Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 10, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 1921.
Mrs. Hamilton,
f Omahan Noted
for Beauty. Dies
Death of Society Woman, Fol
lowing Nervous Breakdown,
Third in Family Within
Two Years.
Wife of Omaha Bank
President Succumbs
The death of Mrs. Fred Hamilton,
judged Omaha's most beautiful
matron, yesterday, marks the third
death in the wealthy Omaha family
within less than two years.
First was the passing of Mrs
Hamilton's only small daughter,
Ethel; last year occurred the sudden
death of her brother-in-law, Frank
T. Hamilton, former president of the
Merchants National bank, which
position Fred Hamilton now fills.
Mourning is general in Omaha
, social circles on the untimely end of
the golden-haired beauty, easily the
loveliest woman to grace any social
gathering. She was only OJ.
While Mrs. Hamilton was pro
nounced seriously ill from a nervous
breakdown, on her return from Cali
fornia several weeks ago, members
of the family were heartened, for a
time, by a slight improvement two
weeks ago.
Besides her 10-year-old son, Free!,
jr., and her husband, she is survived
hv her mrtther fr. C. R. Hamilton;
two sisters, Anne Robertson, former
ly Mrs. William Leet, and Mrs
Mattie Camnbell of Erie. Pa.: and a
brother, John Robertson.
Private funeral services ' will be
held in St. Cecelia's cathedral, Sat
urday morning at 9. Archbishop
T. J. Harty will probably officiate.
Burial will be in the family lot at
Holy Sepulcher cemetery.
Mrs. Hamilton embraced the Cath
olic faith on her marriage 13 years
ago. '
Y.W.GA. Marooned
By Tiny Cloudburst
Hungry Omahans Find Way
In, However Races as
Usual Today.
Omaha had a baby cloudburst all
its own yesterday noon. v
Rain poured down in torrents at
intervals for several hours.
Several of the downtown streets,
especially North Eighteenth street;
played the roles of small rivers as
the pavement was completely
covered by racing waters down the
grade. .
Races at the running meeting of
Ak-Sar-Ben were held in the aft
ernoon, despite the downpour, how
ever. Shortly after noon when the sun
peeped trom oenina me ciouas
which shed a heavy downpour of
rain during the morning, umanans
scurried to get tneir mncn at i c
Y. W. C. A., where more tnan wj
... tmA Jllv
At the intersection of Seventeenth
and Howard streets they stopped
dismayed. -
For the Y. W. C. A. was marooned
cut off from the rest of the world
by a veritable ocean of mud.
How deep it was no one even ven
tured a guess, and no one volun
teered to explore. -
But down it had come from the
St. Mary's hill, where .the grading
project, is in full sway, and the heavy
rain had washed it in great quanti-
Taw. I
- ' V
Halted Romance
May Be Revived
Suit Filed to Set Aside Guar
dianship of Blanda Ander
son, Bride of Month.
U.S. Must Turn
Eyes to Far East,
Speaker Says
If America Doesn't Aid Now,
She Will Be Forced to Do
So Lateiv Asserts
Poke Say Theft Ring
In Big Paint Robbery
More than $5,000 worth of wall
paper and paints, instead of ?I,UW
worth as at first reported, 4jas been
stolen from the Beard Wallpaper
company in the last eight months,
detectives working on the case re
ported yesterday. .
Preliminary hearing of Casper
Wenninghoff, 2513 South Twentieth
street, and Andrew Ernst, 4221
North Twenty-fourth - street, who
were arrested for investigation m the
case, will be held Tuesday. .
' More- arrest are promised for to
day by the detectives, who say they
intend to expose a big theft ring in
connection with the case.
Wenninghoff is a former employe
of the Beard company and detec
tives say he traded stolen merchan
dise with Ernst for liquor.
Two Fires in Same House
V Are Under Investigation
Fire officials are investigating a
double alarm at the home of Oliver
Cooper, 2004 North Twenty-seventh
street Wednesday night. ,
The department made two runs to
the house, the first at 8:13 p. rn., and
the second at 12:35 a. m.
Assistant Fire Chief M. J. Dineen,
yesterday declared evidences of in
cendiarism were found by the fire
men, flames being discovered in sev
eral places in the house. Kindling
wood was qsed. he said.
