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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1921)
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUNE 10, 1921. Turkish Leader Threatens Drive Upon Black Sea Largi Reinforcements Re ceived by Mustapha Kemal; Angora Government Ar rogant to Allies. London, June 9. Large military , . reinforcements have been received l)y Muntapha Kemal Fasha head of "' the Turkish nationalist government : at Angora, and he is thesUeninjf to advance on the Black sea and the sea V of Marmora, The Angora government is said to have taken an arrogant attitude to ward the allies. Dispatches contain ing these statements were featured by the London newspapers toda)-. Assertion is made, by the Daily Sketch that the British government ) has received reports of a grave na- ture from Constantinople, which is declared to be menaced w.ith cap- ,' ture hy the Turkish nationalists. , British representatives there, it says, have advised the government if re inforcements are not available, it is desirable that British forces in the tear east and middle east be with- Information received by the Jour rat would appear to imply the in ability, of the Greek army to stem any advance by the nationalists. A Constantinople dispatch to the Daily Mail reports that two British battleships have been ordered to the " Dardanelles, it being intended that they will join in operations against the nationalists by blockading Black sra ports ana covering tne landing of (jreek reinforcements, ihe dis patch implies that .British warships, Benbow.and Centaur, . which have been engaged in target practice on the sea of Marmora, will co-operate with the two battleships and pre , diction is made that British destroy ers will soon arrive in the. Straits. Confirmation of these reports ii lacking in official quarters, where it is stated the British government has not reached any decision. Of World War Guests At White House Party - Washington, June y. More tnan 1,500 .soldier patients in army, navy and, public health hospitals in and around Washington, with their army, navy and Red Cross nurses, were guests for whom the president and Mrs: Harding ' entertained at a garden party given ; especially for them yesterday. . Officers and private soldiers, sail . ors and marines, native and foreign-born, colored and white, in and out of uniform, in. whee.l chairs, on crutches, with canes, with an arm in a sling of resting on carefully rigid supports: some with darkened glasses and others with a bandage where an eye. had been,, together with others almost wholly recovered from less" serious wounds, 'the "boys wh6 served," thronged the White House grounds far two hours. Every one who could walk joined the long line which was nearly an hour in passing the receiving party, because the president and Mrs. Harding had a special word for each one, and after that the, commander-in-chief and the first lady went about the grounds trailed by little groups of doughboys and jackies ' to grett those who sat in their chairs under the trees. v' ; '" Wheat Prices Climb as Result of Crop -Report ' Chieago, June 9. Possibility of 'widespread labor tie-ups on the rail roads July 1 had a good deal to do with a rapid advance today in the price of wheat The market in some cases ran" up more than 7 cents a bushel for July delivery, which com manded as high: as $1.39K, against $1.32 at yesterdav's finish, A big fallirig dff in production of wheal, this season, as .shown v by the government crop report, had made - ,. trirla an-xinuc. and then talk of general 'strike possibilities sent the mjrW toarirto" ' " .. Judge Wakeley Sells Old Home Prior to His Sailing The old home of District Judge Arthur Wakeley at 2121 -California street has been sold by the judge to Matilda Anderson of Benson. Judge and Mrs. Wakeley have lived there for 26 years. - w . They . will leave next Monday evening for New York, from where they will sail June 18 on the steam ship Orduna for France.