THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1921. . i i "Society ! "'s Kfercedes Jensen ::.:To Wed on June 28 One of the late June weddings will be that of Miss Mercedes Coad Jen ten, daughter of Mrs. Ellen Coad Jensen,7'and Edward Robinson of Austin, Jex. The ceremony will be a very quiet one and will take place Tuesday morning, June 28, at St. Ce cilia cathedral. "t'.Mlss Mary Louise Robinson ar rives Sunday from Austin to be the gues. of Miss Jensen until after the ceremony. A number of parties aie planned tor next week in honor 01 the. bnqeto-be and her visitor. Luncheon for Tag Day Captains. Could Diet entertained at lunch eon at the Fontenelle Friday for the captains of the City Mission tag day, which will be held Saturday. A partial list of the captains includes Interesting Women at Convention . C. J. Hubbard E. G. MrOHton A.' M. liongnaeker Prlhbv . O..Nlhrt Huh T. T. gtur m W." Tr Qrthim , Arnold w, - E. ' RhoadM M. D Cmron ' 2. P. Kllli Cteklw MrMonnlti Trank Flrtd T. r.' Brymt . fli-B. Melton BJ. W. Johmnn WrE's. N.Iion R. F. Klok W, H. Toh H. O. K1wrd R. A. McEarhroa F. C. Pattrion A. Hertibfrg H. F. Curti J. c. Buffinarton Leroy Corllsa J. W. Welch Ward. Haraaa Mlssaa -Eleanor ModlHon Mildred White Clara Beader Callia McConnall Aiinea Scott Ethel B Mount Gladys Hall Sf ' . . .4 " A I lL3a iiailHimartiiiiiMiimiMiMiiiMii ' 'i i ffliMHllMlll j Problems That Perplex Anawered hr BEATRICE FAIRFAX. "Miss Mary Anthony, superintend ent of the mission, spoke of the .work of that institution. 'Mrs. Jf. B. Updike is chairman of if?lrive. The committee at head quarters ' for tag dav will include " Mesdames L. D. Kehon. F. W. Car michael, C. A. Goss, A. H. Hippie and F. I. Norton. Headquarters will be" at the Omaha National bank. ... Mrs. Ryan Honored. . - I'.'Mii. C. G. Ryan ot Grand Island - rrjytd in Omaha Friday to remain until- Saturday evening. She will .'rhett' her daughter, Evelyn, here, whcf;ls-en route home from Con: necticut, where she ha been attend Jife': school this past vear. C"Mrs. Ryan was elected president Ibis week at Lincoln of the Nebraska ,' League "."of Women Voters. Mem- .bers of the league board residing in s rUtrraha will entertain for her at ; :iur5'cfieon at Happy Hollow club Sat- Roof Garden Opening. i rJtMis'ptanned to open the roof gar den of the Athletic club on Satur- , iay- evening, July 2. The original 1 . intention was to open it about the ; middle f June, but owing to the in- ,,, clement. , weather the postponement .Way; deeded upon. ' ."; '' Attend House Party. , " Mtssea. Dorothy Judson and Geral- 'dtn Hess, and Douglas Peters, Nor ; triarii Curtis and Temple McFayden . willspend the week-end at Wilver ' Dell, farm in Missouri, where they , Vi bclhe quests of Miss Vernelle At Home. ' j'Mft'tud Mrs. Istnace Moskovitz will, 6,at home Sunday afternoon ' and 'evening in honor of the con , -t firmation- of the son. Leo. ; ' !."7 Fraternity Picnic. - Alpha ,Tau Omega fraternity will I ',hold a picnic Saturday afternoon at ! ;Firmonf tpark in Council Bluffs. i ,. v- ' - Surprise Party. I ""Wrs.'Oi R. Rieseberg was honor test at a surprise party given Wed- resday'at her home, the occasion be-' "lftgr ber birthday. The guests were MesdamesA. V. Harmon. T. Ger-1 4ach,.'Xawson. C. F. Slingerland, Davis, Zechmeister, K. Leeder. I ia?r J., Ryan and Mary Gerlach. Left to right, standing: 'Mrs. E Maud Marston Burrows. Four of the most interesting wom en at the convention of the Ne braska League of Women Voters held in Lincoln this week are seen in the above picture. Mother and Lawyer. Mrs. E. B. Healy of Bloomfi'eld is president of the league in her city and also one of the state vice presi dents. She is the mother of six children, three of whom are in the grades at Bloomfield, the youngest being 5 years old. A son is in the University of Nebraska college of engineering; Another son has been a student in the S. A. T. C. and one daughter is a teacher. The mother herself is a lawyer, having, taken her degree at the Uni versity of South Dakota at Vermil lion, 'She practiced in that state 10 