Battalion Chief Pat Cogan. Fire
Warden John Trouton and W. A.
Baldwin, insurance man, are con
ducting the investigation.
Four Jurymen Accepted
In Orthwein Murder Case
Chicago, June 9. Four jurors
have been accepted in the trial of
Mrs. Isabelle Cora Orthwein for the
f VUrhert P. Zieffler.
They are John Deenik, a mechani
cal engineer, unmarried and at home
with his mother and two sisters.
Arthur La Pirre, a printer.; La
Pierre is also single and lives with
his mother.
T. W. Eichenberger, a clerk.
The fourth juror is Albert DeBost.
The sentiment of the spectators
seems to be with Mrs. Orthwein.
W. T. Devereese to Quit
City Police for Armour Joh
V. T. Devereese will retire this
month from the police department
on a pension. He retired several
vears ago, went to work for the
Armour companay and was reinstat
ed last fail in the police department.
He is tcf return to the police de
artment 'of the Armour company.
The shattered. romance of Blanda
Anderson, 62, and Carl Anderson,
66, may be restored to its former
happy condition if an action filed
yesterday in district court by At
torney C O. Anderson can be sus
The Andersons were niKiricd on
May 3 by Justice of the Peace L.
M. Bunce, following a correspon
dence courtship between the bride,
who lived in Omaha, and the groom,
whose home was in Sattclle, Minn.
As soon as she had been married,
Mrs. Anderson applied to the Peters
Trust company to withdraw $22,000,
which was denied on the grounds
that she was under guardianship as
an incompetent. i he bride then
v ent back to live at the Nazareth
home, Thirty-fourth street and Mere
dith avenue, while Anderson re
turned to his Minnesota home. The
trust company filed an pction in
oistrict court to have the marriage
annulled. .
The action started yesterday seeks
to have -the guardianship set aside,
the petition stating that it was grant
ed two years ago without a proper
hearing or lawful examination, and
was without the knowledge or con
sent or Mrs. .Anderson. The peti
tion further relates that Mrs. An
derson never has been incompetent
and that she is a vigorous woman,
mentally and physically.
Chamber of Commerce Man
To Attend Ad Convention
Montagu A. Tancock, manager of
the bureau of publicity of the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce, will repre
sent Omaha at the national conven
tion of Associated Advertising Clubs
at Atlanta, Ga., June 13-15.
Mr. Tancock will deliver an address-
before the community advertis
ing department "of the association,
his topic being "Does Community
Advertising Pay?"
The eyes of the United States
must be turned to the Pacific ocean,
Miss Ruth Paxson, returned mis
sionary, told Omaha church women
at luncheon in the Y. W. C. A.
yesterdaj -
"If we don't pay attention now
to what is going on in the far east,
we'll have to do it in the future, in
the same -manner as we did in
Europe so recently," she warned.
"There is no question but the
Oriental question will occupy the
center of the spotlight, whether we
want it to or not. e must learn to
be world citizens'."
Miss Paxson, who is an Omaha
girl, the sister of Miss Susan Pax
ton and Mrs. C. W. Hayes, spent
10 vears in Lhina.
. She is most optimistic about the
future of the country, despite its
present dark outlook.
"God must have some work for
the Chinese to do in this world, He
made so many of them," she said
"The total population is 400,000,000,
or one-fourth of the world popula
Graft in the government is re
sponsible for China's present plight,
she stated.
"Officials sold out to the Japanese
government, betraying their trust to
the common people, she declared.
Only 10 out of every 100 in the
population can read and write and
there are only 6,000 miles of railroad
in the whole Chinese empire, accord
ing to the speaker.
Miss -Paxson wfill remain in the
United States this summer, but ex
pects to return to China in the fall.
Clifton Hannon Recovers
From Second Operation,
Clifton Hannon, 3424 Jones street,
who was summoned as a principal
witness in the trial of John Herd
zina in district court, is recovering
from a second delicate operation
performed Wednesday on his head
to relieve pressure of the brain.
Dr. W. jTMcCrann, jr., performed
the operation at Ford hospital.
The wound left in Harinon's skull
had to be reopened and drained, Dr.
McCrann said.
Rain Damaging Corn.
Upland, Neb., June 9. (Special.)
