERN housektening apt. also sleeping 410 Sweetwood Ave., near 26th and Harney. Unfurnished. Portland Apartments. Five large rooms and hall, new ly decorated, splendid condition throughout. Apartments No. 1 and No, I available now, Payne & Carhaby Co., 616 Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. Jackson 1016. Peters Trust Company, Specialist In apartment management MODERN Apt., 2 rooms, kitchenette and bath. Janitor service. 46.00. The Persh ing, 82.1 8. 24th. TWO modern 4-room apts. ; close In. G. P. Stebblns, 1610 Chicago. FOR RENT Business Property FOR RENT Modern store, bins, 1410 Chicago. G. P. 8teb- SEE F. D. WEAD. 110 . 1ITH ST. FOR RENT COMPTOMETER. FOR rent, comptometer. Douglas 163. MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVE IT YOURSBLF. s Do you buay peopl know es pecially those who have to put in a full day' worn that you ean rent a one-ton Ford truck and Drive It Yourself night, or day and do all your trueking or moving. Handle your own stuff and cut your cost half la two. W never close. Drive It Yourself Co. 1314 Howard. Jackson 1421 FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN CO. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD C-Ortnn AND PIANOS, REASONABLE : RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 1107-11 Howard St Jackson 0211. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos, moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 101 South 14th. Deug. 4141 METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bow en Co. Atlantio 1400. UNION TRANSFER CO. Let us estimate your moving, parking and storage. 1605 Davenport. JA. 2901. HORSES AND VEHICLES. For Sale. TEAM of mares, wagon, harnesa, I acre corn, 1 acre potatoes. Kenwood 2211. HORSE for sale. 225. 1622 Nicholas. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings, 11.60 per 100, del. , w. wegner, sot pi. mm. do. 1141. WHEAT screenings 14.60 per 100; del. w. wagner, sot in. itn. i'. ws. R. I. R. CHICKS, 15c each. Black 4111. 215 Vine St., Council Bluffs. LAYING hene. II piece. KE. 3246. LIVE STOCK. JERSEY heifer, fresh 1 wk. KE. 4310-5. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. USED cars, bought, sold and exchanged. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 2210 Farnam St. NEW and used cars bought and sold. fSoldstrom Auto Balea 1.11 Harnev. 147 takes my late Scripps. Booth, I, very .jj;n condition. Atlantic 1500, s V. rl LOLLY-POPtf SEE JIGC5 AND MAGCIC IN rUU. PACE OF COLORS IN THE SUNDAY DEE MR.JI;iS'YOU OON'T LOOK HAPPY - ERACE U: WHY DON'T YOO fl BORROW?, vf ' j: bv Int l' fcatumi Siftvict. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE YOUR OWN TERMS And jou will be surprised when you see the low prices an1 the "QUALITY CARS" W are showing this week. Everything from Fords to Cadillacs, They are genuine good motor cars at lesa than HORSE AND WAGON PRICES . From 100 up. They won t last long as no reasonable offer win be refused. 'NEBRASKA OLDS MOBILE CO., HOWARD AT ISTH STREET. 1920 BUICK COUPE Wire wheels. Kelly-Springfield eerd tires. Owner will sacrifice if taken at once. NEBRASKA BUICK AUTO CO. 19th and Howard. Tyler 1769. Oakland Coupe. Here Is a fine little 4-passenger coupe, Just like new In every respect. Fully equipped. Including slip covers, motormeter, bumpers, extra tire tube and cover, shock absorbers, etc. All tires are brand new and you can scarcely tell the car from a new one. Guaranteed In every respect and a bar gain for someone, ran uouglaf 1970, Guy L. Smith. BE SURE TO ATTEND ' THE USED CAR SALE AT THE PETERSON MOTOR CO., 2711 Farnam St ALL THIS WEEK Open evenings. Harney 6066. WK sell "used, not abused cars," That is not all we will buy your ear for cosn and sen it back to you on time. SALEADAY CAR CO.. 40th and Farnam. i Open until 9:30 p. m. SOME bargains In used Kord ears. Me- Caff iey Motor Co. Th Handy Ford Service Station, "h and Jackaon, Douglaa 1600. WILL sell my Dodge coupe very reason able, call walnut 6Z5n. Squire's garage. 2619 Farnam St. H. 0644. Repairing and Painting. WHITE garage; gen. auto repair, storage and auto painting; flay ana ntgnt serv ice; all work guaranteed. New manage ment. Glen Morse, 723 S. 27th. JA. 0422. Clltea A Peterson, auto repair. 