Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1921, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 60 NO. 308.
tafena M Sama-diM Mttw May JS. J 90S. !
OaiM P. 0. Utr Ail el Mirth 3. 187.
UnMI Jm . ky Mill (I Vr ), Dillr 4 8u... 17
OvM4a4k 2oa. (I yaar). Dally i4 Suadair, III;
Dilly 4 8a., 17.80: DM 0'y. '":'., 12 Si
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To Farmers
Plan Under Discussion to
Furnish Additional Credit
Facilities to Live Stock
Men of Country.
Co-Operation Promised
Chicago Trlhnno-Omaha Bf Lraatd Wire.
Washington, June 10. Evidences
of co-operation between the admin
istration and the banking interests
of the country developed in two
quarters today.
Announcement was made that
President Harding has received as
surances from the leading interna
tional bankers that henceforth they
will obtain the government's sanc
tion to all foreign financial transac
tions. --.
A further indication of a desire
on the part of bankers to assist the
administration was eiven at a con
ference over the question of
financing the pressing needs of the
live stock industry through banking
The conference was called by Sec
retary of the Treasury Mellon.
Those present were J. P. Morgan
of New York City, . Benjamin
Strong, governor of the federal re
serve bank ot Jew iork; Vice
Gov. E. B. Piatt and John R. Mitch
ell of the federal reserve board, -and
Eugene Meyer, jr., managing di
rector of the war finance corpora
tion. ,
If it proves possible to raise suf
ficient funds to furnish additional
credit facilities for the stock rais
ing industry, the plan proposed, by
the federal rserve board for legisla
tion to make available to the war
finance corporation $50,(100.000 to be
used in live stock loans will be
Opposes" Special Legislation.
It developed that President Hard
ing is anxious to avoid, if possible,
special legislation providing finan
cial assistance to any ndustry when
the matter can be handled by the
bankers of the country.-
Trie arrangement by which the
international bankers will co-operate
with the government in their foreign
transactions is one of a voluntary
nature entirely. The, administration
does not desire to exercise control
over the situation through any legal
power, hut it was stated today that
President Harding ,' feels greatly
pleased over the willingness, ex
pressed by the bankers to seek the
informal approval of the govern
ment before any. further large for
''Kn transactions, such as the recent
French loan negotiated In this coun
"try, are entered into. According to
the c assurances given President
IT 1 - iL. a' t t 1
naming, me international oanncrs
will abandon any plan to which the
government may object to.
The agreement between the ad
ministration and the bankers, it wis
stated, does not mean that the gov
ernment will in any way stand back
of such ioreign loans, as may be
negotiated in this country, nor does
it mean that the backers have agreed
under all circumstances, to insist
that proceeds of loans of this charac
ter be expended in the United States.
As a result of the representation by
the international bankers that the
United States might benefit through
a roundabout transaction by which
a. foreign country used money ob
tained from American bankers for
purchase of goods in another coun
try, which country in turn bought
manufactured goods from the United
states, the administration is appar
ently content to trust to-the best
judgment of the bankers - on this
point. ,
Investigation Planned. .
The conference held today at the
instance of Secretary of the Treas
ury Mellon relative to forming a
pool among .the. banks to finance the
live stock industry did not develop
definitely whether such a plan is
feasible. According to an announce
ment by Secretary Mellon following
the conference "a short investigation
will indicate whether or not adequate
financial relief for the live stock in
dustry may - be obtained through
private banking channels." ( .
Although the proposed legislation
..1.1 : J .MAnAAAA r . I
wuuiu uiciviuc aju.uuu.umi irom tne
treasury for live stock loans, it is
cfetary; Mellon's belief that so
(reac an amount may not De neces
sary. As a result of today's confer
ence, a further canvass will be made
ttf some of the leading bankers of
the country to determine just how
much money could be raised without
governmental assistance. .
. The special need for additional
tredit facilities for the stock raising
industry is due to the fact that live
itock paper running longer Jhan six
months is not eligible for rediscount
it federal reserve banks. Loans for
the purpose of feeding and fattening
:attle are thus more easily obtained
khan the longer time loans for breed
ing cattle. '- - . ' . ' -
Governor ,W. P. G., Harding of
the federal reserve board, is now
n the west making a special investl
ration of the live stock situation.