Another heavy rain here on top of
what has fallen in the last 10 days
has made the fields so wet that farm
ers cannot get in to plow their corn.
Many fields are as green as the pas
tures. Alfalfa is ready to cut.
what is best
for babies.
For 63 years
have chosen,
w 'jm.
The Purchasing Ability
.of today's Clothing Dollar
and the one of a year ago
Compare, the Clothing Prices of
today with those of a year ago!
Last year our "price range" on
the better lines of men's clothing
was from $50 to $85.
Today we are offering these
same lines at from 30 to 40 per
cent less than last year's prices.
Come in and see .
our "Values" at
$35, $40 and $50
Inspect the Quality and Tailoring
of our clothes and you will make
but 'one decision. They are
Genuine "Values."
N. E. Corner. 17th and Harney Street
F. E. Sheehan Is Named
Securities Trustee
Frank E. Sheehan, a lawyer in the
firm of Smith, Schall & Howell, was
appointed yesterday by District Judge
Sears to be trustee of the affairs of
the Guarantee Securities company.
This company, which owns the Secu
rities building, Sixteenth and Far
nam streets, dissolved June 6 by
vote of its directors.
The directors, who would ordinar
ily act as trustees of the creditors
and stockholders, declined to act in1
that capacity and made written ap
plication for the appointment of Mr.
Mr. Sheehan was directed to post
a bond of $50,000 and was given
power to collect and pay outstanding
debts, pay off obligations and divide
the property among the stockholders.
Woman Running for Car
Knocked Down bv Taxicab
While running to catch a South
Omaha street car at Fourteenth and
Farnam streets early Wednesday
night, Miss Lillian Fassiok, milliner,
1835 Vinton, was struck by an au
tomobile driven by William Eck
man, taxicab driver, 2115 Sherman
avenue, and suffered painful bruises
about the hips. Her injuries were
treated at Central police station and
she was taken home. Eckman was
not arrested as witnesses said he
was driving but five miles an hour.
Two Women Hurt
Bv Liditnins Bolt
One Knocked Unconscious As
Bolt Strikes Tree; Two
Men Injured.
Brief City News
Mrs. Helen Frosh. 1216 South
Sixth street, and Mrs. Jennie Emu
latti, 1118 South Sixth street, were
injured yesterday when they turned
on their kitchen water faucets just
as a bolt of lightning struck a nearby
tree. Mrs. Frash was knocked un
conscious. The trunk of the tree was split
to the ground and several boards
were knocked from the Frosh home.
Walter Nichols. 2214 D street, and
Rasmussen , Anderson, 1415 Park
Wilde avenue, who were painting the
Frosh house, were knocked to the
porch. Nichols was touching the
doorbell" when the lightning struck
the tree.
, Dishes in the Emulatti house were
hurled to the floor and boards were
lorn from the side of the building.
Mrs. Frosh suffered a sprained back
and bruises on the head and shoul
ders in addition to a severe shock.
Switchman Wants $20,0.00.
Michael Golden, a switchman, filed
suit yesterday in district court
asainst the Burlington railroad for
$20,000 for injuries received while he
was working January 7.
Bodies to Arrive Three baggage
cars containing bodies of American
soldier dead from overseas will ar
rive tn Omaha at 9 this morning.
The bodies are intended for distrib
ution in Nebraska, Iowa and Kansas.
Recovers From Operation Clif
ton Hannon. 3424 Jones street, wit
ness in the Herdzina case in district
court, is recovering from a second
operation on his head. The attend
ing suireon stated that the wound
left in Hannon's head had to be re
opened and drained.
Falls From Koof Robert row-ell.
13, 414 North Nineteenth stree, was
overcome by creosote fumes yester
day morning while working on a
roof at 2411 Spencer street. He fell
two and a half stories and suffered
a concussion of the brain and inter
nal injuries.
Suit Denied A suit for $400,000
brought by the W L. Huffman Au
tomobile company against the Mo-,
line Plow company, alleging breach
of contract, was thrown out of court
yesterday by District Judge L. B.
Day. Mr. Huffman alleged that un
der the terms of the contract he was
to have sold 1,200 automobiles at a
profit of $400 each.