years, but has not taken the bar ex aminations in Nebraska since her residence here. She is a descendant of Miles Standish and is at the pres ent time entering the D. A. R. so ciety and the Mayflower daughters. Mrs. Healy has headed a campaign of Enforce or repea in' her city B. Healey, Miss Annie Kramph, Mrs. John Senning. Seated: Mrs. aid she says, and the result is that city ordinances s, long in disuse are now being enforced. , "Garden Variety" Member. Miss Annie Kramph is known all over the state for , her individuahjy- and her good deeds. She is a bank er in North Platte, and, according to Mrs. Charles Dietrich of Hast ings, retiring president of-the state league, is the back bone of welfare work in her city, particularly as it pertains to children and libraries. Miss Kramph was a member of the children's code commission whose report was submitted to the "late lamented" legislature fas the mem bers Of the commission put it.) "I was just the common garden variety of member," Mjss Kramph said at Lincoln, The other mem bers of the commission were ' ex perts. "Insinuations were our re ward," she declared, "for the volun tary service we gave the state. "Wastage of mothers and chil dren must stop," said Miss Kramoh. It is wrong to think a child can The newspapers have given valuable grow up and develop without a par ticle of help except from its mother. . . . You have no right to say that any child is not worth while. . - . -. Give the boys and girls a vision of the beauty of life and the knowledge that life's forces cannot be played with." - Research Expert. Mrs. John Senning,. "Elizabeth Senning" she is frequently called, and even "Aunt Elizabeth"'by some of the college boys who have claimed her interest, is known as an expert student in research and a congenial fellow worker. She is -one of the newly-elected vice presidents of the state league. For several years Mrs. Senning has , been connected with th University of Nebraska and prior to her coming to this state she was associated with Chicago University and eastern colleges, including Yale, in library and research fields. "Newspaper" Member. Maude Marston Burrows of Kear ney is president of her local league and a tormer newspaper woman. She is regarded as one of the coming powers in Nebraska civic work with women. Xot Worth a Thought. Dear Miss Fairfax: I am a grlrl of 23, with good education. I had been keeping company with a young man who was very conceited about himself and those he associated with. Candidly speaking, if I did not dress Just to suit him, he would Insult me. Now, Miss Fairfax, since I frrnduated from school I have stayed at home with my mother, as she Is not very strong. I Ket whatever I wish, hut I do not be lieve in over-dressinir, like some of the girls of today. I have tried to forget this man, but can't seemi to do so. I can't seem to understand men, for it seems that they all take a fancy to dress and make-up. Is it dress that always makes the woman ? M. K. No man worth a second thought would insult a woman for dressing j Rimply. Unless a man is a friend of years' standing, or has advanced to the position of acknowledged lover, he has no business concerning- himself too deeply with such a personal affair as how much time and money a girl gives to the gentle art of adorning herself. . Either the miin of whom you speak was a worthless, and unimportant sort or ther was something more than this trifling matter of dress at stake. Respect Older Wishes. Dear Miss Fairfax: Am a young girl, 18 years of age, and about seven months ago I fell In love with. a young man four years my senior, with whom I work. My parents have not seen fhls young man yet, and they refuse to let me go out with him. They have some other young man whom they want me to go out with. Now, do you think I would do justice to myself and to the young man I love by going out with my parents' choice? M. G. In all fairness, your parents should meet the young man who in-, terests you. Then I'm sure you'll be fair enough, to recognize that their mature judgment is worth at tending. You can't be