Jhe plan for legislation to authorize
the use of $50JD00.000 in treasury
funds by the war finance corpora
tion was the suggestion of Governor
Omaha Included in
Projected Air Route
Washington June 10. (Special
Telegram.) Upon the heels of
Congressman Jefferis' sharp letter
to Gen. William Mitchell of the
army air service, calling attention of
the assistant chiet to th omission
of Omaha from the general outlined
air routes, "Big Jeff" was assured in
a letter today from Mitchell that
any projected air route he has any
thing to do with will include
Omaha. The general adds that he
is firmly of the opinion that the
establishment of unified air routes
is extremely important.
According to the plans projected
by the army air service, Omaha is
on the direct transcontinental route
between Rock Island and Cheyenne.
Pesides Omaha, Xorth Platte and
Sidney are mentioned as possible
Plans of Shipping
Board Outlined
By New Officers
Necessity for Fullest Co-Operation
With Commercial In
terests Emphasized by
i A i A Former Nebraskans
Lose Lives in flood
Bill Passed
By House
Sweet Measure to Consolidate
All Relief Work Under One
Department Carries by
Unanimous Vote.
Farmpp FinrU Rni1i nt
Three Daughters in Morgue
- Pueblo, Colo., June 10. (By The
Associated Press.) Tohn Kapes of
Lime, Colo., was notified late yester
day afternoon that a body of a 17-year-old
girl, supposed to be that of
his daughter. Nose, nad . been
rrougnt to a wcai undertaking estao-
ishment and was being held pending
tositive identincation. Kaoes went
to the morgue and, in addition to the
body of Rose, he . found there the
corpses of his two other cti'-hters,
Irene and Elizabeth, who had been
reported missinff- Kaoes was wos-
wated. . ,
Washington. June 10. Plans of
the administration concerning the
shipping board were outlined in high
official quarters for the hrst time
since the appointment of the new
members with A. D. Lasker of Chi
cago, as chairman.
The necessity for the fullest co
operation with commercial interests
was r?mphasized by officials, in view
of what was described as the ''vir
tual paralysis of American shipping
and especially that of the shipping
It was stated that the object of
the new administration would lie to
place the corporation upon a strict
Iv business basis. This would mean,
as a start it was Said, the charging
off to the war. of the heavy losses
sustained by the government since
the corporation's inception.
This loss was estimated as the
difference between the war cost of
$3,000,000,000 and the present esti
mated value of the shipping board's
assets of from $750,000,000 to $1,000,
000.000. Confidence, in the future of the
American merchant marine was ex
pressed by Rear Rdmiral Benson,
on the eve of his retirement from
trr chairmanship of the board. The
new organization of which he will
be a member, will be perfected
The shipping board is now pass
ing through the critical period of
its career., he declared, with steadily
growing prospects tor a more iavor-
abie fature.;' - -.w.--, - - .
Of the near v LaOO Steel steamers
owned by the board, more than 5U
per cent are now operating, the re
tiring chairman sa,id, and the actual
nneratinff deficit has been reduced
to between $4,000,000 and $5,000,000
a month. .
"I believe that 'as trade picks up,"
he added, "and internal and indus
trial conditions in this country ap
proach, normal, the board's deficit
will be reduced until it is wiped out.
There is no question in my mind
but that American ships can be op
erated profitably throughout the
world in competition with foreign
vessels, although it will require ef
ficient organization and careful op
eration." '
Townsend Road Bill
Amended by. Committee
Washington, June 10. The sen
ate roads committee amended the
Townsend road bill today to pro
vide for three instead of five mem
bers of. the federal highway com
mission. Decision also was reached
to make the pay of the proposed
commissioners $7,500 instead of
$10,000 as originally proposed, and
to limit the number and pay of em
ployes, of the commission,
v Decision on the ' section of - the
measure giving the highway commis
sion final authority as to selection of
interstate' routes was postponed un
til tomorrow. ' '
Democratic members were under
stood to be prepared to fight this
provision on the ground, that it
would be an invasion of states
rights. V .: ; :
Gage County Fanners Union
Discusses New State Laws
' Beatrice, Neb., June 10. (Special.)