Alleges Beer Sold Sheriff Clark
received in his mail yesterday an
anonymous letter which conveyed
the allegation that beer is being eold
at Peony park for 75 cents a quart
and various kinds of 'hootch" are
being dispensed at Dublin Inn and
at Saddle Creek Tavern. The sheriff
stated that he has had men at these
rlaces recently, but no evidence of
liquor sales was obtained.
The present extra vote offer cf 50,000 extra votes for $25.00 i
subscription payments between June 6 and June 18 is the only offei
of extra votes to be made during the remainder of the campaign. Foi
each dollar over the $25.00 sent in during this period you will be given
2,000 additional votes.
This final offer opens Monday June 6th and closes Saturday Juna
18th at 10 p. m. During the final week of the campaign no extra vote!
will be given. Nothing but the regular scale of votes will be in force.
Moraine, Evening and Sunday by
Boy farrier.
The DAU.T ana $unday. Moraine or Cran
ing, by Boy Carrier In Omaha, Council
m nf m wt A In lAn. whwa Cmrrimr nut
service la maintained. 1 Tr.. ( Months l-'5" VAVLi
Nr 1 Yr i. It. OS 1M.00I
t!4 Tears $;s 50 160,000 Months .00 41,000
t Tears 10.40 UO.000 Month. .00
I Tar 10.J0 TS.OOO '" r -.
(Months'. t (.10 lt.000 su Tears 125.60
t Months J.6( IMOO 1 Tears 1S.0O 1IJ .00J
... 1 Tear 7.60 (J.000
Morning or Erening w linnot Bunaey ny 6 Months 4.00
Carrier Boy Serrlce.
J Trs., S month
3 Veers
1 Ter
S Mont ha
I Month
. ( ? S S R 360.000
. i.o
. 7. J0 (2,000
1 16
S Months 3.00
Dally Only by Hall, Without Sunday
( Tears CS.OO 260,000
3 Tears 10.00 76,000
1 Tear k ( 00 81.000
( Months 3.60 11,009
Sunday Only by Hall.
Sunday Only by Boy Carrier.
S Tears i;j.60 260.000 4 Tears 110.00
3 Tear. 10.40 74,000 a Teara 6 00
1 Tear , 6. SO !2.ono
s Months 2.60 12.000
Tear 2.60
1 2..00
Renewal subscription payments will ba given half aa many votaa aa new eubicriptlon
Bargains of all kinds in Bee
Want Ads.
Friday Downstairs Store
Women's Voile and' Gingham
200 dresses are included in this great sale of pretty
ginghams and voiles. There are plain and checked ging
hams and voiles in many patterns of flower designs in
straightline models or pretty tailored styles, trimmed with
buttons and sashes of organdy and laces. In this sale we
will have dresses.for all, in sizes 16 to 46.
No Refunds or Credits
Specials for Men
In Our Downstairs
Men's Athletic Union
: ' Suits, 69c
Closely woven nainsook cloth iri checked
patterns, sleeveless, loose fitting,-closed crotch,
knitted ribbed fabric across back to permit ,
freedom of movement, absolutely perfect. Sizes '
34 to 46.
Mens Shirts, $1.00 each
100 dozen men's shirts, samples and
seconds, madras and percales, coat style, open
cuffs, good range of patterns.
Men's Hose, 10c pair
3,600 pairs .of men's seamless hose, double
heel and toe, elastic ribbed tops, all colors, all
Barefoot Sandals
of Brown Calf Leather
$1.49 pr
One lot children's,
misses' and boys'
barefoot sandals and
play oxfords, made
of brown calf
leather, and are ex
ceptional values.
All sizes in the lot
O n sale Friday,
$1.49 pair.
Our Shoe Repair Dept.
will repair your shoes while you wait and
do it in a most satisfactory manner at a
very moderate price. '
All Mail Order Promptly Taken Care Of.
For Friday We Offer 500
Women s Zephyr f
Just the thing for the summer months,
whether at the beach, mountains or for sport
wear. Made in all the new high colors.
Blousesfe -; :
Unusual Values
in Domestics
Bed Sheets, 95c
Large size bed sheets of splendid quality;
these will give very good service. French seam
in center. Very specialat 95c each.
Outing Flannel, 16c Yard
An excellent quality of white outing flan
nel at 16c yard. Limit of 10 yards to a customer.