110 S. 26th. HOLLY, expert auto trimmer. 112 8. 24th, FARM LANDS. Minnestota Lands. iEqu: ITY Land Exchange. Bt. Paul. Minn. Nebraska Lands. WELL equipped 80 acres near Omaha, all crops In, rent cheap. WATTS. II Paxton Block. Omaha. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans. WE have cash on band to loan on Omaha residence. E. H. LOUOEE. INC., 111 Keelln Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1014 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Jackson liOA to 110.000 mad nromotlr. T. D. WEAD. Weed Bldg.. IU 8. 11th St HELD Land Co., real estate, loans and Insurance. 6064 Military Ave. Miscellaneous. HAVE 2 mtgs for trade; one for 2,66, payable monthly, 7 1-5 per cent interest. Also one for 12,200 and some cash to buy a house located and priced right. Call Mr. Tollver, Kenwood 1014, or at RASP BROS., 212 Keellne Bldg. AT. 0721 1ST MORTGAGES bought. Ja. 1180. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Buyers Waiting. for 5 and C-room modern houses: quick sale gusrsnteed If price is reasonable. Phone us today, let's talk it over. D. E. BUCK & CO., REALTORS. 443 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Jackson 2000. Evenings, Nimion. HA. 5942: Perrou, WE. 8832; Buck. KF,. 2814. To buy or sell Omaha Real Estate e FOWLER & M'DONALD 1150 City Net. Bk. Bldg. Jackson 1420 HAVE Inquiries for homes do you want to sell your property? L.iet it witn C. A. Grlmmel, Omsha Nst'l Bk, Bldg. LIST home and Income property wltM GRUENIG REALTY CO., 1418 let Nat. Bk. Bldg. -Jackson 196. WE SPECIALIZE IN DUNDEE HOME C. B. STUHT CO.. City Nst'l Bldg. Douglas ITIT. THE Old Reliable Real Estate Office. M CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1104 Dodge St. Douglas 1141. PTP1717TT1 REAL ESTATE: CiAXVJZlX 1 gall. Bents. Insure 360 Peter Trust Bldg, Jackson 043. LIST with us. W gusrsnte results. STIER REALTT CO.. 71 Bee. DO. 664. LISTINGS WANTED. Western Real Estate Co.. 411 Karbaeh B. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. $200 lot easy terms. Amos Grant Co., 130 Prandeis Th. Bldg. Douglas 8310. LOT at 2576 Pinkney must be sold this month. Street paved, all Improvements In and patd for. Call owner, Ken. 2976, and make your own prlc V a. S I U If - w - . v i l 1' 1921 BY NT L" FtATOHl SlUVICf. INC. 1111161 P" Drawn CiUT'THAT WOULD BEL MURDER AN' i. "U I I y II UWaW aVEL 1 I f " - I tTRON5ER THAN : Inc.' REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED. Acreage. POSSESSION any tlma. 6-rooni house; large ahade trees, garags, small sum mer cottage with view overlooking woods and river; 4 seres land, 1 in orchard; some steek; crops and fur nlshlnga ran go with th place; large living rooms with fireplace; open stair way; cava connected to kitchen; house team heated; first and second story porches on 2 aides; ' mil north of city limits; fine location for the right people; 1.000 down. A. W, Demay, Rosedale, Florence. Ken. 1196. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Brick Business Block. $33,000; Rentals, $3,390. This is a hlgh-elas brick bulldlnr, all stores, no flats; large corner lot and rentals very . low. See us for full particulars. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS. Douglas 2850. 911-20 City National. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Benson. $3,200-BENSON. Has six rooms, city water, gas and electric lights; house in nlc shape. Amos Grant Company, REALTORS. do. mo 210-2-4 Brandel Th. Bldg. Dundee. PRICE 15,250, A seven-room strictly modern borne, located within the beat residence dis trict In Dundee. Can be handled on reasonable terms. Call Jackson 1001. H A. SCOTT COMPANY, 201 McCague Building. Florence, Net ha way. Flor. prop., no colored. KE, 1401 REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES CHOICE, completely furnlahed lake shore cottage. Clear Lake. Ja., season ssun. E. L. Renner, 1628 13th St., Des Moines, Iowa. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT WANTED. Owner of Omaha residence will ac cept C. D's for his clear residence in Walnut Hill District (went side). Six rooms, oak floors and finish, full base ment, 2-etory, paved street, near school anr car line. Offered 80 per month rent. Owner. Bex Y-67, Omaha Be. Omaha Real Eatate and Investments, JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Atlantic 4880. MONTCLAIR DISTRICT Beautiful elose in bungalow. Day labor. South front Price 16.900. Call Jackson 3261. D. E. BUCK CO. buy and sell home. North. MINNE LUSA. A fin home of 7 rooms and bath; new; frame and Kellaston construction; combination living room and sunroom, with fireplac and bookcases: pakieled dining room and splendid kitchen with built-in cabinet work, and break fast room on first floor; 3 large bedrooms with tiled bath; ped estal lavotory on second; brick foundation; full cemented base ment; 19,000; 1,000 cash, bal ance like rent. Charles W. Martin & Co., Realtors, T41 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. AT. OUT. Near Miller Park $1,500 Down Six-room, strictly modern bun galow, 6 rooma and bath on first floor, one room finished on th second floor; oak floors and oak finish, built-in bookcases, full cement basement, furnace heat, nice attic, special built bungalow, 28 feet wide and 62 fret long; rarer end drive; south front and paved street. Payne Investment Co., 137 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. DO. 1710. Sundays call KE. 3227. $4,500. Will handle as low as 1400 or 1600 cash If monthly payment from 140 to 60 can be made. This Is under construction, will b strictly modern and up-to-date. See 2117 N. 49th.- Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO.I110. 110-2-4 Brandels Thea. Bldg. 11,000 CASH PRICE 17.600. MINNS LUSA BUNGALOW. S rooms snd bath; high grade; oak finiah, nicely decorated, furnace heat; an exceptional ly well built double garage which cost 11.650 to build. Owner leaving city. Had asked 18,600, but is anxious to sett before he leaves. Close to car and school. A real pickup. RASP BROS., S12 Keeline Bldg. AT.07J1. JUST LIKE RENT. A six-room strictly modern stucco heme, high snd sightly. may be bought practically like rent. This Is new, Just two blocks from the esr; east front. Atlantic 3601 evening, Douglas 7412 days. Mr. Carse. JEAR KOUNTZ PARK FOR TRADE. Six-room, mod. house; garage; paved street; lot 46x160: east front: renting for 6S per mo. Would take In a good car up to 11,200. Call Mr. Tollver, Atlantic 0721. 4720 N. 39TH ST. Good 6-room house. modern except beat gioo, eaiane monthly. Crelgh, 60S Bee, JA. 000. FOR Th entire real estate, personal property, bills and accounts receivable, equipment and good-will of the Farmers' Union ( Bayard will b sold for cash to th highest bidder on Wednesday, June IS, 1121; at th hour ef ' p. m., by the Board of Directors ef th Farmers' Union of Bsysrd, at th 'effie ef Richard & Carter, Bayard, Neb. Nona but sealed bids will be considered, and said sealed bids must be mailed to Richards 4 Carter, Bayard, Neb-, so that they may b received before the hour and day set for the sale. A certified check for 1C50 mult accompany each bid. Each proapeetfv bidder will have th opportunity of impeding and invoicing the said property after June I, 1921. IRA DOBMER, See. for The Bee by McManu. tepyrigai, international r;w Bervlca Automobiles Fail to Stop Horse Breeding Lincoln, June 10. (Special.) Automobiles have failed to diminish the number of hones in Nebraska according to a report issued by Leo J. Stuhr, secretary of the Department of Agriculture, which shows that there were 1.322,086 horses in 'Ke braska in 1920 against 1,008,378, 10 yean ago. The number of mules also has been on the increase in the last 10 years. In W20 there were 100,203 mules in the state against 63.4U5 in lyiu. The purebred horses in the state number 5,654 and are divided in the following classes: Pcrchersons, 786; Belgians, 552; Shire, 419 Clydesdale, 220; Standard bred, 139 French draft, 121; thoroughbred, 70 all others, 347. Nebraska Highway Booster Leaves for City of Mexico Madison, Neb., June 10. (Spe cial.) Dr. F. A. Long, called the father of the Upland highway, left on a trip which will take him to th City of Mexico. He goes as th Nebraska representative with a party of -Meridian highway officials who plan to extend the Meridian highway from San Antonio to the City oi Mexico. The Mexican government has arranged personal conduct and free transportation from Laredo, The party will be in Mexico about 10 days. Ice Plant at Plymouth Plymouth, Neb., June 10 (Spe cial.) Orth & Co. have their ire manufacturing plant completed. The capacity is one ton every 24 hours, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. $5,800. Adjoining Dundee, strictly up-to-dat bungalow; paving all paid, garage. Amos Grant Co., Realtors, DO. IS10. 