The quarterly meeting of the Gage
County Farmers' union held : here
discussed a number of measures
passed , by the legislature, including
the co-operative banking law, the
law pertaining - to the registration
of farmers and others, . which the
farmers over the state are opposing.
Bigspring Wagon Road
Is Washed Out by Flood
Bigsprjng, Neb., June- 10.
(Special Telegram.) High' water in
the Platte river has washed out the
wagon road between the railroad
tracks. and the bridge,- thus cutting
off the people on the south side of
the river, who will either have to
go to Venango or Julesburg for
supplies. 1
Amendments Adopted
By The AgMi'iatrd rrrni.
Washington, June 10. The house
late today passed the Sweet bill
under which government agencies
dealing with former service men
would be consolidated. The measure
now goes to the senate.
I he tim was passed by the unani-
hous vote of 335 to 0.
Provision is made in the bill for
creation of a veterans' bureau in the
Treasury department, in whichvould
be placed the war risk ' insurance
bureau, the federal board tor voca
tional education and functions of the
public health service relating to wv
Fourteen regional offices would
be created for expeditious h-intl'ing
of claims of former service men for
compensation, hospital and .medical
care and vocational training. I he
director of the new bureau would
have power to determine the rxtent
of branch of regional branches to
make final settlement of claims. y
Provision is made for establish
ment of 140 offices at v hich war
veterans could apply for relief,
These would replace 137 soldiers re
lief bureaus now maintained by the
government throughout the country.
The location of the new officers
would be determined by the director
Ot the veterans bureau.
An amendment wrs added to the
bill providing that the regional bu
reau and sub-offices created by it
must automatically cease to exist
July 1. 1926.
The house also approved an amend
ment by Representative Elliott, In
diana, authorizing payment of gov
ernment insurance to beneficiancs ol
war veterans who permitted their
policies to lapse while suffering from
wounds or disease incurred in line
of duty, from which they died.
Four Persons Dead
In Kentucky Feud
Alleged Betrayal to Revenue
Officers Leads to Bloody
Battle in Mountains.
Martinsville. Ky., June- 10.
Four members of one family are
dead and another is badly tiuit as
the result of "the most ferocious bat
tle ever fought in the Kentucky
Today , a man Istnt is on and e.
posse of armed officers are sweeping
all the hills in the eastern part of
the state, but up to last reports, no
trace of the alleged killers has been
Eight hundred dollars reward is
The fugitive is James Barker. He
is known to be heavily armed and
if he is caught it will be by ruse
or when his ammunition is exhausted.
The dead in the battle are;
MARY, 14, the baby of his fam
ilv. DANIEL, his son. -WESLEY
SPARKS, JR., his
The girl met death when she thrust
her body between one of the men.
Wesley Sparks, jr., and Barker and
her brother, Daniel. It is not known
whether Sparks or Barker killed the
The battle was the outcome, ac
cording to meager report, of alleged
betrayal of Wesley Sparks, jr., and
Barker to revenue officers, in which
the two were accused of nioonshin-
ing. The reports here sav Barker and
Wesley Sparks, jr., attacked Wesley
Sparks sr.'s family on a roadway
near their home on Wall Pole creek,
Beatrice, Neb., June 10. (Special
Telegram.) Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Dixon, formerly of Alma, lost their
lives in the Pueblo flood, according
to word received here. At last re
ports their bodies had not been re
covered. They were caught in their
home and were unable to escape.
Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Jones and son,
Oliver, formerly of Beatrice, escaped
from their home, hut lost everything
they possessed. Mr. Jones recently
left "Fail bury to engage in the furni
ture business at Pueblo.
Cheyenne Girl
Shot by Lover
Of School Days
Young Man Turns Smoking
Gun on Self and Ends Life
Army Officer Witness
To Crime.
A Certain Type of Prominent Citizen,
(Copyright, 1S1, by the Chlcno Tribune)
I " " Ijj
Cheyenne, June 10. (Special.)
After firing two' shots into the body
ot Miss Margaret Oner, his sweet
heart of high school davs, Sam Un
derwood, 22, turned the smoking
pistol against his left breast and
shot himself dead.