- They will spend the summer in Italy, France and , England, attending a special course of lectures in Oxford univer sity and also in the Sorbonne, at Paris. They will return in Septem ber, on the Mauretania. Man Held for Questioning ' In Bandit Shooting Released Gus Fink, 5009 South Twenty thifd street, was arrested at his home Wednesday by Detectives An derson, Bolar, Trapp, Munch and Francl, for investigation in connec tion with the murder of Frs. Mar garet Foley. Hyland by highway men last "Saturday night. He was released after being questioned. Big Springs Farmer Solves Potato Planting Problem Big Springs, Neb.,1 June 9. (Spe cial Telegram.) John Stewart, farm er here, plowed up his potatoes last fall and left the small ones laying : in the furrows and took'lhe best. This summer he has perfect 'pota toes growing from those he left in the furrows. , . 'V " ' : Railroad Improvements. Superior. Neb., June 9. (Special.) The Chicago and Northwestern railway company nas a torce or men here rebuilding some of its terminal - arilit - inrliirlirtor tb"' rnnnrlhrtin turntable. , Platte River High, 1 Big Springs. Neb., June 9. (Spe cial Telegram.) Water in the Platte river Jiere is the highest it has been tar ftr vears. The river, is jvef it City Mission Is Home and Happiness to Omaha Needy Miss Mary Anthony and Home, church, settlement, library. school, club and theater that $ vhat the City Mission, located at Twelfth and Pacific streets, means to Omaha's needy, according to each one's particular want. But to be all this, the .mission needs .funds. .,. . . . Hence the tag day, Saturday, when red hearts with inscription "Have a Heart for the City Mission Kiddies," will be sold on down town streets by prominent Omaha women and girls. '"". . "Cur woman's shelter, ! for those' temporarily 1V1 need, or cs a hprpe for working girls, is : the only one cf its kind in ' Omaha," sa.Vt Miss Mary Anthony, superintendent. "It fills a great need for trarsicnt poor, since we are only, three "or four blocks from the railroad stations." May Obtain Room. Working girls 'may obtain a room, with the privilege- of "cooking their meals and the use rof the laundry in the basement for only $1 per week. A day nursery for children whose, mothers must work, a gymnasium for the spirited boys of . the neigh borhood and a roof garden for the use of the, mission habitues during j tne not summer make up part ot Miss Anthony's dreams for the future. ' Baby Health Station. -A free dispensary and 'babjrheafllt station, Bible and study classes, sew-1 ing, cooking, music lessons, boys' Boy Swipes Horse ' To Ride at. Races Kermit Gasaway, 8, 2509 Castelar street, who has been up in juvenile . . . I . - ,. f . . . u 1 months for stealin horses, was ar- rested yesterday, at 'Nineteenth and Leavenworth streets by ,. Dectives Ryan ' and English, with a . horse which he is said to have stolen at Thirteenth and. Castelar streets. The small boy was riding the ani mal and told the officers he was on his way to the Ak-Sar-Ben track to get into the races with his "mount." A few weeks ago, Kermit was in juvenile court for stealing his fourth horse and his parents .agreed to send him out to a farm where he could ride horses to his heart's con tent. Court Forbids Picketing By Frisco Marine Strikers San Francisco, June 9. Eighteen private shipping operators, members of the Pacific-American : Steamship association, obtained . from the United States district court today, a temporary restraining order prohi biting members of six marine unions from picketing the San - Francisco waterfront. '' ? ' '. The United States Shipping hoard obtained a similar order applying to hipping vessels last week and Judge Van Fleet has under advisement a motion to make it permanent. - . Man Coating Roof Falls Two Stories to the Ground While coating the roof of the house at 2411 Spencer street with creosote yesterday, 'Robert Powell, 23, 414 North Nineteenth street, was overcome by the fumes and fell two and -a half stories to the ground. He was taken to Swedish Mission hospital where his injuries were diagnosed as concussion of the brain and internal' injuries-. ' He is ex pected to recover, however." v Police Cycling Squad in Belfast Encounters Ambush Belfast, Ireland, June 9. A police cycling patrol which was about to search a house near Newry last night ran into an ambush of armed men and a fight ensued in which one constable was shot dead and another