Muslin Sheeting, 8c Yard
Unbleached muslin sheeting, 36 inches wide;
an excellent quality without dressing or filling.
8c yard. Limit of 12 yards to a customer.
Sale of 1000
Back lace or front lace, pink and
"white. Made of broche coutil or batiste
In innumerable models. Some with elas
tic tops, others in topless effects. Sizes
20 to SO.
Standing of the Club Members "tu5:rd.h: S&JrtH
counted in the office er th Club Manager up to 3 p. tn., Tuesday, Juna T. It will
be neticed by studying this list that many changes have been mads in the positions
of soma in the race. . ... .,
Club members who entered only a short tima ago new have commanding posi
tions in ths column. ,
Fifty-fire names hare been removed from the list since the last'
publication. This dees not moan that these people hava been eliminated
from the race, but their names will not be re-entered unless they shew
mere activity than they have during the past three weeks. Workers and
work will win these valuable awards. The standings will be changed again ,
in a few days. See that your nam stands well up toward the top of
the list in your district.
Till Include all territory tnelde the
City limits of Omaha eoutb of Paeifio
street, wast of the river to Serenty
secend street, Including Ralston, Belle
vne. fori Crook and Avery.
One Sl.llo.oe Maxwell, one
B. !. Deposit and ens .
L. Deposit will be awarded la this
Henry Furst. J2W W ,
ti. A. Speitier, t2 S. 23d
Mrs. F. D. Hawarth, 1776 P. ,th..
Ernest Herngren, 20U 8. 7th
ft. W. Sage. 2H S. 33d
George Peterson, 3412 Wright
Mre. J. N. Williams, S08 S. !3d.,
Mrs. F. Marecek, (218 S. 20th
H. Hakenliols, 2828 Monroe
Mrs. Pearl Starkey, 42 Poppleton,
Mre. Thomas Seize, 2812 t St
Mrs. C. A. Keuth. 1822 Bancroft..
Iva Siegel, 1724 Doscas
Norman Lewie. i22 a. 29th
Miss J. E. Koll. 1338 S. 31st
Mre. Ella DoetH, 2300 S. 14th
John Spell, 810 Forreet Ave
J. L. Beeeroft, 4545 8.' 18th
Mre. C. A. Christiansen, 522 Cedar. .
O. H. Evans, 4550 S. 40th
Mre. Anna Ruppert, 2014 Martha..
Mrs. C. 8. Lusenbury. 106 S. S0d..
E. H. Burke, 1102 Park Ave
tTUl include all territory Inside the
city limits of Orotoha and on, and
north of Pacific street, weet of the
river to Eighty-third street and aa far
north aa Maple street.
One 11,111.00 Muwell, one ftOO.OO
B. A I. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
1m Deposit will be awarded tn this
Mrs. W. J. Whiteaker, 4804 Dodge 770,800
E. H. White, 667 8. 23d 770,600
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard. 3804 Farnam 769,740
Ralph N. Pratt. 602 8. 26th 769.600
Dr. Frank O. Smith. Blacketone -..768,150
O. W. Hendee, 4204 Burdette ...767,640
Louie J. Schafer, 112, N. 2th ..766,630
Dessie D. Harron, 2567 Douglas ..756,120
Mre. M. L. Vosburg, 2664 Douglaa 713.800
Mrs. A. E. Weaek. 2222 Howard .708,640
Mre. Marie Coulter, 8009 Herney ..692,690
Mrs. Emily Winner. 119 Jtf. 20th ..660.230
a J. Wright, 2310 Howard 631,950