The shooting took place beneath
a blazing arc light in front of the
girl's home. She was returning
from a Lonsistorv ball with Lieut
A. R. Conard, Fifteenth U. S. cav
Condition Critical.
Underwood . fired twice at the
girl. One bullet penetrated her
right lung, coming out through her
right breast. The other bullet took
effect in her right thigh. Surgeons
operated to remove the bullets in
an effort to save the girl's life. Her
condition is critical.
Lieutenant Conard 'was the only
witness to the shooting.
He said Underwood passed him
and Miss Grier at the corner near
the Grier home. Underwood made
no sign of recognition, but wheeled
and opened fire when the girl and
officer were but three yards distant
Scream Follows Laugh.
The girl's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Grier, heard their daughter's
voice and light laughter as she ap
proached her home at the corner.
Then came the shots and her
The father leaped from his bed
and looked from the window almost
as Underwood snot nimseit ana
crumpled to the ground.
He saw the lieutenant picking up
his daughter from the ground.
Five Shots Fired. .
The arc light overhead made the
tragedy- clearly visible. ,
Five shots in all wf el fired. '
"'The' girl's father IV'p'Cesident oi
the Grier Lumber company and is
prominent, in Masonic and Rotarian
' Underwood was the son of Arthur
A. L'nderwood, leading florist, also
a prominent Mason and Rotarian.
Anti-Red Revolts
Reported in Urals
Tokio. June 10. (By The Asso
ciated Prcssi) Determined anti-bo!
sbeviki uprisings in the Ural moun
tain region, and at Petropavlosk,
about 200 miles south of Tobolsk,
are reported in semi-official advices
received here. It is said that Petro
pavlosk has been occupied by the
anti-bolsheviks and that the move
ment from Moscow of ' reinforce
ments for soviet troops in Siberia ii
difficult, as the anti-soviet elements,
control various ' points along the
transsiberian railroad.
Reports from Seoul state that
Korean communists' are holding
meetings with Chinese bolsheviki at
Harbin.. It is said representatives
will be sent to the international com
munist congress in Moscow. ' :
Caruso Arrives at Naples. : .
Xaples. June 10. Enrico CarusJ
noted tenor, arrived here yesterday
on the steamship President Wilson
and was met by throngs of friends
and admirers. . H said he had come j
Ht ad out tht graduating etas to ba henati and induttrio
( Mm" 1
We then main eat hi persona tax tchedala.
Herdzina Case.
Expected to Go
To Jury Today
Final Arguments Will BeMade
This Morning; Officer
Last Witness For ,
Defense. -
which is far back in the mountainsto Italy to have a rest.
Nebraska School Teachers
Plan Long Auto Tour
Alexandria, Neb., June 10. (Spe
ial.) Supt. W. H, Morton of the
Fairbury schools will leave Monday
for Beatrice, where he will join a
party of teachers who will make a
trip to Xew York by automobile.
They expect to be gone a greater
part of the summer and will attend
school in Xew York.
Light Plant Survey
West Point, Neb., June 10. (Spe
cial.) Koenig-Hollister of Lincoln
were selected consulting engineers
for the new municipal light plant
and are now engaged in a prelimi-
Exclusive Features
of Omaha's Best
Sunday Newspaper
THE . outstanding feature offering of 'The Bee for
next Sunday is a Rotogravure Section of unusual
interest. There is a full page Flag Day frontspiece,
"Counting the Stars," a striking and appealing patriotic
picture for every Omaha home.
t On other pages, midsummer styles displayed by
Omaha stores are shown in reproductions of photo
graphs posed for The Bee by Omaha society women.
Pho?ographs of June graduates of the Benson high
school are published on Page 2 6f this section.
The Rotogravure Section is an exclusive
Bee feature. It is the only Sunday photo
graphic section published in this territory.
The high standard of BLUE RIBBON fiction, with which Bee
readers are familiar, is maintained in
"The Three Dead Men"
This story, complete in next Sunday's Bee, was written by Eden
Philpotts. It is a thrilling mystery- tale of the West Indian cane
fields. . , -
In addition The Bee offers as regular' Sunday features "The Mar
ried Life of Helen and Warren," and those humorous contributions
by James J. Montague.