expected to accept a man blindly because your family approves of him but you mustn't expect them to have too (treat respect .for what Is likely enough to be matter of Infatua tion, plus propinquity. Wondering Whiit He Thinks. Dear Miss Fairfax: Here is an other love question to -solve and I hope that you will answer it. I am only a young girl and as some woulA call me "a downright jolly kid." I love my girl friend's brother and he speaks to me and jokes with me at times. She says that he loves me. I am in a fix. He doesn't say so nor does he show it. His parents are very strict and he is under SO. Can it be that he is hnsbful jnd we are too, young to think about love? ANXIOUS. A sister can tell you a lot of things about a brother that were well for a girl to know, but sho cannot tell where his heart is. If he has inti mated nothing, sister's conjecture must be pure guess work. , Must Bo Joking. Dear Miss Fairfax: We are two country maids of 18 years and are considered exceedingly good looking. We are dearly In love with two men who are 25 and 26 years of age. We have known these gentlemen about a month, as they formerly lived In the city but are at present working in our community. Our parents ob ject strongly to our keeping company with these gentlemen. Our sweethearts want us to elope' with them. .Do you think It would be proper? TWO BROWN-EYED SUSANS. You're not serious, are you, girls? Just want to hear m when I'm peeved, as a query like yours al ways makes me. That Widow's Peak. Dear Miss Fairfax: It is said, If one has a widow's peak on one's forehead, that person is going to be a widow. Is that true or doesn't It signify anything? I hope not, for I have one and it Isn't a pleasant outlook on life, riease tell me what roy handwriting denotes. HELEN". I don't know about the hand writing, Helen, as I am not an ex pevt along-that line.) But about the widow's peak It does not involve widowhood at all, any. more than a gold tooth would imply a rich ole age. In Beating Eggs. A tKspoonful of cold water added to the white of an cg will cause it to whip more qunily, besides creasing the quantii'j. in- You Can Always Buy at Hayden's for Less r , s Keep the Cost of Living "way Down" In Our Big Sanitary Market Spring Lamb, forequarters, P" lb irit (Spring Lamb, hindquarters, per lb -2Wtt Steer Pot Roast...... ZVtt Lean Pork Roast 20 Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon at ...29!4 Buy Your Groceries and Meats Where quality of goods is guaranteed. A satisfied customer is always our aim. Sugar Pur C. k H. Cane Sugar. For cash only. No de liveries of sugar at this price. Fer 100-lb. sack... What's What By HELEN DECIE p&y Personals , ".l, s.s i .Mildred Rhoades is spending 10 days in Chicago. " ., lfii Knter has returned from a -trip' to New York. J, Mrs. A." C. Stokes is spending a ihort time in Chicago. " - Judson Hughes. s;on of Mr. and ' iIrs 'H.; J. Hughes, returned. Fri- , 'day-from Lake Forest university at - Chicago. v ifr'and Mrs. Fred' W. Walker of Kewark, N. J., have arrived in Oma i hi ' ' to spend the summer. Mrs. 'Walkef was formerly Miss Sadie Green of this city. ' Miss Eva O'Sullivan leaves about i 'June 32 to attend the A. W. O. L. 'Convention, June 24 and 25, in Min- " fteapblii . From the convention she ; 'v-wlU go east, later sailing for Europe to spend the summer. .-' ..-... " -Commander and Mrs. Nathan W. ' ost and children, formerly of Oma ha. .h'av7 taken a house at 720 Adella jwenoe, Coronado, Cal. Commander ? Post is now with the Reserve De stroyer fleet. . ""Russell Brandt, who has been at-Mr., '- ..ity at.Washington, D. C, has re e.'J0fned home to spend the summer 'antitit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil tilhwt Brandt . . Well-bred people are never afraid to give expression to deserved praise for (rood work accomplished, whether the accomplishment is a song, a picture, a rendition of in strumental music, a clever invention, a vivid newspaper "story," a clean proof, a fine batting average or a handy man's handy box. They know that a few heartening words of en couragement