was wounded. Two republicans in the attacking party were killed and one was wounded. Sells Land for $500 an Acre. Superior, Neb., June 9. (Special.) P. CBaird sold his 30-acre tract of land adjoining Superior on the south to B. C. Mendell for a consid eration of $500 an acre. Railway Employes Picnic. McCook, Neb., June 9. (Special.) June 28 is the date set for the big ; picnic by the Burlington employes of the McCook division at McCook. It will be held in Ravenswood park. Plan Legion Carnival. McCook, Neb., June 9. (Special.) The American Legion here will stage a street carnival of home talent June 30 to July 2 for the benefit of I x x v" one of the Mission babies. and girls' clubs, moving pictures, playgrounds and mother's clubs are other. high spots in the mission's service, according to Miss Anthony, the superintendent, who is here pic tured with one of her .little Syria:! charges, Mary Frances, named for her by its grateful parents. Friday night is family night. The men are entertained in one room, they talk politics or the weather, or working conditions while the women are given home nursing hints or 1 some other practical knowledge. Then there are movies to wind up the evening, the movies being fur nished by the Americanization com mittee of the Y. M. C. A. Bridge the Gap. To make "family night" the big success it is, no child may come to the mission without one of' his par- rents. ' " -. "You can bet this brings results. The kiddies won't stay away from the mission and they insist on their parents coming; thereby bridging the gap between the home and in-( stitution, which is the hardest thing to do in dealing with foreigners," said Miss Anthony! The Mothers' club, 40 strong, meets 'every week to sew for its members or their kiddies and to be tauKht other things of benefit, As manv as 20 infants are broucht tV each 'meeting, for the mothers have no one with whom to. leave their, little ones. . Freighter on Way to London Hits Iceberg . New York, June' 9. The captain ! of the freight steamer Chariot, which struck an iceberg last night, reported by wireless to the Kerr Steamship 3 ' -tt, line today that although his craft was leaking, the pumps were work ing well and he expected to reach St. Johns, N. F., safely. The Chariot, a vessel of 3.545 gross tons, is owned by the United States shipping board and operated by the Kerr Steamship line. She sailed from Philadelphia May 26 and'put into St. Johns for engine repairs. She carries a crew of 35 men and general cargo. , Japanese Plan to Occupy s Several Siberian Towns Copenhagen, June 9. General Kumra,. commanding Japanese troops in the Vladivostok district, has announced that the Japanese, in consequence of the situation develop ing in eastern Siberia will be forced to occupy various Siberian towns of strategic importance, says a special dispatch from Helsingfors. The Russian bolshevik government is said to have made an energetic protest against this move and in a note to the British and French gov ernments is declared to hold all' the entente powers morally responsible for Japanese intervention in Siberia. ADVEBTISEMEKT. Doctors neccmsnsnd Con-Opts fcr tha Eye Physicians and eye specialists pre scribe Bon-Opto as a safe home remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight Sold under. money refund guarantee by all druggists, v.. ADYEKTISEMEXT, For Neyr Styles and Pretty Arms (Beauty Notes) Women ara fast learning the value of the use of delatone for removing hair or fuzz from face, neck or arms. A paste is made with some powdered delatone and water and spread on the hairy surface. In 2 or 3 minutes it is rubbed off, the skin washed and every bit of hair has disappeared. No failure will result if you are care ful to buy genuine delatone and mix fresh as wanted. ADVERTISEMENT. 666 quickly relieve Constipation, Bil iousness, Lot of Appetit and Head ache, due to Torpid Liver. Let Cuticura Be Your Beady Doctor White Book Shows Irish-Red Treaty Government Official Circular Gives Purported Draft Of Pact. s London, June 9. (By The Asso-j ciated Press.) The government is-! sued as a "white paper" this after-1 noon the text of what purports to be the draft of a proposed treaty be tween the Russian soviet govern-1 ment and "The Republic of Ire- land," which the government states , was captured in Dublin. A covering letter, it was stated, ; captured at the same time, signed "Dermot O'Hegarty," described in the white paper as one of the Irish republican parliament's secretaries. 