The Bee's Sunday sports section is rec
ognized by sportsmen and sports follow
ers as easily the best in Nebraska.
The Best
The Sunday Bee
Chief Deputy County Attorney
Raymond T. Coffey opened the argu
ment for the state yesterday after
noon in the' trial of John Herdzina,
city detective, charged with . man
slaughter, and Harry B. Fleharty,
liis attorney, followed with a speech.
County Attorney , Shotwell ' will
make an argument this morning and
Mr. Fleharty will close. ; , District
Judge Leslie will give his ' instruc
tions to the jury and it is expected
the 12 men .will retire and take, at
least one ballot before noon today.
Herdzina's trial on 'a . - ch jrge, of
manslaughter for shooting Joe; How
ard, 22, at Thirty-third and L
streets the night of April 9, began
last . Monday morning. " The court
room has been . crowded every day
and a deputy .shriff has been on
guard, constantly at the door to hold
back the crowds." - , ' '
Herdzina's wife 'and small chil-.
dren have been at the trial every
day. The officer was the final 'wit
ness for the defense and was on
the stand all yesterday- morning ex
plaining how he found the automo
bile filled with half a dqzen , intox
icated youths at; "Thirty-third and L
streets and how. he happened to
shoot them when he. was trying to
arrest them. . ''.'
Conviction on a charge of man
slaughter carries a penalty of one to
10 years in the penitentiary. . , ; .
Railroads Authorized 1 '
. To Reduce Freight Rates
Washington, Junee 10. Reduction
of freight rates on vegetables and
melons from ht Pacific coast to ter
ritories east of Chicago, ranging
from 8 to 33J4 cents a 100 pounds
was authorized by the Interstate
Commerce commission.
The rates, which go into effect on
a one-day notice the carriers,
were proposed by shippers of the
coast in conferences with railroad'
representatives in northern ' and
southern Pacific coast cities.
The shippers declared .-that high
rates were preventing the movement
of vegetables. '..'?''.'''
Mexico Official Is Hopeful
Of Agreement With America
Mexico City, Tune -10. P. Elias
Calles, secretary of the (interior who
returned yesterday from an extensive
trip throughout the republic, - ex
pressed optimism- over the situation
which has arisen between the United
States and Mexico relative to recog
nition being extended the Obregon
government. , .
T am absolutely sure," , said the
secretary, "that President Obregon
will be able to solve the so-called
conflict with the United States with
out disparagment of, himself or the
nation." . -', ; -
Polish Catholic Church "
Lifts Celibacy: on Priests
Scranton, Pa., June 10. The
synod of the Polish -National Catho
lic church, in session here, has de
cided to abolish celibacy among the
White and Wilson
Discuss Matters
Democratic Chairman Calls
Upon Former President at
Home in Washington.
Washington, June 9. Chairman
George White of the democratic na-r
tional committee called upon former
President Wilson at tne latter's resi
dence today and discussed various
political matters and the condition
of public aftairs. air. White re
fused to state specifically the matters
which w'ere taken up.- '
'T can say this much, however,"
he .said, "Mr. Wilson refains his
keen' interest in all affairs affecting
the welfare of his party and his
country and he still has the militant
spirit which characterized him as a
parfy leader and a chief executive."
Replying to questions as to Mr.
Wilson's physical condition, the
chairman said that that was obvious
ly a matter upon which he could not
make a public statement. "
With regard to the political situa
tion, Mf. White declared there had
been "a great revival qf spirit among
democrats and a general- disposition
to get together.
"The. failure of the republican ad
ministration to , keep its , election
promises to date has. put new heart
and hope in the party everywhere,"
he said.
Peace Resolution
Is Delayed In House
Washington. June 9. Due to de
lay in concluding considration qf the
soldier relief bill, the peace resolu
tion was not called up in the house
today. It will be presented 'tomor
row, however, under a rule provid
ing "for a vote on -its passage Mon
day afternoon at S o'clock. ,,. ;
' As reported by Chairman Porter
ofrthe- foreign affairs committee, the
resolution merely would terminate
the state of war betwen the United
States, Germany; and Austria-Hungary
without repealing .the declara
tion of war itself.