130-2-4 Brand. Th. Bldg. Dandy 4-R. Bungalow, N. W. 1 block to car and school. Electric light gas, water. For quirk sale, 360 casn. 136.00 per month. 3,ooo. JASPER JENSEN. Harney 6260 House and 2 Lots. Oak floors, electric lights. ood well, garage, high and sightly, location near boulevard and Fontenelle park. Owner leaving city. Price, 13,260. Terms on parr. TEBBBNS CO. Thone Atlantic 2182. South" FRONT; 6 rooms; sunroom; frame arm stueco nungaiow; garage to match, Alfred Thomas eV Son. Jackson 0064. J. & ROBINSON, real aataU and Invest meat 142 Peters Trust Deug. in?. South. Field Club. S rooms, strictly modern, en raved street and priced absolutely right. Let us show you this one today. 2316 South 36th Ave. Price, 16,100. Reasonable cash payment. Payne & Carnaby Co., 614 Om. Vat'l Bldg. Jaekaon lnlS. HANSCOH PARK DISTRICT Very fine bungalow of five nice rooms and bath, oak finish, large attic and basement. Modern in every respect, full esst front lot, paved atreet. It Is located at 2326 South 36th street. Open for Inspection evenings, 6 to 1 o'clock, and Sunday afternoon. H. A. Scott Company. 207 McCague Bldg. I HAVE a beautiful lot near Rlvervlew park on which I will build a nice home for you if you have a little cash to psy down. Call Mr. Cole, WA. 6422 venlngs, or DO. 7412 days. Miscellaneous. $2,200. This cottage is fairly close In. Has a big lot 60x81; paving all paid; house itself Is five rooms; pretty well arranged: all modern, but the heat. We are open to a proposition anywhere from S50 to 1500 down and 125 to 130 per month. Including the interest. Amos Grant Company, REALTORS DO. 1160. 1S0-2-4 Brandels The. Bldg. The Board of Education will sell at public auction at ten o'clock a. in., Monday, June 13, 1921, four houses located as fol lows; 3032, 8102, 3208 Burt St. and 811 North 31st St. Houses to be removed within 30 days. Terms cash. James L. Dowd, auctioneer- Sale will be held on the premises. For par ticulars of sale, inquire of the undersigned. W. T. Bourke, Secretary, 603 City Hall. SALE Defense Attornev Scores Joyce at Divorce Hearing Counsel for Wife Says He Will Paint Millionaire in True Colors Before End of Tral. Chicago Trihuee-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. Chicago, June 10. "It it were not for the James Stanley Joycei there would be no 'kept' women in this world. Before we get through with this case we will paint him in his true colors." Weymouth Kirkland, chief coun sel for Peggy Joyce, thus closed his dramatic address which he be gan vesterdav in endeavoring to prove to the court that Peggy was entitled to $10,000 month alimony and $100,000 counsel fees. Peggy Joyce stands before this court presumably innocent and pure. entitled to plenty of money tor de fense. They will paint her as black as they can. But when tney are Irvine to make her out an adven turess, a charlatan, a Magdalene, a vampire and enchantreis, a siren uring innocent yog men. remem ber that James .Stanley Joyce left the arms and caresses of Charlotte. Johnson to take up his new play thing. He wai not the poor simple ton he has represented himself to be." Attorney Kirkland demanded that the court protect Peggy's interests in the $250,000 mansion Joyce built for her in Miami. Fla., and which he has recently deeded over to his brother. "Joyce has employed a small army of spies and detectives. He has subsirliesed bellhops, taxicab has subsidised bellhops, taxicab drivers, chamber maids, head wait ers in Europe and America, to bear false witness against his wife. His agents have tapped telephone wires at great expense, blie is entitled to sum large enough to enanie ncr lo prove talse tue cnarges ne makes. "Her husband taught her to spend. He made her believe he