are a tonic, especially to the diffident who are not likely to be rendered overconfident by honest praise;, nor overdismayed by honest blame. , That form of impertinence which the poet describes as "damning with faint praise," betrays a grudge which is incapable of generous commenda tion. . Unwillingness to see merit where merit exists is a sure indica tion "of half-jealous , mediocrity a distrust of talent by the untalented. No sane- man or woman objects to sincere criticism, but supercilious "faint praise" is one of fhe most ob jectionable forms of discourtesy. (Copyright, mi. by Public Ledfer Co.) Clubdom Special Encampment for The Younger Girls at Camp Brewster. June 20 to 24 is Junior Girls' week at Camp Brewster, and any girl be tween the ages of 12 and 16 years can go to camp at this time. This is the only period during the season when ..younger girls can go . to can:p unaccompanied by some one older. Proper chaperonage of r'ie girls has been arranged for during this en campment and councillors will be in charge of each group of 12 girls. . A carefully planned program of recreation suitable, to the younger girl will" be conducted, including hikes, games, stunts, handicraft work. nature study, campfires and free in struction in swimming all under the supervision of competent instructors. further information regarding rates, etc., may be obtained at the office of the Y. W. C.JV., Douglas 1248. Registrations should be made as soon as possible. P. E. O. Notes. The regular monthly luncheons of the P. E. O. association have been postponed indefinitely. Mesdames John R. Hughes and C. F. Oliver will entertain the members of chapter M of the P. E. O. asso ciation at a 1 o'clock luncheon Satur day at the Y..W, C. A. - Paper, which is now put to so many household uses, was first made of linen rags. Reply to Edison. I could not answer Edison, And I would not if I could; He never offered me a job I'd refuse it if he should. But this I know of Edison, He has much to answer for: Twas he who made the phonograph That's now jazzing at my door; 'Twas he who made the movies, too; So to him must go the blame If I ne'er find time to study And my intellect is lame. Lynn C. Doyle. To veal stew with brown sauce add some mushrooms 15 minutes be fore serving. Delicious with grilled sweet potatoes. Elkhorn, Libby's and Gehl's canned Milk, 2 for 2Sc Per dozen cans $1.35 Beechnut Peanut Butter. 6H ozs. Fine for a picnic lunch, 3 j"19 for 53c Seward, Meadow Gold and Wedgewood butter, per lb 34c Fresh Beef Tongues, lb 20c Boneless Veal Roast, lb 25c Choice Boiled Rib Roast, lb 30c Tangier Tuna Fish, all white meat. 7 oz. cans, 3 for .97c Ri Alfa Kisses, fine, lb 23c Fresh Sweet Marrowfat, per market basket . .75c C. Castel and Fils French olive oil, guaranteed the best money can 'buy. To introduce this oil: Per quart S1.43 Per half gallon S2.S9 Per gallon 04.33 Family tins Sunshine Crackers per tin .63c S-lb. carton Graham Crackers.. . .89c 2-lb. carton Ginger Snaps 39c Dold Sterling Bacon, strip or half, per lb 30c Swift's Premium Lard, 2-lb. pail.. 35c 5 -lb. paii 85c Our Famous Breakfast Blend of Santos Coffee. 2 lbs, for .SSc Gold Dust, large size 29c Imperial Valley Ripe Cantaloupes. Every melon guaranteed. . 4 -for. . 4Sc HARTS "Pride of Michigan" Red Pitted Cherries, No. 2 can. No cherries to can this year and if there were you could not put them up for this price. 8 cans for. f $1.00 Per dozen cans i $3.90 Friday afternoon orders receive early delivery Saturday morning. SOMMER BROS. Harney 0188. " 28th and Farnam Streets. m afwarsr m w tl W VI "ftC he Highest Grade) Macaroni I?! rrilXl SLtiSl Egg Noodles, Spaghetti and Sell JIX othtr Macaroni Product. Large assortment of cooked, smolied and salt meats at Delicatessen Department. V. Here's Some Interesting Grocery Prices for Sat urday. Quality at the Right Price. -' 10 lbs. Best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar..... -694 481b. sacks Best, High Grade Flour.... $2.15 3 cans Early June Peas, Corn or Tomatoes 25 Jello, assorted flavors, per package 11 Pet, Carnation or Wilson Milk, per can.... 1214 16-ounce can Good Luck Milk 10 10 lhs. Best White or Yellow Cornmeal 25 10 lbs. Fancy Blue Rose Head Rice 49$ 5 lbs. Best No. 1 Hand Picked Navy; Beans. ...25 ' 10 bars Beat 'Em All Soap 35 10 bars Electrio Spark Soap 45 The Best Domestic Macaroni, Spaghetti or Egg Noodles, per package - T'i , Grape Nuts, per package 15 The Best Soda Crackers, per lb 122 Large Jars Pure Fruit Preserves 25 ' No. 2li Cans Fancy Table Apricots, Peaches, sliced or halves, in heavy syrup, per can... .25 No.2H Cans Royal Anne Cherries..... 