Nearly 100 members have applied
for; speaking time, although leaders
on both sides have indicated that the
oratory" would not change a half
dozen votes. .. j -
Japan Chamber of Commerce
Seeks Disarmament Move
Osaka, Japan, June . 10. Resolu
tions providing that ..'a. petition be
sent to the Japanese government
asking it to take the initiative in
communicating , with ' the unitea
States and Great Britain for the pur
pose of calling a conference relating
to disarmament has been passed
unanimously ,by the ' disarmament
committee of the Chamber of Com
merce here. , The committee. also de
cided -to conduct an investigation
with a view to gathering more?infor
mation regarding armament restric
tions. . ' . t -'' ". .., . '-"
Jefferson County Pays
Off Its Bridge Warrants
' Fairbury, Meb., June 10. (Spe
cial.) All Jefferson county regis
tered bridge warrants have been paid
and' the federal engineers have, or
dered a 125-foot steel bridge to be
constructed on the Beatrice-Fair-bury
road a half mile northwest of
Fairbury. For the cost of this
bridge the county commissioners
Ohio Publisher
Named National
Dry Commissioner
Roy Haynes of Hillsboro Ap
pointed by Harding as Suc
cessor to John F. Kramer,
Prohibition Head.
' Washington, June 10. Formal an
nouncement of the appointment of
Roy Haynes, a Hillsboro, O., editor,
as national prohibition commission
er, was made today at the White
Mr. Haynes, who succeeds John
F. Kramer, is expected to take office
as' soon as he can arrange his per
sonal affairs. The appointment does
not require senate confirmation.
The new commissioner is editor
of the Hillsboro Dispatch, and was
one of the first Ohio editors to sug
gest the nomination of Mr, Harding
for president.
Before entering newspaper work,
Mr. Haynes served. as head master
of the Miami military institute , at
Germantown, O. He has been iden
tified with church and temperance
work and five years ago was a mem
ber of the general conference of the
Methodist Episcopal church.
Paul Keller Out
Washington, June 10. Emerson
Hunt of Mitchell, S. D., today was
named supervising federal prohibi
tion agent for the northwestern de
partment, which includes . the states
of Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska,
North Dakota and South Dakota.
Mr. Hunt will succeed Paul D.
Keller, with headquarters at Minne-
apolis. ',
Italians' nWhite Strike" i
Is Rapidly Nearing End
' London,. June 10. A dispatch
from Rome' to the Central News to
day said' the "white strike" of Italian
government, employes that is, the
strike begun last week, in which em
ployes went to their offices every
day, but refused to work is nearing
an end so far as the provinces are
In Rome the situation is less sat
isfactory, according to the dispatch.
but agitation for increased wages is
diminishing. The postal and tele
graph services are still much dislocated.
Fire at Tucson Theaters
Downtown ; Damage $60,000
Tucson, June 10. Fire, which orig
inated in' a downtown cafe here at
4:30 this morning for a time threat
ened the entire business section of
the city and caused a property dam
age of over $60,000.
One fireman was injured by the
falling of a-portion of an interior
walK ?, , v
Of Sims Is
Metal Trades Division of X.
F. L. Presents Resolution
Calling for Disciplining
Of Admiral.
The Weathe
r -
Nebraska Fair Saturday, becom
ing unsettled Sunday; not much
change in temperature, v,
Iowa Fair Saturday and prob
ably Sunday;- not much change in
Hourly Temperatures.
a. m.
a. in.
a. m.
a. m.
a. m.
a. m.
a. m,
. . .71
1 P. m.
3 p. m.
) p. m.
4 p. m.
5 P. m.
7S I p. m. ....
79 I 7 p. m
Reports Garbled, He Sayj
By The Anaorlatnl Trraa.
Denver. Colo.. Tune 10. The recall
of Admiral Sims from England and
Ins dishonorable discharge trom thf
Lnited Slates navy by Tresidcn
Harding, if his remarks in London
on the Irish question are found to b
correctly quoted, was demanded 10
resolution presented today in tht
annual convention of the rnetar
trades department of the American
Federation of Labor.