was re- . . . r 4., Attn rif . reivinc an income OI jii.uuu.wu a year and he encouraged her to live ud to that scale, sne naa earnca ncr own living, $700 a wek as an ac tress, before her marriage and gave it up to live at the rate of $10,000, which was the minimum Joyce al lowed her from the beginning." Joyce sat through Kirkland s ti rade fuietly. His brother, David U. Joyce, was with him and the court room was nacked. At the request of Alfred S. Austrian, Joyce's at torney, who declared he wanted to question some new witnesses, the hearing was continued to next Wed nesday. No action was taken upon Austrian's informal motion of yes terday that Peggy be brought here from New York to answer ques tions regarding tne aisposnion uj her jewelry. Romance in Origin Of Superstitions The Bride and the Mirror. There is an old superstition, still much in vogue, that a bride ihould not look in the mirror after com pleting her toilet. That is that after eaving the mirror at whicn sne nas Iressed for her marriage she should add some article for her toilet a glove or a ribbon perhaps. This is a survival of the manner in which the ancients regarded their own reflected image which was as a part of their spiritual self their soul, or at least their "external soul." Some savage races so regard their reflections today. The shadow of a man's reflection had to the primitive man a like relation to tne man nim self. They partook of the nature of what the modern "theosophists" call man s astral body. This belief is at the base of the reluctance of conservative savage, and of some old-fashioned civilized people of superstitious turn of mind, to "have their pictures taken" of hv the breakine of a looking glass brings death into the family. It is an inheritance from untold ages of the notion that "the soul goes out of the body with the reflection, is one writer puts it. Now the bride, having partially dressed herself be fore her glass, turns away and com pletes her attire. The reflection of herself partially attired has vanished been drawn back safely into her lf. Ftillv attired she must not ven ture another projection of her exte rior soul, her astral body, lest some accident should happen - it, which might react upon herself, causing death or disaster in the near future. And brides upon their wedding day. like very young children, have sl ays been regarded as particularly susceptible to the iniiu'-rc ot oiacK magic." Copyright, 1921. by The McClur Nwg. paper syndicate. Real Estate Transfers L. Young to Daniel E. Rilev. Wirt at , 266 ft . of 21th t, a. ., 40x120 .... 109 William G. Ellis to Farmers Mort gage Co.. Jackson at , 160 ft. w. of 43d ave., s. s., 60x127 1 Th S. D. Mercer A m n H . M. Grove, n. w. cor. Mercer Park road and Cuming at., 120x110... 1.I0& M. A. Peaee to R. E. Montgomery, Hat St.. 20 y. s. of Obl St., w. 2xl00 t.lOO Anna Burke and husband to Pat rick J. Lennahan. 21th ave.. Ill ft. n. of Meredith av., w. s., 26x132 ,aej Cosd Real Estat Co. to Carl N'lei -sen, 36th ave., 107 ft. n. of Dav enport at., e. a.. 10x14 1,200 Myer Llpofiky snd wife to Mery Emma Burton, R St., 190 ft, . of Hat at., e. s.. 60x160 1,460 Anna M. Schmidt to Orel! M. Smith, Evans St., 94 ft e. of 22d St.. n. ., 47x11 1,101 Barker Co. to Agnes C. Murray, a. . cor. 45th and Leavenworth eta., 45x111.5 iM W. C. Ellis et al. to Farmers Mori gage Co., Pinkney St.. 200 ft . of 36th at., n. .. 60x12 t R. E. Montgomery and wlf to Em ma Hoenm, list st It ft. s. of Ohio St.. w. s., 16x10 J 0 Byron Reed C. to Homer H. Leach, Cedsr at. Ill ft . of llth St., s s . 44x12 m Annie Vandeputte and wife to Ar thur Dolphens, llth St., 10 ft. s. of P St., e. s.. SOxtll 1 Herman O. Oroth and wlf to S W. Stefan and wife. 43d at., 150 ft. n. of Burt t., . .. Nijijt,. 4.2P) Irenaue Shuler et al. to Thomas I. Smith, Wakeley at . 10 e. of 44th at., n. ., 40x121 Tl Tl -nr"eer to Peter Thlnd, 24th at. 290 ft. B. of Pacific St., a.. 44x126 II4S Cenek Staatny and 'wlf to John konyik and wife, . . eor. 24th nd Z ta., 10x12 Emma R. Mors to Marv T. reck, 40th at . 17 ft. . ef Harney t . . a, 25x16 Emma R. Mors to Alsnson Warren, 40(h st , 111 tt. I. ef Harney at, . ., 25zit6,,.,,y 1.109 l.TIS 1TI1 s