Kloye B. Morell, 644. S. 26th Ave, 602,300
Mildred Plank. 2714 Burt 544,320
A. D. Klein, )r., 4808 Dodge 538.680
Mre. B. X. Claueen. 4809 Under' d 529,130
Harold Anderson, 311 Marry ,...510,700
Mrs. C. M. Tomondl. 4507 Charles 499,640
A. Hicks. 2716 Miami 447,980
R. E. Holbrook. 3658 Pacific 420,700
C. B. Hyde, 3830 Seward 419,300
C. A. Weir. 191S Charles 396.710
Mrs. Anne Marinelll, 858 3. 21st ..300,960
Rev. N. C. Hanson, 1713 N. 26th ..284,920
J. K. Mcintosh. 4160 Chicago ...239,650
Phinaa Wintroub, 1324 Howard ,.180,610
L. X. Swanson, 4129 Lake 164,890
Harold Nelson. 4315 Seward ....118,960
C. F. Sloeson, jr., 4906 Cuming ..112,920
Will include aU territory Inside the
elty limits of Omaha on and north of
Maple street, west of the river to
Eighty-third street end north to Bar
grant atreet. Including Florence and
the Carter Lake district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $300.00
B. L. Deposit and one $100.00 D. 4k
L. Deposit will be awarded in tLU
district. '
Mrs. R. Tedesco. 2939 Lin. Blvd. .770,870
Mrs. A. Danael. 6225 Flor. Blvd. .. .770,470
W. E. Stutenroth, 2466 Camden. . .769,910
Mrsr. W. W. Davis, 3929 Flor. Blvd. 768, 650
Mona Harris. 2954 N. 47th, Ave. .. .767,690
Violet Brotchle. 6020 Flos. Blvd. . .766,550
Leo Daniels, 3302 Maple.,... 766,460
O. L. Emery. 2654 Pratt 750,140
Mrs. O. L. Tracy, 2811 Browne. .534,960
Mrs. Oust Krantz. 7301 Maple. .. .626,480
A. L. Frederick. 2568 Whitmore. ...495,500
Mrs. J. M. Streeter, 4(M)8 N. 34th. . 455,900
Edna Lawrenson, 7711 X. 28th Ove. 418.740
Mrs. Tom Rodebsugh, 3180 Mer'th. 334.660
C. D. Schnell, 2423 Crown Point ..272,980
C. Hall, 2979 Vane ..268,400
H. Chrlatansen, 6904 Minne Lusa. .220,750
Mrs. Harry Rogers, 8511 X. 29th. .189.970
Herman A. Horn on n, Elkhorn ....761,900 '
Ed R. Horak, Winnebago 744,160
Henrietta Miller. Oaklend 681.660
R. V. Kennedy. Tekameh ..649,670
Mrs. John Huebner, R. I . ..644.41
Mabel Bradza, Weet Point 621,20
Alvin F. Barton. Lyons 6$1,440
Donald Waugh, R. i Valley ...... 670,790
Emma Fredetrom. Oakland ..,.,.681.160
A. M. Sanders, Plattsmouth 627,120
Mildred R. Johnson, Mead (29.290
Frank Pallas, Pender 601,450.
Mrs. Archie Roberte. No. Bend. .. .600.7(1
Hermen Bunk, Beemer 466,714
Josephine Ketchmark, Ft. Calhoun. 450.170
Nellie Dwyer, Colon 424.040
Jessie B. Kays, Wiener '. 37,S4
Mre. Chas. Andrews, Arlington ....373.470
Mrs. Lulu Owens, Ashland 307,180
Mrs. P. E. Buck. Fremont 816.480
I. N. Warrick, Blair 283,290
J. H. Domingo, Weeping Water ..266.480
Anna Blumm, Scribner 219,920
Mrs. O. B. Dsrllng, Hooper 138,610
Emma Johnson. It. 1 , Fremont ..132,796 -Hessie
B. Krajicek, Arlington ... .1 11,310
Stella Starry, Springfield 110.874
Herbert Ntruthers, Craig 904,00
Will Include the following counties in
the state of Nebraska: Otoe, Nemaha,
Richardson, Pawnee, Johnson, Gage,
Lancaster, Seward, Saline, Jefferson,
Thayer, Fillmore, York, Hamilton.