The resolution, presented by Tim
othy Hcalv, head of the Brotherhood
of Firemen and Oilers, urges that
the full force of tne American Fed
eration of Labor be asked to co
operate and assist in the repudiation
of the "slur cast upon the American
people, upon their honor and their,
intelligence by Admiral Sims."
Denby Is Praised.
Secretary of the Navy Denby was
commended for his "straightforward
and emphatic Americanism in de
manding an explanation from Ad
miral Sims," and the resolution de
manded that "if he find that the ad
miral has been correctly quoted that
he (the admiral) be immediately re
called for his unamerican slur and
attack upon the intelligence and pa
triotism of the American people."
The resolution will probably b
acted upon tomorrow. v .
The convention today authorized
the convening of a nation-wide con
ference of international officials ol
the meials trades union in Washing
ton within the next 60 days to con
sider plans for a new unionization
drive upon American industry. Plans ,
will also be discussed for the amal--
gamation of all metal trades unions
into a co-operative body to combat
anti-union interests. ,
Says Speech Garbled.
London, June 10. (By The As
sociated Press.) The reply-jOf Rear
Admiral Sims to the request of Sec
retary of the Navy Denby for ai-ex. ..
nlanation of his soeech here Tues" .
day expresses the opinion of Ad
miral Sims that some parts of thi
speech, to which objection had been
taken, had been garbled, This was
learned unofficially, but on good au
thority, here today.
In his answer, which is not long,
Admiral Sims declares he said notfr
;ing in hig address h?d not?
said before in speeches in the United
States and in his book.
McKelvie Confers
With Delegation on
State Appointments
' - 1
Washington, June 10. i'Special
Telegram.) Governor McKelvie r
and Walter W. Head, president "TSt
the Omaha National bank, paid
their respects to the members of th
Nebraska delegation . this morning
the governor-talking politics to thV
members and explaining his posi
tion with reference to the United
States district attorneyship and th"V
marshalship. . -
So far as could be learned. th
members of the delegation told tht
governor that his opposition to J.G
Kinsler as United States district at
torney, on the 'ground that he was s,
"wet," would have no weight with"
them because they had agreed tc .
abide, by the judgment of the ma- . t
jority of the delegation.
- Governor McKelvie and Mr'
Head had luncheon with Presidenl
Harding today, the Nebraska party,
Mr. Head, Ward Burgess, W. J,
Foye and Governor McKelvie leav
ing for Nebraska this afternoon.
Many Die When ssel Hits
Mine in Aegean, Is, Report
'Athens, June 10. (Reuters.)
Many lives are believed to have
been lost in the sinking of the Greek '
steamer Bouboulina, ' which has
struck a mine and foundered in the
Aegean. The Greek battleship I.em
nos, has arrived at Piraeus from
Smyrna with two passengrse who
were picked up. Details of the dis
aster are lacking.
Paris, June 10. The mail jacket
Bouboulina, which has been sunk in
the Aegean by a mine had 240 pas
sengers on board, besides a crew "of
25, says an Athens dispatch to the
Radio agency. .
Nineteen I. W. W. Members 1
To Be Freed From Prison
Kansas City, June 10. Nineteen
I. W. W.. convicted in the federal
court in Kansas City, Kan , in De
cember, 1919, of activities designed
to hinder the successful prosecution
of the war will be released. Fred
Robertson, United States district at
torney in Kansas City, Kan., an
nounced today that the government
v, ill not appeal from the ruling of the
United States circuit court of appeal
Pt St Paul, Minn., which declared
the first court of the indictment
against the men invalid.
Burglars Secure'$50
In Central City Store
Central City, Neb.. June 10.
(Spccial.) Trotter's .Variety store
here was entered and robbed of $50
which has been left in the cash
register. The safe was pried open
but no money secured. The robbers
entered through a cole chute.
Bank Receiver Named
Broken Bow, Neb., June 10-
(Special.) Emery F. Bush of this
city was appointed receiver of the
Tcoples State banlr at Ansclmn W
, nary survey p the cit fc
sj I Judge Hostetler.
w.,, .,.ou i p. oh fj..
clergymen .
yave petjtioned for gtate ai