30 The Dried Fruit Market of Omaha 15-oz. Package Pitted Prunes 9 Fancy Recleaned Currants, per lb 23 Fancy, Evaporated Apples, per lb. 174 Fancy Evaporated Peaches, per lb . 20 Fancy 30-40 Santa Clara Prunes, per lb 20 ' ' Fancy 40-50 Idaho Prunes, per lb 15 Fancy 60-60 Idaho Prunes, per lb I22 Fancy 70-80 Idaho Prunes, per lb.... 10 8 lbs. Shelled Fop Corn... ........25 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, per lb 10 Omaha's Greatest Tea and Coffee Market Our Famous Golden Santos Blend Coffee, per lb.23 4V4 lbs. Coffee for $1.00 Our Famous Ankola Blend Coffee, per lb 40 H. B. C. Special Blend, per lb 35 3 lbs. for $1.00 The Best Tea Sif tings, per lb 15 Breakfast Cocoa, per lb 12J4 Omaha's Oreatest Vegetable Market C lbs. No. 1 New Potatoes .............25 15 lbs. No. 1 Old Potatoes ........ ...25 Fresn Spinach, peck .....10 4 bunches Fresh Onions....... 5j 4 bunches Fresh Radishes 5 3 heads Fresh Leaf Lettuce 5 2 bunches Fresh Turnips .5 3 bunches Fresh Parsley 10 Fresh Peas, per lb ...10 Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb 12 Try "Maple Hut" for Sunday Delicious maple ice cream in , which we have added fresh ' wholesome walnuts. ICE CREAM YOUR DEALER CAN SUPPLY YOU. The Fairmont Creamery Co. Bee Want Ads N Produce Results. Get Your Supply in Fruits, Strawberries, Cantaloupes, Oranges, Apples, Pineapples, Etc, at the Lowest Prices. It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST It Pay Open 7 a. m., close 9 p. m 3 ! For tha convenience o.f Food Center patron during the hot weather, we shall maintain these new business hours. Resinol Is so pure and healing, so free from harsh ingredient, it is a standard h ousehold -remedy for burns, eats, wounds, boils, ' blotches, . cold sores, chafing, ; tings, -l etc,. RESINOL SOAP hldal forth Ma and kslr. Art - Tv dntsiM far thiM cndKts. (. 4. TRADE AT THE WASHINGTON MARKET, WHERE ;:; YOU CAN BUY THE BEST GOODS FOR LESS - MONEY THAN ANY OTHER STORE IN CITY : Rome Dressed Roasting ;.Clekens, per lb' 18 "Home Dressed Broilers, per lb '47 6 per lb. . 18Hr Best-Creamery Batter. ...30 iFxh Spareribs, per lb...9 VChotee Stler Pot Roast, -.'per lb. ;..12 Choice Steer Rump Roast, .:rir lb. .....18. - Sunt Cured Breakfast Bacon, ':-;peT lb. .....174 - Extra Fancy Veal Roast, . per lb. . ..154 ..Extra Fancy Veal Chops, - per lb ...-20c rWilson'a Nut Oleomargarine. .per lb. ...21s Blatz Malt and Hops, special, per set 75 3 lbs. of our No. 8 Coffee and 1 quart jar of Hershey's Co coa' for ............81.21 Pure Grape Juice, special, per quart .59, Basket Fired Tea' for Iced Tea, special, per lb. ....... .35. 2 lbs. Fresh Hershey's Bulk Cocoa for 19t Your last chance on Nomis No. 3 cans Fruit, all packed in heavy syrup, special Saturday, per can 29 Farrell'a Golden Table Syrup, per sral. .., 49, Heinz Pork and Beans, special, per can 11 ... ' a , . 1. . ,. . r ... te (W carry run aaa compieic una or rruit ana vegetable at the lowest price. WASHINGTON MARKET : 1407 DOUGLAS STREET Come Once and You Will Come , . Always , 1608-10-12 Harney St. Douglas 1796 Fancy Fresh Dressed Broilers, per lb., 45c Best Steer' Rib Boil, per lb. .......... Primed Rolled Rib ' . Roast, per lb Steer Pot Roast, per lb. . . . . : 5c 27ic lHc Best Cuts Steer Shoul der Roast, per lb. . . Pig Pork Roast, . . per lb Fancy Young Veal Roast, per lb. .... . 15c 16ic 17ic Fancy, Young Veal Breast, per lb.' . . Swift's Winchester Lean Break fast Bacon, : l)Oi per lb. ZyfC Armour's Star Half Hams, per lb, 12ic 30 c 100 lb. Best Cane Sugar . g Qyg 48-lb. aack Omar Flour :. at $2.35 Carnation Milk, can, 12; doz. .. . . .