1 Twenty feet above the Gearing the of pnn In. our store today was witnessed the most intensified clothes selling ever ex perienced in the city. The reason is simply VALUES. Value-Giving That Has Set All Mascu line Omaha Talking Banker, merchant and laborer alike competed for their share of these wonderful value's. Never before has Omaha witnessed such a y ' uemuiisucmuii uj. vaiue giving. .V ,. ' Stouts, Stubs Slims. Longs Regulars Three $ In price roup are represented val- Come expecting the most remark ues that under no circumstances able values you have encountered, will be equaled this season. you tvill not go away disappointed. Twenty of America's Foremost Builders of Quality Clothes Contribute Their Best to Barker's Stocks That's why you choose here with a feeling of absolute confidence . that whatever your choice may be, it is RIGHT in quality, style, fabric' and workmanship. . v . , Second Floor was addressed to Desmond Fitz gerald, Smn Fein minister of propa ganda. This letter is dated June IS, 1920. A memorandum also accompanied the document, the government states. This wa alleged to have been writ ten by Dr. McCarlan.- This memo randum is quoted as saying: "The understanding at present is I shall be in charge of the mission and John T. Ryan of Buffalo will be another member,' Will Aid Flood Victims. McCook, Neb., June 9. (Special.) A sacred concert will be given by AMI'SF.MKXTS. EMPRESS TWO SHOWS IN ONE COPPER CITY 'FOUR. Jelly Harmony Ouar tttti: ETHEL KELLER t CHUMS In "Thi Spirit st Youth;" WEISSCR & REESER In 'Tun Town Frollci:" WILHAT TROUPE. "A Clraus on Wheli." Photonliiy Attraeyon, "THE PALACE OF DARKENED WINDOWS" All Barker s 'T WM: ; Va Great Value Lots .'..- ' t : ' , Securities Building the McCook band in Temple theater Sunday for tht benefit of the Pueblo flood "sufferers. All churches will close for this concert. AMTSEMEXTS. Now MUno Playing ' I Sturdy "YOU'RE IN LOVE" r you will bt with the . . PRINCESS PLAYERS Chorua i from the MxAWy I Studio , Ht th Matin 2Sc, 50c. Evtnlng SO, TS, 1 PHOTOPLAVS. MUELLER THEATER 17th and VINTON CW Chaplin in "THE KID" Showing at T:tS and 9 p. m. KiK rente" 16th and Farnam Decks AMCSEMXXTS. 9 Where is the CITY , OF SILENT MEN 9 PHOTOPLAYS. "5SBT TILL SAT. NITE Lionel Barrymore "The Devil's Garden" His finest screen achievement FIRST PICTURES OF Pueblo Flood Rialto Orchestra EATTY'S Co-Operative Cafeterias Wa Appreciate Your Patronage. - OMAHA'S COOLEST THEATDES 5 TWO DAYS MORE ' TWO DAYS MORE " f.' j "Bunty Pulls ' Zane Grey's J ilthe Strings" ; '"Sanof I U . f' the Forest" p McDoiigal's l! COMING. SUNDAY j J SCOTTISH SINGERS 'V jiye.r c"7od V f I :! t1 Wonder Story of f Ji AND DANCERS l the North ; i 1 ii "KAZAN" 1 Coming Sunday ; M l ',.- i( I W. . Wit Auo ii H VIOLA DANA B4 : 'S Jg :? m .W 1UUAI 1UMUKKOW t' ' :i Bryant Washburn in "The Amateur Devil" ' f V.l TOMORROW MATINEE 1 to 5 p. m. ' i 41 ROLLER SKATES to the "Kiddies." FREE 6 pairs on the ' ' i ii 1 o'clock show. FREE 6 pairs on the 3 o'clock show. BUT . PRIZES TO ALL. Regular Matinee Prices of 15c. f your name on tlie register of a first class hotel is a -badge of distinction that contributes large ly to the favorable impression so desired by ; any stranger. In Omaha such an entree may be gained at "Built and maintained for thoaa diaerlminatins Americans who instinctively demand the best." 330 Bath 330 Rooms PHOTOPLAYS." ALL THIS WEEK p CTV Cathrtrw Qrtw ptcttrti JWM PHIL? Ak-Sar-Ben Running Races OMAHA June 2 to 10 Six Races Each Day Rain or Shine 300 HORSES HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Auto Races June 11 General Admiuion, $1.65; Child ren (under 12) 7Sci Automobile (Parking) 50c, - War Ta In cluded; Grand Stand Free. General Admission, Children'a and Au tomobile Tickets on Sale at Beaton Drug Co., Utiitt-Docekal Drof Co., Paxton Hotel. Box Seat Tickets on Sale at Beaton Drug Co. $3 to $5 iuyeiaijiijitci libs tw'ea tea5sx& -