Clay, Nnckolle. Webster and Adams. k
One $1,116.00 Maxwell, one $200,00
B. L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. 4t
h. Deposit will be awarded in this
S. D. Long, Cowles v.... .770,960
E. E. Holmes, Inland 770,240
Margaret Aherna, Falls City 789,690
Eleanor Shoff, Fraibury 788,970
Mrs. Mark Hall. Auburn 767,810
Mrs. B. F. Jordon, York 766.790
Vera Orossheus, Sutton .. 664,tl
Mrs. Chas. Fowler, Nebraska Clty.661,600
R. W. Mastln, Tobias 620,160
Mrs. Thomas Brower. Geneva .596,860
Velva Bair, Fairmont 661,040
Mrs. Lydla Wolfskin, Superior 661,980
Mre. B. Anderson, 1324 H, Lincoln. 646, 210
Agnea Krasoncll, Aurora ,..524,720
Emma Krutz, Deshler 466,109
Raymond L. Crosson, Hastings. .. .448,860
Mrs. Dean Kite. Auburn ,.437,340
Lola Hosford, Seward 40Q,t4O
Jewell Howard, Lincoln 378,000
Mre. Otis Wolford, Clay Center. .I61J01
Oeorge Whiteeell, Xenesaw 307,170
Mre. C. D. Riley, Tecumseh 238,600
Delma Harp, Belvedere , .,..260.170
Vern Butler, Red Cloud.... 160,174
Tlllis Nolle, R. 2, Auburn... 120.681
Gladys Leahy, Peru 16,009
Will include all territory In the state
of Nebraska not Included in Districts
Number 0 and 7, also territory in South
Dakota, Kansas and Colorado.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. ft L. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
L. Deposit will bo awarded In this
district. -
Will ln1ade all territory In the city
of Council Bluffs, Including .the Mnna
vs district.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00 B.
L. Deposit and one $100.00 B. I.
Deposit will be awarded in this district.
Anns Ward. 1006 5th Ave. ........ .770,790
A. W. Geiger, jr., 426 Damon. .. .720,700
Mrs. M. A. Smith, 2304 Ave. D... .686,640
Mrs. Iva M. Ford, 306 8. 18th. ...658,170
Gertrude Sullivan, 813 Ave. B S74.300
Dorothy Lenihan, 653 Harrison. .. .448,910
Mre. Wm. J. Ryan, 2026 Ave. A. .366,770
R. P. Bolin, 2003 4th Ave.. 354,260
RayWllcox. 620 Voorhis 276,760
Mrs. Ada McLaughlin, 1908 3d Ave. 238,190
R. D. Edwards. 2810 Ave. C 217.620
Mrs. Peter Jeneen, Oakland, Ct ... .155,870
Bertha Zobel, 726 Ave. 6,000
Will Include nil the territory n the
state of Iowa outelde the city of
Council Bluffs and the Msnawa dis
trict. One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $100.00
B. L. Deposit and one $100.00 BV
A L.. Deposit will be awarded in this
Mre. 8. L. Jefferson, Woodbine ....'70,640
Harlan. Klutts. Mondamin 769,620
Merle Andreas, Oakland 768,920
Bert Graham. R. 1. Logan 7sy,iho
Rev. G. B. Baushan. Mlnden 766.900
Ruth Knight, Glenwood ....699,000
June Oviatt, Shenandoah 660.110
?;etty Eacrett, Malvern 513,420
una Beaver, Harlan 607,220
O. J. -Atkilne. Neola 496.370
Glen C. Slllick. Missouri Valley. .. .473,640
natel Donaldson, Avoca 469,770
Nellie J. eolleder, Thurman 468,700
Leona Hamann. Persia 410.090
Glad j s Mavis. Harlan 394,480
Mrs. reuie uatcneiaon. Kiverton. .JJ3.160
Geo. W. Moore, Bertlett 378,730
Mrs. Billle Iwen. Bchleewlg 325.140
Marion Caughell. Carson 3O0.17O
Myrtle Rogers, Perclval. . . 280.770
Opal Snyder, Randolph..... 269,470
Fred TanKs Avoca .....249.260
T. J. Comer, Missouri Valley, .....126.410
Will Include the following comities In
the state of Nebraska I Case, Sarpy,
Donates (outalde the city of Omaha),
Saunders, Dodge. Washington, Burt,
Cuming. Thurston. Dakota. Dixon.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell, one $200.00
B. 4k T Deposit and one $100.00 B.
A I- Deposit will be awarded in this
Melba Phllbrick, ' Ord
ciizapem raircnua, Lemoyne.,
Andy Stone, Wood River ,,
E. G. Nisley. Lexington
Mrs. Fred Collum, Arnold
Mre. J. A, Qulnton, Brule
A. R. Lee 119 Locust. No. Platte..
Wm. Halsey, Lebanon. .!!!!!"!!!