$1.48 Elkhorn. Milk, per can. 11 Carolene Milk, 3 cans. .................. .25 Quart bottles Grape Juice ............... 58 s-gal. bottle Grape Juice 81.10 Advo Extra Sifted Peas, can, 25! doz.. $2.96 Del Monte Asparagus Tips, per can. . . . I . . .35 3 cans for .. ....... .v. ....... .$1.00 Quart cans Ripe Olives ................. .29 Fancy Bulk Cocoa, per lb. ............ .12 Vis Iten's Daisy Cake, a spicy Iced Jumble, lb. .25- 100 size can Mushrooms 69c Bulk Macaroni or Spaghetti, lb 10 22-oz.'.jar Pure Preserves, per jar... .....25J 3 jars 72d Tall cans Red Alaska Salmon -30d -lb. cans of Alaska Salmon .12,i Extra Fancy Prunes, 30c grade, lb 15 . No. 3 cans J. & M. Fruits, can, 23; doz. $2.75 c.1.: v v- o nt j. ouiiMai, rrun, iu. o cans, per can Per dozen $3.00 Gate City Ginger Snaps, just right for picnips, per bbl. .35' 3 lbs. Central Special Coffee - at , ... . . , 98c Fancy Santos Coffee, per lb 22 Vt English Breakfast Tea, per lb.' 35 Fancy Juicy Lemons, per dozen . . ..25 Pink and White Cake, each. 25 Sugar Do-Nuts, doz..... .25 Extra Fancy Limes, doz. . .25 Per 100...... $1.75 Ortmani for .Bakery Good Apple Coffee Cake, each. .20 Fresh Fruit and Vegetable of All Kind French Coffee Cake, each ...... .10 Cloverbloom Cream ery Pkg. Butter, lb. 32c Fresh Country Eggs, doz. 21c Fancy Creamery Bulk Butter, lb 30c McCombs' Home-Made Chocolate, regular 70c quality, per lb.. 59 ' Free Delivery to Any Part of the City S fetTTc 1814-16-18 Farnam Street ; Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention This great market, built by Omahans for Omahans, is reputed to be' the most beautiful, finest equiped market in America. It's wonderful re frigeration system keeps all food stuffs in a most .sanitary, appetizing condition. We want you to visit this store, and convince yourself of the hosts of buying advantages that await you. Shop in Omaha's Finest Market Buy Your Foodstuffs where you enjoy the greatest values Fresh Dressed Roasting Chickens, Ib..l7!4 1921 Frying Chickens, -lb....... 33 Fresh Dressed Young Hens, lb 276 We buyvall Chickens direct and dress them . ' to your order. ' t Pure C. & H. Cane Sugar, tf n Q 100-lb. sack for. D O . OO 10 lbs. for 694 Saturday Meat Specials Genuine Steer Rib Roast, lb.. Lean Pork Loin Roast, lb.... Steer Shoulder Steak, lb Steer Rib Boil, lb Porter House Steak, lb. Young' Veal Roast, lb...,, Young Veal Stew, lb Steer Pot Roast, lb. Pure Rendered Lard, . lb 204 lTzD 15 -6J 290 ZVzt Just received carload Carnation Milk, large size can 10c i i v Fish Department V i V Swift's Premium Hams, half or whole, lb. .29Hft Sugar Cured Picnio Hams, lb ht Sugar Cured Lean Bacon, lb 2S'zt Sugar Cured Back Bacon, lb. 16'2 Finest and Most Sarfitary In the United States Freeh Halibut Steak 25 Fresh Salmon Steak. 25 ' Fresh Lobsters, Shrimp and Crab Butter, Eggs, Cheese Strictly Fresh Selected Hennery, per doz. 23 2 doz. for 454 DRINK BUTTERMILK (Your Best Drink.) Do not fail to visit our Buttermilk Bar, where Ice Cold, Delicious Dairy Maid Buttermilk is served; per glass... 54; per quart... 104 Headquarters for. Dairy Products Crystal White Soap, 10 bars ..........524 Extra fancy Sardines, In Mayonnaise dressing, large cans 104 Premium Soda Crackers, lb 164 2 pkgs. Uneeda Biscuit.... 154 Fancy Columbia River Salmon, 2 cans 25 d One lb. Best Bulk Cocoa Free with 3' lbs. Famous Food Center Special Coffee; 3 lbs. $1,00 Fresh Creamery Package Butter, per lb. 344 Fancy Wisconsin Full Cream Cheese, per lb. 204 Creamed Cottage . Cheese 204 . WeSeU Skinners the highest grade Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and other Macaroni Product. Delicatessen Department Homemade Potato Salad Cf C at- ,.:DDC Fruits and Vegetables Fancy Leaf Lettuce, 2 bunches. Choice Head" Lettuce, each, Fresh Green Asparagus, bunch Ripe' Pineapples, 2 for , Ripe Peaches, basket. 54 104 54 254 234 Ortman's Bakery Products Pink and White Cake, each ...254 Sugared Doughnuts, do-en 254 Applo Coffee Cake, each 204 French Coffee Cake, each ..10