Bert Brownell, Chappell. . .........
Hazel Farrell, Gothenburg!
Harriet Edwards, Scottsbluff......
vr. c. H. Blackburn, Mitchell
Lucile Johnson, Orleana
Mrs. K. C. Dillman, Broken Bow..
J. F. Schwalgeer, North Platte.'.'!
narry a. sent, Bcotla....;
W. K. Harris. Bertrand.
P. C. McKenzle, Burwell
C. O. Jones, Hyannis
Mre. F. S. Copeland, Bridgeport....
Mrs. A. K. Callahan, Gering
Mrs. E. J. Reichsteln, Minden
Hazel Trundel, Sumner
Mrs. H. J. Mcintosh, Cozad
W. B. Shelton, Paxton
Martin Nielsen, Dannebrog ,
Hilda Jacobson, Arapahoe
Mre. Clay Funston. Ogallala
Oyma Clyde O'Neill
Mre. Bertha A. Eber, Kirk
Fern Gates, Stnmford ,.
J. P. Minner 109 W 6th. Gr. Ia....
C. B. Doeeett, Axteil
Thos. Warder. Mary villa
Vera Corley, Callaway.
Wm. McKeevee, Cordova
Helen HammnrM V. Latin.
H. B. VanBuskirk, Mullen.."".'.'
Anna Kanaau; Long Pine...
Signa Peterson, Eddyvllle
R. L. Dunn, 6th Ave., Kearney....
Wm. F. Branlr T.nnr. r"i.
M. C. McKay, St. Paul .',',.'.'
thel Fltsimones. Alnaworth
ufiina inx, .mcuook ,,
Albert P. Powers, Greeley
. oi.m,un ...
H rmv Thnmn... T . . -
S r "osencrans, Juleaburg, Colo.
ncisu -uuumis, UJOOOn. . ..
525,190 '
Will Include the following counties In
the state of Nebraska: Butler, Polk,
Madison. Boone, Antelope, Pierce
Wayne, Cedar and Knox.
One $1,115.00 Maxwell. One $200.00
B. I.. Deposit and one $100.00 B.
- Deposit will be awarded In this
Floyd Burhnnsn. vi,
Josephine Newton. Osceola ..!!.77!j
D. P. Hill. Genoa 76 7e
Harry J. Muffley. Pt. Edward.... 76?!t3
Hazel Sowders Xeligh 75t.lrC
K L. Brown.Schuyler 713.791)
vivian iee, David City 711 770
R. E. Strasburg. Polk 681.64
r.elen Wynkoop, Central City. ....619.260
Mrs. Wade Pruitt, Humphrey.... 596. 794
Elmer Nordland, Columbus 660,740
A. E. Stafford, Rleing City 624,79ft
Blanchs Colby, Shelby 621,664
E. C. Wtlde, 823 S. Sth, Norfolk. .63l!414
Ida Ruther, Stanton 488,(39
Laura Kolena. Creighton 472,644
Marguerite Durbln. Bloomflitlrf. . 471 11ft
Juanlta Carlson, Stromsburg ,,..466.040
Anion r. votava, ecnuyier ......4(4,314
Lydla Severadahl. Miriiann ase im
C. J. Haviland. Norfolk..... 428,'904
O. C. Smith, Albion 400,164
w. j. Keeler. Fullerton ......... .356.870
Fred T. Wingington, Schuyler ....3(0.904
Mre. i.d Lyons, Newman Grove ..335.364
R. J. Swanson. Fullerton 316,864
B. J. Maslowtky. Randolph .. lort.m
Josephine Evans. Platte Center.. 396,484
Cedric Anderson. Wausa ...260,179
8am Daviee, Wayne ...234,004
Henry J. Haynea, Octavia 181,744
G. C. Orlffln. Clarke 167.714
Ray Chase, Plainvlew 139.009
E. F. Cushmaa, Kennsrd 770,790
W. H. Hoerttmann, Fremont ....770.660
Jens Jensen, Lyons 769,940
O. C. Hoback, Nehawka 768,990
Zetta Lower, Valparaiso "67,960
by club members en the
vote offer which closed Sat-
urdar, Juno 4th, have been
placed in the mail check
yours over and be sure it.
is correct.